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VOL 10, NO 18 ■ MAY 13, 2011 / 9 IYAR, 5771 WWW.THEJEWISHSTAR.COM

View from YU Page 3 Where’s Hillary? photo fi asco Page 7Double Hebrew please Page 20 Guest voices: Helicopter parenting Page 8


Shabbat Candlelighting: 7:45 p.m. Shabbat ends 8:51 p.m. 72 minute zman 9:15 p.m. Torah Reading Parshat Behar


11530PERMIT NO 301

Jeff LebI am a long-time community advocate

now running to transform the board of the Peninsula Public Library. I am happily mar-ried for 11 years and live in Cedarhurst with my wife, Esther, and our four terrifi c children who attend local yeshivas. Currently, I work for the Sephardic Community Federation, a public policy organization, and am Secretary of TEACH NYS – the only organization dedi-cated to helping ease the tuition burden on private school parents. I volunteer for several different organizations including Project Ma-zon, a program which I co-founded that pro-vides quiet assistance to families in need by subsidizing their weekly grocery bill.

My professional career began with Salo-mon Smith Barney. I worked in the Corpo-rate Tax Division and was the liaison between Salomon Smith Barney and the IRS. It was there that I really learned how to gauge the fi nancial stability of an initiative or company. After working there, I worked for New York City Councilman James F. Gennaro. My re-sponsibilities included overseeing the Coun-cilmanic operations and determining the best course of action to maximize the fi scal, social and cultural opportunities of the 24th Coun-

Murray FormanIt is my sixth year as a trustee, fi fth year

as a President and was a concerned resident prior to being elected six years ago. I exten-sively attended meetings and thought that I would have a lot to contribute to the board. The record of the School Board speaks for it-self. The guiding principle has always been educational excellence with fi scal responsi-bility. Especially in light of the diffi cult fi scal times we fi nd ourselves in, the district is in a strong fi nancial position. We’ve completed an extensive capital improvement program, enhanced programming while having an es-sentially fl at tax levy for the past six years.

I stand by our record of accomplishment. There’s not a district on Long Island that can point to the accomplishments of the Law-

Sarah YastrabThe library is a unique institution in that

it is a place where everyone in this commu-nity can come together. I decided to run forthe Library Board to help make it a place that everyone can be proud of.

In my professional life, I have worked with people of different age groups, differ-ent backgrounds, and different levels of abil-ity and disability. That experience, togetherwith my experience as a mother, and a 12-year resident of the Five Towns, uniquely en-ables me to represent the needs of this com-munity.

Since the library is funded by taxpayerdollars, I would like to see transparency inwhere the money is going. It is time for thelibrary to embrace the technologies of the21st Century, and deliver service to our tax-payers in creative modern ways.

We endorse

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School Board Library Board

Dr. Asher Mansdorf I have been privileged to serve on the

Lawrence School Board for the past 10 years. I am proud of that public service; I am proud of the Board of Education’s many accomplish-ments in the Lawrence School District; and I am optimistic about where we can continue to go to advance the mission, the goals and the effectiveness of public school education in the Lawrence area, and beyond.

Because of what I have been able to learn on the School Board, I am a strong believ-er in the vital importance of public school education for the benefi t of our larger com-munity. Public education can work. Public education must work. And, when public edu-cation works well, we all benefi t from its suc-cess – whether our children are part of the public school system, or not. Quite simply, I strongly believe that the success of our public schools determines the success of our soci-ety – since the overwhelming majority of our society’s children are educated in our public schools. The better and more comprehensive their education, the more likely they are to become active, productive and rewarding members of our society. And that is a goal

Photos by Jeff Bessen

Continued on page 2 Continued on page 2

Vote Tues. May 17 7a.m. to 10 p.m.■ Number Two School■ Lawrence Middle School■ Lawrence High School■ Number Six School■ Atlantic Beach Village Hall

Continued on page 2

Library vote is Tuesday, May 17 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Polling places are the same as in the School Board elections.

Page 2: May 13, 2011

with which no one can really argue. We are struggling with the cost of pro-

viding quality education for our students; we struggle to attract and retain the highest quality teaching staff; we struggle with the cost of our school buildings, our gymnasi-ums, our laboratories, our transportation systems, our daily classroom maintenance, our extra-curricular programs – and we are seeking new and different creative ways to deal with those funding issues.

I am confi dent that as we move forward together, we will broaden our children’s educational horizons and overcome the chal-lenges that education faces in these most dif-fi cult times.

Continued from page 1


The Jewish StarAsk Aviva 24Classified Ads 25Crossword 23David’s Harp 6From the Heart of Jerusalem 8Hebrew Only Please! 20Kosher Bookworm 10Kosher Critic 15Mensch on the Street 13On the Calendar 22Parsha 9Photo of the Week 4Politico to Go 6Sports 16

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Dr. Asher Mansdorf

cilmanic district in Queens. I also worked for the Mayor’s Offi ce of Management and Bud-get, determining the best ways to optimize the revenues for the City of New York while minimizing the City’s expenses.

I’m running to reform the currently inef-fective Peninsula Public Library. The budget for the Peninsula Public Library is paid for by the taxpayers of District 15. Several mil-lion dollars go into the Library each and ev-ery year. Where is this money going? I don’t know, there is a severe lack of transparency in the budget.

I would like to have a forensic account-ing audit performed on the library and fi nd out exactly where the money is going. We, as taxpayers, have a right to know. Once that is revealed, I will work on behalf of my con-stituents to make sure that the library budget is used in the most effective and effi cient way possible – maximizing programs that will be used by our youth and seniors and cutting out waste and inconsistencies in the budget.

Sarah Yastrab and I can turn the library into the incredible institution that our com-munity deserves.

Jeff LebContinued from page 1

rence School District. We run a full day Pre-K, our buildings are in state of the art shape, we have new science labs, new athletic facilities and the district is debt-free – no bond debt. We truly provide educational excellence with fi scal responsibility.

Murray Forman

School Board

Library Board

Continued from page 1

For school board and library board results visit

The Jewish Star newspaper

(Long Island, NY)


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Yeshiva University students, faculty and staff honored the memories of Is-rael’s fallen soldiers and victims of ter-ror at Yeshiva University’s annual Yom Hazikaron (Israel Memorial Day) cere-mony on May 9 and celebrated Israel’s 63rd birthday on Yom Ha’atzmaut (Is-rael Independence Day) on May 10.

Photos courtesy Yeshiva University

View from YU: Remembrance and Joy

By Sergey Kadinsky

The kashrut of milk can vary depending on personal standards, with some Orthodox consumers relying on USDA supervisors, and others on a stricter Jewish supervision called Cholov Yisroel. Recent efforts to examine the labor, animal welfare, and environmental policies of food manufacturers have resulted in a debate about their role in the kashrut of food.

“One has to be concerned about the work-ers when buying a food product. Everyone was disturbed by Postville,” said Rabbi An-drew Warmfl ash of the Hewlett-East Rocka-way Jewish Center, a Conservative syna-gogue. Rabbi Warmfl ash said that most of his congregants keep kosher at home and are looking forward to seeing the Magen Tzedek on food packages by the end of this year.

Proposed after the 2008 mass arrest of il-legal immigrant workers at the Agriproces-sors facility in Postville, Iowa, the new Con-servative hechsher seeks to encourage ethical practices in the kosher food industry. While the hechsher would be distinct from food su-pervision, its early slogans were slammed by Agudath Israel, a leading Orthodox advocacy organization.

“The goal of ‘Magen Tzedek,’ however, is nothing less than to redefi ne kashrut,” the Agudath Israel statement writes. “The brazen effort of Magen Tzedek to change the Jewish mesorah, or religious tradition, should come as no surprise, considering its source.”

Within three days of the Agudath Israel statement, the Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative movement blasted the condem-nation as misleading, citing the biblical and rabbinic commitment to fair treatment of workers, humane treatment of animals, and care for the earth, as part of the religious tradition. Nevertheless, local Orthodox rab-bis expressed concern that these command-ments may be confused with commandments related to food production.

“Someone who uses food that fi ts the Ma-gen Tzedek mold will have a pure heart, but not a kosher pot,” said Rabbi Yossi Mendel-son of Forest Hills.

“Were the Magen Tzedek to promote itself as a ‘social issues’ endorsement unrelated to kashrut, we would not object to it. It’s tout-ing itself as ‘kashrut for the 21st century’ that makes it objectionable,” said Rabbi Avi Shafran, the public affairs director at Agu-dath Israel.

