Page 1: March 2012 issue now on the stands!
Page 2: March 2012 issue now on the stands!
Page 3: March 2012 issue now on the stands!



Cover Story


Planets & Politics


Vastu Dimensions &




The Festival of Happiness

Panchanga for the Month


29 33This Month for you



Jyotisha Chinta Nidhi

Fame & Notoriety


Page 4: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


Lead Article

THE SUN IS THE fountain-head of all energies.

He is the visible God. Modern scientists declare that

but for the Sun, nothing could exist in this world even for

a single second. It is his influences that affect terrestrial

phenomena. Wars, pestilences, plagues, and ebb and flow

of human passions are directly traceable to the movements

of the Sun and other celestial bodies or planets, in the

signs of the zodiac and astrology deals with these details.

Hence it is the safest guide which enables us to appreciate

the trend of international events during the coming years.

It is not binding on man or nations to meekly submit to the

indications or influences of planets. Man is a free agent

and can never be said to be a pawn in the hands of a

merciless fate. Fatalism has no existence whatever

in the astrological vocabulary. Astrology gives the

greatest scope for the development and application of will

power in man so that, knowing in advance, trend of events,

individual or national, one could adjust or move

harmoniously with the forces of nature. Suppose an

earthquake or a war is indicated. It is not be possible for

us to stop the outbreak of a war or the occurence of an

earthquake, but it would certainly be possible to prevent

the colossal loss of lives and properties by taking

precautionary measures in advance. Herein lies the value

of astrological consultation. It it is indicated in advance that

prices of a certain commodity show an upward tendency in

a particular year, you can sell your old stock and make some

profit. If you did not know this you would perhaps buy a

further stock, and sustain heavy financial losses.

Astrology and History

Astrology is intimately connected with History. History

simply seems to be a repetetion of the problems of

adjustment and redjustment of countries and the political

world. History must take cognisance of the ebb and flow

of human passions, for the rise and fall of nations and

empires can be traced to causes, embedded in the Womb

of Time which control human passions. Whilst these

causes elude the mental grasp of the historian, they

nevertheless identify themselves in the creation and

destruction of empires and nations. When once it is

admitted that historical events are adjusted by causes

contained in Time, then it could be safely concluded that

these causes are capable of demonstration by astrological

considerations. Thus astrology helps us to understand the

future trend of world events.

Planets indicate Karmic results. Astrological causes are

only the expression of the results of national and individual

Karma, National and individual evil Karma-accumulated

on a large scale, cannot remain without producing its

baneful effects. The punishments must come and will

come as a matter of sequence. Action must be followed

by reaction. The Sun is called Karma Sakshi or the

witness, who watches all activities, Kayaka or Physical,

Vachaka or Verbal and Manasika or Mental. As the

greatest glorious Witness of all Karma and as one who

produces the reactions of all Karma, the Sun speaks out

about these results through the positions, angles, aspects,

conjunctions, retrogrades, accelerations etc,. of the planets

and their endless movements in the zodiacal signs and


Planets and Portfolios

The Sun arranges the portfolios of the yearly Government

by his movements in the several signs and constellations

and thereby indicates the results for each year and even

for each cycle.

Who are the planets for politics and how do they indicate

the results for the years in question?

The Sun (Ravi) represents the Divine Soul and when he

is the ruler or holder of other important portfolios, he

determines the question of politics in that year. The Sun

represents also Royalty and ruling classes and therefore

he will have a large share in the moulding of that year’s

general politics.

The Moon (Chandra) represents royalty and also the mind

of a nation. Where he is evil or has evil conjunctions the

national mind as a whole is debased and the activities of

such nations which are under his control will commit acts


PoliticsDR. B. V. RAMAN

Page 5: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


What is Ayanamsa?


