Page 1: Managing The importance of Work & Life · The importance of maintaining a sense of well-being in the

Managing Work & Life Balance

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing

- that's why we recommend it daily.Zig Ziglar

The importance of maintaining a sense of well-being in the work environment is paramount to producing productivity and performance.

For several years managing the work & life balance of high potential leaders has been a water cooler topic of Human Resource Managers and their Business Partners all around the globe. Whilst many corporations have already successfully implemented such programs it is only now that the real and tangible benefits of these initiatives are being widely recognised.

Significant and Lasting Benefits We work with many organisations both in Australia and overseas and it is our experience that those organisations that truly take responsibility for their own health and implement structured corporate wellness programs such as the "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" produce much better results in regards to attracting and retaining high potential leaders.

Their high potential leaders are more accountable and take higher levels of personal responsibility. They are focused and productive. Their motivation and general health is also superior resulting in less absenteeism and reduced sick leave costs.

High potential leaders who are educated and supported to make better lifestyle choices are more loyal and with the current skills shortages and ageing workplace population we face. This has never been more important.

Developing Your High Potential Leaders









Page 2: Managing The importance of Work & Life · The importance of maintaining a sense of well-being in the


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Just a quick note to welcome you to the first "ocial" edition of Corporate Learning Solution's innov8 newsletter - just one of many new initiatives we have recently introduced.

As I proudly reflect on all that we have achieved over the past few years in relation to developing high potential leaders both locally and globally. I realise how crucial it is to be surrounded by such a talented, motivated and focused team.

The theme of this edition of the newsletter is "Managing Work & Life Balance" - an important relevant issue in today's fast-paced world. As a result of overwhelming interest in this important topic it is also the titled for our up and coming public training program titled "Managing Work & Life Balance Program".

The "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" also provides the opportunity for participants to be coached One-on-One after the program to assist the individual make real and meaningful changes.

I'm proud that the "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" has been designed so that it can be fully customised to be delivered in-house within your workplace for your high potential leaders.

I hope you enjoy innov8 and discover some great ideas on how to improve the corporate wellness of your high potential leaders. I would also enjoy hearing your thoughts and ideas on this topic so please do email me at [email protected] or call and we can arrange to meet and discuss your specific needs.

I look forward to seeing you soon... until then, enjoy all good things.

Successful Corporate Wellness programs such as the "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" focus on both the physical and psychological well-being of your high potential leaders.

One of the keys to success is providing a variety of initiatives and solutions to meet the diverse needs of your workforce; this includes public training programs, customised in-house solutions, One-on-One coaching and Mentoring partnerships with other role models within the business community.

Some organisations are extremely creative with the Corporate Wellness programs whilst others stick to the more traditional options. Here are just a few of the initiatives we often see included in Corporate Wellness programs.

1. Annual health assessments and vaccinations 2. Regular team sporting activities 3. Coaching and mentoring programs 4. Gym and lifestyle club memberships 5. Healthy onsite food options 6. Family counselling 7. Vocational training 8. Community initiatives 9. Corporate massage 10. Lifestyle training via the "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" which includes nutrition information and stress management techniques.

There is no doubt that Corporate Wellness initiatives, such as the "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" for high potential leaders provides real and tangible benefits and we believe that they are not simply another "management fad" but an important component of e�ective people management.

To learn more about this topic, contact us by emailing [email protected] for a detailed program outline.

Greg KinnairdManager of Corporate Learning Solutions and author of Make Create Innovate and Corporate Utopia – Finding Nirvana with High Potential Leaders.

Building your ToolboxYou've been asked to manage and lead your team. Congratulations! Now, as a high potential leader, it's time to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. It's time to build your toolbox and develop the skills required to successfully manage and lead others in the pursuit of achieving the goals and objectives that you have been set.

Achieving Balance

Competenciesfor SuccessThese are the 8 core competencies you need to master as a high potential leader. You need to be a:

1 Motivator

2 Strategy Developer

3 Project Manager

4 Performance Manager

5 Team Builder

6 Developer of Individuals

7 Innovator

8 Networker

Gain FREE access to our online Toolbox for High Potential Leaders which contains valuable management and leadership links to e-Iearning modules, reports, articles and interviews.


Principlesof Work/LifeBalanceAs a high potential leader, are you successfully managing these 7 critical principles of work & life balance. To find out, we can provide you with a quick self-assessment, simply email us at [email protected] and we will send you out the form today.

1 Your Character Predisposition

2 Physical Fitness

3 Nutrition and Diet

4 Personal Well Being

5 Emotional Balance

6 Habits and Control

7 Work/Life Balance

As busy managers and leaders we face the daily challenge of balancing our work and personal life.

Leadership is not magnetic personality - that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making friends and influencing people" - that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.

