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Manifestation Masterkey

Chapter 7

Ancient Protection of Children, Infants and Women in Pregnancy

by Glenn Bolton

© 2017 Copyright

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Foreword ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Protection and The Red String Amulet ............................................................................. 7

Protection of Infants and Pregnant Women ................................................................. 12

Children Protection .................................................................................................................. 15

Archangels – General Protection and Health ............................................................... 17

Protection Prayer ...................................................................................................................... 27

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Dear reader,

as you may have noticed, I draw heavily from ancient wisdom

originating in Middle East, particularly from Hebrew sources.

These Abrahamic (biblical) methods are closest to our Western

way of thinking. Jewish teachings are easily digestible and

effective, regardless of whether you are an atheist, Jew, Christian

or follower of Allah.

In fact, our way of life is closely connected to these ancient

methods and principles.

For example, our week consists of seven days, matching the

seven days of creation mentioned in the Book of Genesis.

According to ancient scriptures, week day is ruled by specific


Sunday is ruled by Sun, Saturday by Saturn, Monday by Moon,

Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter

and Friday by Venus etc.

Equally, every hour of each day is ruled by one of those same

seven planets. For instance, on Sunday, first 60 minutes starting

at dawn are ruled by Sun, second hour is ruled by Moon, third

hour by Mars etc.

This way you get interaction of two planets (planet of the day

and planet of the hour) influencing everything on Earth,

including you. Those who know how to calculate favorable hours

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for any given purpose can take advantage of this planetary


My intention here was only to show you how much these old

teachings influence our lives and how tied we are to those

teaching, without even knowing.

In this book, I am presenting various techniques for:

• protecting children (no matter how old they are) against

any kind of malevolence, sickness and violence

• protection of pregnant women against miscarriage and death during birth

• for unborn and infant health

Most of the techniques in this book may appear as unusual,

simply because they haven’t been accessible to general public.

They deploy written amulets that contain special letter

combinations tied to various highly potent Names of Power,

such as the 42 and 72-Letter Names God that were derived from

Psalms or the Old Testament.

These written constructs contain Hebrew letters that represent

certain powers considered to bring specific forms of protective

energy down to material sphere.

Some people may question whether printed amulets, such as

those I present in this book are just as effective as written

amulets. Indeed, in Jewish culture there are many printed

amulets in circulation.

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Purity of intent of the person preparing the amulet and actual

content of the construct are two most important premises for

effectiveness of amulet in question.

While you can use the Healing Statement method described in

the Alignment Code for the very same purpose, my aim here is to

show you techniques that are much simpler.

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Protection and The Red String Amulet

Before we jump into main content of this book, let us have a brief look at one of the most known amulet in circulation. The phenomenon of wearing red string has hit planet Earth. This tiny little string is being worn on wrists of at least one tenth of US population. Same goes for Europe and Asia. People regardless of faith, social status or education level believe this ‘amulet’ wards off curses, envy and malevolence of any kind – collectively known as the evil eye or Ayin Ha Ra among Jews. In ancient times, red string really did serve fundamental purpose of protection. However actual creation of this amulet was rather complex, making its commercial version ineffective. Let’s make you an expert on this amulet. Red string primarily symbolizes a worm that should remind you of your low mundane status and discourage you from desire for superiority or arrogance toward others. Person that wears red string declares voluntary submission of his will to God. Thus, he or she confides own fate to God’s hands and God’s protection.

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Origin, creation and activation: This amulet was worn by orthodox Jewish women in Israel for the past 200 – 300 years. Long cotton string was first wrapped around the tomb of biblical matriarch Rachel, location of which is in the city of Betlehem. The string was then cut into shorter length so that women could wrap it around their left arms seven times. Afterwards, they had to recite a so-called Ana Bekoach prayer for Protection and Mercy. Origin of this prayer is ascribed to rabbi Nehunia Ben HaKanah (1st century CE), author of the fundamental book on Kabbalah called Sefer Ha Bahir (Book of Illumination). Amulet analysis:

1. Number Seven: Letters and numbers are very important tools of every spiritual system mainly because both, the Old and New Testaments state that our universe was created by words.

