Page 1: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

^ ^ p f l M . *t-




$1.00 A Year in Advance

CIRCUIT COURT ADJOURNS Judce Thornton Announces Spe­

cial Term on Fir«t Monday in September.

court of Prince William county. Judge J. B. T. Thornton presid­ing, adjourned ^turday. Sev-ttHd etnas were eet for trial at ^


AlwBBi Association HoMs .A*" nuaJ tUnaio* at Pnaco WUliaK.

The annual banquet of the alumni association of Manassas

The June term of the circuJr|Tnstilute and.Manassas Agricirf-

1 —

special term beginning on the first Monday in September. The summary of proceedings, con­tinued troin Tast week's issue, is as ffdlows:


S. C. Harley appointed guar­dian of his nieces, Katherineand

~ Elizabeth Harley, Correction of erroneous assess­

ment of taxes against Thomas H. Lion, executor of S. A. Mar-steller.

Charles S. Berry against C. W. Vetter—office judgment setaude and defendant granted leave, to file farther pleas witif ipt>unds of defense not later than Septem*

^ Ber i;.ca8econnnued. W. A. Johnson against the C<Hn-

monwealth, motion to correet er-roneoK^assesna^t-rHcontiBaed to next term.

The Thomas." "Hanufacruring

tural High School was held Sat­urday evening at the New Prince William Hotel, exactly fifty m^m-bera being present—The dining

Company, a corporstioil, against W. H. Gamiiei-

)ffice judgment confirmed; plaintflff tu recover $180. ~~

The Thomas Manufacturing CompaBy, a corporattoD, agunst T. R. GaUeher and Elioor H. GallehBT—oflSce judgment eo|-. firmed; irf|untiff to recover $lgfc

AHofwanoB to petit jorors. ~ jn re ]

k*. w .!« " -u. • the unsaved was given at tbe She bnaa was flTven m mar- -^^^ ^# vi- •• • -••* ^ ^ - r„

order efthehW»Ai)timwnftii»«i|i^c by I f e r ^ i T ^.^yi lBMp^*^ "^ * " ««l«w l ^ m g h q

^ppeol of A. W. Smith firom an

^ V T-«oBtiBaed to special tejna <rf • qoort un fiisl Mwalay in tsepuah-

ber. . . Allowance to L. B.- O^tl^,

spedal constable. ' In re Chiii tian A. Hdneken's

will, on a)n?eal from<H•da <^ Ute eIigrentmBa~lfar26=^Er&Tgi=

^iez7'attoaniey-at-law. appointed f guardian of Christian A. dndcen m, instead of Hm furmeriy—appointed.—Oaae ect for trial on first llonday in Sep-

sber, app^ants to &e objee-tJCTM to create of will witfun 46 Aaytt M a r y Pflri^pr HMn<>k«»n7

Ella Johanna Peters, Avnric Par­ker Lann, Nina Carter Hdsekesi

- and' Christian Abraham. Hoin^ k«a, in , -piaintifFs, and the con-

~teiiuits,—ChnstianA. Udnek^T jr., and Herman HeJadECS, ieies^ dants. All testamentary papers ia- thfr-peasesmon of any, of' tbe parties to be presented.

J. If. Woolford 4ffid e. C.

under the s^de and firm naine o< National Land and Aiwtiop Com^ panyr^gMMt-^r^^merganand

jBryan Gordon, trespass on the case in **i»ujupgit—niotitfe coifc tinued to next tarn.

Alkiwanee to^-W. J.-Aiffl», jailor.

C. Owen Spillman againse C T. Bowen—ease oontinaied.

AUowaaees itx attendance to

Kerlin, deputy riteriff. imd W. J. Ashby, jailor. _

—Allowauee to Charteg A. mu-bee, sheriff, for mmmnningwifc

J. V. Reese granted heense to sell soft drinks at picnic grounds at Rc«e Park, near Dseea Race

Adj ijwraed to first Mcaxdai ip September'(< i;special term).


room was decorated with flowers and flags, the colors of the Allies flying with the Stars and Stripes.

Mr. Wheatley M. Johnson, the' retiring president of the associa­tion, presided as tna«tma«ti r. Toasts were pven By Miss Eu-genia Osbourn, iiiaa Irene Led-man, Miss Maiy Larkin, Lieut. George C. Round, Rev. Joseph F. Gulick, Mr. C. A. Montgomery and Hr. Roswell Round. Miss Mary Lee ChapmAn sang a solo and the school songs and "The Star-^iangled Banner"^ we re rendwed with enthuwasm.

MiSS W M » S IS MARRIED Bemnfs Bride o{ C F. Browafc

Jr. of Nerfelit^CiiraiiNqr J B WiidungtMi.

Mim Eleanor Cnahing Wilkina. nf Sndiey, ahd Mr. Charlew ynr ^ Brower. jr., of Roanoke, were married in Washtn^ teoryesterday aTthe. Mmiht iMcaiHife Methodiat Episcopal Ghorch, the officiating mwifitftr h<»inff "Rpg ForeSt J, Prettyman.diaplaln of the United SUtes fienate.—Only tho immo diate families of the bride and hridegTiium and a few intimHlw Mands were prtiiHinL

T. Wiflons, of StraabwK. She wore a traveling soi^ with hat to mateh, wad eanied Inide's roses.

Miss PeuiSimden^ «^ €athar^ tan, was maid of honorr and Httie Miss Frances Wima. of Roandce.

bearer—Mrr—Fmdr was ring Willard Brower. of Cathaxpin,,

The bride is the, ycwgjg^ daugfatar of. Mrs. Mbury-Br-Wa' kins,~of.S< fagr. '9ie t a o ^ t h e Stone House School the past se6«eB-and-foMhelastieKj:ar8 has beoi <me 02 ^he most popu-lar young school teaehors in Prince - WiUaua - eeog^. The bridegroom is the eldesf son of Dr. and Mrs. Chariea FVird Brow-er, ctjCttiarjiia.

Mr. and Mrs. Brower will be at hams after July 1 at the Loch-invar Apartments, at Norfolk.



More Than 2,000 People Hear Gypsy Smith's Semson on *Thit Moral Leper"-~Sizteen Respond to First

invita^ion-^^»Service» Close-Jttly-1, —

The church i» for poopla who wast to make an ho|ia*t attempt to do right.

S o m e of y o a would ratbor have t h e ap|>laiu« •f^ •OBW empty- head •d, goMtpiin. ao-caety woisam than the applauaa of the Sa«o«C«>«t.

taken from the Second Book of Kings, firth chapter and first verse, "But he was a leper." The preacher referred to Lew

iWallace'sbook, "Ben llui."when Lot* of a* are

tb« (hallow* whoa we ought tn he oat i» Ihe deep. -

OAB't fan dare fa atiilki fc J M M > and call it thm nm.

The great mether-haart of God yearaa over Hi* chiMran who^ haTO gone astrajr.

Seme ef yo« have thoeetziag* is-

Yee, Christ wa* criticiaed (or eaiiiig . , , 1 , 1 , - * I I I ! l i l t .M ! ! • tmtt' t ^ ^ ^

wmaeniiMvS, DV^wwewTve^aevv^v^^ i, Ihaak God, they were (aint*.

Afl-of oa WBBt JoMH Ooiet ia a«r 4h llict « i & « a r wSL

Ge4 avn <i* -famn caat and' liiiw . isiir

If yon were bora with the d e « i im yod, daudt God, yoii' caa !>• bora again, wrf"tM» l l n i with ~A« dliff ealiide I

T»Mpteti*n i« Ihe d i r i i baniljiaS i t At door-ef-ye

.right of wky.~

will receive the offerings on Sun day, July 1.


The committee of organization of S,he Manassas chapter of „th.ei.

—;—f Americair Red c-ross is making plans for the election of officers, announcement of which is ex­pected next week. Meanwhile. members are being enrolled at The JouKNAL office by Mieo Mary

The sermon -Sunday night waa -mark on its plana

Ben Hor, after long years away frMn his native land, o<(me back

]aiui found his parents FOIW and bis home closed; bow he lay down to steep on-the -front steps and* his 'mother and sister, who had been condemned to a leper colony, came by and saw their son and brot.hftr; hnw thpy lnngft<i ti> w#l. Q]

Reg» Gyptg Smith, jr., will en­ter u p ^ tiie final weok-of hia

Sandity-evangdtfltic tiampidg& eveainU at Qnf t*l»«'twi'l«» in Mm. ramnH W^

c—r^V^I^-CT^^pi ^" ''^^ °^ ^** hnhdt-Mwl to he Amt nf th« Animrfean R<»d finm

and about twelve mejoaboranf tht ouugn lutiDn of came forward to make p u l ^ acknowledgpiait of thev ace^it-aneeof Qnist. '^yao^^ng demonstration was witnessed "Wednesday evoiing wbwt a host of parsons alrisady aff i i l^^Uoti the ehordi left their seats to rc»ei^ thdr vows.

M<nre than 2,000 persons at-

tembors of thej_.^. ^ " . ^ T l JIT

ning. Mmety-4ive automobilea were piaiiced in the street around tbe tabernacle and many others wfira irit**">^ •^'""r*^'* **^ town. Persons came by train from Alexandria, Warrenton and other paints. AatBaaoMe pu-ties came fitmi every aecti<m of the county aid mauy uauie iir

^erae ^iaws veUdea &ora poix^ fifteen miles distant One party motored over from DelafJuie.

Members of the Maaome lodges The bride waa^^ehc^jffe g^ otPrinreWiiKsmattmawlTua*.

of {ist week by the Stone Hpase Good Hyisekeeping Ctab. The prooenta showered ^^^^jf thefa^anA of the^reth- ^f*^ «i t- «&i ii.-*ii» m r i ^ ^ apea her ineladed silver, eat ren, the targeatsmgte rfebWi fttlp'

and.Jdtetoiware^ ^^B aeen at^titetabemaele^ - E*e j^Ms. jinen m e larfea aei ied ite""crcaiit ^md cake. ^ ._ ^ r—r—• — - Mian Tjueie "Boggn -and ' Mrs-Charl«.C. Lynn gave apother nMe^teaeoos shower last Thnra-day at "GrovettmJ' While the

Charles A. Barbee, riwiifr^rP: " ^ Prrvwited thetttendtnre of many el the guests, a large number of friends were present

MrS; Ibttsei H(dmah Wims, of Roandce, was the hoetess at a lowch#fin on Monday at the homf of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. "BrowerTThegaeats of hooor were Ifas. Brower, the bride ef yes-terday, and Mrs. William H. Do-

nead^r evening i^)eeifl reserva^ tions wqre made for the me^

Woman'a Christiad Temperance UiUo^ win be wdcamed tonight and Tuesday evcmng hai be<» aet for receiving a members of the five Prtnee WB-liam councils of the-OrdfT Fhb-t«rnal A»«fcanlf

Since the chOdren's service Satimiay evemng, .a., children's

aad the bridc-lo-be was the /c- ;.h»i^ h , . aeaiat H i |hft l"""^ ^ ^ \ P*"'*'"' ^^ ™7 ***^ dpient of more silver, china, lin-en and other haadaoine giftsT

Spadal mosieal numbers have been rendered by Mr. Cole, Mr. Smith and the tabeoiade ehoirB.

The awieea at the tabemade will eieeo on Snndayt Jaly 1 wbtn services aro to be JxkL at 11 a. m., 3 p. m. and 7:45 p. m.

Cottage piayer meetiaga women'-were beki this monung

c«ne him but dared not, bemuse they were lepers; and how thi^ had, to slink away in- the night and norawakgn their loved one:

"They amid not awaken him beicausie they kitew that Icptoisy

like leprosy,- is infectious, -tag: the ougal lepers ate not sepa-

froflA' those who are not ^wie io>the ways of the worid. Th^y are left to iaaapt ^hemj to put bad examples before them and to lead thgji to destruction. I have not seen a npuui yet _ who: likiJd the first drink of whisky, but betook it t e teep up w ^

ylpt he tfauugfat was a man. sin^is lUce Jepro^ i .

hand ^Hfee, bat it grows day by day tintil the whole body i» a mass of sores. So it is with sin it keeps growing until it is toMth on Monday ter of -your aooL But sodety. takes no iMtiee pf the heguinhtg of sin. It'is not thought im* pp^ier |or the yocmgl^ to flirt with a man, bat once she takes the fahft step- she is forevo' hai'i'ed ftort the homee^of e v g y reqyeetaUe person.

nimn can go oat and.drink wine and play cards all night long, .^d suewty enoones i t iB

But let hitt rt^er

Firt t Aid aad Yeoag People'* Claaeee— Officer* to be Eloeted.

L^rkin, and the committ^ is at

The young women are looking forward to first aid classes. The younger people are to form an auxiliary under the direction of Mrs. C. R C. Johnson.

The Haymarket branch of the Piedmont chapter (The Plaltratr • ^t, i. j ^ already organized^r work, is '" the program were seated to taking in acBve part in the "»e left of the students. Supt.

Week; tlfharles R. McDonald presided. campaign of Red helping ^ e cluM>ter to an envia­ble record which was announced yesterday.

New member^ enrolled at Ma­nassas this week are Mn. George T;~ Ly<m, Mrs; J. jP. Lyon; Mrs.

lary Bev­erley Leachman, of Manassas, and Mrs. E. N. Patde, of Cat-harpin.

PIEMI6NT GHAPTER BUS^ was contagious iwd that he would Jlahes Appeal for Red CroM catch the disease &om them Sin,f- 'Wiar- Refief Fond—$5&&-:_

Aireaicfr Sufascribad.

Red Cross week opened in Hay-market witii a bang last Monday

ip the community haatemed out to do his or her bit towyds rais­ing the $100,000,000 fund aaEe^ tor by thp Preadent of t ^

The Piedmont cnapcertOi vqax^

twnedfwwn^OOOto f l O , ^ and of this sum, Havmarket and the sorroandihg eoontry hc ie to raise $L000.

The opening meeting was held

ward, of The JBIamSr-chairman of ^e^ t^nnpf* f-haptar, nA. dressed a large aad enthnsiastie aadiot^ in the Parish Hi^ Hay-market, on the subject of the Red Cross war r^ef fund. A few

mmts GET mjms Rev. Gypsy Smith Addresses

Graduate* at High School CommcnceiBeiit.

The annual commencement ex^~ ercises of Manassas Agricultural High School took place Friday evening at Eastern Auditorium. The hall woo eros'dfid-iio ite fulli-est seating capacity and persons were standing m the rear; The graduates were given seats of honor on the platform and be­hind them VE re grouped the girls who rendered 4be masieid progrmn. Othflra w h o tnok p a r t

The address to the graduates was made by Rev. Gypsy Smith, jr., who came to the rescue when Dr. J. P. McConnell, president of the State Normal School at Rad-ford.failed to arrive. Mr. Smithes address was composed of three, divisions which were developed under the titles, "Know Thy-fifilf," "Control awT" " Dmy Thyself." Bespoke brief> Ijr and-wlth-empfaasitr»ud was given a warm round j>f appiaune..

^lirr-e.-A^Monifaro^«7, Prince^ WlUiftttt county farm'demonHtraJ^-tion agtint, also made a short ad-

to the members of- the_ graduating class.

Atoaosfrovery man and woman —Appropriate*BdbMmUfulmuBi=^ cal selections were given by the ^Uipies under Mrs. Hodge 1

Miss Dorothy Johnson, the el-' rtwr ftiiflrhtOT_of Dr. and Mrs. C. B, C", JfthTWftn. gaw the salntar'

^il&un Ctaradte Griggs, of Bad^ ^ fotd oBrtMy, ,irtw naa nuue'iiui^"

hcane with U i ancles ISeiC J. T. Barks. wUle attetnding the 1 ^ aehod. Ut. Grig^' essar^mis' entitled "The Great War-Its

awarded to-jlr^-Grigga, who ieeeivedUiehigh«ie^ average in *'^ liatw. his work;

minutes sftci his addtci finished, -ovwr laOO ^ad boenlj subscribed. This ta^Uant start mfintainaa: " '- _

know that he is a dmnlcMd utd that he is a shve to whiskyt what is the result? Veo^ shnn him, they lu^e nqthmg to do with hia; he la. branded forlfis.. and is thrown oofofdeeoif so-dety. "Because he ia a Iqwr!

'"ff il nil la^aiiia thiil *•> havetodeddfc The qoestion of which shaH bsT lliO" uagiianir-qf

Godr "^^th-some-it ia a., matter of

pride that: they will not sabmit fJMnnaAlCTi to God. Just as \he m-Wmmn K a a m a n w a g t o o -prood

do as the jmsibdtiddiuiiLaod bathe hiaseif _ river Jpidan,tf he would be cured. m^-me- t> humble ooneivcs to God.

