Page 1: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

3rd Mruthyunjaya Homa & Whole night meditation

4th Satchintana - Sullia Satsang

5th - 7th Premadhara - Silent meditation with Poojya Guruji

10th & 25th Kriya Yoga Punashchetana

18th Kundalini Beejamantra Punashchetana

31st Mruthyunjaya Homa & whole night Meditation.

1st Satchintana - Goa Satsang

2nd - 4th Premadhara - Silent meditation with Poojya Guruji

7th Mruthyunjaya Homa & Whole night meditation.

14th & 22nd Kriya Yoga Punashchetana

15th Kundalini Beejamantra Punashchetana

16th to19th & 24th to30th Shakti Prerana Camp (Refer Page no.12)

Programmes for March 2012

Programmes for April 2012


Cow’s Name: Gowthami

Adopted by: Pavan

Adopted By: Smt Padmini KamathCow’s Name: Mangala

Our Blessings to youDonors

Mangala & Gowthami

Dattu Nidhi

Page 2: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets


Question & Answers 05 - 07

Holy Mother 11

Jnana Vrikshas 12

Soul Healing 13

4 Power Techniques 14 - 15

Secrets of Hindu Tradition 17 - 18

10 Commandments 19 - 21

Angulimala 08 - 10

Saysings of Samartha Ramdas 22 - 24

Programmes for Jan 2012 25

March - 2012

March 2012

Issue - VI

Page 3: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

Dear Dhyanabandhus, The people of our times have forgotten that the Cow is

the most important animal for human society. The

Bull is the emblem of Dharma and cow is the

representative of the Earth. When the Bull and Cow

are in a joyful mood, it is to be understood that the

people of the world will also be in a joyful mood. The

reason is that the Bull helps in production of grains in

the agricultural field, and the Cow delivers milk, the

miracle food which can be further converted into curd, yogurt, butter and

ghee. In scriptures Cow is considered as a HOLY MOTHER. The Cows give

milk and the Bull gives grains through tilling the land, they are considered

the MOTHER and the FATHER of human society. Both the Cow and Bull are

symbols of the most sacred living beings because even their dung and urine

are of IMMENSE VALUE (medicine, fuel, etc.) to human society.Human society must, therefore, maintain these two animals carefully. But,

unfortunately, both are being slaughtered in large numbers, in India itself it is

60,000 (approx) per day and in U.S. on weekends it is 1, 59,500 according to

recent statistics. These greatly sinful acts are responsible for so many

troubles in present society. To kill cows means to end human civilization.

People do not know what harm they are doing in the name of economic

development. They do not realize that only by seeing that bulls and cows are

happily in all respects, human society can be happy. This is a FACT by the

LAWS OF NATURE. Knowing these facts our Ashram is struggling hard to

protect this god gifted animals. II Jai Guru Dev II

Those who grumble at the little thing that has fallen to their lot to do will

grumble at everything. Always grumbling they will lead a miserable

life…. But those who do their duty putting their shoulder to the wheel

will see the light, and higher and higher duties will fall to their share.

- Swami Vivekananda

Page 4: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

1. What is the purpose of chanting

Bhajans with clapping hands ?

Ans1: When we clap and perform

bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

activated. The right & left hands

activate the left & right sides of the

brain. When we clap, there is a union of

vibrations created in the brain making

the mind and brain to work in tandem.

This creates Dhee shakthi and improves

concentration and energy flow.

Especially for children, clapping while

chanting bhajans and playing would

improve their inner personality.

2. What is the difference between

sports activities and Yoga ?

Ans 2: Sports activities relate to

physical body. There is always a desire

to win and it creates certain tamasik

qualities also like revenge, repentence,

anger etc. Mind also encourages such

emotions where as in Yoga is Satvik in

which the mind is kept under control.

Yoga is based on the “antah karana” and

spreads only Love. Hence there is a sea

of difference between Yoga and other

sports activities.

3. Whether animals and birds have

Kundalini ?

Ans 3: Kundalini is

in every l iving

being. It is the basis

for all the life force

and all living beings

do have this power. The central force

between birth and death is Kundalini.

This is in Sun as well as Moon, stars and

in the entire Universe.

4. Whether Hindu religion is safe in

the hands of future generation ?

Ans 4: Please understand as to what is

Hindu Religion. It is the only ancient

culture which is Yoga sanskrithi.

Meditation is a Universal truth which

existed – exists and will exist eternally.

However, the superstitions and caste

divisions should come to an end since

they are not true. Truth never dies and

triumphs always. Yoga triumphs as it is

the Truth.

5. What is your opinion about

Relgion, caste and isms ?

Ans 5: These are all man made and

subject to the specific time and space.

They are true for the time in which they

Question & Answers

March 2012

Page 5: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

hence you can call

them as temporary

truth. Mind is the

basis of creation of

all these things and

hence change is the

essence of religion

created by man. However, the religion

created by the almighty never changes.

