
March 22, 2015 | Fifth Sunday of Lent

SCHEDULE OF MASSES Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish)

Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish)

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)

Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced

CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m.

First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Fridays during Lent: 9 a.m.

MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benedic on.

BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for informa on and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on. Programs are available in English or in Spanish.

MARRIAGES Please call the Parish Office for informa on. Six months advance no ce is required. Marriage Prepara on is available in English or in Spanish.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK, COMMUNION FOR THE SICK & HOMEBOUND Kindly call the Parish Office to make arrangements. FUNERALS At the me of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements.

St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving

to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service.

CLERGY Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor

Rev. Agus n Escobar, Parochial Vicar

Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar

Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence

Deacon Dave Blake

Deacon Joseph Esparza

Deacon Juan Espinoza

MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Irene Ahedo, Office Manager

Margie Balch, Chris an Service

Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School

Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on

John Erhard, Music Ministry

Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry

Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries

Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on & Confirma on

Maria Mar nez, Business Manager

Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on

300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311



Reflecting on God’s Word

Fi h Sunday of Lent One of the earliest pictures of Jesus I can remember portrayed him at prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. I s ll see his hands, clasped ght. They spoke to me of an inner struggle long before I knew about his words, “Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will” (Mark 14:36). More than any other scene in the Gospels, this one brought home what it meant to say Jesus was truly man.

Today’s Gospel has been called John’s version of the agony in the garden. The word agony (agonia in Greek) means struggle, and we can hear the struggle in Jesus’ awareness that “the hour” he has spoken of before in John’s Gospel, beginning at Cana, has finally arrived. It is the hour of his being li ed up—the hour of both his glory and his crucifixion. It is why he came into the world, and yet we hear him say, “I am troubled.” We hear him wrestling with himself, asking for release from the hour, but then recognizing that it holds “the purpose for which I came.”

Hebrews affirms this when it says “he offered prayers and supplica ons with loud cries and tears to the one able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence” (5:7). He was able to bear the suffering and become the source of eternal salva on for all who listen to him and follow in his steps.

—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publica ons.

All rights reserved.

Our Parish Debt is Shrinking! Wonderful progress has been made in paying down the debt that we owe to the Diocese of Orange for the loan that we were given to complete the building of the Family & Youth Center. The PSA and For Christ Forever rebates con nue to be applied to the loan. As of March 12, 2015, we s ll owe $430,000.

PSA 2015 as of March 12, 2015: Diocesan Assessment: $151,000 Number of pledges received: 526 Amount Pledged: $261,181 Amount Paid: $100,785 Thanks to all who con nue to make your pledge payments to our Pastoral Service Appeal and those who have made special gi s to pay off the loan. Your generosity has provided a Center, home to Chris an Service outreach that feeds 200+ families in need each week; Youth Ministry, which is forming our present and future leaders in their Catholic faith; St. Norbert Parish School; pastoral social events and many other ministries.

You are encouraged and invited to con nue to make your PSA payments or make

designated dona ons to help pay down our outstanding debt. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Stations of the Cross

Friday Evenings during Lent at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in this tradi onal Lenten prac ce of prayer and reflec on following Jesus on his way to Calvary.


Support Catholic Education at the Taste of St. Norbert! Mark your calendars for the Taste of St. Norbert—our annual auc on fundraiser that features an extensive silent auc on, exci ng live auc on and opportunity drawings. The event will be held on the school campus and in the Family & Youth Center Gym on Saturday, May 2. Dinner and beverages will be provided by a host of vendors, all of whom are part of the St. Norbert family! We'll enjoy tas ngs from Wise Guys Pizzeria, Jay's Catering, Colleary's Bistro & Bakery and Valiant Brewing. We can't wait to celebrate at the Taste of St. Norbert! Tickets are at $60 per person before April 17, or $70 per person a er April 17. If you have ques ons, please contact Pa y Bornhop at (714) 637-6822 x204. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Church Decorations during Lent The season of Lent is a me of penance, reflec on, and fas ng which prepares us for Christ's Resurrec on on Easter Sunday. It is also a me of visual fas ng. The church and sanctuary are inten onally stark, simple and spare. We respec ully ask that you do not leave plants or flowers in the church during this Lenten season. Thank you! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your con nuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, our parish budget calls for $27,900 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collec on. The collec on for Sunday, March 15, was $25,655.43. These collec ons are not only for opera ng expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular dona ons are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel.