"Yoa may he a num of-

the l ^ n g popotee ef this eoon-tiy b^ahd^'yoa- Tori may be-A good fatb^ and hoaband. Bat I do nsteart bswnodi power you have, if voo turn down God vou are a leper. A moaomeot may be erected to yba and &e people

furlmay «ng yettr^raises, bat^>e

BeyXn3Mra.R. S. Smith. Rev. T. D. D. Clark, repre­

senting the finance oiMBUuttee, I pink and white booklets as place ^ announced at yesterday's service '. cards. The' favuis were

,, corsages, with miniature shower; ^ expense of the campaign will

at the homes of Mrs S. % Coolfci « > " ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ - ",^?^°"^i^'ikwo daagbtera. Mrs: BPc^na^lfar«r-Sr5&sWc side oTthe gates of hesven.'' r^^ ^ T ^ ^ * ^ ^**"

Here the evangelist described

4 People'sNatworf Bank of Ma-, ^^^ ^ ^ ^ Holmes Robert-

ConsmictioB Cft lae.. Treport . j ^ ^^^^ decorations were ot C. A. .&»el«li_S2fi»^^jp,-RS -•B^ white peonies, with authorixed to Aeteife prtvate

^*v"f I Rank o' Manassas ^™^ " ^ ^ ^*""' '"'*" t™r I that the final cdOection to meet [atroying happy homes. Nauonaj canj. ^ corsages, with miniature ahower | ^j^ ejpej,ae of the campaign will "Leprosy is segregated.

aecreecor.r.m.n.^leofprop- Tr. otr.r ^.ests were Misses^„ ,^".^'"^^^^ ^ "" °^ --cvack. far..V«.'*' A." . Fear' Sanders. Miss - $191-54 will complete the expense ,-, y - . Lucjt ivtpan ana Mrs. McDonald.'account of $1.<X)0. The evangelist i c i^:i.ii&i

fact reaawas you are a leper, and

from Wa^ng-the p; go a ,8tep, farther. Lef p e o i ^ t ^ adAf«88«d « i

and enthudastic amMenMi. M[, •tiardrdar^of^thfe

eampaigii. abort ^60 baa been ^ired^Mfas fiogeaM Osboom sobseribed.

nr Wade C P«vne nf Hsv-market, is chairman of the war rriief committee and Mrs. Car-wiriiaBi < M « M i ^ ^ i ia ahtin' man ef the womea's fiiuuiaeeom-

m four •eathiy peyments, may ha aant|m,„^ of Uie

Comeiorward now. Every man whooannot go to the war can bdp this way/Kvery woman


being very good^ in iangnage studies, as wdl as in mathe>v: mati<rs and srience. ——-

The three aniuial prizes .were awaided to Miaa Kstherino Lar- kin. a daufl^to' of lbs. L. A. Laridn. — — - „ ' — jtev. Aisord KeUey presented:

the KeUey oratcunesl prize whidi was won in a emitest on tii^ pre^ cT;dLn£;dflI--1'hnPannit f>flhfi rn~ Metz English pi iie, which is of'

m memory of h » sister, was pre­sented by Mr. iX A Siadair aa a reward fw the best (H ginal sboxt-Stmry submitted in a oon-um- m i . T. D. D. OUik awarded a tHrcmze medal olfei^'

mitlee H^subacrijjtjOfflLwladi:4w^|>iiBdepgnt«tt nUKazaefor rt.Ah«iitesMYOP •TheJ>evek>i>-

Aaietiuau- -fifcort-

Mr. RirhanLC HtydoByr^ tlinmniiw nf the high sr.hnol, pn^-

W1K> may be called upon to give -soft or brother toj

her country can T»nmA» tf»#!tn HPTJIH rmdr»r the direction ofMra. 'B . T. H. Hodge. Rev. T. D. D. with comforta by jdhing thf RaH

sented the monograms for dis-^nfffi n in sthl^ti^ ,-—. ;

The maaieal program was reor

Clark, pastor of the liaptist' Charch, offered the invocation, and-lhfi_ benedietion was MO-nounced by Rev. J. P. Burks, JceOM of Trinity P. E. Church.

T tfwtga- yTtJ \yrycT^« r w u c r a « « v . w i \K~

AmosDeihtVCbi^Seratevet- ing to his annoal ttffltoin. p«*-6hm, died Tuesday at his home sented diplomas and certificates


VT 1. 11 a _ —. lo the following Students: near NokesvJle. He was sev- coHeae preparatory course-m^-MVen y e i « old. runePllIjiiS^Eleanor^oea. SmitBton;

took piece yeet^day attwT Va.; Miss JAary Virginia Valley View Church of the Bretfa-j Clark. Chesty, Pa.; Miss DOTO-

TIsy Lucretia Johusun, Missirene ren. Elder S. H. Flory (rfficiating, He is survived by his wife.

man, of Wa^ington.-and Minnie,

how mTTseparates. breakrng^W^-S^' ^ ^'L^^^^' «* u^-. rZr#^-„^-i-« . , 5 A^ ^nSjanoKT Martlnrof Ohio, of lova^aad friendship and de-


acts the same way. &ten are

separated by it from wives-aod^YHB JOCK.VAL fifty-twolimes . ..." .f-.. ,.r. 1 ap* F.^e .for ii.OC* in advance.

Charles, of Pennsylvania; Har- _ vey. of Harrisonburg, and Johnjxiiy"Suiu>r " Manii and Luther, of Nokesville.

Ledman and Mi^ Aonie Laurie Swart. Mf**"" and Mr. W&—

county. Elective course—Miss Hilda

Hottel and Misa Lily Sutton. Ma­nassas.

Normal training rour?e—Miss

Comn-ier- , 1 co .;•- ;A-SS Eliz­a b e t h l)^c.l^.'•-.>. t'.r:.-:: *

Page 2: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

m T n p


Jjri^enjthe Comer Where Vou Are. 1 Occoquan road fund-I J. L. Uawson, oil . -^7L/^"^"^r^i ""^Tirt^"

JOURNAL, F M i l A '

le deed o( (reat-BCM joa mj do, : • & • tint yon i« i9 f i$^ I r ^

Hen'lor nUfonrU-lMt 70a •>•; m e - ly 6i>(i,

Do not

%^iMed, Here » •

wait to tharjoor light m-lM, To tba in» - ny do-tie* •»-« new joo DU - roV"ieTI yow ir»y d« - bw, TfcC to • to OM he«rt •.iooe w y MJyoai fleet the bri^t u d inoniiDg ttar, S-rea irom yow bamUe haad tiw l>n«d ef

BOW be trae, Brighten the c o i w wi«eyoiriw.~ •osg of cheer, Brighten the comer where yon an . Br4gbt'«> the corner lUe may <eed) - Brightwi the earner wh«« yon «rt. ^™_—___

whei« yon v e ! BrightenthaeoofrwfaercyonuetSomeoselarlroB

; X^ ^ > (i f • ,f f f '


County Board Hofab Meeting at CourthoiMe—Road IXri-

liom A w rwiiiiwit

The board

Prince WaiMun county of superviflors met *t

«f M y n a a u m <i>n

l Euraday; Jufte 14. Tbg nym bers prtsent were J. L- L aw qP? Occoquan district, duunnan; i. J. Conner, ManiwiBw^trict; J. T. Syncox, Domfries district; McDuff Grpen, Breuiaville dia-

83 75 C. A L.eacfan»B, T S

H. and jail J. P. Smith, J. P,

nacy c««e -.-_--. ^ . F; MCTeha«t,~ir. 15/'Viewing

light for C. . : . . - . . — . . — .2,50 services in lu-

Sp«c4«i road fuD4-~ M- RuB»ell. hanling-anif TP-

pairing. -Va. irptal Corr-. C. E. Naah i v C 0 . W. HedrJck^ expreu on repairs M. J. UotU«, fraight, expreu.etc . Comweil Supply Co., payment on

traeter^for Dumfrieii riintrirt 4fi8 0? Palmer Smith, supt of roade 12 00 W. B. bowns, making ten road

drags 10 00 Cornwall Supply Co., account 44 60 Comwell Supply Co., repairs 38 70 Newman-Trueler Hardware Co., ^

^uppUes -j 8 45 Good Roads Machinery Co., pay­

ment on Dumfries diet, grader.150 00 Good Roade Machinery Co.> pay-" inent on Coles district grader. 100 00 Good Roads Machinery Co., ca«t-

E^er8<M Brantingfaam Implement - Go., payaa«>t-en tractor for M»-

nassas district 684 00 Qccoflwn bond iflaue f u n d -Hailey & Boatwright, .work

c o n t r a c t . . . ,



Spray your

-653 39




Spent Large Sums in Vain Search hr R Bef. -—

TOOKSFINE NOW "I suffered three years with

ind igra^ laad gall stones^-asd 1 trtedTmomberof different med* | lemea without relief and about two years ago was operated otKttn

• dead body a» cotoner. '—-. . . • - . PTHTBoley, registrar at Green-

Warren M. MitcheUTLttae^H-^^Ti Dayies, reporting j s a e of B<aiA

and spent "cbnsiaerable inoney fbr doctOT's and hospital bills without finding relief and con-tinued to suffer untH I begau

I TISK arif^ iKat you have the greatest clc41ar4or-<lollar value that i t b possitle tol)uy. WJten ytm pay more ihan Fisl^ prices yoiL pay for something that does nojt exist

Bsk Tires ForSale By Att Dealers



FiJf,BraacSuln Men Than 125 Clfiei-


* of Supervisors va. LeachmsBT

L. Dawsuu, sli«|ud|iiM.fte. aiai-

- r w iBInn« AMIroOifferSli whi^ I was told would help me, and I

'8 60 found it did the work in a won­derful roannier (and I gladly rec-

- omcnd it to everyone," said a

m i i e i ^ . . . r r ^ . - . - . „ - . . , . - . ' — V » J. J. GOTJiier, s s j a e . . . . . - . . — • . . . 4 25 ^ . T. Syneosc, s a m a . . . . . . . i . : ^ ^ . , & 8 0 HeDnflF GrceDi s s B W . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6 90 O.C. BBtchisMir"BMBe— - . - 5 20

H. Rtttsell. villc diatiicl, audT Coles district •;. ':;;• '' . ,;

OiU>E»S Road from_ir6n l»idge to old

Carborough read in IteaafrieB district to be mSeJoed m aeec^-ance with plat of €3>aries B. Allen, filed in p^tton^of p Cline and bthers.

Road betweea OdeS district

3.C K«y8, driving traetcS?...'.. iatk Keys, woric on road.r..-':..

- .HuueliwtiB»"Wwt"ftOft., as -B. S. Bobeartsoo,~diJ—....—.Vr: J e i ^ Donovan) woifc .

and Dumfries district divided ag: i~^. SpitOe, same First section, Neabeco follows:

bridge -three and one ^t milc»; second K« '(.iwn. PuH^'B 8tore to genry Key's place, about twQ

•'• ' - "on. Nickens' old

James Ladi, work

shop on Bellfair road to Bdlfafr miHs; abouL Uuee-fuuilbS DdkiT Section one to be.wwrfced At ex--isamK^J9eitvws. wwk pense "of Domfries cBslriet and I Dunfties rusd fund— sections two and three at ex-pense of Grferdirtractr

_H. RosssB, aaote. , . 4 70 Hanassss Joomal-Puh. T^ , *^-

v e r t i s e m e n t . - . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 Msddoa &-Byrd,-jBoor c l a i m . 4 00 Graham Tinley A, C a . itatifxwiy

for treasurer's of f ice . . . i 4 00 Brcmtsville roadfnnd—. , M^L. Soatter, wotk^drMd.- . . ' : . * 65 O. W. Hsdriek, saitie 1 .^r^.- 39 lOv

16 60 .26 6b

. J . . .

X* It, Pajrne, s a m e . .CL-W. Hedrick. g a s . Coles road fuwd •

• • . - . 0 00 .—.* 82 60 . . . . . 1 1 60

Koant^e uiss. m descglMng hw' eatporienco irath Aaid Jnar-tnagg

SHE-T|fcL5 WHATJiLBID-•'I iutd venr intense pains is

my side, was terribly weak and nervous and vitally was depleted any!~^Tyfa'^^«p^^^«J^ »°d run. down' I was very much discour­aged, but Add Iron Minerti in­creased my appetite first of ail and- n o w I twn TM> longar . n g r v o n a and ray sleep is just fine. My digestion was impipv^ varjr, -veiT- mudi and I feel so muni strongs and l itave oeen oexw fited so mvbch 1 think it will do gtsiod' for everyone in need.<rf-a ^oed tonie.^' said^Mias Bcftnces Smith, thp popular young <Cled(>, PoDce Detetm^B Boanoke. Virginia.

In Quoting the gk>winff words

• 1 Ml Bpinylli hsnting nil , . . . . r -

TlTT, K i ^ , w s r k . . . . . . . George Fafrbanks, w w k . 2 2S


Golf Refini i«Ce. , oS . ^ . • - . . - . SO 36 H. L. Tabbs. mtttk L-.TT W 1&

. . 39 00

. . 6 00

Jos. B. Florenee, k g crossing on

deranged or jlismdered stCHnacb, bowels, kidneys car biadd^, or

I ti QUed with any of the symp­toms and ailm«9ts which arise from such causes. Get a bottle

fliyarTtf Cornwfell Supply ConpiHy can-

3rC' I>n»irir-'''*>k— -."-'/g ^ ii ^ ^

J. K iltekett, worC, XTJ-IPatt i i i r /wik . .

:n 'g n

Dridice Ob., between ing ^re -tampion and iO. C. Hutdiiaon and J. F.

PaJn*r Smith, ba««d«£ i fe -JrS«i^i .wprk

Adams, leweseptinff thw ^e*™,':H, f! Pieisepfwosk approved and accepted.'

Ihs fuUuwiuc iSSSSEfTwePi {icnted an4=e»rtifilid to t t e eoOB^ urer forjiayment;

Elliott Fisher Co., repairiag book tyipeiwriter - . . . - M i t

E. {>. Perry, regtsttar.ttoantieo. U 00 W. N

Palmer Smitlt, work. SOD

12 00 8 6 0

C, Piersoq.w«rk 6 4 0 , w a r k , a « Palmer

C. •M

Smith XT6 Wm. Johnson^ S a m s . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . 8 76 Itohert Mayliugli. wwk S W

-aad^^whea-aie H°eader meuabei'r dMtt fBf' Acid Iron Mineral has been a bousefadd wofd in. tfaooaanda of homes it sui^y is-time to give it

trial if at all bothered wiJi

g o w with a MVenor elgilt-tOoi cutter-bar, it is as ^asywork for h e m s as Blowing icorn. i t is the only mower that carrier the entuw \Mgbt oi macUne, 'cutter-bar and driver, on the drive wheels We've taken the weigh off the horses' necks—taken the weighty off the outside as well as the inside shoe— ^ « . « * ? S " tUpfe's no sledding or dragging. T l g p n l l i s ^ l ]«^ j V x E i K on tha wheels, and H's a straight pull forward

erops-—and keep them free

from disease

We carry •ceffipl«te ! « • of fmnkides

Preserve your eggs with liqiiid glass. Ask us.

PrinceWilliam Pharmacy Manassas, Virginia

FORSPRING Garden making is in order. Do you need any new tools ? We have a big stock to select ftom 1^1. '. '"Ill Fanners t Remember, we are sole agents for "the Oliver Ghilled goods—plows, culti-vators. plow points, etc. The only pli^e in ManasssB where'

. you can get genuine-Oliver



Rick's New Style Book of Shoe Fashions wOI^be

Illustrates several of the models which will be worn this faU and wtnt«* by discriminating £««ple—moi, woBMii and children. With it you can to; witb perfect satisfaction.

BsJUch^Son^ K B A P O i m

SUiulard Mower U easier ba tHe

worka and wears betier thsn oihers, Emerson New Sundsrd Mower* are the result of 88 years' building ex-

of the Emerson—then buy on your owoJadcBent Send Corcaul

EHKRSpN HAY y and haylni *»i»« are «« s of EMEJiSON Sweep Ral ley tTttrnmu-tutr won

;T«attT !•• kesand


nsySe ld fjhemcy KtA faaylDi creasied by the use of

.lay Stackers.' They are. uwtfU and siruig, of ^«Mr< imrlUi^.

EMERSON Sweep Rake* have l»hi«e*tongues—tlie OMS nt»er tall'e kerso sud niauy ytlnf superier Ustiints.

EMERSOM H«y Suckeraiave A ^ * » ! / ^ f - » « easy oo horseS— easy to.operate—well made throughont. ' 9

t Toar barfield »ork—aake it better all aro<u>d for' yourseif sad fcy using the treat EMgRSON Uac. Free Booklet oo request.

Dnrwell Siippiy CQ^ Manassaa, Va.

H A Y M A R K E T , VA.

Prptnpt and aatisfactoty acr-•iesr7 licMtfae furiuftid^^'lwr uiy reaaenatble distance.

£ve i*xth in^ Goin|( U p I of living; farm implements have

advanced! It mala much more to educate your chUorMi than formerlv; wearing apparel and everything you buy is going op. We are told that fire insurance-

.les are MvaBCiMg their ratesrftr^ tre^»endouB proportions BUT REUffikl-^

_ U&rrthe old reliable Fauquier Matoal Fire Insnraneie Company have not as v e t ' advanced their rates. Now, before tnat


the quiekenod appetite, inceaaaed ft\lf^^^f BfHind afaep and pjge rich Mood that comes bai tiacK u> ueoiuuRcia peu|i«. luwa teft daya or iwu wwkB ireatmentr If ycaar druCTJat is out -srad to

RMffiokc^JTa. It wiH be sent Adv.


new~8tigck of airiveci an3 is now On assorti^nf of h u ^ «

ite prices.

jgy iias~jnst"

€r-fc Patgp. work J8 SS L. J, Mcintosh,.work 41 26

t rs r Hodley, w o r f ^. 18 75

' 'm O. H. Evans,

clerk's office 4 80 R T. Crooeb. lagistsar at Bead-

*T MaT-wrrr. Sosj J. C. Posey, repairiBg aad yaiatr . .

_ S 7 » ibOD

R,.K. B« i»aa«trw8ik":rr ; . . Msial Oiwpoc»tKiW'»se''- —

- J. P. L<aths»sn,lVsafc.xal»eit •pipe „ JSB OT

H n n s a a s road f t o d -

log poor M. RaaseA, poor claim

and care~^3~ J, J. Carter, _ paupen . : . :r t^ -«; '

C. E. Nash * Co., sapptiss. for C. » - ; - -

n J. A mngtcw, poof d*tfft . , . Earl L>rin,, "* " ^~"' ----T W. LvHTi, " ••* -> -

33 SS

- 1 « 0 66 60 8 00

^*i^y Vaws. ••* . , . . » o e " . . . . IfiDO

Tndprw r^rtTyppwriter, e«7tyT«^ -vmt«"T for olprk's oflice 91

Certrv "Mutual Telepbone Co., ,f.- • -• r H - 4 00

.« - .-t -g ballots for

Bi.B. Cross, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 36 ;- .•. sow gis4Se, wriHF

Bob DoUmsM, wofk. fc L. Johassa, wssk i Bub Johnsoa, wotk . .Z' '.. 40 00 M.^. HotUe, freight on oH. . . . . 2 «

~T. I f : A'Uwy^ w o r t - . J — , . . . S QD. J. M. Jeffries, work. 31 60 W. E. McCoyr tfss, oil aaJLrspaiia SI 26 Ksisiultili Cuiiwaj), wwk 48 00

4 i '

G. H. Davia. work JIO 50 ' J l i . B . Downs, work . -—..^ & 51 jg G. M. Patton. work ^.. 28 70

R. Swarta. w a r k . . ^ . . - . 3 76 L. Swartz. wark 8 00 David Br lis ice and Fuel Co.,

ooa, f.-ir ..-a,-tor 2.S 9'.

