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  • 8/3/2019 Mathias Corvin BUN













  • 8/3/2019 Mathias Corvin BUN






    Traducere n limba englez: Delia Socol, gnes Flra

    Imagini digitale: Florin Murean

    Fotografii: Sergiu Odenie, Alin Timier

    Prelucrri grafice: Cristina opan, Mihai Cuibus

    Conservare: Ligia Mihaiu

    Restaurare: Cornelia Rotariu, Adriana BulbucDesign expoziional: Anca Blc

    ISBN: 978-973-1856-05-06

    Coperta I: Sigiliul atrnat n cear roie al regelui Matia, alturi de semntura regelui.

    Coperta IV: Cahl coninnd stema regelui Matia, descoperit de AlexandruDiaconescu n 2006; Cizme n stil renascentist prezentate n 1902 ca fiind ale regelui

    Matia; document atestator al faptului c regele s-a nscut la Cluj (traducerea rnduluimarcat: oraul nostrum Cluj, n care m-am nscut)

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    Cuvnt introductiv

    scut la Cluj n anul 1443, regele Matia Corvin este probabil, n competiie cu tatl su Iancu deHunedoara, personalitatea istoric cu cea mai mare popularitate de-a lungul veacurilor, pe care adat-o Transilvania.Epoca sa, 1458-1490, este socotit unanim de specialiti ca una de maxim nflorire i afirmare a

    Ungariei medievale pe toate planurile. Este n acelai timp epoca de maxim vizibilitate a Transilvaniei

    n cadrul regatului maghiar.Accesul familiei nobililor de origine romn de la Hunedoara la conducerea suprem n stat s-adatorat n primul rnd rolului decisiv al Transilvaniei i, n general al prilor estice ale regatului, nepopeea antiotoman din secolul XV. Dup victoria de la Belgrad a lui Iancu de Hunedoara, din 1456,forele politice din aceste pri s-au coalizat n jurul familiei sale i au impus dietei ungare alegerea carege a fiului eroului de la Belgrad.

    Pe plan politic, Transilvania i-a consolidat autonomia, strile dominante: nobilimea, saii isecuii, afirmnd existena unui regnum Transilvanie i ncercnd chiar secesiunea fa de coroanamaghiar, n anul 1467. Tendina s-a pstrat, chiar dac regele a controlat provincia cu mn de fierdup acest episod.

    n raport cu pericolul otoman, care nu a mai cunoscut anvergura de dinainte, Transilvania a fostteatrul celei mai mari btlii de dup Belgrad, pe Cmpul Pinii, lng Ortie, n 1479. Otile ardelene

    au susinut n repetate rnduri eforturile rii Romneti i Moldovei, avanposturi ale regatului n luptaantiotoman, i au participat la luptele de pe frontiera balcanic.

    O adevrat nflorire a cunoscut viaa economic, vizibil mai ales n dezvoltarea comerului, ameteugurilor, a mineritului i oraelor.. Oraele, trgurile, vmile, salinele i monetriile Transilvanieierau surse foarte importante pentru vistieria unui rege implicat n proiecte de anvergur, tot maicostisitoare. Privilegiile nenumrate acordate tuturor oraelor din Transilvania i-au asigurat regelui nunumai o surs de venit, ci i un aliat important contra marii nobilimi centrifuge.

    Pe plan social, Matia Corvin a promovat o politic bazat pe justiie i de sprijinire a categoriiloractive i fidele puterii centrale. Pe urmele tatlui su, a ridicat n funcii importante oameni de jos, dinmica nobilime, de pe domeniile ntinse ale familiei, ntre care muli romni, experimentai n luptele cuturcii. A folosit rscoala din 1467 pentru a proceda la un uria transfer de proprietate de la rebeli ctre

    fidelii si. ntre acetia, Ioan Ungur de Ndtia, care mpreun cu ei din familia More/Fichor de Ciula,din prile Hunedoarei, au ocupat importante poziii la Curte i n cuprinsul regatului.Epoca mathian a fost remarcabili inovatoare pe toate planurile; nu este locul ici s intrm n

    detalii. Mrturiile sale sunt i astzi tangibile peste tot n cuprinsul Transilvaniei, n teren, camonumente: biserici, fortificaii, arhitectur urban, sau n arhive, muzee i biblioteci.

    *Expoziia de fa dorete s sugereze, cu sursele autentice de care dispun organizatorii, doar

    cteva aspecte legate de istoria i posteritatea regelui Matia Corvin.Arhivele Naionale din Cluj-Napoca prezint o parte a actelori privilegiilor emise de ilustrul

    domnitor pe seama oraelor Cluj, Bistria, Dej i Baia Sprie, din care rezult complexitatea iparticularitile raporturilor speciale dintre puterea centrali oreni n aceast epoc. Mai cu seam

    Clujul este favoritul regelui, att prin importana economic, dar mai ales prin faptul c s-a nscut aici,menionat expres n mai multe documente. Documentele Bistriei reflect emanciparea din starea dedependen fa de familia Corvinetilori temerea orenilor de a nu-i pierde iari libertatea foartescump pltit. Din arhiva Dejului remarcm documentul coninnd semntura autograf a regeluiMathias rex manu propria, Matia Corvin fiind primul suveran care i-a semnat, e drept, foarte rar,actele. n fine, un grupaj de documente, mai mult cu titlu sugestiv, provine din cteva fonduri nobiliare.

    Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei, care gzduiete expoziia, expune o serie de mrturiide via material din secolul XV, existente n coleciile sale: cahle, sigilii de breasl. De asemenea, amsocotit necesar s prezentm macheta grupului statuar Matia Corvin, inaugurat la Cluj n anul 1902,oper a sculptorului Ioan Fdrusz.

    n fine, ca sugestie a nfloririi culturale a epocii corvinene, expoziia este ilustrat cu imagini dinmanuscrisele Corvina pstrate n colecia Bibliotecii Naionale Austriece.

    Dr. Ioan Drgan

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    orn in Cluj in 1443, King Mathias Corvinus is probably, challenging his father John of Hunedoara(Hunyadi), the most well known historical personality from Transylvania of all times.

    This epoch, 1458-1490, is unanimously considered by the scholars to be one of the mostflourishing period of medieval Hungary in all respects. It is also the period of maximum affirmation ofTransylvania within the Hungarian Kingdom.

    The accession of the noble family of Romanian origin from Hunedoara (Hunyadi), to the highest

    state functions was mostly due to the decisive participation of Transylvania and of the eastern Hungary, tothe antiottoman struggle from the XV century. After the victory of John Hunyadi in Belgrade, 1456, thepolitical forces of the region made a coalition with his family and succeeded to impose to the Diet ofHungary the election of his son as king.

