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Mark and Peter – September 12, 2009

Mark and Peter decided not to wait for California and the nation to commit to true equality

by allowing same-sex couples to marry legally. With Mark's father ailing and their love

strong and true, the two decided to celebrate their partnership with a wedding ceremony at

Mark's parents' home. At three in the morning the night before their wedding, there was

thunder and lightning and rain, but by the time that the ceremony was scheduled to be held

in the back yard, it was overcast but calm, and even warm -- another gift of nature to this loving couple.

Mark and Peter Wedding Ceremony

September 12, 2009

Welcome. We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Mark and Peter,

a spiritual union that embodies love’s most profound possibilities. Let us take this moment to release the cares of everyday life and be truly present

in the Here and Now.

Let us take this moment to rejoice and feel gratitude for all the many blessings in our lives, and for all the varied paths that have lead us to this place.

Let us be present in this moment and bear witness to the transforming power of love.

Let us take this moment to join our hearts together in a circle of love and sanctuary for these two brave souls as they declare their commitment to each other.

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Let us Give Thanks for the love that has gathered us together and completed many


For Peter and Mark, this moment of commitment is truly a high-point in the cycle of their

lives. They know that their journey forward together will include both joy and challenge, and

their commitment will give them strength to endure and thrive through all the many highs,

lows, and changes life can bring.

From the moment these two met, they have been inseparable.

It was seemingly random circumstance that brought them to be in the same place that night

in November of 2005. But even though they were both coming out of deep lows in their

lives, when they met they started talking and opened up their hearts and minds to each

other as they never had with any other.

They trust each other and are able to communicate openly and honestly.

They lovingly take care of each other and are there for each other in good times and bad.

They have become both each other’s Teacher and Student, learning from each other and

growing into better people because of each other.

They have become for each other the perfect completion of each other’s lives, filling that

piece that had been missing for so long.

They have grown through adversity, and found a place together that they can always call Home.

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Invocation of Spirit

Divine Spirit, in whose presence we gather with Gratitude, we invite You to join us in this

ceremony binding the lives and destinies of Mark and Peter. As they speak and we hear the

words that will forever join them, allow the intention they declare here today to stand true

in time and run deep as the singing river through the landscape of their lives.

In this sacred and joyful moment we call upon The Divine Light within Mark and Peter

- that illuminates our hearts and gives life to each cell of our being,

- that always knows what is truly for our highest good,

- that gives and asks the best of us.

For them we ask every Blessing of this moment;

- great happiness on the path before them;

- kindness and compassion as they walk upon it together;

- grace and peace through each step of their journey; - and beloved family and friends to support them.

Expression of Intent

Peter and Mark, I invite you now to be truly present in the Here and Now.

Be present in this moment with gratitude for all the many blessing in your lives, and for all

the varied paths that have lead you to this place.

Be present in this moment in the illumination and transforming power of love.

Be Here Now as you join your hearts together in a circle of love and sanctuary in which you

can truly be alive.

Do you Mark choose Peter to be your honored and cherished husband,

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- do you promise to love and hold him always,

- to stand beside him in good times and in bad,

- to nourish him with your gentleness and uphold him with your strength,

- to grow with him through all the changes of your journey together,

- to experience gratitude each day for the love you share, NOW and from this day forward?

-[Mark says "I do."]

Do you Peter choose Mark to be your honored and cherished husband,

- do you promise to love and hold him always,

- to stand beside him in good times and in bad,

- to nourish him with your gentleness and uphold him with your strength,

- to grow with him through all the changes of your journey together,

- to experience gratitude each day for the love you share, NOW and from this day forward?

-[Peter says "I do."]


Now is the moment for you to say out loud the words your hearts are already singing, your

pledge to each other:

Peter, repeat after me:

- Mark, I recognize you as my soul mate

- And I choose you to be my husband.

- I choose to live with you in invention and discovery

- In every moment of our lives together.

- I pledge to share my life with you openly and honestly

- And to trust you in commitment to our common path.

- I promise to respect you

- As a complete and self-determined individual

- Through all the changes of our lives.

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Mark, repeat after me:

- Peter, I recognize you as my soul mate

- And I choose you to be my husband.

- I choose to live with you in invention and discovery

- In every moment of our lives together.

- I pledge to share my life with you openly and honestly

- And to trust you in commitment to our common path.

- I promise to respect you

- As a complete and self-determined individual

- Through all the changes of our lives.

Blessing of the Rings

Let the seamless circle of these rings become the symbol of your endless love. Your

wedding rings are special because they say that even in your uniqueness you have chosen

to be bonded, to allow the presence of another human being to enhance who you are.

Mark, repeat after me:

- Take this ring as a sign of my faith and commitment.

- Our love has given us strength and our journey is blessed today.

Peter, repeat after me:

- Take this ring as a sign of my faith and commitment. - Our love has given us strength and our journey is blessed today.

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Unity Candle

[as Rev. Max lights the tallest candle he says…]

As your friendship ignited with the spark of love, so now we ignite this candle of the Divine


Each of you is alive with the Divine Light, and now your two bright flames shall make a

single beacon, as in love we are all illuminated.

[Mark and Peter each light their own candles from the tallest candle, and then light the

Unity candle together]


May the Divine Spirit, that has given them the gift of healing and the miracle of the love

they share, give them also peace of heart and strength of spirit so they may honor the vows

they make here today.

May the promises they make inspire and instruct each one of us who celebrates with them.

May the Divine Light within them be the guardian of their well-being and fill their days together with gratitude and happiness.

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And now, because you have

- chosen one another,

- honored each other with the precious gift of your rings

- and pledged to love each other for all the days of your lives,

It gives me great pleasure to pronounce you Married.

You may kiss…

Go now in peace, and live in joy.

Let the celebration begin!

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Certificate of Marriage

Since Mark and Peter aren't allowed to have a legal Marriage License, we created something

special for them and ceremoniously had Peter's grandmother and Mark's mother sign as witnesses.

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