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Massive training artificial neural network „MTANN… for reductionof false positives in computerized detection of lung nodulesin low-dose computed tomography

Kenji Suzuki,a) Samuel G. Armato III, Feng Li, Shusuke Sone,b) and Kunio DoiKurt Rossmann Laboratories for Radiologic Image Research, Department of Radiology,The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637

~Received 23 May 2002; accepted for publication 10 April 2003; published 20 June 2003!

In this study, we investigated a pattern-recognition technique based on an artificial neural network~ANN!, which is called a massive training artificial neural network~MTANN !, for reduction offalse positives in computerized detection of lung nodules in low-dose computed tomography~CT!images. The MTANN consists of a modified multilayer ANN, which is capable of operating onimage data directly. The MTANN is trained by use of a large number of subregions extracted frominput images together with the teacher images containing the distribution for the ‘‘likelihood ofbeing a nodule.’’ The output image is obtained by scanning an input image with the MTANN. Thedistinction between a nodule and a non-nodule is made by use of a score which is defined from theoutput image of the trained MTANN. In order to eliminate various types of non-nodules, weextended the capability of a single MTANN, and developed a multiple MTANN~Multi-MTANN !.The Multi-MTANN consists of plural MTANNs that are arranged in parallel. Each MTANN istrained by using the same nodules, but with a different type of non-nodule. Each MTANN acts asan expert for a specific type of non-nodule, e.g., five different MTANNs were trained to distinguishnodules from various-sized vessels; four other MTANNs were applied to eliminate some otheropacities. The outputs of the MTANNs were combined by using the logical AND operation suchthat each of the trained MTANNs eliminated none of the nodules, but removed the specific type ofnon-nodule with which the MTANN was trained, and thus removed various types of non-nodules.The Multi-MTANN consisting of nine MTANNs was trained with 10 typical nodules and 10non-nodules representing each of nine different non-nodule types~90 training non-nodules overall!in a training set. The trained Multi-MTANN was applied to the reduction of false positives reportedby our current computerized scheme for lung nodule detection based on a database of 63 low-doseCT scans~1765 sections!, which contained 71 confirmed nodules including 66 biopsy-confirmedprimary cancers, from a lung cancer screening program. The Multi-MTANN was applied to 58 truepositives~nodules from 54 patients! and 1726 false positives~non-nodules! reported by our currentscheme in a validation test; these were different from the training set. The results indicated that 83%~1424/1726! of non-nodules were removed with a reduction of one true positive~nodule!, i.e., aclassification sensitivity of 98.3%~57 of 58 nodules!. By using the Multi-MTANN, the false-positive rate of our current scheme was improved from 0.98 to 0.18 false positives per section~from27.4 to 4.8 per patient! at an overall sensitivity of 80.3%~57/71!. © 2003 American Associationof Physicists in Medicine.@DOI: 10.1118/1.1580485#

Key words: computer-aided diagnosis~CAD!, artificial neural network, pattern recognition, lungnodule, false positive






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Lung cancer continues to rank as the leading cause of cadeath among Americans and is expected to cause 154deaths in the United States in 2002.1 Some evidence suggesthat early detection of lung cancer may allow more timetherapeutic intervention and thus a more favorable prognfor the patient.2,3 Accordingly, lung cancer screening programs are being conducted in the United States and Jap4,5

with low-dose helical computed tomography~CT! as thescreening modality. Helical CT, however, generates a lanumber of images that must be read by radiologists. Tmay lead to ‘‘information overload’’ for the radiologists. Futhermore, radiologists may miss some cancers during in

1602 Med. Phys. 30 „7…, July 2003 0094-2405 Õ2003Õ30„7…






pretation of CT images.6,7 Therefore, a computer-aided diagnostic ~CAD! scheme for detection of lung nodules in lowdose CT images has been investigated as a useful toolung cancer screening.

Many investigators have developed a number of methfor the automated detection of lung nodules in CT scabased on morphological filtering,8,9 geometric modeling,10

fuzzy clustering,11 and gray-level thresholding.12–17 Gigeret al.,12 for example, developed an automated detectscheme based on multiple gray-level thresholding and gmetric feature analysis. Armatoet al.13–16 extended themethod to include a three-dimensional approach combiwith linear discriminant analysis.

1602Õ1602Õ16Õ$20.00 © 2003 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med.

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1603 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1603

A major problem with our current CAD scheme for lunnodule detection is a relatively large number of false potives, which could cause difficulty in the clinical applicatioof the CAD scheme. A large number of false positiveslikely to confound the radiologist’s task of image interpretion, thus lowering the radiologist’s efficiency with the CAscheme. In addition, radiologists may lose their confidencCAD as a useful tool. Therefore, it is important to reducenumber of false positives as much as possible, while mtaining a high sensitivity.

Our purpose in this study is to develop a patterecognition technique based on an artificial neural netw~ANN!, which is called a massive training artificial neurnetwork ~MTANN !, for reduction of false positives in computerized detection of lung nodules in low-dose CT imag