    On political field, Transylvania strengthened its autonomy. The privileged nations: the Noblility,the Saxons and the Szeklers promoted the existence of a Regnum Transylvanie and even tried asecession of the country from the Hungarian crown in 1467. These tendencies persisted even after theKing started to rule the kingdom with a strong hand.

    In the conditions of the permanent ottoman threat, Transylvania became the field of the mostimportant battle after Belgrade, on the Cmpul Pinii, near Ortie in 1479. Transylvania sustainedcontinuously the antiottoman struggle of the two Romanian principalities, where Stephan the Great andVlad the Impaler distinguished themselves. The Transylvanian troops participated to the campaignsagainst the Turks in the Balkans.

    Economic life was in great prosperity, perceptible mainly in the development of trade, handicrafts,mining and towns. The towns, the market towns, the tolls, the salt mines and the Transylvanian mints wereimportant sources of income for the king, sice the King was involved in important and very expensive

    projects.The privileges granted in great number to the Transylvanian towns assured the king not only the

    incomes, but also provided important allies against the influence of the high nobility.On social level Mathias Corvinus promoted a policy based on justice, in order to support the active

    social strata, that was loyal to the central power.Following his fathers policy, he appointed to high state functions people from the lower nobility

    settled on the possessions of the Hunyadi family; among them were many Romanians soldiers withexperience in fighting the Turks.

    The king took advantage of the rebellion from 1467 in order to make huge conveyances of

    property from the rebels to his loyals. Among them John Ungur de Ndtia, together with the members ofthe family More/Fichor from Ciula, Hunedoara county, received important offices at the Court and in theKingdom.

    Mathias epoch was remarkable and also innovative in all respects; unfortunately there is no spacefor further details. Its inheritance is tangible even nowadays all over the Transylvania in form of churches,fortifications, urban landscape or in the collections of the archives, museums and libraries.

    *The exhibition presents through of the exhibited documents and objects only some aspects connected tothe history and the posterity of King Mathias Corvinus.

    The National Archives from Cluj presents a part of the documents and privileges issued by thegreat ruler and granted to the towns Cluj, Bistria, Dej, Baia Sprie, from which results the complexity andthe specific features of the special relations between the central power and the towns in this period of time.

    The town Cluj apparently was the kings favorite because its economic importance and mainly

    due to the fact that he was born there, which was mentioned in several documents.The documents referring to Bistria present the emancipation from the dependence on the familyHunyadi on one hand and the fear of the town inhabitants not to lose again their liberties, on the otherhand. Worth to be mentioned the autograph signature of the King: Mathias rex manu propria, in adocument from the Dej archive. Mathias Corvinus was the first king who had signed, even if very rarely,his documents. In the end, there are some documents as examples from some noble family archives.

    The Transylvanian National History Museum that hosts the exhibition, displays the proofs of theXV century material life: stove tiles, seals of the guilds, coins. We also considered necessary to present amodel of the statue of Mathias Corvinus, inaugurated in Cluj in 1902, work of John Fdrusz.

    At last, as a suggestion of a cultural development of King Mathias Corvinus epoch, the exhibitionis completed with images from the Corvina manuscripts, preserved in the collection of the Austrian

    National Library.

    Dr. Ioan Drgan


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    I. DOCUMENTEArhivele Naionale Direcia Judeean Cluj / Cluj County Branch of National Archives

    Arhiva oraului Cluj / The Town Archive of Cluj

    1. 1592

    Index privilegiorum -primul Inventar al Privilegiilor oraului Cluj, ntocmit de Grigore Diosy.Index privilegiorum The first inventory of the town privileges of Cluj compiled by Gregorius Diosy.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fr numr.Original, hrtie, latino-maghiar, legat n piele, 2 exemplare.

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    2. 1696

    Al doilea Inventar al Privilegiilor oraului Cluj, ntocmit de arhivarii (requisitores) de la ConventulSfintei Fecioare Maria de Cluj-Mntur Petru Laki i Petru Rakosi.The second inventory of the privileges of Cluj, compiled by Peter Laki and Peter Rkosi, the archivistsof the St. Mary convent from Cluj-Mntur.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fr numr.Original, hrtie, latin.

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    3. 1458 iunie 8, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin scutete populaia oraului Cluj de la plata drilor i veniturilor ordinare iextraordinare cuvenite regelui pe trei ani, datorit pagubelor suferite de ora n timpul tulburrilorrecente.

    King Mathias Corvinus exempts the inhabitants of Cluj from the usual and extra royal taxes for threeyears, to compensate the damages suffered by the town during the recent insurgencies.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. C, nr. 9 (39).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

    4. 1458 iunie 8, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin acord oraului Cluj dreptul de a judeca pricinile civile i penale, cu excepianobililor, dup obiceiul oraului, ca rsplat c a sprijinit-o pe mama sa Elisabeta i pe unchiul su, nvremea cnd el se afla n detenie.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to the town Cluj the right to judge civil and criminal cases according tothe custom of the town excepting the nobles, as reward for the help offered to his mother Elisabeth andhis uncle during the time he was imprisoned.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, nr. fasc.J. nr.18 (169)Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

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    5. 1459 decembrie 3,

    Conventul din Cluj-Mntur adeverete nelegerea ( foedus unionis) dintre nobilii, secuii i saii dinTransilvania, realizat cu ocazia congregaiei de la Media.The Cluj-Mntur convent confirms the agreement (foedus unionis) between the nobles, the Szeklersand the Saxons from Transyilvania, concluded at the congregation from Media.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, nr. fasc.E. nr.1 (138)Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

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    6. 1465 august 20, f.l.

    Regele Matia Corvin ntrete actul su din 3 iunie 1459, Buda, prin care confirma privilegiileclujenilor.

    King Mathias Corvinus reconfirms his charter from 3 June 1459, Buda, by which he acknowledged theprivileges of the town.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. P. nr. 33 (306).Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

    7. 1465 august 30, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete abatelui mnstirii Sfintei Fecioare Maria din Cluj-Mntur s-i lasepe iobagii moiilor aparintoare mnstirii s se stabileasc n oraul Cluj, dup plata drilor datorate. King Mathias Corvinus orders to the abbot of the St. Mary monastery to let the serfs from themonasterys possessions to come and to settle in Cluj after paying all their taxes.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. J. nr. 35 (188).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

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    8. 1466 iulie 17, Szkesfehrvr

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete lui Petru, abatele mnstirii Sfintei Fecioare Maria din Cluj-Mntur,

    drmarea ntriturii din jurul mnstirii, care pricinuiete pagube mari oraului Cluj. King Mathias Corvinus orders to Peter the abbot of the St. Mary monastery of Cluj-Mntur todemolish the walls around the monastery that brings damages to the town of Cluj.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. 2 (141).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    9. 1467 martie 24, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete tuturor deintorilor vmi din regatul Ungariei s nu ia vam sau altepli da la cetenii i locuitorii oraului Cluj, iar eventualele pricini cu acetia s le judece n faa judeluii jurailor oraului.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the owners of toll-places in Hungary not to take the toll or any otherpayments from the citizens of Cluj and the litigations should be judged in front of the town council.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. T., nr. 45 (379)Original, latin, pergament, sigiliu timbrat.

