  • 8/14/2019 Maurice Druon - The Royal Succession 4.rtf




    Translated from the French bH!m"hre Hare


    First published in French as La Loi des Males.First published in Great Britain 1958 byRupert Hart-Davis Ltd.

    This editin published 19!" by #an B$s Ltd%&& Tthill 'treet% Lndn% '(i.

    IS#N $ &&) "&&"8 9

    French editin * +ditins ,ndiales% #aris% 195! This translatin Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd%1958

    Printed in Great Britain by / Lay0an Ltd% Lndn% Readin and Fa$enha0

    2Histry is a nvel that has been lived.3+. / T. D+ G446RT

    27t is terriyin t thin$ h 0uch research is needed t deter0ine the truth even the0st uni0prtant act.3



    The characters in this b$ 9

    #rlue 1&

    7; #H7L7##+ :D TH+ L4'+D G:T+'

    7 TH+ (H7T+

    & TH+ G:T+' 4F L?4' &"

  • 8/14/2019 Maurice Druon - The Royal Succession 4.rtf


    > L+T 6' DR? 46R T+:R' &8

    5 TH+ G:T+' 4F TH+ 4L:=+ >!

    @ FR4, +:6#HL+ T4 ':7T-,:R+L 5"

    ! TH+ G:T+' 4F TH+ #:L:+ @>

    8 TH+ 46T 4F #47T7+R'3 =7'7T' !&

    9 FR7D:?3' H7LD !!

    1) TH+ :''+,BL? 4F TH+ THR++ D?:'T7+' 8>

    11 TH+ B+TR4TH+D #L:? T:G 9&

    77; :RT47' :D TH+ 4L:=+

    7 TH+ :RR7=:L 4F 46T R4B+RT 1)"

    " TH+ #4#+3' L4,B:RD 1)9

    & TH+ (:G+' 4F '7 11@

    > (+ ,6'T G4 T4 (:R 1"55 TH+ R+G+T3' :R,? T:A+' : #R7'4+R 1"9

    777;FR4, ,46R7G T4 4R4:T74

    7 : (+T-6R'+ F4R TH+ A7G 1&5

    " L+:=+ 7T T4 G4D 1>"

    & B46=7LL+3' TR7A 151

    > ,? L4RD'% L44A 4 TH+ A7G 155

    5 : L4,B:RD 7 ':7T-D+7' 158

    @ FR:+ 7 F7R, H:D' 1@5

    ! 'H:TT+R+D DR+:,' 1@9

    8 D+#:RT6R+' 1!99 TH+ +=+ 4F TH+ 4R4:T74 191

    1) TH+ B+LL' 4F RH+7,' ")1

    Histrical ntes "1"

    The characters in this book

    The Queen of France: CLEMENCE OF HUN%ARY& 'randda!'hter of CharlesII of An(o!)S*c*l

    and of Mar*e of H!n'ar& second +*fe and +*do+ of Louis X, the H!t*n& ,*n' of France and

    Na-arre& a'ed ./0

    Louis-X's Children: 1EANNE OF NA2ARRE& da!'hter of Lo!*sX and h*s f*rst +*fe& Mar'!er*te of

    #!r'!nd& a'ed 5. 1ean I, called THE 3OSTHUMOUS& son of Lo!*s 4 and Clemence ofH!n'ar& ,*n' of France0

    The Reent: 3HILI33E& second son of 3h*l*"I!, the Fa*r& and brother to Louis X, Co!nt of 3o*t*ers&

    3eer of the ,*n'dom& Co!nt 3alat*ne of #!r'!nd& Lord of Sal*ns& Re'ent& then 3h*l*""e !, the

    Lon'& a'ed ./0

    "is #rother: CHARLES& th*rd son of 3h*l*" the Fa*r& Co!nt de la Marche and f!t!re ,*n' CharlesI!,

    the Fa*r& a'ed ..0

    "is $ife: 1EANNE OF #UR%UNDY& da!'hter of Co!nt Othon of #!r'!nd and of the Co!ntess

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    Maha!t of Arto*s& he*ress to the Co!nt of #!r'!nd& a'ed ./0

    "is Children: 1EANNE& also called of #!r'!nd& a'ed %. MAR%UERITE& a'ed 50

    ISA#ELLE& a'ed 5.

    LOUIS)3HILI33E of France0

    The !alois #ranch: MONSEI%NEUR CHARLES& son of 3h*l*""eIII and of Isabella of Ara'on&

    brother of 3h*l*" the Fa*r& Co!nt of the A"ana'e of 2alo*s& Co!nt of Ma*ne& An(o!& Alencon&Chartres& 3erche& 3eer of the ,*n'dom& e6)T*t!lar Em"eror of Constant*no"le& Co!nt of

    Roma'na& a'ed &.

    3HILI33E OF 2ALOIS& son of the abo-e and of Mar'!er*te of An(o!)S*c*l& the f!t!re ,*n'

    3h*l*""e !I, a'ed ./0

    The ()reu* #ranch: MONSEI%NEUR LOUIS OF FRANCE& son of 3h*l*""eIII and of Mar*e of#rabant& half)brother of +hili the Fa*r and of Charles of 2alo*s& Co!nt of E-re!6 and Etam"es&

    a'ed 7$0

    3HILI33E OF E2REU4& h*s son0

    The Clermont)#o!rbon8 RO#ERT& COUNT OF CLERMONT& s*6th son of Sa*nt Lo!*s& a'ed 5o0

    Lo!*s OF #OUR#ON& son of the abo-e0

    The Arto*s #ranch& descended from a #rother of Sa*nt Lo!*s8

    THE COUNTESS MAHAUT OF ARTOIS& 3eer of the ,*n'dom& +*do+ of the Co!nt 3alat*ne

    Othon I2& mother of 1eanne and #lanche of #!r'!nd& mother)*n)la+ of 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers

    and of Charles de la Marche& a'ed abo!t 790

    RO#ERT III of ARTOIS& ne"he+ of the abo-e& Co!nt of #ea!mont)le)Ro'er& Lord of Conches&

    a'ed .:0

    The D!ch of #!r'!nd Fam*l8 A%NES OF FRANCE& o!n'est da!'hter of Sa*nt Lo!*s&

    do+a'er D!chess of #!r'!nd& +*do+ of D!;e Robert II& mother of Mar'!er*te of #!r'!nd&

    a'ed abo!t 9

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    The Card*nals8

    1AC=UES DUE>E& Card*nal *n C!r*a& then 3o"e 1ean 44II& a'ed & HAUT3ONLIEU& #EAU2AL& etc0

    The Lombards8 S3INELLO TOLOMEI& a S*enese ban;er l*-*n' *n 3ar*s0

    %!cc*o #A%LIONI& h*s ne"he+& a'ed .$0 #OCCACCIO& a tra-eller& father of the "oet #occacc*o0

    The Cressa Fam*l8 DAME ELIA#EL& +*do+ of the Lord of Cressa0

    1EAN and 3IERRE&&her sons& a'ed .7 and .. res"ect*-el0 MARIE& her da!'hter& a'ed @0

    RO#ERT DE COURTENAY& Archb*sho" of Rhe*ms0 %UILLAUME DE MELLO& Co!nc*llor to

    the D!;e of #!r'!nd0 MESSIRE 2ARAY& Cons!l of Lons0%EOFFROY CO=UATRI4& a #!r'ess of 3ar*s& an Arm contractor0

    MADAME DE #OU2ILLE& +*fe of the one)t*me Chamberla*n0 #EATRICE D?HIRSON& n*ece of

    the Chancellor of Arto*s& Lad *n)Ba*t*n' to the Co!ntess Maha!t0

    All the abo-e names ha-e the*r "lace *n h*stor0


    In three h!ndred and t+ent)se-en ears& from the elect*on of H!'!es Ca"et to the death of 3h*l*" the

    Fa*r& onl ele-en ;*n's had re*'ned *n France and each one had left a son to ascend the throne0It +as a "rod*'*o!s dnast& +h*ch 3ro-*dence seemed to ha-e mar;ed o!t for d!rat*on and

    "ermanence0 Onl t+o of the ele-en re*'ns had co-ered less than f*fteen ears0

    Th*s s*n'!lar cont*n!*t *n the e6erc*se and transm*ss*on of "o+er had allo+ed& *f not determ*ned&

    the format*on of nat*onal !n*t0

    For the fe!dal l*n;& a "!rel "ersonal one bet+een -assal and s!era*n& bet+een the +ea;er and the

    stron'er& +as s!bst*t!ted 'rad!all another relat*onsh*"& another com"act !n*t*n' the members of a

    -ast h!man comm!n*t +h*ch had for lon' been s!b(ect to s*m*lar -*c*ss*t!des and an *dent*cal la+0

    If the conce"t of the nat*on had not et become e-*dent *ts smbol alread e6*sted *n the "erson of

    the so-ere*'n& the s!"reme so!rce of a!thor*t and the !lt*mate co!rt of a""eal0 Bhoe-er tho!'ht of

    the ;*n' also tho!'ht of France0

    And 3h*l*" the Fa*r& thro!'ho!t h*s l*fe& had set h*mself to cement th*s nascent !n*t +*th a "o+erf!l

    central*ed adm*n*strat*on and the sstemat*c destr!ct*on of e6ternal and *nternal r*-alr0

    Hardl had the Iron ,*n' d*ed& +hen h*s son& Lo!*s 4& follo+ed h*m to the 'ra-e0 The "o"!lat*on

    co!ld not hel" b!t see *n these t+o deaths& ;*n's str!c; do+n *n the*r "r*me& one follo+*n' so !*c;lon the other& the f*n'er of fate0

    Lo!*s 4& the H!t*n& had re*'ned e*'hteen months& s*6 das and ten ho!rs0 D!r*n' th*s short "er*od of

    t*me& th*s "*t*f!l monarch had destroed the 'reater "art of h*s father?s ach*e-ement0 H*s re*'n had seen

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    the m!rder of h*s !een and the han'*n' of h*s f*rst m*n*ster fam*ne had ra-a'ed France t+o

    "ro-*nces had rebelled and an arm had been en'!lfed *n the Flanders m!d0 The 'reat nobles +ere

    *nfr*n'*n' on the roal "rero'at*-es once more react*on +as all)"o+erf!l and the Treas!r em"t0

    Lo!*s 4 had ascended the throne at a moment +hen the +orld lac;ed a "o"e l*e d*ed before a "ont*ff had

    been elected& and Chr*stendom trembled on the -er'e of sch*sm0And no+ France +as +*tho!t a ;*n'0

    For Lo!*s 4& b h*s marr*a'e to Mar'!er*te of #!r'!nd& had left onl a da!'hter of f*-e ears of a'e&1eanne of Na-arre& +ho +as s!s"ected stron'l of bastard0 # h*s second marr*a'e& he had be!eathed

    b!t an e6"ectat*on8 =!een Clemence +as "re'nant b!t +o!ld not be bro!'ht to bed for f*-e months0

    Moreo-er& *t +as be*n' can-assed o"enl that the H!t*n had been been "o*soned0

    No d*s"os*t*on had been made for a re'enc and "ersonal amb*t*ons res!lted *n *nd*-*d!al attem"ts to

    se*e "o+er0 In 3ar*s the Co!nt of 2alo*s endea-o!red to ha-e h*mself "rocla*med Re'ent0 At D*(on the

    D!;e of #!r'!nd& brother of the m!rdered Mar'!er*te and the "o+erf!l head of a baron*al lea'!e&

    !ndertoo; to a-en'e the memor of h*s s*ster b cham"*on*n' the r*'hts of h*s n*ece0 At Lons the Co!nt

    of 3o*t*ers& elder s!r-*-*n' brother of the H!t*n& +as 'ra""l*n' +*th the *ntr*'!es of the card*nals and

    -a*nl str*-*n' to force the Concla-e to a dec*s*on0 The Flem*n's +ere b!t a+a*t*n' the occas*on to ta;e

    !" arms a'a*n +h*le the nob*l*t of Arto*s +as "ert*nac*o!sl cond!ct*n' a c*-*l +ar0

    All th*s +as eno!'h to rem*nd the "eo"le of the c!rse "rono!nced t+o ears before b the %rand Master

    of the Tem"lars from amon' the fa''ots of h*s "re0 In that a'e of s!"erst*t*on& *t m*'ht +ell ha-eseemed& *n the f*rst +ee; of 1!ne @/@5& that the Ca"ets +ere an acc!rsed race0

    3ART ONE


    @0 The Bh*te =!een

    =UEENS BORE +h*te mo!rn*n'0

    The +*m"le of f*ne l*nen& enclos*n' her nec; and *m"r*son*n' her ch*n to the l*"& re-eal*n' onl the

    centre of her face& +as +h*te so +as the 'reat -e*l co-er*n' her forehead and eebro+s so +as the dress

    +h*ch& fastened at the +r*sts& reached to her feet0 =!een Clemence of H!n'ar& +*do+ed at t+ent)three

    after ten months of marr*a'e to ,*n' Lo!*s 4& had donned these almost con-ent!al 'arments and +o!ld

    do!btless +ear them for the rest of her l*fe0

    Henceforth no one +o!ld loo; on her +onderf!l 'olden ha*r& on the "erfect o-al of her face& and on the

    calm& l!stro!s s"lendo!r +h*ch had str!c; all beholders and made her bea!t famo!s0

    The narro+ and "athet*c mas;& framed *n *ts *mmac!late l*nen& bore the mar;s of slee"less n*'hts anddas of +ee"*n'0 E-en her 'ae had altered& ne-er com*n' to rest b!t seem*n' to fl!tter across the

    s!rface of "eo"le and of th*n's0 The lo-el =!een Clemence alread loo;ed l*;e the eff*' on her tomb0

    Ne-ertheless& beneath the folds of her dress& a ne+ l*fe +as form*n'8 Clemence +as "re'nant and she

    +as obsessed b the tho!'ht that her h!sband +o!ld ne-er ;no+ h*s ch*ld0

    GIf onl Lo!*s had l*-ed lon' eno!'h to see h*s ch*ld born? she tho!'ht0 GF*-e months& onl f*-e months

    lon'er Ho+ ha"" he +o!ld ha-e been& "art*c!larl *f *t *s a son0 If I had onl become "re'nant on o!r+edd*n' n*'ht?