For eg. Dhyana Yoga is natural religion

and all religious persons accept this as

the real path for salvation.

6. When a person is not having any

thoughts – either internal/external,

is it the real happiness / bliss ?

Ans 6: This is meditation and gate way

for bliss.

7. Present day youth are caught in the

web of love affairs and lust. They are

losing their inner strength. What is

the reason ?

Ans 7: The main reason is the affluent

parents who lead a lavish life. The

parents who are always in pursuit of

their work would inspire children to be

disciplined soldiers.

8. When we are in deep meditative

state, even the sound of a pin

dropping would be heard very loudly.

Why ?

Ans 8: This signifies the emptiness of

mind. As we meditate, the ear among

sense organs become very sensitive and

other become empty.

9. What are the Satkarmas and

Dushkarmas ?

Ans 9: Those actions which reveals the

true inner Self and help experience

peace, harmony and bliss are Satkarmas.

All other actions are only references in

the world of mind.

10. How do we know that we are

blessed by a Guru and what are the


Ans: It is not possible to write and give

this to you. It is a very unique

experience known only to the blessed


11. How should live happily ?

Ans 11: A contented life is the gate way

of Love. If you do not have satisfaction,

even if you are wealthy you can not be

happy. If you accept life with

contentment, a dry bread would also

satisfy you as much as a delicious food.

March 2012

Page 6: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

12. What is the nature of “Maya”

(illusion). How to over come it?

Ans 12: Maya (Illusion) is like floating

of oil on the water. One who do not

know what is Maya thinks that the

water is pure while the one who is aware

would boil and filter the water before

drinking it. The moment you

understand that you are surrounded by

Maya and under its control, you are a

realized person.

13. Pl tell the main difference

between Gnana and Agnana.

Ans 13: Agnana makes to search for Got

outside even though it is well within

You. Gnana is the real understanding

of God within you.

14. Where is mind ? Please explain.

Ans 14: It is present in every cell of the

body. Wherever you experience a

thing, there is mind. Mind experiences

everything and the mind is in the whole


15. In spirituality, what is courage

(Dheemantike) ?

Ans 15: A clear understanding of the

mithya – maya of the world and their

proper renunciation is the real Courage.

To accept this Truth one requires


16. What is the true reflection of

ones consciousness?

Ans 16: The character of a person is the

true reflection of his consciousness. By

self study and practice one can keep this

mirror clean.

17. If we are cut off from nature, how

our life would be ?

Ans17: If we are not with nature, we

may become wild animals losing the

humaneness. The animal kingdom

would vanish and we cannot live further.

18. What are your expectations from

your disciples ?

Ans 18: In this Ashram all are disciples

only. There is no separate person called

“Guru” and it is only a symbolic name.

In spirituality, there should not be any

expectation as it leads to a desire and

consequent disappointment. We have to

take things as it is.

19. If we sit on meditation for the

whole day, is it not a waste of time ?

Ans 19: What is the ultimate goal ? Is it

meditation ? A healthy state of mind?

The first purpose of meditation is to

attain a healthy state of mind. This

gives peace to everybody. Hence

Meditation is not selfishness.

March 2012

Page 7: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

If you go into the outside world, people

will be hostile to you, but you have to be

compassionate to them. Let hostility

and compassion stand facing each other.

It is one of the fundamental laws of life

that compassion cannot be defeated by

hostility. Compassion simply changes

the hostile person. So don't be worried

that you will be facing hostility. Be

concerned about compassion, love. Just

start looking into people's eyes with

grace. That will disturb them more –

and I want to disturb them! There was a

man in Gautam Buddha's time whose

name was Angulimal. He had taken a vow

to cut off one thousand heads, and to

take one finger from each dead person

and make a garland of one thousand

fingers. Angulimal means the man with

the garland of one thousand fingers. He

was a ferocious man. People stopped

going close to him. The road that passed

by the hill where he was staying was no

longer being used. He had already cut

off nine hundred and ninety-nine heads;

he was waiting for only one more. The

road that passed by his hill was utterly

empty, nobody was coming. And then

Buddha came to pass. That road was the

shortcut, but people were going the long

way around, just to avoid Angulimal.

Naturally, Buddha took the shortcut.

His disciples said, ”Bhagwan, you don't

know what you are doing! Haven't you

heard about that madman, Angulimal? It

is better to go the long, roundabout way,

rather than to take the shortcut.” But

people like Gautam Buddha never turn

back. He said, ”I cannot turn back, now

even more than before. If I had not

known about Angulimal, perhaps I

might have taken the other road. That

poor fellow is waiting for only one head!

My work is done; I have known all that

can be known, I have experienced all

that can be experienced. Now there is no

reason for me.... If I can be of some

service to that poor man, it will be


He went. Angulimal saw him. Buddha's

disciples, who were always clambering

around him, by and by started creating a

distance between him and themselves.