This is a great circle of the celestial sphere, which is

inclined at about 23° 27’ to the celestial equator. The

zodiac is an imaginary belt stretching about 8° to 9° to the

north and south of the ecliptic. It is within this celestial

belt the planets and the Moon move around, of course

apparently, as observed from the


It is quite probable that the night sky

with its bright stars, in groups

showing different and interesting

geometrical patterns, that resembled

some animal and other forms, could

have aroused the interest of the

primitive man, driving him to a habit

of constant observations. These

observations through the ages would

have helped the humans to identify

many of the stars, some of those

sufficiently bright. Only this effort

of constant observation, of those

stars both inside and outside the

Zodiacal belt must have urged those ancients to give them

individual names to many of them. It is only these

practices and efforts of observation, could have made those

of our ancestors to evolve a convenient division of the

Zodiac into twelve equal sectors of 30° each. They called

these partitions as signs, first being the present Aries.

Vedic astronomers, who reckoned these divisions as rasis,

did not identify them with any particular constellation or

group of stars. They, as group of 27 nakshatras, (28 if

Abhijith is also reckoned) pervaded the entire zodiac of

the twelve rasis, thereby making each rasi getting 2¼ of

the Nakshatra groups. However, this was what others,

outside India, did. They divided all of them into twelve

constellation groups synchronising with the twelve signs.

Our ancients, calling the belt “Rasi Chakra,” measured

the celestial longitudes along the ecliptic, commencing from

Meshadi, a fixed point of reference that is tied upon to a

stellar background commencing from Aswini. This is our

‘Zodiac of constellations.’ Longitude so reckoned is called

Sidereal or Nirayana.

However, astronomically, the first point of Aries is not

a fixed point. It is the one of the intersecting points of

the ecliptic and the celestial equator. This has a

backward motion of about 50.2"

per annum in relation to the stars.

This phenomenon is called the

precession of equinoxes.

Necessarily, the intersecting

points of the ecliptic and the

celestial equator will be two.

These two points are the Vernal

and Autumnal equinoxes. These

two, respectively mark the entry

of the Sun into the northern and

southern hemisphere. The vernal

equinox, taken as the reference

point for measurement of

celestial longitudes, is referred to

as the first point of Aries.

Consequently, it can be understood that this ‘Zodiac of

Signs’ must slip backward through the constellations.

This would make 0° Aries recede at the rate of little

over 50" per year from the Vedic Meshadi, which is

fixed. The longitude of any planet reckoned from this

moving first point of Aries, is called the Tropical or

Sayana longitude. Obviously, this will be greater than

the Nirayana or Sidereal longitude. This difference is

called Ayanamsa. In other words, Ayanamsa is the

distance between these two starting points of reckoning,

viz., the Meshadi, which is fixed and the astronomical

first point of Aries, which is movable, known as Vernal


Ayanamsa Value

The determination of the value of Ayanamsa has given

rise to many controversies due to divergent views about

Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi


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Page 6: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


specially prepared spot in front of the house. The rangoli

reflects aesthetic appreciation, skills of dexterity of hand,

and grasp of geometric principles. The skill in its

preparation is passed on from generation to generation,

as a part of traditional culture.

On this day, minds will be filled with only holy thoughts

and be free from wicked ideas and feelings, ill- will and

mental agitations due to insatiable desires for material

comforts. They are also able to develop tranquility or peace

of mind by keeping away tensions and disturbing thoughts

and feelings of daily life by involvement in the sacred


Special feasts are prepared and shared with family

members and friends. Thus it is an occasion to serve

people or partake what food is left after giving it to others.

It is an occasion to follow the ancient saying Athithi Devo

Bhava. On this day there is a ritual of recitation of

almanac or Pachanga or Hindu calendar. A Panchanga is

used to find out the auspicious time for tasks undertaken

for successful completion. The include activities like

agricultural operations (planting, harvesting, etc), starting

new ventures, travel dates, marriages and more. A

Panchanga is a necessary tool that is a source of guidance

in conducting day to day activities in the Hindu households.