    The =!een t!rned +ear*l to loo; at the Co!nt of 2alo*s& +ho +as str!tt*n' !" and do+n the room l*;e a

    coc; on a d!n'h*ll0

    G#!t +h& Uncle& +h sho!ld anone ha-e been so +*c;ed as to "o*son h*m? she as;ed0 GD*d he not do

    all the 'ood *n h*s "o+er Bh are o! al+as search*n' for the +*c;edness of man +here& do!btless&

    there *s b!t a man*festat*on of the D*-*ne B*ll?

    GYo! are on th*s occas*on alone *n render*n' to %od that +h*ch seems rather to belon' to the

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    mach*nat*ons of the De-*l&? re"l*ed Charles of 2alo*s0

    The 'reat crest of h*s hood fall*n' on h*s sho!lder& h*s nose stron'& h*s chee;s bloated and h*'h of colo!r&

    h*s stomach thr!st +ell to the fore& dressed *n the same s!*t of blac; -el-et +*th s*l-er clas"s +h*ch he

    had +orn e*'hteen months earl*er at the f!neral of h*s brother 3h*l*" the Fa*r& Monse*'ne!r of 2alo*s had

    (!st ret!rned from Sa*nt)Den*s& +here he had been b!r*n' Jh*s ne"he+& Lo!*s 40 The ceremon hadcreated a "roblem or t+o for h*m& beca!se& for the f*rst t*me s*nce the r*t!al of roal b!r*als had been

    establ*shed& the off*cers of the Ho!sehold& ha-*n' cr*ed8 GThe ,*n' *s dead? had been !nable to add8GLon' L*-e the ,*n'? and no one ;ne+ before +hom the -ar*o!s r*tes& normall a""ro"r*ate to the ne+

    so-ere*'n& sho!ld be "erformed0

    G2er +ell #rea; o!r +and before me&? 2alo*s had sa*d to the %rand Chamberla*n& Math*e! de Tre0 GI

    am the eldest of the fam*l and ta;e "recedence0?

    #!t h*s half)brother& the Co!nt of E-re!6& had ta;en e6ce"t*on to th*s "ec!l*ar *nno-at*on& for Charles of

    2alo*s +o!ld certa*nl ha-e ta;en ad-anta'e of *t as an ar'!ment for h*s be*n' reco'n*ed as Re'ent0

    GThe eldest of the fam*l& *f o! mean *t *n that sense&? the Co!nt of E-re!6 had sa*d& G*s not o!& Charles0

    O!r Uncle Robert of Clermont *s the son of Sa*nt Lo!*s0 Ha-e o! for'otten that he *s st*ll al*-e?

    GYo! ;no+ -er +ell that "oor Robert *s mad and that h*s clo!ded m*nd cannot be rel*ed on *n anth*n'&?

    2alo*s had re"l*ed& shr!''*n' h*s sho!lders0

    In the end& after the f!neral feast& +h*ch had been held *n the Abbe& the %rand Chamberla*n had bro;en

    the *ns*'n*a of h*s off*ce before an em"t cha*r0GD*d not Lo!*s '*-e alms to the "oor D*d he not "ardon man "r*soners? Clemence +ent on& as *f she

    +ere tr*n' to con-*nce herself0 GHe had a 'enero!s heart& I ass!re o!0 If he s*nned& he re"ented0?

    It +as clearl not the moment to contest the -*rt!es +*th +h*ch the =!een embell*shed the recent

    memor of her h!sband0 Ne-ertheless& Charles of 2alo*s fo!nd *t *m"oss*ble to control an o!tb!rst of *ll)h!mo!r0

    GI ;no+& N*ece& I ;no+&? he re"l*ed& Gthat o! had a most "*o!s *nfl!ence on h*m& and that he +as

    e6tremel 'enero!s 000 to o!0K

    #!t one cannot r!le b "aternosters alone& nor b hea"*n' "resents on those one lo-es0 Re"entance *s not

    eno!'h to d*sarm the hatreds one has so+n0?

    GSo no+&? Clemence tho!'ht& GCharles& +ho la*d a cla*m to "o+er +h*le Lo!*s +as al*-e& *s den*n' h*m

    alread0 And soon I shall be re"roached +*th all the "resents he made me0 I ha-e become the fore*'ner0?

    She +as too +ea;& too o-ercome to f*nd the stren'th for *nd*'nat*on0 She merel sa*d8 GI cannot bel*e-ethat Lo!*s +as so hated that anone +o!ld +*sh to ;*ll h*m0?

    GAll r*'ht& don?t bel*e-e *t& N*ece&? cr*ed 2alo*s ?b!t *t?s the fact There?s the "roof of the do' that l*c;ed

    the l*nen !sed for remo-*n' the entra*ls d!r*n' the embalm*n' and d*ed an ho!r later0 There?s000?

    Clemence closed her ees and cl!tched the arms of her cha*r *n order not to reel at the -*s*on *t con(!red

    !" *n her m*nd0 Ho+ co!ld anone s"ea; so cr!ell of her h!sband& the ,*n' +ho had sle"t bes*de her&

    the father of the ch*ld she carr*ed& com"ell*n' her to *ma'*ne the cor"se beneath the ;n*-es of theembalmers

    Monse*'ne!r of 2alo*s cont*n!ed to de-elo" h*s macabre thes*s0 Bhen +o!ld he sto" tal;*n'& that fat&

    restless& -a*n a!thor*tar*an +ho& dressed somet*mes *n bl!e& somet*mes *n red& somet*mes *n blac;& had

    a""eared at e-er *m"ortant or tra'*c ho!r *n Clemence?s l*fe d!r*n' the ten months she had been *nFrance& to lect!re her& deafen her +*th +ords and com"el her to act a'a*nst her +*ll E-en on the

    morn*n' of her marr*a'e at Sa*nt)Le& Uncle 2alo*s& +hom Clemence had scarcel e-er seen& had almosts"o*led the ceremon b *nstr!ct*n' her *n Co!rt *ntr*'!es of +h*ch she !nderstood noth*n'0 Clemence

    remembered Lo!*s com*n' to meet her on the Troes road& the co!ntr ch!rch& the room *n the l*ttle

    castle& ?so hast*l f!rn*shed as a n!"t*al chamber0 GD*d I real*e m ha""*ness No& I m!st not +ee" *n

    front of h*m&? she tho!'ht0

    GBho the a!thor of th*s a""all*n' cr*me ma be&? +ent on 2alo*s& G+e do not et ;no+ b!t +e shall

    d*sco-er h*m& N*ece& I '*-e o! m solemn "rom*se0 If I am '*-en the necessar "o+ers& that *s0 Be

    ;*n's 000 2alo*s ne-er lost an o""ort!n*t of rem*nd*n' "eo"le of the fact that he had +orn t+o cro+ns&

    +h*ch& tho!'h the +ere "!rel nom*nal& st*ll "!t h*m on an e!al foot*n' +*th so-ere*'n "r*nces0@

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    The nubers in the te*t refer to the "istorical otes at the end of the book,

    ??Be ;*n's ha-e enem*es +ho are less host*le to o!r "ersons than to the dec*s*ons of o!r "o+er and

    there are man "eo"le +ho m*'ht ha-e an *nterest *n ma;*n' o! a +*do+0 There are the Tem"lars&+hose order as I sa*d at the t*me& *t +as a 'reat m*sta;e to s!""ress0 The formed a secret

    cons"*rac and s+ore to ;*ll m brother and h*s sons0 M brother *s dead& h*s eldest son has

    follo+ed h*m0 There are the Roman card*nals0 Do o! remember Card*nal Caetan*?s attem"t to cast a

    s"ell on Lo!*s and o!r brother)*n)la+ of 3o*t*ers& both of +hom he +*shed to destro The attem"t

    +as d*sco-ered& b!t Caetan* ma +ell ha-e str!c; b other means0 Bhat do o! e6"ect One cannot

    remo-e the 3o"e from the throne of Sa*nt 3eter& as m brother d*d& +*tho!t aro!s*n' resentment0 It

    *s also "oss*ble that s!""orters of the D!;e of #!r'!nd ma st*ll feel b*tter abo!t Mar'!er*te?s

    "!n*shment& to sa noth*n' of the fact that o! re"laced her0?

    Clemence loo;ed Charles of 2alo*s stra*'ht *n the ee& +h*ch embarrassed h*m and made h*m

    fl!sh a l*ttle0 He had had some hand *n Mar'!er*te?s m!rder0 He no+ real*ed that Clemence ;ne+

    *t thro!'h Lo!*s? rash conf*dences no do!bt0

    #!t Clemence sa*d noth*n' *t +as a s!b(ect she +as char of broach*n'0 She felt that she +as*n-ol!ntar*l to blame0 For her h!sband& +hose -*rt!es she boasted& had ne-ertheless had h*s f*rst

    +*fe stran'led so that he m*'ht marr her& Clemence& the n*ece of the ,*n' of Na"les0 Need one

    loo; f!rther for the ca!se of %od?s "!n*shment

    GAnd then there *s o!r ne*'hbo!r& the Co!ntess Maha!t&? 2alo*s h!rr*ed on& G+ho *s not the

    +oman to shr*n; from cr*me& e-en the +orst000?

    GHo+ does she d*ffer from o!? tho!'ht Clemence& not dar*n' to re"l0GNobod seems to shr*n;

    m!ch from ;*ll*n' at th*s Co!rt0?

    GAnd less than a month a'o& to com"el her to s!bm*t& Lo!*s conf*scated her Co!nt of Arto*s0

    For a moment Clemence +ondered *f 2alo*s +ere not *n-ent*n' all these "oss*ble c!l"r*ts *n order

    to conceal the fact that he +as h*mself the a!thor of the cr*me0 #!t she +as *mmed*atel horror)

    str!c; at the tho!'ht for +h*ch there +as *ndeed no "oss*ble bas*s0 No& she ref!sed to s!s"ect

    anone she +anted Lo!*s to ha-e d*ed a nat!ral death0 Ne-ertheless& Clemence 'aed !nconsc*o!sl

    o!t of the o"en +*ndo+ to+ards the so!th +here& beond the trees of the Forest of 2*ncennes& la the

    Chatea! of Conflans& Co!ntess Maha!t?s s!mmer res*dence0 A fe+ das before Lo!*s? death& Maha!t&

    accom"an*ed b her da!'hter& the Co!ntess of 3o*t*ers& had "a*d Clemence a -*s*t an e6tremel

    "ol*te -*s*t0 Clemence had not left them alone for a s*n'le& *nstant0? The had adm*red the ta"estr*es

    *n her room0

    GNoth*n' *s more de'rad*n' than to *ma'*ne that there *s a cr*m*nal amon' the "eo"le abo!t one&?

    tho!'ht Clemence& Gand to start loo;*n' for treason *n e-er face0

    ?That *s +h& m dear n*ece&? +ent on 2alo*s& Go! m!st ret!rn to 3ar*s as I as;ed o!0 Yo! ;no+

    ho+ fond of o! I am0 I arran'ed o!r marr*a'e0 Yo!r father +as m brother)*n)la+0 L*sten to me as

    o! +o!ld ha-e l*stened to h*m& had %od s"ared h*m0 The hand that str!c; do+n Lo!*s ma *ntend

    "!rs!*n' *ts -en'eance on o! and on the ch*ld o! carr0 I cannot lea-e o! here& *n the m*ddle ofthe forest& at the merc of the mach*nat*ons? of the +*c;ed& and I shall be eas onl +hen o! arel*-*n' close to me0?

