  • 1 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    The Masters Series

    Complete Workbook

    Table of Contents Session 1 Becoming a Marketing Master ................................................................................. 4

    1.1: 3 Types of Executives .................................................................................................... 5

    1.2: Deploying Strategies and Tactics ............................................................................. 7

    1.3: The Stadium Pitch ........................................................................................................ 10

    1.5: Stop Selling and Start Educating ............................................................................. 14

    1.6: Become the Expert in Your Market ......................................................................... 15

    1.7: Rest the Buying Criteria, Surpass Your Competition .......................................... 16

    1.8: Refining Your Stadium Pitch ...................................................................................... 17

    1.9: The Smoking Gun ......................................................................................................... 18

    1.10: The 4 Rules of a Slogan ............................................................................................ 19

    1.11: Building a Killer Core Story ....................................................................................... 20

    How to Build a Core Story: The Short Version ...................................................................... 27

    Session 2 Best Buyer Strategy ................................................................................................... 44

    2.1: Introducing the Best Buyer Strategy ....................................................................... 45

    2.2: Best Buyer Strategy with PHD .................................................................................... 46

    2.3: Dream 100 Concept ................................................................................................... 47

    2.4: Grab Your Dream 100s Attention........................................................................... 50

    Session 2.5: Get their Attention! Get the Appointment! ......................................... 54

    Session 3 Create the Ultimate Advantage .......................................................................... 91

    3.1: Create the Ultimate Competitive Advantage ........................................................... 92

    3.2: What the Most Successful Companies Do Differently ............................................... 94

    3.3: How to Work ON Your Business ...................................................................................... 96

  • 2 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    3.4: How to Obtain Master Skills ......................................................................................... 98

    Session 4 Time and Results Management ...........................................................................106

    4.1: The Got-A-Minute Manager ................................................................................... 107

    4.2: Six Steps to Transform Your Company ................................................................. 109

    4.3: Planning Your Day ..................................................................................................... 111

    4.4: Prioritize and Organize ............................................................................................. 113

    Session 5 Hiring and Talent ...................................................................................................116

    5.1: Sales Superstars ........................................................................................................... 117

    5.2: The Five Traits of Star Salespeople ........................................................................ 118

    5.3: How to Hire ................................................................................................................... 119

    5.4: Interviews Part 1 ....................................................................................................... 121

    5.5: Interviews Part 2 ....................................................................................................... 124

    5.6: How to Keep Top Producers ................................................................................... 125

    Session 6 The Seven Musts of Marketing.........................................................................131

    6.1: The Seven Musts of Marketing ..................................................................................... 132

    6.2: The Power of Affiliates .................................................................................................. 133

    6.3: Personal Contact .......................................................................................................... 134

    6.4: Company Brochure ...................................................................................................... 137

    6.5: Public Relations ............................................................................................................. 138

    6.6: Press Releases ................................................................................................................ 139

    6.7: Trade Shows ................................................................................................................... 140

    6.8: Innovative Strategies .................................................................................................... 142

    6.9: Grab Attention .............................................................................................................. 144

    6.10: Retail, TV and Radio ................................................................................................... 146

    Session 7 Detailing and Perfecting the Sales Process .......................................................178

    7.1: Building Rapport ......................................................................................................... 179

    7.2: Establish the Need ..................................................................................................... 181

    7.3: Build Value ................................................................................................................... 184

    7.4: Create Desire .............................................................................................................. 186

  • 3 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    7.5: Objections and Close ............................................................................................... 188

    7.6: The Close Part 2 ....................................................................................................... 190

    Session 8 Perfecting Your Follow-Up ...................................................................................198

    8.1: Perfecting Your Follow-Up ....................................................................................... 199

    8.2: The Real Success Formula for Selling .................................................................... 200

    8.3: Step 1- Send Your Follow-Up Letter Immediately ............................................. 201

    8.4: 10 Steps to Bullet Proof Success ............................................................................. 202

    8.5: When the Meeting Does Not Go Well! ................................................................ 208

    Session 9 The High Art of Getting Appointments with Anyone .........................................211

    9.1: Getting the Impossible Appointment .................................................................. 212

    9.2: Attitude ......................................................................................................................... 213

    9.3: Create a Vehicle to Build Rapport ....................................................................... 214

    9.4: Elements of a Phone Pitch ...................................................................................... 215

    9.5: Getting Past the Gatekeeper ................................................................................ 216

    9.6: Great Tips to Get Executives on the Phone ....................................................... 217

    9.7: Back to the Gatekeeper ......................................................................................... 218

    Session 10 The High Art of Getting Appointments with Anyone ........................................223

    10.1: Persistence without Being Obnoxious................................................................ 224

    10.2: Follow-Up Steps 3-5.................................................................................................. 226

    10.3: Follow-Up Steps 6 and 7 ......................................................................................... 229

    10.4: Follow-Up Steps 8-12 ............................................................................................... 231

    10.5: Art of Voicemail ....................................................................................................... 232

    Session 11 Professional Presenting ......................................................................................235

    11.1: Presenting A to Z ...................................................................................................... 236

    11.2: Rules for Effective Presenting ............................................................................... 237

    11.3: Take Control of the Meeting ................................................................................ 248

    11.4: The Importance of Practice ................................................................................. 249

  • 4 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Session 1

    Becoming a Marketing


    Secrets of the Super Strategist and how to

    Build your Core Story

    Videos in Session 1:

    1.1 The 3 Types of Executives

    1.2 Deploying Your Strategies and Tactics

    1.3 The Stadium Pitch

    1.4 What Business Are You Really In?

    1.5 Stop Selling and Start Educating

    1.6 Becoming the Expert in your Market

    1.7 Reset the Buying Criteria to Surpass Your Competition

    1.8 Refining Your Stadium Pitch

    1.9 The Smoking Gun 4 Criteria of an Effective Core Story

    1.10 The 4 Rules of a Slogan

    1.11 The 4 Rules to Building a Killer Slogan

    This Workbook is provided to support each of the areas described above. It is

    important that you take notes as you watch each video and to follow and conduct

    the workshops provided for you and your team, so you can begin implementing what

    you learn.

  • 5 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.1: 3 Types of Executives Evert executive is either strategic, tactical of a blend of both. The key

    objective is to clearly define which you are.

    There are 3 types of executives:

    Strategic Executive .8% - Bigger thinker, but not interested in focusing in on the details. Visionary

    Tactical Executive 99.0% - They focus on the details, daily activities and tactics to run the operation, but have no clear strategy.

    Strategic / Tactical Executive - .2% - This is the rare strategist, who

    implements their ideas and tactics with piercing effectiveness.

    What is a Tactic?


    A sales call

    Your website

    An email to prospects or clients

    A trade show

    An article written about you (PR)

    Your brochure

    Customer service

    What is a strategy?

    The long range goal, the overall impact.

    What is the ultimate accomplishment, or ultimate position you want in the


    What is the ultimate perception you would like your clients to have about your



  • 6 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #1: Think this through!

    What is the ultimate accomplishment, or ultimate position you want in the market?

    (Focused on you.)

    What is the ultimate perception you would like your clients to have about your

    company? (Focused on them.)


  • 7 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.2: Deploying Strategies and Tactics Learn how adding ONE strategic objective can increase sales by 600%.