Another fundamental book of Kabbalah, the Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) goes even further, stating the universe was created by numbers from 1 to 10 and by the 32 letters of Hebrew alphabet. Let’s have a look at what number seven symbolizes.

a. Seven days in a week: the amulet should work every day of a week b. Seven celestial spheres or palaces that bring Mercy and Abundance into our world (see image below). I went into more detail on this subject in the Alignment Code. c. Completion and victory: in the Book of Genesis, God created the Universe in six days and rested on the seventh. Thus, number seven represents completion and victory. String wrapped seven

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times around woman’s wrist then represents victory over the Evil Eye. d. Focal Point – Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) informs us that our physical world contains 6 directions – above, below, East, West, North, South and that there is a 7th dimension represented by individual focal point - person wearing the amulet. Every man at any point of time is influenced by external forces coming from any of the six directions.

In this regard, the amulet should protect the person from all six directions including from thoughts transmuted in his or her own mind (seventh center point).

2. Red color: Symbolizes fifth spiritual power called Severity. Power of Severity is an extreme force that balances and filters the influx of other extreme force called the Power of Mercy that is constantly flowing into our life from the Highest Source.

Represented by planet Mars, Power of Severity governs such aspects of life as judgement, decay, catabolism, war, control and protection. To illustrate how Severity works, let me show you an example. Imagine that our Universe (including you) is fully dependent on the Power of Mercy.

This power is constantly flowing out from the Supreme Source down to material existence renewing and sustaining everything that exists. If only for a second this power stopped its downward flow, the Universe would disappear.

Imagine that this Power of Mercy is a candy machine that sprinkles out candies constantly, regardless who is the receiver. The Power of Severity constantly filters the output of Mercy in such a way that the ultimate receiving vessel only gets as much

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of Mercy as needed. In fact, since the Power of Severity governs judgement, it can stop influx of the Power of Mercy completely causing receiver’s death and decay.

This is the Life and Death principle, that my students manipulate with great success in the Manifestation Masterkey program.

3. Activation of the Amulet – to make any amulet effective, you need to connect it with your Deeper Mind. Equally, you need to connect your Deeper mind to the Power of Mercy and Severity.

This way, your mind becomes a conductor of that protective energy down from the supreme spheres into the amulet. This act is similar as the laying on of hands done by Jesus mentioned in the New Testament.

To activate the amulet, you then invoke respective Powers using proper set of Divine Names – in this case, the Names are part of the Ana Bekoach prayer.

This prayer contains 42 words and when you connect all initial letters of those words, you get an old interpretation of Divine Name assigned to Power of Judgement (or Severity). There are of course easier methods for amulet activation as you will see.

4. Left hand – to intensify amulet effectiveness, it should be worn on the left side of your body as the left side has controlling and protective function in material world.

There are many ways how to protect yourself from mental and spiritual attacks. Some amulets are easier to prepare and activate while other are more complicated.

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Seven Spheres (Palaces) through which the Power of Mercy flows down to reach the ultimate receiver (you). The Source, beyond time, space and events (represented by grey ellipses)

emanates the Power of Mercy that is then sent down to material universe represented by the lowest sphere called Kingship. Power of Mercy flows down through all the 10 filtering spheres

in a zig-zag manner starting from Crown to Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Judgement, Beauty, Victory, Glory, Foundation eventually reaching the Material Sphere.

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Protection of Infants and Pregnant Women

There are literally hundreds of ways how people protected

pregnant women and their infants.

I was told following amulet works perfectly. Women should wear

it from the moment they try to get pregnant and then as long as

possible or at least, until birth.

Good place to store the amulet is in your purse or handbag.

Just print the amulet below, fold it in any way you want. Put it

into small protective cover.

After you’re done using it, get a small metal or plastic container

and bury it somewhere. Avoid destroying or burning the amulet.

Many people wear amulets that they buy in shops but they

simply don’t work. There are several issues with effectiveness of

such amulets. First, they are not correctly designed, lacking

ריש עסל אקכ

איג מיד היב

אעק ככמ ךמס

אהה ומט ודא

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proper components or your Deeper Mind hasn’t been properly

connected to them - or both.