If he was caught, at least they could

escape. Angulimal saw Gautam Buddha

coming. Even that dangerous man, who

had murdered nine hundred and ninety-

March 2012

Angulimala- Collections

Page 8: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

Buddha said, ”Just try to understand.

Your mind is moving, thinking. My

mind is silent, there is no movement.

And you will not get a better head. It is

really a joy to fulfill your vow. Prepare

your sword.”

Angulimal could not understand what

kind of man he was. He was in a great

shock; he had never come across such a

man! He was ashamed of himself for the

first time in his life. He could not look at

Buddha eye to eye, because those eyes

were radiating compassion, love, grace,

joy, blissfulness, ecstasy – things that he

had never known, but the fragrance was

reaching him.

He said again to Buddha, ”You please go,

sir. I don't want to kill you. You are

unnecessarily insisting that I do

something that I don't want to do.” But

Buddha went on coming closer and

closer. And finally he was standing

before Angulimal.

Angulimal said, ”I used to think I was a

stubborn man – you are a thousandfold

more stubborn. Now I cannot help you, I

have to cut your head.” Buddha said, ”It

is an old tradition and convention to

fulfill the last wish of a person who is

going to die, and I have a very small

wish. You fulfill it and then kill me.” He

said, ”What is your wish? Even if it is

nine people already, felt for the first time

that he also had a heart. Gautam Buddha

was looking so innocent, so childlike and

so beautiful in the early morning sun.

Angulimal shouted, ”You please turn

back, because only one head is missing!

Perhaps you are a stranger... but looking

at you, something in me says 'Let this

man go – there are many idiots, I can cut

off their heads.' Even if my mother

comes here, I will cut off her head! But

you please go back. Don't come close to

me – I am dangerous! Do you see my

sword? It is waiting for the last head.”

Gautam Buddha continued. He stepped

off the road and started moving into the

mountains, closer to Angulimal.

Angulimal said, ”It seems you are more

mad than me. Why are you going on and

on and on?”

Buddha said, ”Angulimal, I stopped

going anywhere a long time ago. I am

not going anywhere, it is you who are.”

Angulimal was standing there – Buddha

was walking!

Angulimal said, ”Certainly you are mad.

You are walking, moving, and you say

you have stopped a long time ago. I am

standing, and you say, 'You are moving.'”

Page 9: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

the biggest thing, I will manage it for

you.” Buddha said, ”No, it is a very small

thing. Just cut off a branch of the tree

under which you are standing.”

Angulimal said, ”What kind of thing are

you asking? But okay, if that is your

wish.” With his sword he cut off a


Buddha said, ”Now, put it back. Let it be

part of the tree again. Let it blossom

again.”Angulimal said, ”That is

impossible. How can I join it with the


Buddha said, ”If you cannot even join a

small branch to the tree, do you see the

implications of it? Any child could have

broken that branch off the tree, and you

are a strong man – you have not done a

great job. You can cut off my head, but

can you manage to give me life again?

And if you cannot create, what right

have you to destroy?”

There was a moment of silence. The

sword fell from Angulimal's hands. He

threw away that garland of nine

hundred and ninety-nine fingers, and

fell at Buddha's feet. He said, ”I never

thought about it, that destroying

something – any mediocre person, any

coward, any idiot can do that. The real

genius is creative – you are right. Please

accept me as your disciple.”

Buddha initiated him. He came back to

the town. Even the king, Prasenjita,

when he heard that Angulimal had

become a sannyasin of Gautam

Buddha.... He was a lover of Gautam

Buddha, but he was afraid to go there

because that man Angulimal could not be

trusted, he could do anything any

moment. But he wanted to see the man;

he was so famous all around – hearing

his name, even kings used to tremble. He

came, he touched Buddha's feet and

asked, ”I have heard that Angulimal has

also become your initiate.”Buddha said,

”Yes, he is sitting by my side.” Prasenjita

became so afraid, he pulled out his

sword. Buddha said, ”Now it is not

needed, put it back in the sheath. The

Angulimal that you used to know is dead;

this is a totally new man who cannot

harm anybody. Don't be afraid.”

Dear Dhyanabandhus,

Kundalini Beeja Mantra camp will be held from 17th to 20th May 2012.

Kriya Yoga Camp in Kannada & English will be held from 23rd to 27th May 2012. To enroll please contact Ashram’s Office.

- To be continued

Page 10: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets


l Man finds faults

i n o t h e r s a f t e r

bringing down his

own mind to that

level. Does anything

ever happen to

another if you enumerate his faults? It

only injures you. This has been my

attitude. Hence I cannot see anybody's

faults. If a man does a trifle for me, I try

to remember him even for that.. To see

the faults of others! One should never

do it. I never do so. Forgiveness is


l To a young householder devotee who

had spoken somewhat disrespectfully to

a Sannyasin, Mother said, “ Be careful

about these three things: first, a house

situated on the bank of a river; at any

time the river may destroy that house

and sweep it away in its current. Second,

a snake; you must be very careful when

you see one, far there is no knowing

when it will come and bite you. Third, a

Sadhu; you don't know that one word or

one thought of him may injure a house

holder. Whenever you see a Sadhu, you

should show him respect. You should

not show him disrespect by retorts or

slighting remarks.

l Whatever you eat you must first

dedicate to God; you should not take

any other kind of food. The quality of

your blood depends on the quality of

the food you take. If you take

consecrated food your blood and mind

will be purified; you will find strength.