Parish Life


Catholic Home Missions Appeal

The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next weekend. One way that this Appeal works to support mission dioceses here at home is by suppor ng seminarian forma on in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial burden on these dioceses, which educate each seminarian at a cost of $35,000–$40,000 per year. Your support is needed for these young men, so that they can return to serve their parishes. Please strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gi to next week’s Appeal. _______________________________________________________________________

Celebrate with our Neophytes Receiving new members to our Church is a reason to celebrate for all of us. We are asking parishioners to bring dona ons of “finger-foods” (cookies, vegetables, small sandwiches, appe zers, etc.) to the Ministry Center on Saturday, April 4, to be used at the recep on celebra on for our new Catholics who will be bap zed and confirmed at the Easter Vigil. Dona ons of food may be dropped off at the Ministry Center Office from 9 a.m. un l 2 p.m. or taken to the Ministry Center hall between 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Also, any parishioner who would like to volunteer for hospitality at the recep on is invited to call Charlene at (714) 637-4360 x114.

We invite all parishioners to a end the Great Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 8 p.m. and celebrate with our newly bap zed and confirmed parishioners. _______________________________________________________________________

March Christian Service Food Collection This month we’re collec ng individual serving cups of applesauce. Kindly leave your donations in the Ministry Center any time

during the month. Thank you for your continued assistance in helping us feed those who are hungry.

Lenten Parish Penance Service This coming Wednesday at 7 p.m. Plan to join us for our annual Lenten Penance Service on Wednesday, March 25, at 7 p.m. Multiple confessors will be available to hear your confession before Easter. Lent is the perfect time to celebrate this sacrament. All Catholics are encouraged to make a good confession during the Lenten season, even if they are not aware of any serious sins. _______________________________________________________________________

Fish Fry Join us for our final Fish Fry this Friday, March 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center Hall for great food,

wonderful company and FISH! The cost is $7 for fish, cheese pizza, fish tacos or quesadillas. Dinners include French fries & coleslaw. Clam chowder and desserts are available for additional charge. Take out is available, too!

Hosted by St. Norbert Catholic School Junior High students. _______________________________________________________________________

Chrism Mass The Annual Chrism Mass for the Blessing of the Holy Oils and Renewal of Priestly Commitment will be celebrated at St. Columban Catholic Church on Monday of Holy Week, March 30, at 5:30 p.m. Bishop Kevin Vann will be presiding. The Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumen will be blessed, and the Oil of Sacred Chrism will be consecrated for use in each of the parishes at this diocesan celebra on. There will be a Dismissal Rite in English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean for the Elect. Bishop Kevin encourages all who will celebrate Confirma on and Bap sm to a end. The Church is located at 10801 Stanford Avenue in Garden Grove.

Early Bulletin Deadline In order to accommodate JS Paluch's holiday produc on schedule, there is an early bulle n deadline for Easter Sunday.

The deadline for Easter Sunday, April 4, is Tuesday, March 24, by 12 noon. Thank you in advance for your understanding and coopera on.

Special Palm Sunday Mass Schedule Next weekend, March 28 & 29

The liturgy on Palm Sunday is longer than a usual Sunday Mass, and the attendance is larger. To accommodate the crowds and avoid a parking lot that looks like rush-hour traffic, St. Norbert will observe a modified Mass schedule for Palm Sunday. The Mass schedule for Palm Sunday will be as follows:

Saturday evening: 5 p.m. Sunday: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m.,10 a.m. (Preschool Co-Op), 12 noon,

2 p.m. (Spanish), 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. (Spanish)

Congratulations! ¡Felicidades!

Corey & Maureen Saenz Married 20 years on March 25, 2015

Serving Junior High through College-Age Young Adults The Youth Ministry Office will be closed on Thursday, March 26.

Confirmation 2 Retreat All paperwork and payments for the C2 retreat are PAST DUE! If you have not already turned in your forms and payment, please do so immediately!

Reminders for all C2 teens going on retreat on March 27: Check-in at the FYC by 3:30 p.m. SHARP! Bring MEATLESS sack dinner to eat on the bus ride. PARENTS: after you drop off your teens, you are required to

stay for a mini-retreat from 4 to 5:30 the YM Room.


Leadership Retreat Dinner Meeting This Sunday, March 22, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. All Confirma on teachers, adults, co-teachers and Vision teens who are helping lead the C2 retreat must a end our final Leadership mee ng in the Youth Room. We will begin with Mass and dinner will be served. Thank you for saving this dates on your calendars! ________________________________________________________________________

Confirmation 2 Bishop Letters Teens preparing for Confirma on, please remember that your le ers to the Bishop are due in our office no later than Wednesday, April 1. ________________________________________________________________________

Junior High Ministry Monday, March 23: Junior High Social at 4 p.m. ________________________________________________________________________

World Youth Day The next payment is due by Wednesday, April 1. ________________________________________________________________________

Service Opportunities All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance with Helen via e-mail at [email protected]

Holy Thursday Candlelight Procession, Thursday, April 2: Teens and families in Youth Ministry, please join us for Holy Thursday Mass at 7 p.m. in the church. A er receiving Communion, please come outside of the church to prepare the way of the Lord with a candlelit walkway from the church to the FYC Gym. We need about 80-100 teens and families to prepare the way!