A. Database of low-dose CT images

The database used in this study consisted of 101 nofused, low-dose thoracic helical CT~LDCT! scans acquiredfrom 71 different patients who participated voluntarily inlung cancer screening program between 1996 and 199Nagano, Japan.3,18,7 The CT examinations were performeon a mobile CT scanner~CT-W950SR; Hitachi Medical, To-kyo, Japan!. The scans used for this study were acquired wa low-dose protocol of 120 kVp, 25 mA~54 scans! or 50 mA~47 scans!, 10-mm collimation, and a 10-mm reconstructiointerval at a helical pitch of two.18 The pixel size was 0.586mm for 83 scans and 0.684 mm for 18 scans. Each recstructed CT section had an image matrix size of 5123512pixels. We used 38 of 101 LDCT scans which were acquifrom 31 patients as a training set for our CAD scheme. T38 scans consisted of 1057 sections and contained 50ules, including 38 ‘‘missed’’ nodules that represented biopconfirmed lung cancers and were not reported or misrepoduring the initial clinical interpretation.7 The remaining 12nodules in the scans were classified as ‘‘confirmed beni(n58), ‘‘suspected benign’’ (n53), or ‘‘suspected malig-nant’’ (n51). The confirmed benign nodules were detmined by biopsy or by follow-up over a period of 2 yearThe suspected benign nodules were determined by followless than 2 years. The suspected malignant nodule was dmined on the basis of results of follow-up diagnostic Cstudies; no biopsy results were available. We used 63 ofLDCT scans which were acquired from 63 patients as aset. The 63 scans consisted of 1765 sections and conta71 nodules, including 66 primary cancers that were demined by biopsy and five confirmed benign nodules twere determined by biopsy or by follow-up over a period2 years. The scans included 23 scans from the same 23tients as those in the training set, which were acquireddifferent time ~the interval was about 1 year or 2 years!.Thus, the training set consisted of 38 LDCT scans includ50 nodules, and the test set consisted of 63 LDCT scincluding 71 confirmed nodules.

Figure 1 shows the distributions of nodule sizes fortraining set and the test set in our database. The nodule

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was determined by an experienced chest radiologist~F.L.!,and ranged from 4 mm to 27 mm. When the nodule wpresent in more than one section, the greatest size wasas the nodule size. Note that the nodules were presentmaximum of three sections. The mean diameter of thenodules in the training set was 12.766.1 mm, and that of the71 nodules in the test set was 13.564.7 mm. In the trainingset, 38% of nodules were attached to the pleura, 22%nodules were attached to vessels, and 10% of nodules win the hilum. As to the test set, 30% of nodules were attacto the pleura, 34% of nodules were attached to vessels,7% of nodules were in the hilum. Three radiologists~F.L.and two other experienced chest radiologists! determined thenodules in the training set as three categories such asground-glass opacity~pure GGO; 40% of nodules!, mixedGGO ~28%!, and solid nodule~32%!; the nodules in the tesset were determined as pure GGO~24%!, mixed GGO~30%!, and solid nodule~46%!.

B. Current scheme for lung nodule detection in low-dose CT

Technical details of our current scheme have been plished previously.13–16 To summarize the methodology, lunnodule identification proceeds in three phases: twdimensional~2D! processing, followed by three-dimension~3D! analysis, and then the application of classifiers. A grlevel-thresholding technique is applied to a 2D section oCT scan for automated lung segmentation. A multiple grlevel-thresholding technique is applied to the segmented lvolume. Individual structures are identified by groupingspatially contiguous pixels that remain in the volume at eaof 36 gray-level thresholds. A structure is identified as a nule candidate if the volume of the structure is less than tof a 3-cm-diameter sphere. The categorization of nodule cdidates as ‘‘nodule’’ or ‘‘non-nodule’’ is based on a combnation of a rule-based classifier and a series of two lindiscriminant classifiers applied to a set of nine 2D andfeatures extracted from each nodule candidate. Thesetures include~1! the mean gray level of the candidate,~2! the

FIG. 1. Distributions of nodule sizes for our database. The training set ctained 50 nodules including 38 ‘‘missed’’ cancers, and the test set conta71 confirmed nodules including 66 biopsy-confirmed primary cancers.of the 50 nodules were used for training the MTANN.

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FIG. 2. Architecture and training of themassive training artificial neural network ~MTANN !. The original imageincluding a nodule or non-nodules idivided pixel by pixel into a largenumber of overlapping subregions. Apixel values in each of the subregion~e.g., 939 matrix size! are entered asinput to the MTANN, whereas a pixevalue of each single pixel from theteacher image is used as the teachvalue. Thus, a large number of subregions and the corresponding singlpixels are used for training, e.g.19319 subregions and 19319 singlepixels are used for one nodule imagor one non-nodule image.









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gray-level standard deviation,~3! the gray-level threshold awhich the candidate was identified,~4! volume,~5! spheric-ity, ~6! radius of the sphere of equivalent volume,~7! eccen-tricity, ~8! circularity, and~9! compactness.

With our current CAD scheme, the multiple gray-levethresholding technique initially identified 20 743 nodule cadidates in 1057 sections of LDCT images in the trainiset.19 Forty-five of 50 nodules were correctly detected. Tha rule-based classifier followed by a series of two linear dcriminant classifiers was applied for removal of some fapositives, thus yielding a detection of 40~80.0%! of 50 nod-ules~from 22 patients! together with 1078~1.02 per section!false positives.19 The sizes of the 10 false negative noduranged from 5 mm to 25 mm, and the mean diameter w13.266.1 mm. In this study, we used all 50 nodules, tlocations of which were identified by the radiologist, and1078 false positives generated by our CAD scheme intraining set, for investigating the characteristics of tMTANN and training the MTANN. The use of radiologistextracted true nodules with computer-generated false ptives was intended to anticipate future improvements innodule detection sensitivity of our CAD scheme. Whennodule was present in more than one section, the sectionincluded the largest nodule was used. When we appliedcurrent CAD scheme to the test set, a sensitivity of 81.~58 of 71 nodules! with 0.98 false positives per sectio~1726/1765! was achieved. We used the 58 true positiv~nodules from 54 patients! and 1726 false positives~non-nodules! for testing the MTANN in a validation test.


A. Background of ANN and image processing

Recently, in the field of signal processing, nonlinear filtebased on a multilayer ANN, called ‘‘neural filters,’’ havbeen studied. In the neural filter, the multilayer ANN is eployed as like a convolution kernel. The neural filters cacquire the functions of various linear and nonlinear filtthrough training. It has been demonstrated that the nefilters can represent an averaging filter, weighted averagfilters, weighted median filters, morphological filters, mcrostatistic filters, generalized-weighted-order statisticalters, an epsilon filter, and generalized stack filters.20–23 Su-

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zuki et al.24–30 developed the neural filters for reductionthe quantum mottle in x-ray fluoroscopic and radiograpimages, and they reported that the performance of the nefilter was superior to that of the nonlinear filters utilizedmedical systems and to that of another, well-known nonear filter.