YOUR HAIR A^cfaife «|ml ihampoo After the first appdication yoa wiUdiaeover that thaaoft, masi^ flnffinaaait^prodQeea inake* tba half ie^ni rniifh heavier than it

that arranging^ a real

Stim"'"*** the growth Hwvwif dandmft:

w t t i i e a i beeeaaar . 40 60 and. re-

Hapadut n»EMC|

9ibMnyLjim& 1225 F Street N. W.


1 Qler spring goods are arriving daily, sudrarCaingbams, Perealea, White Goods, iilc. -A Give 05 a xall. Wi samplfs upon reqii t._

fire eomSk, insure your ter to have it and not ne

)roperty. Bet-'JtthsotgnegL

i t and-BoVhave it. We will be ^Lsd to give you rates.. I ^ r«newin|[ every y e a r ' or two.


Ifsnassas, Va.

Geo. D. Baker

And Lkenacrf Eaahaimer Las ATB., SBIB' COOSTBOCSS, ILISASSIS, Va.

•s low as iriod service aod material will joe-tftr. l O T A U C CASKETS CARRIED IK gfOCK.



I HiaM^MP XMBMOAff 1 A n l A iliMMrg \sfcS>l|

Bl^ds and Building Maleri<4^ -

This 18 ixx give notice that \ a n now identified with the above named shop, located in the New ^wee William Hotel. -_z_

The equipinent isjmodern, san­itary and con^fete in every i«r-ticular andls unda* my persoittr" management

There is an entrance on Center street. The location being ex-elasire, the shop, is <BpeeiaHy adapted to the care of all classes of patrons who desire careful at-

i -some conditions.

I am ably assisted by Charli Harris and we most eamestt soticit the patronap-p of our cu«-tMners and promise y<\^.\ courteous— ^»^id pa inetakm)? r'^rvri^^.

Ver:> r'?; ' fvV

4-4 FRANK F >A-^r-f .RS.

.f p>* -ilii»


.nTo*^ N t .C.N . r.ic..-. Si reel. Fsrt^r^- • .\'o m \. L^e Slr*^t


A L E X A N D R I A , VA.


Page 3: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

r •.ftjANASSAa jot^r.-" ->^MDAY, IrSs



Entered _,' Ta, aa Second


A O V C R I I S I N G RATES Fifty OntB an ir<li fur the Ant insertion and Tw«ntT-flT* CcBis for aaek

•OaOauanM. Litxral l>tK<>unU lo Ynarty Aduitiiiua. AU cards of thjr.ks fomrad ^rsolntkici*, oMtwrnotleM oUMTttUi Ike

oal death nottcee. ami aU matter of an MJiaiiiaim iiliaiiilai. -clthAr Mractbr or indirectly, will fa* puNished at th* rate a( TwaBtT-tra Crtat ar

MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, JUNE 22. 1917. ->. ' • i- 1 L-

_ A THOUGHTK Resolva that your

thousai^is of this cQuntry's brave and splendid young men will be tofn and wounded by shot and shell, t y bomb a?id bayonet: Some wffl die at

terpiece^ No matter whether it is farming, cobbling or law-making, or only fence^Hiildit^, let it be a magterpieee,—No jnatte'r wKat y^mi'lieally'over the-ifields ef Frane e and work may be look upon It as a great painter looks

: < -- upon his. masterpiece, the destiny of which is affected by every slightest stroke of the brush.

l i ie quaiil^yas. {mt Your tthole life, ia Jntp eveiyttung tiiat goes through your hands.. It is tharoughnessthat makes for qSality .^ "And thoroughness is at the foundation of all success. Your own inner swfiffas in ffharftptpr hniMinff, and your oulwani efliciemiy; Lhe building .yOU-do fOT your times and for the workLi

UPBUILDING OF THE REP CROSS i ' THe fotlgyft^letfer frBHii Mr. Oliver J. Sands, preMdwt of the ArnQrican Kationfl Di« Richmond, is poblishieid in the interest of the Bed

'Cross:' ^ ; _; ' —:————^- .—-- ' ; - . ' '. In a vague and indefinite vmy, the peopte of

' ^ the countiy kn6w tlml i)ii' Ret! Cims mus^ ^ iddan^eflg^^fith no hab or ring of mist SIH ^ • f ^supported, but they k)ok upon its activities as roundfaig it, thwe w littlejdanger o

once, but whether the others shall recover de­pends solely on—the American people.

Unless the Bed Cross is made a mighty army of succor; unless it is manned and. equipped to cope with the horrors of ^rmany's scienti^ miurder machines, thousands who might 4iave lived will die—and die in agony. They will die of thirst, of the anguish of untended wounds, of the ceaseless torment of torn nerves and shattered bones.

JJn^tteaday,Juae^t^ young menof Anaerica ll<d ihemsolvoo to figlfttortheif flogj thai

oojiintry and for us. what are we goiiig l b do for th«n? Are "we going to let themmiuK:hheH>-

Stars and Stripes with the Tricolor and the

All over the workl, desperate men, anguished w(3men and helpiess children are breatjnng" new hope because America has enteredi into the war agalflBt ttet£:BppEeaaQfs._^ivl Amei'iea flyuef justify their hope, must vindicate the spirit thatif led- w ^23lS|l|^Hpeople to te4i.v' cause.

The half may not be told, but enough is known to malge it certain that the war is far from won. yet. Morally, the entrance of America into the war has had aa inspiring effect, but the armies of democracy need far more than inspiration. They need thousands, hundreds of thousands, of fighting men. Comparatively few more can be supplied by Great Britain and France. There­fore, t h ^ must come frtmi America—and they will. That means, then, that ir Belgium and in France—perhaps on other fronts—thousands and

r a , j aESE as


This hank is a bank of the people, by the peQplo^ and fortho pcopic. -' — - — * — — e £ the people becauge., —

4t m

by the people because

THEY WANT IT and for the people because

THEY USEIT Are you using it ? If not, why not? All your neighbors do. Our patrons are the people. You should be one of them. Start today doing your business WITH US.

The National Bank of Manassa^

Cross of England—only to rot under German savagerly because we here at home did not care enojHghfof litem to provide medicines ^ d SUT' geqns ^ d hospitals for them?- Or are we gcui^' to send our own army of healing with them, so that out of our owh purses—whether filled or -saicrifleially empfert-^h^re will bfe provided forf thBmguch meroy as care and acienee <am gve?~

HOW TO BE WEATHER WISE If you want fine weather,, look for fine weath­

er signs. H«re are some of the most reUafde, for fliBv are baa^iipohiaeientifie factgr^ -^-^=-^:^

•Whfen the sun setM 1ft a JM fttgkay, that la when the sunset sky is red, yo&rmaye!:^»ct c weather oir the following ds^.

At night, when- the moon is clear and shows

a part of the future, which may be left largely to take care of itseif. 'Sbey d<y not rwifiw tlwfr t i e upbuiiding of the .Red-Cross is one ot tne most tttgent needs of the day. Fe^iz»that its demai^ are so insistent, so press­ing, that "titey form one of the immediate duties of the hour. They .do not realize that unless the Red CroasJs given the Mdiole-hearted uxi ^x»npt

rains in our East^na Stated with the wind in the They :d» nt^^yggt-- ^ - - ; -—•-; ; -—---7—'- . . • . : • -

Watch tfae^nbke from a^hisMai^ or. from your campfira^it is a good bfuomet^^ -^^&e smoke ris^ high* it means cletur weather. The gxacke will also tow from whicE direction tbe

asMstance of tte A m e r i ^ pw^e^^^^PTiffin | ^-^.H U Mnwing; .in will • fl^g nn « » . q « ^ g i h t ^ staff. - <-

A g n y eazfy momiife jtotahawyyCltwdy ney

army is doomed to great unnecessaity After a oonfexence with the mm and woman

^sfihington who are tntgagBTiir^rTOaiing y,,^^,i..ig B ^ ^ the Red Cross mov^nent, an4 who are intimately ftiPiiJiui' »'tj' the ^re iMeeedtieS that call fmrtts iiomediste extenaion, I am so pnrfoundly im-

possibte-haste and all possible gnwroaity in 8ti«)gthenii9 and expanding the Red Cross that

. i feel it my duty as an American dtudi to gire jgjge of widest publicity to such inf<»ination as I am per­mitted to disclose.

Because ^ war^s exigencies, oe^-faatf aayvbe

-to star the American pec^le as tl^ - have iwt haen stirryid ainflp tiw wnrid witfifintt

-'When the wind blows steadily from tSe wes^' the weather will continue fair; it very Tgr6ly

A heavy dew at night is 8eld(M followed by rain the n e x t l ^ ; ^ u n k of it this way and yoa will remember; Jwet ieet, dry head^

Animals are sakl often to show by their aclioiis

JiSURANCriSJ^ RROFESSim Sdect your ajfent and companies mMyoa woufel your Bankwr, JLawyer or Poctef, rinee y e w financJat^iEkrt—'

tT iimpmad ontiMa ma/i IIM best coats no ihtp^



liome ilfeirYofk

jroiuL It will pay.

to talk it ovei' ami get our rates :; iz

what the weai er wHl be, and there is reasORTbr this. S(HDe of them unc^rtvniy have a knowr

Wrt am told ers are eEq>ecially sensitive to weather changes, an<Lfrttnl2i^ niake tiew^webrtte^wwtj^ be £att;ttthey c<«ainue spinning daarog a jow-

it rtU aooa ciesr (df.r-jaxcB«agfe

blocked by the infunies in Belgium, since the by &el!?ime of the LoBRtaiua.

In the occupied portions of France and Beighun, asiB the oUiw wuuUiea d e f l a t e d by the Gei^ ^ ^ yoar face &ee fam the ^ght otdsy: man hordes, all relief work is virtually atan rad. After two yean of sacrifice and untokl labore, tiiose who ministatirtb tKe" stridcCT pecffe" those lands have been driven oat ty the Qa-msJDS, and the people—old men/woSeh and ^tS-HT<>n—are starving. Worse than that, thoasands ^ them^sre ili, many of then there is no one to give them hcjpr- _ - Ctune up-skh-a-smiiincJaee..

B^iind the lines of the allies are still more thousMids who are suffering from every ill of tortiiml flfflh Sin<^ tJw frMit qfTpTMive beyan military hospitals have been crowded, to moca than their capaeityr~0nly by the utmoetexer-

"—fa'ort a n the army suqgewB kjok after the wounded from the trench and battlefieki, from

- outpost and airplane. MwmwTufe, iiUaeiable T> thousands suffer—and die.

Part of iha ouuatry's great miaaionwill be to extend the helping hand of pity to these, to lift them up, to heai them, to comfort them -and to give them food and drink.

Uniess America not only makes democracy 5-afp. Dut helps to vMu^e humanity whole again, '•.•• : iia*:" 0: ner niis^ p'j.T»<e wiu be ctcwmpiianeti.


Didjmi tackle that trouble that earns joot W99-W^arasototsbflart anddMwfid? ^

WiA a craven sool and fearful? (8b>-"trg*We i fa t<» or a trouble is an ovnoe,

Toamakei^: iBt that you'as hart that eouirti,

J M oidyHliminifeLBSttkElzr:

Yon are btataw. to the ssrth? - that?

If 8 nothing acsinst.Tpv to fall down flat. Bat to lie tkere—thsX> distw»fe. —

Tbe harder yoa're thrown, why Hw foa

Be proadof your Maekyed eyef^ It isn't the fset tiiat yoiPre lidced that eoants:

It' dad yoa tight-aod why?





then? I yoo'va httn denf hi fhr TELEPHONE OR CALL, ANO GET OUR PRICES

-^ ^ BEFORE YOU SELL ~ If you battled the best you could,

If you played your part in the world of men. Why. the Critic will csU it apood.

Death comes with a crawl or oomw witii a poance: And whether he's slow or spry, -

It isn't tbe fact that you're dead that counts. But only—how did you die?


JfamassaT^oduce Exchange LARKIN FEED BUILQING, CENTER S T A E E T -


Page 4: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE




BRIEF LOCid. NEWS —WilHe F. Breeden, of Manas- [ —Men wbo registered un Jan£,

8a». waa one »^th«aaval recruit*.5 under tbcselective draft law, listed in Richmond Testerday.


—Maurice Harrell. son of Mr kBgiJert Harretl, feacrr '

listed in the United States Navy. —Mr. A H. Harrell, who was

operated on for appendicitis, con­tinues ill -at Sibley Hospital, Washington.

-Mr. ^I ter Laosford b«sre­ceived his license and certifi­cate from Athe State Board of Embalming.

-Mr. W. B. ington, -will praachat Greenwood Presbyterian Church, Minnieville Sanday afternoon at ^o'clock.

—ESastem Collesre will offer two popiilar elective courses in mili­tary wience' «»d t»cticfr-Be»t' sesaioiT—one for the older boys and the Othw for the youuKw

—Mr. Clarence ^. Ro gland.

to enlist in Marines at


work in Washington. — Mr. E. R. Conner has sold

two pairs of mules to Mr. C D. S. Clarkson, for use in the work on the Warrenton-Fairfax turn­pike. Theurice waa $750. .

—Members of the 0. F. A. in Cooke, or Waslrt^ribw William mwty will meet

at the Masonic Temple m Manas­sas Tuesday evemnsr at 7:30 o'clock to march to the service at th« tabernacle.

-Southern Train No. 43, ex-press for Atlanta. Ga., due here

boys. —Mr. Ernest Utterback has

purchased the Hopkins property on West and Center streets, which is known as the old Qandy factory. The consideration was 15,300.

—Mr Timothy C. Dde^A.JB« Eastern College, cluas of 1917, sailed this week for France as a member of the Boston hosiutal

resentatiTe Port^ Vermont^

H. Dale, of

—George Curtis Porta:, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who was arada-ated from- ihe academy of Eaafe-ero College last moatE, las been awarded the iJniveraity Vir­ginia scholarship* ottarei by the university to a njenabeir 7of the senior a o l d e ^

are at liberty United Statea time prior to their selection for

ry service, Wn .-" AiiifcuiFfl"""''" CoU pcft. ^ 1917. is now director pf the mem-, , . - ^. , #„:,^ *„ be«hip braacb of thf Red Cross ^ registration age who failed to

register will not be accepted for enlistment with the "Soldiers at Sea." it was announced at Marine

EPISCOPAX. Trinity Protestant Kpucupal Church,

anyTKaiiasBas, Rev. 3. ¥. Barks, n-ctorr - ' ^ - SUIHIMJI School at »:46 «. -m.

Service Sunday at 11 a.jn. METfkv.- »

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, ManaMas, Rev. J. Ualpenny, pastor.

Sundajr School at 10 a. m. ' Epworth League Sunday at 7 p. m.

Grace Methodist Episcopal Church

Corps Headquarters today^ Jie^^^

at 10:03 a. m.V~beginning on Sun-day will leave Wagbington at 8 a. m. and Manassas at 9:05 a. m., according to announoement from the company.

—The students of the Temple School of Music will present "The Golden Apple," ah operetta in four acts, Monday evming in Conner's Opera House under the :gouacflmen' pVes ent direction of Uias Margaret Tem pie Hopkina. Ab<Mit-«3rty-ofth^ youDig people of the towii will take part '

=New8 haa beeuTiad of the safe arrival fa France of Alfred ^PrwcQitt, of Medf ord,lMa8g.« aon of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Prescott, who mbved away fnun-Manaasas laatsomm^ Mr.Prewxitt Huled recently with the aiiibutance dnps and arrivied in F atace oil Jane 1^ He waa a giaduate o l Jftanassaa' nigh Schnxfeaaaigg: aaE^mTiPf

rTutte College. —Rev Gypsy Smith, jr., ia *e= -

preach at the. Loodouii Camp Meeting at BoitoaVWooda, b^ ginning Augast 17' and doeing August 26. Mr. H. A. Otley, of Btuemont. is genwal manager of themeeting. Mr. T. C. Men is peesident of the aaBodation.

—Mrs. Kebert A. uutebooA^ will entertaui.^B^bIeheo> Gpod Housekeeper^' Club—te-Miaa Roberts Satorday aftemoon^ June 30. The meeting ia fo be patriotie in character and 4very njember is requested to be ti aidy. (aJSOKmdL to the roll call with an appro-pnate quotation. "•;. ••;

—The SoutbernV Railway will offer reduced r6un<] trip excur-aion tickets la Boston, Maaa., July 6. 7, and 8, for thei meetin|i of the Benevolwt'aild Frotedtive Order of EHn. pi^eta wili be

sale at prinequd stations in on Virginia, exaept; from HarriBoa* burg and i^tonsediate -stationa to Washington. _ '" . ,

-Dr. C. IL C Johnaon, who

council in the iaterett of the lo­cal train sei»jee, reported-tiM^ranks trains No. 17 aad'^^diie herie m at 0.22 p. m. and |? a. Bv) be* tween Washingtoiiand Wamnton will be chntiaued. ^~ ~^^

-of Gasiiawa ,'W« Vi*> ia recover-ing from «g"gptHitiott for iwea-dicitis m tbe St tal. Charleaton.

l<>aneH Uoapt-W. Va. Mr.

