
Manufacture of Thick-walled Tubular Components by Pressure-assisted

Injection Forging

PhD Student

Yanling Ma


Dr. Yi Qin


Project Programme

Industrial Investigation

Material Test

FE Simulation


Design/manufacture Algorithm

PhD Thesis

Industrial Investigation

• Requirements on tubular components

• Manufacturing method review

• Use of pressurising materials (PMs)

• Classification of polymers as PMs

• Selection of PMs for testing

Material Test

• Qualification of Mechanical Properties of PMs

• Testing PMs Under Confined Pressures

Qualification of Mechanical Properties of PMs

Equipment design

Qualification of Mechanical Properties of PMs

Specimens design and consideration for testing

Testing PMs under confined pressures

FE simulation for designing tests

Testing PMs under confined pressures

Compression tests of compound cylinders

FE Simulation of forming of tubular components

Investigation of Neural Network methods and applications

•Literature Review of NN applications

•Investigation of Software

•Ongoing Work

Further work (2002) - Objectives and Tasks

• Material tests and forming experiments

• FE simulation for forming process design

• Concurrent design and manufacture algorithm

Questions ?