Page 1: Materials and resources parents





Graphic Organizer Created By: Amber Burkholder

Page 2: Materials and resources parents

Please use the post-its at your table to participate in the Kagan©

structure titled Jot Thoughts. You will jot down an idea of how to

prevent cyberbullying on each post it. The goal of the activity is to fill

up the table. We will then share our favorite ideas with our groups when

the timer goes off. This will help to activate prior knowledge and

hopefully you will make some connections to the instruction of

cyberbullying prevention.

Materials Needed:

Post it notes



Page 3: Materials and resources parents

Prevention-Cool Mom

Sally was a typical six grader and was starting to get an attitude more and more

each day. She was being more and more disrespectful and trying to push her limits.

She was spending a lot of time on the computer and often laughed with what

seemed to be an evil kind of laugh. Sherri was Sally’s mother and she was starting

to get concerned but she wanted to be a cool mom so she never said anything. In

fact, she did not have any parental controls on her computer and let Sally get on as

often and as secluded as possible. She wanted her to feel that she trusted her with

all of her heart and she was concerned that if she restricted Sally from certain

websites she would be a loser mom. Sherri would even encourage Sally to have

friends over and would let them download music, search the web, and instant

message all their friends. She was a real cool mom and never told Sally what to do?

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you think is going on with Sally?

2. What is Sherri doing wrong and how is she encouraging cyberbullying?

3. What are some things that Sherri could be doing to prevent cyberbullying in

her household?

Handout Created By: Amber Burkholder

Page 4: Materials and resources parents



Calvete, E., Estevez, A., Orue, I., Padilla, P., & Villardon, L. (2010). Cyberbullying in

adolescents: Modalities and aggressors’ profile. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(5),


Fennis, B. M., Kerkhof, P., & Noort, G. V. (2008). The persuasiveness of online safety cues: The

impact of prevention focus compatibility of Web content on consumers’ risk perceptions,

attitudes, and intentions. In Journal of Interactive Marketing, 22(4), 58-72.

Graber, R., Harrison, C., Logan, K., & Sharples, M. (2009). E-Safety and web 2.0 for children

aged 11-16. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 25(1).

Heirman, W., & Walrave, M. (2011). Cyberbullying: Predicting victimisation and perpetration.

Children & Society, 25(1), 59-72.

Hanewald, R. (2008). Confronting the pedagogical challenge of cyber

safety. Australian Journal for Teacher Education, 33(3), pp. 1-16.

O'Keeffe, G. S., & Clarke-Pearson, K. (2011). The impact of social media on children,

adolescents, and families. American Academy of Pediatrics, 127(4), 800-804.

Passey, D. (2011). Internet safety in the context of developing aspects of young people's digital

citizenship. National Education Network, 1-102.