    For the last ho!r 2alo*s had been tr*n' to "ers!ade Clemence to ret!rn to the 3alace of the C*te&

    beca!se he had dec*ded to 'o there h*mself0 It formed "art of h*s "lan for ass!m*n' the Re'enc and

    fac*n' the Co!nc*l of 3eers +*th the accom"l*shed fact0 Bhoe-er +as master *n the "alace had the

    tra""*n's of "o+er0 #!t to *nstall h*mself there on h*s o+n m*'ht loo; as *f he +ere !s!r"*n' *t b

    force0 If& on the other hand& he entered the C*te *n h*s n*ece?s +a;e& as her nearest relat*-e and

    "rotector& no one co!ld o""ose *t0 The =!een?s cond*t*on +as& at th*s moment& the best "led'e of

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    res"ect and the most effect*-e *nstr!ment of 'o-ernment0

    Clemence t!rned her head& as *f to as; for hel"& to+ards a th*rd "erson +ho +as stand*n' s*lentl

    a fe+ "aces from her& h*s hands crossed on the h*lt of a lon' s+ord& as he l*stened to the


    G#o!-*lle& +hat sho!ld I do? she m!rm!red0H!'!es de #o!-*lle& e6)%rand Chamberla*n to 3h*l*" the Fa*r& had been a""o*nted C!rator of the

    Stomach b the f*rst Co!nc*l +h*ch had follo+ed on the death of the H!t*n0 Th*s 'ood man& no+'ro+*n' sto!t and 're& b!t st*ll e6tremel alert& +ho had been an e6em"lar roal ser-ant for th*rt

    ears& too; h*s ne+ d!t*es most ser*o!sl& *f not tra'*call0 He had formed a cor"s of caref!ll

    "*c;ed 'entlemen& +ho mo!nted '!ard *n detachments of t+ent)fo!r o-er the =!een?s door0 He

    h*mself had donned h*s armo!r and& *n the heat of 1!ne& lar'e dro"s of s+eat +ere r!nn*n' do+n

    !nder h*s coat of ma*l0 The +alls& the co!rtards& *ndeed the +hole "er*meter of 2*ncennes& +ere

    st!ffed +*th archers0 E-er ;*tchen)hand +as constantl escorted b a ser'eant)at)arms0 E-en the

    lad*es)*n)+a*t*n' +ere searched before enter*n' the roal a"artments0 Ne-er had a h!man l*fe been

    '!arded so closel as that +h*ch sl!mbered *n the +omb of the =!een of France0

    In theor #o!-*lle shared h*s d!t*es +*th the old S*re de 1o*n-*lle& +ho had been a""o*nted

    Second C!rator the latter had been selected beca!se he ha""ened to be *n 3ar*s +here he had come

    to dra+& as he d*d t+*ce a ear& +*th the f!ss "!nct!al*t of an old man& the *ncome from the

    endo+ments conferred on h*m *n three s!ccess*-e re*'ns& and *n "art*c!lar +hen Sa*nt Lo!*s +ascanon*ed0 #!t the Hered*tar Seneschal of Cham"a'ne +as no+ n*net)t+o ears old he +as

    "ract*call the doen of the h*'h French nob*l*t0 He +as half bl*nd and th*s last (o!rne from h*s

    Chatea! de Bass *n the Ha!te Marne had t*red h*m o!t0 He s"ent most of h*s t*me do*n' *n the

    com"an of h*s t+o +h*te)bearded e!err*es& so that all the d!t*es had to be "erformed b #o!-*llealone0

    For =!een Clemence& #o!-*lle +as l*n;ed +*th all her ha""*est memor*es0 He had been the

    ambassador +ho had come to as; her hand *n marr*a'e and had escorted her from Na"les he +as

    her !tterl de-oted conf*dant and "robabl the onl tr!e fr*end she had at the French Co!rt0 #o!-*lle

    had "erfectl !nderstood that Clemence d*d not +*sh to lea-e 2*ncennes0

    GMonse*'ne!r&? he sa*d to 2alo*s& GI can better ass!re the safet of the =!een *n th*s manor +*th *ts

    close& s!rro!nd*n' +alls than *n the 'reat 3alace of the C*te& o"en to all corners0 And *f o! are

    +orr*ed abo!t the Co!ntess Maha!t be*n' near& I can *nform o!& for I am ;e"t *n to!ch +*the-erth*n' that 'oes on *n the ne*'hbo!rhood& that Madame Maha!t?s +a'ons are at th*s moment

    be*n' loaded for 3ar*s0?

    2alo*s +as cons*derabl annoed b the a*r of *m"ortance #o!-*lle had ass!med s*nce he had

    become C!rator& and b h*s *ns*stence on rema*n*n' there& st!c; to h*s s+ord& b the =!een?s s*de0

    GMons*e!r H!'!es&? he sa*d ha!'ht*l& Go!r d!t *s to +atch o-er the stomach& not to dec*de

    +here the roal fam*l shall res*de& nor to defend the +hole ;*n'dom on o!r o+n0?Not *n the least "ert!rbed& #o!-*lle re"l*ed8 GI m!st also rem*nd o!& Monse*'ne!r& that the

    =!een cannot a""ear *n "!bl*c !nt*l fort das ha-e ela"sed s*nce her berea-ement0?

    GI ;no+ the c!stom as +ell as o! do& m 'ood man Bho sa*d that the =!een +o!ld sho+

    herself *n "!bl*c She shall tra-el *n a closed coach0 Reall& N*ece&? 2alo*s cr*ed& t!rn*n' toClemence& Ganone +o!ld th*n; that I +as tr*n' to send o! to the co!ntr of the %reat ,han& and

    that 2*ncennes +as t+o tho!sand lea'!es from 3ar*s?GYo! m!st !nderstand& Uncle&? Clemence re"l*ed +ea;l& Gthat l*-*n' at 2*ncennes *s m last '*ft

    from Lo!*s0 He 'a-e me th*s ho!se& *n there& and o! +ere "resent? ) she fl!ttered her hand to+ards

    the room *n +h*ch Lo!*s 4 had d*ed )? that I m*'ht l*-e *n *t0 It seems to me that he has not reall

    de"arted0 Yo! m!st !nderstand that *t?s here that +e had 000?

    #!t Monse*'ne!r of 2alo*s co!ld not !nderstand the cla*ms of memor or the *ma'*n*n's of


    GYo!r h!sband& for +hom +e "ra& m dear n*ece& belon's henceforth to the ;*n'dom?s "ast0 #!t

    o! carr *ts f!t!re0 # e6"os*n' o!r l*fe& o! e6"ose that of o!r ch*ld0 Lo!*s& +ho sees o! from

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    THE 1UNE n*'ht +as be'*nn*n' to 'ro+ "ale alread *n the east a th*n 're strea; lo+ *n the s; +as

    the harb*n'er of the s!n& soon to r*se o-er the c*t of Lons0

    It +as the ho!r +hen the +a'ons set o!t for the c*t& br*n'*n' fr!*t and -e'etables from thene*'hbo!r*n' co!ntrs*de the ho!r +hen the o+ls fell s*lent and the s"arro+s had not et be'!n to

    t+*tter0 It +as also the ho!r +hen Card*nal 1ac!es D!ee& beh*nd the narro+ +*ndo+s of one of the

    a"artments of hono!r *n the Abbe of A*na& tho!'ht abo!t death0

    The Card*nal had ne-er had m!ch need of slee" and as he 're+ older he needed st*ll less0 Three ho!rs

    of slee" +ere !*te eno!'h0 A l*ttle after m*dn*'ht he rose and sat at h*s des;0 A man of !*c; *ntellect

    and "rod*'*o!s ;no+led'e& tra*ned *n all the *ntellect!al d*sc*"l*nes& he had com"osed treat*ses on

    theolo'& la+& med*c*ne and alchem +h*ch carr*ed +e*'ht amon' the scholars and sa-ants of h*s t*me0

    In th*s "er*od& +hen the 'reat ho"e of "oor and "r*nces al*;e +as the man!fact!re of 'old& D!ee?s

    doctr*nes on the el*6*rs for the transm!tat*on of metals +ere m!ch referred to0

    GThe mater*als from +h*ch el*6*rs can be made are three&? co!ld be read *n h*s +or; ent*tled The

    3h*loso"hers? El*6*r& Gthe se-en metals& the se-en s"*r*ts and other th*n's 00 0 The se-en metals are s!n&

    moon& co""er& t*n& lead& *ron& and !*c;s*l-er the se-en s"*r*ts are !*c;s*l-er& s!l"h!r& sal)ammon*ac&

    or"*ment& t!tt& ma'nes*a& marcas*te and the other th*n's are !*c;s*l-er& h!man blood& horses? blood

    and !r*ne& and h!man !r*ne0?.At se-ent)t+o the Card*nal +as st*ll f*nd*n' f*elds *n +h*ch he had not '*-en h*s tho!'ht e6"ress*on&

    and +as com"let*n' h*s +or; +h*le others sle"t0 He !sed as man candles as a +hole comm!n*t of


    D!r*n' the n*'hts he also +or;ed at the h!'e corres"ondence +h*ch he ma*nta*ned +*th n!mero!s

    "relates& abbots& (!r*sts& scholars& chancellors and so-ere*'n "r*nces all o-er E!ro"e0 H*s secretar and

    h*s co"*sts fo!nd the*r +hole da?s +or; read for them *n the morn*n'0

    Or a'a*n& he m*'ht cons*der the horosco"e of one of h*s r*-als *n the Concla-e& com"ar*n' *t to h*s o+n

    s;& and as;*n' the "lanets +hether he +o!ld don the t*ara0 Accord*n' to the stars& h*s 'reatest chance

    of becom*n' 3o"e +as bet+een the be'*nn*n' of A!'!st and the be'*nn*n' of Se"tember of the "resent

    ear0 And no+ *t +as alread the tenth of 1!ne and noth*n' seemed to be sha"*n' to that end0

    Then came that "a*nf!l moment before the da+n0 As *f he had a "remon*t*on that he +o!ld lea-e the

    +orld "rec*sel at that ho!r& the Card*nal felt a sort of d*ff!sed d*stress& a -a'!e !nease both of bodand of m*nd0 In h*s fat*'!e he !est*oned h*s "ast act*ons0 H*s memor*es +ere of an e6traord*nar

    dest*n0 A member of a fam*l of b!r'esses of Cahors& and st*ll com"letel !n;no+n at an a'e at +h*ch

    most men *n those t*mes had alread made the*r career& h*s l*fe seemed to ha-e be'!n onl at fort)fo!r&

    +hen he had left s!ddenl for Na"les *n the com"an of an !ncle& +ho +as 'o*n' there on b!s*ness0

    The -oa'e& be*n' a+a from home& the d*sco-er of Ital& had had a c!r*o!s effect on h*m0 A fe+ das

    after land*n'& he had become the "!"*l of the t!tor to the roal ch*ldren and had thro+n h*mself *ntoabstract st!d +*th a "ass*on& a fren& a !*c;ness of com"rehens*on and a "rec*s*on of memor +h*ch

    the most *ntell*'ent adolescent m*'ht ha-e en-*ed0 He +as no more s!b(ect to h!n'er than he +as to the

    need for slee"0 A "*ece of bread had often s!ff*ced h*m for a +hole da& and "r*son l*fe +o!ld ha-e

    been "erfectl a'reeable to h*m "ro-*ded he had been f!rn*shed +*th boo;s0 He had soon become a

    doctor of canon la+& then a doctor of c*-*l la+& and h*s name had be'!n to be ;no+n0 The Co!rt of

    Na"les so!'ht the ad-*ce of the cler*c from Cahors0Th*s th*rst for ;no+led'e +as s!cceeded b a th*rst for "o+er0 Co!nc*llor to ,*n' Charles II of An(o!)

    S*c*l the 'randfather of =!een ClemenceP& then Secretar to the Secret Co!nc*ls and the holder of

    n!mero!s eccles*ast*cal benef*ces& he had been a""o*nted #*sho" of Fre(!s ten ears after h*s arr*-al&

    and a l*ttle later s!cceeded to the "ost of Chancellor of the ,*n'dom of Na"les& that *s to sa& f*rst

    m*n*ster of a state +h*ch *ncl!ded both so!thern Ital and the +hole Co!nt of 3ro-ence0

    So fab!lo!s a r*se amon' the *ntr*'!es of Co!rts had not been accom"l*shed merel +*th the talents of

    a (!r*st or a theolo'*an0 An e-ent ;no+n to b!t fe+ "eo"le& s*nce *t +as a secret of the Ch!rch& sho+s

    the c!nn*n' and *m"!dence of +h*ch D!ee +as ca"able0

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    A fe+ months after the death of Charles II he had been sent on a m*ss*on to the 3a"al Co!rt& at a t*me

    +hen the b*sho"r*c of A-*'non ) the most *m"ortant *n Chr*stendom beca!se *t +as the seat of the Hol

    See ) ha""ened to b7 -acant0 St*ll Chancellor& and therefore the re"os*tor of the seals& he

    d*s*n'en!o!sl +rote a letter *n +h*ch the ne+ ,*n' of Na"les& Robert& as;ed for the e"*sco"ate of

    A-*'non for 1ac!es0 D!ee0 Th*s he d*d *n @/@$& Clement 2& an6*o!s to ac!*re the s!""ort of Na"lesat a t*me +hen h*s relat*ons +*th 3h*l*" the Fa*r +ere some+hat !neas& had *mmed*atel acceded to

    the !est0 The fra!d +as d*sco-ered onl +hen 3o"e Clement and ,*n' Robert met +*th m!t!als!r"r*se& the f*rst beca!se he had rece*-ed no than;s for so 'reat a fa-o!r& the second beca!se he

    cons*dered the !ne6"ected a""o*ntment& +h*ch de"r*-ed h*m of h*s chancellor& some+hat ca-al*er0 #!t

    *t +as too late0 Rather than create !seless scandal& ,*n' Robert t!rned a bl*nd ee& "referr*n' to ;ee" a

    hold o-er a man +ho +as to occ!" one of the h*'hest of eccles*ast*cal "os*t*ons0 Each had done +ell

    o!t of *t00 And no+ D!ee +as Card*nal *n C!r*a& and h*s +or;s +ere st!d*ed *n e-er !n*-ers*t0

    Yet& ho+e-er aston*sh*n' h*s career m*'ht be& *t a""eared so onl to those +ho loo;ed on *t from the

    o!ts*de0 Das l*-ed& +hether f!ll or em"t& +hether b!s or serene& are b!t das 'one b& and the ashes

    of the "ast +e*'h the same *n e-er hand0

    Had so m!ch act*-*t& amb*t*on and e6"ended ener' an mean*n'& +hen *t m!st all *ne-*tabl end *n

    that #eond of +h*ch the 'reatest *ntellects and the most abstr!se of h!man sc*ences co!ld 'l*m"se no

    more than *ndec*"herable fra'ments Bh sho!ld he +*sh to become 3o"e Bo!ld *t not ha-e been

    +*ser to ret*re to a clo*ster *n detachment from the +orld la as*de the "r*de ?of ;no+led'e and the-an*t of "o+er and ac!*re the h!m*l*t of s*m"le fa*th *n order to "re"are h*mself for death #!t

    e-en med*tat*n' th!s& Card*nal D!ee t!rned "erforce to abstract s"ec!lat*on and h*s concern +*th

    death became transformed *nto a (!r*d*cal ar'!ment +*th the De*t0

    GThe doctors ass!re !s&? he tho!'ht that morn*n'& Gthat the so!ls of the (!st& *mmed*atel after death&en(o the beat*f*c -*s*on of %od& +h*ch *s the*r recom"ense0 So be *t& so be *t& #!t after the end of the

    +orld& +hen the bod*es of the dead ha-e r*sen a'a*n to re(o*n the*r so!ls& +e are to be (!d'ed at the Last

    1!d'ement0 Yet %od& +ho *s "erfect& cannot s*t *n a""eal on H*s o+n (!d'ements0 %od cannot comm*t a

    m*sta;e and be thereb com"elled to cast o!t of 3arad*se the elect He has adm*tted alread0 Moreo-er&

    +o!ld *t not be "ro"er for the so!l to enter *nto "ossess*on of the (o of the Lord onl at the moment

    +hen& re!n*ted +*th *ts bod& *t *s *tself *n *ts nat!re "erfect Therefore the doctors m!st be +ron'0

    Therefore there cannot be e*ther beat*t!de& as s!ch& nor the beat*f*c -*s*on before the end of t*me& and

    %od +*ll "erm*t H*mself to be loo;ed on onl after the Last 1!d'ement0 #!t& t*ll then& +here are theso!ls of the dead Do +e +a*t "erha"s s!b altare De*& beneath that altar of %od of +h*ch Sa*nt 1ohn the

    D*-*ne s"ea;s *n h*s A"ocal"se?