    Strategy: More Refined Definitions

    How do your tactical efforts support and help you accomplish that position?

    What are the strategic objectives of each tactical effort?

    How many strategic objectives can you accomplish per tactic?


    Answer each question Yes or No, as it pertains to the strategic objectives you want to achieve with each prospect or client?

    Strategic Objective Yes / No

    Would you like to be more trusted?

    Do you want to be respected?

    Do you want to have deep credibility?

    Do you want to be perceived as an expert?

    Do you want to create brand loyalty?

    Would you like to preempt the competition and solidify your


    Position yourself so that price was not a factor?

    Do you want to generate referrals?

    Motivate the client/prospect to take action now?

  • 8 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #2: Sell the Company What could you say about your company every time you interact with a


    Where would you put that in the communication process?

    Workshop #3: Creating Your Company Strategy Write one answer for each question as it applies to tactics that will allow you

    to achieve your strategic objectives?

    What would make you more trusted?


    Have deep credibility?

    Be perceived as an expert?

  • 9 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Get more brand loyalty?

    Preemptive positioning? (Not buy from anyone else.)

    Pricing comparisons dealt with?


    Motivate action now?


  • 10 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.3: The Stadium Pitch A strategy for both attracting clients faster and in greater numbers. This is

    the foundation of the Core Story Concept.

    Imagine you could present in a massive stadium to every potential client

    you have. What would you do?

    Workshop #4: What is the title of your Stadium Pitch?

    It should be focused on THEM, not you. It should be something that rivets their

    attention and keeps them in their seat.

    A great stadium pitch will drive your potential buyers up the buying pyramid.

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    Education Based Marketing

    People will come to you and stay longer to hear something of value to THEMN, then they ever will just to be sold to. Chet Holmes


  • 12 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.4: What Business are You Really In?

    Develop the broadest possible view of your business, focusing on the

    ultimate benefit for your client.

    Developing a Clear View for Your Business!


    Basic ViewStrategic


    Broadest Possible


  • 13 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #5: What business are you in? Define your business in the broadest possible sense. What could be an ultimate

    benefit from doing business with you?

    Basic View Strategic View Broadest Possible View


  • 14 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.5: Stop Selling and Start Educating From your Core Story that all the other things that you will utilize to educate

    your prospect will spin off from.

    The key is to think strategically, before you operate tactically!

    Market data is way more motivational than product data. Chet Holmes


  • 15 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.6: Become the Expert in Your Market You must be an expert on everything around your product or service.

    Workshop #6: Positioning yourself as the Expert

    What could you do to help your clients be more successful?


  • 16 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.7: Rest the Buying Criteria, Surpass Your Competition Leveraging the power of market data to change the buying criteria from

    one based on product and price, to one based on education and need.

    A STRATEGIST is an expert in their industry, who educates potential clients

    and leads them to their products / services as the most obvious solution.


  • 17 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.8: Refining Your Stadium Pitch So you can get 10x more responses from the money youre already spending.

    Market data can build a serious case for almost any product BEFORE you

    even try to sell it. The key is finding that market data that supports the NEED for your product or service.

    Workshop #7: Write some educational offers

    Knowing that you might have to get some research to be highly effective at this

    strategy: Write some education-based offers.

    Workshop #8: Shift the Criteria

    Whats the current criteria and what SHOULD it be?

    Current Buying Criteria? What Should it Be?

  • 18 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.9: The Smoking Gun The 4 criteria for an effective Core Story.

    Market data does many, many things, among them:

    Positions you as an expert and shifts the power.

    Increase interest far beyond product data, so it captures more buyers easier.

    This is the Core Story Model.

    This sales model changes everything!

    CORE STORY will dramatically increase your ability to identify, pursue, develop and

    close a whole lot more business.


  • 19 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.10: The 4 Rules of a Slogan Every market and every business has a series of buyers that they consider

    their BEST buyers -- meaning those who have the ability to purchase far

    more of your product or service, than the average buyer.

    Workshop #9: Buying Criteria

    What is the current buying criteria in your industry and what should it be?

    The 4 Rules of a Slogan

    A slogan should describe the product or service (unless the name describes the

    product or service).

    A slogan should contain a benefit.

    A slogan positions your company above the competition.

    Ideally, a slogan sets up buying criteria in which your product or service is the

    most logical choice.

    Workshop #9: Develop Your Slogan

    Develop a slogan for your company that integrates the 4 rules of a slogan.

  • 20 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    1.11: Building a Killer Core Story The step-by-step process.

    Building a killer core story or stadium pitch, step by step.

    Even if you do not present your core story to prospects/clients, you

    need to build one as the ultimate training tool to set your business

    apart from the competition.

    Areas covered (pre-sell the HECK out of the education)

    Begin with a great promise.

    Start with the big picture market information.

    Create NEED!

    Massive pain. Whats the bad news? Does not all have to DIRECTLY relate to your product/service.

    Set the buying criteria with more data NO SELLING at all. The five things to look for in (your type of product or service). STILL NO


    Action required to address Need and eliminate Pain. Introduce your business.

    Present the Offer or Call to Action.


    You want every prospect to think of having your product as a LOT

    more important.

    Heighten the interest and importance of your product (Market data

    will do this).

    Motivate your buyers to purchase more and more often.

    Preempt your competition at every turn.

    Create massive brand loyalty.

    Your strategic objective is to make sure they never want to buy from

    anyone else.


  • 21 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Additional Workshop: Develop your Core Story and

    Stadium Pitch

    Begin with a great promise (whats the title?)

    Areas covered (Pre-sells the HECK out of the education.)

    Start with big picture market info (Write down some things you want to have


    Massive pain. More items you want to have researched failure rate, competitive landscape: Whats scary to your clients? Research things over time.

    Set buying criteria with more data (What do you want to be teaching them?)

  • 22 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    The five things to look for in your type of product or service. (STILL NO SELLING.)

    Now what would you say about your product or service?

    Put your slogan here.


  • 23 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Summary Workshop: How can you heighten the interest and importance of your product? (Market data

    will do this.)

    How can you motivate your buyers to purchase more or more often?

    How can you preempt or disempower the competition at every turn?

    How can you create massive brand loyalty? What are your strategic objectives to make sure they never want to buy from anyone but you?

    How can you become the most respected?

    How can you become the most popular?

  • 24 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    How can you become the most sought out for information?

    How can you become the most educational?

    How can you become the best resource in your industry? (Placement service,

    business or consumer resources.)

    How can you generate referrals?

    Motivate action now?

    How can you get more leads into the pipeline faster or faster appointments?

  • 25 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Superior Access Vehicle: An approach that gives you superior access to your


    Whats FREE, and easier to sell?

    What educational tools for YOUR clients can you use?

    What could you sell that would be easier to sell as an entry-point?


  • 26 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Bonus Workshop: Create three to five reasons why a client should buy from your company over one of

    your competitors.

    Features tell, benefits sell

    Describe your company in a way that has a benefit for the client.

    Now take a few minutes and write down as many additional benefits of dealing with

    you as you can. NOT featuresbenefits.

  • 27 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    How to Build a Core Story: The Short Version

    The following is a succinct description of how to build a core story. However, if youve skipped the videos that describe this, youre doing yourself a great disservice. It is well laid-out on the videos, but here is a cheat sheet for those whove watched those videos.