On the other hand, in the field of computer vision, Suzuet al.31–34 developed a supervised edge detector based omultilayer ANN, called a ‘‘neural edge detector.’’ The neuredge detector can acquire the function of a desired edgetector through training. It has been reported that the permance of the neural edge detector in the detection of edfrom noisy images was far superior to that of conventioedge detectors such as the Canny edge detector, the MHildreth edge detector, and the Huckel edge detector.31,32 Inits application to the contour extraction of the left ventricucavity in digital angiography, it has been reported thatneural edge detector can accurately replicate the subjecedges traced by cardiologists.33,34

B. Architecture of massive training artificial neuralnetwork „MTANN…

We are extending the neural filters and the neural edetector to accommodate various image-processingpattern-recognition tasks, and we shall call this techniqumassive training artificial neural network~MTANN !. The ar-chitecture and the training method of the MTANN are shoin Fig. 2. The MTANN consists of a modified multilayeANN, which can directly handle input gray levels and outpgray levels. In the MTANN, image processing or pattern reognition is performed by scanning of an image with tmodified ANN in which the activation functions of the uniin the input, hidden, and output layers are a linear, a sigmand a linear function, respectively. The MTANN employslinear function as the activation function of the unit in thoutput layer because the characteristics of an ANN werenificantly improved with a linear function when appliedthe continuous mapping of values in image processing,35,36,32

for example~see Appendix for theoretical consideration!.The pixel values of the original images are normaliz

first such that21000 HU~Hounsfield units! is zero and 1000HU is one. The pixel values in a local windowRS are input

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1605 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1605

FIG. 3. Architecture of the multiplemassive training artificial neural network ~Multi-MTANN !. Each MTANNis trained by using a different type onon-nodule, but with the same nodules. Each MTANN acts as an expefor distinction between nodules andspecific type of non-nodule. The output of each MTANN is integrated bythe logical AND operation.


















to the MTANN so that the inputs to the MTANN are a nomalized pixel valueg(x,y) of an original image, and spatially adjacent normalized pixel values. The output of tMTANN is a continuous value, which corresponds to tcenter pixel in the local window, represented by

f ~x,y!5NN$I ~x,y!%5NN$g~x2 i ,y2 j !u i , j PRS%, ~1!

where f (x,y) denotes the estimate for the teacher valuexandy are the indices of coordinates,NN$•% is the output ofthe modified multilayer ANN,I (x,y) is the input vector tothe modified multilayer ANN, the elements of which are tnormalized pixel values in the local windowRS , g(x,y) isthe normalized pixel value, andRS is the local window of themodified multilayer ANN. Note that only one unit is employed in the output layer. The teacher values and thusoutputs of the MTANN need to be changed according toapplication. When the task is the distinction between noduand non-nodules, the output would be interpreted as‘‘likelihood of being a nodule.’’

All pixels in an image may be entered as input by scning of the entire image with the MTANN. The local windoof the MTANN must be shifted pixel-by-pixel throughout thimage. The MTANN can be designed by training such tthe input images are converted to the teacher images.universal approximation property of a multilayer ANN37,38

guarantees diverse capabilities of the MTANN; i.e., becait has been shown theoretically that a multilayer ANN crealize any continuous mapping approximately, the MTANcan realize through a filtering operation some imaprocessing and pattern-recognition techniques, includhigh-pass, low-pass, and band-pass filtering, noise reducedge enhancement, edge detection, interpolation, pamatching, object enhancement, object recognition, aspecthe wavelet transform, aspects of Fourier-based texanalysis, and segmentation. For example, the modimultilayer ANN-based kernel can act as an averaging option, gradient operation, Laplacian operation, linear and nlinear interpolation functions, a wavelet function, part of

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sinusoidal function, etc. Thus, the MTANN would havehigh potential for solving existing problems in CAD as weas image processing and pattern recognition.

In order to distinguish between nodules and various tyof non-nodules, we extended the capability of the sinMTANN and developed a multiple MTANN ~Multi-MTANN !. The architecture of the Multi-MTANN is shownin Fig. 3. The Multi-MTANN consists of plural MTANNsthat are arranged in parallel. Each MTANN is trainedusing a different type of non-nodule, but with the same noules. Each MTANN acts as an expert for distinction betwenodules and a specific type of non-nodule, e.g., MTANN N1 is trained to distinguish nodules from false positives cauby medium-sized vessels; MTANN No. 2 is trained to distiguish nodules from soft-tissue-opacity false positives cauby the diaphragm; and so on. A scoring method is appliedthe output of each MTANN, and then thresholding of tscore from each MTANN is performed for distinction btween nodules and the specific type of non-nodule. The oput of each MTANN is then integrated by the logical ANoperation. If each MTANN can eliminate the specific typenon-nodule with which the MTANN is trained, then thMulti-MTANN will be able to reduce a larger number ofalse positives than does a single MTANN.

C. Training of MTANN

In order to learn the relationship between the input imaand the teacher image, the MTANN is trained with a setinput images and the teacher images by adjusting the weibetween layers. The error to be minimized by trainingdefined by


2P (p

$T~p!2 f ~p!%2, ~2!

wherep is a training pixel number,T(p) is the pth trainingpixel in the teacher images,f (p) is the pth training pixel inthe output images, andP is the number of training pixels

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1606 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1606

The MTANN is trained by the modified back-propagatio~BP! algorithm,35 which was derived for the structure described above, i.e., a linear function is employed as the avation function of the unit in the output layer, in the samway as the original BP algorithm.39,40 In the modified BPalgorithm, the correction of the weight between themth unitin the hidden layer and the unit in the output layer is repsented by


H52h~T2 f !OmH , ~3!

whereh is the learning rate,OmH is the output of themth unit

in the hidden layer, andd is the delta of the delta rule.39,40Byuse of the delta, the corrections of any weights can berived in the same way as in the derivation of the BP algrithm.