Many amulets need to be worn on proper side of body, such as

the famous red string. To briefly mention the red string again,

production of this amulet involves some ritual work to be done

at the grave of the matriarch Sarah in Israel, to make the amulet


This amulet should be worn on your left wrist. In ancient times,

amulets were marked by blood of the owner on the back side. Of

course, we don’t need to do this as there are other methods for

tying your amulet to your own Subconscious Mind.

Amulet Activation

Once you have printed previous page and before you fold it, sit

down behind your desk facing the sheet.

1. Close your eyes and take a few breaths, calming down.

2. Now imagine Endless Point somewhere in the sky high above

your head. Open your eyes and look at the amulet.

3. As you slowly inhale into your abdomen and lungs respectively,

imagine drawing beam of light into your head.

4. On exhale, imagine you’re sending that beam of light from your

head to the amulet. Remember, you do not need to have any

visualization skills, as the Axiom “Where attention goes, energy

follows” is perfectly valid. Just try to feel the energy.

5. Repeat one or two more times.

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6. Now inhale again but this time, draw the energy from the

Endless Point through your head down to your neck.

7. From there, exhale toward the amulet and repeat one or two

more times.

8. Do the same procedure with your heart center, solar plexus

center and then with your genital area.

9. At this point, your Deeper Mind is connected to the amulet

perpetually, thanks to Deeper Mind’s habitual attribute.

You can now fold the amulet, put it into a cover or pendant of any

kind (i.e. plastic or metal) and store it in your purse or handbag.

There is also common misconception that amulets need to be

engraved on specific metals or parchments, or written by kosher

ink and pen.

This is by far from the truth. Some of the most effective amulets

were written by hand at bed of dying people and helped reverse

their condition. These amulets were written right there on plain

sheet of paper with a simple pen.

Printed amulets have become quite custom and some of them are

pretty complex.

One of the greatest amulet writers was the famous Yithzak

Kaduri (1902 – 2006) who supposedly influenced elections and

produced amulets for many leading figures, such as Ariel Sharon.

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Children Protection

Amulets for protection have played major role in Middle East for

centuries. Just as there are many mathematic derivations of

Divine Names for countless purposes, so are there hundreds of

different amulets serving as a form of powerful protection

against external physical attacks, bad events, weather, accidents

or bad dreams.

One of the most prominent Divine derivation is the Protection

Name ‘Ravatmachah, designed in curious fashion as you can see


This Amulet should be worn around neck and it is equally

effective for pregnant women. It has been commonly used for

teenage and adolescent children who travel or go to school to

protect them against any form of danger.

Print the amulet on next page and write first name of your child

on the other side with black pen – it can be written in italics but

if you prefer the name to be written in Hebrew, you would have

to ask somebody to write it down for you so you can then

mimick Hebrew letters and write it down on the amulet


Eventually, the Name ‘Ravatmachah’ can be recited in rapid

fashion by child in danger. As I was told this nullifies any

imminent danger.

I was also told that there is no need to connect child to this

amulet when it is being prepared by mothers. Contrary to

previous amulet, you are allowed to cut the amulet out so it

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becomes so it fits into any container that can be placed around

the neck of child.

The letter ‘ch’ should be recited same way as in the German

word mach.

Please also note that after your child stops using this amulet, he

or she should return it back to you.

Never burn or destroy the amulet. Instead, get a small metal or

plastic container and bury it to the ground.

ר ו ט ס ח א

ו ט ס ח א ט

ט ס ח א ט ב

ס ח א ט ב ט

ח א ט ב ט ו

א ט ב ט ו ר

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Archangels – General Protection and Health

I haven’t addressed Archangels in this program, especially

because they are said to be difficult to reach when it comes to

acquisition of wealth. However, these Names can be used with

great effect for personal protection, healing and other issues

listed below.

Correct invocation of archangelic forces for protection has been

long known in many spiritual systems. In Israel, even little

children know how to invoke them.

It is interesting to note that in Christian tradition, only three

archangels are honored by name – Gabriel, Michael and Raphael.

In Jewish mystical system of Kabbalah, there are ten archangelic

names assigned to each of the 10 sephirot (spheres) depicted on

the Tree of Life.