If your mind is pure, your faith and

love will be pure.

lWhen her devotees protested

against the many personal services she

rendered them, Mother silenced them

by saying with overflowing feeling.

'What after all have I done for you? Am

I not your mother? Is it not the

privilege of a mother to serve her child

in every way- even to clean its dirt with

her own hand?'

Do not fear, my child. Always

remember that the Master is behind

you. I am also with you. As long as you

remember me, your mother, why

should you be frightened? The Master

said to me, ; In the end I shall certainly

liberate those who come to you.”

The tragedy of life is not that it

ends so soon, but that we wait

so long to begin it. - Collections


- Raghunathan Ramakrishnan

March 2012

Page 11: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

Children Space: Shakti Prerana Camp

This summer, delve into the world of medicinal herbs that laid the

foundations of Ayurveda, challenge your endurance while seeking a hidden

prize with an adventure-laden treasure hunt through acres of pristine

jungle and plantation, spend the night in self-constructed tents before a

campfire in the wilderness, create crafts from seemingly worthless

materials around you, develop an attitude to conserve the natural

environment and its denizens, and experience all these while imbibing the

ancient Indian art of spiritual strengthening through meditation. Be one

among a special group of youngsters guided by a group of teachers,

researchers and enthusiasts specializing in their own respective fields,

sharing their knowledge in a week’s worth of fun, games, treks, outdoor

skills and learning through a camp initiated by the Shakthidarshan

Yogashram, Kinnigoli.

Juniors: Students of 5th, 6th 7th & 8th Standard from 16/04/12 to 19/04/12

Seniors: 9th, 10th, 1st & 2nd Puc from 24/04/12 to 30/04/12.

To Enroll Contact Ashram’s office.

March 2012

Jnana Vrikshas

COLOUR ME :) JOKES ......... for u to laugh & grin

Son: My stomach is aching.

Father: You have not eaten anything

since morning. Your stomach is empty.

That is why you have stomachache.

Son: Oh, I dind’t not know that. now I

know why you get head ache.

Page 12: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

My name is Paramjit and I live in Goa,

during the monsoon I travel to Europe,

England and the USA to teach Yoga &

Soul healing. I have been part of the

loving family at Shri Shakti Darshan

Yog Ashram since May 2009. I have

learnt so many life transformation tools

and practices with our beloved Pujya

Guruji and I am constantly progressing

on my spiritual journey, especially in

my meditation practice. I am honored to

be a Pranayam Kriya & Yoga teacher for

the Ashram, assisting seekers to cleanse

and purify there heart, soul, mind and

body, spiritually, mentally, emotionally

and physically.

In Autumn 2009 Guruji guided me to

progress on my Soul Healing training

with Master & Dr Zhi Gang Sha

( as he for

saw me healing thousands of people in

the coming years. The wisdom and

teachings of our beloved Puyja Guruji

and of Master & Dr Zhi Gang Sha have

many similarities. I am so grateful,

honored and blessed to be able to serve

and spread there teachings. Each

month I will be offering self healing

techniques in this magazine to help you

heal & transform your health,

relationship, finances and every aspect

of life as well as teaching you

techniques to heal your family and

friends. Please join my Facebook page

“Paramananta soul healing, yoga &

wellness” for regular teachings,

inspirational quotes, up coming

workshops and more..

“Heal the soul first, then healing of the

mind and body will follow” Dr Zhi

Gang Sha

If you would like to apply to become a

Divine Healing Hands practitioner and

also have this rare opportunity to meet

Dr Zhi GangSha at the three day

workshop on 30th March 2012 in

Mumbai then please contact me for

more information.All my love,light and

heal ing bless ings to you al l .

You have to grow from the inside out.

None can teach you, none can make

you spiritual. There is no other

teacher but your own soul.

- Swami Vivekanada

March 2012

- Smt Paramjit Anand

Soul Healing

Page 13: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

These are the self healing techniques

developed by Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha

and used for Soul Mind Body Medicine's

self healing approach. (This book is

available at the Ashram to purchase).

The soul is a golden light being. It is the

essence of life. Everything has a soul. In

the human body, you have a body soul.

Your systems, organs, cells, cells units,

spaces, DNA, and RNA have a soul. The

soul has tremendous power to heal. It has

amazing power to transform. The soul

has many characteristics and qualities.