For distinguishing between nodules and non-nodules,teacher image is designed to contain the distribution forlikelihood of being a nodule, i.e., the teacher image for nules should contain a certain distribution, the peak of whis located at the center of the nodule, and that for nnodules should contain zeros. As the distance increasesthe center of the nodule, the likelihood of being a noddecreases; therefore, we use a two-dimensional Gausfunction with standard deviationsT at the center of the nodule as the distribution for the likelihood of being a noduwheresT may be determined as a measure representingsize of nodules.

Figure 2 illustrates the training for an input image thcontains a nodule near the center. First, the input imagdivided pixel-by-pixel into a large number of overlappinsubregions. The centers of consecutive subregions in Fidiffer by just one pixel. The size of the subregion corrsponds to that of the local windowRS of the MTANN. Allpixel values in each of the subregions are entered as inpthe MTANN, whereas one pixel from the teacher imageentered into the output unit in the MTANN as the teachvalue. This single pixel is chosen at the location in tteacher image that corresponds to the center of the insubregion. By presenting each of the input subregionsgether with each of the teacher single pixels, the MTANNtrained. The training set for each nodule or non-nodule imis represented by the following equations:

$I s~x,y!ux,yPRT%5$I s1 ,I s2 ,...,I sq ,...,I sNT%,

~4!$Ts~x,y!ux,yPRT%5$Ts1 ,Ts2 ,...,Tsq ,...,TsNT


wheres is the image number,RT is the training region,q isthe pair number of the input subregion and the teacher piNT is the number of pixels inRT , I s(x,y) is the input vectorrepresenting the subregion extracted from thesth input im-age, andTs(x,y) is thesth teacher image. Thus, a large number of input subregions overlap each other, and the cosponding teacher pixels in the teacher image are usedtraining. The MTANN is trained with massive traininsamples to achieve high generalization ability. The MTANwould be robust against variation in patterns, especishifted patterns, because it is trained with numerous shipatterns. The MTANN would be able to learn the essen

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features of nodules without dependence on spatial shift. Atraining, the MTANN is expected to output the highest valwhen a nodule is located at the center of the local windowthe MTANN, a lower value as the distance from the cenincreases, and zero when the input region is a non-nodu

In the Multi-MTANN, each MTANN is trained independently by use of the same nodules and a different senon-nodules. First, the false positives~non-nodules! reportedby the CAD scheme for lung nodule detection in CT aclassified into a number of groups. The number of groumay be determined by the number of different kinds of fapositives. Typical non-nodules in each group are selectetraining samples for each MTANN separately, whereas tycal nodules are selected as training samples for all MTANThe input images and the teacher images are used toeach MTANN in the same way as a single MTANNtrained, based on the modified BP algorithm.35 The indi-vidual MTANNs are expected to act as experts for the scific type of non-nodule after training.

D. Scoring of the MTANN output for testing

When an original image for thesth nodule candidate isentered into thenth trained MTANN for testing, the outpuimage for thesth nodule candidate is obtained by scanningthe original image with the trained MTANN. The distinctiobetween a nodule and a non-nodule is determined by usa score defined from the output image of thenth trainedMTANN, described as follows:

Sns5 (x,yPRE

f G~sn ;x,y!3 f ns~x,y!, ~5!

whereSns is the score of thenth trained MTANN for thesthnodule candidate,RE is the region for evaluation,f ns(x,y) isthe output image of thenth trained MTANN for thesth nod-ule candidate where its center corresponds to the centeRE , f G(sn ;x,y) is a two-dimensional Gaussian functiowith standard deviationsn where its center correspondsthe center ofRE , andn is the MTANN number in the Multi-MTANN. This score represents the weighted sum of thetimate for the likelihood of the image containing a nodunear the center, i.e., a higher score would indicate a nodand a lower score would indicate a non-nodule.

In the Multi-MTANN, the distribution in the output imageof each trained MTANN may be different according to thtype of non-nodule trained. The output from each trainMTANN is scored independently by use of a twodimensional Gaussian function with a different standardviation sn . The standard deviationssn were determined byuse of a training set. The distinction between nodules andspecific type of non-nodule is determined by thresholdingscore with a different thresholdun for each trained MTANN,because the appropriate threshold for each trained MTAmay be different according to the type of non-nodule trainThe thresholdun may be determined by use of a training sso as not to remove any nodules, but eliminate non-nodas much as possible. The outputs of the expert MTANNscombined by use of the logical AND operation such th

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1607 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1607

each of the trained MTANNs eliminates none of the nodulbut removes some of the specific type of non-nodulewhich the MTANN was trained.


The training set in our database consisted of 38 LDscans~a total of 1057 LDCT 5123512-pixel images! whichincluded 50 nodules. The 10 nodules and 10 false positwere used as the training samples for the MTANN. Exampof the training samples~a region of 40340 pixels is dis-played as an example! are shown in Fig. 4. One of the coauthors ~K.S.! selected 10 typical nodules as traininsamples from the three categories~pure GGO, mixed GGOand solid nodule! determined by three radiologists~F.L. andtwo other experienced chest radiologists! on the basis of thevisual appearance of these patterns. The distribution of nule sizes of training samples is shown in Fig. 1. Six of thenodules were present in one section, two nodules wpresent in two sections, and two nodules were presenthree sections. When a nodule was present in more thansection, the section that included the largest nodule was uNote that eight of the 10 training nodules were included40 nodules detected by our current CAD scheme. Threethe 10 nodules were attached to the pleura, three nodwere attached to vessels, and one nodule was in the hiluradiologist~F.L.! classified the false positives reported by ocurrent CAD scheme as four major groups such as sm~including peripheral! vessels ~40% of false positives!,medium-sized vessels~30%!, soft-tissue opacities includingopacities caused by the partial volume effect betweenlung region and the diaphragm~20%!, and part of normalstructures in the mediastinum, including large vessels inhilum ~10%!. Because small~including peripheral! vesselswere included in the medium-sized vessel images, welected medium-sized vessels as the group used for traisamples. The radiologist selected 10 vessels with relativhigh contrast from the group of the medium-sized vessbecause they are dominant over all medium-sized vesse

A three-layer structure was employed as the structurethe modified multilayer ANN, because any continuous mping can be approximately realized by three-layer ANNs.37,38

The parameters such as the size of the local window of

FIG. 4. Illustration of ~a! nodules and~b! non-nodules used as traininsamples for MTANN training.