However, only four archangels are being used for the actual

invocation of protection. Archangels in question are: Michael,

Gavriel, Raphael and Auriel.

If you read the Alignment Code, which is the core book of this

program, you already know that both the angels and archangels

are vibratory formulas that tune you in into special branch of

Divine Power. These four angels of higher order govern

following life and space aspects.


Pronounced as ‘Mee-Chaah-El’ this vibratory formula governs

the active, creative energy of abundance. This archangel is

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characterized by the element of Fire and the planet Sun. Simply

repeating this Name during meditation invokes healing forces

that are capable reversing any ailments of the spine, nerves and

any problems with sight. Invocation of this Name is very

effective when you are starting new endeavor of any kind.

Michael also governs South, if you live in Northern Hemisphere

and North, if you live in Southern Hemisphere.


This vibratory formula governs healing forces and Life in

general. Characterized by the element of Air and the Planet of

Mercury, this vibratory formula is especially effective for any

problems with tongue, voice, speech (stuttering), thinking and

hearing. You can repeat ‘Raphael’ before your class of foreign

language, a singing lesson or before any session where you are

required to learn or analyze some subject, as Raphael also

governs thinking and listening. Invoking this force is very

effective when you have lack of perseverance at some project

and need some extra kick for continuity.

Raphael is responsible for East.


This archangel is related to love and strength in general.

Governing the planet Moon and the element of Water, this Name

of Power controls taste and human feelings. Repetitive

invocation of this Name during mediation brings healing energy

into heart and veins and is thus very effective in healing various

kinds of cardiovascular diseases.

Gavriel is responsible for West.

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Auriel governs over Law, the element of Earth and the planet

Venus. Repetitive invocation of this Name during meditation

heals skin and flesh diseases (such as torn muscles and

ligaments). I have personally used this Archangel to heal my

back pain with great success and speed. This vibratory formula

is equally effective to cut bonds with any habit or person you

wish, including pain of any kind as it governs the sense of touch.

If you wish to invoke these angelic forces by simply repeating

these Names of Power during meditative practice, I suggest you

learn the basal breathing technique as described below.

Science of Breathing

I am going to explain one of the most effective and essential

methods of driving Divine Energy into human body or its parts.

I would like to introduce a new Axiom that says:

“Where attention goes, energy flows.”

This basically says that if you sense, focus or look at any object,

part of your internal energy immediately flows from you to the

chosen object and vice versa, from the object back to you. This

happens every single time, whether you feel it or not.

This method involves conscious breathing. All serious masters

acknowledge that there is more to breathing that normally meets

the eye.

Our bodies need air and food to exist while the atmosphere itself

is also considered food. When we are breathing unconsciously,

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our body only takes the necessary nutrient (oxygen) out of the


When we look at the composition of atmosphere we realize that

oxygen belongs to the element of Fire and nitrogen to the

Element of Water.

Element of Air then balances the two, while the Element of Earth

represents the gravity uniting oxygen and hydrogen together.

Now as many experienced spiritual practitioners know, there is

one more hidden element that underlines all the other four.

This fifth element is called Avir (the Universal Life Force,

Universal Element or Spirit). Union of these five elements is often

depicted as Pentagram.

All these elements have two polarities, magnetic and electric – or

attractive and radiative.

When we start breathing consciously, we can impregnate our

breath with different qualities, such as thoughts, images or

Divine and Angelic Names.

In this process, magnetic currents of four elements mentioned

above will attach the image, thought or Divine Name into the

energetic matrix of Avir.

With focused attention, we can then drive the impregnated

Universal Life Force (Spirit Principle) of Avir into specific organs

or into whole body, as you will soon see.

During this process, energetic levels immediately increase,

preserving and revitalizing organ on which you are focussing.

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In addition, the electric (radiative) quality of air impregnated

with thought or image will be distributed from blood stream into

all parts of human mind – including Subjective Mind of the

practitioner that, as we already know is connected to the Endless

Mind (Collective Consciousness).

This is the secret of breath from magical point of view and in fact,

it is probably the most important part of all Ancient Traditions

that utilize breath for various personal and global benefits. What

only few people know is that it is not the quantity of air that


You don’t need to breathe tons of air, pumping your lungs into

their fullest to achieve your objective. The quality of air

impregnated with ideas is what matters most.

