
Literacy Station Inspiration

Name _____________________________ Date _________________ Class Pd. ____

Making Inferences: Disney Pixar’s “Up”

Directions: Making inferences involves using prior knowledge to make an educated guess using clues you are given in a text. Use your personal knowledge, along with clues in the movie, to make inferences about what is happening during the clip.

Question about movie clip

What I think Clues from the video My personal knowledge

1. What is Ellie’s job?

2. Why do all of the

clouds turn into babies?

3. What does the doctor

tell Ellie?

4. Why do they keep

smashing the jar?

Literacy Station Inspiration

Theme: The author’s message about life or human nature

Directions: There are several themes that occur during this clip. Write what you think the writer is trying to tell the audience about each of the following topics by demonstrating a theme. 8. What might be the theme the author is trying to get across about love by showing Ellie and Carl’s relationship in the clip? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What might be the theme the author is trying to get across about money by showing Ellie and Carl’s spending in the clip? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. What might be the theme the author is trying to get across about time by showing Ellie and Carl’s growth in the clip? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Question about movie clip

What I think Clues from the video My personal knowledge

5. What does Carl plan to give Ellie at the picnic?

6. Is Ellie angry that they never go to Paradise


7. What happens to Ellie in the end of the clip?