Sticking to social issues in food produc-tion, a similar seal, the Tav HaYosher, was also developed after the Postville case by Uri L’Tzedek, a grassroots organization that pro-motes social justice causes in the Orthodox community.

“Tzedek supervises factories, we super-vise restaurants. We speak to the workers andexamine the payroll every few months,” said founder Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz. So far, the “ethical seal” counts 80 establishments in 10 states, with plans to expand to Great Britain. While the Agudath Israel statement argues that governmental regulations are responsible for this issue, Rabbi Yanklowitz said that the lack of enforcement merits theneed for Jewish supervision.

“Years can go by before a site is inspected, there is a crisis of enforcement. Grassroots efforts will elevate the kosher industry,” Rabbi Yanklowitz said. “The violations are so rampart that enough enforcement is needed here.”

While Tav HaYosher keeps its wage and working conditions within the bounds of legislation, the Magen Tzedek takes pride in taking a higher standard, citing the Ram-bam’s recommendation to go “beyond the letter of the law” in observance.

“Government standards are political be-cause nobody wants manufacturers to go out of business, but are there enough benefi ts and time off for workers? We don’t think the gov-ernment standard is enough,” Rabbi Warm-fl ash said. “This is a much higher standard.”

Conservative Jewish hechsher in question

The hechsher on the right is Orthodox, and on the left is Conservative. Both seek to address workplace, animal welfar,e and environmental practices of food manufacturers.

Page 4: May 13, 2011

If you have a photograph with a description, from local or afar, please submit to: [email protected]

Photo of the Week

Israel beck-ons for political punditFox News Channel commentator Glenn Beck visited Israel last week, taking tours of the Old City of Jerusalem and Yad Vashem. The outspoken Israel supporter also sought to ascend the Temple Mount, but Muslim authorities protested his presence. The radio talk show host settled for the southern steps of Har Habayit, where he took a break to meditate. He broadcasted his radio show from the King David Hotel on May 10.

The largest event in the World celebratingthe Anniversary of Israel’s independence!

Participants will include:■ Some of the area’s best marching bands■ Over 20 decorated fl oats■ Street performers, artists, musicians and

dancers■ Over 100 schools, colleges, civic, reli-

gious and community groups■ Special guest appearances to be an-


Parade Route on Fifth Avenue and Time Span:

The Parade begins at 57th Street and goes

to 74th Street. The Parade will take place from 11 AM to 4 PM, Rain or Shine. Local participants include:

■ Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway■ Hebrew Academy of Long Beach■ Hebrew Academy of Nassau County■ Mashadi Youth Committee ■ North Shore Hebrew Academy Middle School and High School■ Rambam Mesivta / Shalhevet High School for Girls ■ Shulamith School for Girls■ Brandeis School

Celebrate Israel Parade Sunday, June 5!

The annual Israel Day Concert in Cen-tral Park is celebrating its 18th year, with the themes of keeping Jerusalem eternally united, opposing land concessions, standing up to the Iranian government, and support-ing the relase of Jonathan Pollard and Gilad Shalit.

The Concert will be held at Central Park’s Summer Stage, located near the park en-trance at Fifth Avenue and 72nd Street. The fi ve-hour concert begins at 2:30 p.m. regard-less of weather conditions. Theis free event follows the Salute to Israel Parade. Special

performers include Avraham Fried, Shalshe-les, Shalsheles Jr., Avi Peretz of the Uri Bitton band, and Jerry Markovitz, among others. Deputy Knesset Speaker MK Danny Danon will be speaking. There will also be a special appearance by David F. Nesenoff, publisher of The Jewish Star, which is a sponsor of the concert. Kosher food available supplied by Aron’s Kissena Farms. Anyone interested in sponsorship opportunities should contact 917-650-5623, to have your name added to the elegant Concert Poster, displayed in this week’s issue.

Followed by concert in the park


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THE JEWISH STARIndependent and original reporting from the Orthodox communities of Long Island and New York City

All opinions expressed are solely those of The Jewish Star’s editorial staff or contributing writers

Publisher and Editor David F. Nesenoff Assistant Editor Sergey Kadinsky Account Executives Helene Parsons Zelig Krymko Hy Spitz Sandi Stanger Contributors Rabbi Avi Billet Jeff Dunetz Samuel Fisher Rabbi Noam Himelstein Alan Jay Gerber Zechariah Mehler Aviva Rizel Intern Ariel Rosenbloom Editorial Designer Alyson Goodman Photo Editor Christina Daly

2 Endo Boulevard, Garden City, NY 11530Phone: 516-622-7461, Fax: 516-569-4942E-mail: [email protected]

The Jewish Star is published weekly by The Jewish Star LLC, 2 Endo Boulevard, Garden City, NY 11530.

Subscription rates: $9 per quarter on a credit card in Nassau and Far Rockaway, or $48 a year. Elsewhere in the US, $15 per quarter or $72 a year.

Newsstand Price: $1.

Copyright © 2011 The Jewish Star LLC. All rights reserved.

“Where am I? What happened?” Osama bin Laden asks. A clerk of the Angel of Death replies, “You are dead.” Osama is confused. “How could that be I was just sitting in my home in Pakistan

planning the bombing of the American transportation system and having tea with my 15-year-old wife. This must be a mistake.” The clerk looks over his paperwork. “No, there’s no error here. A group of American SEALS entered your compound and killed you.” Osama is shocked. “I remember something, but I don’t understand how this could happen. I was living footsteps from the Pakistani military headquarters, right outside of Islamabad, the capital

of the country. I had my own video studio and hi tech communication center. And why do I have the strangesensation that my body is being chewed apart by scav-engers of the sea? And if I am dead then where are the 72 virgins that are supposed to greet me?”

The clerk explains. “The G-d of Israel is the true Al-mighty. He has tried to bring justice and love into the world with His commandments. He has given the Jew-ish people the Land of Israel and they have allowed all people to inhabit there and visit. Haven’t you ever won-dered why with 21 Arab countries and one and a half billion Muslims all against Israel, not to mention most of the rest of the world, that Israel not only continues to successfully defend herself but she grows every time she is attacked? Don’t you get it, you stupid piece of fi sh-food, that you are on the wrong side of G-d? 72 virgins? Do you even hear yourself? Did you ever stop and think that if your heaven is 72 virgins being with you, then that must be their hell?”

Osama complains. “I want the virgins! This is anightmare. I demand what’s coming to me.” The clerk jumps in. “Actually, we will give you what is coming to you. You are slated to have the essence of your demented disgusting soul divided into infi nitesimal pieces and placed back into the material world. You will be found in all farm, jungle and wildlife excrement. And we have arranged for 72 virgin fl ies to greet you each time.” Osama yells, “Allah where are you?” The clerk interrupts. “If you’re talkingabout Elokim, Hashem, He is busy shielding the Jewish children of Sderotfrom Palestinian Kassam rockets falling on their schools and playgrounds. Did it ever occur to you and your worldwide murderers and supporters that killing innocent people might not be G-d’s plan?”

“I must speak to someone in charge immediately!” Osama is pleading. Theclerk laughs. “OU and AIPAC are running things for G-d and they’re not taking any meetings right now. And besides my records indicate that you along with your 9-11 hijackers and Arafat all have an appointment with a herd of diarhetic elephants in Tanzania.” The clerk speaks into a walkie-talkie. “Cue the fl ies.”


David F. Nesenoff

While growing up we all believe in fantasies. For years my son believed that there were mon-sters under his bed at night, my daughter be-

lieved that a unicorn would show up for her to ride away. Both of them believed in the tooth fairy (there was one of those, but it was only their dad in a cos-tume.) Part of the growing process is that we realize that these childish myths are not real by any means.

Surprisingly there is one childish myth that many otherwise intelligent adults cling on to. That’s the myth that Palestinian President Abbas’ Fatah is mod-

erate. People ignore what Ab-bas’ party says and does, cling-ing on to the myth that they want peace. Allow me to sug-gest you are more likely to look up into the sky and see a winged fl ying horse with a single horn than see a moderate Fatah. Allow me to give you an ex-ample. During the 2009 Fatah convention, senior Fatah mem-ber Rafi k Natsheh announced that their group will never rec-ognize Israel, and will continue to call for war against Israel. “Fatah does not recognize Is-rael’s right to exist, nor have we ever asked others to do so.”

Fatah has never stopped per-forming terrorist acts against

Israeli citizens, Fatah claimed credit for the recent attack in Itamar Israel where two terrorists slipped into the house of the Fogel family, murdered both parents, two of their sons and slashed their infant daughter’s throat. Only they didn’t call it Fatah.