    The no*se of horses hoo-es& a most !n!s!al so!nd at that ho!r& echoed alon' the abbe +alls and across

    the l*ttle ro!nd cobbles +*th +h*ch the best streets *n Lons +ere "a-ed0 The Card*nal l*stened for a

    moment& then rela"sed *nto the reason*n' +hose conse!ences +ere *ndeed s!r"r*s*n'0

    GFor *f 3arad*se *s em"t&? he sa*d to h*mself& G*t creates a s*n'!lar mod*f*cat*on *n the cond*t*on of those

    +hom +e decree to be sa*nts or blessed0 And +hat *s tr!e for the so!ls of the (!st m!st necessar*l be

    tr!e also for the so!ls of the !n(!st0 %od co!ld not "!n*sh the +*c;ed before He has recom"ensed the

    (!st0 The labo!rer rece*-es h*s h*re at the end of the da and *t m!st be at the end of the +orld that the

    +heat +*ll be se"arated f*nall from the tares0 There can be no so!l at th*s moment l*-*n' *n Hell& s*nce

    sentence has not et been "rono!nced0 And that *sas m!ch as to sa that Hell& t*ll then& does not e6*st0?

    Th*s "ro"os*t*on +as "ec!l*arl reass!r*n' to someone th*n;*n' of death *t "ost"oned the date of the

    s!"reme tr*al +*tho!t destro*n' the "ros"ect of eternal l*fe& and +as more or less *n ;ee"*n' +*th the

    *nt!*t*on& common to the 'reater "art of men& that death *s a fall*n' *nto a dar; and *mmense s*lence&

    *nto an *ndef*n*te !nconsc*o!sness0

    Clearl s!ch a doctr*ne& *f *t +ere to be o"enl "rofessed& co!ld not fa*l to aro!se -*olent attac; both

    amon' the doctors of the Ch!rch and amon' the "*o!s "o"!lace& and the moment +as *ll)chosen for a

    cand*date to the Hol See to "reach the *ne6*stence of both Hea-en and Hell& or the*r em"t*ness0/
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    ?Be shall ha-e to a+a*t the end of the Concla-e&? the Card*nal tho!'ht0 He +as *nterr!"ted b a mon; *n

    attendance +ho ;noc;ed on h*s door and anno!nced the arr*-al of a co!r*er from 3ar*s0

    GBho does he come from? as;ed the Card*nal0

    D!ee had a smothered& stran'led& !tterl toneless -o*ce& tho!'h *t +as "erfectl d*st*nct0

    GFrom the Co!nt de #o!-*lle&? re"l*ed the mon;0 GHe m!st ha-e r*dden fast& for he loo;s -er t*red+hen I +ent to o"en to h*m& I fo!nd h*m half aslee"& h*s forehead a'a*nst the door0&

    ?#r*n' h*m to me at once0?And the Card*nal& +ho had been med*tat*n' a fe+ m*n!tes before on the -an*t of the amb*t*ons of th*s

    +orld& *mmed*atel tho!'ht8 GCan *t be on the s!b(ect of the elect*on Is the Co!rt of France o"enl

    s!""ort*n' m cand*dat!re Is someone 'o*n' to offer me a bar'a*n?

    He felt e6c*ted& f!ll of ho"e and c!r*os*t he +al;ed !" and do+n the room +*th l*ttle& ra"*d ste"s0

    D!ee +as no taller than a bo of f*fteen& and had a mo!se)l*;e face beneath th*c; +h*te eebro+s and

    fra'*le bones0

    #eond the +*ndo+s the s; +as be'*nn*n' to t!rn "*n; *t +as alread da+n b!t not et l*'ht eno!'h

    to sn!ff the candles0 H*s bad ho!r +as o-er0

    The co!r*er entered at f*rst 'lance& the Card*nal ;ne+ that th*s +as no !s!al co!r*er0 In the f*rst "lace& a

    "rofess*onal +o!ld *mmed*atel ha-e 'one do+n on h*s ;nee and handed o-er h*s messa'e)bo6&

    *nstead of rema*n*n' on h*s feet& bo+*n' and sa*n'& GMonse*'ne!r 0 0 0? #es*des& the Co!rt of France

    sent *ts messa'es b stron'& sol*dl b!*lt horsemen& +ell *n!red to hardsh*"& s!ch as b*' Rob*n)C!*sse)Mar*a& +ho often made the (o!rne bet+een 3ar*s and A-*'non& and not a str*"l*n' +*th a "o*nted nose&

    +ho seemed hardl able to ;ee" h*s ees o"en and reeled *n h*s boots from fat*'!e0

    ?It loo;s -er l*;e a d*s'!*se&? D!ee tho!'ht0 GAnd +hat?s more& I?-e seen that face some+here before0?

    He bro;e the seals of the letter +*th h*s th*n short hands and +as at once d*sa""o*nted0 It d*d not concernthe elect*on0 It +as merel a "lea for "rotect*on for the messen'er0 Ne-ertheless& he sa+ a fa-o!rable

    s*'n *n th*s +hen 3ar*s des*red some ser-*ce from the eccles*ast*cal a!thor*t*es& the no+ loo;ed to h*m0

    ?Allora& le* e *t S*'nore %!cc*o #a'l*on*? he sa*d& +hen he had f*n*shed read*n'0

    The o!n' man started to hear h*mself addressed *n Ital*an0

    GS*& Mons*'nore0?

    /01o 2ou are 3essire 4uccio #alioni'

    GThe Co!nt de #o!-*lle recommends o! to me that I ma ta;e o! !nder m "rotect*on and concealo! from the enem*es +ho are search*n' for o!0?

    GIf o! +*ll do me that fa-o!r& Monse*'ne!r0?

    GIt a""ears that o! ha-e had an !nfort!nate ad-ent!re +h*ch has com"elled o! to fl *n that l*-er&?

    +ent on the Card*nal *n h*s ra"*d& toneless -o*ce0 GTell me abo!t *t0 #o!-*lle sas that o! formed "art of

    h*s escort +hen he bro!'ht =!een Clemence to France0 Indeed& I remember no+0 I sa+ o! +*th h*m0

    And o! are the ne"he+ of Mess*re Tolome*& the Ca"ta*n)%eneral of the Lombards of 3ar*s0 E6cellent&

    e6cellent Tell me o!r tro!bles0?

    He had sat do+n and +as to*n' mechan*call +*th a re-ol-*n' read*n')des; on +h*ch +ere a n!mber

    of the boo;s he !sed *n h*s +or;0 He no+ felt calm and rela6ed& read to d*stract h*s m*nd +*th other

    "eo"le?s l*ttle "roblems0

    %!cc*o #a'l*on* had r*dden three h!ndred m*les *n less than fo!r das0 He co!ld no lon'er feel h*s

    l*mbs there +as a th*c; fo' *n h*s head and he +o!ld ha-e '*-en anth*n' *n the +orld to stretchh*mself o!t on the floor and slee" and slee"0

    He mana'ed to master h*mself h*s safet& h*s lo-e and h*s f!t!re all made *t necessar that he sho!ld

    control h*s fat*'!e for a l*ttle lon'er0

    GBell& Monse*'ne!r& I marr*ed a da!'hter of the nob*l*t&? he re"l*ed0

    It seemed to h*m that these +ords had *ss!ed from another?s l*"s0 The +ere not those he +o!ld ha-e+*shed to !tter0 He +o!ld ha-e l*;ed to e6"la*n to the Card*nal that an !n"aralleled d*saster had

    o-erta;en h*m& that he +as the most cr!shed and harro+ed of men& that h*s l*fe +as threatened& that he

    had been se"arated& "erha"s for e-er& from the one +oman +*tho!t +hom he co!ld not l*-e& that th*s

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    +oman +as to be sh!t !" *n a con-ent& that e-ents had befallen them d!r*n' the last t+o +ee;s +*th

    s!ch s!dden -*olence that t*me seemed to ha-e lost *ts normal d*mens*ons& and that he felt he +as hardl

    st*ll l*-*n' *n the +orld he ;ne+0 And et h*s +hole tra'ed& +hen *t had to be "!t *nto +ords& +as

    red!ced to the s*n'le "hrase8 GMonse*'ne!r& I marr*ed a da!'hter of the nob*l*t0?

    GIndeed&? sa*d the Card*nal& Gand +hat *s her name? GMar*e de Cressa0?GOh& Cressa I don?t ;no+ *t0?

    G#!t I had to marr her secretl& Monse*'ne!r her fam*l +ere o""osed to *t0?G#eca!se o!?re a Lombard Nat!rall the?re st*ll rather old)fash*oned *n France0 In Ital& of co!rse 000

    So o! +*sh to obta*n an ann!lment Bell 000 *f the marr*a'e +as secret0 00?

    GNo& Monse*'ne!r& I lo-e her and she lo-es me&? sa*d %!cc*o0 G#!t her fam*l has d*sco-ered that she *s

    +*th ch*ld& and her brothers ha-e "!rs!ed me to tr and ;*ll me0?

    GThe ma do so& the ha-e a c!stomar r*'ht to do so0 Yo! ha-e "!t o!rself *n the "os*t*on of a

    ra-*sher0 Bho marr*ed o!?

    GFather 2*ceno0?

    GFra 2*ceno I don?t ;no+ h*m0?

    GThe +orst of *t *s& Monse*'ne!r& that the "r*est *s dead0 So I can ne-er "ro-e that +e are reall marr*ed0

    #!t don?t th*n; I?m a co+ard& Monse*'ne!r I +anted to f*'ht0 #!t m !ncle +ent and as;ed the ad-*ce

    of Mess*re de #o!-*lle000?

    ?000 +ho +*sel ad-*sed o! to 'o a+a for a t*me0?G#!t Mar*e *s 'o*n' to be sh!t !" *n a con-ent Do o! th*n;& Monse*'ne!r& that o! +*ll be able to 'et

    her o!t Do o! th*n; I shall e-er see her a'a*n?

    GOne th*n' at a t*me& m dear son&? re"l*ed the Card*nal& st*ll re-ol-*n' h*s read*n')des;0 GA con-ent

    Bhat better "lace co!ld she be *n at the moment Yo! m!st tr!st *n %od?s *nf*n*te merc& of +h*ch +eall stand *n s!ch 'reat need0?

    %!cc*o lo+ered h*s head +*th an e6ha!sted a*r0 H*s blac; ha*r +as co-ered +*th d!st0

    GHas o!r !ncle 'ood commerc*al relat*ons +*th the #ard*? +ent on the Card*nal0

    GIndeed es& Monse*'ne!r0 The #ard* are o!r ban;ers& I bel*e-e&? re"l*ed %!cc*o +*th a!tomat*c


    GYes& the are m ban;ers0 #!t I f*nd them less eas to deal +*th these das than the +ere *n the "ast0

    The?-e become s!ch an enormo!s concern The ha-e branches e-er+here0 And the ha-e to refer to&

    Florence for the smallest demand0 The?re as slo+ as an Eccles*ast*cal Co!rt0 Has o!r !ncle man"relates amon' h*s c!stomers?

    %!cc*o?s cares +ere -er far remo-ed from the ban;0 The fo' +as 'ro+*n' th*c;er *n h*s head h*s

    eel*ds +ere b!rn*n'0

    GBe ha-e mostl the 'reat barons&? he sa*d& Gthe Co!nt of 2alo*s& the Co!nt of Arto*s0 Be sho!ld be

    'reatl hono!red& Monse*'ne!r0 0 0

    GBe?ll tal; of that later0 For the moment o!?re *n the shelter of th*s monaster0 Yo! +*ll "ass for a man*n m em"lo "erha"s +e?ll ma;e o! +ear a cler;?s robe0 I?ll tal; to m cha"la*n abo!t *t0 Yo! can ta;e

    off that l*-er and 'o and slee" *n "eace that a""ears to be +hat o! need the most0?

    %!cc*o bo+ed& m!ttered a fe+ +ords of 'rat*t!de and +ent to the door0 Then& com*n' to a halt& he sa*d8

    GI can?t !ndress et& Monse*'ne!r I?-e 'ot another messa'e to del*-er0?GTo +hom? as;ed D!ee some+hat s!s"*c*o!sl0

    GTo the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0?G%*-e me the letter I?ll send *t later b one of the brothers0?

    G#!t& Monse*'ne!r& Mess*re de #o!-*lle +as -er *ns*stent000?

    GDo o! ;no+ *f the messa'e concerns the Concla-e?