    Your core story should contain the following:

    Part 1. It should begin with information of general interest to your audience. Best to

    start with facts that make people say wow. For example, we just built one for a company that sells home protection training. Their core story begins by showing how

    in the 1950s (days of Ozzie and Harriet), there was minor crime and almost no home invasion. The next panel jumps to a slide that shows the amazing rise in crime in

    America (scary, by the way).

    So, start your core story with information that is interesting to your target audience

    without, for even a second, discussing what you do and what you sell.

    Part 2. The information should then give trend, statistic or data bits after data points, all

    of interest to your target audience. This information should be bad news to them. You

    want them shaking their heads in displeasure at the myriad of challenges they face.

    For example, in UBMS we share a core story that shows the decline of health in our

    entire society. The scariest point was that male sperm count has declined 95% in

    potency in the past 70 years and the amount of woman infertility is up 265,000% (really

    scary). The human race, at this same rate of decline of fertility, will be extinct within

    just a few generations. This information is a direct set up for WHY this has happened

    and then this particular company has some very important solutions.

    So what trends face your industry? Youd be amazed at how powerful this can be when viewed over time. For example, if we look at sperm

    count today, its just a blind figure. Its when you look at what it was in 1929 that you literally fear the distinction of

    modern man. For another perspective, if you look at

    crime over the last ten years, its declined. But if you look at it since 1960, you see that home invasion has risen

    600%. Whats going on in your industry that would really motivate that buyer to take a serious look at your


    As a side note, Empire Research Group can do this

    research for you. Check out the Chet Holmes

    International website ( and click

    the Core Story hyperlink to find out how research can

    triple closing ratios. Alternatively, you can call us at (845)

    789-4178 or email us at [email protected] for a free Core Story


    Whats going on in

    your industry that

    would really motivate

    that buyer to take a

    serious look at your


    Chet Holmes

  • 28 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Part 3. Now that you have done a righteous setup and have your prospect(s)

    salivating for a solution, you have a section that says: Heres What You Can Do About Some Of These Challenges.

    If youre a construction company trying to get builders to use you over your competition, your front part might have shown the market you serve and how much

    building has gone on. Then it might have gone into costs, labor problems, laws,

    lawsuits, etc., all areas of pain for builders. It would then segue into some solutions;

    some might not directly have to do with you. So you might say, Three Solutions One Can Pursue. And two of them are a single panel with a suggestion from articles you might have read/found during the research phase. But one of those three things says:

    You Can Choose Your Partners More Carefully. And then you segue into The Four Things to Look for in a Construction Partner.

    This section is NOT a blatant pitch, but rather a section in which you set up the buying criteria in your favor (explained in Chets session on Strategy). Youd have a panel on each of the things they should look for and each is a righteous set up for you and how

    you go about your services.

    Then your final panels show how you fulfill all the criteria you just set up. This is the

    ONLY part where you get to present YOUR company. The other 90% of what you

    present is to serve the viewer, not you. But if youve done a great job, believe me, youll serve yourself big time.

    Begin with a title page that promises some wonderful educational experience The Five Things Everyone Should Know About Health in America or, The Five Most Dangerous Trends Facing Every (your industry target here). The second panel is titled Areas Covered. Thats where you pre-sell like a champion. REALLY make your prospects want it.

    End with a summary, two summary pages. The first one summarizes the data that

    leads them to your conclusion. The second one shows how your company provides

    the solutions.

    Then you have a final ending panel that is your USP, as defined in Chets session. Good luck. And remember, Empire Research Group can do this for you now and

    probably much better than most can do it themselves. Why? Because theyve built hundreds of these and they are highly trained and efficient at it.

    Good luck. If you build it, they will buy!

  • 29 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved


    If you really want to dominate your market, the first thing you should do is conduct

    research. For example, when we had a calendar company as a client, we helped

    them discover that their market was shrinking, hence changing their strategy from

    going after small gift shops to going after large chain retailers like Wal-Mart. So point

    one, you want to look at the size of your market over the last several decades. The

    United States Census Bureau keeps outstanding records of every industry. Number of

    units, employees and gross sales, and the data can go back into the 50s. You get some great wows (explained on videos) when you look at data over several decades.

    Research Some Items Youd Like to Know Just to Make Yourself an Expert

    Size of Market Annual billings for the entire industry. For example, if youre in real estate, you want to know how many houses are sold each year and how much

    money is spent in this area. This positions you as an expert. So for any industry, you

    want to find out how many units sold, or how much spent, etc You also want to find out how many brokers there are. How many people employed,


    You also want to find out how these numbers have

    changed over the last few decades. It is in THIS part of

    the research that you find the wows as described both in Strategy Versus Tactics and in Effective Presenting. Major trends? Most trade journals that cover an industry

    do an annual wrap up on the industry. What they dont do is compare that data over the years. So if you can

    get ten years of that particular industry, you can find

    correlations that literally make your clients say wow out loud. We had one client where we did some research

    and then laid out for them all these trends that they had

    never noticed, even though all the data came from their

    trade journals that they read religiously. When youre looking to make correlations, it changes perspective and gives you superior weapons

    to your competitors.

    The bad news. Ultimately, bad news motivates much more than good news. What is

    going on in your industry that is painful? Are companies going out of business? Is

    competition out of control, etc.?

    You have a sense of your own industry; so can think through other areas that would

    be telling. What other areas are there that youd want to research? Market data arms you over your competitors. They never stop to work ON the business and this gives you

    a superior advantage.

    Even if youre in a retail setting, know the details, youll find the trends. For example, if youre in the jewelry store business, find out how much is spent on each area, how has

    So, if you can get ten

    years of that particular

    industry, you can find

    correlations that literally

    make your client say

    wow out loud.

    Chet Holmes

  • 30 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    it changed over the years, how many jewelry stores are there, etc. Knowing your

    market better than your competition will give you some surprising advantages.

    But for now, RIGHT now, list some areas that you would like to have researched:

    PromiseMore guidance / stimulation to come.

    Core Story Elements

    Name at least five pain points that would motivate your buyers to become more

    interested in your products or services. Be clear, this is the step where you are trying to

    get their attention. Motivating them to buy ONCE you have their attention is the next

    step. For example, if you were selling to Foundries, you might say: Half of all foundries have gone out of business in the past few decades. Learn why and how to avoid it. Another example: If you were selling training programs to HR executives, you might

    say: 98% of all HR executives admit that theyd like to do a better job on retention. Heres a superior method thats totally painless.

    Both of these statements, by the way, are true. To discover these things, we

    researched the market on behalf of our clients. This step is to force you to think

    through how market data might help you find the pain points that really GRAB the

    attention of your buyers, helping to open the doors more easily for you. This is

    thoroughly explained in Strategy Versus Tactics. At this point, we want you THINK ING before you deploy.

    List more pain points/research items that might really grab the attention of your


    What measurable data, facts, comparisons, illustrations, construction, performance

    levels and buying criteria do you want / need to know and include? Where will you

    get it (e.g., research, vendors, analyzing data, etc.)?

  • 31 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Name at least five pain points that would really motivate your buyers to buy faster.

    (The first exercise was to find ways to grab attention.) Now that you have their attention, how do you motivate them to take action faster?