Like most terrorist groups Fatah has a scam that governments and media buys into. It’s called a “mili-tary wing.” Fatah’s military wing is called the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Whenever they carry out a new at-tack on innocent civilians, it is the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who carries it out. The group is part of Fa-tah, but because they have a different name Fatah gets a pass. It would be like President Obama getting on the television to announce that the United States’ “military wing” was responsible for killing Bin Laden.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades has another role, to make the more radical statements so President Abbas can preserve his role as a faux-peacemaker. There-fore Abbas did not say anything about the death of Bin Laden, his “military wing” handled it for him.

They released a statement to MAAN news (a Pal-estinian News Agency) saying Bin Laden was a mar-tyr called his killing a “catastrophe.” And those who killed Bin Laden were “gangs of heretics.”

“The path irrigated with the blood of its leaders

is the path of victory, Allah willing. If Abu Abdallah [Bin Laden] was killed, then he merited the shahada (death for Allah) which he had sought, and inscribed with his blood the landmarks of jihad, leaving behind an entire generation that follows the path of Sheikh Osama.”

They said: ‘The military wings of the jihad fi ghters in Palestine and outside of it, who have in the past lost many of their commanders and their men, will not stop. This has only strengthened their determina-tion, their resolve and their loyalty to their shahids [martyrs] who have turned their words into a reality testifying to their honesty, and which in fact bolsters the drive and the strength of their brothers on the path to victory or shahada.

“We say to the American and Israeli occupier: the [Islamic] nation which produced leaders who changed the course of history through their jihad and their endurance, is a nation that is capable of supply-ing an abundance of new blood into the arteries of the resistance and is capable of restoring the glory of Islam and the fl ag of Allah’s oneness.”

Now that didn’t sound very moderate to me. In fact it sounded very much like Hamas, which is rec-ognized as a not so moderate terrorist group.

As the NY Times reported their statement:“Hamas offi cials here condemned on Monday the

American operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, with Ismail Haniya, the leader of the Hamas govern-ment, calling it a “continuation of the United States policy of destruction.”

Ismail al-Ashqar, a Hamas lawmaker, described it as “state terrorism that America carries out against Muslims.”

There in that statement lies the reason why Fatah may be even more dangerous than Hamas. Hamas doesn’t try to hide its intentions, both its political and “military arms” (yes they have one of those also) are honest in their hatred of Israel. Fatah, on the other hand tries to show its moderation through its politi-cal arm, but its true intentions via Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

Sadly most of the world believes there is a differ-ence between Hamas and Fatah, but as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades proves that belief should be fi led in the same place as other childhood fantasies.

Jeff Dunetz is the Editor/Publisher of the political blog “The Lid” ( Jeff contributes to some of the largest political sites on the internet in-cluding American Thinker, Big Government, Big Jour-nalism, NewsReal and Pajama’s Media, and has been a guest on national radio shows including G. Gordon Liddy, Tammy Bruce and Glenn Beck. Jeff lives in Long Island.

Where is Osama going?


Jeff Dunetz

Yankie & Luzer

Let’s not forget Gilad Shalit.

Palestinian President Abbas’ Fatah party is moderate and other childhood fantasies

Page 7: May 13, 2011

By Sergey Kadinsky

A photograph has saddled a Brooklyn-based haredi newspaper with negative publicity, resulting in a public apology for omitting the government’s most powerful wom-an from a photograph.

The White House has not pub-licized images of the Osama Bin Laden’s corpse and the commandos who assassinated him. As a result, many newspapers adopted the pho-tograph of President Barack Obama and his cabinet watching the raid unfold on the screen of the White House Situation Room as the defi n-ing image of the event.

Di Tzeitung, of Borough Park, published White house photogra-pher Pete Souza’s photograph, but with Secretary of State Hillary Clin-ton and Counterterrorism Director Audrey Tomason edited out of the photograph.

Picked up by blogs, the doctored photo went viral, receiving cover-age in national media, often with the accusation that hasidism op-poses having women in position of power.

“To suggest that the paper re-moved Hillary because it has an is-sue with women in power is nuts,” Yossi Gestetner said. Raised in Wil-liamsburg, the hasidic public rela-

tions consultant rushed to the Yid-dish newspaper’s defense. “This was an iconic photo and the editor want-ed to give the best possible coverage within the hasidic guidelines.”

While the weekly newspaper does not have an offi cial affi lia-tion, Gestetner said that it closely adheres to the policies of the Sat-mar and Bobover communities. “I do not think anyone would get aroused by this photo, regardless of how dressed the women are, it is part of the guidelines.”

Having worked with Di Tzei-tung, Gestetner noted that the edi-tor’s wife negotiates advertising, and that in the 2008 Democratic primaries and the 2006 Senate race, the newspaper endorsed Clin-ton. Nevertheless, doctoring offi cial White House photographs within a news story is forbidden, and while the White House had no comment on the story, Di Tzeitung issued an apology on Monday.

“The readership of the Tzeitung believe that women should be ap-preciated for who they are and what they do, not for what they look like, and the Jewish laws of modesty are an expression of re-spect for women,” the statement reads. The editorial board also apologized for not reading the fi ne print on rules forbidding alteration

of the image. “We have nothing against wom-

en being elected to offi ce,” pub-lisher Albert Friedman said in an interview with CNN. Friedman is running the public apology in this week’s edition of Di Tzeitung, ex-plaining the newspaper’s modesty guidelines alongside respect for government fi gures.

Haredi newspaper apologizes

In search of Hillary

Above photo courtesy of The White House

Where is Hillary? Hasidic pa-per edits out women in accor-dance with its modesty guide-lines.





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I used to be troubled a lot by the ques-tion of why doesn’t G-d reveal Himself to us. If He wants our service, why doesn’t He demand faith through awe-inspiring demon-stration and undeniable evidence?

The response I was given time and again was essentially that such a demonstration would make obser-vance too easy. G-d intentionally withholds evidence of His power as a test to the strug-gling Jew, the purpose being that through con-fronting the test and taking the road of blind faith, the believer is ul-timately fortifi ed and his Judaism enriched.

But the obvious logical gap in this argu-ment involves the Jew

who struggles and falls into a world of G-dlessness. It makes little sense that a loving and compassionate G-d would toughen one Jew’s faith at the expense of another’s entire

world of Judaism. A test may enhance Juda-ism for a narrow group but it drives the bulk of Jews away from the tradition altogether.

So the question remains: Why doesn’t G-d reveal Himself through supernatural occur-rences? When discussing G-d, one must as-sume Him to be omnipotent; the concept of supernatural intervention is actually incon-ceivable. This is because from our modern perspective any “supernatural” event would cease to defy nature and instead redefi ne it. At the end of the day, if you defi ne “nature” as that which exists and occurs, then any ex-istence or occurrence only becomes incorpo-rated into next year’s science textbook. It is impossible to introduce the supernatural into a world that exists only on the natural plane while preserving any form of separation be-tween the two.

In 1927, Werner Heisenberg demonstrated that it is impossible to precisely identify an electron’s position and velocity simultane-ously as it moves about the atom. Heisenberg proved (using scientifi c method) that man’s knowledge is doomed to incompletion. Conse-quently, seeing as man will never know the full scope of science, man will never be able to dif-ferentiate the mundane from the miraculous.

The closest an occurrence can come to demonstrating the supernatural is by demon-strating vast coincidence. The continuity of the Jewish people and the establishment of the Jewish State defy statistical probability to a degree that verges on supernatural. Yet, in an objective sense, Jewish history of course exemplifi es nothing more than unlikely cir-cumstance.

That’s the problem with expecting G-d to show Himself with miracles. We won-der why doesn’t G-d prove his existence and win our eternal servitude by defying nature before our very eyes. But our mental limi-tations make it impossible for us to witness such a demonstration and appreciate its true import. Manifestations of G-d’s existence can therefore only exist in the subjective per-sonal realm and cannot enter into objective argument.

What kind of revelation could the Jews have experienced at Mount Sinai as famously described in the Torah? It is sensible to say that the Torah describes not a miracle in the conventional sense but rather a moment in which bypassed the spectacular and directly implanted an intuitive faith into each Jew’s heart.

There is an alternative to this self-con-ceived world without even the slightest spark of marvel. Instead of assuming all of the mysteries to be mundane elements of sci-ence, one can choose to view the world as wondrous. Until explained, let all of nature’s mysteries be miracles. Within this frame-work, the survival of the Jew becomes a miracle meriting infi nite gratitude.