    GOh& no& Monse*'ne!r It?s abo!t the ,*n'?s death0?

    The Card*nal lea"t from h*s cha*r0

    G,*n' Lo!*s *s dead #!t +h d*dn?t o! sa so at once?

    GIsn?t *t ;no+n here I tho!'ht o! +o!ld ha-e been *nformed& Monse*'ne!r0?

    In fact& he +asn?t th*n;*n' at all0 H*s m*sfort!nes and h*s fat*'!e had made h*m for'et th*s ca"*tal e-ent0

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    He had 'allo"ed all the +a from 3ar*s& chan'*n' horses *n the monaster*es +hose names he had been

    '*-en& eat*n' hast*l and tal;*n' as l*ttle as "oss*ble0 B*tho!t ;no+*n' *t& he had forestalled the off*c*al


    GBhat d*d he d*e of?

    GThat?s "rec*sel +hat Mess*re de #o!-*lle +ants to tell the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0?M!rder? +h*s"ered D!ee0

    GIt seems the ,*n' +as "o*soned0? The Card*nal tho!'ht for a moment0GThat ma alter man th*n's&? he m!rm!red0 GHas a re'ent been a""o*nted?

    GI don?t ;no+& Monse*'ne!r0 Bhen I left& e-erone +as tal;*n' of the Co!nt of 2alo*s0??

    GAll r*'ht& m dear son& 'o and restK

    ?#!t& Monse*'ne!r& +hat abo!t the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers?

    The "relate?s th*n l*"s s;etched a ra"*d sm*le& +h*ch m*'ht ha-e "assed for an e6"ress*on of 'ood+*ll0

    GIt +o!ld not be "r!dent for o! to sho+ o!rself moreo-er& o!?re dro""*n' +*th fat*'!e&? he sa*d0

    G%*-e me the letter and so that no one can re"roach o!& I?ll '*-e *t h*m mself0?

    A fe+ m*n!tes later& "receded b a l*n;man& as h*s d*'n*t re!*red& and follo+ed b a secretar& the

    Card*nal *n C!r*a left the Abbe of A*na& bet+een the Rhone and the Saone& and +ent o!t *nto the dar;

    alles& +h*ch +ere often made narro+er st*ll b hea"s of f*lth0 Th*n and sl*'ht& he seemed to s;*" alon'&

    almost r!nn*n' *n s"*te of h*s se-ent)t+o ears0 H*s "!r"le robe a""eared to dance bet+een the +alls0

    The bells of the t+ent ch!rches and fort)t+o monaster*es of Lons ran' for the f*rst off*ce0 D*stances+ere short *n th*s c*t& +h*ch n!mbered barel t+ent tho!sand *nhab*tants& of +hom half +ere en'a'ed

    *n the commerce of rel*'*on and the other half *n the rel*'*on of commerce0 The Card*nal soon reached

    the ho!se of the Cons!l& +here lod'ed the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0

    /0 The 'ates of Lons

    THE COUNT OF 3OITIERS +as (!st f*n*sh*n' dress*n' +hen h*s chamberla*n anno!nced the

    Card*nal?s -*s*t0

    2er tall& -er th*n& +*th a "rom*nent nose& h*s ha*r l*n' across h*s forehead *n short loc;s and fall*n' *n

    c!rls abo!t h*s chee;s& h*s s;*n fresh as *t ma be at t+ent)three& the o!n' 3r*nce& clothed *n a

    dress*n')'o+n of shot camocas& 'reeted Monse*'ne!r D!ee& ;*ss*n' h*s r*n' +*th deference0

    It +o!ld ha-e been d*ff*c!lt to f*nd a 'reater contrast& a more *ron*cal d*ss*m*lar*t than bet+een these

    t+o f*'!res& one l*;e a ferret (!st emer'ed from *ts earth& the other l*;e a heron stal;*n' ha!'ht*l across

    the marshes0

    ?In s"*te of the earl ho!r& Monse*'ne!r&? sa*d the Card*nal& GI d*d not +*sh to defer br*n'*n' o! m

    "raers *n the loss o! ha-e s!ffered0?

    GThe loss? sa*d 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers +*th a sl*'ht start0

    H*s f*rst tho!'ht +as for h*s +*fe& 1eanne& +hom he had left *n 3ar*s and +ho had been "re'nant for

    e*'ht months0

    GI see that I ha-e done +ell to come and tell o!&? +ent on D!ee0 GThe ,*n'& o!r brother& d*ed f*-e

    das a'o0?

    3h*l*""e stood "erfectl st*ll h*s chest barel mo-ed as he dre+ a dee" breath0 H*s face +ase6"ress*onless& sho+*n' no s!r"r*se or emot*on ) or e-en& *m"at*ence for f!rther deta*ls0

    GI am 'ratef!l to o! for o!r alacr*t& Monse*'ne!r&? he re"l*ed0 G#!t ho+ ha-e o! mana'ed to& hear

    the ne+s before mself?

    GFrom Mess*re de #o!-*lle& +hose messen'er has r*dden *n haste so that I ma '*-e o! th*s letter


    The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers bro;e& the seals and read the letter& hold*n' *t close to h*s nose for he +as -er

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    short)s*'hted0 A'a*n& he betraed no s*'n of emot*on& +hen he had f*n*shed read*n'& he merel sl*""ed

    the letter *nto h*s 'o+n0 #!t he sa*d no +ord0

    The Card*nal also rema*ned s*lent& "retend*n' to res"ect the 3r*nce?s sorro+& altho!'h he sho+ed no

    'reat s*'ns of affl*ct*on0

    G%od "reser-e h*m from the "a*ns of hell&? sa*d the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers at last& to com"lement the "relate?sde-o!t e6"ress*on0 GYes 000 Hell&? D!ee m!rm!red0 GAn+a& let !s "ra to %od0

    I am also th*n;*n' of the !nfort!nate =!een Clemence& +hom I sa+ 'ro+ !" +hen I +as +*th the ,*n'of Na"les0 So s+eet and "erfect a "r*ncess0 00?

    GYes& *t?s a 'reat m*sfort!ne for m s*ster)*n)la+&? sa*d 3o*t*ers0

    And as he sa*d *t& he tho!'ht8 GLo!*s has left no testamentar d*s"os*t*on for a re'enc0 Alread& from

    +hat #o!-*lle +r*tes& m Uncle 2alo*s *s at +or;000?

    GBhat are o! 'o*n' to do& Monse*'ne!r B*ll o! ret!rn to 3ar*s *mmed*atel? the Card*nal as;ed0

    GI don?t ;no+& I don?t et ;no+&? re"l*ed 3o*t*ers0 GI shall +a*t for more *nformat*on0 I shall hold mself at

    the d*s"os*t*on of the ;*n'dom0?

    In h*s letter #o!-*lle had not concealed the fact that he +*shed for 3o*t*ers? ret!rn0 As the elder of the

    dead ,*n'?s brothers& and as a "eer of the ;*n'dom& 3o*t*ers? "lace +as at the co!nc*l of the Cro+n *n

    +h*ch& at the -er f*rst meet*n'& d*ssens*on had bro;en o!t o-er the a""o*ntment of a re'ent0

    #!t& on the other band& 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers felt re'ret& e-en rel!ctance& at ha-*n' to lea-e Lons before

    he had com"leted the tas;s he had !nderta;en0In the f*rst "lace he had to concl!de the contract of betrothal bet+een h*s th*rd da!'hter& Isabelle& +ho

    +as barel f*-e ears of a'e& and the Da!"h*n*et of 2*enno*s& the l*ttle %!*'!es& +ho +as s*60 He had

    ne'ot*ated th*s marr*a'e& at 2*enne *tself& +*th the Da!"h*n 1ean II de la To!r d! 3*n and the Da!"h*ne

    #eatr*ce& s*ster of =!een Clemence0 It +as a 'ood all*ance& +h*ch +o!ld allo+ the Cro+n of France toco!nterbalance the *nfl!ence of An(o!)S*c*l *n th*s re'*on0 The doc!ment +as to be s*'ned *n a fe+

    das? t*me07

    And then& abo-e all& there +as the 3a"al elect*on0 D!r*n' the last +ee;s 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers had

    (o!rneed bac;+ards and for+ards across 3ro-ence& 2*enno*s and Lonna*s& *nter-*e+*n' each of the

    t+ent)fo!r scattered card*nals *n t!rn9ass!r*n' them that the a''ress*on of Car"entras +o!ld not be

    re"eated and that the +o!ld be s!b(ected to no -*olence '*-*n' man of them to !nderstand that the

    m*'ht ha-e a chance of elect*on and "lead*n' for the "rest*'e of the Fa*th& the d*'n*t of the Ch!rch and

    the *nterests of the States0 Ult*matel& as a res!lt of m!ch effort& tal; and mone& he had s!cceeded *n'ather*n' them at Lons& a to+n +h*ch had lon' been !nder eccles*ast*cal a!thor*t b!t had "assed

    recentl& d!r*n' the last ears of 3h*l*" the Fa*r& *nto the "o+er of the ,*n' of France0

    The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers felt that he +as on the "o*nt of reach*n' h*s 'oal0 #!t *f he left& +o!ld not the

    d*ssens*ons be'*n all o-er a'a*n& "ersonal hatreds flo!r*sh once more& the *nfl!ence of the Roman

    nob*l*t or that of the ,*n' of Na"les s!""lant that of France& +h*le the -ar*o!s "art*es acc!sed each

    other of heres Bo!ld not the 3a"ac ret!rn to Rome GBh*ch m father so m!ch +*shed to a-o*d&?3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers sa*d to h*mself0 GIs h*s +or;& alread so m!ch dama'ed b Lo!*s and b o!r Uncle

    2alo*s& to be destroed com"letel?

    For a fe+ moments Card*nal D!ee felt that the o!n' man had for'otten h*s "resence0 #!t s!ddenl

    3o*t*ers as;ed8 GB*ll the %ascon "art ma*nta*n the cand*dat!re of Card*nal de 3ela'r!e Do o! th*n;that o!r "*o!s collea'!es are at last "re"ared to s*t)*n Concla-e S*t do+n here& Monse*'ne!r& and

    tell me o!r tho!'ht on the matter0 Ho+ far ha-e +e ad-anced?The Card*nal had seen man so-ere*'ns and m*n*sters d!r*n' the th*rd of a cent!r he had been

    concerned +*th the affa*rs of ;*n'doms& b!t he had ne-er before met one +*th s!ch self)control0 Here

    +as a "r*nce& a'ed t+ent)three& to +hom he had (!st anno!nced the death of h*s brother and the

    -acanc of the throne& and he seemed to ha-e no more !r'ent concern than the com"l*cat*ons of the


    S*tt*n' s*de b s*de near a +*ndo+& on a chest co-ered +*th damas;& the Card*nal?s feet barel to!ch*n'

    the 'ro!nd and the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers? th*n an;le slo+l mo-*n' from s*de to s*de& the t+o men had a

    lon' con-ersat*on0 It a""eared from D!ee?s s!mmar of the s*t!at*on that the +ere more or less bac;

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    +here the had been t+o ears a'o& after the death of Clement 20

    The "art of the ten %ascon card*nals& +h*ch +as also called the French "art& +as st*ll the lar'est& b!t

    not lar'e eno!'h b *tself to ens!re the necessar ma(or*t of t+o)th*rds of the Sacred Colle'e s*6teen

    -otes& The %ascons cons*dered themsel-es the de"os*tor*es of the late 3o"e?s tho!'ht0 The all o+ed

    the*r hats to h*m& held o!t f*rml for the See of A-*'non and sho+ed themsel-es remar;abl !n*teda'a*nst the other t+o "art*es0 #!t there +as a 'ood deal of secret com"et*t*on amon' them the

    amb*t*ons of Arna!d de Fo!'eres& Arna!d No!-el and Arna!d de 3ela'r!e all flo!r*shed0 The madem!t!al "rom*ses +h*le schem*n' for one another?s do+nfall0

    GThe +ar of the three Arna!ds&? sa*d D!ee *n h*s +h*s"er*n' -o*ce0 GNo+ let?s ha-e a loo; at the Ital*an


    There +ere onl e*'ht of them& b!t d*-*ded *nto three sect*ons0 The redo!btable Card*nal Caetan*&

    ne"he+ of 3o"e #on*face 2III& +as o""osed to the t+o Card*nals Colonna b a t*me)hono!red fam*l

    fe!d +h*ch had become an *ne6orable hatred s*nce the Ana'n* affa*r and the blo+ *n the face Colonna

    had '*-en #on*face0 The other Ital*ans +a-ered bet+een these ad-ersar*es0 Stefanesch*& from host*l*t to

    3h*l*" the Fa*r?s "ol*c& s!""orted Caetan*& +hose relat*on moreo-er he +as0 Na"oleon Ors*n* tac;ed

    abo!t0 The e*'ht +ere onl a'reed on a s*n'le "o*nt8 the ret!rn of the 3a"ac to the Eternal C*t0 On that

    "o*nt the +ere f*ercel determ*ned0

    GYo! ;no+ +ell& Monse*'ne!r&? cont*n!ed D!ee& Gthat at one moment +e ran the r*s; of sch*sm and

    *ndeed +e st*ll do so0 O!r Ital*ans ref!sed to meet *n France and the let *t be ;no+n& b!t a l*ttle +h*lea'o& that *f a %ascon "o"e +ere elected& the +o!ld ref!se h*m reco'n*t*on and +o!ld set !" a "o"e of

    the*r o+n In Rome0?

    GThere +*ll be no sch*sm&? sa*d the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers calml0

    GThan;s to o!& Monse*'ne!r& than;s to o!0 I am ha"" to reco'n*e *t& and I tell e-erone so0 %o*n'&as o! ha-e& from to+n to to+n +*th sa'e ad-*ce& *f o! ha-e not et fo!nd the she"herd& o! ha-e at

    least 'athered the floc;0?