    Describe, define, name the problem, challenge, question or issue for which your

    company, product, or service is the only viable solution. Explain why you alone can

    do it for them.

    Name at least five pain points that would motivate your buyers to buy more (this is

    different than faster).

    Name five pleasures the prospect / client should want to attain, achieve, experience

    or get from your product, service or company.

    Future Pace What it will be like when they have your product device implemented and performing in your clients life or business. List at least five expectations.

  • 32 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Name at least 10 more things you want to (or already have) researched in order to

    support the previous four sections.

    Name five pleasures the prospect / client should want to attain, achieve, experience

    or get from your product, service or company.

    Now write a compelling title for your core story.

    Now outline the sections in your core story (no more than five).

    Write 12 headlines for your product / service / company that explains the biggest

    single payoff, benefit or result for your product, service or company. Go at it from

    every angle.

  • 33 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Write five ways your product / service adds specific, measurable benefit or value to

    your client.

    Write ten advantages you have over your competition, tangible or intangible.

    Make a list of all the specific, direct and indirect competition you have for the

    problem your product / service / company solves.

    Now tell the five things everyone should look for in a product or service like yours.

    Without directly referencing your product or service, youre setting the markets buying criteria here, so these should be things you do that your competition doesnt, or that they havent delineated. For example, if youre a real estate broker you may find that all your competitors help guide the homeowner through the process AFTER

    the sale, but few real estate brokers make this part of their presentation in order to get

    the listing in the first place).

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    Provide five metaphors or similes that analyze or illustrate what else having your

    product or service in their lives is like.

    Stadium Pitch: If we could gather all your customers in a stadium and give you an

    opportunity to present to them all at once, what would you say? You can begin to

    see how much stronger your stadium pitch will be when you have hard data that can

    rivet the attention of your audience from the start. Outline your stadium pitch. This

    should be much stronger now that youve done all these other exercises:

    Now say it in a single sentence. This is your slogan/strategic position, the statement

    that goes under your logo every time.

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    Bonus Section

    Increasing Your Closing Ratio Three Fold

    Heres how to build a KILLER presentation that literally triples sales (with tons of proof and examples below)

    by Chet Holmes

    Imagine I could put you in a giant stadium right now as the presenter, and the entire

    audience is completely comprised of your most perfect prospects. Are you ready

    right now? Could you walk out on that stage and present to every one of them and

    do it perfectly? Now before you say yes, let me make the stakes higher. Before you

    walk out there, the audience is told: You had to come, but you dont have to stay. If this person (you) fails to keep your interest, you can simply get up and leave.

    Now let me even further complicate the situation by telling you the good news and

    the bad news.

    The good news: At any given time 3% of your prospects are currently in the market to

    buy your product or service and looking right now to get it. Another 6-7% is open to it,

    but not currently looking. The other 90% is divided into three nearly equal categories:

    A) Not really thinking about right now.

    B) Think theyre not interested (but might be, if you did a good job at presenting to them).

    C) They KNOW theyre not interested.

    So lets say you sell brooms. And lets say its a fantastic broom. But remember 90% of the

    audience isnt in the market for your broom at this time. At least they think theyre not interested. That means if you walk out there and start right off

    saying how great your brooms are, 90% of your

    audience is going to get up and leave.

    So you need to open your stadium pitch (as I call

    it), with what I call wows. This means that all great presentations start off with information that

    makes your prospects say: wow, I didnt know that. The focus must be on THEM and things of interest to THEM, not you. So rule number one of a great presentation is that it

    must be focused on the prospect and not on you (at least not initially).

    Ive built presentations that increase closing ratios from one out of ten to eight out of ten. Ive even built presentations that dramatically increase your ability to get in front of prospects in the first place. How? Lets bring that stadium pitch down to its most practical application; Offer prospects something of value outside your product or

    service, something important to THEM.

    At any given time, 3% of

    your prospects are currently

    in the market to buy your

    product or service.

    Chet Holmes

  • 36 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Let me give you a case in point. I have a client who sells employee benefits and

    insurance to companies. His sales team was used to calling up a client and saying

    We want to come and talk to you about your health care benefits. Since 97% of prospects THINK they are happy with their current broker, thats a really hard call to make. However, when they created a presentation that pointed out The Five Dangers Facing All Employers and How Knowing What Those DANGERS Are, Can

    Dramatically Reduce Costs and Increases Profits, it made not just the sale go better, but also the getting the appointment go much better.

    Meaning that the information that is of value to THEM like, Five Dangers Facing You In Your Business, creates what I call a superior access vehicle.

    Heres What You Can Do About Some of These Challenges

    Another client of mine sells telephone systems. Prior to the learning curve in this article,

    theyd call prospects and ask the prospect We want to come and talk to you about getting a new telephone system. Needless to say, the appointment setting process was slow going. However, when they built THE ULTIMATE PR ESENTATION, one that

    offered (something like) How Youre Wasting Money In Five Major Areas of Your Voice and Data Spending, suddenly, they went from getting three appointments per week (with four salespeople trying all day) to getting 30 appointments per week. This

    effort is already tripling their sales in a single year.

    So rule number one, again, for building a killer presentation, is

    to have information that is OF VALUE to your prospects even

    if they have never heard about your products or services.

    Information that is above and beyond the product or service

    you are offering will be considered extremely valuable to


    I had another client that was trying to sell law books to

    lawyers. Over the years, they had been reduced to talking to

    just the librarians in these law firms. And since the lawyers are

    the ones using the law books, their ability to get new product

    into the market became severely hamstrung.

    We helped them build a presentation that laid out The Five Most Dangerous Trends Facing All Major Law Firms Today,

    which resulted in meetings with entire committees of lawyers. The data was excellent,

    legitimate and packed with bad news. Oh, did I mention the part about bad news?

    A great presentation is loaded with bad news to your prospects. Why?

    Because bad news motivates. Wed get in front of a group of lawyers and show them that lawyers keep growing, but the annual billings are flat (less money per lawyer):

    That their firms would be sued (something like 44% of large law firms will be sued by

    unhappy or dissatisfied clients). That the case law from which they must find their

    information is out of control now, with more than THREE MILLION cases to choose from

    Theres no situation

    where one of these


    properly prepared,

    cant overcome

    any challenge you

    may be facing.

    Chet Holmes

  • 37 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    when trying to find a single precedent. This presentation was packed with bad news.

    Much of this news had nothing to do with law books. Keep in mind, it didnt matter. Bad news motivates, even if it is unrelated.

    Your prospect, when viewing a great deal of bad news, will suddenly feel the need to

    take some action. Any action they take will make them feel better. In the case of the

    law book company, every lawyer in the room wanted more information or wanted to

    purchase the law books outright, after they saw the presentation.

    Now dont take this too far. The more the data in the presentation sets up a need for your product or service, the higher your closing ratio. So, in the case of the law firm,

    the massive case law to be studied created a need for law books that already

    studied that for them. Plus, we tied the litigation against lawyers directly to the massive

    case law, so that seemingly unrelated pieces of data, pieced together with other

    data made the bad news more excruciating.

    So rule number two to building a killer presentation is that the data should set up a buying criteria, in which your product or service becomes the most logical choice. When my telephone client laid out all the ways most companies were wasting money

    on their voice and data spending, it made the prospects open their arms and invite

    my client to look at how they might help them. This almost always ended up being a

    new system that would help them save money in many different ways.