People assemble in a place such as temple premises. It

is an informal social function where an elderly or revered

person reads out the predictions regarding national,

community and personal lives. This is called Panchanga

Sravanam. Jyothisha or Astrology is one among Vedangas

or a limb of Vedas that dates back to at least 10,000

years . It is treasure of ancient wisdom

In Kerala where Vishu is celebrated, the village astrologers

visit traditional houses with predictions of the year written

in palm leaves and read out before a lighted traditional

bronze lamp and receive gifts. People are happy when

they hear from these astrologers that they have a bright


On the occasion, it is usual practice to arrange cultural

and literary events. Homes reverberate with rhythm of

percussion instruments, melody from traditional indian

musical instruments and folk songs and visual treat from

traditional and folk dance forms like bharata natyam,

kuchipudi, yakshagana and other dances. Folk arts

are not mere entertainments; they are rooted in ancient

indian scriptures which enlighten people in their day to

day life. The occasion also provides ample scope for

budding artists to bloom. Perhaps we are reminded of

the need to promote arts and culture. .A special mix

called bevu bella is prepared by grinding neem leaves

with jagery that tastes bitter and sweet. Symbolically

the mix of bitter and sweet tells us that human life is

a bundle of different experiences – joy and sorrow,

gain and loss, victory and defeat, praise and censure –

all of which we should accept with a sense of

equanimity. We should never entertain very strong likes

and dislikes. Ugadi is a festival that has to be celebrated

in letter and spirit to bring joy and happiness to every

one of us.

I read the Annual Number of The Astrological eMagazine.The Astrological eMagazine.The Astrological eMagazine.The Astrological eMagazine.The Astrological eMagazine. Your article on Muhurtha was very good

capturing all salient features of a good Muhurtha.

The pick of the write-ups was the Mundane piece *Future of India in 2012*Future of India in 2012*Future of India in 2012*Future of India in 2012*Future of India in 2012 by Raman Suprajarama.Raman Suprajarama.Raman Suprajarama.Raman Suprajarama.Raman Suprajarama. I

can say, without fear of contradiction, after reading the scholarly article that the vacuum left by DR B V RAMAN

seems to have been filled up.

What is amazing about the write up is the confidence in forecasts which are put into writing without any trace

of ambiguity and which is the hallmark of a truly great Astrologer.

I could see traces of Dr Raman’s approach in his writings.I could see traces of Dr Raman’s approach in his writings.I could see traces of Dr Raman’s approach in his writings.I could see traces of Dr Raman’s approach in his writings.I could see traces of Dr Raman’s approach in his writings.

Finally, a word of appreciation about the free alamanac. It was a very thoughtful move. I suggest that in 2013,

a full year’s alamanac may be furnished with charts for all the 365 days.

I wish the magazine all success; my prayers and good wishes to all members of the Raman family and wishing the

readers a happy and prosperous new year 2012.

Dr. Elavathur Subrahmanyan Neelakantan, Chennai

An Appreciation *Read the full article free on

Page 7: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


From the Yoni Table above, it is clear that the ancients

wanted the buildings to face the four cardinal directions

only, viz., East, West, North and South.

The classical texts opine that Dhwaja Yoni is the best of

all auspicious Yonis.

Manusyalaya Chandrika states that

Yonihi Praanaa Eva Dhamnam Yadasmaad |

Grahyastatadyogyayoniprabhedaha ||

Yoni constitutes the life and breath of a structure,

particularly of a house :

Vara (solar day)

Nandavriddhayaa rishim (shina) hritva tacchesham

vaarameva cha |

When the circumference is multiplied by nine and then

divided by seven, the remainder is Vara (solar day).

c x 9

——[remainder = Vara]


Manasara refers to C as circumference or thickness or

height. Perhaps, we can take this as the height. I invite

scholars to throw more light on this point.

Remainder  Day of the week Result

1 Sunday Not favourable

2 Monday Favourable

3 Tuesday Not favourable

4 Wednesday Favourable

5 Thursday Favourable

6 Friday Favourable

7 (zero) Saturday Not favourable

Of the weekdays, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and

Friday are said to be auspicious for beginning the


Tithi (lunar day)

Navabhirgunithe trimshata kshepecchesham

tithirbhavet |

When the circumference is multiplied by 9 and then

divided by 30, the remainder is Tithi (lunar day).

c x 9

——[remainder = Tithi]


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Page 8: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


Rahu Ketu Axis


FROM THE IMMEMORIAL the effect of Rahu and

Ketu has been known to man whenever the Moon or

the Sun comes in conjunction with these shadowy planets.