In the Shemoneh Esrei, we ask G-d, “V’techezena einenu b’shuvcha l’tzion,” “And let our eyes behold Your return to Zion.” Rather than praying directly for the objective reality of G-d’s return, we pray specifi cally that our eyes are capable of seeing it when it occurs. We cannot take for granted our abil-ity to witness G-d even in the most divinely inspired moments. It takes, literally, insight to visualize G-d’s image in the world. I must admit that sitting here in the heart of Jerusa-lem gives me a good view.

Samuel Fisher grew up in Newton, Mas-sachusetts and graduated from Maimonides School in 2010. He is spending the year study-ing in Yeshivat Orayta in the Old City of Je-rusalem after which he will attend Harvard College.

Believing is seeing



Samuel Fisher

Our practice accepts interns; postgradu-ate students interested in a clinical in-ternship must send us a copy of their

C.V. and a cover letter. Surprisingly, many letters arrive with grammar and spelling errors. Other business leaders, education and agency administrators have voiced similar ex-periences. This is not surprising because on Feb. 7, the New York State Education De-partment reported that less than half of the graduating students in the state’s high schools are prepared for college or challenging jobs. These new statistics show that only about 23 percent of students in New York City, half

the rate anticipated, graduated ready for col-lege or careers in 2009. Even the best dis-

tricts have rates lower than anticipated by as much as 20 percent.

We often harbor the belief that building a child’s self-esteem prepares them to handle life’s challenges. We have trained ourselves and our children to believe that if they feel good about themselves they will always do well. However, high self-esteem does not translate into success, hard work does. What we are seeing is the product of years of over-protective parenting and the belief that “my child is always perfect.”

The 1960s phrase “hovering parent” used to describe overprotective and indulgent par-ents became the 1990s “Helicopter Parents.” While some helicoptering is anticipated in grade school it often does not end there. Par-ents who call their children in college or even in Israel to make sure that they get up for class, parents who are in contact with their childrens’ rabbis, teachers and professors, hold false belief that they can ensure their child’s success.

What these parents are accomplishing though is creating adults with a false sense of achievement but none of the tools to realize

success. These students actually learn how to “skate by” rather than do the task successful-ly. Listen to college students talk about how they have not done the readings or home-work and still manage to get what they call “a decent grade.” Yeshiva students do the same. They will often tell you that they have “no worries” because “there are really no tests.”

Children with helicopter parents become dependent, impulsive, anxious and fearful. They have diffi culty making decisions and demure to others even for major life issues, even if they know that they are getting bad advice. They do this because they believe that their parents will be there to fi x everything.

Children who have been helicoptered of-ten do not set goals for careers believing that their parents will set them up in a business; or worse - they will never have to work. The emotional dependencies are evidenced in marriage and other relationships where over-protected children grow to believe that they do not have to invest themselves emotionally to make the relationship work. Parents con-tact a shadchan and the “adults” decide who to date and marry. Parents then work out a

fi scal arrangement to support the children and following that a job may be secured forthe young man.

But a few years into this pattern, the cou-ple may start to realize that they may not be right for one another. The divorce rates are climbing. Fiscal realities require well-trained workers with intellectual and technological savvy. Teaching decision-making skills begins in childhood. Building a child’s self-esteem is important, but must take a second seat to learning responsibility. This cannot be doneif parents are hovering closely or if children believe that they can just skate by.

Dr. Salamon, a Fellow of the American Psy-chological Association, is the founder and di-rector of ADC Psychological Services in Hewlett, a board member of Ptach and The Awareness Center. His recent books include, The Shidduch Crisis: Causes and Cures, published by Urim Publications and Every Pot Has a Cover: A Proven Guide to Finding, Keeping and Enhanc-ing the Ideal Relationship, published by Row-man & Littlefi eld.

Guest voicesHelicopters and skates


Michael J. Salamon

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Page 9: May 13, 2011

If the Torah is of divine authorship, why does it repeat itself so much? Did G-d forget what He had already written when He chose to repeat an idea? And not just any idea, but an entire verse – word for word? Compare 26:2 to 19:30 and you’ll fi nd the exact same words: “Observe my Sabbath and revere my

temple, I am G-d.”The phrase “Ob-

serve my Sabbath” ap-pears one more time in the book of Vayikra, when it is connected to the commandment of revering one’s parents. (Vayikra 19:3)

What is the connec-tion?

When one examines the last few verses of our parsha, one sees a very clear reference to the fi rst four utterings of the Decalogue: the

Israelites are my avadim (servants or sub-jects) because I took them out of Egypt; you are not to make idols, monuments or stones for worship purposes; do not bow down to them; observe My Sabbath and revere My Temple.

The commandment to honor one’s par-ents (as it appears in Shemot 20), or to re-vere them (as it appears in Vayikra 19:3) is

conspicuously absent here – it seems to be replaced by the commandment to revere the Temple. What gives?

Rashi famously asks at the beginning of the parsha “What is the reason for discussing the laws of shmittah at Sinai?” The answer to this question is the subject of much homileti-cal discourse.

But perhaps the parsha ends with a refer-ence to the Ten Commandments to empha-size the importance and signifi cance of the relationship between man and G-d in our lives, and how it even exists when we are dis-cussing the laws of the shmittah and of char-ity and of the Jewish eved.

Why is the relationship to parents, then, left out of the discussion?

There are three ways we are instructed to relate to G-d: To love G-d (Devarim 6:5, 10:12, 11:1,13,22, 19:9, 30:6,16,20), to fear/revere G-d (Vayikra 19:14,32; 25:17,36,43, Devarim 13:5), and to honor/respect G-d (Shmuel I 2:30). There are two ways we are instructed to relate to our parents: to fear/revere them (Vayikra 19:3), and to honor/respect them. (Shmot 20:11, Devarim 5:15) There are two ways to relate to the Temple: to revere it (Vayikra 19:3, 26:2) and not to desecrate it. (Vayikra 20:3, 21:23)

We are instructed to revere G-d, Temple and parents. We are instructed to honor/re-spect G-d, to avoid desecrating the Temple, and to revere parents. We are told love G-d,

but are not instructed to love our parents or the Temple.

I think that the repeated verse we began with is meant to teach us an important les-son, in code. Parents and the Temple are to be equated. There is no instruction to love ei-ther one, as there is to love G-d, for example, because the love is either there or it is not. It either comes naturally, or it does not. And if it does not come naturally, one needs to work on it if one wants it. As long as the reverence and respect for one’s parents is there, and as long as one reveres the Temple and takes no steps to desecrate it, one is operating in a positive direction.

And the connection to Shabbos is mani-festly clear. On what day of the week does one have the opportunity to spend the most time in the Temple? On what day of the week do parents have the chance to spend the most amount of time with their children? The an-swer to both is “Shabbos.” And it is through the observance of the Shabbos that we spend the best quality time aimed at building the uncommanded loving part of our relation-ships with our parents and with our Temples and our experiences there.

So now the question becomes one of how do we walk away from all these lengthy hours of quality time? Does the relationship be-tween parents and children grow – through quality meals, singing, learning together? Or do the parents nap most of the day while

their children are playing G-d-knows-what-G-d-knows where?

Does the Temple become a place of rever-ence and non-desecration? Or is there talk-ing during the service, idle chatter in the hallways, and a general disregard for whatthe Temple on Shabbos is supposed to look like?

The three fi nal verses in our parsha re-mind us of the spiritual side of the Deca-logue. It is through our honor, reverence andlove of G-d that we come to observe and re-member the Shabbos, and it is through our proper, family oriented approach to observ-ing the Shabbos that children can come to revere their parents and respect the Temple.

These are ideals that are worthy of repeti-tion. Over and over again.

Parshat Behar

The special beauty of Shabbos

Rabbi Avi Billet

On what day of the week

do parents have the

chance to spend the most

amount of time with their






May 13, 20

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In his latest weekly Dvar Torah titled, “The Duality of Jewish Time: Parshat Emor” British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote

the following observations that are most apt to the book under review this week, “Palaces of Time” by Dr. Elisheva Carlebach [Belknap Press of Harvard University Press , 2011].

Notes the Chief Rabbi, “Time plays an enormous part in Judaism. The fi rst thing G-d declared holy was a day : The Shabbat, at the conclusion of creation.

“The fi rst mitzvah given to the Jewish people as a whole prior to the Exodus, was

the command to sanc-tify time, by determin-ing and applying the Jewish calendar.”

The time factor in our religion has guided us in ritual, action and lifestyle since the very beginning of time. And this was no accident.

