
Microsoft Outlook 2010

Microsoft Outlook 2010 & LyncMaking the e-mail client your friendResources and Self TrainingAll about MS Outlook 2010 MS Outlook 2010 course Lync, Lync and Active Directory all use the same loginAdding other accountsDelegation AccessSharing with groupsHome outlook login is availableOutlook Basics

Inside OutlookNavigation/TabsViewsHome TabReply AllChange to AppointmentRulesView TabBCC fieldShow as ConversationDetailed User ViewDelivery/Read receiptsAddress Books and ContactsAuto FillContacts ViewsCategoriesSub contacts groupsContacts as Outlook Address BookGlobal Address BookFile storage and Sharing2GB of storage14 months retention policyPublic FoldersSub FoldersPersonal Folder sharingSchool Account folder sharingCalendar sharingAddress Book & sharing

CalendarViewsMultiple Calendars and OverlayShared CalendarsSchedule ViewCalendar PublishingSchool calendarsMicrosoft LyncInstant Messenger & MoreVideo ConferencingFile transferringContact listsDesktop administrationGlobal Address Book