    What are your clients current buying criteria? Is it price? Easy to overcome with the right presentation. Is it that they want to buy only from the biggest provider? Easy to

    overcome with the right presentation. Is it that they dont think they even need what it is that you sell? Easy to overcome with the right presentation. Data can motivate your

    prospects in all and any of the situations mentioned.

    I have a client that is a distributor in a market where they once had only four main

    competitors. In the past several years, many other types of companies have added

    my clients type of product as an add-on. Since its not their main product, these hundreds of new competitors can sell it even cheaper than my client can. Result? My

    client was in big trouble and fading fast.

    Presentation to the Rescue

    We used data, compelling and riveting data to show that these competitors didnt know anything about this particular industry and as a result, in the long run, poor

    choices in purchasing were going to cost their penny wise and pound foolish buyers a

    LOT more money later. The presentation set up a buying criteria where price became

    secondary to expertise. Will that work with you? I do not know. But I DO know this.

    Theres no situation where one of these presentations, properly prepared, cant overcome any challenge you may be facing.

    Declining market? Price is the main motivator? Inability to get appointments? Inability

    to get to see the higher decisions makers? All of these challenges can be met with a

    fantastic presentation.

  • 38 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    The Core Story

    I call these Your Core Story, or your stadium pitch and they serve another extremely valuable purpose. I had one

    client who used to take four months to train a new person

    on all the subtleties of why a prospect should buy their

    product. The Core Story used data as the motivator and

    suddenly, this core story could train an outsider how to

    REALLY sell this product and in a single pass through the

    information. So a great core story makes for a fantastic new

    hire training tool.

    How to Build a Core Story

    Let me tell you, it isnt easy. But greatness never is. If you want to be the ultimate player in your market, you have to take the time to carefully craft one of these, using

    data as a powerful access vehicle as well as an urgent motivator for your otherwise

    slow moving clients to make faster and more urgent decisions. Before you read the

    steps, and become discouraged, let me tell you that there is a group that simply does

    this for you.

    You do nothing but answer 60 to 90 minutes worth of questions about your industry

    and your products and four to six weeks later, voila; they come back to you with a

    KILLER presentation filled with poignant and significant research about your market.

    Research that your client will find fascinating, research that is compelling enough to

    get you more meetings, critical research that is highly motivating to get your client to

    want to buy faster and research that, hopefully, in some way, sets up a buying criteria where YOU are the MOST logical choice. YOU are the ONLY one these prospects want to buy from.

    Four to six weeks later, they will come back with not just the research, not just the

    facts, but visually arresting graphics. Yes, a KILLER presentation has graphics on every

    panel. Vivid visuals, photos that triple the impact of your words, graphs that visually illustrate your points, pie charts that point out their problems, and dollar signs in all the

    right places to show them how you help them save, earn or increase some area of

    their world.

    85% of the information in the brain is taken in through the eyes. Studies show that

    visuals nearly triple the communication experience. So dont even think about presenting anything to anyone, if youre not going to use visual aids. In any event, this group does a turnkey job. You give them an interview and they turn

    around and give you an awesome stadium pitch, fully illustrated with your logo on

    every panel. If you want to know how you might use one of these and youre not sure, its certainly free to talk to this group.

    Empires Research and Core Story building services began many years ago when I was building these core stories for my billion dollar clients. Clients would pay me

    Studies show that

    visuals nearly triple

    the communication


    Chet Holmes

  • 39 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    $80,000 to build these and I would commission out all the research to an elite team of

    top researchers. I would then sit around on the floor (too much data to put on a desk)

    with piles of the raw data all around me and begin to see where I could piece

    together all these disconnected pieces of raw data to create the wows or find the bad news that would motivateat the same time as position my clients. This process alone is critical and difficult. In one case we were building a presentation for

    a client who wanted to target day spas.

    The researchers got me the numbers and I saw that there were 16,000 day spas in the

    U.S. But to my utter shock, another piece of disconnected data showed that there

    were maybe 200 of them only 15 years ago. Bad news if youre a day spa. Your market is gruelingly competitive. Two pieces of data over a 15 year period put

    together on a single panel to equal bad news!

    After I finished building the raw data into final product, I would then pass back my

    finished product to the researchers to show them how I had utilized their data.

    After years and years of doing this, this very bright research team began to get the

    hang of this process and they began to go a lot further with the assignments I gave

    them. Before I knew it, they were getting these things pretty far along and thats when I realized that this service could now be expanded outside of the billion dollar clients I

    was accustomed to working with.

    So what I once charged $80,000 to produce, my team helped me systematize so that

    you can get your custom core story for literally a fraction of that investment,

    affordable by almost any company or sole individual looking to slaughter the

    competition. Now, that said, if you cannot afford to have someone do this for you,

    heres what you need to do on your own.

    Step One: Research your industry over a thirty year period. Thats where youll find trends that no one else has spotted.

    Step Two: Look for the bad news. Thats what motivates. Specifically, look for bad news that you might be able to tie to a solution that involves your product or service.

    Step Three: Manipulation of that data is the most difficult part of it. It is an art form

    onto itself.

    Stack the info, cross reference the info, blend it with other info, etc. I do all the original

    panels by hand on 3X5 index cards. This way you can erase info, and keep shifting the

    order of how you want to present the info, all in a delicate balance of insight that

    eventually leads to that prospect wanting YOUR product or service over all of your


    Do NOT pitch your product until the very end. You want the material in the front and

    3/4 of the way through it to be a set up. Then somewhere toward the end, you want a section that says: What to look for in X type of provider. At this point you would present all this data about yourself without really saying its you. In the telephone

  • 40 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    company example, they presented What to look for in your telephone system provider and they had five things and every one of them set them up to be the most logical provider.

    A great title is critical. Heres a great title for everyone The Five Most Dangerous Trends Facing All (your prospects type of company or issue here) XYZ Type Companies/Consumers. The second panel is always Areas Covered, and is used as a teaser and presell opportunity. It should make their mouth water with anticipation. The rest of the layout

    and ideas on graphics and how to utilize them is covered quite thoroughly in the

    session entitled Effective Presenting. In summary, your core story can accelerate:


    Client access

    Decision making process

    Appointment setting

    Closing skills

    Rapport opportunities

    Increased credibility

    And so much more. If you build it, they will buy!

    Or, you can certainly have the Empire Research Group build it for you. Check out the

    Chet Holmes International website ( and click the Core Story

    hyperlink. Alternatively, you can call us at (845) 789-4178 or email us at

    [email protected] for a free Core Story Consultation.

  • 41 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    List of Basic Research Sites Online for

    Developing Core Stories

    Here are some great sites that share a whole host of information on various market

    data and facts to help supplement your research in developing your Core Story. In

    addition, there are many other research sites available that will be more specific to

    your market or industry. The best way to search for other more specific research sites

    that will offer valuable information for your specific industry is to test different key

    words and phrases on your favorite search engine. The type of keyword you use can

    make all the difference as to the quality of information you retrieve.

    Website Description

    Go to the various subheadings that are

    listed on the front page as your scroll

    down. There are archives of information

    you can choose from.

    Census Bureau: For resources and

    information on Census and U.S. census

    bureau. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor and Statistics

    Society for HR Management:

    Information on labor, health care,

    executive backgrounds and

    compensation, government, employer

    practices, etc.