1.Body Power – Body Power refers to

specific hand and body positions for

healing and energy development. The

position of the hands, in most cases, is

One Hand Near, One Hand Far. The Near

Hand is positioned four to seven inches

from the body. The Far Hand is

positioned fifteen to twenty inches from

the body. Another technique is the One

Hand method, where you simply point to

the area of the blockage. The position of

the body is very simple: you can stand, sit,

or lie down. If you sit on a chair, sit with

your back away from the chair. If you sit

on the floor, sit in the full lotus position,

half lotus position, or with your legs

crossed. If you are unable to stand or sit,

you can lie down.

2. Sound Power – Sound Power is using

a healing mantra. A mantra is a

gathering tool. There are ancient

mantras and modern day mantras. An

example of an ancient mantra is Weng

Ar Hong or Om, as an example you can

also repeat divine liver heal me or divine

treasures heal me is a mantra. (Note: if

you are lying down, chanting is done


3. Mind Power – Mind Power is mind

over matter, or using the power of the

mind to heal. The secret of Mind Power

is creative visualization.

4. Soul Power – Soul Power is soul over

matter, or using the power of the soul to

heal. Heal the soul first; then healing of

the mind and body will follow.There are

four kinds of soul healing: self healing,

healing others, healing a group, and

remote healing. You use the say hello

greeting for all of them: Now let's

practice, say out loud or silently the soul

4 Power Techniques

- Smt Paramjit Anand

Page 14: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

power: “Dear soul, mind, and body of ____________ (Name the issue, person; for a

group, silently call upon the soul of each thing that needs healing. If it is remote

healing, call upon the soul of what needs healing.) I love you. You have the power

to heal yourself. Do a good job! Thank you.”

Use all 4 powers together to do the healing. Chant for one – three minutes. The

longer you chant the better.

I wish you great self healing success. Please email me with any self healing stories

you may have.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, love you, love you, love you

Paramjit Anand

[email protected]

A book in Kannada has been published by Ashram,

(Dharegilida Yogivarenya Sadguru Sri Devbaba) a biography on

Poojya Guruji, written by Sri V. Ramadas. This book is

about Poojya Guruji's birth, education, employment and his

spiritual sadhana and his various experiences. Based on this

book, taking mainly the spiritual experiences, a Ballet is being

presented by Surya Kalavidaru, Bangalore on Saturday, the 7th

April 2012 at 5pm at Town Hall, Mangalore .

For further details please contact Ashram’s office.

March 2012


Page 15: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

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“Making others happy,

through kindness of speech

and sincerity of right advice,

is a sign of true greatness. To

h u r t a n o t h e r s o u l b y

sarcastic words, looks, or

suggestions, is despicable.”

- Paramahansa




Page 16: Mangala & What is the purpose of chanting Bhajans with clapping hands ? Ans1: When we clap and perform bhajan, the mind and intellect gets

March 2012

3. Hindu Rituals and Routines Why

do we follow them?

Each room in a house is dedicated to a specific function like the bedroom for resting, the drawing room to receive guests, the kitchen for cooking etc. The furniture, decor and the atmosphere of each room are made conducive to the purpose it serves. So too for the purpose of meditation, worship and prayer, we should have a conducive atmosphere - hence the need for a prayer room.

Sacred thoughts and sound vibrations pervade the place and influence the minds of those who spend time there. Spiritual thoughts and vibrations a c c u m u l at e d t h r o u g h r e g u l a r meditation, worship and chanting done there pervade the prayer room. Even when we are tired or agitated, by just sitting in the prayer room for a while, we feel calm, rejuvenated and spiritually uplifted.

4. Why do we do Namaste?

Indians greet each other with namaste. The two palms are placed together in front of the chest and the head bows

whilst saying the word namaste.

This greeting is for all - people younger

than us, of our own age, those older than

friends, even strangers and us. There are

five forms of formal traditional greeting

enjoined in the shaastras of which

namaskaram is one. This is understood

as prostration but it actually refers to

paying homage as we do today when we

greet each other with a namaste. Namaste

could be just a casual or formal

greeting, a cultural convention or an act

of worship. However there is much

more to it than meets the eye. In

Sanskrit namah + te = namaste. It means

- I bow to you - my greetings, salutations

or prostration to you. Namaha can also

be literally interpreted as "na ma" (not

mine). It has a spiritual significance of

negating or reducing one's ego in the

presence of another.

The real meeting between people is the

meeting of their minds. When we greet

another, we do so with namaste, which

means, "may our minds meet," indicated

by the folded palms placed before the

chest. The bowing down of the head is a

gracious form of extending friendship

in love and humility. The spiritual

meaning is even deeper. The life force,

the divinity, the Self or the Lord in me is

the same in all. Recognizing this

oneness with the meeting of the palms,

we salute with head bowed the Divinity

in the person we meet. That is why

- Hari Om

Secrets of Hindu

Tradition Contd

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sometimes, we close our eyes as we do

namaste to a revered person or the Lord

– as if to look within. The gesture is

often accompanied by words like "Ram

Ram,” "Jai Shri Krishna", "Namo

Narayana", "Jai Siya Ram", "Om Shanti"

etc - indicating the recognition of this d iv inity. When we know this significance, our greeting does not remain just a superficial gesture or word but paves the way for a deeper communion with another in an atmosphere of love and respect.