    GE6"ens*-e shee"& Monse*'ne!r Do o! ;no+ that I left 3ar*s +*th s*6teen tho!sand l*-res& and that

    onl the other +ee; I had to ha-e as m!ch a'a*n sent to me 1ason +as noth*n' com"ared to me0 I ho"e

    that all these 'olden fleeces +on?t sl*" thro!'h)m f*n'ers&? sa*d the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers& scre+*n' !" h*s

    ees sl*'htl to loo; the Card*nal *n the face0

    The Card*nal& +ho had done -er +ell o!t of th*s lar'esse b ro!ndabo!t +as& d*d not ta;e !" the

    all!s*on d*rectl b!t re"l*ed8 GI th*n; that Na"oleon Ors*n* and Albert*n* de 3rato& and "erha"s e-en%!*lla!me de Lon'*s& +ho +as Chancellor to the ,*n' of Na"les before me& m*'ht be fa*rl eas*l

    detached0 A-o*d*n' sch*sm *s +orth the "r*ce0?

    3o*t*ers tho!'ht8 GHe has !sed the mone +e 'a-e h*m to ac!*re three of the Ital*an -otes0 It?s cle-er of


    As for Caetan*& tho!'h he cont*n!ed to "la an *m"lacable 'ame& he +as not *n so stron'& a "os*t*on

    s*nce h*s "ract*ce of sorcer and h*s attem"t to cast a s"ell on the ,*n' of France and the Co!nt of3o*t*ers h*mself had been d*sco-ered0 The e6)Tem"lar E-erard& a half)+*t& +hom Caetan* had !sed for

    h*s de-*l*sh +or;& had tal;ed rather too m!ch before '*-*n' h*mself !" to the ,*n'?s men0

    GI am hold*n' that matter *n reser-e&? sa*d the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0 GThe smell of the fa''ots m*'ht& at the

    r*'ht moment& ma;e Monse*'ne!r Caetan* a l*ttle more "l*ant0?At the tho!'ht of see*n' another card*nal 'r*lled& a -er sl*'ht and f!rt*-e sm*le "assed o-er the a'ed

    "relate?s th*n l*"s0GIt seems that Francesco Caetan*&? he +ent on& Ghas !*te abandoned %od?s affa*rs to de-ote h*mself

    ent*rel to Satan?s0 Do o! th*n; that& ha-*n' fa*led +*th sorcer& he mana'ed to str*;e at the ,*n'& o!r

    brother& +*th "o*son?

    The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers shr!''ed h*s sho!lders0

    GBhene-er a ;*n' d*es& *t?s asserted that he +as "o*soned&? he sa*d0 GIt +as sa*d of m ancestor& Lo!*s

    2III *t +as sa*d of m father& +hom %od ;ee"0 M brother?s health +as "oor eno!'h0 St*ll& one m!st

    ta;e the "oss*b*l*t *nto acco!nt?

    JF*nall? D!ee +ent on& Gthere *s the th*rd "art& +h*ch *s called 3ro-encal beca!se of the most

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    t!rb!lent amon' !s& Card*nal de Manda'o!t?

    Th*s last "art n!mbered onl s*6 card*nals of d*-erse or*'*n so!therners& s!ch as the brothers #eren'er

    Fredol& +ere all*ed *n *t +*th Normans and +*th one member from =!erc& D!ee h*mself0

    The 'old la-*shed on them b 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers had made them more rece"t*-e to the ar'!ments of

    French "ol*c0GBe are the smallest& +e are the +ea;est&? sa*d D!ee& Gb!t o!r -otes are dec*s*-e *n an ma(or*t0 And

    s*nce the %ascons and the Ital*ans each ref!se to elect a "o"e from the other "art& then& Monse*'ne!r000?GThe?ll ha-e to ta;e a "o"e from o!r "art& +on?t the?

    GI bel*e-e so& I f*rml bel*e-e so0 I?-e sa*d so e-er s*nce Clement d*ed0 No one l*stened to me do!btless

    "eo"le tho!'ht I +as "reach*n' on m o+n behalf& for *ndeed m name had been ment*oned +*tho!t m

    +*sh*n' *t0 #!t the Co!rt of France has ne-er "laced m!ch conf*dence *n me0?

    GIt +as beca!se o! +ere rather too o"enl s!""orted b the Co!rt of Na"les& Monse*'ne!r0?

    GAnd had I not been s!""orted b someone& Monse*'ne!r& +ho +o!ld ha-e "a*d an heed to me at all

    #el*e-e me& I ha-e no other amb*t*on than to see a l*ttle order restored to the affa*rs of Chr*stendom

    +h*ch are *n a bad +a *t +*ll be a hea- tas; for the ne6t s!ccessor to Sa*nt 3eter0?

    The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers clas"ed h*s lon' hands to'ether before h*s face and tho!'ht for a fe+ seconds0

    GDo o! th*n;& Monse*'ne!r&? he as;ed& Gthat the Ital*ans +o!ld a'ree to the Hol See rema*n*n' *n

    A-*'non *n ret!rn for the sat*sfact*on of not ha-*n' a %ascon "o"e& and that the %ascons& *n ret!rn for

    the certa*nt of A-*'non& +o!ld a'ree to reno!nce the*r o+n cand*date and rall to o!r th*rd "art?# +h*ch he *n fact meant8 GIf o!& Monse*'ne!r D!ee became 3o"e +*th m s!""ort& +o!ld o!

    formall a'ree to "reser-*n' the "resent res*dence of the 3a"ac?

    D!ee "erfectl !nderstood0

    GIt +o!ld& Monse*'ne!r&? he re"l*ed& Gbe the +*se sol!t*on0?GI am 'ratef!l for o!r -al!able ad-*ce&? sa*d 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers& r*s*n' to h*s feet to "!t an end to the


    He sho+ed the Card*nal o!t0

    Bhen t+o men& +ho to all seem*n' are !tterl d*-erse *n a'e& a""earance& e6"er*ence and "os*t*on&

    reco'n*e each other as of s*m*lar !al*t and bel*e-e that m!t!al collaborat*on and fr*endsh*" are

    "oss*ble bet+een them& *t *s d!e more to the mster*o!s con(!nct*ons of dest*n than to the +ords the

    ma e6chan'e0

    Bhen 3h*l*""e bo+ed to ;*ss h*s r*n'& the Card*nal m!rm!red& GYo! +o!ld ma;e an e6cellent re'ent&Monse*'ne!r0?

    3h*l*""e stra*'htened !"0 GDoes he real*e that I ha-e been th*n;*n' all th*s t*me of noth*n' else? he

    +ondered0 And he re"l*ed8 GBo!ld o! not o!rself& Monse*'ne!r& ma;e an e6cellent 3o"e?

    And the co!ld not hel" sm*l*n' d*screetl to each other& the old man +*th a sort of "aternal affect*on&

    the o!n' man +*th fr*endl deference0

    GI +*ll be beholden to o! 3h*l*""e added& J*f o! +*ll ;ee" secret the 'ra-e ne+s o! ha-e bro!'ht me!nt*l *t *s "!bl*cl anno!nced0?

    GT +*ll do so& Monse*'ne!r& *n order to ser-e o!0?

    Left alone& the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers reflected onl for a fe+ seconds0 Then he s!mmoned h*s f*rst

    chamberla*n0GAdam Heron& has no co!r*er arr*-ed from 3ar*s? he as;ed0 GNo& Monse*'ne!r0?

    GThen close all the 'ates of0 Lons0?

    70 Let !s dr o!r tears

    THAT MORNIN% the "eo"le of Lons +ere +*tho!t -e'etables0

    The mar;et)'ardeners? +a'ons had been sto""ed o!ts*de the +alls& and the ho!se+*-es +ere clamo!r*n'

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    *n the em"t mar;ets0

    The onl br*d'e& that o-er the Saone for the one o-er the Rhone had not et been com"letedP& +as

    barred b sold*er0 #!t *f one co!ld not enter Lons& one co!ld not lea-e *t e*ther0 Ital*an merchants&

    tra-ellers& *t*nerant fr*ars& re*nforced b lo!n'ers and *dlers& 'athered abo!t the 'ates and demanded an

    e6"lanat*on0 The '!ard *n-ar*abl re"l*ed8 GThe Co!nt of 3o*t*ers? orders&? +*th the d*stant and *m"ortanta*r that a'ents of a!thor*t tend to ado"t +hen e6ec!t*n' an order the do not !nderstand0

    3eo"le +ere sho!t*n'8G#!t m da!'hter *s *ll at Fo!-*ere 000?

    GM barn at Sa*nt)1!st b!rned do+n esterda at -es"ers000? ?

    GThe ba*l*ff of 2*llefranche +*ll ha-e me arrested *f I don?t ta;e h*m m "oll)ta6 toda 000?

    GThe Co!nt of 3o*t*ers? orders?

    And +hen the cro+d be'an to "ress for+ard& the roal ser'eants)at)arms ra*sed the*r maces0

    There +ere stran'e r!mo!rs 'o*n' ro!nd the to+n0

    Some declared that there +as 'o*n' to be +ar0 #!t +*th +hom No one co!ld sa0 Others asserted that a

    blood r*ot had ta;en "lace d!r*n' the n*'ht near the A!'!st*n*an monaster bet+een the ,*n'?s men

    and those of the Ital*an card*nals0 Horses had been heard 'o*n' b0 E-en the n!mber of the dead +as

    ment*oned0 #!t at the A!'!st*n*ans? all +as !*et0

    The Archb*sho"& 3*erre de Sa-o*e& +as -er an6*o!s& +onder*n' +hether the e-ents +h*ch had ta;en

    "lace before @/@. +ere abo!t to be'*n all o-er a'a*n and +hether he +o!ld be com"elled to abandon& tothe ad-anta'e of the archb*sho"r*c of Sens& the "r*mac of the %a!les& the onl "rero'at*-e he had

    s!cceeded *n "reser-*n' +hen Lons had been attached to the Cro+n09He had sent one of h*s canons for

    ne+s b!t the canon& ha-*n' 'one to the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers? lod'*n'& had been met b a c!rtl s*lent

    e!err0 And no+ the Archb*sho" +as e6"ect*n' an !lt*mat!m0The card*nals& +ho +ere lod'ed *n -ar*o!s rel*'*o!s ho!ses& +ere no less an6*o!s and& *ndeed& *ncl*ned

    to "an*c0 Bere the to be treated as the had been at Car"entras #!t ho+ co!ld the esca"e th*s t*me

    Messen'ers r!shed from the A!'!st*n*ans to the Franc*scans and from the 1acob*ns to the Carth!s*ans0

    Card*nal Caetan* had sent h*s 'eneral ass*stant& the Abbe 3*erre& to Na"oleon Ors*n*& to Albert*n* de

    3rato and to Fl*sco& the onl S"an*ard& +*th orders to sa to those "relates8 GLoo; +hat has ha""ened

    Yo! let o!rsel-es be "ers!aded b the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0 He s+ore not to molest !s& that +e sho!ld not

    e-en ha-e to 'o *nto secl!s*on to -ote& and that +e sho!ld be com"letel free0 And no+ he has sh!t !s

    !" *n Lons?D!ee h*mself rece*-ed the -*s*t of t+o of h*s 3ro-encal collea'!es& Card*nal de Manda'o!t and

    #eren'er Fredol& the elder0 #!t D!ee "retended to ha-e b!t (!st emer'ed from h*s theolo'*cal st!d*es

    and to ;no+ noth*n'0 D!r*n' th*s t*me& *n a cell near the Card*nal?s a"artment& %!cc*o #a'l*on* +as

    slee"*n' l*;e a lo'& *n no state to s"ec!late +hat m*'ht be the ca!se of all the "an*c0

    For the last ho!r Mess*re 2ara& Cons!l of Lons& and three of h*s collea'!es& +ho had come to as; for

    an e6"lanat*on *n the name of the C*t Co!nc*l& had been ;e"t +a*t*n' *n the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers?antechamber0

    The Co!nt +as s*tt*n' *n camera +*th the members of h*s ento!ra'e and the 'reat off*cers +ho +ere "art

    of h*s dele'at*on0

    At last the han'*n's "arted and the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers a""eared& follo+ed b h*s co!nc*llors0 The all+ore the 'ra-e e6"ress*ons of men +ho had (!st reached an *m"ortant "ol*t*cal dec*s*on0

    ?Ah& Mess*re 2ara& o! ha-e come at the r*'ht moment& and o! too& Mess*res Cons!ls&? sa*d the Co!ntof 3o*t*ers0 GBe can '*-e o! at once the messa'e +e +ere abo!t to send o!0 Mess*re M*lle& +*ll o! be

    so 'ood as to read *t?

    M*lle de Noers& a (!r*st& a Co!nc*llor of 3arl*ament and Marshal of the East !nder 3h*l*" the Fa*r&

    !nrolled the "archment and read as follo+s8

    0To all the bailiffs, seneschals, and councils of lo2al to6ns. $e 6ould ha)e 2ou kno6 the reat sorro6

    that has befallen us b2 the death of our 6ell-belo)ed brother, the 7in, our Lord Louis X, 6ho 4od

    has reo)ed fro the affection of his sub8ects. #ut huan nature is such that no one a2 outli)e the

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    ter assined hi. Thus 6e ha)e decided to dr2 our tears, to ra2 6ith 2ou to Christ for his soul, and to

    sho6 oursel)es assiduous for the o)ernent of the 7indo of France and the 7indo of a)arre

    that their rihts a2 not erish, and that the sub8ects of these t6o kindos a2, li)e hail2 beneath

    the buckler of 8ustice and of eace.