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    10. 1468 ianuarie 17, Cluj

    Regele Matia Corvin ntrete privilegiul acordat de guvernatorul Ungariei Mihail Szilgyi, la 31ianuarie 1458, n legtur cu nelegerea (unio) ncheiat ntre cetenii Clujului (Klwswar), sai iunguri, privind participarea lor egal la conducerea oraului.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms the privilege issued by Michael Szilgyi the governor of Hungary, onthe 13

    thof January, 1458 about the agreement (unio) between the Saxons and Hungarians regarding the

    parity system in leading the town.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. J., nr.21 (173).Original, latin, pergament, sigiliu atrnat.

    11. 1468 ianuarie 19, Cluj

    Regele Matia ntrete privilegiul regelui Sigismund din 11 aprilie 1421, prin care s-a dispusneamestecul juzilor bisericeti n problemele laice legate de testamente.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms the privilege issued by king Sigismund on 11th

    of April 1421, throughwhich he disposed the non-interference of the parish clerks in the lay problems concerning last wills.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. C.C. nr. 6 (57).Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

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    12. 1468 ianuarie 19, Cluj

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete unor membri ai familiei de Losoncz, precum i vameilor acestora din

    Huedin i celelalte pri ale Transilvaniei, s nu perceap vam de la cetenii i locuitorii oraului Cluj,care sunt scutii prin privilegii de la plata vmii att n persona ct i n bunurile lor.King Mathias Corvinus orders to the members of the family Losoncz as well to their toll-officers fromHuedin and from other parts of Transylvania not to take the toll or any other payments from the citizensand inhabitants of Cluj that are exempted from the payment of this tax by former privileges.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. T., nr. 46 (380).Original, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

    13. 1469 februarie 3, Brno

    Regele Matia Corvin stabilete modul de percepere a dijmei din vin i grne dup obiceiurile vechi ale

    oraului, precum i scutirea orenilor de plata vmii n Transilvania, datorit faptului c s-a nscut laCluj (ex eo quod favente divina clementia in eadem civitate nostra Coloswar feliciter nati sumus) i caoraul s se bucure de milostivirea sa la fel cu celelalte orae libere regale (alie libere regalesque nostrecivitates). Interzice totodat episcopilor din Alba Iulia s-i lezeze n libertile lori s-i judece, judecatalor fiind rezervat regelui i voievodului.Meniune sub text:Mathyas Rex propria manu etc.

    King Mathias Corvinus establishes the way of collecting the tithe on vine and grains according to theold customs of the town and exempts the citizens from the toll payments in Transylvania, because hehimself was born in Cluj(ex eo quod favente divina clementia in eadem civitate nostra Coloswarfeliciter nati sumus), in order to be in his favour as the other free royal towns (alie libere regalesquenostre civitates). At the same time, he interdicts the bishop of Transylvania to contravene their

    privileges and to judge them, this right being exerced by the king and by the voivode .

    Note under the text: Mathyas Rex propria manu etc.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. D.D.D. nr.3Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat lips.

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    14. 1470 martie 15, Bratislava

    Regele Matia poruncete magistrului Gheorghe, arhidiacon de Cojocna s restituie fiilor lui Ioan

    Hozywmezey din Cluj heleteul situat pe teritoriul trgului Cojocna, ocupat pe nedrept la moarteaacestuia.King Mathias Corvinus orders to the magister George the archdeacon of Cojocna to give back thefishpond situated on the land of the market town Cojocna to the sons of John Hozywmezey from Clujthat was unfairly taken after his death.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, Div. nr. 513.Original, latin, hrtie, sigiliu timbrat deteriorat.

    15. 1470 martie 26, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin druiete oraului Cluj, n care s-a nscut (civitatem nostram in qua nati sumus),trgul Cojocna i jumtatea moiei Feiurdeni cu toate apartenenele, confiscat de la nobilul tefan deFeiurdeni, care s-a alurat voievodului rebel Ioan de Bozyn i Sancto Georgio. Cetenii i iobagiiacestor localiti primeau dreptul de a se bucura de aceleai liberti ca i locuitorii de aceeai stare aioraului Cluj.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to Cluj, the town he was born in (civitatem nostram in qua natissumus) the market-town Cojocna and half of the Feiurdeni possession with all its belongings, that wasconfiscated from the noble Steven of Feiurdeni who joined the insurgent voivode John of Bozin andSancto Giorgio. The inhabitants and the serfs of these places shared the same rights as the inhabitants

    of Cluj with the similar status.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. D, nr. 11 (69).Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat deteriorat.

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    16. 1478 august 17, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin interzice autoritilor judiciare din regat s-i urmreasc sau s-i rein pe clujeniicare fac nego; orice litigiu cu acetia se va judeca naintea autoritilor oraului Cluj.

    King Mathias interdicts the authorities of the kingdom to prosecute and to arrest the merchants fromCluj. All litigations should be submitted to the town authorities.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. A-A, nr. 7 (15).

    Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat deteriorat.

    17. 1478 octombrie 27, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete strngtorilor de dri din Transilvania s-i excepteze pe locuitorii satelor Feiurdeni, druit oraului n amintirea naterii lui laCluj, i pe cei ai satului Feleacu de la plata drii, pe care acetia o vor plti mpreun cu oraul Cluj.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the tax collectors from Transylvania to except the inhabitants of thevillages Feiurdeni donated to the town as a memorial of his birth in Cluj - and Feleacu from the tax

    payments, that will be paid together with the town of Cluj.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. D., nr. 14 (72).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat deteriorat.

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    18. 1481 august 24, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin ngduie cetenilori comunitii oraului Cluj s cumpere i s vnd liber sare

    att locuitorilor oraului, ct i strinilor , att n case ct i n pia fr a putea fi oprii de mpotrivireacmrailori vicecmrailor srii.