5. Why do we prostrate before

parents and elders?

Indians prostrate before their parents, elders, teachers and noble souls by touching their feet. The elder in turn blesses us by placing his or her hand on or over our heads.

Prostration is done daily, when we meet elders and particularly on important occasions like the beginning of a new task, birthdays, festivals etc. In certain traditional circles, prostration is

accompanied by abhivaadana, which

serves to introduce one-self, announce one's family and social stature.

6. Hindu Rituals and Routines. Why

do we follow them?

Man stands on his feet. Touching the

feet in prostration is a sign of respect

for the age, maturity, nobility and

divinity that our elders personify. It

symbolizes our recognition of their

selfless love for us and the sacrifices

they have done for our welfare. It is a

way of humbly acknowledging the

greatness of another. This tradition

reflects the strong family ties, which

has been one of India's enduring


The good wishes (Sankalpa) and

blessings (aashirvaada) of elders are

highly valued in India.

We prostrate to seek them. Good

thoughts create positive vibrations.

Good wishes springing from a heart

full of love, divinity and nobility have a

tremendous strength. When we

prostrate with humility and respect,

we invoke the good wishes and

blessings of elders, which flow in the

form of positive energy to envelop

us. This is why the posture assumed

whether it is in the standing or prone

position, enables the entire body to

receive the energy thus received.

- To be Continued

Just as the sun cannot be seen in a densely

clouded sky, so one’s own Self cannot be seen

in a mind-sky which is darkened by a dense

cloud of thoughts. - Ramana Maharishi

March 2012

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March 2012

Peace of mind is the most sought after

'commodity' in human life. It appears

that most of us are in a state of

perpetual restlessness. On analyzing

the causes of this restlessness, I have

ventured to find for myself ten

solutions that need to be followed

religiously if we are serious about

achieving perfect peace of mind.

1. Do not interfere in others'


Most of us create our own problems by

interfering too often in others' affairs.

We do so because somehow we have

convinced ourselves that our way is the

best way, our logic is the perfect logic,

and those who do not conform to our

thinking must be criticized and steered

to the right direction, our direction.

This kind of attitude on our part denies

the existence of individuality and

consequently the existence of God, for

God has created each one of us in a

unique way. No two human beings can

think or act in exactly the same way. All

men or women act the way they do

because they are prompted to do so by

the Divine within them. There is God

to look after everything. Why are you

bothered? Mind your own business

and you will have your peace.

2. Forget and forgive

This is the most powerful aid to peace

of mind. We often nurture ill feeling

inside our heart for the person who

insults or harms us. We forget that the

insult or injury was done to us once but

by nourishing the grievance we go on

excavating the wound forever.

Therefore it is essential that we

cultivate the art of forgiving and

forgetting. Believe in the justice of

God and the doctrine of Karma. Let

Him judge the act of the one who

insulted you. Life is too short to waste

in such trifles. Forget, forgive, and

march on.

3. Do not crave for recognition

This world is full of selfish people.

They seldom praise anybody without

selfish motive. They may praise you

today because you are rich and have

power but no sooner you are powerless,

they will forget your achievement

10 Commandments for peace of mind

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the

prerogative of the brave. - Mahatma Gandhiji

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and start criticizing you.

Moreover, no one is perfect. Then why

do you value the words of praise of

another mortal like you? Why do you

crave for recognition? Believe in

yourself. People's praises do not last

long. Do your duties ethically and

sincerely and leave the rest to God.

4. Do not be jealous

We all have experienced how jealousy

can disturb our peace of mind. You

know you work harder than your

colleagues in the office but they get

promotions, you do not. You started a

business several years ago but you are

not as successful as your neighbor whose

business is only one year old. Should you

be jealous? No, remember everybody's

life is shaped by his previous Karma that

has now become his destiny. If you are

destined to be rich, not all the world can

stop you. If you are not so destined, no

one can help you either. Nothing will be

gained by blaming others for your

misfortune. Jealousy will not get you

anywhere, but will only give you


5. Change yourself according to the


If you try to change the environment

single handedly, the chances are you may

fail. Instead, change yourself to suit the

environment. As you do this, even the

environment, which has remained

unfriendly for you, will mysteriously

appear to be congen i a l and


6. Endure what cannot be cured

This is the best way to turn a

disadvantage into an advantage. Every

day we face numerous inconveniences,

ailments, irritations and accidents that

are beyond our control. We must learn

to endure them cheerfully thinking,

"God will it so, so be it". God's logic is

beyond our comprehension. Believe it

and you will gain in patience, in inner

strength, in will power.

7. Do not bite more than you can


This maxim should be always

remembered. We often tend to take

more responsibilities than we are

capable to carry out. This is done to

satisfy our ego. Know your limitations.