Chris an Service Food Distribu on: Saturdays Shi s are available from 8 to 11 a.m. OR 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join us to help our Chris an Service Ministry serve our community. Please e-mail Helen to sign up for March Chris an Service Opportuni es.

School of Religious Education

Youth & Teen Ministries

First Eucharist Retreat This Sunday March 22, is the First Eucharist retreat for the children and at least one parent preparing for their First Communion in April. The retreat will begin with the 9 a.m. Mass and will continue in the Family & Youth Center, concluding at 1:30 p.m.

Photo Chalices of the children preparing for their First Communion are hung on banners in the ves bule. You are invited to remove one of the chalices, take it with you, and pray for that child as they con nue on their journey toward receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist. When removing the photo chalice,

please leave the white Velcro strip on the banner. ________________________________________________________________________

Looking Ahead There will be no SRE classes on Palm Sunday and during Holy Week, March 29, 30, and 31, and on Easter and during Easter Week, April 5, 6 and 7.


Catechists Needed Catechists are always needed for the SRE English Faith Forma on classes. During your Lenten journey, I ask you to ponder saying “yes” to the call. Consider sharing your Faith story with our children for classes beginning in the fall. Can you give one hour of your me one day a week for approximately six months? You do not need to be a professional teacher. Training will be offered over the summer. You simply need to love Jesus and help the children on their faith forma on journey. Together in Jesus we can make a difference! Please call Robin Mayes at (714) 998-1070 for more informa on.

Sixth Graders Head to Camp Please keep our parish school sixth graders in your prayers as they head off to Outdoor Ed camp in the mountains this week. We pray they

grow in knowledge and faith as they explore God’s crea on in the mountains. God bless you boys and girls! _______________________________________________________________________

Learn About St. Norbert Catholic School Are you interested in learning more about our parish school? Each Thursday through the end of the school year, our principal Mr. Joe Ciccoianni will be available from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. to show you around the school campus and answer ques ons about enrolling your child(ren). We hope to see many new faces and look forward to mee ng our future SNCS families! For more informa on about our school, visit or call us at (714) 637-6822. Please note: We will not be open for visits on April 2 or May 28.

Youth Ministry & Confirmation

St. Norbert Catholic School


Letters & Cards for Our Elect We invite you to write a card or le er of encouragement or welcoming to our Elect and Candidates to be received at the Easter Vigil. It means a great deal to these new Catholics to feel known and welcomed by their brothers and sisters in the parish. It is also a good Lenten project for families to do together. Both adults and children will be received into the church on Easter. Please drop off your cards at the Ministry Center by Monday, March 30. The names of those to receive Easter Sacraments are listed below. The Elect (unbap zed) are:

Adults to be Bap zed, Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Michael Swenson and Mony Sambeth

Children and Teens to be Baptized, Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Emily A. (11), Christian C. (9), Carlos F. (11), Andrew G. (16), Nathan G. (9), Nicholas H. (11), Monserat H. (14), Daniel Q. (9), Leslie R. (10), Cinthia S. (15) and Anabella V. (13). For Bap sm only: Liliana L. (5)

The Candidates Bap zed in other Chris an faith tradi ons are: Children and Teens to make a Profession of Faith, be Confirmed and receive First Eucharist: Ismael A. (11) and Sherlyn A. (8)


R.C.I.A. This Thursday, March 12, our Elect will focus on the story of the Raising of Lazarus to prepare for their Third Scru ny Rite.

Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. In order to be received into the Catholic Church by Easter 2016, it is necessary to begin the process during the Lent or Easter Season this year. _______________________________________________________________________

Lenten Book Study During Lent, we will be reading and discussing the book Jesus: A Pilgrimage by Jesuit priest James Mar n. In his book, Fr. Mar n reflects on the life of Jesus through the eyes of a pilgrim to the Holy Land, blending Scripture and personal experiences to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture, the places where Jesus lived and preached, and the story of Jesus’ life. This is a deligh ul book to read and will give us much to think about during the days of Lent. This week, March 25, we will be discussing Chapters 19 – 21. Please read the chapters and note any ideas that you would like to discuss when we meet on Wednesday. Due to the Penance Service at 7 p.m., we will meet at 8:15 p.m.

Faith Formation & Enrichment

Words of Faith Words of Faith from our Candidates, previously bap zed in other Chris an faith communi es, who will be received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church through Confirma on and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.

Sherlyn A., age 9

I want to learn from Jesus to be a nice person. When I learn more, I can be nice and help others

Ismael A., age 11

I love Jesus because he is our Father. I want to learn about Jesus so I can go to heaven. I want to believe in Jesus.