    King Mathias Corvinus enables the citizens and the inhabitants of Cluj to buy and to sell freely salt tothe towns people and foreigners, at their houses or on the market, against the counteractions of theofficers of the salt chamber.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. S, nr.4 (333)Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

    19. 1485 august 20, Viena

    Regele Matia poruncete nobililori dregtorilor din regatul Ungariei s-i lase pe iobagi s se mute peteritoriul oraului, dup plata drilor datorate.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the nobles and officials of the kingdom to let the serfs to settle in Clujafter paying all their debts.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. (190).Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

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    20. 1486 mai 17, Visegrd

    Regele Matia Corvin ngduie comunitii oraului Cluj s-i constrng la plata drilor pe toi oamenii de orice stare, care deineau case i bunuri pe teritoriuloraului, s plteasc dri sau taxe oraului.

    King Mathias Corvinus enables the community of Cluj to oblige all those who owned houses and goodsin the town to pay the taxes.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. C, nr 20 (50).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    21. 1486 mai 17, Visegrd

    Regele Matia Corvin acord clujenilor dreptul de a folosi obiceiurile oraului Buda pentru alegereajuzilori jurailor, pentru a evita conflictele de pn acum.King Mathias Corvinus confirms to the town of Cluj the right to use the town regulations of Buda in

    electing the town council, in order to prevent the former divergencies.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. J., nr. 24 (176).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

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    22. 1486 mai 17, Visegrd

    Regele Matia Corvin acord clujenilor dreptul de a-i urmri pe nobilii debitori la scaunul de judecat alvoievodului sau vicevoievodului i nu la cel nobiliar.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to the town of Cluj the right to prosecute the indepted noblemen in frontof the voivode or vicevoivode and not in front of the noble courts.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. D.D, nr. 1 (127).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    23. 1488 aprilie 30, Viena

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete magistratului i celorlali ceteni ai oraului Sibiu s judece ca for de apel toate pricinile clujenilor, care mai nainte sejudecau la Bistria.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the magistrate and the inhabitants of Sibiu to judge all the litigations

    of the citizens from Cluj as court of appeal, which formerly were judged in Bistria.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc.A., nr. 4 (4).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat deteriorat.

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    24. 1488 mai 5, Buda

    Judele i juraii oraului Buda transcriu cele apte articole ale regulamentului oraului la cererea juzilori jurailor oraului Cluj, care au primit dreptul de a lefolosi de la regele Matia Corvin.

    The town council of Buda transcribes the seven articles of the town regulation on request of the towncouncil of Cluj, that received the right to applied the same regulation from king Mathias.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. J., nr. 25 (177).Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu aplicat pe verso.

    25. 1489 noiembrie 2, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete magistrului Ladislau deDoroghaza, protonotarul judelui Curii regale,vicevoievodului tefan Thelegdy i lui tefan Zewld, comitele cmrii din Baia Mare, s cercetezecauzele focului care a mistuit recent o mare parte a oraului Cluj i biserica parohiali, dac l vor gsivinovat pe nobilul Francisc Mykola de Someeni, s pun oraul pe veci n stpnirea moiei acestuiaSomeeni.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the magister Ladislas de Doroghaza, chief notary of the Judex Curiae,to the vicevoivode Steven Thelegdy and to Steven Zewld, chief officer of the royal chamber from BaiaMare to investigate the causes of the fire that destroyed most of the town an the parish church fromCluj. If the noble Francisc Mykola is found guilty, his possesion in Someeni would be tranferred to thetown.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria municipiului Cluj, Privilegii, fasc. D, nr. 63 (122).Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

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    Arhiva oraului Bistria / The Town Archive of Bistria

    26. 1463 aprilie 24, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin comunic oraului Bistria punerea n circulaie a unei monede noi, un florin deaur valornd 100 dinari sau 300 oboli, monedele vechi fiind preschimbate de ctre comitele Cmriiregale din Baia Mare, Cristofor de Florena.

    King Mathias Corvinus notifies the officials of the town Bistria about the issuing of new coin (one florinequivalent to hundred dinars or three hundredobuli), the old ones being changed by the chief officer ofthe royal chamber in Baia Mare, Christophorus of Florence.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 111a.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

    27. 1464 aprilie 20, f.l.

    Regele Matia Corvin transcrie i ntrete actul su din 20 iunie 1461, precum i pe cel al lui Iancu de Hunedoara din 22 iulie 1453, privind vechile liberti,prerogative i obiceiuri ale oraului i districtului Bistria.

    King Mathias Corvinus transcribes and ratifies by seal his charter from the 20th

    of June 1461, as well asthe letter of John Hunyadi from 22

    ndof July, 1453, concerning the old privileges, rights and customs of

    the town and its possessions.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 113.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat rupt.

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    28. 1464 iunie 4, f.l.

    Regele Matia Corvin vinde comunitii oraului Bistria cetatea din localitate, ridicat de ctre tatl suIancu de Hunedoara, n calitate de comite perpetuu de Bistria, pentru suma de 6000 florini de aur, cucondiia ca cetatea s nu fie drmat de ctre cumprtori.

    King Mathias Corvinus sells to the community of the town Bistria the fortification built by his father, John Hunyadi, for the sum of 6000 gold florins, on the condition that the fortress should not bedemolished by the new owners.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 116.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat czut.

    29. 1465 august 30, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete lui Ioan Farkas, familiarul lui Petru deZob n posesiunea Archiud, snu-i stnjeneasc pe locuitorii i iobagii oraului Bistria din Dumitria, Sntioana i Mrielu i dispunevoievozilori vicevoievozilor s-i ocroteasc..

    King Mathias Corvinus constrains John Farkas, the familiarius of Peter de Zob in Archiud not todisturb the citizens and serfs of Bistria from the villages Dumitria, Sntioanai Marielu, imposing tothe voivodes and vice-voivodes to protect them.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj , fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 125Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat

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    30. 1467 ianuarie 20, Kosztolany

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete judelui i jurailor oraului Bistria s plteasc darea de SfntulMartin lui Benedict Bornemisza, omul episcopului Osvald de Zagreb.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the town council of Bistria to pay the St. Martin tax to BenedictBornemissza, the representative of the bishop Osvald of Zagreb.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 129.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    31. 1467 noiembrie 4, Saschiz

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete nobililor i altor st pni de pmnt din Transilvania s ngduieiobagilor proprii s plece i s se stabileasc n oraul Bistria, dup plata drii pmntului i a celorlaltedri.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the nobles and to the other landowners from Transylvania to enable

    their serfs to leave and to settle in the town Bistria, after paying the land tax and all the other taxes.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 134.Original hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

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    32. 1468 ianuarie 3, Braov

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete colectorilor drii secuieti n vite (conductoribus bovum), LadislauLiteratusi Clement Literatus, s nu ierneze animalele pe seama cetenilori locuitorilor oraului idistrictului Bistria.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the collectors of Szeklers herd contribution, Ladislas Literatus andClementLiteratus, not to oblige the citizens and the inhabitants of the town Bistria to winter the kingscattle on their own payment.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 136.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    33. 1468 ianuarie 4, Braov

    Regele Matia Corvin iart comunitatea oraului Bistria de pedeapsa necredinei la care a fost supus, npersoana i n lucrurile sale, pentru c s-a rzvrtit mpotriva regelui, sub conducerea voievodului IoanGroff.