Longwell is die ekler aon of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Longwell,

— H E ; William Claade Griggsr who spent the winter w9ii his unde, Bev. J. F. Borka. iSt Wednesday for Chester, Pa. Mr. QriggajgaagradBated^ laat week from MwfuwiH Ki Schod, reedving ttw eehdarsfaip to the UniverBiiar of Virginia. Boring bia atay m ManaasaR "Be haa be§fi (tftiiig'l^pwapB^^t. 6f Trinity Epi

South, Manassas, Rev. T Q. Burr,

cruiting officials say this "first to fight" organization will reach its authorized strength of 30,000 men before the close of the pres­ent month, after which a waiting list for enlistment will be main­tained.

—At a called meeting of the town council, which was held Monday night at the Town Hall. Dr. C. R. C. Johnson wasefected g _ „ a d^egate to appear belare the---Wooisey—Fir»t Sujiday, a p. State Corporation Commission

Rrdhm6na""Wedne8aayr fgft-in rivft tft ^he propoaed changes in the train service on the South-em Railway. The motion was offered by Councilman Nash and seconded by Councilman Ami^r-ton. Dr. Johnson's expenses were paid, by.._tiie town. The

were:— Messrs. D. J. Arrington, C. E, Nash, C. R. C. Johnaon, Albirt Speiden, H. D. Wenrich and C. If. Larkin. Mayor Wagener pieaided. - — —

—Miaa KlJTiaheth Johnaon, thf

New^ yotmger daughter of Mr. and Mrs;' Joaeph. B. Johnson, of Clover Hill, has received tfie' degree of (feetor of^Uk>aopby from Johns' Hopkins University. Miss John­son, is a graduate of the Manas­sas Institute and x rODcfaerCol-iege, ^ Baltim<»e. She is to be cOngn^lated upon hi^vingjtt-: taiaed to wEat is coiiiiratesed~oH« of tbe greateat aeadenue degreea in America, tor the Ph. D. of the Johna Hoiricins ia pwhiq^ mwe eagerly aooght aftarUiait tiiMtrf:

calflfg** I any other inatitation in thetaonr

School. ^-Mr. Vetfon W. Saunders, as­

sistant cashier of Northmi Neck Stater^Bank (Richmond eoan-"tyVr& position which he haa moat ae<^itobly "filled, HM»-4>e«nq?^ p o i n t e d assistant payi^uuter, with the raiUc of ensign, in the Naval Coast Defense Reacrvca, for a period of four years. SaondcMra is a bzbtbe: R. SaonAsra md Wu formerly I' eaq;>loyed by lus brother hiereT

, -Zhr, Ufiju. liftnkford. <»e ot Horty years tiia the mo^ :pnminent '^yaciana of Norfolk, drta>ped jead MoO'

went to Ridmiond to oraferiritii the State Goporation Commiwrion as fl rfprMimtitlTf nf r>»* rawn I arm* w^jf Y wini|Mny «rf fcnmg

guarda when he stepped from and fell forward CKB his

UoL He wsa sixty-fpco- yeara gWaud laa^ea Aim auus, uug^ef whom is Dr. livnis Landft^d. jr.^ now la tha tcvoebai in Trance.

-Mr. William H. Longw^r ~ ^ » : Forest Cole, Mx. &mth'a director ^iimaie, uid MiaB Luira Hoagliad. aecompamat, ^pai t , Monday in HynsooBiury, wboe JCt _Smitlr recmtly ooBdoetied

fortberty at ManaaMa. and r gBStas ofHiHiaogfattry. brother of 1

-Mr. FHderiflt S. Baykr. who haa been onployed for sey-eral months aa bookkeeper for the Manassas Feed,. Implemait I^xnpu^ has ac-cepted employment in StaunUm. Mias Eliiabeth DiekeaaT of Brifc .gg^^y^"*" c h u r ^ tow, who has compieted.. the bosinesa coarse at Manaieas Hfigh School, has taken hwJ^h tion with thejiqmpanyjiere. _

— Dorsey E. Fair, a native Fairfax county, (Bed at his home in Alexandria Friday, at the age 'jf fi fty-seven. H e waa paralyzed leT e n years ago. Surviving membera of the family are his •*:fe, ^ho waa Hiss Lacy Renoe. .r. .•,: "- - of she sate John Renop.

• .1 - ; v a "a' • = "? Arc :;t"

sdceeasfal eioHne

pey, nnce this university is ous the wprid over for its distin-goiabea aemevonencs^m vsndia fields and f<v the many eminei^

itsEftenhy, jjhirafr the first institution in America to become areal univeisitar, that is. to offer gradoate worl^ ooch as. before 6otUd only be bad in France, and Gernucny.-^'

Miss^<dins(m.aliao&u tjie disr Unction'of having w<m a Jc faba HopJcings feUowship^ for ^I»S»B-c«Bive years prior to taking the

3 p. m.

Sundajr School at 9:45 a. m. PreaehiDK at 11 a. m. Junior Epworth League at

Senior Epworth League at 7 p.

Rev. C. K. Millican's appointments follow:

Sudley—First, Second and,fourth Sun­days, 11 a. m.

Fairview—Second and fourth Sun­days, 3 p. m.

Gaineaville—First Sunday, 3 p. m.; ihM Md afth .SiinriayH, l lA^nu

Bristow—Third ana fifth Sundays, 3 p. m.

Weodtawn—ThM and fifth Sundays, m.

UNtfED BKETHaCN-Churchea. Rey. L. C,

sick, pastor. Midland—Firat and third Sundays at

II a. m. • Buckhall—First and third Sundays at 3 p. m.

Aden—Second and fourth Snndajrs at 11a. m.

"Song* of Love and War." a coUection of\tbe beat poenu of the late Dr.^H. M. OarkMHi. $1.00 portpaid AddraM THE JOURNAI^ Manaitat, Virginia^ . .

I wiH bet opta fc . neaa June 2 at Randall' ^ Gange. ' Cidl on me fi^

Attto Repairing,Gaaoline —Oil, TirM^ Etc " ; -

2- Mapaaaaa, Ya^


"AUTOMDWLE.-, Upon recfflpt of Money Chder

or stamps i(Hr 50 cents we ^will mail y b c % hack i>ni[>t«ifiing a


iFor Victory and Peace^ Your government has called upon you ty do your share towards making the "Liberty Loan of 1917" a rousinj? success—and without delay. Have you given the matter serious thought? Do you fully realize the importance of immediate action?

Soldiers must be clothed, h o u ^ , fed, trained,.. armed and transported; and it takes—MONEY— MONEY-MONEY-to carry on the gigantic un­dertaking. '

Your Duty as a Citizen is to 3uy liberty Loan Bonds

Our AUiea are doing their full duty towards the -causeifif JMtice snd freedom^ You must not be

MONCY to the yreat cause.

" We will count it a privilege to enter your subacrip- ^ tion to the ' 'Liberty Loan of 1917." We make no charge for this service.

The Peoples National Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

Our Slogan: "It is a pleasure to serve you."


Z& Hanassas^aa^ef^ Hi


W. S. ATHf T. Propriator. FuraibuK and aU kinds of

Sae_fi3c_fitIts? ownmqditoM (Komptly transferred or delivered^


Having determined to deyote wa ^ o l e time to'the Real Estate and Insonmce busin^s,^ we hereby Bog^RaHjroperty~f«r sale 'and

propertyto torn io stiBDte tbiit yoa willnSe'^Qo^* , , - - - -i., j^ifiJ&^aiat ffi* mdbla&MperT ^ wie aame wit^ oa prwnpOy; feetly as if painied by an v t b t

WRTTB TODAY Diqxmt DependaMe Syrtem

We te a«a ia i r l r Willi >U M i

- 4 k hHwi£fiTZE-«rccyr

Ml Ml I r,a«IWi>«-' Manmmt.Ya'


MANASSAS. VnCDOA. C* A. MMBtcooMfx* v4imit^ Ayettt. Mb. Uffiu V. GObert. Cevalr Hene

DataooatntioA At««l. ^ 4 * . K. ^VatMW, A«ri«u|l«ral PirecUr, A

R S. and AaM. Co. AcalM. . _ _ • WANTS " ^ '

—1 Miieh cow. 1 Jersey orjGrade Jersey milch

Cow iDTTamUy use. - 1 Good farm hand, house and

1 Jersey milch-cow. Seed cam. T — — " 1 Red PoU buU calf. St^oe toD>ato pka^.

OFTERIN^ 6 grade Berkdiire pigs.

•^ 1 used one-horse com j^anter. .Seed cOm, > 4-fied^>0H-baflcaIt: 2 Pore Dred Jiersey cowsr 2 Pure-bngd .BwkriiiTa pig*/


doctcv's deigreethis Jane-

For the first time in tlian ^laaair

indep^l^t candk&te for lite bouse of delegates dppomag |fee

dayTugnt tn tne Bines Armwry DantgnOfe iiumiiiee: at Norfsft. Dr. pmkfwd waa | c. J. Meetxe, Deaooeratic mem going ^ throogh t ^ manoat ot|ber tor nx yeara, and who was

j peakezsliipfocff yeusagor&iied to qualify as a candidate for re-nomination, and C. A. Sinc^,

papers in time. antomatieaHy be­came the nominee. Itoetae iiaa announced tiat Jia.wai bea^^p^' didatrin Uie ffMieral aleJetkn. This eoaatyJa. ati(Migly Doio-

Two years ago Mr. Meetse for-can-•^wttof

wo years ago Mr. Meetse to mc na declaration of i

campaign. A wann gaary in the genoal election. extended by the


—Ilie Jooniat js-a cecopt «f w photograph of Corporal Clifton S. Hutchison witb.lfae -m^i the United States ambulance

and tlie eleet(»«l board was on-aUe to print hia name on 4hik

altliuugU llarr AJ^ft«tttww —y^p i i im^tw* - ! -wmrm


I MadAtary

reunion meeting whidi waa held during the after iaop in—the TTethodiirtt" chaKh. In the e v e j M l J U - | A - Q A | - F t n ^ . M i s s Hoagland gave i i T * ^ - ' * ' " - * ^ * ' " • ' • * ' • utvau reciliJ ami lif>-C<ie sang-to a congregation whidi filled Ae

ntea cows

sett, lad., putting together one of—the anrtratances with which they are training. Mr. Hutchi-

Uoo- i« the eWeat aon of Mr. O. C. Hutchison, of Havmarket. He was working in Chica^ K*tnniuiL thettme sf The calTfor volunteers and was the first to offer himself :n a ho...-o of 4* ' yo-r.jj men.

lowii, 16 Mtd lliitTTrtiiib j^i!S,i cuimiBimg BftSade Jeueja. stetm and Gngnseys. ITiia la a. rare thince" to get wme good cows for family or dairy ^Ka>

Terms wnnie^'madej

stock We have a mce stpcK or me toMowmtr gftCiuiiCTy that we are^iaj»4>o«ti6nto oHerywiaLt a good price;

GMU King Manure Sprea<fen, Hoosier Complanters, DrOkand^

Case Ploiys. mtemational Pivot Wlicd CuItiwrtfflcSy Dearing Raket,

Moirers and Binders

known on day of sale.

E. H

AI t A E C - . ^

? i »>*»*« £R

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. EVETRYTHING FOR THE FARM I

Page 5: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

rvS JUB =»» •••••I " - ^ » MANASSAs j>y^K!f5il-. PRlOAf; dvWZST 1917


spending the week with relatives in Franklin, isouthamptoncounty

•• a>ifc»jm>irt fi.. May spevL J.. week-end in I uray.

Miss Aniue Stickley, of Steph­en's cily. is spending the sam-roer with her cousin, Misa Edith GrejEOiT.

Miss Helen Payne is spending the week in Washington.

Miss Lucile Kibler spent the week-end with Mrs. Julia MiUa.--

Mr. Cornelius Harrell, who i» at the officers' training camp at Fort Myer, spent Sunday here with itbi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harrell.

Mr. W. A. Hammond, of Wil-iiston, Fla.f^as been visiting friejtids j[n Prince William and Fairfax, returning from the Con­federate reunion at Washington. Mr., Hammond sierved with the Palmetto regiment at the first battle of Bull Run.

Miss Alice Baakerrille, of Boyd ton, Meckleobnrg coon^. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. K. Burgmn, at.her home on West street.

Miss Ruth Pearson, of Newing-ton. has been the guest of Miss Mildred Harrell.

Mr. Ferdie -G. Cockrell. who has joined the United States Navy, this week visited his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cock­rell. ^ ^

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson have as their guests at "Clover Hill" Mrs. Johnson's sister, Mrs. Helen Tomlinson, of BellevUle, Texa^ «Bd her daughter. Miss Virginia Tomlinson.

» Miss Edith Smith, of Washing­

ton, spent the week-end at her home nea'f Nokesville.

.Mrs. Smith, the' wife, of the evangelist, and their baby daugh­ter, who have beenstayii^attfae family home in Noaokt jConn. ajre expected in Manassas next week. Thciy will be the guests of Bja^ and Mrs. J. F. Burks, at the rectory.

Mr. uad Mrs. Fewell L. Athey, who have beea living in Manas­sas since their recent maniage, returned to Chester, Pa,, Tues­day-

Rev. Edgar^Z. Peace has as his gu^HiM brother from North

exrd..''':;5f:iiSj^„l*:^aiOT COURT kmm Carlin, will «Tive Sunday to spend tfeg g£ekJa JJ aaaaMfte as the guest of Rev. Gypsy Smith, _ , ^ .

report, heretofore aside; cause recom Thornton Davis, master commis­sioner, for f uther report.

The Qoantico Co., Inc., against Lee Lumber Co., Inc.. et als^ cause dismissed.

Fannie Harrison Cole against William W. S. Cole—decree an­nulling marriage; eldest child awarded to respondent and two younger children to complainant

John Hill Carter Goldsborough, MaryHjIfGoldsborough, Mathevf. Tigfaman Goldsborough, Gharies Shirley Carter Goldsborough and Baok Tumor Goldsborough vs C. M. GilBert^ecree" declaring complainants, or their mother, LavifiiaTTilrner Goldsborough, to


r u d a c placed | aui ig«r; Hii last. cr«w. His f in t pUlow, straw; His )wt . •a 'avrK of->haf»i. . ^


^Jfe^^^Mcctze F a i y to I P- -- ? ? «-'5-Lt_tee yms^y With the Law

Manasaas, V a. Junr '::>. Mr. W. N. Lipscomb, CKa:

i r » i r.

and relatives. Give me those three letters, s-i-h, and I'll tell you why there* is stckqiess and death, hospitals and jails, peni­tentiaries and insane asylums. Sip is the undertaker of every

June 20. 1917. In view of*lhe intimation con

tained in Mr. C. J. Meetze's pubr lished communication that I, as chairman of the Democratic com­mittee, refused \o receive his papeffr>«s a candidi|te for dem­ocratic nominee for the House of Delegates, l-giveio-f uU, i>alow, the letter which Mr. Meetze sent me with his papers, which not

<.u u^i^ ^ *u^ „ . I only shows he tendered his papeos the tasa Of the •«P«»« g ^gyloo raFe,T)urffianie ^niw

Dear Mr. Lipscomb:—I an; seeding you by Mr. E. K. Conner

'\ paign. 1 have been

^3 in the Iefl'«*'''>t These papefa shot


turned fnwL an extekiied: stay in Washington.

Miss BeoIaU Griffith, ofWasE-ingtan; wan the-j^ek^gd g^eat of Ifiaa Othello WJUtama. T~~— -yfae. MJ.. Miau Anna Coctean

- = f%T. and Mrs. KeoheiJOebkins. ' Mr.jftankE.Brown,^Wash-

Miaa CUua Lamb has returned trom a fortaight's visit to her aunt. Mrs. James F. GuUek, in Washington.

Mrs. Frank N. Buck and her inlle daiuEht^,^of Portamoqth, are thfi. guests of Mr. Boek^a mother. J i n . B. C. Back.' Mr. Budc viffited here last week.

Mr. and Mrs. RobertTiC^dr

hav»^inh*nted an interest in the -««»^-o*--the gatei of- heaver, tHfd no dtseretidn inIhematter^ dower lot described in the bill and proceedings, from J.' C. Car-4;er,. an interest - from Loughbor-ough Carter and an interest from Mary Jane Carter, and that the mother of the complainants is not exchided from a participation in the division of the dower lot; eomplunants declared heirs-at-law of their mother; H. TlxMrnton DaTies^-fluster commissioner, to repwt, if required by complain'

fiineral. The IBible ia forever true, The wages of sin is death,' but like a—. These three letters are like away back in the Garden of Edeax. The great medieal socie­ties would honor the man who, can permanently cure leprbsy, but,nike sin, there is no cure this

Only Christ can help you here. Big doors very often swing

he was a day too late wneo he teat them in.

As he admits he knew, the time was put oaJFYiday, and undeir the law, which he hdped paM,

v . « ^ ^ ' S i T ^ ° ' i i t - ™ » * « ^ f t « 8 ^ ^ ^ date of the aooner get hold ot\tfae hoys aott

Mr. Earl D. MerrilMias re­turned from Cornell University and ia spending some tune wi^ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.TF. MemP.otSSilBftdEifcgilt^^

Mrs. Yelia*Dv.Crain, who has beat viriting het^nstor, Mrs. Kwrell Larktn. and hutWihet, Mr. J. B. Beid. has rettooed to her home in Waahington.

Mrar- BeaalirXr EW<1*. h»-»^ I Mr. ana^Mrirl^tte^ Whert«; t ^

ment to Lavinia Turner- (Jolds-borough,'and value of estate of icAm HUl Carter at tbe time of his death.

haye^had as their gueyta recehW lionCT^flhis county.