    Wise Giving Alliance

    For information on various charities and

    their reputations. Part of the Better

    Business Bureau (BBB)

    www.CNN .com Go to the various subheadings listed

    below as you scroll down. Home Page for the Worlds Business Leaders Information about autos, auto industry,

    computers, software. Great site for Bankruptcies, statistics,


    The search engine for managing and

    growing your business. Business facts

    and information.

  • 42 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Session 1 Quiz: Becoming a Marketing Master

    Please Note: This test can be copied only for repeated usage, by the original program purchaser,

    and not to be resold or used for any profit. Uses for the test: a) Used as a primer before viewing

    the video, this test will prompt you to note the important points as they arise. b) The test should

    be given after viewing the video to show how well you retained the information. c) The test can

    be used as a vehicle to measure the comprehension of employees who view the video (for

    current employee new-hires, or any employee who uses the video for self-study or in a training

    situation). d) The test can be given every eleven weeks as a means for promoting memorization

    (the minimum acceptable level of learning) of the material.

    Name: __________________________________________________________________________

    Score (8 points for each correct answer, 112 points = 100%): ________________________

    1. If youre selling advertising for a newspaper a bad title would be: Why you should advertise in our newspaper. A good title would be: _______________________________________________________________________________

    2. The railroad company define themselves as We Build Railroads. Write a more strategic definition: ____________________________________________________________

    What would be the broadest possible view? ____________________________________

    3. An exercise equipment company is the BASIC description.

    Write a more strategic title? ____________________________________________________

    What would be a broadest possible view title? ________________________________

    4. Solutions are way more motivational them problems?


    5. If you were selling vitamins, what trend involving spinach would imply vitamins are

    more important now than ever before? _________________________________________

    6. Involving sperm count also makes a strong case for better nutrition in your diet in

    what ways? Describe the trend and its implications. _____________________________

    7. Define what a customer is compared to a client.

    Customer: ____________________________________________________________________

    Client: ________________________________________________________________________

  • 43 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    8. What is your first strategic objective if you want to have clients instead of customers? __________________________________________________________________

    9. When you present market data, you shift the power in your favor.


    10. USP by Madison Avenue definition is called: ____________________________________

    11. USP by Chet Holmes definition is called: ________________________________________

    12. Which of the following is NOT a rule for developing a slogan? A slogan should:

    A: Describe the product or service

    B: Contain a benefit

    C: Make people happy and be hip

    D: Position your company above the competition

    E: Set up the buying criteria in which your product or service is the most logical


    13. What 5 elements constitute the structure of a core story?

    1) ______________________________________________________________________________

    2) ______________________________________________________________________________

    3) ______________________________________________________________________________

    4) ______________________________________________________________________________

    5) ______________________________________________________________________________

    14. What is the ultimate accomplishment of the core story sales model?


    15. A core story should begin by bragging about your company and making sure you

    plug your company throughout the entire story.


  • 44 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Session 2

    Best Buyer Strategy

    The Fastest, Least-Expensive Method

    to Double Sales

    Videos in Session 2:

    2.1 Introducing the Best Buyer Strategy

    2.2 Utilizing the Best Buyer Strategy with PhD

    2.3 Dream 100 Concept

    2.4 Strategies to Grab Your Dream 100s Attention

    2.5 Get Their Attention, Now Get the Appointment

    This Workbook is provided to support each of the areas described above. It is important that

    you take notes as you watch each video and to follow and conduct the workshops provided

    for you and your team, so you can begin implementing what you learn.

  • 45 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    2.1: Introducing the Best Buyer Strategy The fastest, least expensive method for doubling sales.

    Best Buyer Strategy in a Nutshell

    There is always a smaller number of better buyers than there are all


    Every market and every business has a series of buyers that they consider

    their BEST buyers -- meaning those who have the ability to purchase far

    more of your product or service, than the average buyer.


  • 46 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    2.2: Best Buyer Strategy with PHD Pig Headed Discipline and Determination (PHD). This is the single greatest

    secret to success in your company. Total commitment to what works!

    Utilizing the Best Buyer Strategy

    Part 1: The Core Story

    Part 2: Training the Salespeople

    Part 3: PHD Pig Headed Discipline

    The Single Greatest Secret to Success in any Company and with any Initiative

    Pig Headed Discipline and Determination


  • 47 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    2.3: Dream 100 Concept The Dream 100 concept is all about going after your Dream Best Buyers with a vengeance.

    You not only want to target your dream buyers directly, but look to leverage affiliates

    to connect and communicate with them.

    The Dream 100 campaign is a comprehensive marketing plan that integrates a

    variety of marketing tactics and tools, in order to achieve Top of Mind awareness and drive your top prospects Best Buyers to a desired Call to Action.

    How about Consumer Markets?

    You can still target your Best Buyers by leveraging a Best Neighborhood Strategy, which works great for:

    Medical Professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractor, etc.)

    Real Estate professionals

    Retail store



  • 48 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #1 Defining Your Best Buyer

    Who are the 100 (or whatever the number is) ideal prospects for building your

    business? In some cases, this Dream 100 could be the partners, lead sources or strategic alliances that could get you large windfalls of profit. In this case, 100

    may be far too many. Maybe theres ten or twenty. Lets do a profile of your Dream 100:

    Create a Profile: What are the characteristics that make up your Best Buyer Dream Client? List out the key characteristics they have, or should have.

    Size of prospect? How large a company, how many employees, and how many

    clients do they have, etc? How do you define the size of company that makes

    them a DREAM sale?

    Other Factors? How else might you describe your Best Buyer Dream Client?

    Assembling the list. Who is going to do it and when will it be done?

  • 49 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #2 - How many of your Best Buyers can you capture in your market?

    So now that we have begun to define who your Best / Dream Buyer is for your company, lets look at the potential impact that they have on your current business and could have on future business if you targeted them

    with laser focus.

    Lets establish a Best Buyer Baseline:

    How many Best Buyer's do you think you currently have?

    What percentage of business do your Best Buyers represent?

    What do your Best Buyers spend compared to your average client?

    How many potential Dream Clients do you think are in your market?

    What do you think is a realistic number of Best Buyer's you could land over the next

    year if you developed and deployed a RELENTLESS "Best Buyer" Strategy?

    What percentage sales growth do you think you COULD achieve if your organization

    was more effective at marketing to and capturing those potential "Best Buyer" in your



  • 50 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    2.4: Grab Your Dream 100s Attention Stand out in the Crowd: Use these strategies to get your Dream 100 buyers attention.

    The following is an overview of the initial Dream 100 campaign to drive our targeted

    prospects to an Executive Briefing or Call to Action that is crafted to educate them,

    not try to sell them.

    Stand Out in the Crowd

    The goal is merely to stand out. To breed more brand awareness, to soften the market.

    This approach works really well and you can use it again and again to open new


    Even if they do not take you up on the offers, the effort still dramatically raises

    your visibility and solidifies your BRAND.

    Dream 100 Campaign Elements

    An effective Dream 100 campaign is a coordinated effort that utilizes a variety of

    strategic elements that will enable you to establish rapport, brand awareness, market

    education, need and potential pain that impacts your Best Buyers.