    King Mathias Corvinus acquits the community of the town Bistria of the punishment of infidelity towhich they were submitted, because they rose against the king under the leadership of voivode John Groff.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 138.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

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    34. 1469 septembrie 30, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete juzilor, jurailori locuitorilor districtului Rodna s asculte de oraulBistria, cruia i-a fost anexat districtul, ndeosebi n privina strngerii drilor.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders the officials and the inhabitants of Rodna district, that was enclosed tothe town Bistria, to obey the laws of the town, mainly those referring to tax collecting.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 157.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu czut.

    35. 1472 noiembrie 4, Gyr

    Regele Matia Corvin transmite juzilori jurailor oraului Bistria dreptul de patronat asupra bisericilorparohiale din Dipa, Lechina i Dumitra, inclusiv dreptul de alegere a parohului.King Mathias Corvinus transfers to the town council of Bistria the patronage right over the parishesDipa, Lechina and Dumitra including the right to elect the priests.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 198.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat, deteriorat.

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    36. 1472 noiembrie 4, Gyr

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete strngtorilor de dri din comitatul Dbca s nu mai strng darearomnilor din Valea Rodnei alturi de cea a comitatului, ci s o lase mpreun cu cea a oraului Bistria,cum reiese din donaiile regilor de odinioar.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the tax collectors of the Dbca County to put the contribution of theRomanians from Rodna Valley next to the towns contribution, as it were established by the formerkings, and not aside the taxes of the county.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 199.Copie simpl de sec. XVIII, latin.

    37. 1474 martie 1, Bardejov

    Regele Matia Corvin asigur comunitatea nelinitit a oraului Bistria c nu va nstrina i supuneoraul unei jurisdicii strine, iar n cazul c acest lucru s-ar ntmpla, oraul primea dreptul de a sempotrivi fr a fi acuzat de crima necredinei.

    King Mathias Corvinus guarantees the anxious community of the town Bistria that he wont submit thetown to a foreign authority, and if this happens the town would receive the right to act against, not

    being accused of the crime of infidelity.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 212.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu inelar atrnat.

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    38. 1475 iunie 5, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin face cunoscut cmraului i vicecmraului Cmrii de sare din Dej i Sic c adat toate veniturile cmrii de sare din Albetii Bistriei oraului Bistria pentru 10 ani.

    King Mathias Corvinus informs the officers of the royal salt chamber of Dej and Sic that he gave theincome of Albeti salt chamber to the town Bistria for ten years.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 224Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text czut.

    39. 1476 septembrie 15, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete magistratului oraului Bistria s plteasc un impozit extraordinarpentru acoperirea cheltuielilor de rzboi i a celor legate de nunta sa.King Mathias Corvinus orders to the town council of Bistria to pay an extra tax for war expenses andfor his wedding costs.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 232.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text.

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    40. 1476 septembrie 17, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin invit magistratul oraului Bistria la nunta sa, ce va avea loc la 18 octombrie1476.

    King Mathias Corvinus invites the officials of the town Bistria to his wedding that takes place on the18

    thOctober 1476.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, nr. 233Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text deteriorat.

    41. 1478 septembrie 1, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin stabilete c magistratul oraului Bistria este prima instan de judecat pentrucauzele din oraul i districtul Bistria, iar instan de recurs este oraul Sibiu, nainte de a se apela larege. Bistrienii se vor bucura de acelai statut cu celelalte orae din Transilvania, aa cum prevedea unact anterior al regelui, distrus n incendiul care a afectat oraul.

    King Mathias Corvinus establishes that the town council of Bistria is the first judging instance for thecrimes in the town and district of Bistria, and the town Sibiu is the instance for appeal, beforeappealing to the king. Bistria will have the same status as the other Transylvanian towns, in conformity

    with a former royal document, destroyed in the fire that took place in the town.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 238Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat

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    42. 1483 februarie 5, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete magistratului oraului Bistria s-i primeasc cu cinstea cuvenit pesolii ducelui de Moscova i s-i nsoeasc pn la tefan cel Mare, voievodul Moldovei.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the town council of Bistria to welcome the envoys of the duke ofMoscow and to escort them to Steven the Great, the ruler of Moldavia.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Bistria, Privilegii, nr. 251Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu de nchidere czut.

    Arhiva oraului Dej / The Town Archive of Dej

    43. 1458 august 20, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin ordon comiilor Cmrii de sare din Dej s-i apere pe dejeni la vmile de laomcuta i Vad mpotriva fiilor nobilului Dezideriu de Losoncz.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the officers of the salt chamber from Dej to protect the citizens of Dejat toll-places omcuta and Vad against the sons of the noble Desiderius de Losoncz.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 38Original, latin, hrtie, sigiliu aplicat sub text.

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    44. 1458 august 24, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin ordon comiilor cmrilor de sare din Dej i Sic, Emeric de Zapolya i AngeloItalicus de Florena s restituie Dejului punea posesiunii Mnstirea, ocupat abuziv de cetateaUngura.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the officers of the salt chamber from Dej and Sic, Emeric de Zpolyaand Angelo Italicus, from Florence to return the pasture in Mn stirea, that was confiscated by theUngura castle.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 39Original, latin, hrtie, sigiliu aplicat sub text, deteriorat.

    45. 1458 septembrie 1, Szeged

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete celor doi nobili numii Ladislau Desew de Losonczs permitplutailor din Dej folosirea lemnelor de pe proprietatea lor pentru plute i case, aa cum se obinuia nvremea regelui Sigismund i a guvernatorului Iancu de Hunedoara, printele su.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders the two nobles called Ladislas Desew de Losoncz to permit to the theraftsmen of Dej to use the wood from their property for building rafts and houses as it used to be in thetime of king Sigismund and in the time of Mathias father, the governor John Hunyadi.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 40Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text czut.

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    46. 1466 septembrie 12, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete cmrailori vicecmrailor din Maramure s permit trecerea pnla Chethnek a dejenilor care transport sare i s nu le perceap taxe, precum i comiilor i

    vicecomiilor comitatelor de pe traseu i castelanului Blasiu Literatus de Munkacevo s-i sprijine naceast privin.

    King Mathias Corvinus orders to the officers and vice-officers of the salt chamber in Maramure topermit the passing of the inhabitants of Dej that carry salt up to Csetnekand not to perceive taxes fromthem. He also asks the officials of the counties encountered on the way and the castellan BlasiusLiteratus de Munkacevo to support them.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 42.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text czut.