Spend your free time on prayers,

introspection and meditation. This

will reduce those thoughts in your

mind, which make you restless. Fewer

the thoughts, greater is the peace of


8. Meditate regularly

M e d i t at i o n m a ke s t h e m i n d

thoughtless. . This is the highest state

of peace of mind, Try and experience

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it. If you meditate earnestly for half an

hour every day, you will tend to become

calm during the remaining twenty-

three and a half hours. Your mind will

not be disturbed as much as before.

This will increase your efficiency and

you will turn out more work in less


9. Never leave the mind vacant

An empty mind is devil's workshop. All

evil deeds start in the mind. Keep your

mind occupied in something positive,

something worthwhile. Actively follow

a hobby. You must decide what you

value more - money or peace of mind.

Your hobby, like social work may not

always earn you more money, but you

will have a sense of fulfillment and

achievement. Even if you are resting

physically, occupy yourself in healthy

reading or mental chanting of God's

name (japa).

10. Do not procrastinate and never


Do not waste time in wondering

"should I or shouldn't I?" Days, weeks,

months and years may be wasted in

that futile mental debating. You can

never plan enough because you can

never anticipate all future happenings.

Always remember God has His own

plan too. Value your time and do

things. It does not matter if you fail the

first time. You can rectify your

mistakes and succeed the next time.

Sitting back and worrying will lead to

nothing. Learn from your mistakes but

do not brood over the past. DO NOT

REGRET! Whatever happened was

destined to happen only that way. Take

it as the will of God. You do not have

the power to alter the course of God's

will. Why cry?

May God help you remain at peace

with yourself and the world

Om shanti shanti shanti - Collections

Try to understand the real

meaning of this life. After

understanding explain.

Our life is like a tenant.

Earns as much as he works.

Equally true that we have

no right to eat without

working. Work with truth

is worship - Poojya Guruji

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1. Way of life by Samartha Ramdas

In Maharashtra, the period between

12thand 17 the Century was the era of

The famous saints, like Gnyaneshwar,

Tukaram, Eknath, Namdeo, Samartha

Ramdas, Meerabi, Kabir etc. In

North India, these saints showed

common people easy path to reach

God, which is Called Bhaktiyog. That

path was Namasmaran, which

ultimately merges Into transcendental

m e d i t a t i o n ! T h e c o n t i n u o u s

'Namasmaran' leads you To the state of

pure consciousness. The 'Nama' melts

into your soul Gradually and your

mind becomes thoughtless. The

regular practice of 'Namasmaran'

prepares your mind to overcome the

difficult situations, in Your life and

gives you courage and peace of mind.

Actually, peace of Mind is the true aim

of our life. Isn't it! That is according to

Ramdas, 'Moksha' – salvation from

worldly pains.

For the attainment of this kind of

salvation, you need not get rid of your

five senses; because the body and the

mind go hand in hand. You are Very

well supposed to fulfill the wishes of


your five senses i.e. to see, Listen, smell,

test, and touch. You need not lead a life

of an ascetic

Samarth Ramdas (1608-1682) has

written approximately 40,000 Verses, a

verse of four lines each, in different

books. Karunshtake Ramdas left home

when he was only twelve years old.

Although he had Strong control over

his emotions, it was not easy to lead

lonesome and Hard life, during his self-

training period. In that restless state of

mind, Ramdas wrote Karunashtake.

These are The prayers full of pathos or

“Karuna rasa”. So these are called


2. Ram Das Says:

“O God keeps me away from the

burning flame of worldly temptations. I

Indeed cannot keep my mind balanced,

in the state of equanimity.

The life is being hard without you. Up

till now, I was too much attached To my

close relatives. Now, I want to learn

detachment. Take me O God In your

shelter. I am determined to avoid

temptations and to follow the Serene

Path which leads to you.” “I am

Sayings by

Samartha Ramdas- Collections

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constantly in search of happiness. But

what I often experience is Only sorrow

and misery. My confused mind can

neither concentrate on Meditation nor

in bhajan pujan. I know that I am still

running after the Bodily happiness, the

materialistic enjoyment and I fail to

search for Inner joy”.

3. Ramdas Says

“While leading my lonesome life here

far away from my house and Family, I

don't get enough food, enough clothes.

I cannot mix with the People. I feel

myself like a refugee. I don't have close

relationship with Anybody. I am just

thrown away. O God, help me, to

change my attitude and show me the

right path.”