Hardd<Hi.and Mrs. S. E. Hotehi-soia and Mr. and jyita-. W. P ^ Wibno. dtof Aldle. : >" "—^~

Uni. Levi Cochran, ontoctc^

Mias EH»beth Kitc^ofMadi-[of Washington. andMiaa Laura son county, has been thie guest Lewis, of AlexMidria, titiaweek of haa brothe8rift4»w and^siateiv were the guests < fMr> iHud Mro.

p. R. Lewis. Mils MauT Roszel and Charies

L. Ledman appointed commis­sioner in~e^mcery to sucfieed C, Jj*Meetze, resigned-: -•-:~-~^:

h. Ledman, commissioner in diancery,.aroointed bailoommls-


Ch^fdi W a Cdabrate

. W e (Rev. Sig$a Z. Peace) erietakte the 4S9&i SBB^

vetBKj of the ItefonhUiAft b«-canse a monk, unheard bf up to

girls than all the old rummies, "I would sooner have these

chQdren saved and on a height than to go down to the bottom to save old soaks. God does a fine thing when he saves and brightens tiiese little ones, un­marked by dn.

"I caa BOO In my mind's ( ^

and no authority as chairman to receive the papers

filed Ml yesterday, but on account of the old soldiers' reunion, and he patriotic meet­ing which I have been taking part injl amariaokmd th» date I •hould have filed the papers, thinking it was 30 days befwe election. However, I gave notice on the 6th through the pap« that I was a candidate, and I had my papers out on Tuesday.

I callied at your office this p. m. with thae papers but ~y6u WMfS ouL I would come in person, but have an engagement, and Mr. Conner said he would deliver these papers. —

Yours truly, —:—'•~ ' C.T. KEETZE:"

This letter was received at my home on Saturday, June 9. 1917, atSp. m: ^

primary on the first Tuesday tn+~- .——W^ii.JJPSCOMB, August, which is August 7th. It further provides that a candidate shall qualify by filing certain papers, including receipt for fee, with the chairman of the com-mittee-at least sixty days before the date of the primary, that is bf June the 8th. If only one

Maaman's wite> sitting sebbing and grieving when her huaband had beeii stricken wit^ the vile disease, and the little Bi^rew maiden who had been brought up as a captive slid-had been adopted by the wife as a maid, { ^ t i learning the cause of .hw ^stresa aBe iiefe the^ eaptaiaV wife<)f. the wonderful P ' ^ ^ EIBTO. who, she said, confidently. could effect a teure. Naaman, bdmg a man of influence obtained a- letter from the }dng of laraei jHSd-aetout to TtaitEliriia with « large pregfent and mwiey and a


tetinlie of sa-vantB,and soldiers. - "All are familiar with the Htary

in the BtUe: bow tiie King of XiE^ was terrified, fearing it

Roszel. of Alexandria.' yiaited this time, dared to B ^ S * agstoar Mrs. E. A. I ^ b Saturday. tbe worid^md^dawd to nail upotf

Httle have return^ .from.-Catonsbville, Md., where they were tiiegaeats of Mrs. Bevans' siatar, Mirs. Ar-^Mii;H.Oi^w.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Retsswr have returned te their h«atto«e«

MisB Rena ftyanf^B^BBfuf-fiaatem Cdl^fe, made ar^np to Fmquier eouniy this wedc in the interest of the college.

Miss Mary RosseU '^waters and Mix Masr Cohrin. -of GuI* pepOT. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, BywatOtff _;

Ma and daua^rt«vin-hiw, Mr. and Mrs. WK EU MT. of Briatuw.

Miss Beasie Walker, who is at-tending the nnrsea' training

w e ^ ' vacatiimTierewiarter father, Mr. W. Jl Walker, and i i» aialer, Mra. L L. ShafH«tt

Meaars. L. E. M«Khaiil,_WaJ^ tar Keyt and KmH Waters and

ICaa ^^i^ia C. GardnCT, of slumbering world It «wne as a Feoot Royal, was the «tMat of IfraT C. M. Larldp-^edaaadbiy, en route to Chariotteaville;

Mjn«i 1 nlu P, MfttTi, MMTT ? « iK>oi^^!g*ogy«^ in thia. many men wet*

Ii mjLW. of Manamas, and Mitt Ella Lee, ofaayinarket.leftTuea-day to attend thesunung Bdaooi at the Umveenty oi Vir^i^a.

M4- Vmla Keya. of mmtriaa,. imotored to^istwww last week.

Mr. and Mra. WiOiam Pafoe Meredith auL^ttle Misa ^rhna Meredith hM^e returnef from s^^mfftoB to apttid—thA

. BBeEJBfiBtflfi. Dr. Theodore Landi, rf Luray,

a former residenf^ waiLthe gueSt ftf Mf. "SWTHt

tmS^ R:^S^BrowB;

_j|r_attide,:W^ _8radf€cd, Harriaonhorg, is ^eiiaSig

the ehureh dear of Witte^iba^ a ^^ateoopit^fhefiSEelpIeffta^^ in God's Word. He taught 'm«n to find tr^k tha«ui that 'mt' loaded the burdens of iHooa aoula. He opened the wa;; and pointed them back to the F^her. To a

meant aum«» IrJekyjeiitfaM clothes «nd prepared to defend bimseif The aged intiphet heard of vthfi

' vbit and aaked that Naaman should be sent to him^

^ QB! rbeliere that leanjreach

oaoers within

Chairman DemoeMitic~~CoQllty^ Committee.

A Called Mcctinc of the De^no-cratic Q>uaty Coaumtlee.

There will be a called meeting of the Demoeratic County Cona-mittee of mnce WiUiam (joonty

the time, there shall be no pri­mary; and thit^^ndidate shall be declared the homioee. -The law TS very plain.

As Mr. Meette admits, ithe sixty days expired the day before. he*tendered hispapiri: ~". ~~~

The State papers had published notice after „ notice of t^e time for some weeks, prior to this date; and warned all candidates that the time ex^red Friday. June 8tii.

I shall engage 1tr~nor ContrO versy with Jlr. Me tza~'A>nbwh-

the intimatibn that be filed -bia papers with me in time.

on Thnraday, Jane 28th, 1917, at 10:30 a. m. in the CourtHouae at Manassas, Va. • :it'i« important that all mem­

bers be luesent. _ _ W. N, LiPScoiiB,

Chaiinnan DemocraSc Coaa^ Gommittee.

{une20, 1917.

ra^ I i ^ b

'?. A meeting of the stock holdora of Manassas H<»ae-^ew Ccan-Mny will be held in the M. L G. Buiklihgat4 o'clock p. m.. Sat>-tuaday, June 23. 1917. ^ win please be preBenL The post catda.

letter, as a complete answer, to • Ast^ »f mm fh; it »horiid haw been aa first above fltatedi


tiback and atutled it, «ivi«K to the world the ErotMtant church:

a sermon tonight that wffl change _^ every Mie here; i f yoii will. If yog are not willingit you have no w<«»i«i>.i> i] qrit'-K thft mrtiiaynrin Y d i

naut realize^tiiAt without God and Christ you are lort. I may make some of you mad. wad I may start some of you thinldng. InTeitfaer case I am glad; f o r l t

Hie cinse oTour oeldMration ia. rest<iration of Qod's word-to hia

» ^^^ thrptata and ttflvattiafceriBraflr —^^SOOJOO - Far

to- be focmd who piefei'wd to statethdr own ideas r ^ s tbanJggj^ » those THMiapI^ found in the^*^ Bible. Juat as God had com

Siater sedna, oi isroouyn. x^.jmanded the Im^tea to set yp

ITlfllnM Vi i i lT""

Mr. Fbiert Cda. pi»»» ineed^kom^^hft J ignorance which reaoltad frem j- Mr.Ptoi^WaUe, ofWoodrown^^^^,^,,^^^^

, : w a 8 ^ ^ l ! t _ ^ J l r . W. J.J' The Lutherans of this section. Wi^er and family yentoedayr

iwn wtnt tiy Weehipi taq hY anto


' % the theatre Tuesday night. J. M. Anderson, Mia Anderson and

*.™ n- - „ . _ — — Hoa»e of Delegates of Virglr&.~ I be-mn. « - • _ kp-Hauirh- l"*^* ^ conduce in the past four -

, tura^^fEom a- visit to ner gaugn. -geg-^ff^nts '^^ I a»k je« ^ t« Ur.


"and Mrs. Rubert| amu* W, Adaawm, iat JE^et«^pTj -Mise Nancy Green, of Paris.

Fauquier county, a graduate of ilanassas Hig-h School, has been Xhe guest of Mrs. S. T. Weir.

M.-b. L.'^^ ' " n.of UppernHe,^ .-,^,',„..-1 .,...-.«• her daughter,; Mrs, S- S- r.jrr ""-

Mrs. ^mima ^ g i e and ~ Joaepbine motored^oMewt Vemoatoday^

Hiaaea Wataon

g. J. AfAggtegg Mr. and Mrs.

who came to the Gyiwy 8mllJi eciweeer fetat^ed tethgir JmifcAt JjlTU acmbarg.

Mr. Edwin A. Nan<», a prom-li^tTawyer of S h ^ y vllte,T«uu.. | to it,

_» _. , . . .* ^t Vf a iv l Wilnam County.

was the recent guest otjar^^naj^ i iieigi.t i.ii>-ii»>ieeiptte people d Mrs. R. B: SprinkeL -

Mra. R. J- Adamson has re-<

have made progrees. It ia not tbe preaeho'a place to come be-fofe 70a and iay itoucatjUnga. It ia Uie ^eaefaw's dpty to tdl

(][IR[ADH0[H[1IB!H0AIKND Now is the tune to plan your exhilnt for tbe

STATE FAIR |aCHMMmP..3riL.^yiPi OCtPBER a - i 3 . 1 9 1 7


«i«.aooti -r^Mtd, • i idt teeb«kM(«Ci ^Stfbia

and to do aU in taa piwrer to make of eiKk f«f'yioa~ i'~ foQSww' of


pfllara as nwmoriala tu Ihuii €^|—Uavag^ (okdedBd 0 ^ reaigna^

It is fitting that we ahould re-

including the-dtiea of RidrnKmST Misses Virgfe and "Joiephme [KSrfakT JNewpOft, Newa rad


wiUbold a cdrtration at Harri-ae^mrgv: July 1-*. ij'mly" 3,000fHrge for

-people are expected ~to—attend

A CARD^ VotcCT and CitiMaa of Prince.

Wi" Prince WiUiam County that I sh«fi be 7l uli l« * t» •««c«aimyse inn th« next Everybody i* invited jo

sent at this celebiii^n. Some of

and trow I "yottri on aU mattera._ TfiHilCfit^ yoQ fi&T th*? Ifoiwi wuich fwi

have alreiay c»nf erred upon me and the eonftdaoca repoeed, and with a renewed proRHa* and a«termin>tion to better •erve you in the future, I am.

Very aini'ercly, , HRIS J. MEETZE.

Special Reformation music, BMat 0^ it writtoi for the c«l»' brationa of the year, wilh be ren-

Agrieoltorai High School to thai I H E J A N N U A | * IwWitotiiaiiktfae

bawd. Ml tyfer, the teachers of the high iiri gT*4*^ Tfh Tflti ftf anr^tifl the etodgpta witii whom I have woiiced. the teaehera of the coun­ty, t ^ newspapers of Manassas, Sto oaai^tAoei board. Mr. R. n iKMk u>«»board of aunenriaots aadtka peof^ 9i iha eoan<7 at

m mf woit iMT^lsodpencMB for Sie paft two

Although I auL <F>itting t|ie tnafihing pr^eaai«B, aft« an ex­perience of seven youa, thep i^


H«nM, Cattte. 9b«^ and cfaifrilr ndnd i» Vbgtaia.

in OUMT DayiluwiHi aiM^ hi^adiiia

SMKKKOO-For lliwUcMlUiral & l * H a - $ t , 0 0 O . « O 1917 niCMIUM C i O M M U i : MOW READYL



dered^ a carefnily-jieked aodiiescbeel taaehar and tfas^soBk traiued claitt ST^tme hQndred|achool-eyid diatt always hare a;

warm place in nyaffectieBa.' In -of government, and

we have the beat system in the the: dmrch'a naaat _tdrigatadiwnrki,-L ftffnaidCT noticing fff »a sy k^pt

Booae to aee wh<>tyt toed ^apeakws wiU be present A f e»-

Prof. Schmidt, of Mary fiaUwln Seminary. of_ Staunton, along with his choir.— —

much importaooe as the trahtiM. diiMren of our natiffii.

Sincerely, B. K. WATSON.

Twenty-two Classes—4 teeiik

Chase F,a€h Day Loet—Open face, I6-jewel El-1

gin watch. Case No. 7096303,

{1 tVr 3 r p a r

t For sale—1,000 Whit» T '»gbom j movanent No, 10691290. Liberal f - THT. JOURNAL, hens. Edward M. i v.c. jainea-'reward for return to B. K. Wat-tn advance ville. Va. It .3on. - -'

Merry-Go-Roimd and Ferris Wlieel and Other Amusements

Page 6: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

Ttic. M N A S S A S JOUK. n . j - 1 , iDAV, JL^'t"^:!.'' li 'l? -^




Tfi ftffftct. September 24. 1916. Balnijnlg Cj;a(«( paUUhad ODIT W loltr-

••ttou "aol giuniiteea:"

SOUTHBOUND. No. 0—0»i\j lool , 8:30 a. m. Deliren

Quagadiily «To«irt Snnriij In -othcft At m y gate,-ft^^w* • o A - I - p * ^ telofm--mr buatCM ^OactwtiB^ wn-bur-C. 1 0 . for OorttoosviLle and SickmoDd

°I}o. 43—Daily tltxoagh train for ChAriotte. —tOlilS'a. mTortlt atop irManMua OD fliji.

Mo, 17—lEzcsptSauday, local from Waob-imgtaaXo yarr»nU> p.m. ^ o . 16—Daily local tv Warranton, Char lottaarille an<lway>tatioiu,5:12 p.m. Poll maa Parlor Car to Warreotom.

Mo. 41—Daily tlmragli tnua, lO:4Sp. m. atop* to let oS pataenfcera from Waaiuagtoa^ agii AJaZaadria and to taka on panwiigrin (or^BDnraMAiahj^iedaled to atop.

NOBTHBOOMD Mo. 18—Ezo«pt Sunday, local frOib War

faoton 10 Waahington, T:UO a. m. Ho. tC—Daily tfaroo^ tn ia - batwean

OtarioUaarilla, Warrvntoa, Minaaan and WMkiqgton, 9:05'a. B.

Mil. I t Daily ham HawiloahitfgtoTfaafc-ingtnn, 8^47 a. m. Palhnaa. Parlor Car.

^ o . iO—Daily local, 2:10 p.m. C O O I M ^ at Oranga with O.A 0 . Railway froo. Hicb mond tad QordoaaTJlla. — • - —

No. 2»—Daily, 8K)a > m.. local train b^-twaeo HarriaonWg, llanM»a« .and WaA-• on. ' "^

ed off. It was not long betor« I was making love at higb preaaore. Gwen did not be«m averae to listealng to my rhapaodlea, but ^he made no retnm In kind. B«8ldea, abe showed tier mntter-of-tectnesa In otlier iraya. For In-•taace, I gave b«r a. book r«ek« band •(Knely inlaid, one of tboae con-trlTancea to put on a stand to bold t tfoaen or ao clioic« books. Not \oag afterward ber little brotber knocked U dff the stand and broke t t ( to ld

^ i » i th«t;J -would -bav«-It- mended for her. Sbe^siia ttaat^4t-jro^d_ca« more to mend^lt thitb tt ir<«tb.

— Thla reply w a a ^ great ahqc(t to me 1 had supposed tbat tbe KUI< coming

n. 44—-D^ly throof h train betwean M« j i>fr f fwi nni-"^ m^-jSonnd. When i* en tared seriously with Owen

into a dlscflaalon of a fotnre t<^etber sbe again threw a dapnper on. m^

• and Waiiiiiw<ton,6:Si5 p. ta. Mo.36—.Daily tbroo^ tiadk, eoashea and

Jmmjiwtg ^jn for Wft-'-lfl*''- —-I W.w V^wL^ 10.20 p. m., stops oiflaff.

yrESTBouvD Vn 1ft—Tiaily Inqnl f»r Haprnnrmrgggir iatarmediate ooiata, 6:40 a. m. -

Na 21—Daily loeal to Sarriaenbnrg: 5:00p.m

y.HtTAYIiOE, Pass. TraSc Wgr H. F. OABf.OM. Paae.i«t. B. H. D e B t m ^ . Dif. Pass. AnsM.,


City People WMH Your E«g* ftfld thtttftiH-

Shlptbr Pwed Port in « map - '—

75 centi m> SeriS f<Mr cataiogoe and notiO' olars. Meat Carrieni wm fM for yeara—no braakage. No-wnpi nffor labelU&flr naeaaaary

1216 P St, and 1214-» e ^ , V WASHHtOTOW. D. C. ^

Everyifeong Gopct to

My iiiie-embtaBHr~St»pla and Fancy GraeerteT

Qiiften.sw«re, Tin and Ename



New WaB Paper 1 OQ» &ew f tock kaa « r ^

•f U«t year'* atock at the. old price. Come^eJoee, it ia all aaid.

FMlesWaUPaperHoisI "Soi i«« o f L o r e a n d W a r , " «

c o l l e c t i o n of t b e b e a t p o e m * o^ thf l«t«> £>r H . M. Chtrkaon .

S I CM p o s t p a i d A d d r e a a T H E J O U R N . \ L . M«nA«»«.« V i m n i a .

Of all tbe girU of our buncb I pre­ferred Gw$a Uerlweatber. Gwen had character stamped In her face as plain-ly as the word may be printed, ^urt sbe was, or seemed to me to be, devoid of sentiment 1 waa full of it. I fell In love with her, ai)d aince ahe was de-»/>M nf what waa bom la me I eodoy-ed her with IL For this purpose 1 bad plenty of imagination and succeeded in coTering ^er-wlth an ideality which ahe did not poesesa.

Tt la aald. and I Utlittrr: ItL that oo-poeites are readily attracted to each

boring a serpent in my fiancee. But I foand it very dUBcnlt to do tbls. It iuTolved my first informing Gwen tbat I had seen her steal There was a re-

froM mft would be e i tawptesatMr Tali>e to ber. Gwen looklsiif at tt In a pecuolAf; ^ay raiber tbaa BtUSss it aa an express ion of oiy tender feelings for her seen^ed to me to tije barbarooa I made no complaint 1 simply went

mote poasibnity that she contd explain her act. but l could not see how ahe ceidd 4 o so sadafactorl^.