    47. 1466 noiembrie 5, Komarom

    Regele Matia Corvin poruncete tuturor oficialilor din Transilvania s-i scuteasc de ridicare la oaste peplutaii de sare din Dej i Ocna-Dejului.King Mathias Corvinus orders to the officials of Transylvania to exempt from recruiting the raftsmenwho transport salt from Dej and Ocna Dej.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej , Privilegii, nr. 43.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

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    48. 1471 martie 12, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm locuitorilor din oraul Dej i Ocna Dejului scutirea de toate vmile dincuprinsul regatului, conform privilegiilor acordate de regii Carol Robert i Andrei.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms to the inhabitants of the town Dej and Ocna Dej the exemption fromthe tolls of the kingdom, according to the privileges granted by the kings Andrew and Charles Robert of

    Anjou.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 50.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat czut.

    49. 1475 iunie 1, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm locuitorilor din trgul Dej i Ocna Dejului actul su din 26 februarie1474, Bardejov, prin care i scutete de taxele extraordinare i de contribuia general ale locuitorilor dinTransilvania.Semntura autograf a regelui:Mathias rex manu propria.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms to the inhabitants of the market-town Dej and Ocna Dej his privilegefrom 26

    thof February 1474, Bardejov, through which he exempts them from general and extra taxes

    paid by the inhabitants of Transylvania.The kings signature : Mathias rex manu propria.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 54.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

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    50. 1475 iunie 3, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin interzice tuturor oficialilor din Ungaria i Transilvania s-i vmuiasc pe cruiide sare din Dej.

    King Mathias Corvinus interdicts to all officials from Hungary and Transylvania to collect tolls fromthe salt carters of Dej.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Dej, Privilegii, nr. 55.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu timbrat czut.

    Arhiva oraului Baia Sprie / The Town Archive of Baia Sprie

    51. 1465 septembrie 24, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin ntrete privilegiul lui Iancu de Hunedoara din 28 decembrie 1455, Bistria, princare oraului Baia Sprie i sunt reconfirmate drepturile legate de minerit i i se recunoate administrareaminelor din Cavnic.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms the privilege granted to Baia Sprie by John Hunyadi issued in Bistriaat 28

    thDecember 1455, through which the rights concerning the mining are reconfirmed and the

    administration of the mines from Cavnic is acknowledged.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, fond Primria oraului Baia Sprie, Privilegii, nr. 2Original, latin, pergament, sigiliu atrnat czut

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    Arhive familiale / Family archives

    52. 1461 martie 17, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin druiete nobilului Mihail fiul lui Ioan de Sntmrie jumtatea posesiunii Rachi(Danel Rakws) din comitatul Alba, ale crei acte afirm c au fost distruse de turci.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to the nobleman Michael son of John from Sntmarie, whosedocuments were destroyed by the Turks, half of the Rachi possession in Alba county.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Eszterhzi, nr. 14.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    53. 1462 decembrie 13, Sebe

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm nobililor din Rimetea (Thorozko) actul regelui Sigismund din 19 mai1424, Visegrad, prin care primesc anual 150 de florini din veniturile cmrii de sare din Turda, nschimbul asigurrii lemnului necesar la depozitarea i transportul srii pe Mure.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms to the nobles from Rimetea the charter of king Sigismund, issued inVisegrad at 19

    thof May 1424, through which they have received 150 florins from the incomes of the salt

    chamber of Turda, for the wood used to the storage and for the transport of salt on the Mure river.Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Thoroczkay, nr. 12.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

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    54. 1463 martie 16, Buda

    Elisabeta, mama regelui Matia Corvin, i declar acordul pentru dania regal n favoarea aleilor MihailZekelde Sntioana i tefan de Idrifaia, cpitanii cetii Bistria, moiile Glodeni i Poarta din comitatulTurda, Frunzeni, Lunca iIwdwegdin comitatul Cluj pentru serviciile credincioase fcute soului suIancu de Hunedoara i fiilor Ladislau i regele Matia.

    Elisabeth, mother of King Mathias Corvinus, agrees with the royal donation of the lands in Glodeni andPoarta from Turda county Frunzeni, LuncaandIwdweg from Cluj county made to MichaelZekel deSntioana and Steven de Idrifaia, captains of the town Bistria, offered for their loyalty towards herhusband John and her sons, Ladislas and King Mathias.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale - Bnffy, nr. 1.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

    55. 1470 decembrie 13, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin acord imunitate juridic nobililor de Cehal, comitatul Satu Mare, urmnd a se supune doar judecii regale, palatinale sau a judelui Curiiregale.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers juridical imunity to the noblemen of Cehal, Satu Mare county, from thaton could have been prosecuted only by the king, the palatine or by the judge of the Royal Court.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Gyulay Kuun, nr. 28.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat

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    56. 1472 mai 18, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin druiete nobilului Nicolae de Rostoci, comitatul Zarand, i prin el lui Dionisie,fratele su de tat, posesiunea Rostoci pentru servicii credincioase.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to the nobleman Nicholas of Rostoci in Zarand county and to hisbrother Dionisius the Rostoci possession for his acts of loyalty.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Matsksi de Tincova, nr. 46.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu timbrat.

    57. 1474 martie 30,Rosomberk

    Regele Matia Corvin druiete nobilului tefan Poharnok, castelanul cetii Challya dou pri dinbunurile i moiile nobilului Ladislau deIseep, condamnat la moarte i pierderea bunurilor n procesulcu nobilul Ladislau deDoby.

    King Mathias Corvinus confers to the nobleman Steven Pohrnokthe castellan ofChallya two parts ofthe goods and the lands belonging to the noble Ladislau de Iseep convicted to death and forfeiture of

    property in the litigation with the noble Ladislau de Doby.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale - Vcsey, nr. 207.Original, hrtie, latin, sigiliu aplicat sub text.

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    58. 1475 iulie 28, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm lui Nicolae i tefan fiii lui Ioan i lui Martin fiul lui Laureniu deTileagd, privilegiul regelui Sigismund cuprinznd privilegiul regelui Ludovic de confirmare a danieiregelui Carol Robert din 29 iulie 1312 privind vama srii ardelene din localitatea Tileagd (Bihor).

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms to Nicolaus and Michael, the sons of John, and to Martin, son of Laurentius de Tileagd, the privilege of salt taxes from Tileagd, Bihor county, granted by KingSigismund, King Ludovic and King Charles Robert.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale - Colecia general, nr. 15Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat.