When you are breathing consciously, you’re not only cultivating

strong and healthy breathing abilities but also increasing your

overall health.

With conscious breathing, you will acquire deeper elements that

are often called as the food of the Universe.

In fact, the Hebrew word for Air – ‘Avir’ – is closely related to the

word Bari, meaning ‘healthy’ that further underlines mutual

relation between these two words.

You may want to spend a minute or two thinking how your

breathing may have caused some of the health problems you’re

currently facing.

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Basal Breathing Technique

In this Chapter, you will learn simple technique of breathing that

you can use to drive Divine Energy into any organ or area within

your body.

Learning to breathe correctly is not difficult. Contrary to what

you may have read in other books, it is advised to use open

mouth for inhalation and exhalation and it has many benefits

over commonly advised nostrils breathing.

Using your mouth, you can form your mouth in such a way as to

inbreathe Divine Names, which is not possible to do with nostrils

breathing when your mouth is closed.

Part of your air will naturally flow through your nostrils

provided they’re not blocked.

To breathe correctly, inhale through your mouth into your

abdomen first and once it is full, continue filling your lungs. Do

not strain yourself. Breathe in naturally, as far as you can without

tensing your neck muscles.

When you’re full of air, pause for one second without tensing any

muscles and then commence with exhalation by first emptying

your lungs and finally your abdomen.

Length or each inhalation and exhalation should be at least 5

seconds or more. Longer the better. You will notice that with

practice, your lung capacity will naturally increase and you will

be able to perform inhalations and exhalations that last 10

second each or more without any straining on your side


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To breathe out all air out of your abdomen, you may want to

contract it by pulling the abdominal wall in, at the end of each

exhalation. Pause one second and repeat the process of


Now, let’s do the Basal Breathing Technique.

Although this technique will later be expanded, it is all by itself a

perfect healing technique directly affecting your whole body and

mind, tuning you into hidden currents of universal energy. It

alone can be used to reverse serious mental, physical and

emotional conditions.

In addition, breathing helps you improve relation between your

Conscious and Subconscious Mind, which, just as the Healing

Statement helps purify false beliefs.

When you’re just beginning to breathe consciously, I suggest you

lay down on your back with arms loosely along sides of your

body and legs slightly apart. Have your palms facing upwards.

For best feeling appreciation, do not cover yourself and wear

minimum only amount of clothes, if any. Later, as you get

proficient, you can do this technique while sitting or standing,

fully dressed and you will still experience the energy flowing into

your body with increased amount of intensity.

Remember, where your attention goes the energy follows – so

this technique works from day one as you don’t really need to

feel the energy at all. With practice, you will become more

sensitive to the energy current.

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In the beginning, it may take you 20 - 40 minutes to complete the

session, but later as you get proficient it will only take seconds to

fully ‘tune in’ and vibrate your entire anatomy.

Later you may replace group areas of your body and ‘tune’ them

in collectively. Practice this method every day at least once,

either in the morning or in the evening for one week before

adding Divine Names to inhalations and exhalations.

1. As you lay down, close your eyes and spend 30 seconds or more

just relaxing, sensing which bodily parts are tensed. Consciously

relax them by giving them mental command “relax”. Focus your

attention inside your body. Stay away from thinking about

worldly matters.

2. Take one to three normal deep breaths and sigh loudly with each


3. Take another three deep breaths, now trying to fully breathe into

your belly and lungs as described above. This time, make a sound

of any consonant you like on each exhalation, trying to sense any

vibration throughout your body. This will help you get in contact

with individual part of your body. I usually use letter ‘oooh’ or

‘aaaaah’ as I am inhaling.

4. With your eyes closed, try sensing your toes. It is not important

to perfectly imagine them. What you are after is to sense your

toes with your feeling alone.

As previously said, where attention goes energy follows, so do

not make this part an issue. Just become aware of your toes. As

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you already know, Avir is everywhere around you (and within

you). Start breathing in and imagine you are sucking more Avir,

the life-force through the pores of your toes as you are taking the

deep breath. Fill your toes with this vital force and during entire

exhalation intone within your toes, sensing vital force vibrating

in that bodily area.

