  • 8/22/2019 Matthew 10 and Luke 10 Study


    1 Luke 10: 1-12, Matthew 10: 1-16A Step-By-Step Methodology

    Given By Christ to His Followers

    For Fulfilling His Own Great Commission

    To Make Disciples Of All The Nations

    Jesus never commanded us to go out and plant churches. Building His church is something He

    said He would do: I will build my church... The Message has Jesus saying, This is the rockon which I will put together my church... If Jesus did not send his disciples out to plant

    churches, what did he send them out to do? We have these instructions in what is known as theGreat Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

    There are two passages that reveal the way, the steps, Jesus intended that his disciples carry out

    the commission he had given them. The waythe methodologyis found in Matthew 10 and

    Luke 10. In Matthew 10 he sends out the twelve for a trial run. After the twelve gain someexperience He sends them out again as the seventy in Luke 10.

    Both passages are full of direct instructions from Jesus on how He intended his followers to do

    the work of making disciples of all the nationshow He intended for us to bring about His


    Why would he commission them to make disciples of the nations without showing them first

    how to go about doing it? It behooves us to carefully study these two passages if we want to

    follow in the Masters path and ways of carrying out the Great Commission.

    Matthew 28 makes it clear that our responsibility is to GO, MAKE DISCIPLES, BAPTIZE,AND TEACH. His is to build His church. If we do our part, He will do His.

    Lets look at the steps involved in Jesus sending out his own disciples and what he expected

    them to do, step by step, as seen in Luke 10 and Matthew 10...

    NIV: the Lord appointed (v.1)

    Matt10Jesus sent...Luke10Later the Master selected...

    Observation: The Lord is the One who must do the sending, the selecting, the placing it on the

    hearts of his children.

    NIV: Ask the send out workers (v.2)

    Luke10On your knees; ask the God of the Harvest to send harvest hands...

    Observation: Our job is to pray and beseech. His to appoint, call out, send, place upon the heartsof his children.

  • 8/22/2019 Matthew 10 and Luke 10 Study


    NIV: Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. (v.3)

    Matt10Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighborhood.

    Luke10On your way! Be careful...Observation: We say come, He commands us to GO. Go where the lost are to be found, even if

    it is uncomfortable for us. It is much easier to invite the lost to come to our meeting, our

    conference, our services, a special event, etc. Christ commands his followers to GO where thelost are and there make disciples, baptize, and teach, and watch Him establish His church.

    NIV: Do not take a purse or bag or sandals... (v.4)Matt10Dont think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You dont

    need a lot of equipment. You are the light.

    Luke10Travel light. Comb and toothbrush and no extra luggage.

    Observation: We think we need a lot ofstuffin order to plant churches: seminary trained leaders,mother churches, money, buildings, properties, pulpits, pews, trained leaders, and a host of

    things in order to do the Lords work. In v.4 Jesus actually commands them to NOT TAKE

    ANYTHING on the missionary journey lest they mistakenly depend on these extras as essential

    to the work at hand. He is the one who works through us to accomplish His purposes andkingdom.

    NIV: do not greet anyone on the road. (v.4)

    Luke10Dont loiter and make small talk with everyone you meet along the way...

    Observation: Just get on with it. Take care of the main task at hand and not get side-tracked withall the things that tend to consume our time and energy.

    NIV: say... Peace to this house (v.5) find that person who opens up their home to you

    Luke10If your greeting is received, then its a good place to stay.Matt10dont insist on staying in a luxury inn. Get a modest place with some modest people,

    and be content there...

    Observation: This is the crux of everything. The goal is to find that man of peace that God hasprepared beforehand. Without a man of peace there will be no new church plant. Prayer has

    much to do with God opening doors to those homes where he has a man of peace ready to

    receive us. If we are unable to find that man of peace there will not be a new church plant.

    NIV: Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give not move from houseto house. (v.7)

    Luke10Stay at one home...dont move from house to houseObservation: We are to stay put, not hopping around. Concentrate on that one home, the man of

    peace his family, extended family, neighbors, friends, work associates, his world.

    NIV: Heal the sick...and tell them, the Kingdom of God is near you. (v.9)

    Matt10Tell them the kingdom is here. Bring health to the sick. Raise the dead. Touch the

    untouchables. Kick out the demons.Luke10heal anyone who is sick, and tell them, Gods kingdom is right on your doorstep!

    Observation: What do we do when we have our man of peace? Jesus instructs us to do the

    same two things he did in his own earthly ministry: minister to the sick, and proclaim the Good

    News of the Kingdom. In His own ministry as well as ours, we must do both. Heal and Proclaim.

  • 8/22/2019 Matthew 10 and Luke 10 Study


    WARNINGS: (Jesus speaking) Stay alert. This is hazardous work Im assigning you. Youre

    going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so dont call attention to yourselves. Be as

    cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove. Dont be naive. Some people will impugn yourmotives, others will smear your reputation...Dont be upset when they haul you before the civil

    authorities...When people realize it is the living God your are presenting and not some idol that

    makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family...It is notsuccess you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! (Matt10)


    Christs way of planting N.T. Biblical Churches a la Luke 10 and Matthew 10

    $ Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers

    $ Go!

    $ Do not take...

    $ Find that man of peace$ Stay in that house (its the nucleus of the new church plant)

    $ Heal the sick (minister to)

    $ Proclaim the Good News

    $ Know that it will be tough

    The result?

    Christ says,

    I Will Build My Church!