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    59. 1478 iunie 2, Buda

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm alesului Gerard deBathorpatru acte de mrturie privind succesiunea pe

    linie feminin n cadrul familiei Bathori. King Mathias Corvinus confirms to nobleman Gerard de Bathor four testimonies regarding theinheritance of the women in the Bathori family.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Teleki de Luna, nr. 11.Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat

    60. 1483 februarie 18, Buda

    Sentin a tribunalului regal n procesul dintre nobilii reclamani Benedict de Cheged, Paul i Albert dePyskyi prtul tefan de Homorog, pentru ocuparea casei i curii parohiale din Fncica, comitatulBihor.Sentence of the royal court in the litigation between noblemen Benedict de Cheged, Paul and Albert dePysky and Steven de Homorog regarding the occupation of the clergy house from Fncica in Bihor

    county. Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale Bethlen de Ictar, nr. 37.Copie de epoc, hrtie, latin.

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    61. 1488 aprilie 16,

    Regele Matia Corvin confirm oraului Bistria actul su din 3 iunie 1475, Buda, prin care druieteBistriei trgul Rodna i Valea Rodnei, detandu-le de la comitatul Dbca, pentru refacerea trgului ia minelor de argint de acolo. Oaspeii i locuitorii se vor bucura de toate drepturile, libertile,obiceiurile, milostivirile i privilegiile de care se bucurau cetenii i obtea oraului Bistria.

    King Mathias Corvinus confirms his privilege form the 3rd

    of June, 1475, Buda, by which he offered tothe town Bistria the market-town Rodna and Rodna Valley detaching them from Dbca county,aiming to reconstruct the market-town and the silver mines existing there. The citizens and theinhabitants will share all the rights, liberties, customs and privileges of the town Bistria.

    Arhivele Naionale Cluj, Colecia Documente Medievale - Colecia general, nr. 14Original, pergament, latin, sigiliu atrnat lips.

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    Muzeul Naional de Istorie a Transilvaniei / National History Museum of Transylvania

    1. Cahl. Vin, Castelul Martinuzzi. Sfinii Petru i Pavel sub baldachin gotic. Cahl plac fragmentarneglazurat, 25x16,5x1 cm., a doua jumtate a secolului XV nceputul secolului XVI (F28925,F28859, F28859a).

    Stove tile. Vin, Martinuzzi Castle. Saint Peter and Paul under a gothic baldaquin. Fragmentary stovetile, unglazed, 25x16,5x1 cm., second half of the 15th century-beginning of the 16th century (F28925,

    F28859, F28859a).

    2. Cahl. Vin, Castelul Martinuzzi. Pereche de sfini. Cahl plac, fragment, glazur verde, 9,6x10x1,2cm., a doua jumtate a secolului XV-nceputul secolului XVI.Stove tile. Vin, Martinuzzi Castle. Pair of saints. Fragmentary flat stove tile, green glazed, 9,6x10x1,2

    cm., second half of the 15th century-beginning of the 16th century (without inventory number).

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    3. Cahl. Vin, Castelul Martinuzzi. Sfntul

    Gheorghe omornd balaurul. Cahl placfragmentar, neglazurat, 31x22,5x1 cm., secolXVI (F28913).Stove tile. Vin , Martinuzzi Castle. Saint George

    slaying the dragon. Fragmentary flat stove tile,unglazed, 31x22,5x1 cm., 16Ith century(F28913).

    4. Cahl. Zalu. Sfntul Gheorghe omornd

    balaurul. Cahl plac fragmentar, glazur verde,27,3x12 x1 cm., secol XV (F4960).Stove tile. Zalu. Saint George slaying the dragon.

    Fragmentary flat stove tile, green glazed, 27,3x12x1 cm., 16Ith century (F4960).Sfntul Gheorghe este cel mai popular sfntreprezentat pe cahle medievale din ntreagaEurop. Fie clare, fie pedestru, el este ntotdeaunasurprins n episodul luptei cu balaurul. Episodul afost adugat legendei Sfntului Gheorghe cndvan secolul al XI-lea n spaiul bizantin de unde s-a

    transmis n Occident i a devenit foarte popular.Scena apare pe 15 cahle medievale descoperite nTransilvania.Saint George is the most popular saint depicted onmedieval stove tiles throughout Europe. Either onhorseback or on foot, he is always shown slayingthe dragon. The episode is a later, eleven-century

    Byzantine addition to the saints legend, but it wasvery popular in the Middle Ages. The scene

    features on fifteen tiles from Transylvania.

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    5. Cahl. Vin, Castelul Martinuzzi. Sfinii regiai Ungariei (Ladislau, tefan, Emeric) sub

    baldachin gotic. Cahl plac, glazurat ineglazurat, nceputul secolului XVI. Expuse

    fragmente cu Sfntul tefan (22,2x8x1 cm.,glazur verde, fr numr de inventar) iEmeric (23x7,3 cm., neglazurat, fr numr deinventar).Stove tile. Vin , Martinuzzi Castle. Holy kingsof Hungary (Ladislas, Stephen, Emeric) undera gothic baldaquin. Flat tile, green glazed andunglazed variants, beginning of the 16thcentury. Fragment decorated with the image ofSt. Stephen holding a scepter (22,2x8x1 cm.,

    green glaze, without inventory number) and

    fragment with St. Emeric (23x7,3 cm.,unglazed, neglazurat, without inventorynumber).

    6. Cahl.Lita, cetate regal. Sfinii regi ai Ungariei (Ladislau, tefan, Emeric). Fragmente neglazurate,secol XV. Expuse fragmente cu Sf. tefan (?) (F24687, 22,5x8cm) i Sf. Emeric (F24688, 22x8 cm).Stove tile. Lita, castle. Holy kings of Hungary (Ladislas, Stephen, Emeric). Unglazed fragments, 15thcentury. Fragment with Sf. Stephen (?) (F24687, 22,5x8cm) and St. Emeric (F24688, 22x8 cm).Motivul iconografic al celor trei regi sfini ai Ungariei reprezentai mpreun apare n secolul al XIV-lea.Cahle cu Sfinii tefan, Emeric i Ladislau mpreun nu sunt foarte frecvente. Doar cinci au fostdecoperite i doar n Transilvania, la Vinu de Jos, Rnov, i Lita.

    By mid fourteenth century, the three saintly kings of Hungary together had come to form a harmoniousiconographic scheme. Tiles depicting Stephen, Emeric and Ladislas together are not very frequent finds.Only five such cases have been published, and only in Transylvania (Vinu de Jos, Rnov, and Lita).

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    7. Cahl. Vin, Castelul Martinuzzi. Lupta

    cavalerului i leului cu dragonul. Cahl placfragmentar, neglazurat, angobat, 31,4 x 21,4x1cm., secol XVI.Stove tile. Vin , Martinuzzi Castle. The Knight withthe lion, fighting a Dragon.

    Fragmentary flat tile, unglazed, with engobe, 31,4 x21,4x1 cm., 16th century.