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MTANN RS , the standard deviation of the two-dimensionGaussian functionsT , and the size of the training region ithe teacher imageRT were determined empirically based othe training set~see details in the Discussion section!. RS

was selected to be 939 pixels. The number of units in thehidden layer was set at 25. Thus, the numbers of units ininput, hidden, and output layers were 81, 25, and one,spectively.sT was determined as 5.0 pixels, which corrsponds approximately to the average diameter of the noduRT was selected to be 19319 pixels. With the parameterabove, the training of the MTANN was performed o500 000 epochs—one epoch means one training run fortraining data set—and converged with a mean absolute eof 11.2%. The training was stopped at 500 000 epochs,cause the performance did not increase~see details in theDiscussion section!. The training took CPU time of 29.8hours on a PC-based workstation~CPU: Pentium IV, 1.7GHz!, and the time for applying the trained MTANN to nodule candidates was negligibly small.

FIG. 5. Output images of the MTANN for nodule candidates of~a! nodulesand ~b! non-nodules in training samples shown in Figs. 4~a! and 4~b!, re-spectively. These images illustrate the results in which the trained MTAis applied to the training samples.

FIG. 6. Illustration of~a! 10 nodules and~b! the corresponding output im-ages of the MTANN for nontraining cases.

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1608 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1608

The results of applying the trained MTANN to the noules used for training are shown in Fig. 5. Before we applthe trained MTANN, pixels outside the segmented lunggions reported by our current lung nodule detectscheme13–16were set to21000 HU. The nodules in the output images of the MTANN are represented by light distribtions near the center, whereas the output images for fpositives~non-nodules! are almost uniformly dark. It is apparent that the distinction between nodules and non-nodin the output images of the MTANN is superior to that in toriginal images. Therefore, the MTANN was able to leaimportant features related to the input images and the teaimages.

FIG. 7. Illustration of ~a! false positives~non-nodules! and ~b! the corre-sponding output images of the MTANN for nontraining cases. The tsecond, third, and fourth rows show typical examples of very small~includ-ing peripheral! vessels, medium-sized vessels with relatively high contrsome other vessels, and some other opacities, respectively. In the thirdthe images are medium-sized vessels~relatively large fuzzy vessels!,medium-sized vessels~relatively small branching vessels!, small ~includingperipheral! vessels, and peripheral vessels with a light background. Infourth row, the images are large vessels in the hilum, relatively large veswith some opacities, soft-tissue opacities caused by the partial volumfect, and some abnormal opacities~focal interstitial opacities!, respectively.

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FIG. 8. Histograms of the scores for 40 nodules and 1068 non-noduwhich were different from the ten nodules and ten non-nodules usetraining samples.

FIG. 9. Illustration of two nodules~top row!used for training the Multi-MTANN and nine corresponding pairs of output images from the nMTANNs trained separately with different types of non-nodules, as shoin Fig. 10.

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1609 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1609

FIG. 10. Illustration of~a! nine sets of non-nodules~twoexamples in each group! and~b! the corresponding out-put images from the nine trained MTANNs for traininsamples.












The trained MTANN was applied to 1068 false-positinodule candidates not used for training. The execution twas very short, only 1.4 seconds for 1000 nodule candidaThe results for nontraining cases are shown in Figs. 6 anIn the output image of the MTANN for nodules~Fig. 6!, thenodules are represented by light distributions as expecThe output images for very small~including peripheral! ves-sels and medium-sized vessels~with relatively high contrast!are almost uniformly dark, as shown in Fig. 7. Because 7of false positives are small~including peripheral! andmedium-sized vessels, we can reduce a large number ofpositives by using the output images of the MTANN. However, the output images for other vessels and other opacsuch as medium-sized vessels~relatively large fuzzy ves-sels!, medium-sized vessels~relatively small branching vessels!, small ~including peripheral! vessels, peripheral vessewith a light background, large vessels in the hilum, relativlarge vessels with some opacities, soft-tissue opaccaused by the partial volume effect between peripheral vsels and the diaphragm, and some abnormal opacities~focalinterstitial opacities! are relatively light. Thus, this traine

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MTANN was not effective for those false positives, becauthey are quite different from the vessels used for trainingterms of the appearance of patterns such as the contrast,gray-level shape, geometric shape, the background glevel, and texture.

The scoring method was applied to the output imagesthe MTANN. The standard deviation of the Gaussian funtion for scoring was determined ass154.0 by use of empiri-cal analysis based on the training set~see details in the Dis-cussion section!. We used anRE of 25325 pixels. Figure 8shows the distribution of the scores for the 40 nodules1068 non-nodules used for testing; these were different frthe 10 nodules and 10 non-nodules used for training.though the two distributions overlap, it is possible to distguish a large number of non-nodules from nodules. Wetermined the threshold so as not to eliminate any nodules,to remove non-nodules as much as possible. We couldmove 66%~706/1068! of false positives~non-nodules!.