- Peter F. Drucker

First and foremost, as a high potential leader, you are the supreme communicator. That doesn't just mean that you filter and route information through the correct channels it also means building a community and a culture within your team that works around interpersonal problems and brings out the best in individuals.

As a high potential leader, you're also your team's liaison to the bigger picture. It's your responsibility to set team goals that align with your company's objectives and then help your team to successfully reach those goals. Finally, you're the monitor of your team's progress and overall skillset.

It is your job as a high potential leader to evaluate individual team members' performance, facilitate the development and application of their skills and hire new team members who complement and expand the overall team skills set as necessary.

Start to master these critical disciplines by accessing the Toolbox for High Potential Leaders by visiting to gain valuable online tools and resources.

The Toolbox for High Potential Leaders is free and will definitely help you to create an environment that allows you to e�ectively manage the work & life balance of self and other.

Rapid technological change, increased global competition and the implications of managing an increasingly diverse workplace can cause di�culties as we try to balance our work and life commitments.

As a result of overwhelming interest in this topic of Managing Work & Life Balance, we have developed a unique 1 day program which will teach your high potential leaders the 7 principles of work / life balance.

Mention to us that you have read our innov8 newsletter and we will provide you with free coaching when you book 3 or more people into “The Managing Work & Life Balance Program”.

Managing Work & Life Balance ProgramDeveloping successful work & life balance strategies for your high potential leaders.

During the workshop you will assess your performance in the 7 work/lifeprinciples, learn strategies and gain tools for improvement to developyour personal balance action plan.

As high potential leaders in this time of rapid development we face the daily challenge of balancing our work and personal life commitments. We also need to have the skills and tools to assist those around us to achieve the same. Research shows that those high potential leaders who have and practice these skills achieve superior results. The "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" will give you, as a high potential leader, the skills and tools to master this important management and leadership discipline. During this 1 day program, you will learn strategies to improve your personal effectiveness. You will also develop your management and leadership toolbox so that you can achieve balance in your workplace and support your team members to do the same. Together, we will explore the 7 principles of Work & Life Balance and develop specific strategies for successfully implementing them in the workplace. The "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" is pragmatic and hands-on that uses self assessment tools, group discussions and structured activities so that you can effectively develop your own unique set of action plans as a high potential leader.

Visit for dates and locationsor call us on 0409 314 372 or +61 409 314 372 (INT’L)


Book 3 or more people into "The Managing Work& Life Balace Program" and they will each receive:

valued at $295 each

1 x One on One Coaching Session*

Page 3: Managing The importance of Work & Life · The importance of maintaining a sense of well-being in the

Building your ToolboxYou've been asked to manage and lead your team. Congratulations! Now, as a high potential leader, it's time to prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. It's time to build your toolbox and develop the skills required to successfully manage and lead others in the pursuit of achieving the goals and objectives that you have been set.

Achieving Balance

Competenciesfor SuccessThese are the 8 core competencies you need to master as a high potential leader. You need to be a:

1 Motivator

2 Strategy Developer

3 Project Manager

4 Performance Manager

5 Team Builder

6 Developer of Individuals

7 Innovator

8 Networker

Gain FREE access to our online Toolbox for High Potential Leaders which contains valuable management and leadership links to e-Iearning modules, reports, articles and interviews.


Principlesof Work/LifeBalanceAs a high potential leader, are you successfully managing these 7 critical principles of work & life balance. To find out, we can provide you with a quick self-assessment, simply email us at [email protected] and we will send you out the form today.

1 Your Character Predisposition

2 Physical Fitness

3 Nutrition and Diet

4 Personal Well Being

5 Emotional Balance

6 Habits and Control

7 Work/Life Balance

As busy managers and leaders we face the daily challenge of balancing our work and personal life.

Leadership is not magnetic personality - that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making friends and influencing people" - that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.

- Peter F. Drucker

First and foremost, as a high potential leader, you are the supreme communicator. That doesn't just mean that you filter and route information through the correct channels it also means building a community and a culture within your team that works around interpersonal problems and brings out the best in individuals.

As a high potential leader, you're also your team's liaison to the bigger picture. It's your responsibility to set team goals that align with your company's objectives and then help your team to successfully reach those goals. Finally, you're the monitor of your team's progress and overall skillset.

It is your job as a high potential leader to evaluate individual team members' performance, facilitate the development and application of their skills and hire new team members who complement and expand the overall team skills set as necessary.

Start to master these critical disciplines by accessing the Toolbox for High Potential Leaders by visiting to gain valuable online tools and resources.

The Toolbox for High Potential Leaders is free and will definitely help you to create an environment that allows you to e�ectively manage the work & life balance of self and other.

Rapid technological change, increased global competition and the implications of managing an increasingly diverse workplace can cause di�culties as we try to balance our work and life commitments.