He has known that this conjunction known commonly as

eclipse has an effect on digestion and pregnancy - that is,

a pregnant woman was forbidden to see an eclipse. All

were supposed to fast until the eclipse ended.

The effects of Rahu and Ketu were thus far known to all.

But the ancient Rishis have attributed many other diseases

to these shadowy planets. For instance Rahu produces

phobias, stammering, chronic diseases like leprosy and

tumors, serpent bites, abortions, child deaths, etc., and to

Ketu are attributed low blood pressure, accidents, phobias,

worms. skin diseases, etc. Though the individual effects

of these planets have been studied by various authors of

the past and present, no exhaustive study of the effects

on health of this axis in the natal chart has been made.

This prompted me to collect for such a study, My findings

are mainly with regard to health also. I have studied the

effects in all the 12 houses and I have also noted the

findings of ancient rishis aad astrological seers of the past

and present and I present this paper for the benefit of

readers. The study is by no means exhaustive though I

have made a sincere effort to focus the effect on as many

aspects as possible.

Rahu Katu - axis in Lagna and the 7th

Before touching the effects on health it is necessary to

study the mental make-up of the person and other

environmental conditions that may effect health. Native

with this combination will have a peculiar nature and it

will not be possible to easily gauge the person. He may

suffer from inferiority complex, fear of being neglected

by near and dear ones and society; he also suffers some

deformity, may be in a minor degree. He will have secret

aspirations leading to frustrations. With such a complex

melancholia, depression, peptic ulcers, and even hysteria

may develop. As this axis falls in the 1st and the 7th, the

person is very passionate and suffers due to lack of sex

gratification. They may be difficult to get on with because

they are silent-and-difficult-to-please types. If there is a

full kalasarpa in these houses, it becomes a very

unfortunate condition and such people die in dire

circumstances. The susceptible ages the 7th, 13th 18th, 26th,

38th 45th and 60th years.

Rahu Ketu in the 2nd and the 8th

The native of such a combination is a victim of

circumstances leading to pecuniary troubles and

involvements in accidents and may be bedridden for a

long time. He may have stammering, and suffer due to

his foul tongue and quick temper. He develops blood

pressure and is disliked by his family members. At the

age of 12 years he suffers from pox which leaves bad

sears. He will have inferiority complex with regard to his

sexual ability. He is often cold and clammy to touch, he

suffers from high fevers and pains which mostly remain

undiagnosed. He has to spend a lot on his health and as

well as on his dependents. This further causes nervous

disorders and ultimately nervous breakdown. The effects

are mitigated if there is an aspect of Jupiter to this axis,

either to Rahu or Ketu. If there is complete kalasarpa

operating in these houses he ends up in an asyslum. The

susceptible ages are the 10th, 15th, 20th, 23rd, 42nd, 53rd,

and 59 years.

Rahu Ketu in the 3rd and the 9th

Persons having this combination are often misunderstood

by their own kith and kin. They are accussed of

ulteriormotives. They do not care for their health but are

highly susceptible to criticism and suffer blood pressure.

Their own kith and kin will cause troble and even the

father may disown such a person. They are fond of

wandering and suffer often due to breakdown of vehicles,

as they riokety vehicles. They pose themselves as rich

and powerful. If full kalasarpa operates. The end is

sudden. The susceptible ages are 11th, the 18th, 25th 31st,

40th, 47th, 50th and 60th years.

Rahu Ketu in the 4th and the 10th

The natives with such a combinations will often suffer

from cough and cold, fever due to frequent tours and

Health Problems&

Page 9: March 2012 issue now on the stands!



March 2012

The Astrological eMagazine

First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of

Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours.

Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally

spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346º40’ to 360º andVyatipata from 213º20’ to 226º40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata

punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the

astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomicalimplications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and

Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different

from the Nityayogas.

The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. TheChara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni,

Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara,

Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. Theforbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification.

We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana,

Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga.

Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the eveningon the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha

or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi

days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days.

The important dates and festivals for March 2012 are as follows:

1. Thu - Durga Ashtami; 4. Sun - Amlaki Ekadasi; 5. Mon - Govinda Dwadasi; 6. Tue - Runavimochana Pradosha;

7. Wed - Pournamipooja. Maasimagha. Sri Nataraja Abhishekam; 8. Thu - Holi; 9. Fri - Sayana Vyatipata. Vasantotsava;

11. Sun - Sankataharachaturthi; 12. Mon - Rangapanchami; 13. Tue - Shastivrata; 14. Wed Kaarudayaan Nonpu.

Sampath Gauri Vrata; 15. Thu - Sitalashtami. Ashtaka. Kalashtami; 16. Fri - Anvashtaka; 18. Sun - Papamochani/ Vijaya

Ekadasi. Sravanavrata; 19. Mon - Soma Pradosa; 20. Tue -Madhu Krishna Trayodasi. Mahavisuva day. Maasasivaratri;

21. Wed - Indian New Year’s day; 22. Thu - Sarva Amavasya. Sayana Vaidhruthi; 23. Fri - Vasantha Navaratrarambha.

Telugu New Year Day. Ugadi. Siddhi Ganapathy Vrata; 24. Sat - Chandradarisana; 25. Sun - Gauri / Andolana Triteeya.

Sowbhaagya Gauri Vara; 26. Mon - Masa Chaturthi. Sakthi Ganapathy Vara; 27. Tue - Sri (Lakshmi) Panchami.

Krittikavrata; 28. Wed - Skanda Shasti. Shastivrata; 30. Fri - Vasanti Poojaarambha. Kamala Saptami Vara. Santana

Saptami; 31. Sat - Annapurna Pooja. Asokaashtami. Sri Rama Navami (Smarta) Bhavani Utpathi.

Moon in Vrishabha enters:

Mithuna on 2nd at 09h.00m; Kataka on 4th at 17h.57m; Simha on 6th at 22h.51m; Kanya on 9th at

00h.39m; Thula on 11th at 01h.13m; Vruschika on 13th at 02.25m; Dhanus on 15th at 05h.28m; Makara

on 17th at 10h.49m; Kumbha on 19th at 18h.19m; Meena on 22nd at 03h.47m; Mesha on 24th at 15h.12m;

Vrishabha on 27th at 04h.04m; Mithuna on 29th at 16h.46m; Kataka on 31st at 26h.59m.

The Sun enters: Poorvabhadrapada on 4th at 10h.39m; and Uttarabhadrapada on 17th at 19h.10m;

and Revati on 31st at 05h.55m. The Sun enters Meena rasi on 14th March at 10h.51m.

Page 10: March 2012 issue now on the stands!


Rohini: There will be gains from investments. You

will win in lawsuits. There will be many favourable


Mrigasira 1, 2: There will be problems of health.

Those with chronic illness should exercise care. Many

unfavourable currents upset your plans. There may

injuries or you may undergo surgical treatment.

MITHUNA (Gemini)

Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra andPunarvasu 1, 2, 3

The Sun in the latter half, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

and Rahu are helpful. Others do not.

With the plenitude of favourable transits, you will have an

enjoyable time. First of all you will feel excited at the

strange ways in which things take place to your advantage.

A long-cherished desire now gets fulfilled. Proposals for

marriage and attempts for childbirth click. You may feel

elated at the honour bestowed upon you by your colleagues.

You grow powerful and wield influence. You have financial

gains through direct and indirect methods. You exercise

sagacity while solving problems with which you are


You get governmental favours. You get as gifts many

costly goods. Lovers of ornaments have a splendid time.