    A Dream 100 is not a one-time shot or battle, but a campaign that requires PHD The elements of an effective Dream 100 Campaign include:

    Training and understanding of the Dream 100 deployment process.

    Strategic 6 month Dream 100 deployment calendar for all tactics to be


    Process flow matrix to show how each element of the Dream 100 campaign

    should be deployed to maximize effectiveness.

    Tactical tools to be used as part of initial Dream 100 campaign

    Direct mail campaign to establish contact and initial briefing

    Dream 100 letters

    Outline of gifts that will be utilized with letter campaign

    Dream 100 emails

    Dream 100 call scripts

    Calendar and tracking tool to facilitate the process

    This initial D100 campaign is designed to last at least 6 months in order to maintain

    Top of Mind awareness and persistence to get the target to commit to action.

    Once the establish action has been scheduled, the prospect should be removed from

    this campaign and moved to an alternate marketing campaign based on the results.

    If no action is taken by prospect after this D100 campaign, then they should be

    moved to a monthly TOMA Maintenance Campaign primarily of emails and cards to

    maintain a presence future target marketing. We never quit marketing to our primary

    target unless they ask us to.

  • 51 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Sample Campaign Strategy

    1. Letter 1 (With Gift) 2. Call 1 3. Email 1 4. Letter 2 (With Gift) 5. Call 2 6. Email 2 7. Letter 3 (With Gift) 8. Call 3 9. Email 3 10. Letter 4 (With Gift) 11. Call 4 12. Email 4 13. Letter 5 (With Gift) 14. Call 5 15. Email 5 16. Letter 6 (With Gift) 17. Call 6 18. Email 6 19. Letter 7 (With Gift) 20. Call 7 21. Email 7 22. Letter 8 (With Gift)

    Dream 100 Letters

    The following is an overview of the elements of the strategic of your Dream 100 letters.

    Each letter consists of 8 essential components:

    1. A gift that relates to both the tag line and introduction

    2. A tag-line to capture readers attention

    3. An introduction establishing a need or pain that needs to be addressed.

    4. A brief snippet of education or data to validate the need we have shared

    5. Invitation to our strategic objective of letter attend our executive briefing 6. Call to Action #1 action to drive them to our objective 7. Closing

    8. P.S. Call to Action #2 action to drive them to our objective


  • 52 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #3 Write a Headline Write a headline for each of the ideas below?

    L1 Goldman Sachs analysts describe the restaurant industry as "constrained," noting that 11,000 restaurant closures have put the per-capita supply all the way back to

    1986 levels. Do you think that doing nothing during constrained times is a strategy? Highlighter

    Your Headline:

    L2 - Larry Lundy's 44 strong Pizza Hut franchise, which survived his cancer diagnosis,

    bankruptcy and Hurricane Katrina, apparently couldn't survive the recession. It is

    what he did he not see that put his business onto the rocks after surviving so much?

    Magnifying Glass

    Your Headline:

    L3 - Consumers spent only 25% of their food budget on restaurants back in 1955. In

    2011, your target diners have nearly doubled their budget for dining out to 49%. The

    puzzle is how to capture your share of those dining dollars?

    Rubiks Cube

    Your Headline:

    L4 - The top 50 restaurant chains hold just 20% of the market, leaving the door wide

    open for any restaurant to take a chunk out of your market share. Do you have your

    finger on the pulse of your different markets?

    Pair of Dice

    Your Headline:

  • 53 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    L5 - As consumers we crave the opportunity to hear, smell, taste, touch, and share

    experiences in a much more intimate and personal way in this changing world. The

    problem is that traditional advertising is set up to primarily target and measure single

    sense advertising. Are your marketing efforts based on old time strategy?


    Your Headline:

    L6 - In 1965, 80% of 18-49-year-olds in the US could be reached with 3 60-second TV

    spots. In 2002, it required hundred and 17 primetime commercials to have the same

    impact. Do you have any idea what it takes to reach those consumers today?


    Your Headline:

    L7 - Reaching your target market has become much more difficult. People with DVRs watch 12% more TV, yet 90% of them skip over the ads. 54% of consumers avoid

    products and services which they feel overwhelmed them with advertising. How do

    local markets respond to your marketing message?


    Your Headline:

    L8 - To attract 12,000 potential consumers, 988,000 were spammed and probably

    pretty unhappy with the interruption. Is your web presence in social marketing

    strategy helping or hurting your brand?

    o Computer Mouse

    Your Headline:

  • 54 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Session 2.5: Get their Attention! Get the Appointment! The Dream 100 effort is forever. You need to maintain a consistent and

    ongoing campaign to achieve massive results.

    The Goal of your Dream 100 effort is to transform recognition and relationship, so

    that you go from:

    I never heard of this company, to:

    Whos this company Ive been hearing about, to: I think I have heard of that company, to:

    Yes, I have heard about that company, to:

    Yes, I do business with that company.


  • 55 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #4 Mark Your Marketing Calendar Develop the strategy to leverage and market your Core Story.

    How are you going to present your core story?

    Brochure: When are you going to use them? Tradeshows? If so when and


    Live: Who is going to present? What are the best venues to be presenting in?


    Webinar: Who is going to present? How are you going to get attendees? Who is

    going to book the attendees? Who is in charge of attendee follow-up?


  • 56 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    With Whom Do You Want Your Appointment?

    You want the person who can say Yes without checking with anyone else; or is it a group of decision makers?

    Who is that for you?

    Youre not selling products/services anymore. Youre selling and education. Its easier to sell, but you still have to sell it. Now youre selling in a better way than ever before as an expert.

    The Mailers Soften the Market

    Softening the market is the job of marketing and corporate.

    For a one-person army, youre the marketing department too. For larger companies, this is a coordinated effort between marketing and sales.

    The strategist plans everything and deploys with precision.


  • 57 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop #5 Two-Tier Strategy Developing a two-tiered strategy.

    Who will your targets be?

    Who will do the follow up?

    Is there a two tier strategy for you?


    Dream 100 / Best Buyer Strategy is the fastest, easiest way to build any company.

    But it requires what kind of discipline?

    Plan it in advance get the gifts all at once. They are cheaper that way and now youre committed to using them.

    Go after your dream prospects with a vengeance.

  • 58 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Bonus Workshops and Materials

    Workshop What is the lifetime value of YOUR best


    What is an initial purchase?

    How often will they buy from you?

    How long will the buyer buy from you?

    How much will they spend each time?

    What does that add up to?

    What is a client worth to you over the next 10 or 20 years?

  • 59 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Write down three additional products or services that you will offer your current

    clients. (Can you plan quarterly?)


  • 60 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop: Piggyback & Fusion Marketing Who can you deal with right now? Brainstorm for fusion and piggyback

    marketing possibilities.


  • 61 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Workshop: Finding Partners Brainstorm for web search terms you can use to find new partners.


  • 62 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    WORKSHOP: Database Power What are the essential pieces of information for your database?


  • 63 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    What additional information would make your database even more valuable?


  • 64 The Masters Series Chet Holmes International All Rights Reserved

    Bonus Workshop: Script Building

    Workshop: Building a sales script (sample template)

    YOU: Hi, this is from , are you familiar with us? Prospect: yes/no.

    YOU: Well, were the (what you are famous or want to be famous for). The reason Im calling you is because we recently commissioned a study of issues facing __________________________________________ (the industry or

    audience of your Core Story) and how thats going to impact you and your employees.