In her latest work, Dr. Carlebach sets out to teach us the his-torical as well as theo-logical reasonings and

rationales that are the construct and obser-vances of the Jewish calendar of early mod-ern Europe starting from the 15th century. Utilizing the “sifrei evronot, Jewish calen-dar/almanacs to the 18th century Carlebach demonstrates how our beliefs and theology related to both our faith as well as to the life-style and calendar demands of our Christian neighbors.”

Throughout this work are to be found a

plethora of illustrated works refl ecting the religious custom and folklore that was the mainstay of our faith in those times. Inter-woven into the text was law, and lore as well as descriptions of Jewish experiences in daily life, personal piety, the role of the Hebrew book as a source of Jewish literature, art, most in full and resplendent color.

It must be realized that most of these cal-endars were designed for religious use exclu-sively and their accuracy had to be fl awless torefl ect the dates and times for all feasts, fasts and times for candle lighting.

The consideration of Christian sensitivi-ties, as well as Jewish religious restrictions in their relationships, especially those of com-mercial interest are given a major play in this book. Most of us may be oblivious as to the complicated halachic restrictions that were extant in those times and would fi nd these numerous details as enumerated in this vol-ume to be both fascinating and intriguing in light of our contemporary relationships with our non-Jewish neighbors of all faiths.

One major factor was the Jewish calculus of Christian holidays and the various con-siderations that Jews in those days had to consider especially in the physically isolated conditions wherein they resided. Also, one must remember that Christianity uses a solar calendar, Islam a lunar calendar while Juda-ism’s “luach” utilized a fusion of both. This plays a major role in the descriptive and nar-rative to be found throughout this work.

The scholarship that went into this book is evidenced by the fact that the extensive and detailed footnoting extends to 40 pages, and the bibliography 25 pages making this

work a joy for both the profes-sional and amateur research-ers among us to would desire to further their knowledge of what goes into the develop-ment of the Jewish calendar

This work by Dr. Carlebach, professor of Jewish History at Columbia University, and the daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, shlita, the former mashgiach at Yeshivas Chaim Berlin, represents the type of scholarship and methodology that this writer wishes to see in evidence by Jewish pub-lishers when they attempt works dealing with Jewish History, biography, and the-ology. If only they were to do so, it would truly enhance our people’s study of our faith’s heritage.

Let me conclude this week’s essay with another quote from Rabbi Sacks’ eloquent and timely Dvar Torah of last week.

“In Judaism time is both historical and natural. Un-expected, counter-intuitive, certainly. But glorious in its refusal to simplify the rich complexity of time: the ticking clock, the growing plant, the aging body and the ever deepening mind.”

Time is an ever present factor in our lives, especially for our minds. This is refl ected in

our faith, where t he learning regimen is expected of all of us, and as presented in this week’s review in Dr. Car-lebach’s work, and Rabbi Sacks’ teachings.

The Kosher Bookworm

The unique legacy of the Jewish calendar

Alan Jay Gerber

By Sergey Kadinsky

It sits on a narrow lot and it accommo-dates 23 cars, but it serves Lawrence, Cedar-hurst, Inwood, Atlantic Beach, and parts of Woodmere. For years, there has been talk of a new building: a former school site next door, the parking lot of the Lawrence train station, and the Temple Israel property. The Penin-sula Public Library in Lawrence remains in its half century-old building as plans for a new site remain stalled.

“We’ve been trying to get a new site, but it’s not getting anywhere. We’ve been ham-pered and it feels like our feet are getting chopped off,” said Stanley Nussbaum, 80, the library’s treasurer. “The village is not approv-ing the variances needed.”

The library shares its district with School District 15, which in recent years has been marked by contentious school board elec-tions that highlighted tensions between Or-thodox board members and parents opposing their membership on the board. Being a quiet place, the library election is relatively tame, but not without sharp barbs.

“I’m from Brooklyn and I’ve seen good li-braries. This library is depressing. It’s a place where you grab a book and run out,” said Cedarhurst resident Jeffrey Leb, 32, who is challenging Nussbaum in the election. “Look at the Woodmere-Hewlett library, why can’t our library be like that library?”

Leb attacked Nussbaum for the library’s attempt to secure the Lawrence train station parking lot. “They spent money planning it out, but they needed to look for the prob-

Library election: where’s the new building?



our faith where t he

Jewish Star fi le photoContinued on page 11

Page 11: May 13, 2011

By David F. Nesenoff

Before leaving this earth it is imperative to experience the music and certainly a live performance of Amir Gwirtzman. At a recent recital at Pianos on Ludlow Street in Green-wich Village, Gwirtzman, of Tel Aviv, per-formed his woodwind magic playing many of his pieces from his latest album Inhale Exhale.

Although Gwirtzman demonstrates his genius talent on dozens of instruments from the fl ute to the soprano sax to the bagpipes, his magnifi cence lies in his unique live cre-ation of a “band” that he weaves right before his audience’s eyes. He lays down a baritone saxophone track and records it and then digi-tally plays it back while he places the next layer with another instrument. He repeats this over and over again until he is jamming with a full musical group of himself. What’s better than one Gwirtzman? Five Gwirtz-mans. And he delivers it. His music is a ho-mogeny of Middle Eastern, Jazz, Irish, Native American, Pop, Rock and the blowing of a shofar battling with a soprano saxophone. Gwirtzman interjects his Israeli heart with quips and stories, but his ultimate charm is found in the nuance of his very body move-ment. While he plays 20 instruments his own feet can’t help from dancing.

Gwirtzman just completed touring Amer-ica’s southern museums and cultural centers

as part of a Visiting Artists Program coordi-nated by the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life, which serves 13 Southern states. The Visiting Artists Program is meant “to build a bridge between Israel and the U.S.” His New York performance was sponsored by the Israeli Embassy.

Music review

Inhale exhale and exhale: Amir Gwirtzman

lems. It’s like doing a title search when you purchase a home,” Leb said.

Lawrence village trustee Michael Fra-gin said that Lawrence alone should not be blamed for the library’s shortcomings. “They need to go to the MTA for a waiver, the vil-lage is not a party to this. They did not do their homework on the site,” Fragin said. A restrictive covenant on the site limited devel-opment to transportation-related projects.

Leb argued that the waste of $30,000 on an impossible site demonstrates the incum-bents’ inability to spend wisely. Nussbaum said that while the building is small, it has numerous programs and is open seven days a week, operating for 12 hours every Mon-day through Thursday. A local resident since 1969, Nussbaum became a trustee in 2009, but his previous local leadership includes the Five Towns Democratic Club and Five Towns Jewish Council.

In contrast, Leb is relatively new to Five Towns, moving in a year and a half ago from Marine Park in Brooklyn. His government experience includes advocacy for private school children on behalf of Sephardic Com-munity Federation and Teach NYS. He also served as chief of staff for City Councilman

James Gennaro, who represents a large Jew-ish constituency in central Queens. “I wentto a couple of board meetings and they were empty. Nobody attended.”

Almost nobody. Alongside Leb, another local activist, Sarah Yastrab, 40, a physicaltherapist from Woodmere, is also running, challenging incumbent Patricia Pope, 63 of Inwood. “The library is very antiquated and needs to reach out more,” Yastrab said.

Although Yastrab did not elaborate on the details of the budget, she said that by looking at the usage fi gures, the hours could be ad-justed to the busier times in the day. Echoing Leb’s concerns on the budget, Yastrab hopes to work with the village government to se-cure a new site.

Mayor Martin Oliner said that while he shares their goal of a new building, landin Lawrence is limited and cannot be givenaway. “It’s like someone asking to buy my house, but my house is not for sale. TheTemple Israel site is a great idea, but it is ex-tremely complicated,” Oliner said.

With land at a premium, Oliner offered a compromise that would keep the library at its present site. “They could focus on addinga couple of stories where they are. Variances are needed and we can recommend them.”

Continued from page 10

Where’s the building?Library election issues

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Page 13: May 13, 2011

Mensch on the street By Ariel Rosenbloom

What’s your favoritepizza place?

“Pizza Hut on Kenyon Malcha in Israel. Their pizza tastes like a soofganiah.”

RACHEL GALILI, manager at Junee, Lawrence.

“Jerusalem Pizza in Lawrence. I just like the pizza.”

SHAINDY DEMBITZER, student at TAG, Far Rockaway.

“David’s Pizza in Cedarhurst. Well, it’s delicious, it’s yummy, and Miriam and David are very warm people. You can tell that the pizza is made with love.” MIRIAM MATATHIAS-HERMAN, mother of three and volunteer at Brandeis, Lawrence.