5. Now, shift your attention to your feet and repeat the procedure.

6. Do the same with your lower legs (below knees), thighs,

buttocks, genitals, each time breathing into the body part and

then exhaling, intoning ‘ooohh’, ‘aaaah’ or humming and trying to

sense any vibration.

7. Continue the procedure, now with the area from navel down to

genitals and then from diaphragm down to navel. Follow up with

your chest, lower and upper back, and the ladies should not

forget breathing with their breasts. Then focus on your

shoulders, upper arms, lower arms, your hands and fingers. If

you’re doing it correctly you should now feel deeply


8. Now, focus on your entire neck, especially on the back of your

neck where a lot of tension may still be present. Continue with

back of your skull, both sides and top of your head. Finish with

your face. At this point, some people may experience sudden

burst of smiling or crying – this is your Nefesh, your

Subconscious Mind reacting to the procedure that tends to

induce release of suppressed feelings and emotions. Just observe

this phenomenon without any interruption.

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9. Finish the procedure by briefly sensing your entire body

experiencing energetic state within. Literally experience every

portion of your body, opening up its pores, inviting new streams

of energy. Take a deep breath with your whole body, straight

through your skin and on exhalation feel the entire body

vibrating with you. Again, hum on exhalation. Do this inhalation

and exhalation minimum three times or more.

10. Move on to reciting the Archangelic Names focusing on your

heart or on specific locale of your body that you want this Name

to operate. Simply utter the Name slowly along your inbreath

and then second time as you exhale. Repeat as many times as


11. Then finish the procedure by going back to your normal

conscious levels by clenching your fists and opening your eyes.

As said above, once you get acquainted with this breathing

technique, you can then group individual body parts together

and vibrate them in one breath. For example, you may vibrate

your entire legs, trunk, both arms and head including neck

together in one single inhalation and exhalation. This way,

number of breaths will decrease to four plus another three

breaths for the entire body.

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Protection Prayer

Over the centuries, this known invocation has been altered

numerous times as it was passed down from generation to

generation. Here, I am presenting the whole procedure in its

unchanged form. It can be found in little prayer book called

Siddur (15th century CE).

1. At night, lay down on your back and spend couple of minutes

relaxing and breathing deeply focusing on each exhalation

and inhalation. The longer you’re relaxing the better because

conscious breathing relaxes muscles and the practitioner

then stops paying attention to outside sources of distraction

while his or her 5 senses will switch to low-level operation.

This way you will tune into the higher worlds becoming

more sensitive to them.

2. Now you will be focusing on specific locale in your body and

with every inhalation recite portion of a sentence before

comma. Then, you will recite second half of the sentence

after comma with your exhalation.

3. Focus on a place above your head, slowly inhale and recite:


4. Still focusing on your above-head level, slowly exhale and

recite: … hear me.”

5. Focus on a place in front of your body, slowly inhale and

recite: “Rafael, ...”

6. Still focusing on the front of your body, slowly exhale and

recite: … before me.”

7. Focus on a behind your body, slowly inhale and recite:

“Gavriel, ...”

Page 28: Manifestation Masterkey - Amazon S3...The string was then cut into shorter length so that women could wrap it around their left arms seven times. Afterwards, they had to recite a so-called


8. Still focusing on the back of your body, slowly exhale and

recite: … behind me.”

9. Focus on a place next to your right arm, slowly inhale and

recite: “Michael, ...”

10. Still focusing on your right side, slowly exhale and recite: …

to my right side.”

11. Focus on a place next to your left arm, slowly inhale and

recite: “Oriel ...”

12. Still focusing on your left side, slowly exhale and recite: … to

my left side.”

13. Focus again on the level above your head, inhale and recite:


14. Still focusing on your above-head level, slowly exhale and

recite: … above my head.”

15. Now, spend a minute or two by smiling inside your body to

evoke positive attitude. Try to sense any presence of Divine

Being close to you.

During my own experiments with this technique, at times I felt

immediate presence of Deity behind my back.

This feeling triggered intensive amount of peace and tranquility

in my mind and I could physically feel new vibrating energy

flooding my body.
