Download pdf - Maus II by Rachel S


Description (Part 1): Francoise slams on her breaks to pick up a hitchhiker. Its ironic because Vladek is being racist against African-Americans, when the Germans were racist against him.

Description (Part 2): Vladek is talking to himself in Polish so no one can understand him. Vladek also thinks that Francoise, Art's wife, has lost her head and ultimatley gone crazy.

Expand: This relates to my life because it shows that I can never be hypocritical about ANYTHING! Whether it be racism or the fact that I say "I will never eat a PB&J" when I do anyway.

huiahfkaLGFDescription (Part 3): As the hitchhiker says good-bye, Vladek yells at Francoise. Then Vladek thinks that the hitchhiker, since he was African-American, had stolen some of the groceries.

Description (Part 4): Francoise flips out that he is being racist. Vladek then claims that you can't compare African-Americans to Jews.

Explain: I think that Speiglman's use of the African-American as the hitchhiker was a great idea because in Europe JEws were discrimin-ated against , and in America it was African-Americans. Also showing that Vladek is being racist shows that he is somewhat jerkish.