“Dave’s in Cedarhurst; the pizza rocks.”

LEVI BARON, meat manager at Seasons, Lawrence.

“Big Apple Pizza in Jerusalem, they have crispy thin crusts and the perfect cheese to sauce ratio.”

KUTI ROBERG, musician, “Kuti Ro-berg- One-man band,” Cedarhurst

“It doesn’t exist anymore. It’s called ‘Ritchie’s Pizza’ in Jerusalem. It had this message board that people would tack up messages.”

RABBI HILLEL LICH-TMAN, Israel Advisor at HAFTR High School, Cedarhurst.





May 13, 20

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Page 15: May 13, 2011

I believe that culinary speaking there is no pleasure, no rapture, no greater ecstasy then a well-prepared steak. And though

steak is such a quintessential menu item at almost all of the kosher New York meat res-taurants I often times advocate that when eating out it is best to order something other than the steak. This is because despite the ability of many of these restaurants to cook

a very tasty steak when you do a cost benefi t analysis of your meal it seems excessive to spend upwards of 50 dollars for a piece of meat you could easily cook yourself. However some restaurants stand out above others in pre-paring a steak so delec-tably delicious that the cost of the meal seems trivial by comparison. In my experience there is no restaurant that accomplishes this feat better then Etc. Steak-house.

Etc. Steakhouse is a modestly sized restaurant nestled at 1409 Palisades Avenue near what could be referred to as Teaneck New Jersey’s restau-rant district. Etc. has a wonderfully classical atmosphere with just enough modernity to create a pleasantly hip ambiance. Because it is located outside of New York City, Etc. is able to provide tables that are large enough to be comfortable to sit at and a dining room where you don’t feel crammed next to your

fellow diner. These features in addition to ta-ble cloths made from actual fabric and sturdy well made chairs make for an immediately comfortable dining setting.

From the fi rst dish my meal at Etc was impressive. I began with a duck confi t crepe with a macerated strawberry salad. To me the fl avor profi le and execution of this dish fabulously encapsulated the ambitious and brilliant nature of Etc’s Execturive Chef Seth Warshaw’s menu. The duck was rich and fatty while the crepe was light with a hint of sweetness that combined very well with the tartness of the strawberries. Though I was impressed by his fi rst dish Chef Warshaw blew me away with his second a gnocchi with crimini mushrooms, braised beef cheek, peas and fried leeks all served in a light marrow broth. The marrow broth was rich and vel-vety in a way that coated the cheek, mush-rooms, gnocchi and leek so that they all came together to create a beautiful combination of fl avors and textures that was superbly robust while still being delicate.

As I said before, Etc. Steakhouse is one of the few restaurants where I will advo-cate ordering the steak and the next dish I was served is why. I was given a mustard glazed hanger steak with a Yukon potato pu-ree which was topped by peas carrots and a ground hanger ragu all of which were then accompanied by a balsamic reduction. The steak was expertly infused with mustard fl avor that married so wonderfully with the potato puree and vegetables that it stands far and above many other meat dishes I have been served at other restaurants. What I like most was that this was not some ubiquitous steak unceremoniously plopped onto a plate

but a well throughout well constructed dish that showed an abundance of creativity mar-ried with fi rst-class technique. This same skill was applied to several other dishes I sampled namely the chocolate rubbed short rib served with black rice and haricot vert and the Etc. steak with roasted potato salad and tarragon sauce. The latter was served with a roasted marrow and kishka that acted as an extreme-ly clever union of traditional kosher food with French sensibilities. Each meat dish was prepared expertly and each dish had its own unique set of fl avor and texture profi les that set each apart as a completely singular offer-ing.

My experience at Etc. was not just good in that I greatly enjoyed the food it was in-spiring in that I found yet another kosher

chef who is willing to push the boundaries of kosher food and experiment in a way that brings advancement to the kosher restaurant scene. What’s more is that this was not one of the standard big city restaurants that are so often found only in Manhattan but rather is a local restaurant with all the available park-ing and elbow room that suburban New Jer-sey has to offer. For any that live in the area around Etc. I would recommend you add it to your list of restaurants to frequent and for anyone else I would defi nitely suggest that you take the time to pay Etc. and it’s brilliant head chef a visit.

Zechariah Mehler is a widely published foodwriter and expert in social marketing. Follow him on Twitter @thekoshercritic

Etc. Steakhouse of Teaneck


Zechariah Mehler

Photo by Zechariah Mehler

A mushroom gnocchi with braised beef cheek amid light marrow broth at Etc. Steakhouse.





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Page 16: May 13, 2011

DRS High School Wildcats topped North Shore Hebrew Academy 2-0, moving on to this season’s playoffs. Junior Zev Miller (below) a junior, passes the ball at the May 9 game. “We take great pride in our team and the character they show in every game,” said DRS Assistant Principal Elly Storch.

Sports: Volley for DRS over NSHA

Photos by Susan Grieco

Senior Yitz Mendlowitz makes a spike as teammates Zev Miller and Isaac Rosen look on.


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Page 19: May 13, 2011

By Manny Davidson

Why do perfectly normal people lose their mind in a supermarket? Why do intelligent, sophisticated men and women with respon-sible positions, lifetime achievements – even powerful people in fi nance and business, lay leaders and educators, act so brazenly and bizarrely in a supermarket or department store?

Which of the following behaviors can you relate to?

You have important company for Shabbos or Yom Tov and your mission is to purchase a beautiful roast or a lean cut rack of lamb chops. The butcher comes out with a fresh batch and you take it out of his hand or wag-on before he has a chance to put it into the freezer. A woman near you says, “Those were prepared for me, I was waiting for that.” The butcher confi rms this. Oblivious to her com-ments and his, you keep the beautiful roast and walk away. After all, you have important company for Shabbos and Yom Tov.

Another circumstance surely all of us have witnessed: We are standing on line at a cashier dutifully and patiently waiting our turn. There are three cashiers, each with a line several people long. Suddenly, another cashier opens up right next to you. Courtesy dictates that the next person on line goes fi rst. This may be the person before you, or even you. But, from the corner of your eye, you see the last person at the back of the lon-gest line, who just arrived, quickly maneuver her way in. “Oh, I’m so sorry, my mother’s in the car ... The plumber is waiting for me ... I’ve really never done this before… I must go to the manicurist …You don’t mind do you … Thanks so much.” She does not seem to no-tice the venomous stares from all others who have the same obligations and commitments awaiting them. Come to think of it, since stores have special lines for express or cash only, maybe we can have one line designated for the impetuous or impatient? Sixty items or less, no waiting.

Have you been at Costco lately with your full shopping cart waiting on line wondering why that woman in front of you is standing there with no cart? You know where this is going. A moment later, her husband arrives with an overloaded basket that will now set you back another 10-15 minutes. So while you were obeying the rules, others were not.

Remember how you hated being pinched on your cheek by an uncle? Why do you do that to a tomato? You get very annoyed at the double parked cars on 13th Avenue or both sides of Central Avenue, slowing traffi c, yet you do the same with a friend, stopping to talk in an aisle with your side-by-side wag-ons creating an obstacle course and making it impossible for others to pass.

Don’t you get furious at the person block-ing your car in who ran into the cleaners or the ATM for just a minute and blocked your car from getting out of your parking spot? But what about leaving your cart at the reg-ister and going back to pick up just fi ve more items across the store? Yes, indeed; we cour-teous, generous, refi ned people seem to lose all sense of balance in a supermarket.

I am the average person, your next-door neighbor. We’ve seen each other in Brachs,

Pomegranate, Gourmet Glatt, Amazing Sav-ings, CVS, Costco - in many stores and at many counters. Though I write tongue-in-cheek, you also know I am serious about my observations.

But I don’t want to be taken too serious-ly lest you are reluctant to hitch your son’s wagon to my daughter’s wagon, hence, my anonymity, and besides, could I afford to be stared at in a store by the many who believe I was actually directing my comments at them? Could I afford to openly give mussar when I myself am not guilt-free?

Therefore, I offer all of us the following recommendations for store regulations and shoppers’ code of conduct:

■ One-Way Aisles: Convert all aisles into North or South to ease traffi c congestion. All even numbered aisles should face the regis-ters; all odd numbered aisles should be di-rected away from the register.

■ Tall Carts: Shopping carts should be re-designed to be narrower and taller enabling three-cart passage in an aisle instead of the current two.