When dinner was announced 1 dread­ed to go into the dining roooL <i PuQing myaelf together, I did ao. And that there was something on my mind waa rery ai>parent There were otiiera

4>rea«it beaidea the two girla. and all were dampened by my aaying nothing

wonia~'Vit'«iid looklBg *^t f 4 Aaa-«weriyed • aUb, When tbe dinner was over Owan led me Into the drawing room and. twrntng CO me, a a u ' . '-' —,.:-' ~~=

"Bomethlng treublea you. TtO me

HE? poo-poohed my talk about lore In a cottage—poverty «i»e—called. lt--and btonght up ffiaBg~o5J5ctliM» 'TIT a match betwe«n-ua. I was sbinlllatea by my romance that nothtaig seemed to stand In the way of oor union 1 told her that with lore la oor hearts ob-Ject&MH Were of no moment wfiatever Her r^iy was. •^When poverty c««Bet la at the door IfflTB OiM out of the wto-tow." —:-'-•—-T - • ^ — :: : -r-—

Ttila Waa all the more ciltUliig to me beeanae there were no important world-ly waauaa why Owen and 1 should liot b* married. I wma la receipt of a s la-cdme on property to enable na. to live Qooifivtably. I had, besldea, a good

-was-adTanetng aa rapidly and w a s to be ex»ect»d. I hare noticed It women bav«<a-way oC taring one

tklag ana maaipiiig aaotlier. : Owen'a n a l i4>>etiea to ^aarrylBg me ««•»• out

bad aet h«r apon. a pedestal ~Ss an ob-lect-ef-wofsh^), and ahe • fear^ that whaQ the tims eame—as It teeyi(|tbl7 m u i ooiBe—ftir taking down tho.gilded Imace and potting np ope <rf fleah ju>d Mood my lore would not prove-ta be at the k&id'to eodnre the iCkaaga

This It to

the way Gwen azvcesaed ' 7 o o hare mlstakos

"ipn cpnaUliM'iBe On thationtrary, I

—fer -#ae siiitfclna —aqr t i a t - I

WBwM tug- I T T t *W* » * ^hoaa

«C pay&>it-flwaB sBrtaaTOBaa to beat t t e vandor down and. Catling to to so^

with r<i—toerattott «>c a waaan wkoae aptiere in lUa coodemned ber to

~SCT 11TU4 lii tatt U UflOOr way, eapeciaOy aa alM waa obUgad to B n p • k u f t y looUag child wttk ber wMla-toti^ ao, that I wooMhaf* been glii« to pay d a i M » 4 h * a c t o teksrappiea. - -

I, M M HWbtna III Qmn" abeot tke • • t f a tl—I. but I Uwaaht a-gr deal. After an. waa aba not right in

Caatta would OOMM up to mate troo-bacwwBtar mTkaa and a n ifea

waa very mean and wtan a' bad not aempied to abow

ttatt, I could not but admire her frank' • • • and her wladca tt Iwl f i t t in to • a n y a man who waa {gsoraat e ( It.

Oweu and I were Invited to spau4-a-eoople of weeks ia mldaammer at the eoontry reaklence of a frlcod ot hers. Owen and Miss Emily Tocker had t>een iHiuiilMaHM. and I dM not doubt that VtM Tucker poosessed aay fiancee's coo-fldsnee to a Ca> fraatsr dsfim. tkna^-t did, for if there are tw>o poreona in tbe world who are bent on withholding eoofldenco frem each other they a n an engaged coople. I know perfsftly wtil that Gwen gsTe ber friend a Bat of my rood and bad qualities and certain «lh«r informsttOD atxnt m9 that aba would not mentioo to m>>.

One evpa.n? I » i« «., i>»

ghittmliig to ttw drawiiLj; 1: 1001 wMIe tbe girls were upBtairn tu Uiiiir rooms PftSSln'r T»f " HtHWT .1 h*ftf» -iF^tlgMrl

fitt Hw Wa tifi Willi » miMueut later • Ciwei] i^uluiwl tbe" I was aittinif in a dark cor^eTj a

>I>awiitly diJ not see me. There c.3^ftt^r\(» ID (be .

Which' «eie very rare and some »ery beaattrut. Uwen w^nt to tblii case and took from it a tin; statuette, for which she bad expreiuttHJ atlmiratioo. She couceaUnl It iu ber draiiery and a few mlhutea later patMed- out of the rooai.

Heaven preserve me! My fiancee was a tbief—a ttiief who would steal from her bOMbm friend, who, at the time of the theft was entertaiuiug her. Nerer beforoor since have I ezperloBced such a shock. Surely this waa too much. I could bear with faults In a wife, but n a with Ingratitude and dlahtneafj, Tbe only redevcuing point about my fiancee's actions was tbat abe beaitated to drag me down to her level. She ahraok from marrying a man who


adored ber, be to tlAd oat what aba waa when it was too late.

With all my own faults, I am cer-cposcientlous. I m@Mi; -this

If r do wrony I drtn't attampf tn »w. cuse-myself. 1 deemed it my duty to

what It ta." . X aCuunenld. an 'fftnt of jqy f»«<ng .In the drawing room alone In the gloaming, of ber entry and, snppoalng that she was unobeerred, of my aeeing ^het Jippr^xlate the statnetter -— -

"U la well." ahe said, "that yod bave dlacovered a serlona blemish In mo bo-fore tying ronrsrif up to me for Ufa; UT maternal gzandmother waa m Uep-tomanla& Had~ aba opt bera « lady 1 ^ woiitd hjiva doobtleaa apei^ .tba ittoat of-her iUi» In pifaoB; Bine* abe was a lady ahe wa» teOtnnttv^ a « » man omployed to retarn whnt abajtoto or par tbe bills. I sboOU haro had tbe strength to tell yon tbat I bav* tn-hartted tUa manln, that yon n ^ l i t «Mt — ofl!. I can o ^ any iftnt Lhad JOt tlia iiwirid •inaigtt to to wt."

H « « waa a fhlUng. which, befnc In-bMitad, Owen waa net raapoaalMa for.

yaBd, lorteg ber aa 1 4 M I waoM M C J ^ * haattnta to marry ber and tovota my U&.to ber c a m Jkonld 1 caatharoff

which abe waa Ouut the otberT-

.1 walked away from ber to another part of theTOton. n i a osatter was Of toomndr Importance for n a to daciao on bnpnlae: After paclna back forth a ffew mtnntea I ataopni brfosg Owen, w h o had annk opo^^ii afitt^wtif aaMtober:

"Owen, glT* me tfll tomorrow to^l»-dde_ what c o o a a I ahaU *-fc^ | p rtj.

9fa« made no reply, bat left the tocm. I 4 m r CmSy Tndur cnaao In and « a U

aappoaed tbat A e woidd I would approach bar and take

Asr tn my a n on n y breaat In token that

7M tt* •acigee.' broke Into a k a g h .




ixM^Si m

"A Victrdla in Every Home" mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^m^mmmmmmammmm

—There ia erery reaaou why there a hpuid iai-:1C*hn'a big Hock; anH lEe Tact iEEat you can buy on your own terma in reaaon; makea thia poaaible.

The man who ia working in the open every day and all day at top apeed for Uncle fukoi, proTiding the food fer the o a t i ^ NEEDS aome aort of reoreation aftei' the d*l'!L*?Q![k. -ii oyer. THE VICTROLA IS A NECESSITY TODAY-becauae it providea a amount of pleaaure at ,a minimum expenditure of energy.


"inhe tired outdoor-worker ia loathe to leave hia eaiy chair, hia pipe, and hia alippers for even the moat appealing entertainment elaewhere, but will gladly «t houra and liaten to hia favorite opera, band muuc, popular aonga, recitationa, violin, piano, or Hawaiian guitar aelectiona, etc^ piayed ON THE VICTROLA, and Had the keen-eat enjoyment in them; mental diveraion, phyaical relaxation, and apiritual u|^ifL

BUY YOUR VICTROLA NOW AT KANN'S—Home of Superior Service— — —

Hiwnr nf SFvAtl^ rmrordi

ThiaiaVictroUNo.IV. .$15.00

Other VictnJaa, in all finiahea, at all „ priojSa firdm $15 fo $300 Thbb Victrob No. DC $50



• • • i P

Aateiiatic Fain Gate! Beat Automatic CaAci on ilM M i i ^

attn It urtioert from J reoogniaed the echo aa BmOyii

"•tnpid." Owen aaU to aai eooM yon. bare beoa tooalTOd by a ahaUow triekt Ky grmadntotber waa a minlatet^ wlte and

la made from bfat matate&>ii baked in an up-to-date oven.

ab«Bld.«ee'«<»., IfutmiLM told her that I hnd gtran y«ar a aerera taat I am hapiv that yoa hare ataod tt •aMantryr'— —

haM»««>aalapaaar Into bOUag and ooetag.

f a n free.-to concW that Qwui'a ammtmi-mam and praottgabUlty h a m oouuua fof far mow

I hare mlaaed a aay ro­

mance. I hare mlaaed a certain coea-panVictahlp of appredation in my wife. bat one atay enjoy ideality alone, while management Is necessary for alt pnrtiea concemed. Wbenerer I hare tatkad-*l& tii* dooda^ Gwen has tak«a ma b y t h e c o e t t a t m d T«ited me down to earth. Wl)en.-fltx^of generosity that We could not afford have seized npon ma Gwen has locked np the family purse where I could not (ret at IL ST. €17 year Utat we bare STO,-. ;,%y thar has found a» in b*»tter -r..,>-. . i than tlia 7«ar beforei Cmr prnaparU.-, u act.

"ftat ivur)uiieu. aecept no other. We alao have a meeQUIPC LUNCH OpUNTQt wfaare yoa eaa aatiafy yoor a| >etite. Foil H M af aiMKMtioaarv

J^ M. BELL Aaanathetiea Adniniatered for Pda*



U. L C. JBoildimt,


Section 43 of the Code of the town of Manaaaaa, Va., reads an foUews:

Any person owmng a dojj or bitch,or permitting a dog or bitch to ramais on his premises with­out the prof-er ..c^uae number ahaii be rrr."-

A a v M 4or Your Intiyection— T We areahowing tim toason, w? think, one of the most varied and np-tv^iate hues ever ^lown in -Maiiassaa. We ara ahowinir — a beautiful line of the Sport Geodrin nHnjTdfflerent &ateriiyte__ Abo a mee line of ^k and Cottott EeyKm, CLiigoK l a ^ Etc We havo a niec line of-naamaSsmtable for Commenoemeat Droonafl. — —

i^eesl i^oesl- aioeg! I^oes! eTtave a big up-to-date stock of ShoM, bought early direct

the f actonea at prices way under to-day's maricet, but while they last wearejfoing to give our cnstomere adyMttaggnsTftjif ariY huying. " ^ 1 We have several tables ftrtt of ?umps sad ^x^g^-moatS- -

t We invite your inspection. Always glad to show our goods whether you want to buy or not


l e s St ore M a n a u a s , Va.

Page 7: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE

t I Beef, Lamb, Veal and Pork


Cash Paid ior—Cwmiey-B and Live Stock


iJew Whpn you t^^p^t^^^i*»**^««ffl^^^'^sMvXrmg. a s(»jrf:

or hiirfM'>' pi", fty "ther jewelry, remember we can supply y6ur' wants. Most anything in the

mcErting goods line wUV be found l»«ce—^ \ at «tn attractive iwice.

fafai fepari^ ad FiHwg <iHaa$sel

Ey AUCC LOUISE LEE CocyriKbt by AUc* LouiM X M .

'j|fnrB"g~iinniriir^iinririi~iri~i~'*i—i^i ~~ — * * - ^

Claudia Teu Kyi -k was driving alool tbe boulevard aloiie, ber fiuffy Uttic head full u( iUeaa uf economy, wblcl) •he was eudeavuriug to exerciae for the beueflt of Tennyson Becham, pe­destrian, swiiigiug rapidly down tbr bicycle putb uUead of her.

"Oh, Teiiuy," she called softly, draw-toy ttw tuaie up uuder tbo tree* wbtcfa separated the path from tbe highway,. "I was just wishing"— Her voice dtd not <lni«^ the remark, but an engag­ing dlaplay of dlmplea did aa «be pat­ted tfa« seat bealde her.

" I T w n n M hB i i iTPty ," T«-tnn;wrt^ ^«>p-

nyson morosely, ,'1f It were my trap or giy horse."

Claudia added a laogfa to the dim plea aa the' morose one climbed Into the tiap. - -"Jt^wttl allrtome aome day,^ she continued, laughing gayly.

"It's no laughing matter, Claudia," groaned Tennyson. "Here I am poa-sessgd of a law education -whiehjtet fustlni'lfor lack- of use, a few debts fewer dollars and no prospects"^ . I

"Tennyl" reproachfully. "Only the doleful proapect of having

t o wait etemafly - f o r th* - doamat. Bweetest, daintiest"—

ClaudU blushed and hastened to la-'"" ' Jaw la. tiresome.

Pupa Bits in hill Ithrary all day, and 1

does tliat mean?" Tennyson-.e»pla 1 tied, watching with.'

delii;ht the wise little wriulcle that ap­peared betweeiT the blue eyes and hD<twing that -twenty-four hours would effM<-« all reeoHeetioM of the-rlghta of -emlueut domulu.

But for oiK-e he wa» mistaken. The resiioustbiiities of life were weighing heavily on Claudia, and certain reso-Ititiottw to opdcrBtapdmorc of coonOmr and of law were becoming flaed. She

'^ind forgotten to ask Tennyson what one "kind of property was exegtPLfnKu.

-eondemnation,' Bui there was her fa-ther. — ^

"Now. papa. I want to know some-tblug." she L>egaa that evening.

"I uever got to the table yet but what you bothered iB£_ymL jftur fdOl queutlutig," grumbled Peter Ten Eyck.

Claudia, obllrioui of the acidity ID Us tone, prefaced her question with •^Papa, WTIBI kind of prepcfyeaa't^lK

-don't see why be should Inslat oh your working." I

jltgainTeimyson groaned at herTlew ' point The XMiter Ten Kyck, being con flTi^ >f> t*** h^tmo with th« gout, did sit bi Ua Ubrary aU day, but he aat

J i e t w e ^ a telephone and a stenogra-pbo', with a clerk In the l^ckgroond *TT B ^ii—w»gw> twiy iiff fwi> ai.JHa-«im ] ^ mand.—'

' 8o<« the trap left tiie bonlerard «od plunged dowa-tto ateq^. Monnt TTopf. road into a narrow T«lley. Ati>»-<oot of tbe mountain the nlghway "broke nt into a namber^of vaAe tra<^ travera-

Into one (tf thegs!£Iat>r ingr the valley. dia iiurned tlie mare.

Tbey rounded the e<»iier. and came on « little cabin sarrftnated -by p^fr tdUulMia-MHl L'hlHUett.

^ Kiui uuiiiivd ttvvi lUtt ' mptlmed-tbey to stop.

"Yon kit back thar." came the det«-miBBa fCBBiigHl: "TH ham yuu tuHiw

ilfw faiui' your entlr^ farm? As it It the road wOl cut Ijt up l>adly." ^

scratched hla :b<Md. "<iue»» P'fctjow that. But who'd want to buy the bull tUfig ext'ept^mch another blame £opl aa I was when I bought?"

There was a suppreeoed ezeitemeut In T^unysou's manner which aroused Cbudia's curiosity. Be took the reius fran her hands and tamed the mare alKMit carefully. "Ill be back here in

-three houra or less to talk business to you,'* he said'fjriefly, . »

"How mean of ttie law to go through a msu's pigpen i" cried Claudia. "Can It go anywher^T'' ;

Teuiiy»<oii nave a pieocciipied laugh. ''Yeii. uiiiler tbe Jaws of this state all kinds of property—with one ex<!ep-tlon—can 1* coiidcuined."

"Cni i rp innaH," |. I>T.II I: .< P l a m l l a " W t l « t

law po through ?" The devii:" ejaculated Peter. " Whal

are i:oU talldng aJtwutX* She proceeded^" """

Just suppose a BpBiethlng lUiQ's pigpen^ "Wel t you ! » « » ' one kind of_Iand

«r'" . "You're, enough tA tlttn « lawyer'C

hair white," said her father after a 'pvise:—"PrubaUly yuu mean a ceme-tery." ^Tien he -gave b « a alirewd look *itd asia'uot&lng' more nntii tbey

to elucidate. "Now, transit comgany oi

-y hard'

-^iuttbaiwU can't What H

Tiff flnlsh€d~dliiuei, whea-be asked abrupt: ly, "Whom were yon drtving Wtth ttiU morulng?" '

Claudia raised her brows inqnlrlng-V, T.nntng Hffl-' eBeeT tbongfatrnm

zorefln^er, ' dashingly: "Let me i blaek er-brown?—

Was Us bab

"r>h, yMfr- -»!• vii* »wifti »«»•>••• MM ofy. "Thenjt wae Ten- Mx. Beahami^

"BQ i Butyected—that ncfariona littb poptaljay of a lawyw~wIl58Driliynpv ace who ta trylnjg to mairy money*—

-No, be isn't P*P*rr«ipoi.drf^^€!«i, -^^ ^^^^^^ j ^ exptalli'*-dte serenely, "for ba refopea to man? ai«—that ia, right away!"

That very evening Tennyaon caDed He was in higb ^brtt& "Behold me!^

-mith a mogk btrotc bow. "*t

J e i r e i f and Oprtcwi*-

last I am on the b)xfa roiadtn fame and -rortBB '~~Pam a real eamte-aWBCt,'

"Beany, Teany," excitedly. "KnooKb to build our bouse on?"

