Download pdf - Man is his own enemy.pptx

  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx


    By Khushi Jain 8C andBhawika Jain 6A


  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx



    We use electricity everyday and thus produce

    carbon dioxide exceedingly which is turning out to

    be an extremely grave problem.

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    Water pollution can be caused by communities or

    !actories dumping waste into oceans" rivers and

    la#es. Waste includes things we don$t need any more

    and want to throw away" such as garbage and

    harm!ul chemicals. Water pollution can #ill plant

    and animal li!e and can ma#e drin#ing water unsa!e.


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    Cars and !actories create air pollution. When carengines burn gasoline" they give o% poisons that ma#e the

    air dirty. &ome o! the smo#e that comes !rom !actories alsopollutes the air. This type o! pollution is harm!ul to plantsand animals" including people. &cientists are wor#ing onways to cut bac# air pollution by inventing new carengines and new types o! !uel that produce cleaner air.


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    'ir pollution ma#es the air hard to breathe

    because o! the lac# o! oxygen. It can hurt our lungs

    and sting our eyes. &ometimes pollution can

    wea#en or #ill trees and other plants. It can even

    wear away the stone in buildings. I! this pollution

    gets into the water o! la#es and streams" it canharm animal and plant li!e there.


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    (actories that have to use dangerous materials can use

    )lters. These )lters can catch the poison be!ore they get

    into the air. *angerous wastes !rom communities and

    !actories don$t have to be dumped on the ground. They

    can be destroyed" made harmless or cleaned and used

    again. I! they are stored underground" they can be

    sealed in special boxes" so they don$t lea# into soil.


  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx


    +any cities in the world" have invested in air ,uality monitoring systems

    that continuously measure the amount o! pollutants in the air" as well as

    the sa!ety o! air in a given area. These monitoring systems and stations

    may use automatic instruments or manual means.

    It basically involves drawing air through various tubes with analy-ers

    attached" all connected to a data center" where the readings are logged.

    In an event o! rising air pollutants" signals are sent to experts. The

    experts examine and analyse the data and action is ta#en by the

    appropriate authorities to control the situation.


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    Warmer conditions ma#e most crops grow !aster but

    could also reduce crops such as grains. The e%ect o!

    the increased temperature will depend on the crop$s

    optimal temperature !or growth and reproduction but

    in some areas it may bene)t the types o! crops

    typically planted there. igher carbon dioxide levels

    can increase yields li#e wheat and soya beans.


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    owever" some !actors may counteract these potentialincreases in yield. This means that i! the temperatureexceeds the crops ideal level o! i! there isn$t enough wateror nutrients in the soil then the yield may reduce. Extreme

    events such as /oods and droughts can reduce or evenharm crops. The reduction in water supplies may ma#e itmore di%icult and expensive to meet water demands. +anyweeds" pests and !ungi /ourish in warmer temperatures"wetter climates and increased carbon dioxide levels.Currently" !armers spend more than 011 billion per year to)ght weeds in the 2nited &tates. +oreover" increased useo! pesticides and !ungicides may negatively a%ect humanhealth.


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    The icecaps are melting3 This is because solar energy!rom the sun passes through the atmosphere. TheEarth$s sur!ace is heated by the sun and radiates theheat bac# out towards space. &ome energy is re/ectedbac# out to space while green house gases trap some o!the heat and so cause the atmosphere to warm up. Thisis why the ice caps are melting. 4y reducing theamount o! electricity you use you can save us.

    Inceasin a"#s$%e&ice"$e&a'&e

  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx


    The disposal o! garbage is a ma5or problem in theworld.

    I! we throw it into rivers or la#es it will pollute thewater. I! we burn garbage" it will pollute the air.

    I! we bury it on land it will pollute ground water andland.


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    4y using the 6 R$s we can reduce garbage.

    They are7

    Reduce the use o! things adding to garbage.

    Reuse things as much as possible.

    Recycle by7

    +a#ing a compost pit 8!or biodegradable waste9

    :utting garbage including paper" metal" glass andplastics in the various recycle bins.


  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx



    He&e a&es#"e


  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx


    In the Earth$s crust there is molten roc# also #nown as

    magma. +olten roc# is roc#s that have been heated under

    the Earth and have melted into a li,uid. This can be !ound

    about 1;

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    +oving water has #inetic energy. This can

    be trans!erred into use!ul energy in

    di%erent ways. ydroelectric power

    8E:9 schemes store water high up in

    dams. The water has gravitational potential

    energy" which is released when it !alls.

    's the water rushes down through pipes"

    this stored energy is trans!erred to #inetic

    energy" which turns electricity generators.


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    ?overnments throughout the world have considered this problem and have

    already ta#en action by using green energy. &ome are investing in solar

    energy" wind energy and renewable energy to depress the burning o! !ossil!uels. ?overnments are currently !orcing companies to be responsible with

    electricity to reduce electricity used by them. Companies are also building

    more energy e%icient cars" which pollute less than be!ore.

    Encourage your !amily to use the bus" train or bi#e when commuting

    instead o! a car. I! we all do this" there will be less cars on road and so less


    Ta,in aci#n

  • 8/9/2019 Man is his own enemy.pptx


    4iomass !uels come !rom anything that once lived but now is

    dead such as wood products" dried vegetation" a,uatic plants

    and even some garbage. This is #nown as natural material.:lants use the &un$s energy to ma#e their !ood in a process

    called photosynthesis and the !ood is stored as chemical

    energy. When the plants are cut or die energy is trapped in the

    residue. We can use this energy but )rst we have to release it.

    This is burned to heat water in a boiler to release heat energy

    8steam9. The energyApower !rom the steam is directed to

    turbines with pipes. The steam turns a number o! blades in the

    turbine and generators" which are made o! coils and magnets.

    Bi#"ass -'e*s