Please pray especially for Sherlyn and Ismael during this Fi h Week of Lent. ________________________________________________________________________

The Word in Our Lives The promise made by the L in the first reading is very bold. He says that all people shall know him, without having to be taught by others. The way people will know Him is through forgiveness of their sins. Remember, he is speaking to the Israelites: When they broke a commandment or law, they were isolated from the community. So the promise that God would place his law in their hearts meant they would be free to do God’s will because they want to, not because they were feared punishment or rejec on.

Jesus says something similar in today’s gospel. He tells the disciples that his crucifixion would draw everyone to him. Now, Jesus’ death showed that he took on the punishment for sins in place of us, who deserve it. By dying on the cross, Jesus shows how much God loves us. By rising from the dead, he shows that we can rise from sin to a new life of faith and love.

Ge ng back to the first reading, we experience that promise when we bring our sins to God. When we forgive people who have hurt us, we also help them to experience that love. We also help others to know God when we share or experience of being forgiven. The sacrament of Reconcilia on gives us the assurance of God’s forgiveness, as well as the experience. Along with the other sacraments, it helps us keep God’s love in our hearts.

Tom Schmidt, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ________________________________________________________________________

Prayer & Meditation with Scripture We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, March 24, when we will reflect on the Lenten Scriptures in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer time utilizes varying prayer forms each week, including Lectio Divina, centering prayer, prayer of remembrance, Taizé prayer and Ignatian meditation. It is a time to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world.



Ministerio Hispano

¡La deuda de nuestra parroquia está disminuyendo! Hemos hecho un gran progreso en el pago de la deuda que tenemos con la Diócesis de Orange por el préstamo que nos dieron para terminar la construcción del Centro Familiar y Juvenil. Los rembolsos recibidos de sus promesas a las Campañas

para los Servicios Pastorales (PSA) y Para Cristo Siempre han sido abonadas al préstamo. Al 12 de marzo, 2015 todavía debemos $430,000. PSA 2015 al el 12 be marzo de 2015: Compromiso Diocesano: $151,000 Número de PromesasiRecibidas: 526 Can dad Prome da: $261,181 Can dad de Promesas Pagadas a la Fecha: $100,785 Muchas gracias a aquellas personas que con núan honrando su promesa y que han hecho donaciones especiales para el pago del préstamo. Su generosidad ha proporcionado un hogar para el ministerio de Servicios Cris anos, que cada semana proporciona alimentos a más de 200 familias en necesidad; alberga el Ministerio Juvenil, en el cual se forman en la fe católica nuestros actuales y futuros líderes; y la escuela católica de San Norberto, así como eventos pastorales y sociales, y muchos otros ministerios.

Les animamos e invitamos a que con núen con su promesa a la PSA o hacer donaciones designadas para ayudarnos a terminar de pagar nuestra deuda. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Servicios Cristianos

Este mes de marzo Servicios Cris anos está colectando vasitos de puré de manzana. Agradecemos su apoyo y le invitamos a dejar sus donaciones en los contenedores que se encuentran en las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios, las oficinas están abiertas de 9 a.m. a 8:30 p.m. de lunes a viernes, y sábado y domingo de 8 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Dios les bendiga.


Respeto a la Vida desde la Concepción hasta la Muerte Natural La medida SB 128 para legalizar el suicidio asistido ha sido introducida en el Senado de California. Todas las diócesis en California, especialmente la Diócesis de Orange, la Asociación Médica de California y las organizaciones de personas con discapacidad se oponen firmemente a este proyecto de ley. El 3 de marzo, la Diócesis de Orange, llevó a cabo una reunión sobre la Dignidad y el Valor al Final de la Vida para compartir cómo y por qué oponerse a este proyecto de ley. Nosotros, como católicos del condado de Orange, necesitamos ponernos en contacto con nuestros senadores estatales. La diócesis ha proporcionado una vía fácil de comunicación a través de correo electrónico para que contactemos a nuestros senadores estatales en su página en Internet en En la página principal hay un botón color turquesa titulado Dile a Nuestra Legislatura en California NO al Suicidio Asistido por un Doctor . Al hacer clic en este cuadro una segunda página le ofrece información por qué oponerse a este proyecto de ley y le indica cómo enviar un correo electrónico a su Senador Estatal. Si usted no tiene correo electrónico por favor llame o escriba a su senador del estado de California. Una lista de senadores y miembros de la Asamblea del Condado de Orange y California está disponible en las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial Agradecemos su apoyo continuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2014 a junio 30, 2015. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $27,900. La colecta del domingo pasado 15 de marzo, fue de $25,655.43. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio.

Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma Una de las imágenes más an guas de Jesús que recuerdo es donde está orando en el huerto de Getsemaní. Aún veo sus manos juntas y apretadas, que me expresaron una lucha interior mucho antes de que yo conociera sus palabras: “Padre, todo te es posible. Aparta de mí este cáliz de amargura. Pero no se haga como yo quiero, sino como quieres tú” (Marcos 14:36). Más que ninguna otra escena de los evangelios, ésta fue la que mejor me dejó claro lo que significa decir que Jesús fue verdaderamente hombre.

Al Evangelio de hoy se le ha llamado la versión de Juan de la agonía en el huerto. La palabra agonía en griego significa lucha, y bien claro podemos escuchar la lucha de Jesús al estar consciente de que “la hora” de la cual él había hablado antes en el Evangelio de Juan, comenzando en Caná, había llegado por fin. Es la hora en la que él sería elevado —la hora de su gloria y también de su crucifixión. Para eso vino a este mundo y sin embargo lo oímos decir: “Me muero de tristeza”. Lo escuchamos luchar consigo mismo pidiendo que pase esa hora, pero en seguida reconoció: “He venido precisamente para aceptar esta hora”.

La carta a los hebreos afirma esto cuando dice que “Cristo presentó oraciones y súplicas con grandes gritos y lágrimas al que podía salvarlo de la muerte, fue escuchado en atención a su ac tud reverente” (5:7). Le fue posible sobrellevar los sufrimientos y conver rse en la fuente de la salvación eterna para todos los que le escuchan y siguen sus pasos.

—James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons.

Todos los derechos reservados.

Ministerio Hispano


March 22, 2015 ~ March 28, 2015 Sunday, March 22 Fish Fry Ticket Sales 8:30 a.m. Blood Drive 9:00 a.m. Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:00 a.m. First Communion Retreat 3:00 p.m. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia 6:30 p.m. YM Retreat Leadership Dinner Mee ng

Monday, March 23 9:15 a.m. Monday Morning Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 4:00 p.m. Junior High Social 7:00 p.m. Bap sm Prep Class 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Grupo de Oración Tuesday, March 24 7:00 p.m. Adult Confirmation Class 7:00 p.m. RICA 7:30 p.m. Praying with Scripture

Wednesday, March 25 7:00 p.m. Bilingual Parish Penance Service 8:15 p.m. AFF: Lenten Book Study

Thursday, March 26 9:30 a.m. Mothers Group Brunch 10:00 a.m. Young at Heart Club Mee ng 6:00 p.m. RCIC 6:30 p.m. Knights of Columbus 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración 7:30 p.m. RCIA & Inquiry

Friday, March 27 9:00 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. C2 Retreat Check-In 4:00 p.m. C2 Parent Mini-Retreat 5:00 p.m. Fish Fry 7:30 p.m. Sta ons of the Cross

Saturday, March 28 8:00 a.m. RICA Re ro de Cuaresama 9:30 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) 10:00 am. Preparación para la Ciudadanía 12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on 3:30 p.m. Confessions

Parish Calendar

Bautizos ¡Aviso importante! A todas las personas que registraron a sus niños para bautizar el 2 de mayo, se les informa que las fechas de preparación “pre-bautismal” se han cambiado. Las fechas que originalmente eran el 14 y 28 de abril , se movieron al último viernes del mes las nuevas fechas son al 24 de abril y 1 de mayo. El horario es el mismo de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m., en el salón Madre Teresa. Para más información pueden comunicarse al Centro de Ministerios (714) 637-4360 x105 x106 con Carmen o Shyntia. _______________________________________________________________________

Padres de Familia y Padrinos de Primera Comunión El sábado 11 de abril, a las 6 p.m., se llevará a cabo en el gimnasio unareunión sólo para hombres, en donde par ciparán papás y padrinos de los niños que harán su Primera Comunión en el mes de mayo. Recuerden que todos estamos caminando en esta jornada de fe, y necesitamos estar listos para el gran día de la celebración de la Primera Comunión. _______________________________________________________________________

Madres de familia y Madrinas El sábado 18 de abril, a las 6 p.m., habrá una reunión sólo para mujeres en el gimnasio. Será una tarde de compar miento, aprendizaje y de ac vidades en preparación para la celebración del día tan esperado para sus niños/as. Favor de traer aguja e hilo para terminar una ac vitad. _______________________________________________________________________

Noche de Información para todos los Padres de Familia de Primera Comunión Sábado 25 de abril Se invita a todos los padres de familia a la noche de información de sus niños que se están preparando para recibir a Jesús Sacramentado. La reunión dará inicio a las 6 p.m. en el gimnasio, hablaremos sobre la ves menta de los niños/as, fotos, ensayos y horarios de las ac vidades que tendremos el 9 de mayo. Contamos con su asistencia, ustedes son importantes para nosotros y también para sus niños, ¡no falten! _______________________________________________________________________