TeimrapB tfare«_bl8 bead bacJL4yBg -nrOK Into a p^l « bifUh i^vgBur "There's a boose oo' it. already aodu a pigpen too. I awp tbe land formerly owned by the man wltb tbe gmt" -

ClattdUi'g yyes grew .large and rmrnrt 'Yon>e bought that horrM, deootatt

So als.o ibooght Claudia and.waa <l4Mp-ly grlered over It ^^^^7gM9tMM(femiysdn tbe next d»y, however, alleviated her grief, but aroused ber curiosity. "Dearest" it ran. "1 k»ow I ought not to glTe yon an inkling of the truth and not tell tt an* tntc ^^wnt i i uma uv. luitx yuu win undenitaiid why r nuist -kee|> my se­cret"

Claudlii had never read a note of his where aiitiiipatiun so bubbled over be­tween the lines.- Therefore she was Uo-prepiirwl for bis iiiipcarance wh^n sev­eral duys Inter be walked into the mu­sic . ro^di. Ilia lace was tragic—with

mtut prove satisfactory

or your money back

oA d e m a n d • —

Sugar lOcPound A fVesh supply of Groceries

as always on &and, sucli

Canned Corn, Tomatoes, Cab

bage, C«lery,CranberneiEto

Tie Stsre V H Wffl Ereriufly Uw

SrryuTt OU Stad Mmmi,?».


The way to make two blades of gnaa grown where one does now: gujF the cplebrated Magnesium Lime irom Ltesbutg Lime Co.,

•SB afRTOiiiT u a . BK AHKBDIED.

the ]ime that has-bees sold in < Lpiuioiinand Fairfax forthepast-twen^^five yean, and out pro-" • th«B ftH, and the reason

- ior it isJaecause i t«ontui» M««r-aesimn and Oxf d^of Iron in rij^t proportion to Cidcium Cariwnate^

real tragedy this time. He did not mm IclB^ hl» _ IjUrfy^ fttt fojapd his arms and began with a itttle catch In Ilia voice: 'Claudia, I've come to glre yoo - your freedom. Pm m yenatlwm wreck." . , ; , • -

"Tennyr cried Claadia^- The tears lUed her Us bine eyes. She^tood be-

ly, but it did not draw her doMr. "l 4on't want it—my freedom, I meant I won't tatefr « ! - Whutettr has-hagL pued/'

Tennyson looked .away. ~ "A.: good thter has Just slipped Uirooi^ my fln^

^-unexpectedly sl^tped ^luwiglt Mow, ao long aa th«a»'s no fnrtheir need

Bat be didn't beins intermpted far « call from i l ^ Hbcary. IPttfx Ten Qy«k widied to see both' Benham amd lll» daqghter at oncfe - _ ^

niey-feiad Urn beside Ua taW, U« gouty foot en a cnriiioo.

"Goed<toy> sir." ba said briskly, shtft-tncr Benbam's liand cordially.

Cttndla. regardlnig-hg' XaUitf^ PIMUK

sofa facing lilm. Peter motioned Ten­nyson to a place besfdo her.

"I've ctiied yon In liere," Ten Ejyc* tliea began, "fo ask a favor of.^on. But as * preface. Pll relSto a Mt «C



/ I t "TOO Off naCK rajatr caMaHHi t

-• MiwaB oBsntairak—^—

~ L « t a ^ ^ 3 « j L

TRe ^ i W i w i always enjoy taking jwctows—it

adds to the p l « » a i « of the i]a>'B"uulii«;.

beaadee, taking them i s

W i t h •rirr'^^'^^^ B n m n i e p i f f c ^ a e d ^

iffs Pharmacy 'THE REXALL STORE"

me, dMf.lbai yUtll fmitau't ilU tu Uie

•"Ttonyr sbe expestntated, bst Ten^ nyaoo evaded all fctrtlier qneaticfi» abOBt hJapnrehase. ^Wait antfl^l'ye stneint tiOt OIL my real eatntcu <atmr. and n i ten yon all about It" Ills flanme -cortentf b o t t l e was not.' Sftet

BUnd that tMi 'tm-im private propsrty, and.tbere ain't goln' to be npjnapu»

"How much do yon cluuva for txe» :MT^ Tiiiiili'mlfiTiTi

"I charge more'n you're to poy ao far.

"So far." echoed ^•'Alu'i jotrtBetfonsoHdatsd fcibwr ban Rapid Transit company?" demand­ed tlie man suapicion4^r.

My good sir," ejacn^ red nor even nnited

she leokod hard down the vmU : T. The man came nearer and rested on*

TooToo tie "SnV «* a'THiH VhtR ._ I "Sayr be broke out soddenty. "XIMer.

look 'ee her«. Tliat bbinied agent sayf be ''at* take my land wbctltei OT no: Ho «am he can come

ler UMe, aoiTcant stop bim. Can b e T

mgnmmd Tmsyron in GUudiSt's ear. ThoBhetnmedttrtbe man. "Pm afraia_th»t afeqtJa-tcUing-Ihe UuUi," TO began. Soddenly lietMiw stf^smi lo^asd anWihd.—^MT~l nTT SC.

land do tiief- nant lu rmi "fhe track throoRb?" _Tbe mafi dropped htsjjun a g i point

_jg^^;^jj»- the)Jt oume tight thfOuiB"" VocrlaoD'a dngoot yander and down tbla side of fhe ralley where the grade is eeay at>d anuck tbrengb-m —plague take thHr hides T

Teooyson Interrupted. J3< land do yoo own ber*?^

to boy up a strip of land In Monnr U « ^ T*lky lying nerOM ti» ptospectiTe roitte of the' OwsOMstsd

I s tc\ B.;t .n.h.« UfflA T — . i t n o m n a a T " 'TeanyaoB gasped. _ "TSenyott wdceeded, warily, as yon


dswn-ttao*.' whst «»«et«a«oCltr'

imis>ki tMhtiM vmcH. imemsrsw tqKted .as. he.-«»o«tod,- "The knowl-«d(e tfeatt I was a fooj probaMy." And

Ml IIU HHm^l^SCt^


asuais. SS^WPT

sane, sbe reflected, and her theory waf 'on^tba'Asit oMMMa stryftnened

meetug. wkica w u w

Ttenynoo's face waa aglow with ex-^ A i » e i t _ HI* at4m«.«» often a t n m r were near tlie boOlns potet He waf

snUaUo heme. Bo eurCiaadla'a the­ory—xaa dlst-rwlltwl tbey passed a bMSPMBt iaan4KZ.<Mt <K

'lOcb a Hongartan shnflcd. signs to 'Tennyson.

v e n t be here bat a the latter bnrrledly. as he_ requested.

I n n nmuwMl ba hsa.tUulntd bir. hh face beftiBtax. "At loot *>e one" b« exdatnml.

"Wbatf asked CUodla curiously. liitouiiiHuy re-

- aponae. a t Tblch Oaodia KoppeC (bon lud gasped, too aaaaed for apeeeh- -

—A spite of mlst.hl*f u«jt>rtBto Ten-arson's Tol^e sod shone In bis eyes a* be coDtlSoed; "And it cease dirt 4<haa» tea r v e got 15 left to condnct tiic faoeral. Oh. I tell you, CUodia. P a make It yetT' .

"Ifake v b e t ^ breathed C-teadia in a horrified wLu^per.

Tonr nerwonal histOTT which bss to mylars . '

"tWiional bmihw^ WWHT Mr

tural Department in Year Book 1901, page 161, States that Mag-aesium is BbsotaCgty necessary to plant growth and notllihg else will take its place. Send orders to Comwell Supply Co., Manas -sas. Va.: A. B. Robertson. WeD^ ington, Va.; H. RoUids, Bristow^ Va.»of dix«e^4fr«s andsame will kavc prompt. aittuLiuu. •-'••.»-.•.

Electrical Needs Aiydi«yM vi f t f

tarns ii spfmci bjr Ac l ^ tL

^ U t i i | m j s a « i ••


' * " * . " ' " «"'""'»'»^ a»ntm Bnt at tlie next sentence Tennysoi»Ss

bat^ straightened with a sodden Jerk, "Mr. Benham..yon are theyoong man

who combined wit cnoogh hnA law

Sill In H f r i l ^

hi* bMh» ai y«g HHa.~Tnn time jw-»fn/ltii tptti tliarirr : liorathiK tlir Uoont

"How dW >uu dud out I

Then Ten B y ^ si to tbe 'bow-' TMiii ii^«ir fcnow-Ijir 'VVT.'' rr imi Tnty mnrti iecest to know, since I ^fitorts and gorposea, as will known. tbeSSianUd

-Tmiiyauy's •uuth uiiuitd. Iwt n^. aonnd canse.

"If I hadn't i^oad out Just as I yoottc man. and msffi. *••» suppose yoo'd bsvf tilfd ths Transit ^^^g company a roand nomber of V" "'*"


Tennyson moistened his ttpa. BBt-aeesepUyl waiilJntentlon." _

'Oi'ow.~ t>egan Peter, rabbinc his forehead violently, "so mocb for ths past. The favor I want-to ask of yo« is thiir Will you accept tt» postaon connsel to the Consolidated7"

A Ut;lH broke over Tennyson's face. .juriU If- b«_fiscklBcA. "I

Tnamt- happj-ta «»rre von, fir.'

peifuucrof 1F>. Peter rubbed his forehead a^ain. Hii

voice was air, "i dMn't know," -ho be­gan, "bnt tiwi yon had a return favor to tftk me." aTTd TiCgtiCbCSt ti^JUHgtf atClABdia. '__ - _ -"~T>api!" XTte* CJaudtr T * T * t o thn tipa of ber little ears. Sbe threw her arms, about his neck, impnlstvely kiss­ed his bald bead and fled.

"Better not nm chances of losing in that game, yoong man." sbe beard ber father say dryly, and a moment later Tannyiton joined ber in tbe maeic rooss.


TeO-to siL "lisinJat^ C r a n J I r ^ M ^ ^ B m ^ ^ bo|MHUIH*i U I M B I C I W —

IL.BOOT1B. \ _ i • .B.IAaMV

fflwi fin I HiRAL DA^&. AX JkXTDW^JL, '7'JL.,


on OAPnu. - • - sioo.oos

* -DjsaCTeKa- - -——» • . t .nOOTRK. W.B.MAKt,OW.

w a - m KomBrrt. VZ^T-fOiufeon^Mtmtfnnmt^aut tk''P«<tcd SUt*

diversity rf BrgioB^ K M I sT Pal»Bc5<^ool Sy«t«M ofVirtlnia

DCPAftTMD^3 R t f R B M W n © - - —

CMmtc Graduate, Law, Medi-cm*, Fngnwerinf

LOAN FimOS AVAILABLE to ilasBi I iiig «tDd»al*. f 10 00 omti lo Virgini* sttidrDtt i -DepazlmaiiSa. Seo<2forc«ta

^ ' HOWARD WINSTON, Rrr. iv-rn-


Page 8: MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE 22, 1917 nmr A …^^pflM. *t-VOL. XXIII. No. 5 ESTABLISHED MAY^ 1895 MANASSAS^A., FI^IDAY, JUNE



By EEV. J. H. RALSTON. DJ). Sacnttrr o( C«tT«v«a<«BC« D«p«ri«Mat,

Moody Bibla laMitaU. Chiew>

s a s s E s a s s

HAYMARKET A-lt;x<i rider's Alexander.

Miss I»e©rt«4

l U t L e r .

I TEXT—So thMT* was a dWI»la<i amonc tka people bacauae of him.—John 7:43.

, The division referred to In theiext [was one iHUsed by J««ii« et-N(

—there wag a tU-vision of the peo­ple becAtute' ot hiux. To thU day, men dlvW^ on l>er»ODullty - iiiie IH fftr BiMiSfvelt.


We have a new supply of Sal-Vet en hand. Same old price.--Maddox&B>rd. 3 _

Loat—Somewhere between J. B. Johnson's and Pr. Wm. HoteT, small crescent gold pin, set with pearls. Reward to finder if re­turned to this offiee. It

Mr. John Payntt, an eoiiiloytt \ tSTtre garage hertr. brvke instfafotJ^tf,

Mrs. E. J.



For Rent-Sudley Farm of 1100 acres; 800 acres in state of culti-"vattoir; good houses, bam, silo. Would prefer to rent on shares. Good opportunity for industrious man. Will rent for term of.years.

.another for Bryan, one and

for WlUoa another for

Hughes, and |>r(»b-iihly """•" thiUL erer before, are mm—an* wuiuou as voters Iq the passing years con-aiderlng men rath­er than parWeis or party piatforins.

iln the case of Jmna Christ, it was Inot a qtiestlon a«. to the tntth or jtalsItT of hts teaching, bat as to his •paMosaUtyr-rWho was b«7

Law of XhH»t^Ul le ,__ As we study Jestis Christ In the

ithree years of his actlvc.publlc life, we 'fhHl the law of divlsloii- pfievailing. Now and then, there wonld be an outburst of almost nolversal favor, but Imme-'dlately there would be an (fntburst of lalmast wnlTcrsal oppoaHion. Quite lit'

B. Lynn Rob*rt8oh. Agent. Wanted—500 cords vl roun«r

white oak wood, 4 feet lonjr.. 7 inches at small end. Price $7.00 per cord delivered at mill. Terma cash. Robert Evans, Manager for Edward Alcott. S^f

Strawberries—Eat S t e e r e ' s strawberries, but don't forget linaweaver asd Dedg« « D 4 tb« other, producers.-W. I. Steere, Manassas. Va. 2-3t.

Wanted at once—Second-hand Ford chassis. Apply- w THK

BagrJJoiiBNAL- ?

bileW." - _ 1 3 aid was procured at once,

The electrical stotxa last week did much damage to fruit and gardens. Among the persons whfrleat valuable fitpck diiring the storm were Mrs. R; L. Du-lany.lMr.fA. DiZerega and Mr. Dissuay.

The school board met at the Haymarket HighlSchool building

Mr. and Mrs. L. P. F,c>binson are spending a few days at Mr.

A number of yoari^ men at-: Kobinson's home near !iere. jtended. iii£ .Gyusy,5mit]iJiggLIxig'j _ah*s I^eonb TripleU.4-ee, of

Franklin Square Hospital, Balti-

SaSirday H^r the punsose of sp-' -GJftrise. pointing teachers, for Gainesville district. None of the paymar--ket teachcro have bean appointed


Tb«-Mgular preaching service yiU Vu. hM hy RBV. W . L . Naflf Sunday morning at the Baptist C h a « * r " A largB uumber of -personsCattended the service last Sunday evening. Mr. Wallace Shumate andtMr. Rust spoke.

Bailey Rosc^, a very promis­ing young four-year-dd owned by Mrs. Robb White, jr., won a blue ribbon in the Loudoun horse and colt show last we«k. .Baikal

ynttj. hf sflffmed tn <""«. ome ta iL. ^ »oaey. Manassi^, RdF.^Z ST iTide men, even memb«« of the same ifamlly, father against son and mother against aaapil«E' ~~~~ ^ ^ " ^ ™"

At this point, we may Inquire as t ; the irniiM^ of bl* coBAlu^ T^e poi>-;nlar view ut the ungets' message tuat a Savior had come to bring peace to [the earth, is to be modified by the Sa-jvior'a own tftftfflOMf W fiimB fo bring a swOT^ and while the' ultimate result I of the Savior's cMutng will be untver-

sal peace, the road to that iSiftteejsj^Be of conflict and human divi^on. Jesus idid not come to orlgiaate dlvisloa .or [to instigate It, bnt^to malie dear Tliie actual divtston that Already existed be-'tween men, but niiieh was obscured. iJesQS Christ simply n iments in hnmanity, that were really tauUigimlstlc;—«Bd—-MilUi wwe—w^ imlngled that the lines of divl8U>n_Avere not clear, to become more distinct. As-

AIl bills over a O j g f t DPt set-faMmH to know that the reputa-tled by June lb will b*^iitacediii my attorney's hands for collec­tion. T.'Td. Russell. l-4t

Bicycle for sale cheap. Hurace

For sate^Business property in smair lownl Good lH*6slmeHtT small capital necessary. Apply

- Horse tor sale—RobL A Hutchi­son. 48-tf»,

For Rent—Six-room house on Battle St. D. J. Arrington, Ma naasaa, Var -

For Sale—Pure White Hy-moQth Rock eggs—$1.00 for 15. J. J» Conner, Manassas, Va.38-tf

For Rent^i^One large room over iiy poo] room, suitable for office or aulPBMSiaa. •ntargfaa. Apply to

ntoo's brother, Mr. J. L. Hin-ton.

Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Clarke at­tended the commencement exer­cises of Manassas Afirricultural High School Friday evening.

Mrs. W. S. Athe^, of Manas­sas.'and her daughter. Miss Mat-tie, spent the week-end here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.

cranking anf accompamedlby Mr. J. W. Ander- " ^ ^ ^ . ^ f ^ ^ ffl^Bfc r-"*" of Miaa i n ^ z h o m e a f t e r the service

" - ^ ^ ^ ^ - - - - Keui^tlWeU that the t i -vice will not permit traveling back and forth to the meetings. Many persons have remained in Ma­nassas far the ni<rht and many would attend »ftener if they could.

Rev. Alford Kellev, of Manas­sas, was in town Saturday, visit­ing the sick among his congre­gation.

The Baptist and Presbyteriaa churches are busy practising for children's day, which will be obaei ved in both churchco Sunday

Misa^Estella Alexander arrived home] Saturday, after spending a few days in Washington.

Mr. J. L. Hinton spent HOQ' day and Tuesday with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hinton, of Accotinf. —


Misses Maud Norman and Lu-cile Clarke spent a few days in Fairfax the first of the 'week and^ visited Mount Vernon.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Alexander,

tion of Prihce William was at stake and acted accordingly.


of Washington, visited relatives at Minnieville last week.

4_JMT. and Mrp. Km<«t R^id, ^f Dumfries, motored to Minnieville -Friday.