As a result of overwhelming interest in this topic of Managing Work & Life Balance, we have developed a unique 1 day program which will teach your high potential leaders the 7 principles of work / life balance.

Mention to us that you have read our innov8 newsletter and we will provide you with free coaching when you book 3 or more people into “The Managing Work & Life Balance Program”.

Managing Work & Life Balance ProgramDeveloping successful work & life balance strategies for your high potential leaders.

During the workshop you will assess your performance in the 7 work/lifeprinciples, learn strategies and gain tools for improvement to developyour personal balance action plan.

As high potential leaders in this time of rapid development we face the daily challenge of balancing our work and personal life commitments. We also need to have the skills and tools to assist those around us to achieve the same. Research shows that those high potential leaders who have and practice these skills achieve superior results. The "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" will give you, as a high potential leader, the skills and tools to master this important management and leadership discipline. During this 1 day program, you will learn strategies to improve your personal effectiveness. You will also develop your management and leadership toolbox so that you can achieve balance in your workplace and support your team members to do the same. Together, we will explore the 7 principles of Work & Life Balance and develop specific strategies for successfully implementing them in the workplace. The "Managing Work & Life Balance Program" is pragmatic and hands-on that uses self assessment tools, group discussions and structured activities so that you can effectively develop your own unique set of action plans as a high potential leader.

Visit for dates and locationsor call us on 0409 314 372 or +61 409 314 372 (INT’L)


Book 3 or more people into "The Managing Work& Life Balace Program" and they will each receive:

valued at $295 each

1 x One on One Coaching Session*

Page 4: Managing The importance of Work & Life · The importance of maintaining a sense of well-being in the

Have yougot the balance right?

For further information and to reserve your place:

Call: 0409 314 372 +61 409 314 372 (INT’L) Visit:

• 0409 314 372 • +61 409 314 372 (INT’L) • [email protected] •• PO Box 482, Applecross Western Australia 6953

Work & Life Balance: At a whole new level todayThe demand for work & life balance wasn't evident even a decade ago. However today the economic times (growth, demand for labour) and the demographic times (fewer people in the working age population, decline in supply of labour) have massively empowered employees. Work & Life balance has always been a consideration in a career however never before have employees had the leverage to demand it.

Today we have companies marketing an employer brand and setting forth Employee Value Propositions (EVP's) in an e�ort to gain and keep sta�. These EVP's rarely focus on job security or tenure but rather flexibility arrangements and work & life balance factors.

It is important that high potential leaders understand that the empowered employee is the new reality.

Today's skills shortages are only going to grow. Today for every person of retirement age we have 5 people in the working age population, yet by 2047 for every person of retirement age there will by just 2.4 people of working age.

Work & Life Balance: Not just a demand of Generation Y - but demanded by allWhile we think of Generation Y as being demanding employees and wanting a career that will suit their lifestyle, employees of all ages value work & life balance today. Work & Life Balance is the most influencing factor in job satisfaction across all age groups.

This is a change even as late as the recession of the 1990's Generation X-ers (and Baby Boomers before them) were grateful to have a job. Now in this economic climate, sta� of all ages are more empowered to seek work & life balance. • 86% stated that as a work priority it was important / very important to them. • Only 53% were happy with their current work & life balance.

Employers are responding to the clamour for work & life balance because they can't a�ord not to. Voluntary turnover is at 14% - an all-time high, and the economy is e�ectively at full time employment.

In an e�ort to gain and keep sta�, companies are investing money in work & life balance measures to reduce turnover and recruitment costs.

Defining work & life balance

Work & Life balance doesn't necessarily mean fewer hours of work: • Less than 4% stated that work & life balance was about restricting work to business hours or having rostered days o�. • 46% stated that it was about flexibility of hours worked. • 39% most valued work close to home or reducing commuting time. • It was about empowerment over when they worked and where they worked. • Work satisfaction was closely correlated to life satisfaction. After 16 years of economic growth, society is moving higher up Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Jobs are no longer sought because they meet Maslow's bottom drivers of survival and security, but rather the top drivers of social needs, self-esteem and self-actualisation.

Work & Life Balance: An essential today

The McCrindle Research study on 3,000 high potential leaders and employees showed that work & life balance is the number 1 factor of job attraction and retention (even above salary).

Comments from the focus groups: • "Work is an important part of my life - but it is not my life, just a part of it." • "If there's a clash in the work & life balance, life will win!"

Work & life balance is an expectation of

today's job seeker. Life in the 21st Century is increasingly complex with people juggling multiple roles. Therefore they will only stay with a job that o�ers flexibility. People today don't segment their life into "work" and "personal" categories but rather di�erent roles often morph and collide. When they are empowered to choose their work hours, job satisfaction rises dramatically.