■ Pinch-Free Zone: All supermarket customers will be issued a card with a bar code. This card will be scanned upon enter-ing vulnerable-to-pinching- and-squeezing areas such as the produce section and fresh chicken case.

■ Customers will be permitted one pinch of tomatoes measuring no more than two millimeters in depth, one smell of canta-loupe from a distance of no less than four inches and one press of a fresh, whole pullet with the thumb only. Any violation of these guidelines will result in the respective item being automatically scanned onto your bill.

■ Red Zone: Once a cart has passed through the one-way turnstile and has en-tered the red zone of the checkout area, the shopper cannot breach this secured zone and re-enter the aisles.

■ Cell phone usage in the red zone should be banned enabling shoppers to unload their carts with two hands and at a quicker pace.

■ Cashiers and baggers will interact only with customers and not with each other. They will stop exchanging personal stories about their social lives, who they are angry

with, and why they have to work the late shift today.

These simple guidelines will surely create

an esprit di corps heretofore not witnessedin supermarkets and will produce a new, im-proved type of shopping experience for all to enjoy their never before squeezed tomatoes.

Shoppers’ code of conduct

Supermarket etiquette

Jewish Star fi le photo





May 13, 20

11 • 9 IYAR

, 5771




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Hebrew only please!A Jewish newspaper should have a Hebrew column. So here it is. We will try to maintain a level of vocabulary so that it will be easy enough for students to read and interesting enough for those more fl uent to


Yom Ha’atzmaout:in honor of Israel

Rabbi Noam Himelstein studied in Yeshivat Har Etzion and served in the Tanks Corps of the IDF. He has taught in yeshiva high schools, post-high school women’s seminaries, and headed the Torah MiTzion Kollel in Melbourne, Australia. He currently teaches at Yeshivat Orayta in Jerusalem, and lives with his wife and six children in Neve Daniel, Gush Etzion.

By Rabbi Noam Himelstein

Yom HaShoah(article previously omitted)

Page 21: May 13, 2011

By Ariel Rosenbloom

The season of Arab discontent continues this week as Syrian tanks struggle to con-tain protesters aimed at removing President Bashar al-Assad. Putting the events in per-spective, Congregation Shaaray Tefi lla in Lawrence hosted Bar Ilan University profes-sor Mordechai Kedar.

“The Middle East is full of failing states,” said Kedar, a fl uent Arabic speaker who has appeared numerous times on Arab television to give the Israeli point of view.

Kedar said that one difference between Middle Eastern and European nations is the element of unity, a prevalent trait in coun-tries such as Britain and France. In contrast, Middle Eastern nations are comprised of nu-merous groups or tribes, thus contributing to disagreement among its many constituents.

“Its three main problems are illegitimate states, illegitimate borders, and illegitimate regimes,” Kedar said. Some of the more ob-vious examples include Iraq, which counts 10 religious and ethnic groups; Afghanistan with 11 ethnic groups; and Sudan, where Ke-dar counts some 600,000 tribal and linguistic groups.

“If you go to Europe, you can see that Eu-rope also is not such a big success in unit-ing or unifi cation of different groups,” Kedar said. “The Soviet Union fell apart according to ethnic lines, and Spain also is not a big story of success of unifying different groups.” Kedar said that some European nations have made attempts at creating common identity among their citizens, with Spain as an ex-

ample. The Spanish national anthem consists of music but no words. The reason for this is because Spain has many different autono-mous communities and provinces that never reached an agreement on the language of the song. The name for the song was also never settled, and it remains without a title.

“So Spain as well is not a big success of

uniting all those groups in the Iberian Pen-insula,” Kedar said. “So what do we expect? That something which failed in Europe will succeed in Afghanistan or Iraq?” Kedar ar-gues that many Middle Eastern borders were shaped by European nations. “Borders were marked regardless of the population,” Kedar said.

A century ago, the Ottoman Empire domi-nated the region. After its defeat in the First World War, states such as Syria, Iraq, and Jordan were carved out of the empire by thevictorious European states.

“The American role in the Middle East should be encouraging groups in the MiddleEast to have independence at the expense of the states,” Kedar said. “This would the big-gest and the best contribution to peace be-cause every state which is big on a homog-enous group will live in peace within itself and within its neighbors because when theyleave each other alone, they live in peace.”

Audience members were impressed by Ke-dar, and his knowledge of the borders that contributed to today’s confl icts.

“Some of the realities many of us here might not have been aware of, such as the importance of tribalism in the various Mid-dle Eastern countries and how that really in-forms the actual dynamics between the peo-ple’s who live there,” said Lawrence resident Shimon Felder.

“It is wonderful to hear a speaker that is so knowledgeable about the events in theMiddle East,” Aliza Leibowitz said. “He didnot really touch on the subject of Israel as far as I recollect. He touched more on the dynamics of the countries around Israel andhow they were developed in the twentieth century.”

“My fi eld of research doesn’t include Is-rael, at least not the Jewish population of Israel. I do look at the Arab population of Is-rael,” Kedar said.

Middle East: Full of failing states

Photo by Ariel Rosenbloom

Rabbi Dovid Weinberger of congregation Shaaray Tefi lla, discusses the future of Israel’s neighbors with Dr. Kedar.





May 13, 20

11 • 9 IYAR

, 5771


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Page 22: May 13, 2011

May 14Boxer Dmitriy Salita speaksCHABAD OF PORT WASHINGTON, located at 80 Shore Road in Port Washington, is hosting Ortho-dox boxer Dmitriy Salita for its Shabbat morning services, which will be followed by Kiddush and speech. Salita will speak about his path to Jewish observance and his ability to balance his career and religious life. The event is free. For more information, contact 516-767-8672 or visit

May 15Yeshiva of Sderot dinnerAMERICAN FRIENDS OF SDEROT are holding their Sixth Annual Awards Dinner at Citi Field, the Queens baseball stadium, honoring Merrick residents Dr. Stuart and Dr. Loren Daitch. Rabbi Daniel Hershkowitz, the Israeli Minister of Sci-ence, will deliver the keynote address. The event begins at 6 p.m. For more information, contact [email protected] or 718-673-4945.

Emunah National ConventionEMUNAH, the religious Zionist women’s orga-nization, is holding its national convention at the Lincoln Square Synagogue, located at 200 Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan. The event will discuss “Visions and Values” behind Israel advo-cacy, Jewish family values, and the Jewish future. Woodsburgh resident Fran Hirmes will be installed as the new Emunah president. Prominent speakers include Malcolm Hoenlein, author John Loftus, media analyst Ricki Hollander, and family therapist Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch of Shalom Task Force. For more information, contact 212-564-9045 ext 306 or visit

Dry Bones cartoonist speaksYOUNG ISRAEL OF WOODMERE, located at 859 Pen-insula Boulevard in Woodmere, is hosting Israeli political cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen, creator of the widely syndicated Dry Bones comic. Kirschen will address the topic of delegitimizing of Israel and what that means to your future, alongside news topics and humor. The free event begins at 8 p.m. and is co-sponsored by National Council of Young Israel and Z Street. For more information, contact 516-295-0950.

Hatzalah fundraising barbecueCHEVRA HATZALAH OF THE ROCKAWAYS & NASSAU COUNTY is holding its annual barbecue at The Sands, located at 1395 Beech Street in Atlantic Beach. The event honors the volunteers of Hatzalah as the organization celebrates its 30th year. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Rabbi Elozer Kanner at 516-298-8050 or visit

Project Extreme annual breakfastPROJECT EXTREME, the organization that develops programs for at-risk teenagers and their families is hosting Rabbi Abraham Twerski, who will speak about his career in addiction

treatment in the Jewish community. Proceeds from the breakfast will go towards the Myriam Ghermezian Academy, a residential high school for girls who are struggling emotionally, be-haviorally, or academically. The event will take place at the home of Michael and Michelle Edery, located at 22 Meadow Lane in Lawrence. The event begins at 9:30 a.m. For more information, contact Rabbi Scott Steinman at 347-757-0463 or [email protected].

Kulanu Annual FairKULANU is holding its annual fair at Cedarhurst Park in Cedarhurst. The event begins at 12 p.m. and includes game booths, refreshments, pony rides, and prizes. The Jewish Star is a sponsor this event and its editorial staff will be present at the event. Proceeds from the sponsorships will directly go to year-round programs for local families with special-needs children. For more information, call 516-569-3083.