    0The Reent of the t6o kindos, b2 the 4race of 4od.+"ILI++('

    Bhen the had reco-ered from the*r aston*shment& Mess*re 2ara *mmed*atel came for+ard and ;*ssed

    the Co!nt of 3o*ters? hand then the other cons!ls !nhes*tat*n'l follo+ed s!*t0

    The ,*n' +as dead0 The ne+s +as so s!r"r*s*n' *n *tself that no one tho!'ht& for se-eral m*n!tes at

    least& of !est*on*n' *t0 In the absence of an he*r +ho +as of a'e& *t seemed "erfectl normal that the

    elder of the So-ere*'n?s brothers sho!ld ass!me "o+er0 The cons!ls d*d not for a moment do!bt that the

    dec*s*on had been ta;en *n 3ar*s b the Chamber of 3eers0

    ?Ha-e th*s messa'e cr*ed *n the to+n&? 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers ordered G+h*ch done& the 'ates +*ll be

    *mmed*atel o"ened0?

    Then he added8 ?Mess*re 2ara& o! hold a 'reat "os*t*on *n the cloth trade I sho!ld be 'lad *f o!

    +o!ld f!rn*sh me +*th t+ent blac; cloa;s +h*ch ma be& "laced *n the antechamber to clothe those

    +ho come to condole +*th me0?He then d*sm*ssed the cons!ls0

    The t+o f*rst acts of h*s se*!re of "o+er had been accom"l*shed0 He had been "rocla*med Re'ent b

    h*s ento!ra'e& +ho became thereb h*s Co!nc*l of %o-ernment0 He +o!ld be reco'n*ed b the c*t of

    Lons *n +h*ch he +as sta*n'0 He +as no+ *n a h!rr to e6tend th*s reco'n*t*on o-er the +hole

    ;*n'dom and th!s "lace the accom"l*shed fact before 3ar*s0 It +as a !est*on of s"eed0

    Alread the co"*sts +ere re"rod!c*n' h*s "roclamat*on *n cons*derable !ant*t*es& and the co!r*ers

    +ere saddl*n' the*r horses to r*de +*th *t *nto e-er "ro-*nce0

    As soon as the 'ates of Lons +ere o"ened& the hast*l set o!t& "ass*n' three co!r*ers +ho had been

    ;e"t on the other s*de of the Saone s*nce morn*n'0 The f*rst of them carr*ed a letter from the Co!nt of

    2alo*s& anno!nc*n' h*mself as the Re'ent a""o*nted b the Co!nc*l of the Cro+n& and as;*n' 3h*l*""e to

    a'ree& so that the a""o*ntment m*'ht become effect*-e0 GI am s!re that o! +*ll +*sh to hel" me *n m

    tas; for the 'ood of the ;*n'dom& and +*ll '*-e me o!r a'reement as soon as "oss*ble& l*;e the 'oodand +ell)belo-ed ne"he+ o! are0?

    The second messa'e came from the D!;e of #!r'!nd& +ho also cla*med the Re'enc *n the name of

    h*s n*ece& the l*ttle 1eanne of Na-arre0

    F*nall& the Co!nt of E-re!6 *nformed 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers that the "eers had not sat *n accordance +*th

    c!stom and "recedent& and that Charles of 2alo*s? haste to se*e the re*ns of 'o-ernment +as s!""orted

    b no le'al doc!ment or assembl0The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers had *mmed*atel 'one *nto Co!nc*l a'a*n +*th h*s ento!ra'e0 It +as com"osed of

    men +ho +ere host*le to the "ol*c*es "!rs!ed b the H!t*n and the Co!nt of 2alo*s d!r*n' the last

    e*'hteen months0 In the f*rst "lace& there +as the Constable of France& %a!cher de Chat*llon&

    Commander of the Arm*es s*nce @/$.& +ho co!ld not for'*-e the r*d*c!lo!s cam"a*'n of the GM!dd

    Arm? +h*ch he had been com"elled to cond!ct *n Flanders the "reced*n' s!mmer0 Then there +as h*s

    brother)*n)la+& M*lle de Noers& +ho shared h*s feel*n's0 Then& the (!r*st Rao!l de 3resles +ho& afterrender*n' so man ser-*ces to the Iron ,*n'& had had h*s 'oods conf*scated& +h*le h*s fr*end En'!errand

    de Mar*'n had been han'ed and he h*mself had been "!t to the !est*on b +ater tho!'h no confess*on

    had been e6tracted from h*m as a res!lt& he s!ffered from "ermanent stomach "a*ns and bore the e6)

    Em"eror of Constant*no"le a cons*derable 'r!d'e0 He o+ed h*s safet and h*s ret!rn to fa-o!r to the

    Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0

    Th!s a sort of o""os*t*on "art& +h*ch *ncl!ded the s!r-*-ors amon' the 'reat co!nc*llors of 3h*l*" the

    Fa*r& had formed abo!t the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers0 No one loo;ed ;*ndl on the amb*t*ons of the Co!nt of

    2alo*s or *ndeed +anted the D!;e of #!r'!nd to meddle *n the affa*rs of the Cro+n0 The adm*red the

  • 8/14/2019 Maurice Druon - The Royal Succession 4.rtf


    s"eed +*th +h*ch the o!n' 3r*nce had acted and the "laced the*r ho"es on h*m0

    3o*t*ers +rote to E!des of #!r'!nd and to Charles of 2alo*s& +*tho!t ment*on*n' the*r letters& *ndeed as

    *f he had not rece*-ed them& to *nform them that he cons*dered h*mself Re'ent b nat!ral r*'ht& and that

    he +o!ld s!mmon the Assembl of 3eers to '*-e h*m *ts sanct*on as soon as "oss*ble0

    In the meant*me he a""o*nted comm*ssar*es to 'o to the "r*nc*"al c*t*es oQ the ;*n'dom and ass!mea!thor*t *n h*s name0 Th!s that da sa+ the de"art!re of se-eral of h*s ;n*'hts ) +ho +ere later to

    become h*s G,n*'hts 3!rs!*-ant?) s!ch as Re'na!lt de Lor0 Thomas de Marfonta*ne and %!*lla!meCo!rtehe!se0 He ;e"t +*th h*m Ansea! de 1o*n-*lle& the son of the 'reat 1o*n-*lle& and Henr de S!ll0

    Bh*le the ;nell tolled from all the stee"les& 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers conferred for a lon' t*me +*th %a!cher

    de Chat*llon0 The Constable of France sat b r*'ht on e-er %o-ernment assembl& the Chamber of

    3eers& the %rand Co!nc*l and the Small Co!nc*l0 3h*l*""e& therefore& as;ed %a!cher to 'o to 3ar*s to

    re"resent h*m and o""ose Charles of 2alo*s? !s!r"at*on !nt*l h*s o+n arr*-al moreo-er& the Constable

    +o!ld ma;e s!re that all the troo"s *n the ca"*tal& "art*c!larl the Cor"s of Crossbo+men& +ere !nder

    h*s control0

    For the ne+ Re'ent& at f*rst to the s!r"r*se& b!t then to the a""robat*on& of h*s co!nc*llors& had

    determ*ned to rema*n tem"orar*l *n Lons0

    GBe cannot lea-e the tas;s +e ha-e *n hand&? he had declared Gthe most *m"ortant th*n' for the ;*n'dom

    *s to ha-e a "o"e& and +e shall be all the stron'er +hen +e ha-e made h*m0?

    He h!rr*ed on the s*'nat!re of the contract of betrothal bet+een h*s da!'hter and the Da!"h*n*et0 At f*rsts*'ht th*s seemed to ha-e no conne6*on +*th the "ont*f*cal elect*on& et *n 3h*l *""e?s m*nd the +ere

    l*n;ed0 The all*ance +*th the Da!"h*n of 2*enno*s& +ho r!led o-er all the terr*tor*es so!th of Lons and

    controlled the road to Ital& +as a mo-e *n h*s 'ame0 If the card*nals too; *t *nto the*r heads to sl*"

    thro!'h h*s f*n'ers& the +o!ld not be able to ta;e ref!'e *n that d*rect*on0 F!rthermore& the betrothalconsol*dated h*s "os*t*on as Re'ent the Da!"h*n +o!ld be *n h*s cam" and +o!ld ha-e so!nd reasons

    for not abandon*n' h*m0

    #eca!se of mo!rn*n' the contract +as s*'ned d!r*n' the follo+*n' das +*tho!t fest*-*t*es0

    At the same t*me 3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers ne'ot*ated +*th the most "o+erf!l baron of the re'*on& the Co!nt

    de Fore& +ho +as also a brother)*n)la+ of the Da!"h*n& and held the r*'ht ban; of the Rhone0

    1ean de Fore had fo!'ht *n the cam"a*'n *n Flanders& had se-eral t*mes re"resented 3h*l*" the Fa*r at

    the 3a"al Co!rt& and had done -er 'ood +or; *n 'ett*n' Lons ceded to the Cro+n& The Co!nt of

    3o*t*ers ;ne+ that as soon as he res!med h*s father?s "ol*c he co!ld co!nt on h*m0On 1!ne @5th the Co!nt de Fore "erformed a h*'hl s"ectac!lar 'est!re0 He "a*d solemn homa'e to

    3h*l*""e as the s!era*n of all the s!era*ns of France& th!s reco'n**n' h*m as the holder of the roal


    The follo+*n' da Co!nt #ermond de la 2o!lte& +hose f*ef of 3*erre'o!rde +as *n the Seneschalsh*" of

    Lons& "laced h*s hands bet+een those of the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers and s+ore h*m a s*m*lar oath of loalt0

    3o*t*ers as;ed the Co!nt de Fore to hold read se-en h!ndred men)at)arms *n secret0 The card*nals+o!ld not no+ be able to esca"e from the to+n0

    Ne-ertheless& there +as st*ll a lon' +a to 'o before an elect*on +as ach*e-ed0 Ne'ot*at*ons la''ed0 The

    Ital*ans& feel*n' that the Re'ent +as *n haste to ret!rn to 3ar*s& had hardened *n the*r "os*t*on0 GHe?ll t*re

    f*rst&? the sa*d0 L*ttle the cared for the tra'*c state of anarch *n +h*ch the affa*rs of the Ch!rch +erefo!nder*n'0

    3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers had se-eral *nter-*e+s +*th Card*nal D!ee& +ho seemed to h*m m!ch the most

    *ntell*'ent member of the Concla-e& at once the most l!c*d and the most *ma'*nat*-e e6"ert *n rel*'*o!s

    matters& and the most des*rable adm*n*strator for Chr*stendom *n these d*ff*c!lt t*mes0

    GHeres *s flo!r*sh*n' e-er+here& Monse*'ne!r&? sa*d the Card*nal *n h*s crac;ed& d*s!*et*n' -o*ce0

    GAnd ho+ co!ld *t be other+*se +*th the e6am"le +e '*-e The De-*l ta;es ad-anta'e of o!r d*scord to

    so+ h*s tares0 #!t *t *s abo-e all *n the d*ocese of To!lo!se that& the flo!r*sh the most -*'oro!sl0 It *s

    an old land of rebell*on and n*'htmare The ne6t "o"e sho!ld d*-*de that too)e6tens*-e d*ocese& so

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    d*ff*c!lt to 'o-ern& *nto f*-e b*sho"r*cs& "laced *n f*rm hands0?

    GBh*ch +o!ld create a n!mber of ne+ benef*ces&? re"l*ed the Co!nt of 3o*t*ers& Gfrom +h*ch& of co!rse&

    the Treas!r of France +o!ld rece*-e the annates0 Yo! see no ob(ect*on to that?


    The f*rst ear?s re-en!es from ne+ eccles*ast*cal benef*ces +ere called ?annates?& +h*ch the ,*n' had ar*'ht to collect0 The absence of a "o"e "re-ented a""o*ntments be*n' made to these benef*ces& +h*ch

    +as a cons*derable loss to the Treas!r& +*tho!t ta;*n' *nto acco!nt the near)*m"oss*b*l*t of collect*n'the arrears of ta6es from the Ch!rch& +h*le the cler' too; ad-anta'e of the s*t!at*on to ra*se e-er ;*nd

    of d*ff*c!lt +h*ch co!ld not be resol-ed so lon' as the throne of Sa*nt 3eter +as -acant0 And *ndeed&

    +hen 3h*l*""e and D!ee cons*dered the f!t!re& one as Re'ent& the other as e-ent!al 3ont*ff& f*nance

    +as the f*rst concern of both0

    O+*n' to the fe!dal rebell*ons& the re-olt of the Flem*n's& the *ns!rrect*on of the nobles of Arto*s and

    the br*ll*ant *ns"*rat*ons of Charles of 2alo*s& the Roal Treas!r +as not onl em"t& b!t *ndebted for

    se-eral ears to come0

    The 3a"al Treas!r& after t+o ears of errant concla-e& +as *n no better state and *f the card*nals sold

    themsel-es dearl to the "r*nces of th*s +orld& *t +as beca!se man of them no lon'er had an means of

    s!bs*stence other than barter*n' the*r -otes0

    GF*nes& Monse*'ne!r& f*nes&? D!ee co!nselled the o!n' Re'ent0 GF*ne those +ho ha-e m*sbeha-ed& and

    the r*cher the are& the more hea-*l0 If someone sho!ld brea; the la+ +ho has a h!ndred l*-res& ta;et+ent *f he has a tho!sand& ta;e f*-e h!ndred and sho!ld he ha-e a h!ndred tho!sand& ta;e "ract*call

    all that he has0 Yo!?ll f*nd that th*s "ol*c has three ad-anta'es8 *n the f*rst "lace& the *eld +*ll be the

    'reater *n the second& de"r*-ed of h*s "o+er& the malefactor +*ll no lon'er be able to ab!se *t and&

    f*nall& the "oor& of +hom there are 'reat n!mbers& +*ll be on o!r s*de and "lace conf*dence *n o!r(!st*ce0?