Misa del Santo Crisma La misa anual del Santo Crisma para Ia bendición de los Santos Oleos y Ia Renovación de las Promesas Sacerdotales será celebrada en Ia parroquia de San Columbano el 30 de marzo, lunes de Semana Santa, a las 5:30 p.m. EI Obispo Kevin Vann celebrará esta misa, bendecirá el óleo de los enfermos y el óleo de los catecúmenos y se consagrará el Crisma para el uso de cada parroquia. Habrá un Rito de Despedida para los Elegidos en inglés, español, vietnamita y coreano. Nuestro obispo Vann invita, de manera especial, a todos los que celebrarán el sacramento de Confirmación y Bautismo. La iglesia de San Columbano está lubicada en el 10801 Stanford Ave., en Ia ciudad de Garden Grove.

Servicio Penitencial Se invita a toda la comunidad a que se dé la oportunidad de venir a confesarse con los diferentes sacerdotes bilingües que estarán par cipando en el Servicio Penitencial Comunitario, el miércoles 25 de marzo, a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia, recuerde que Jesús le espera para sanarle a través del sacramento de la penitencia. Para más información puede comunicarse a la oficina del Centro de Ministerios, (714) 637-4360 x106.


Community Life & Groups

Young at Heart Club The Young At Heart Club will meet on Thursday, March 26, at 10 am. This month we will be having Subway sandwiches. A dona on of $6 for lunch is requested. You are welcome to bring a potluck salad or dessert. Bingo is planned. Next month, April 23, we will tour Christ Cathedral. All senior parish members (55 and above) are welcome. We meet in the Ministry Center. Any ques ons, please call Pat Vega (714) 637-2014. _______________________________________________________________________

Vacation Bible School 2015 Save the date for this year’s Vaca on Bible School: June 22-26, 2015! Registra on and sign-ups will begin in April. Adults who are interested in volunteering can contact Amy Glenane at

(714) 974-8781 or [email protected]


Get on the Bus Get on the Bus is a program that rallies communities throughout the state to provide children of incarcerated parents with a visit to see their mothers and fathers. Several buses will be leaving Orange County for prisons beginning on May 2, May 8, May 30 and June 8. We are in need of financial help to make these visits possible. Money is used for bus rentals, food, coloring books, games, snacks, etc. Checks can be made out to Get on the Bus and mailed to Sister Eymard Flood, Diocese of Orange Pastoral Center, 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840, or call (714) 282-3114. _______________________________________________________________________

Thank you from Concern America On March 8, hand cra ed tex les, baskets, ceramics and wood products from Concern America were displayed. As a community of the faithful, you were very generous in purchasing handcra s valued at $1,661.00. We are very grateful to Fr. Pat for his hospitality and support, and to everyone who purchased handcra s. Through your generosity you have helped to spread hope for a be er future to hundreds of economically disadvantaged people in many developing countries throughout the world. Thank you!

For informa on about Concern America’s many programs or if you would like to see a selec on of Concern America cra s, you are invited to visit our web site at To place an order for something you saw at the sale, please call our office at (800) CON-CERN (800-266-2376).

. . . and for those who have died.

Pray for the sick . . .

Elsy Maidel Urru a-Aguilar Irma Abigail Urru a-Aguilar

Char Avram Josephine Barrera

Be y Bick Julie Booth

Tom Braunschweiger The Burke Family

Giovanni Camponovo Martha Centellas

Olga Centellas Lillian Cordaway

Jorge Cortés Marie Donaldson

Edward Felix Patricia Gandsey

Jenny Gil Lorena Gil

Gladys Leon Susan McCloskey

Pamela McSherry Meza Abigail Nguyen

Mickie Pecoraro Sr. Frances O’ Leary

Aurora Sánchez Sheila Utrup Fred Watson

Richard Williams


Mass Intentions Saturday, March 21, 2015

5:00 p.m. + Ray Losi

Sunday, March 22, 2015 7:30 a.m. + Lucille Shook 9:00 a.m. St. Norbert Parishioners 10:30 a.m. + Tillie Garcia 12:00 p.m. + J. Isabel Guzman 2:00 p.m. + Abdulia Leon 5:30 p.m. + Anthony Vuong 7:00 p.m. + Esperansa Vega Moreno

Monday, March 23, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Tim Smith 8:30 a.m. + Joe Saenz

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Ricardo Valenzuela 8:30 a.m. + Xavier Betzen

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Patrick Michael Tracy 8:30 a.m. + Jane Black 7:00 p.m. + Penance Service

Thursday, March 26, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Dr. Gumersindo Garcia 8:30 a.m. Ruth Sallot

Friday, March 27, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Inez Lamb 8:30 a.m. + Jane Black

Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:30 a.m. + Sofronio Lombos Santos

Elias Joel Urru a-Aguilar José Cornejo

Gema Ramírez Katherine Vice

Thomas House Walk-A-Thon Please join us next Saturday, March 28, at 8 a.m. for the Run 4 Homeless Children at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. The proceeds from the 5K and

10K Walk-A-Thon and the 2K Fun Run will go toward assis ng homeless families with children at Thomas House Family Shelter. Prices start at $28 and registra on includes a dry-wick T-shirt, reusable grocery tote goody bag, finisher’s medal and complimentary food a er the race. We can’t wait to see you at this fun, family-friendly event! For more informa on and to register, please visit _______________________________________________________________________

Sacred Heart Women’s Retreat Remain in My Love Conducted by the Sacred Heart Sisters at the Sacred Heart Retreat Camp, Big Bear Lake: May 1-3. The retreat will include communal and private prayer. Celebra ons of the Eucharist and Reconcilia on will highlight the retreat experience. Come and be refreshed by the love and company of our Lord Jesus Christ. Dona on: $100. For more informa on, call (909) 866-5696. _______________________________________________________________________

Hope & Healing after Abortion aka Project Rachel If you, or someone you know, have been hurt by the act of abor on, please accept this invita on to conversa on with a minister especially trained in this very sensi ve area of ministry. All calls are confiden al. Please call our help line at (800) 722-4356. Our Church cares about you and we are here to help. _______________________________________________________________________

Lent is the Season, Christ is the Reason What be er me than Lent to think about increasing your faith in Jesus Christ? Just as fas ng is a sacrifice, joining the Cursillo Movement is a great way to complete your sacrifice during Lent.

Cursillo has given hundreds of thousands of Catholics a new a tude toward the daily challenges of this life. You spend a Friday, Saturday and Sunday experiencing a new way to focus your life and begin to transform your environment for Christ. You experience a new high in your life and become excited about being a Catholic. Talk to anyone who has been through Cursillo and sense the excitement in their experience. Please contact Ron Accornero, the St Norbert Parish Rep, for applica on forms and more informa on about Cursillo. Call today at (714) 396-7295 to get excited about Catholicism.

Our Parish & Beyond

Women’s Retreat St. Martin de Porres (and friends) Women's Retreat is scheduled for Friday evening, April 24, from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, April 25, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The retreat will be held in the new Parish Hall at St. Martin's. There will be NO overnight facility available.

There will be a light supper served on Friday evening along with three meals on Saturday. The 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass will be included in our retreat followed by dinner and the evening presenta ons. We will have exci ng presenters including the wives of Deacons Nick Sherg, Denis Zaun and Doug Cook. There will be me for reflec on, reconcilia on and adora on. Please invite your prayer partners, sisters, aunts and adult daughters.

The cost is $80.00. No registrations will be accepted after Sunday, April 12. For more information or applications please contact Lynn Clark at (714) 970-7452 or Jeanne Rathswohl at (714) 470-1309. ________________________________________________________________________

Charismatic Healing Mass Monday, March 23, at 7:15 p.m. St. Angela Merici Church 585 S. Walnut Avenue in Brea All who are suffering physically, emo onally, spiritually, psychologically, or know others who

are, are encouraged to come. All are most welcome! Fr. Charles Lueras will be the celebrant. For more informa on, please call Jude at (714) 525-8539.


Adult Faith Forma on Charlene Dumitru, Director (714) 637-4360 x114

Altar Care Denise Bi el ................................ (714) 633-2444

Altar Servers/Monaguillos [English] Karen Purpura .............. (714) 974-6507 [Español] Paula Guerrero ............ (714) 786-7540

Bap smal Prepara on/Pre-Bau smales [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114 [Español] Carmen Estrada .. (714) 637-4360 x106 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829

Bereavement Denise Bi el ....................... (714) 637-4360 x130

Bible Studies Monday AM - Mary Prather ........ (714) 709-3768 Evening - Charlene Dumitru .. (714) 637-4360 x114

Bodas Sonia Jiménez ............................. (714) 203-1187

Bulle n Editor Joan Doyle .................................. (714) 282-1082 stnorbertbulle [email protected]

Calendar Secretary Lola Reynoso ............................... (714) 637-4360

Charlas Prematrimoniales Juan Diego Noreña ...................... (714) 932-6350 Arnulfo Francis Soto .................... (714) 478-3026

Childcare Co-Op Michelle Navarro ........................ (949) 322-4073

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Michele Desbiens ........................ (714) 999-2710

Chris an Service Margie Balch ...................... (714) 637-4360 x113

Coffee & Donut Coordinator Janet Llewellyn............................ (714) 998-3104