    8. Cahl. Fgra, fortificaie. Lupta cavalerului i leului cu dragonul. Cahl plac fragmentar,neglazurat, 21,5x23,5cm., secol XVI (F28923).Stove tile. Fgra , fortification. The Knight with the lion, fighting a Dragon. Fragmentary flat tile,unglazed, 21,5x23,5cm., 16th century (F28923).Scena luptei cavalerului i leului cu dragonul este una de inspiraie literar, aprnd n scrierile luiChrtiene de Troyes (Chevalier au lion). Cavalerul Yvain salveaz un leu atacat de un dragon i se alegecu un prieten devotat. Episodul apare pe cteva cahle din regatul maghiar, dar i pe unele plci

    pavimentare.The fight of the knight and the Lion against the dragon is an illustration of the key episode in Chrtienede Troyess Chevalier au lion. The narrative concentrates on the adventures of Sir Yvain who rescues alion from a dragon and thus earns a faithful companion. This eppisode appears on a few stove tiles fromthe Kingdom of Hungary, but also on floor tiles.

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    9. Cahl. Cluj-Napoca. Cavaler n turnir orientat spre stnga. Cahl plac fragmentar, neglazurat,secol XVI, 13x13 cm (I.63).Stove tile. Cluj-Napoca. Knight in tournament. Fragmentary flat tile, unglazed, 13x13 cm., 16Ithcentury. (I.63).

    10. Cahl. Lita, cetate regal. Cavaler orientat spre dreapta. Cahl plac fragmentar, neglazurat,16,5x10 cm., nceputul secolului XVI (F24695).Stove tile. Lita, castle. Rider. Fragmentary flat tile, unglazed, 16,5x10 cm., beginning of the 16thcentury (F24695).Motivul cavalerului n turnir este creat de ctre atelierele regale de cahle din Buda n a doua jumtate asecolului al XV-lea. Exemplarele de lux, glazurate i traforate, au fost folosite n compoziia sobelor din

    palatul regal, fiind apoi intens copiate i imitate n ntreg regatul.Tiles decorated with knights in tournament were first created by the royal tile workshops in Buda in the

    second half of ther 15th century. These luxury tiles, glazed and with both openwork and tracery, wereused in the compostion of stoves from the royal castle, and then they were intensely copied and imitatedthroughout the Hungarian Kingdom.

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    11. Cahl. Lita, cetate. Trafor geometric. Cahl plac fragmentar, neglazurat, 13,8x0,5 cm., a doua

    jumtate a secolului XV (F24716).Stove tile. Lita, castle. Geomteric motif. Fragmentary flat tile, unglazed, 13,8x0,5 cm., second half of the15th century (F24716).

    12. Cahl. Cluj-Napoca. Stema regelui Matia Corvinul. Cahl plac, glazur verde, 21x20,3 cm, secolXV. Descoperit n anul 2006 de ctre Alexandru Diaconescu, cu ocazia unei cercetri arheologice nzona central a oraului.Stove tile. Cluj-Napoca. Coat of arms of King Mathias. Flat tile, green glazed, 21x20,3 cm, XVthcentury. Found in 2006 by Alexandru Diaconescu, during an archeological research in the central areaof the city.

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    13. Sigiliul breslei aurarilor din Dej. 33 mm. Sec. XVI (F3078).The seal of the goldsmiths corporation in Dej. 33 mm. 16th century (F3078).

    14. Sigiliul breslei aurarilor din Cluj. 31 mm. Sec. XV (F3076).The seal of the goldsmiths corporation in Cluj. 31 mm. 15th century (F3076).

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    15. Medalion care o reprezint pe ElisabetaSzilgy, mama regelui Matia. Transilvania. Os.Sec. XV. 67x48 mm. (6484).Medallion representing Elisabeth Szilagy, themother of King Matthias. Transylvania. Bone.67x48 mm. (6484).

    16. Cizme n stil renascentist. Cluj. Sec. XVI.66,3x33,2 cm. n expoziia deschis n casaMatia n anul 1902, ele au fost prezentate cafiind cizmele regelui Matia. Ele l-au inspirat

    pe sculptorul Janos Fadrusz n modelareacizmelor statuii regelui Matia din piaa central

    a Clujului. High boots. Renaissance style. Cluj. 16thcentury. 66,3x33,2 cm. In the Matthiasexhibition opened in 1902, they were presentedas the boots of King Matthias. They inspired

    sculptor Janos Fadrusz in modelling the bootsof the statue of King Matthias in the central

    square of Cluj.

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    17. Scutornamental n stil renascentist, reprezentndu-l peSf. Gheorghe ucignd balaurul. Trasilvania. 75x41 cm.(622).Ornamental shield, in the Renaissance style, representingSaint George slaying the dragon. Transylvania. 75x41 cm.(622).

    18. Plato. Sec. XV (final). Transilvania. 54x36cm. (F228).

    Breast plate. Late 15th century. Transylvania.54x36 cm. (F228).

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    19. Spad. Sec. XV. Transilvania. 128,5 cm.Long sword. 15th century. Transylvania. 128,5 cm.

    20. Pinten. Sec. XV. Transilvania. 16x9 cm. (F.555).

    Spur. 15th century. Transylvania. 16x9 cm. (F.555).

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    21-25. Modelul original de cear al monumentului regelui Matia, prezentat de Janos Fadruszmunicipalitii clujene n anul 1902. 21. Regele Matia clare, 72 cm. 22. Balazs Magyar, 41,5 cm. 23.Paul Kinizsi, 67 cm. 24. Ioan Zapolya, 54,5 cm. 25. tefan Bathory, 48 cm.The original wax clay model of the monument of King Matthias, presented by Janos Fadrusz to the

    municipality of Cluj in 1897. 21. King Matthias on horseback, 72 cm. 22. Balazs Magyar, 41,5 cm. 23.Paul Kiniszi, 67 cm. 24. John Zapolya, 54,5 cm. 25. Stephen Bathory, 48 cm.

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    26. MedalieMATTHIAS REX HUNGARIAE.. 43 mm. (N72369).MATTHIAS REX HUNGARIAE. Medal. 43 mm. (N72369).

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    Biblioteca Naional a Austriei / The Austrian National Library

    1. Cod. 138, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana) 2. Cod. 977, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana)

    3. Cod. 224, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana) 4. Cod. 24, fol.1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana)

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    5. Cod. 24, fol.1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana) 6. Cod. 930, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana)

    7. Cod. 644, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana) 8. Cod. 44, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana)

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    9. Cod. 2271, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana) 10. Cod. 654, fol. 1r (Bibliotheca Corviniana)

    Sigiliu inelar al regelui Matia