Page 1: Martine Clement1 Developing Independent Learning Skills in Modern Languages Tuesday 2 March 2004 Omagh Teachers’ Centre Martine Clément Adviser for Modern

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Developing Independent Learning Skills in Modern


Tuesday 2 March 2004Omagh Teachers’ Centre

Martine ClémentAdviser for Modern Languages

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Aims of the Course• To develop students thinking skills within the

study of their chosen Modern Language• To help them develop strategies for

independent learning• To address the specific needs of students of

all abilities and preferred learning styles• To examine the implication of the proposed

revised curriculum for teaching and learning Modern Languages

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Background•Educational research

– Learning styles etc..– School based initiatives– Assessment course

•Curriculum review– Cohort study– Disapplication– Skills focussed curriculum

•ML Framework in England and Wales

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Brain Research…• Learning Styles• Multiple Intelligence• Big Picture Learning• Activating Thinking

Skills• CoRT Edward de Bono• CASE CAME• Gender Issues

• Formative Assessment• Philosophy for Children• Emotional Intelligence• Learning Power• Mind Mapping• Circle time• Brain Gym • Brain Breaks

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The Big Picture

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The Outcomes• A shared understanding of what an effective

ML learners can do and of the skills that we specifically need to develop

• An appreciation of the impact of motivation on learning and how we can help student sustain

• A knowledge of additional strategies that could be implemented in the ML classroom to help students develop their learning skills.

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The characteristics of the effective learner

• What qualities, skills, attributes has he/she got?

• What else is required to be an effective Modern Language Learner?

• How does this manifest itself practically in the classroom?

• What about yourselves? What made or makes you effective as a language learner?

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The Accelerated Learning CycleCreate the supportive learning environment

Connect the learning Big picture first

Describe the outcomes



Review for recall and retention

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Motivation• Associated behaviour:

– Effort, perseverance, taking initiatives, longer attention span, enthusiasm, inquisitive behaviour, self-esteem, confidence, resourcefulness

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Motivation• Affective dimension

– Pride, fear of failure, – Relationships with teacher, peers– Too much, not enough competition– Identification with the language, country and

speakers– Enthusiasm of the teacher– Too much emphasis on grades– How do we control it, boost it, maintain it?

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Motivation• Cognitive dimension (?)• Linked to success and failure

– Success • I am clever, I have learnt a new trick• I am cleverer than my class mate• I got a good mark

- Failure

•External / internal cause•Stable / unstable cause•The importance of absolute feedback

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• Career plan• University• Social and

professional success

• Interim goals• New skill or

knowledge• Tests• Exams

Long Term Middle Term Short Term•Each step counts (?)

•What if….

•Fun and Enjoyment

•Reward intrinsic to the activity or the experience

•Immediate gratification

•Sense of control

•What’s in it for me?

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Motivation• Control:

– Learners’ own agenda is taken into consideration (process and content)

– Realistic goals (challenging, but achievable)– Active involvement at all stages– Constructive and specific feedback to act on

• Variety and realistic learning activities • Meaningful connection with the outside world

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Motivation• As a teacher:

Help students maintain a positive self image•Using a can do approach•Giving constructive feedback•Short term goals:

–Use for the learning–Positive Experience

•Harnessing their agenda and creativity•Being realistic (yet challenging)•Arousing their curiosity

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Learning Modern Languages

The cohort study

• What did the students say about Modern Languages:– Hard– Boring – Irrelevant

• What did CCEA do:– Remove it from the core KS4 curriculum

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Would this be justified?

• Learning vocabulary : memory load• Applying grammar rules: difficult when you don’t

understands the rule or have no knowledge of grammar

• Activities are not very glamorous and unchallenging

• Content is patronising

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POS• Puts the emphasis on skills development• Specifically highlights learning skills• Makes explicit references to grammar

– Collaboration with other departments– Use of the target language

• Emphasises – Realism – Creativity– ICT– Communication skills

• +L, S, R, W and culture

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The new Programme of StudyFor teachers

• Design tasks that are cognitively challenging• Incorporate learning how to learn in lessons• Engaging pupils’ thinking to help them

understand how languages work• Engage students’ creativity• Reflect on what realistic contexts and “real –

life situations” mean for 11 to 16 year olds• Put the contexts for learning to the test

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• Use our links with schools in TL countries or regions

• Relate regularly to TL speakers • Give pupils scope to express

themselves and make choices• Review what we meanby collaborative

learning• Engaging in the same kind of problem

solving activities a they would do in other subjects

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Favourite Topics• “Football”• “Soapland”• Fashion• Pop culture• Reality shows• Sports• Cars• Computers

• Films• Going out• Holiday of a lifetime• Week-end away• Ads• Video games• Gossip• Mobile phones

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The Framework for Teaching MFL• Doesn’t replace the programme of study but is to

be used alongside it• Specifies teaching objectives

– Words, – sentences, – texts: R and W, – L and S, – Cultural knowledge and contact

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The Framework for Teaching MFL• Lays down principles for effective Teaching and

Learning• Makes links with literacy development through

grammar• Realises the difficulties generated by the previous

framework• Makes no reference to contexts or topics• Is a planning tool and expects lessons, schemes to

be organised according to these objectives (Shirley Clarke)

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The Accelerated Learning CycleCreate the supportive learning environment

Connect the learning Big picture first

Describe the outcomes



Review for recall and retention

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Creating the Supportive Environment

• Motivation and Self-esteem

• Comfort

• Target Language

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Connecting the Learning

• Link to level of attainment, PoS, exam specification

• Link to previous lesson

• Project in the future to something which has been discussed and agreed

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Big Picture

• Strike a balance– As detailed as possible– Not too crowded

• Visual

• Negotiable

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• You will be able to….. (VAK)

• Challenging

• Precise enough for self review

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• Videos, PowerPoint

• Dramatic reading

• Working out the rules

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Activity and demonstrationBICS and CALP

Cognitively Demanding -BICS

Cognitively Undemanding - CALP






B ATelephone conversation

Written direction


Standardized tests


Specialised magazines



Projects and activities

Face to face

Buying ice cream

Practical classes

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Review, Recall, Retention

• Plenaries

• Vocabulary notebooks

• Mind maps

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The Outcomes• A shared understanding of what an effective

ML learners can do and of the skills that we specifically need to develop

• An appreciation of the impact of motivation on learning and how we can help student sustain

• A knowledge of additional strategies that could be implemented in the ML classroom to help students develop their learning skills.