In order to eliminate the remaining false positives, wprepared training samples for the Multi-MTANN. The radologist ~F.L.! classified the remaining false positives~non-

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nodules! reported by the single MTANN into seven groupsuch as medium-sized vessels, small~including peripheral!vessels, parts of normal structures including large vessethe hilum, vessels with some opacities, opacities causedthe partial volume effect, abnormal opacities, and otopacities. Two major groups were divided into subgroubased on the visual appearance of patterns. The groumedium-sized vessels was divided into two subgroups sas relatively large fuzzy vessels and relatively small braning vessels. The group of small vessels was divided intosubgroups such as small~including peripheral! vessels andperipheral vessels with a light background. One of theauthors~K.S.! selected 10 representative non-nodules freach of the groups or the subgroups except the group of oopacities as the training samples for each MTANN; thus,Multi-MTANN employed nine MTANNs. The same 10 nodules were used as training samples for all nine MTANNTherefore, 10 nodules and 90 non-nodules were usedtraining the Multi-MTANN. Examples of the trainingsamples are shown in Figs. 9~top row! and 10~a!. The singleMTANN trained with medium-sized vessels~with relativelyhigh contrast! was used as MTANN No. 1. Non-nodules fothe training of MTANN from No. 1 to No. 5 ranged frommedium-sized vessels to small~peripheral! vessels. Non-nodules for the training of MTANN from No. 6 to No. 9were large vessels in the hilum, relatively large vessels wsome opacities, soft-tissue opacities caused by the pavolume effect between peripheral vessels and the diaphraand some abnormal opacities~focal interstitial opacities!, re-spectively. Each MTANN was trained in the same way asingle MTANN.

The results of applying each of the trained MTANNsthe false-positive nodule candidates and the nodules usetraining samples are shown in Figs. 9 and 10~b!. The outputimages of the MTANNs corresponding to nodules demstrate light distributions near the center, whereas the ouimages corresponding to false positives~non-nodules! arerelatively dark.

The trained Multi-MTANN was applied to the 988 falsepositive nodule candidates and 40 nodules not used dutraining ~i.e., the cases were different from the training caof 10 nodules and 90 non-nodules!. The results for nontrain-ing cases are shown in Figs. 11 and 12~b!. As shown in Fig.11, the output images of MTANNs for nodules are repsented by light distributions. The output images for fapositives are relatively dark around the center, as showFig. 12~b!. The output images for large vessels in the hilu~sixth row!, soft-tissue opacities~eights and ninth rows!, andabnormal opacities~ninth row! are also dark, whereas thindividual MTANNs trained for vessels~MTANN from No.1 to No. 5! were not effective for these false positives.

The scoring method was applied to the output imagesthe individually trained MTANNs, wheresn was determinedempirically based on the training set to be within the ranfrom 0.5 to 5.5 for the different MTANNs. The performancof the individual MTANNs was evaluated by free-responreceiver operating characteristic~FROC! curves,41 as shownin Fig. 13. The FROC curve expresses a classification se

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tivity as a function of the number of false positives per setion at a specific operating point, which is determined bythresholdun . With the single MTANN~MTANN No. 1!, wecan achieve a classification sensitivity of 100%~40/40! with0.36 false positives per section. The number of false ptives per section is defined by



TFPD , ~6!

where RFP is the number of remaining false positives aapplication of a false-positive reduction method, SEC isnumber of section images in the complete database ofscans, TFP is the total number of false positives reportedthe CAD scheme, and FPT is the number of false positiused as training samples, so that the fact that some f

FIG. 11. Illustration of four nodules~nontraining cases! in the top row andnine corresponding sets of output images of the nine trained MTANNs.

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1611 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1611

FIG. 12. Illustration of~a! nine sets ofnon-nodules~four examples in eachgroup! and ~b! the corresponding out-put images from the nine trainedMTANNs for nontraining cases. Theleft-most images from the second tthe ninth rows correspond to the images in the third and fourth rows inFig. 7, for which MTANN No. 1 wasnot effective.










positives were used to train the MTANN does not artificialower the overall false-positive rate. With the single MTAN~MTANN No. 1!, the false-positive rate of our currenscheme could be improved from 1.02 to 0.36 false positiper section, while maintaining the current sensitivity. Nothat 38 out of 50 nodules used in this study were missedradiologists.

The performance of the MTANNs varied considerabbecause the FROC curves were obtained by testingMTANNs with all nontraining false positives including varous types of non-nodules. The MTANNs trained with domnant false positives such as medium-sized and small~includ-ing peripheral! vessels seem to have a better overperformance for all false positives, because the numbemedium-sized and small~including! peripheral vessels wathe largest of all false positives. The performanceMTANN No. 2 trained with relatively large fuzzy mediumsized vessels was lower among the MTANNs trained wmedium-sized vessels~Nos. 1–3!, because MTANN No. 2was not effective for the vessels with high contrast and sm

Medical Physics, Vol. 30, No. 7, July 2003









vessels, which were dominant over all vessels. The permance of MTANN No. 5 trained with peripheral vessels wia light background was lower than that of MTANN No.trained with small~including peripheral! vessels, becausMTANN No. 5 was not effective for small vessels withoutlight background, which were dominant over all small vesels.

FROC curves of Multi-MTANNs obtained with variounumbers of the individual MTANNs are shown in Fig. 1The FROC curve was the optimized curve where the threold un of each MTANN in the Multi-MTANN was deter-mined such that the highest performance was obtained,the thresholdun was determined so as not to remove anodules in the training set, but to remove non-nodulesmuch as possible. First, the threshold with which none ofnodules was eliminated was calculated for each MTANThe threshold with the largest number of eliminating nonodules among all thresholds was used for plottingFROC curve first. After each of the thresholds was used ofor plotting the FROC curve, the second threshold w

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-, ase




sofDy use

1612 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1612

FIG. 13. FROC curves of the trained MTANNs for~a! No. 1 to No. 5, and~b! No. 6 to No. 9, for 40 nodules and 988 false positives. See details inDiscussion section for MTANN~90 FPs! and MTANN ~nine differenttypes!.



Medical Physics, Vol. 30, No. 7, July 2003

which only one nodule was eliminated was calculated. Theach of the second thresholds was used for plottingFROC curve in the same manner. These procedures wperformed repeatedly, and then the entire FROC curveobtained by use of the sequences of thresholdsun(t).