    3h*l*""e of 3o*t*ers sm*led0

    GBhat o! so +*sel s!''est& Monse*'ne!r& ma be most s!*table to roal (!st*ce +h*ch *s a sec!lar

    arm&? he re"l*ed& Gb!t *n order to restore the f*nances of the Ch!rch& I do not see 000?

    GF*nes& f*nes&? re"eated D!ee0 GLet !s "lace a ta6 on s*n *t +*ll be an *ne6ha!st*ble so!rce of re-en!e0

    Man *s s*nf!l b nat!re& b!t more d*s"osed to "en*tence of the heart than of the "!rse0 He +*ll re'ret h*s

    s*ns the more ;eenl and be the more hes*tant to rela"se *nto error& *f o!r absol!t*ons are accom"an*ed

    b a ta60 Bhoe-er +*shes to reform m!st "a for the "r*-*le'e0?GIs he (o;*n'? tho!'ht 3o*t*ers +ho& as he sa+ more of D!ee& +as d*sco-er*n' the Card*nal *n C!r*a?s

    l*;*n' for "arado6 and mst*f*cat*on0

    GAnd +hat s*ns do o! "ro"ose ta6*n'& Monse*'ne!r? he as;ed& as *f he +ere (o*n*n' *n the 'ame0

    GIn the f*rst "lace those comm*tted b the cler'0 Be m!st be'*n b reform*n' o!rsel-es before +e

    !nderta;e to reform others0 O!r Hol Mother *s too tolerant of shortcom*n's and ab!ses0 Th!s& ne*ther

    hol orders nor "r*esthood ma be '*-en to men +ho are m!t*lated or deformed0 And et& the other da&I sa+ a certa*n Abbe 3*erre& +ho *s +*th Card*nal Caetan*& +*th t+o th!mbs on h*s left hand0K

    ?A l*ttle h*t at o!r old enem&? tho!'ht 3o*t*ers0

    GI ha-e made *n!*r*es&? D!ee +ent on& Gand *t a""ears that the halt& the ma*med and the e!n!chs +ho

    conceal the*r m*sfort!ne beneath a hab*t& and *ndeed? are benef*ced b the Ch!rch& are le'*on0 Are +e tocast them from o!r ??bosom rather than efface the*r fa!lt& red!ce them to "en!r and "erha"s thro+ them

    *nto the arms of the heret*cs of To!lo!se or s*m*lar rel*'*o!s confratern*t*es Let !s "erm*t them rather toredeem themsel-es and to redeem *s to "a&

    The old "relate +as "erfectl ser*o!s0 H*s *ma'*nat*on& st*m!lated b h*s meet*n' +*th the Abbe 3*erre&

    had created& d!r*n' these last n*'hts& a com"lete and "rec*se sstem on +h*ch he *ntended +r*t*n' a

    memorand!m to be s!bm*tted so he modestl sa*d& to the ne6t 3o"e0

    It +as to create a Hol Off*ce of 3en*tent*ar& +h*ch +o!ld br*n' *n re-en!e to the Hol See from #!lls

    of Absol!t*on of all ;*nds0 M!t*lated "r*ests m*'ht obta*n absol!t*on at the rate of a fe+ l*-res for a

    m*ss*n' f*n'er& t+*ce as m!ch for a lost ee& and the same for the absence of one or both test*cles0 A

    "r*est +ho had castrated h*mself +o!ld ha-e to "a a h*'her "r*ce0 From bod*l *nf*rm*t*es D!ee

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    "assed to those of the so!l0 #astards +ho had concealed the*r cond*t*on +hen rece*-*n' orders& "r*ests

    +ho had ta;en the tons!re tho!'h marr*ed& "r*ests +ho marr*ed secretl after ord*nat*on +h*le *t +as

    st*ll c!rrent& "r*ests +ho l*-ed !nmarr*ed +*th a +oman& "r*ests +ho +ere b*'am*sts& or *ncest!o!s& or

    sodom*tes& +o!ld all be ta6ed "ro"ort*onatel to the*r s*n0 N!ns +ho had +antoned +*th se-eral men&

    e*ther +*th*n or +*tho!t the*r con-ent& +o!ld be s!b(ect to "art*c!larl costl rehab*l*tat*on0GIf the creat*on of th*s 3en*tent*ar&? declared D!ee& Gdoes not br*n' *n t+o h!ndred tho!sand l*-res the

    f*rst ear& I?ll be0 0KHe +as 'o*n' to sa GI?ll be b!rnt?& b!t sto""ed *n t*me0

    GAt least&? tho!'ht 3o*t*ers& G*f he?s elected& I shall ha-e no need to be concerned for the 3a"al f*nances0?

    #!t *n s"*te of all D!ee?s manoe!-res& and *n s"*te of the s!""ort 3o*t*ers 'a-e h*m secretl& the

    Concla-e st*ll mar;ed t*me0

    Moreo-er& the ne+s from 3ar*s +ass far from 'ood0 %a!cher de Chat*llon& ma;*n' common front +*th

    the Co!nt of E-re!6 and Maha!t of Arto*s& +as do*n' h*s best to "!t a bra;e on Charles of 2alo*s?

    amb*t*ons0 #!t Charles +as l*-*n' *n the 3alace of the C*te& +here he had =!een Clemence at h*s merc

    he +as r!nn*n' affa*rs as he "leased& and send*n' o!t to the "ro-*nces *nstr!ct*ons contrar to those sent

    b 3o*t*ers from Lons0 Moreo-er& the D!;e of #!r'!nd had arr*-ed *n 3ar*s& on 1!ne @5th& to establ*sh

    h*s r*'hts he ;ne+ that he had the s!""ort of the -assals of h*s h!'e d!ch0 France& therefore& had threere'ents0 Th*s s*t!at*on co!ld not cont*n!e for lon'& and %a!cher as;ed 3h*l*""e to ret!rn to 3ar*s0

    On 1!ne .

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    loo; at all +ell he?s 'ro+n m!ch older0?

    And& *ndeed& 1ac!es D!ee +as ma;*n' an effort to control h*s o!thf!l l*'htness of foot& and +al;ed

    *n +*th slo+ ste"& re"l*n' to 'reet*n's -a'!el& as *f he +ere alread detached from th*s +orld0

    %!cc*o #a'l*on*& dressed as a "a'e& formed "art of h*s s!*te0 He +as s!""osed to s"ea; noth*n' b!t

    Ital*an and to ha-e come stra*'ht from S*ena0G3erha"s I sho!ld ha-e done better&? tho!'ht %!cc*o& Gto ha-e "!t mself !nder the Co!nt of 3o*t*er?s

    "rotect*on& for I sho!ld certa*nl ha-e 'one bac; to 3ar*s +*th h*m toda and I sho!ld ha-e been able toma;e *n!*r*es abo!t Mar*e& of +hom I ha-e had no ne+s for so lon'0 Instead of +h*ch& here I am&

    ent*rel de"endent on th*s old fo6& to +hom I ha-e "rom*sed m !ncle?s mone& b!t +ho +*ll do noth*n'

    for me t*ll the mone has arr*-ed0 And m !ncle does not re"l0 The sa that 3ar*s *s *n t!rmo*l0 Mar*e&

    Mar*e& m bea!t*f!l Mar*e She?ll th*n; I?-e abandoned her0 3erha"s she e-en hates me no+ Bhat ha-e

    the done +*th her?

    He *ma'*ned her sh!t !" at Cressa b her brothers& or *n some con-ent for Ma'dalens0 GAnother +ee;

    l*;e th*s& and I shall 'o bac; to 3ar*s0?

    D!ee t!rned e-er no+ and then to loo; beh*nd h*m +*th a c!r*o!sl alert e6"ress*on0

    GAre o! afra*d of someth*n'& Monse*'ne!r? %!cc*o as;ed0 GNo& no& I fear noth*n'&? re"l*ed the

    Card*nal& +ho be'an secretl obser-*n' h*s ne*'hbo!rs0

    The redo!btable Card*nal Caetan*& +*th h*s th*n face d*-*ded b a lon' a!*l*ne nose& and h*s ha*r +h*ch

    seemed to shoot o!t l*;e +h*te flames from the ed'e of h*s red s;!ll)ca"& made no attem"t to conceal h*str*!m"h0 The catafal!e& smbol of Lo!*s 4?s death& corres"onded *n h*s m*nd to the +a6en doll& "*erced

    +*th "*ns& +*th +h*ch he had& cast a s"ell0 The 'lances he e6chan'ed +*th h*s follo+*n'& the Abbe

    3*erre& Father #ost and the cler; Andr*e!& h*s secretar& +ere those of -*ctor0 He +anted to sa to all

    those "resent8 GTh*s&? Messe*'ne!rs& *s +hat ha""ens +hen o! attract the& -en'eance of the Caetan*&+ho +ere alread "o+erf!l at the t*me of 1!l*!s Caesar0?

    The t+o brothers Colonna& each hea- ch*n d*-*ded b a -ert*cal cleft& loo;ed l*;e +arr*ors d*s'!*sed as


    The Co!nt of 3o*t*ers had not econom*ed on the cho*r0 There +ere a f!ll h!ndred of them& the*r -o*ces

    so!nd*n' abo-e the or'an& +h*ch had fo!r men "!m"*n' at *ts bello+s0 A roal& re-erberat*n' m!s*c

    echoed amon' the -a!lts& sat!rated the a*r +*th -*brat*ons& and en-elo"ed the cro+d0 The (!n*or cler;s

    co!ld 'oss*" amon' themsel-es +*th *m"!n*t& and the "a'es la!'h or moc; the*r masters0 It +as

    *m"oss*ble to hear +hat +as be*n' sa*d three "aces a+a& and st*ll less +hat +as ta;*n' "lace at thedoors0

    The ser-*ce came to an end the or'an and the cho*r fell s*lent0 #oth +*n's of the 'reat door stood o"en)

    b!t no dal*'ht "enetrated *nto the ch!rch0

    There +as a moment of aston*shment& as *f some m*racle had occ!rred d!r*n' the ceremon& obsc!r*n'

    the st!n0 S!ddenl& the card*nals !nderstood and an an'r clamo!r bro;e o!t0 A brand)ne+ +all

    bloc;ed the door+a0 D!r*n' the mass& the Re'ent had br*c;ed !" the e6*ts0 The card*nals +ere"r*soners0

    There +as a f*ne "an*c "relates& canons& "r*ests and -alets all m*n'led to'ether& ran to and fro l*;e rats

    *n a tra"0 The "a'es& cl*mb*n' on each other?s sho!lders& ho*sted themsel-es !" to the +*ndo+s& from

    +here the sho!ted8 GThe ch!rch *s s!rro!nded b armed men?GBhat are +e 'o*n' to do& +hat are +e 'o*n' to do? 'roaned the card*nals0 GThe Re'ent has "laed a

    tr*c; on !s0?GThat?s +h he fa-o!red !s +*th s!ch lo!d m!s*c?

    GIt?s an attac; on the Ch!rch0 Bhat are +e 'o*n' to do?

    GBe?ll e6comm!n*cate h*m&? cr*ed Caetan*0

    G#!t +hat *f he star-es !s to death& or has !s massacred?

    The t+o brothers Colonna and the "eo"le of the*r "art had alread armed themsel-es +*th hea-

    brone candelabra& benches and "rocess*onal maces& determ*ned to sell the*r l*-es dearl0 The Ital*ans

    and the %ascons +ere alread be'*nn*n' to h!rl re"roaches at each other0

    GAll th*s *s o!r fa!lt&? cr*ed the Ital*ans0 GIf o! had onl ref!sed to come to Lons0 Be ;ne+ some

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    dastardl tr*c; +o!ld be "laed on !s0?

    GIf o! had elected one of !s& +e sho!ld not be here no+&? re"l*ed the %ascons0

    GIt?s o!r fa!lt& o! bad Chr*st*ans?

    The +ere almost on the "o*nt of com*n' to blo+s0

    One door alone had not been ent*rel bloc;ed barel room for a man to "ass thro!'h had been left& b!tthe narro+ o"en*n' +as a hed'e of "*;es held *n *ron 'a!ntlets0 The "*;es l*fted and the Co!nt de Fore&

    *n armo!r& follo+ed b #ermond de la 2o!lte and a fe+ more armed men& entered the ch!rch0 The+ere rece*-ed +*th a -olle of threats and obscene *ns!lts0

    H*s hands crossed on the h*lt of h*s& s+ord the Co!nt de Fore +a*ted t*ll the clamo!r d*ed do+n0 He

    +as a stron'& co!ra'eo!s man& !nmo-ed b threats or entreat*es& "rofo!ndl shoc;ed b the e6am"le the

    card*nals had '*-en d!r*n' the last t+o ears& and "re"ared to 'o to an len'th to obe the Co!nt of

    3o*t*ers? *nstr!ct*ons0 H*s r!''ed& +r*n;led face a""eared thro!'h h*s o"en -*sor0

    Bhen the card*nals and the*r "eo"le had 'ro+n hoarse& h*s -o*ce ran' o!t o-er the*r heads& "rec*se and

    em"hat*c& reach*n' to the end of the na-e0

    GMesse*'ne!rs& I am here on the orders of the Re'ent of France to as; o! to de-ote o!rsel-es

    henceforth solel to elect*n' a "o"e& and to *nform o! that o! +*ll not lea-e here !nt*l that "o"e *s

    elected0 Each card*nal ma ;ee" +*th h*m onl one& 1ac!es D!ee "!t o!t h*s th*n hand from +*th*n the

    confess*onal& +here he la *n a state of colla"se& and se*ed the o!n' Ital*an b h*s robe& m!rm!r*n'8

    GSta +*th me&