    Are you interested in making your employees more secure, less stressed and

    more effective on their job?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Well, thats where we can help.

    YOU: You are probably aware that (use one of the major point of your

    core story without giving away everything). Since (Your Company) is one

    of the (repeat what you are famous or want to be famous for),

    we feel its our obligation to (a beneficial statement that works with our core story and what you are going to cover) in any way we can.

    Are you interested in (repeat the industry or audience of your Core Story) if it

    doesnt cost you anything to do it?

    Prospect: Of course.

    Im sure you are aware there are government programs now that make it so almost every employee you have can own a home. Were you aware of this?

    Prospect: I guess. Yes.

    YOU: We work closely with (other prominent groups, famous individuals,

    companies, or government agencies, whoever is respected or a major

    competitor) and now have a program that educates you and your staff about

    the (topics of your Core Story and its benefits)

    YOU: (statement on how something you will cover can make

    employees happy/loyal) Do you like keeping good staff around?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Then what Id like to do is make this program available to your entire staff.

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    YOU: Heres how we do it. You send out a memo and make an announcement to each staff member. We will supply the announcement and

    memo. Then we come by at lunch and also after work and talk to the staff.

    You win from this as people who (statement on how something you will

    cover can make employees happy/loyal), better employees, more stable and

    more dependent upon their job. Does that make sense to you?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Great. Then we could get in there next week and get started. Ill get you over the announcement and memo. (Get email address and contact info,

    and set time).

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    YOU: Hi, this is Pedro Gomez from Homex, are you familiar with us?

    Prospect: yes/no.

    YOU: Well, were the largest Home Builder in Mexico. The reason Im calling you is because we recently commissioned a study of issues facing Mexico and how thats going to impact you and your employees.

    Are you interested in making your employees more secure, less stressed and

    more effective on their job?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Well, thats where we can help.

    YOU: You are probably aware that Mexico is emerging in several areas as a

    leader in the world market. Since Homex is one of the largest companies in

    Mexico, we feel its our obligation to assist this country in any way we can. Are you interested in helping to make Mexico a stronger nation if it doesnt cost you anything to do it?

    Prospect: Of course.

    Im sure you are aware there are government programs now that make it so almost every employee you have can own a home. Were you aware of this?

    Prospect: I guess. Yes.

    YOU: We work closely with various government agencies and now have a

    program that educates you and your staff about the growth of the Mexican

    economy, why you should have more pride in Mexico and how every one of

    them can afford now to own a home.

    If your employees own homes, they are more tied into the job and need to

    keep it even more. Do you like keeping good staff around?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Then what Id like to do is make this program available to your entire staff.

    YOU: Heres how we do it. You send out a memo and make an announcement to each staff member. We will supply the announcement and

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    memo. Then we come by at lunch and also after work and talk to the staff.

    You win from this as people who own their own homes are better citizens,

    better employees, more stable and more dependent upon their job. Does that

    make sense to you?

    Prospect: Of course.

    YOU: Great. Then we could get in there next week and get started. Ill get you over the announcement and memo. (Get email?)

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    To: All Staff

    From: Management

    Our company is hosting a free program that will show you all how you can be wealthier, more productive and happier and reduce personal stress.

    This program will also show you how the Mexican Government now has programs that make it possible for a vast majority of you to own your own home.

    Please arrange your schedule to be at this important meeting. You will be very grateful for the information you learn.

    When to attend: (fill in date and time here).

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    Rejection Handling Script 1 (Not Interested) Prospect: Youre a Home builder? So this is about selling homes? Im not interested.

    You: Name, are you telling me youre not interested in making your employees more productive in their jobs?

    Prospect: how do you help with that?

    YOU: Many, many ways. Ill tell you what. I dont usually offer to do this, but I could come by and show you the data first. You can then decide if youd like this shared with your employees. Do you have your Calendar handy? (What do

    you do when you close?)

    (The one who speaks first loses.)

    Rejection Handling Script 2 (Just Send Me Something) Prospect: Tell you what, can you just send me something about it and Ill look it over.

    You: If I send you 90 pages, are you going to read it?

    Prospect: Not likely.

    YOU: Thats why weve reduced this information into an executive briefing. This has all been made really easy for you to see. We know how busy you are.

    So weve taken hundreds of pages of raw data that costs millions to assemble and reduced it to a quick and very interesting education.

    Ive gone through extensive training to be able to make this entertaining and interesting. If this information can help you and your employees, wouldnt you want to spend 33 minutes looking at it?

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    Rejection Handling Script 3 (Too Busy) Prospect: I just dont have the time.

    YOU: Let me ask you a question, do you eat lunch?

    Prospect: Of course I do.

    YOU: Have you heard of a lunch and learn?

    Prospect : Not really.

    YOU: Well it is very popular in other countries and it is getting to be something

    were doing here. Since you have to eat lunch anyway, some companies are bringing in educational sessions so people can learn while they eat.

    They have them to learn about health, investing, retirement plans and so on.

    Ours covers a little of each of those. So if you have your calendar handy, we

    can see what day would be best for you to have lunch while I provide the


    Rejection Handling Script 4 (Webinar Solution) You: Look, , if you dont want a live demonstration right in your company, we also conduct webinars. You just sit in front of your computer screen. Its pretty cool. If you find it boring, you can just hang up and move on with your

    life. Have you attended any online educational sessions?

    Prospect: Yes, no, whatever--

    You: If you have your calendar handy, I can check when we have one of

    those that you could attend, right from the comfort of your own chair.

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    BONUS WORKSHOP: Mailings and Promotional Gifts You mail to them every two weeks, something that gets their attention. Today,

    thats the most difficult thing you can do. I recommend that my clients send clever promotional pieces, each with a

    theme and ALL offering something for free.

    Use stories from other clients.

    Telecom client: Sent out 20,000 pieces and didnt get a single response.

    We sent out 500 Rubiks Cubes and got a phone call ($344,000 telephone deal) and then with follow up phone calls, secured another 15 appointments

    with only one week of cold calling behind that letter.

    Safety client: After only four such mailers, a HUGE client said to one of the

    salespeople: Oh, yes, glad you called. I just have to have you come here and meet with me.

    Whys that? says the sales rep:

    Client: Because Ive been getting all those letters of yours and I think youre marketing is just super. The point is that you can really stand out in the crowd very quickly with great marketing.

    HERES A SAMPLE IDEA: A client gets a letter and in it is a mini stopwatch. The letter is very brief, so he

    reads it. It says:

    Dear (personalized),

    Every second that you do not get our free Executive Briefing (The Five Most

    Critical Insights in blank industry Today) you are losing money.

    This is a free (industry) community service sponsored by our firm as a way to give

    something back to the market. This Executive Briefing has more than $3 million

    in research; boiled down to a bullet style, fast paced outstanding education on

    how to increase business in this scary period of rising competition and other pain

    point (fill yours in here) ________________.

    Call for your free Executive Briefing today. The clock is ticking and youre losing money.

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    The Prospect smiles and some actually call you, THINKING that the Executive Briefing is a report. It SOUNDS like a report, but we never actually say it IS a report. This is on purpose.

    So when they call, they get your (trained, fully briefed and rehearsed) Manager of Client Education. When they ask for the report, our person