We used MTANN No. 1 as the dominant MTANN because MTANN No. 1 had the highest single performanceshown in Fig. 13. When the Multi-MTANN employed ninMTANNs, 91% ~902/988! of false positives~non-nodules!were removed without eliminating any true positives, i.e.,can achieve a classification sensitivity of 100%~40/40! with0.08 false positives per section. Figure 15 shows the numof false positives that remain after application of the MulMTANN at a classification sensitivity of 100% obtained wivarious numbers of MTANNs.

The test set in our database consisted of 63 LDCT sc~a total of 1765 LDCT images!, and contained 71 noduleincluding 66 biopsy-confirmed primary cancers. The sin


FIG. 15. Number of remaining false positives obtained by Multi-MTANNat a classification sensitivity of 100%, obtained with various numbersMTANNs. The number of false positives reported by our current CAscheme on a database of 38 LDCT scans was reduced from 988 to 76 bof the Multi-MTANN consisting of nine MTANNs.


FIG. 14. FROC curves of the Multi-MTANNs obtained with various num-bers of the individual MTANNs for 40nodules and 988 false positives. FROcurve of the Multi-MTANN consistingof nine MTANNs indicates 100% clas-sification sensitivity and a reduction inthe false-positive rate from 1.02 to0.08 per section.

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1613 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1613

FIG. 16. FROC curves of the singleMTANN ~MTANN No. 1! and theMulti-MTANN consisting of nineMTANNs for the test set consisting o57 true positives~nodules! and 1726false positives~non-nodules! in a vali-dation test. FROC curve of the Multi-MTANN indicates 80.3% overall sen-sitivity and a reduction in the false-positive rate from 0.98 to 0.18 pesection.














t isalaheofityrgeeenk, inthal-a





e of



MTANN ~MTANN No. 1! and the Multi-MTANN whichemployed nine MTANNs were applied to the 58 true potives ~nodules! and 1726 false positives~non-nodules!,which were reported by our current CAD scheme for the tset. Note that none of the parameters of the single MTAand the Multi-MTANN were changed. The FROC curvesthe single MTANN and the Multi-MTANN in a validationtest are shown in Fig. 16. The FROC curve of the MuMTANN was plotted by use of the sequences of threshoun(t), which were obtained by generating the optimizFROC curve for the training set. By using the singMTANN, we can remove 54%~938/1726! of false positives~non-nodules! without eliminating any true positives~nod-ules!, i.e., a classification sensitivity of 100%~58/58!. Thenumber of eliminated non-nodules increased as the numof MTANNs in the Multi-MTANN increased. When we usethe Multi-MTANN including nine MTANNs, 83%~1424/1726! of non-nodules were removed with a reduction of otrue positive, i.e., a classification sensitivity of 98.3%~57 of58 nodules!. Note that the performance for the caseswhich 23 cases from the same patients as those in the ting set were excluded was almost the same, i.e., onepositive was missed at 0.17 false positive per section. Thfore, by using the Multi-MTANN, the false-positive rate oour current CAD scheme was improved from 0.98 to 0false positives per section~from 27.4 to 4.8 per patient! at anoverall sensitivity of 80.3%~57/71!.


In order to gain insight into the MTANN, we conductesome experiments with the single MTANN~corresponds toMTANN No. 1!. Figure 17~a! shows the effect of the numbeof training samples on the performance for nontraining caThe performance was evaluated by using receiver operacharacteristic~ROC! analysis.42,43 One of the authors~K.S.!selected nodules and non-nodules as training samplesthe training set. The non-nodules were selected fromgroup of medium-sized vessels~with relatively high con-

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trast!. Note that a set with a larger number of traininsamples included a set with a smaller number of trainsamples. There was little increase in the Az value~the areaunder the ROC curves!44 when the number of trainingsamples was greater than 20~10 nodules and 10 nonnodules!. This is the reason for using 20 training samplesthe MTANN.

Because diagnostic radiology is progressing rapidlytechnology advances, a timely development of CAschemes for diagnostic radiology is important. However, idifficult for us to obtain a large number of training abnormcases, particularly for a CAD scheme for diagnosis withnew modality such as a lung cancer screening with CT. TMTANN was able to be trained with such a small numbertraining samples. The key of this high generalization abilmight be due to the division of one nodule image into a lanumber of subregions. We treated the distinction betwnodules and non-nodules as an image-processing tasother words, as a highly nonlinear filter that performs bonodule enhancement and non-nodule suppression. Thislowed us to train the MTANN not on a case basis, but onsubregion basis. The results might suggest that theresome consistent features of nodules in the local window.

In order to gain insight into such a high generalizatiability of the MTANN, we investigated the effect of the number of training subregions, i.e., the size of the training regRT , on the performance for nontraining cases consisting40 nodules and 1068 non-nodules. Figure 17~b! shows theAz value when the number of training subregions is variThe results show that the performance of the MTANN dcreased as the number of training subregions decreaHowever, there was no increase in Az value when the sizthe training regionRT was increased from 19319 to 25325.This is the reason for employing 19319 as the size of thetraining regionRT . This result suggests that the reasonthe high generalization ability of the MTANN is related tthe large number of training subregions used. It shouldnoted that the low performance with a small number of tra

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1614 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1614

ing subregions was not caused by a large training errorshown in Fig. 17~b!.

Figure 17~c! shows the effect of the number of traininepochs on the performance. There was little increase invalue when the number of training epochs was greater t500 000. This is the reason for determining the conditionstopping the training. Note that overtraining was not seover 500 000 epochs.

We investigated the effect of the parameter change onperformance. The parameters of the MTANN such asmatrix size of the subregion~local window! RS , the standard

FIG. 17. Effect of ~a! the number of training samples,~b! the number oftraining subregions, and~c! the number of training epochs on the perfomance for nontraining cases.

Medical Physics, Vol. 30, No. 7, July 2003




deviation sT of the two-dimensional Gaussian functionthe teacher image, and the standard deviations1 of the two-dimensional Gaussian function for scoring~for MTANN No.1! were changed, and the performance for nontraining cain the training set was obtained, as shown in Fig. 18.