—A number of Haymarket peopje attended the Gypsy Smith ner ^^^eeajD^Uanassaa Tuesday—„

Mra. W'. J. Mayhugh and .her or addremX ear&4ogM<AL. rSO-^ «at^EicaSf; wboTiavelxBen vwifcJ

ing at the home of Mr. R7 L. ^biuaate, have retomed. tQ tJudr Kome m WaahingtoR

heifbomeat Independent Hill. We vrilllmiss Miisa Norman very tDticlr. - ^ •

^ .Mrs. -gL-JS^-^Afliex^was the , -n. ^ ^ m. u i -^ ,» , jpieAjd Mra^ar. H., S^S^^ ^he Baptist ChiH^ 4a8t^ganday

Eiila, Messrs. RandQ^~Birinvzief - - . — - - . . 1. ^ and Will Hinton, of Dumfries, 11 tf. motorod from their _AMn6^td^,,^,ttm^4^Mi,^^^ ^_^„^^

' Mr. and ilrs. Bernard Smith

E. R. Conner. 38-tf

biluger uf_ju<muMit m>)iir~we must nat fawtaoB jMiMWffcflia-M MIMW aeeii caricatnred as eoastaa, "with ovemuts-"tSMng rage,'beat on revenge."

D^\0H«t^ mt Pactriaa.

cnssion -vaa as to JKbetber' Jeans CSirist was the twyphet predicted In

4jai!f3ud-;,o£ JMutnal try dor old Line Companies, y w don't iike the increasing old line rates, try g y Muttal. Take y)Uf #ofefc We retffesent both kinds. Austin Corp(Mtion. 35

I>ent«r»noiny 18:15,18. or not To pat the mattei^ .broadly, was he^tlte ful­fillment of prophecy T That ml^t be questioned by the .Jews today, but wtth'ttac G«iUU« "WKFId' f£e~qaebtI(HiUs rather, Is that historic Jesus who he dalmea to ne alter ne came to this earth? K m * ia-pisctiad^ antretsal conoeot to the_cteEK£tfiC: ol^ffinisf . ,Nazareth—the . old^eatabllabed and ortttooex cfeBTOies, and Indeed, m a ^ of the modern rdigioas faddists pro­claim tl>e perfect «diaracter of Jesna Christ, but; the bone of contention is not reached br these. -The boine lies at the: point where ^an. aslcs. Is this JesoB- of Naaareth. the Son of God. not mysttesOy, aJt potentially, .aut-morally, but eosentlally and really the Son of God poi>ae88lng divine at-

Fire Insurance—Tf ymi are


dangfatof LjlBan; visitedL^lfSr HoSs l^Uiuent Wednesday.'

male calves from high prodacing cows. J. J. Conner, Manaa-saa,Va. 27-tf

Wantedh-50,000 white oak crosa jjpfL Swft tM aiwt iret pyieea. H. Lynch & Co. 23-tf

Woolsey to Haymarket Wedoee-day. -

Mr. William, Shoemaker has pmdiased an Overland ear,

l i r . G. £.Azinelhasparcbaaed a Ford. . -• . . — —

Miss Maud Norman, who has taught Minnieville School for the

evening at 8 o'clock Mrs. John Detwiler and her

little daughter are somewhat im.

nd Miss Fljfence of Ken'ty, -*.

spending their vacalioii with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H, Lee, at !^he Iiermitage."



Mrs. Annie Oieyar, who iiaf. been staying in Washington, has returned to Independent Hill for tbesuBOBMr.

Miss Dorothy Merrill and Mr. Leslie Merrill, who have been at-tonding ManassaJg High School,

proved. Miss Laura Scriven is l)€tter.*

Mrs. Fowler is improving slowly. . ..


Mrs. Hodge had the misfortune to sprain her ankle on the school hill one day last week when she came to Clifton to give lessons to her class in music. The wounded ankle is improving.

past|two years, left Wednesday

day. Mfi-Jaek Keys and Bister^ Miss

and were the guests of Mrs., T. L. Hinton.

lb-.,and Mrs. Paul E. Cla^e and Mr. John Clarke q>aat afew iiqrs in Stafford last ivedi.

Mrs. - lEmnie Carter and her

Mr. and Mrs. K B . Williams The vacational school whkh and two children. Ifiss E. Tspsi>

wehaped toestaBSiAafcHa^uM^ eott -nd Ifr^ R. W. Abel w n e ket win have to be cancelled this year on aeeoaiff of the teacher's not bdng able to be releaa(sd frcMU her omtracts previoasiy tngned with an eduqttiiHud poiK

TRUCTEES TO >ffiET idl eoncCTned. bat we hope next year will see the astabKahntept

A meeting of the Gainesville distnct schqal board «ill be held a i the sehOi^EG^eALfiasmadfi^ on Saturday. June 16, at 10:301

tributes and aanlfeating true deityt Ultlnuttely, that i t the q iestioa that must b« deddea, and it is tbe di-

A man's Inward ronvU^oa at tblt point aettlM hia reUtJooship to God. No man can -amf that Jesus is Xbrd. ^ t W the Ifcly Ofcort. This U the pt^at at whica tWre riioBld be wet tip a marker Iniflcattay that'all who stand fot the lattei ilea uwgm U PT^sqip ryted from those who dear the troe deity. •_ '-___

DiviaiM Will C*ittiiHM^ The New Testament coatalna many

two 1, classes of men regarding Jems Chri)i4. T h e y aTe TBfU'heiH aiWt~ 1118"iHTgg;' the 8he<9 and the goats, the good and K«J ft«Ua« Til* fOTnipany nr, ttt» ri)^t

m., f w tbe-porpoaeof appointiaig^ teachers tot tlie c<«ung year. .The patrona aie<ordially inTited to attend.

S-2 W. L. SAKDEBS. Clerk.


Btgutsville diatrict school boar4 mgfet at yokesville FVidav. 29,2p. m.. to appointteieh^

«IVlDld to let gftntraetB far anp.

ttfthing company for her servieea during this fanBuacr's vacatieifc 4ȴ^ It is a great ^faawxantine^ to

of several of these schools tn

children CHAS. R. MCDONALD. Sop'C

FORESTBURG - / — • • . - . . . . --.If—-

Mfss Mary Quigg is hom^ on her vacation, having finished her school term in Richmond. Miss Quigg has received her appoints ment- as teacher r the next term-in tbe same school.

Rev. W. L. Naff preached in

have returned home for the sum­mer vacation, V- . —Services will Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.

Messrs. Max Weber and Geo. Oieyar and Miss Myrtle Merrill attended the commencement ex­ercises at Minnieville Saturday evening, r

Mr. Eazl D. Merrill, of Cornell University, Ithaca,.N. Y., has returned home to spend his vaca­tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lk^J!;.^emll, of Indepen-^ e n t B i n r " -

Miss Elsieu-Eairbanks, of Min­nieville, was the recent guest of Mim Mvrtle Merrill.

evoiing toa large coD£reii3riioQ. Mr. O . C Sutbard's house Is

'Mr,# Michae Friday from a visit to his Inrother in Washingtop.

Mr. Carlton Hill wMa^ J^?"^* -visitor at ''Springdrie.^' - " ^

Sunday School win meet Sun-

is a bungalow with all' niodem improveanents,

eHnijletiou. It ^*^ sitenioaaatZo'dock.

Misses Pace and Sumnooa are occupywg their . house for the S9mn|el>. A friend of thejis ex­pects to build a snudi shack aa

Jpart of their place tor pecapancy d u w w t h e « f f l a b d ^ < * ^ e M « 4 * ^ » P ® « L * ^ ' J ^ - ^ ^ ^

" parents, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Qter*

among the the persons from this vicinity who went to ManasaiBB Strnday nis^t to hear the serOKm of Bev. Oypey Smith.

Mr F. L. Dtfvis maderr nefls trip to Waa^ngton Toes-

Mr. Milt<m Amid<Hi, of Warfi-ington, spi»t_the we6k.'en4 bece aa the' goewt nf Mr, F. L. DaviM,

MOD' retamipg to WashingtoD day morning.

Misses A. C. and A M. Dunn Prince Willqun oodnty, which we feel win oseet with tiiie apprav^i of all paircBts imd the love of the {visited Friday at the home of Mr,

and Mrs. J. T. Syncox. Mr. U. W; A^faariKxigiit a

fine pair of horses, fnnn Mr. B. F. Fltitter. — —

Mrs. BdleDunn and hier daogh-ti>r, MiM ArviUah. galled dam


T^ MifimewUe school com-jnenconait was bdd^ Saturday evening. A large crowd attended

a diatanee^ addressedty Hon; C J: Mettfc.' irf Manasiin. and Mr. J. W. Andd^ am^oflAiecotiiA:

plying the schools with fnd.—JOT ^ patnma are invited to be ^nuMmt their daogfa^-in-law, Mra. G^*-er to coBBBaaiCitfr - - ' -

Ikand^ JUKL the (FTt. the Jo«t and the «aJO!<t, ttte dvwn and the fllthy. tkcJUtW who co^evkes and. tbe man who dentea, DlTe» and Lnxs-roa. Attraham'* bo»om ^snd hell. TWa aboaodlas of contrasts ts not with<tat mesTitnp ami men rtmtrtti 'ihi?^o ~iw' Vaoy wf itiSi. "of' ctittiW, belong to the hereafter and Inairate ttiiir the di>i8ioB win rontlane. Wbetner it t<r p.»«tw.ply • a n i t l nr nttt. eiweptlal

tiaiversaltsm is a popular dortiliie -o( tixJay. One or two little denonloa-f:f«»8 pcofess tbe doctrine, bat multl-tajU* tn tB* dt&<i«nnuigMi'g waast creeds directly cootradfct'it realty »e-oept it. aad Aovld be styled

aMKMntaaent of teachers, etc 4 - 2 — J. R. COOKE, xaerit

to the bew»d w i ^ regard 4o-th»|Aiya last weak aa tbe-^oeats o f ^Ker% in Dasafriesr TTTClar fe


Ail persons lIMlCbtMi to ln6 cs* ,tate of Joseph W. Mathias, <kH

" cfMjird, win jrieaae eoipe lot ward and payjEe aame to the u&def-4& ngned personal representative, and tboaehaving claims againat the said eaUte will kaad^-^ge-aent same property certified for payment.

S. C. HAKMY, Adaa'f June 9, ISVr.' 4-Z^


their eou«n, ~Mis. Mr. and Mra. Roger LaHayne

of IVlAingCDir, MHI tiwlt daagh-ters. Misses Margaret, Aileen

^ LorasBs S0& •.:• ' The Postal Tel^grMx men are

encamped at <a^ltoa,>pattiDg op Tepairsand the Imea.

MiflB Vkdet Fold has been noti­fied of her appdntmoat tp aposi* tion under tbe civU aearhee. M i ^ Ford ia the tjiird of cnr __ young ladiea to get poationa in Waflfymgton thin apring The others are Misses Ida Ayre and R^)eo^ Ifomroe.

F a m ^ axe Imsy plowgg com, ptonting lap^potatoea and gat-

~Elder Smoot, of Occoquan, wift preach at the Old Schocd Baptist Church Sunday morning.——r^-

Everybody is buqr cultivating com and planting the late pota­toes. .

Mr. Worth Storke, of Manas-


Several persons, from this p u t of the county attended a staprise. - j ^ party gHmi recoatty «t tbe home J wrMr.Tgi1fa». It.B-Ilaye

Me^rs. Edward, Sanmel and James JCi^l^*^ '"^ empfoyed


iiev. Wvi* Naff wai«fhlST:«tf-J ubr appointment at AaSo(£ on the foarti0!^^]i|ay evoung at 8 o ' c l o ^ - .. '

tini^ hay C H.' temper, jr., is home

here for his vacatiop, having spoit tbe winter ia Glade SpriQgs

that place.


day to see Mrs. J. J. Amidon. who has been Tery iU.'

Mrs. Geftrgift Cornwiilt a mi the aick^Bti^

>nmbCT of the bovs and girls from this section attended the ekisthgexerdses of Mumie-

ty evening. R. B . Abel ipent Soaday


and Myrtle LeHayac; were week­end gaeats<^ their aunt and utde ,

E Clarke. Mr.TJc^ Alexaitder and Mr.

Rector, of Marshall, spoit Uie weeb-end'inS^lir. A l e x n d i P i lAther, Mrs. E. J. Alezando-.

Mr. and Mrs.

Dlvisiofl Naod Not Continue. For!un«leiy. !f the nian Is not a be- < , ,

r w i« the <*eity a**Xavtorhood e f t - ^ meetingoJ-the .-ens Christ, he can accept timt »•-Ts^lool bosrd vriYi beb«H atlnde-ef ami go o» er to the other aide. | pgndent Hill Satuvday, July 14, Jt i« no dlff*reoe« what laay ^ i \ n nn' i - K.i.TKit rts,.tw^flA Af

.Tiee roncfttmr^^«».Cbrist.iat2:30p. m., for tHc^Q^KSae of •like sides, he must aft as J appointing teachcTS for the com-

of jeraaaiera acted In an- j jjj^ session and to roccive bidsfton i « r.-.i.

Paul E. Clarke

evenisg, to attend the services the tah4'p'»''''' T h ^ w«te

accompanied by Mrs. W. S. Atbey and her daughter. M i s Mattie

"fljy, S O Q 9&rB. flBlnCK ftDU WmPr

and Mrs. DeCbord, of Waahing^

JiTf end

a le s question. "This man - "•' ;t 1«, thfHjretJr«!ly. t

( "wo opinions, practl-.-iMM... ..dCwe^ia Jeiius 4«.- -i- aaLaa ut -uusitT - i n .^ & .-!"...••"« ^".it.rre 'i!- bt-'»"e<>D tipath.

spent the week-end at the fOT furnishing wood for the ses-1 home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E-[^-JP«°^ ^ « week-end at their sion The patrons are cordially [Clarire. ' ^ respective homes here. imntrd to atr^nd. By order of' Mr. and .Mr Luther Alexan-: Miss Tracie bpitzerisspending sister. Mrs. j j. " .,.,.,I %-,-,--> ' •' *?' '"'f Wa*if---».v*R. jnoUtred to.-^e week w.ih W'. .nd3 and re-.Lpf ha? tt^r >iok

Miss Minnie Keys. who. has been quite sick, ia leoovering.

Mr. and Mra, Charke Spitxo-, Lynchburg; aad theii two

ilaughtSkt'EathiaRmsrEiBaiKir, last wedc viaited Mr. Spitser's parfiBti, Mv< aad Mra. S. B. Spit-aer.

Miss Sallie Cooper is attending the suamM jmuual JchuuL a t

To ma NAL this place in the county per-' haps has never beoi heard ^ , - ? o I will stfve i t an intmrtnction in thiff croak's isaaa, if the editfwt WT^ IrfatHly ,^1^ ronm f or i t

is wdl known aa the "wMSt of all loads'^ In a wet aeaaou. -For

place of resort The fine iron - bridge and tbeauiTmindingHfiBn-

The strawberry and ice cream soda] givoi by the Ladies' Mis- ^ sionary Society <m Wednesday of last week was a socci^, socially and financially.

S t Goilf OTd.__M Mon, Lean, is the shiest of the Missea Shirley at '^Oakshade " -- -

Mrs. Omar KiUer has recently had as her gtwsts Mrs. A EL Martin and Mrs. R L. Adams, of Wadungton, and Messrs. Teixtan Foley an^LEnuadd KiUer, of Maratwtjl,

IBsa liorothy l:^nce, of ijyncte-_ This place iajdtoated on Broad bUiM. Is speudmg Uie simuuei at Run hrtwrm ^^TttirrrtTh i t i r ^ ^ ^ ^ - b ^ <^ . ^ . . g ^ ' " ^ * ^ " - '

4"! 3J

(kdneaviHe. on t h . t O ^ WlddT g * - ^ ' f - B g - ^ ^ ^ J ^ guest this wedc Miss Ndl files,. of Lynchburg.

Miss Margaret Shirley, wi»__ has be&i visidng friends in Wasb-ington and Maryland, returned t^~

returned to her home at Char-l^tesviUe.

ITeSrs; ©ewey K^ra and Ches^ ter Stevens, df Wa8luegto«tJ[>.

ety %Tery faclunsque. There are aome beautifol and

well-kept farms iQ the, :ndnity. Wheat, com and gardena are lookiag w ^ aad A»4an»arB are weiK»iw**'*'*s9S_5^ .

The ndgUxMS seam to be in sympathy with pne anotiier orer the toricey "crop," as it is said to be a genoai failure k» this nesbborhood

1 here on Tuesday. -~ _Mr_mdJirs^_W, W. Fotey. ^»£_-—

Harrisonburg. Miss Nettie Hfensley is on the

n c k l u t Miss MaxgaretVia. s h o t a u ^ t

school here the past .wintCT,^laM]Cockerilie t a U r , , E . . D., Morris was a surprise to many of her

M r . - a EUia aad Mr^^arry Lee, of "The Hermitage," have purchased^automobiles. '

The jnarriacce-. of ..Mjas Mary

Savage, Md. ,are visiting relattvea hM«.

Mr a (;. Rnuiy, af Haymai^ ket^ is doingsome interior deco-lifiisg af"''(Saahade,^ the-Bome" of Mr. G. W. Shn-ley.

This section was vlait^ air' Thursday afternoon of last week by the heaviest wind and bail-sttHin in years, doing consider­able damage to the fruit txees, ^OKja iMilriii and rmnfiimM .-

Quite a number of our folk liave ~been attending the Xiypej Smith meetings held .at^Jittle Georgetown and Manassas. S. _ IE;


Hfebe^eSrs. - The repiila- mff-- -.i Miss Florence THptett. wboiCatharpin C ic Leri^.:

has been with her brother"attheTd at t^r • ->xii ho i. ^ JHume. ia now the guest of her " 'J ^ " '

R H. l^ Mrs. -rai

.,, oe- — '-

.-;wv.a. jr:> i::rtne evt;,-.;r.e. iv.ze.r " r.-ch ;ct- ..rear.: ar.d cake-will r-j ?»:Md for the benefit of the .•\T,e.-icar. Red Cross.