4. Manache Shlok

His most popular book 'Manache Shlok

or Manobodh' includes 205 schlok with

4 lines each. Since the 17thCentury,

'Manache Schlok’ are Being recited by

common people in Maharashtra. Many

have learnt them By heart, since the

style of shlokas is unique, easy, beautiful

and Simple, though artistic and

meaningful. The great saint Samartha

Ramdas teaches us to have dialogue

with our own mind. Your own mind is

your friend, your enemy and your

own mind can be also your Guru. 205

verses of Manache Shlok are translated

into several Indian languages,

including Urdu. A Muslim Saint

Shahsuraj Ali has translated it into

U r d u , w h i c h i s c a l l e d

“Manasamazavana”. His Guru was

Ramdas. The handwritten copy of

“Manasamzavana “still exists in the

Jama Masjid of Delhi. Atmaram,

Karunatake, Abhanga and Arti are his

other books. All popular Marathi Artis

e.g. 'Sukhakarta Dukhhartha, Durge

durghata bhari, Shivaarti, Maruti Stotra

and many others are written by

Ramdas. Ramdas thought, the best

guide to advise the human being is his

own mind. Manache Shlok teaches your

mind to change yourself gradually.

Find out the reasons of your anger,

jealousy, greed, sorrow, depression,

fear, because these are the negative

emotions, which you have to face

constantly in your life. Convince your

mind with Ramdas's words.

5. Ramdas Says:

“O you, my coward mind, why are you

afraid of worldly sorrows? Get rid of

fear and hold courage”. Dasbodh is the

most important book by Ramdas.

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The book consists of 7,751 verses.

“Das” means servant i.e. a devotee.

Ramdas was a devotee of Ram. “Bodh”

means “teaching”.

In 'Dasbodh', Ramdas touches multiple

topics connected to human life. The

book is a beautiful guide for the ideal

human life. It teaches us how to shape

our life through Ramdas' excellent

practical and spiritual principles.

Dasbodh also explains multiple facets of

the Universe. It really covers the whole

cosmos. Ramdas, however, emphasizes

the existence of God very strongly and

shows common people the easy way to

reach God, namely, 'Bhaktimarg'. This,

according to him, is a sure path to

achieve peace of mind in life.

Samartha realized that the base of a

firm and healthy society is a harmonious

family. One should not neglect his

family. He should fulfill his duties first;

otherwise, he is not fit for devoting

himself to God.

5. Ramdas Says

“You should fulfill your duties first.

Then you are only fit to think about

Spirituality. Make the people around you

happy. The one who fulfills his duties

cautiously, is able to practice spirituality;

otherwise he is not supposed to be a real

devotee. Your life should be a good

combination of family life and spiritual

life.” Samartha handles in “Dasbodh”

varied themes, for example, family

p lanning, hea l th , body facts,

arch i tecture, construct ion o f

buildings, administration, politics, time

management, personal development,

how to train managers and leaders,

management of your own mind and

spiritual thoughts.

7. Ramdas Says

The great souls like Gandhi, and

Vivekananda had read Dasbodh and had

written words of praise on “Dasbodh”.

Atmaram Samartha Ramdas noticed

that in spite of listening, reading and

meditation, the desired expected

change in the attitude of human beings

was not witnessed; therefore, he guides

them through the medium of

conversation. In “Atmaram”, Ramdas

has presented a t r ansparent

fundamental thought. Samartha has

guided h is d isc ip les through

“Atmaram”, to practice their search for

self realization. The verses in Atmaram

are purely philosophical. “Atma” means

soul, “Ram” means here “Supreme

Being.”The idea is: an individual soul

of each and every being in the universe

is a part of the “Supreme Being”. - To be Continued

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March 2012

1st Satchintana program was conducted by Bangalore Satsang members Poojya

Guruji inagurated the programme at morning 9.30am by lighting the lamp.

Followed by Silent meditation till 11.00am and continued till 1pm with a ten

minutes break. Nearly 80 Dhyanabandhus participated.

2nd to 4th “Prema Dhara” - Silent meditation camp was held.

15th Kundalini Beejamantra Punaschetana camp was held. about 8 members


14th - 29th Kriya yoga Punaschetana camp was held. about 14 members


Programmes held for the month of January 2012

Poojya Guruji has been observing silence for one year

from Jan 2012. He will be in Ashram & in Meditation. It

is an opportunity for all Dhyana Bandhus to meditate in

the presence of Poojya Guruji. He will not respond to any

Phone calls, letters / E mails & there shall be no Public

meets. Let us all extend our co operation whole heartedly

in his sadhana.

Come to Ashram & meditate and you can feel the effect of

group meditation. Let us all meditate more & more for our

own spiritual progress and welfare of the mankind.


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March 2012

March 29th Charming Child

Aanya's 4th Birthday

On this wonderful occasion of Aanya's 4th year

birthday, Poojya Guruji has sent forth his personal

wishes for the overall development and progress of

ittle Aanya, and blessed her. The ashram inmates and

dhyanabandhus meditated for Aanya on her special day

wishing that God's Blessings & Sadguru's grace always

shower on her.

Smt. & Sri Narayana have blessed their loving

granddaughter on this 4 year of her life.

Aanya's affectionate parents Smt. & Sri. Nithin Shetty,

invoke God's blessings in rendering a happy and healthy

life to their darling daughter.

Happy Birthday

to Aanya

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March 2012

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