In order to estimate roughly the number of units in thidden layer required, a method for designing the optimstructure of an ANN45–47 was applied to the trainedMTANN. The method is a sensitivity-based pruning methoi.e., the sensitivity to the training error was calculated wh

FIG. 18. Effect of~a! the matrix size of the subregionRS , ~b! the standarddeviationsT of the two-dimensional Gaussian function in the teacher imaand~c! the standard deviationsn of the two-dimensional Gaussian functiofor scoring on the performance for nontraining cases.

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hentheu, rehe




















1615 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1615

a certain unit was removed virtually, and the unit with tminimum training error was removed first. The redundaunits in the hidden layer were removed on the basis ofeffect of removing each unit on the training error, and ththe MTANN was retrained to recover the potential loss dto this removal. Each process was performed alternatelysulting in a reduced structure where redundant units wremoved. As a result, the optimal number of units in thidden layer was determined as 22 units.

In order to compare the capability of the single MTANwith that of the Multi-MTANN, we conducted experimento train the MTANN with various types of non-nodules. Wtrained the MTANN with the same training samples as uby the Multi-MTANN, i.e., 10 nodules and 90 non-nodulrepresenting nine different non-nodule types. In addition,trained the MTANN with 10 nodules and nine non-nodufrom each of nine non-nodule types~i.e., nine left images inFig. 10 were used!. The results are shown in Fig. 13~a!. Theperformance of the Mulit-MTANN was higher than thatboth MTANNs. This result suggests that the capability of tMulti-MTANN was superior to that of the single MTANN.

We examined the performance of the MTANN whichdirectly applied to the false positives reported by the multigray-level-thresholding technique in our current CAscheme, instead of a combination of the rule-based and lidiscriminant classifiers and the MTANN in this study. Thmajority of the false positives reported by the multiple gralevel-thresholding technique were relatively large vesswhose contrast was relatively high, compared to thoseported by our current CAD scheme including rule-basedlinear discriminant classifiers. We applied MTANN No. 120,743 nodule candidates including 45 nodules identifiedthe multiple gray-level-thresholding technique. We achiev5.87 false positives per section at a classification sensitiof 100%, i.e., an overall sensitivity of 90%. At an overasensitivity of 80%, 1.85 false positives per section weachieved. The false positives eliminated by the rule-baand linear discriminant classifiers were different from thoeliminated by the MTANN, although some of them ovelapped. A combination of the rule-based and linear discrinant classifiers and the MTANN rather than the MTANalone might be useful for distinction between nodules anon-nodules in a CAD scheme.


We developed a pattern-recognition technique based oartificial neural network, called a massive training artificneural network~MTANN !, and developed an extended vesion of the MTANN, called a multiple MTANN~Multi-MTANN !, for reduction of false positives in the computeized detection of lung nodules in low-dose CT images. TMTANN and the Multi-MTANN will be useful for substan-tially reducing the number of false positives in CAschemes for lung nodule detection.

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The authors are grateful to Hiroyuki Abe, M.D., for hclinical advice, Qiang Li, Ph.D., Junji Shiraishi, Ph.DYoshikazu Uchiyama, Ph.D., Heber MacMahon, M.DMaryellen Giger, Ph.D., Roger Engelmann, M.S., aChisako Muramatsu for their valuable suggestions, ChaE. Metz, Ph.D., for the use of the LABROC5 program, aElisabeth F. Lanzl for improving the paper. This work wsupported by USPHS Grants Nos. CA62625 and CA839K. Doi and S. G. Armato are shareholders of R2 TechnoloInc., Sunnyvale, CA. K. Doi is a shareholder of Deus Tecnologies, Inc., Rockville, MD. It is the policy of the University of Chicago that investigators disclose publicly actualpotential significant financial interest that may appear toaffected by research activities.


The MTANN consists of the modified multilayer ANNwhich employs a linear function instead of a sigmoid funtion as the activation function of the unit in the output layIn order to clarify the basic property of the modifiemultilayer ANN and the modified BP algorithm, we consiered the relationship between the modified multilayer ANand the original multilayer ANN theoretically. As for thstructure, we can understand easily that it is difficult for toriginal multilayer ANN to output values near one and zewhereas the modified multilayer ANN can output all valuequally. In the modified BP algorithm, the correction of tweight between the unit in the hidden layer and the unitthe output layer is represented by









]OOf L8~X!Om




H , ~A1!

whereOO is the output of the unit in the output layer,X isthe input value to the activation function, andf L8 is the de-rivative of the linear function where the slope coefficientassumed to be 1.0. On the other hand, the correction ofweight in the original BP algorithm is represented by



]OOf S8~X!Om



H ,


where f S8 is the derivative of a sigmoid function. Comparinthe two equations, we find that the difference is just tderivative of the activation function. Therefore, we canwrite the right-hand side of Eq.~A2! as the following equa-tion, usinghS :






H . ~A3!

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otos o









t of








i-l in-ion





-t of







1616 Suzuki et al. : Massive training artificial neural network 1616

When the training proceeds, the output of the originmultilayer ANN OO should approach the teacher valueT.Therefore, the learning rate of the original BP algorithm cbe approximated by

hS5h•OO~12OO!'h•T~12T!. ~A4!

This equation shows that the learning rate of the originalalgorithm is modulated by the derivative of a sigmoid funtion, which is 0.5 when the teacher value is 0.5, and is zwhen the teacher value is zero or one. In other words,learning rate of the modified BP algorithm correspondsthat of the original BP algorithm before the modulatioTherefore, in the original BP algorithm, the teacher valueszero and one are never trained, and the training forteacher value near zero and one converges more slowly.would affect the convergence characteristic and the oucharacteristic. Therefore, the modified multilayer ANN withe modified BP algorithm would be suitable for image pcessing where the teacher values may be continuous varanging from zero to one, whereas the multilayer ANNsuitable for a classification task where the teacher signaassigned to a class.

a!Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; [email protected]

b!Also at: Azumi General Hospital, Ikeda, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano 38695, Japan.

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