5K Run/WalkFRIENDS OF ISRAEL DISABLED VETERANS is holding its second annual 5Towns 5K Run/Walk in North Woodmere Park in support of Beit Halochem rehabilitation centers in Israel. The event begins at9 a.m. For more information, visit or contact [email protected]

May 16Understanding Israel through humorELMONT JEWISH CENTER, located at 500 Elmont Road in Elmont, welcomes Prof. Micah Kaplan,

who will be speaking on the topic “Understand-ing the ever Evolving Israeli society through humor.” The free event begins at 8 p.m. For more information, contact 516-488-1616.

May 17Jewish renaissance in the Russian RevolutionCENTRAL QUEENS YM-YWHA, located at 67-09 108 Street in Forest hills, is hosting author Kenneth Moss, who will discuss the fl ourishing, but brief period of secular Jewish culture that emerged in Russia following its revolution, and its infl uence on later Hebrew and Yiddish writers. The event begins at 1:30 p.m. The suggested donation for non-members is $6. For more information , contact Peggy Kurtz at 718-268-5011, ext. 151 or [email protected]

Navigating the dating mazeYUCONNECTS, the matchmaking program for Yeshiva University students and alumni, is host-ing an interactive meeting on helping children gain proper values as they prepare for dating. Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Dr. David Pelcowitz, and Dr. Efrat Sobowelsky will be speaking. The event will take place at the home of Yacov and Deborah Stollman, located at 546 Fairway Drive in Wood-mere. For reservations, contact Julie Schreier at 516-972-2920 or [email protected]

May 18Halachic issues of the tuition crisisYESHIVA UNIVERSITY is holding a lecture by Rabbi Herschel Schachter on the topic of halachic issues of the tuition crisis. The event will take place at the home of Terri and Andrew Heren-stein, located at 3 Dogwood Lane in Lawrence. For reservations, contact Julie Schreier at 516-972-2920 or [email protected]

Pizza with palsJCC OF THE GREATER FIVE TOWNS, located at 207 Grove Avenue in Cedarhurst is holding a social skills program for middle and high school-age youths with high-functioning autism. The event begins at 6:30 p.m. and includes a kosher dinner. For more information, contact Gayle Fremed at 516-569-6733 ext. 211.

May 22 Yeshiva building groundbreakingYESHIVA GEDOLA OF THE FIVE TOWNS, located at 218 Mosher Avenue in Woodmere, is holding a celebration for its new yeshiva building with divrei Torah from Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky and Rabbi Mattisyahu Salomon. For more information, contact Baruch Moskowitz at 516-2958-900 ext. 6

Lag B’Omer BBQCHABAD OF MERRICK, located at 2083 Seneca Gate in Merrick, is holding a Lag B’Omer barbe-cue with a kumsitz bonfi re, kite fl ying, magic show, and music. The event begins at 4:30 p.m. Suggested donation for this public event is $18 per family. For more information, contact Esther at 516-833-3057 or visit

HAFTR’s early childhood classes had a mini-parade with songs to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut. The children marched to the Lower School yard to watch their “big brothers” and “big sisters” at the Lower School’s presentations and programs. HAFTR will have a larger parade contingent on June 5 at the Celebrate Israel parade in Manhattan.


CalendarSubmit your shul or organization’s events or shiurim to [email protected].

Deadline is Wednesday of the week prior to publication.


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Page 23: May 13, 2011

By David Benkof

Across1. Lover of Aeneas5. “My Yiddishe ___”9. A sleep disorder14. Grandson of Leah15. Biblical bk.16. Plant, in a way17. Former Pennsylvania governor and DNC chair19. A klezmer band might play one20. Dentist’s order21. Vista23. ___ Ziona (Israeli city)24. Raw fi sh26. Stair part28. Science30. Baby ___ (ceremony)33. Sukkot mo., occasionally36. Bit of Rachel38. Senator Carl (D-Mich.)39. Part of BBYO40. Hoosier, perhaps42. Pilot’s announcement, briefl y43. Smash45. Hebrew you?46. Emulate Art Spiegelman47. Prepared kosher meat49. Typical work by composer Gyorgy Ligeti51. Internet entrepreneur Newmark53. Happy57. Radio ___ Europe59. Hobbling gait61. Comedienne Essman62. Israeli beach city64. One way into the Old City66. “Remember the ___!”67. Cream ingredient68. Noshes69. Past or present70. Holocaust rescuer, perhaps71. Actress Ione (“Say Anything”)

Down1. Those who act2. Neighbor of Pakistan3. Fixes socks4. Kind of opportunity5. Stylish, in the ‘60s6. Actor in “The Godfather”7. African nation8. Acting teacher Stella9. Kind of snake10. “Call!”11. Important geographical feature in the book of Exodus12. Lodge fellows13. Oy!18. Singer-songwriter Diamond22. Don’t tie25. Brood27. Polio vaccine discoverer Jonas29. “Fiddler on the Roof” matchmaker31. Congresswoman Lowey (D-N.Y.)

32. Chew on33. Pouches34. ___ the Scribe35. Holocaust poet37. It might be used to eat cholent40. Actress Perlman (“Cheers”)41. Buddy44. Conservative and Reconstructionist

46. Floods48. Lenny Bruce: “___, I’m Jewish.”50. Insult52. Captive Shalit54. Historical writer ___ Marcus Jost55. ___-gritty56. A gaggle of ___57. Achievement

58. Tick off60. Leon Uris’s “___ 18”63. Little piggy65. Chelsea Mezvinsky, ___ Clinton

Answers will appear next week

Last week’s answers

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle





May 13, 20

11 • 9 IYAR

, 5771




Page 24: May 13, 2011

Dear Aviva,I just got engaged 2 months ago and have

a problem. My friends and I used to be very tight. We would hang out all the time and go away to different places for Shabbos. I have begun to notice that they have been calling me less and less. I see on Facebook that they are still going to cool places for Shabbos and I don’t even get invited. I understand that it’s hard for them that they are still single and I’m getting married, but I thought that our friendship was based on more than just being single together. I’m really hurt.

-Betrayed Bride

Dear Betrayed Bride,It’s funny, because usually I see the oppo-

site problem. It’s very typical for a kallah to drop her friends like a hot potato once she’s got a man on her proverbial arm. I guess in your case, you’re serious about keeping your friends. What I suggest is going to take a lot of energy on your part.

Amidst your planning a wedding, setting up your new home, navigating in-law issues, going to kallah classes, and maintaining a healthy relationship with your chassan, you will now have to chase your friends. Not quite a Runaway Bride, more like a Running-to-Getcha kind of bride. Call each friend (don’t email) once a week. Be pushy. Ask on Monday what their Shabbos plans are. In-vite them all to dinner (sans your guy). Text when you fi nd out about a blowout sale. And when you’re with them, don’t talk about your wedding. And try to steer clear of any fi ancée talk.

I know that he is now a big part of your life, but your friends have dropped you for a reason. It may be very painful for them. Hav-ing a friend meet a life-goal can be a sharp reminder to the person that she is not there yet. Resentment and jealousy are common in

this situation, so do your best not to fl aunt things in their faces. Another possibility may be that your friends don’t know what to make of your new status. Meaning, they know how to be friends with a single woman, but not with an engaged one. We see this often on the fl ip side of life.

When something tragic happens to a per-son, close friends of theirs may shy away be-cause they just don’t know what to do or say. Thank goodness yours is a case of simcha, but you are now someone that they may not be able to relate to superfi cially. So trap them and show them that the core relationship is still there.

If you tried all this and they are still MIA, it’s time to have a talk. Hopefully your com-munication skills have grown since you’ve been in a committed relationship (and if they haven’t, for your sake, call me ASAP!). So apply your newfound open-eared, tactfully-honest, assertively-respectful, good timing, deep-breathing, soft-worded skills to your friends now. Most likely they think that you just got your golden ticket and are impervi-ous to any hurt.

Thanks to Disney and Hollywood, many believe that a diamond on a fi nger forms a force-fi eld around a bride which does not al-low any sadness or disappointment to pen-etrate. If you tell them that you miss them and feel left out, that may be extremely eye-opening for them. Also ask them if you did anything to hurt them.

Hardest part? Making sure you don’t leave your chassan in the dust. Because your friends don’t want to hear about another marriage biting the dust.


Aviva Rizel is a Marriage and Family Ther-apist in private practice who can be reached at [email protected].

Ask Aviva

Not calling the Kallah crisis


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For the sake of Jerusalem concertDr. Joseph Frager, left, organizer, Paul and Drora Brody, chairper-sons, prepare for the Carl Freyer, z”l trib-ute, 18th Annual Israel Day Concert in Cen-tral Park. The concert will be held on Sunday, June 5 right after the Israeli Day parade.

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