Newly weds enjoy themselves and visit many places of

their liking. There will be restoration of health in many

cases. Though you feel happy some problems about

children occasionally disturb you. There may be quarrels

with your kinsmen in which you become the scapegoat.

Despite the minor shortcomings, the overall picture is really


Mrigasira 3, 4: There will be problems of health. Many

unfavourable currents disturb you. You may undergo


Aridra: There will be success in lawsuits. Many

favourable currents cheer you up. You also have the favour

of your kinsmen.

Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: You may undergo surgical treatment.

You face problems due to the help of some kinsmen. Many

unfavourable currents disturb you.


Punarvasu 4, Pushya and


Except the shadow planet Ketu and the occasional lunar

grace, there is nothing interesting.

Your ambition, however great or small, does not get

fulfilled. The odds against you are too many and despite

your frantic effort to get back the past glory, there is no

ray of hope. With many doors closed, making overtures

to achieve your ends becomes hard nut to crack. The

stiff opposition from colleagues, friends and official circles

put you to hardship. When you apply for loan, the officials

concerned are indifferent and the bureaucratic bottleneck

impedes the matters to the extent of causing

disillusionment. Your health poses problems and even if

you are physically robust you become affected with

diseases, partly due to the insalubrious effect of food,

climate etc. The honeymooning couple find things

disgusting. Even if you resort to close lipped patience,

you are provoked. Try to continue with your attitude.

The occasional successes caused by your resilience

nevertheless help you, but it has limitations.

*Namah Suyaya Chandraya Mangalaya Budhayacha |

Guru Shukra Shanibhyascha Rahave Ketave Namaha ||

Punarvasu 4: Many unfavourable currents disturb you.

You may undergo injuries and get the help of your kinsmen.

Pushya: You may win lawsuits. You may incur the

displeasure of kinsmen. Some favourable currents cheer

you up.

Aslesha: There will be income through different sources.

There may be injuries or need for surgical treatment.

There will be favourable currents and consequent income.


(Makha, Poorvaphalguni and

Uttaraphalguni 1)

Mercury (with the obstruction of Veda) Jupiter, Venus,

and Saturn help you. Others do not.

This offers a good picture. The providential grace you

have certainly brings you success in every activity.

Proposals for marriage and attempts for childbirth click

and the obstacles are easily removed. You acquire

valuable goods and succeed in romance. New weds enjoy

Page 11: March 2012 issue now on the stands!

40 MARCH 2012 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINEEdited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at 101 C, Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003

and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bangalore 560008. Ph: 25556015.

Email: [email protected]

DR. B.V. RAMAN Rs.Ps: US $

A Catechism of Astrology ....................................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50

A Manual of Hindu Astrology .................................................................. 70.00 ................................ 7.00

Ashtakavarga System of Prediction ........................................................ 70.00 ................................ 7.00

Astrology for Beginners (PB) ................................................................. 35.00 ................................ 3.50

Astrology in Predicting

Weather and Earthquakes ....................................................................... 40.00 ................................ 4.00

Bhavartha Ratnakara .............................................................................. 70.00 ................................ 7.00

Graha and Bhava Balas ........................................................................... 50.00 ................................ 5.00

Hindu Predictive Astrology ...................................................................... 80.00 ................................ 8.00

Hindu Astrology and the West ................................................................. 75.00 ................................ 7.50

How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. I (Paperback) ..................................... 95.00 ................................ 9.50

How to Judge a Horoscope, Vol. II (Paperback) .................................. 150.00 .............................. 15.50

Muhurtha or Electional Astrology ........................................................... 65.00 ................................ 6.50

My Experiences in Astrology .................................................................. 95.00 ................................ 9.50

Notable Horoscopes (Paperback) ......................................................... 150.00 .............................. 15.00

Notable Horoscopes (Hardbound) ......................................................... 295.00 .............................. 25.00

Planetary Influences on Human Affairs .................................................. 65.00 ................................ 6.50

Planets and the Next World War ............................................................. 60.00 ................................ 6.00

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