Confirma on Prepara on Kirsten King ........................ (714) 637-4360 x210

Cub Scout Pack #863 Joe Beckman ............................... (714) 222-2895

Cursillo Ron Accornero ............................ (714) 396-7295

Diacono Juan Espinoza .............................. (714) 202-5828

Divine Mercy Prayer Group/La Divina Misericordia [English] Helen Amposta ............. (714) 279-9441 [Español] María Ramos ............... (657) 221-0886

Elizabeth Ministry Amy Glenane .............................. (714) 974-8781

ESL (inglés como segundo idioma) George Dore [English only] ........ (714) 280-2801. Hablas español ............................ (714) 637-4360

Eucharis c Adora on Commi ee Ed Majcher .................................. (714) 998-1574

Eucharis c Ministers/Ministros Extraordinarios de Eucharís a [English] Fran Needham ............. (714) 743-5169 [Español] Alma Arzaga ................ (714) 630-8678 [Español] Luis Acervantes ........... (951) 505-9087

Eucharis c Ministry to the Sick & Homebound/Enfermos [Kaiser] Toby Tobin ..................... (714) 998-2584 [Home Route] Janine Kilgore(714) 637-4360 x110 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829

Filipino Ministry Lucille Jus niani .......................... (714) 974-4399

Grupo de Oración Javier Solis .................................. (657) 200-0505 Irma Chamú ................................ (714) 319-4599

Guadalupanos Carmen Carbajal ......................... (714) 974-5251

Hospitality/Hospitalidad [Español] Alberto Ocampo ......... (714) 597-2428 [Español] Bertha Toribio ............. (714) 998-5210

Inquiry Classes Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637-4360 x114

Italian Catholic Federa on Joe & Rose Digrado..................... (714) 974-1978

Jóvenes Para Cristo Alfredo Rodríguez ....................... (714) 788-7175 Gloria Chávez .............................. (714) 805-0257

Kirkwood Eucharis c Ministers Peter Ricks .................................. (714) 633-0731

Knights of Columbus Council #15733 Tom Dodge .................................. (714) 633-6859

Lady Knights Carolyn Ohrbrecht ...................... (714) 402-2576

Lectors/Lectores [English] Cameron LaFont ........... (714) 974-3786 [Español] Acacio Mar nez .......... (714) 404-5240

Library Kathleen Rapport ....................... (714) 538-8117

Líders de Comité Hispano Blandina Rosas ........................... (714) 403-4666 Rita Mejia ................................... (714) 392-6694

Liturgy Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110

Men’s Group of Faith Gary McKimmey ......................... (714) 224-6160 Ma Terrones............................. (714) 904-5822

Ministerio Hispano Carmen Estrada .................. (714) 637-4360 x106 Shyn a Ospino, Secretary ... (714) 637-4360 x105

Mothers Group Barbara Brule ............................. (714) 287-9780

Music/Coro John Erhard, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x126 Contemporary Ensemble, English Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110 Coro de Niños Ana Muñoz .................................. (714) 402-2789 Domingos, español Floribeth y Cristal Flores ............. (714) 279-9149 Jóvenes Para Cristo Coro María Ramos ............................... (714) 417-3064 Miércoles, español Miguel Lugo ................................ (714) 538-2497 Tradi onal Choir, English John Erhard ........................ (714) 637-4360 x126

Natural Family Planning Alyson del Hierro ......................... (714) 872-3740

Nurse for Seniors, Order of Malta Ann Bilash, RN .................... (714) 637-4360 x120

Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Mary Vitchus ............................... (714) 771-0984

Praying with Scripture Sr. Breda Christopher .................. (714) 283-2496

Quinceañeras Rosalba Hernández ..................... (714) 597-3953

RCIA/RICA [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114 [Español] Tenorio ........................ (714) 597-1318

Respect Life Bernie Vitchus ............................. (714) 771-0984

Returning Catholics Fellowship Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637-4360 x114

St. Norber est Mike Adray ......................... (714) 637-4360 x116

St. Norbert Catholic School Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal ........ (714) 637-6822

School of Religious Educa on/Catequistas [English] Robin Mayes ................ (714) 998-1070 [Español] Carmen Estrada . (714) 637-4360 x106

Sewing Circle Ellen Riopel ................................. (714) 488-3207

Southwest Community Kitchen Outreach Marie Baumann .......................... (714) 997-9254

Ushers Joe Costanza ............................... (714) 532-5494

Young at Heart Pat Vega ...................................... (714) 637-2014

Young Adult Ministry Adrian Chavez ............................. (714) 225-4261

Youth Ministry/Adolescentes La nos Kirsten King, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x210 April Cur n, Junior High ..... (714) 637-4360 x212 Helen Baehner, Secretary .. (714) 637-4360 x215 [Español] Shyn a Ospino ... (714) 637-4360 x105


Parish Ministries & Organizations
