Download pdf - May 17 Newsletter

  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter


    Fifth Avenue Church of Christ115 W. Fifth Ave.Lancaster, OH 43130

    740-654-0626 e-mail: [email protected]

    The Christian MessengerBrad SeeversSenior Minister(740-550-9882)David TinglerAssociate Minister

    Glen ShadyYouth Minister(740-438-5257Sunday Services

    1st Worship8:00 a.m.2nd Worship10:30 a.m.Bible School9:15 a.m.

    Evening Worship6:00pm

    May 17, 2011May 22- If you arenew to FACC, you are invited to aspecial reception immediately following the 10:30 service

    this Sunday. We will meet in room 208 which is connectedto our main lobby for 15 minutes. This is a great opportunityto meet our staff and ask questions about the church. Wewill serve cookies and drinks. Please join us.

    Seniors will be recognizedduring the worship hours

    this Sunday, May 22nd.

    This Sunday, May 22, will be the only day to signup for the Reds game. The cost of the tickets

    will not exceed $24.00 per person. We will leavethe church by 9:00 a.m. on June 8th for this timeof fun and relaxation as we travel to watch theReds pummel the Chicago Cubs. We will split

    the cost of gas to help cover our fuel costs.

  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter



    Sunday School 9

    1st Morning Worship 9

    2nd Morning Worship 9

    Total Morning Worship 18

    Evening Worship 2

    Family Reunion (05/11) 3

    Weekly Budget $ 4,471.0

    Budget Received $ 4,900.0

    Elders $ 27.0

    Easter $ 25.0

    Food Bank $ 10.0

    Reach Out on Campus $ 100.0

    SERVING SCHEDULEMay 22, 2011

    At the Table 1st Mike Cooper, Ralph Con

    Serving 1st D. Rose, D. Shumaker, J. Baker, R. Co

    At the table 2nd

    Mike Cooper, Fred Griff

    Serving 2nd

    D. Rose, D. Thornton, N. TomlinsR. Troutman, N. Hins

    Pastor of the Week Mike Coo

    PM Deacon Dale Ro

    Offering Counters Team



    Worship Brenda Hin


    Worship Sue Ting



    Worship Carmel & Shirley Ma


    Worship Linda Daubenmire, Norma Holt


    Sunday School Shirley Ma


    Worship Courtney Bei

    Preschool Helper Ruth Andre

    Early Elementary Helper Norma Holt

    Upper Elementary Helper Marg Shuma


    Grade Helper Mike Coo

    Visitor Center 1st

    Worship Shirley Alexan

    Visitor Center 2nd

    Worship Kim Seev


    stWorship Paul Alexan

    Bible School Carmel Ma

    2nd Worship George Lamb

    Evening Worship Paul Hoagla

    There are several leftover books fromthe Book Nook ministry in the church

    library. If anyone would like to have oneof them, they can be purchased for adonation of $3.00 each. The donatedmoney will be used to purchase more

    books for the library. Stop in and checkthem out!

    Food Pantry SundayMay 29, 2011

    Donations can be left ateither entrance.

  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter


    A Note from brAd.

    On June 15th, we will begin a new elective on Wednesday nights for adults entitled: HaTime. This encouraging study teaches that no matter what the first half of your life haentailed, you can finish strong during the second half. This five week series wchallenge you to answer questions like: What do I do now that I have grown up? this all there is to life? Why am I so restless? What can I do to find meaning ansignificance? We look forward to seeing you in this group.

    James 1:26-27 shares three things that should characterize your life. It shares

    1. Control your tongue. It has been said that a true test of a persons spirituality is not the abilto speak ones mind but the ability to hold ones tongue.

    2. Care about those who are in need. Jesus teaches us that when we feed the hungry and ahospitable to strangers, or clothe those in need, etcthat we are doing these things for and Him. Thats true spirituality.

    3. Keep yourself uncorrupted by the world. We must make sure that we do not conform to thworld and its standards. If your faith is real, there will be changes in your life as a result of it.

    In His Service,

    Brad, Eph. 3:20-21

    Myrtle Campbell Don Gardner Peggy Elkins Judy Smith (Crestview) Jeanne Noble Angie Payne Loring Coopers family John Hoy Joe Lockhart Barbara BenaduJohn Swartz Wanda Dickson (Crestview) Norma George Mark Miller, Jr. Wilma WilsonBob Black Jeane Goldfarb (home) Lois Wilson Pete & Markele Kandra Millie Hoy

    Dorothy Herman Our Troops Gladys McCoy Unspoken

    Our Prayer Requests

    Our Mens golf league will begin next week. You will receive a

    letter this week which will include a schedule and a list of

    basic rules and instructions. If you have any questions

    concerning this activity, be sure to give me a call at


    On June 12th, we will offer the final course of our Curiousclasses. Curious 404 will help each participant discover

    their LIFE MISSION. Each class has built upon the otherand I know that this time of discovery will make our church

    stronger. I do hope you join us.We will meet in Room 209.

    Faith is doing Gods will and askingno questions!

  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter



    KITCHEN-AID TOUR: Keenagers are invitto share a trip to Greenville, Ohio Wednesday, June 29. On this trip, we will touring the KitchenAidplant and visiting thstore. (The plant tour requires that

    participants wear shoes that cover the entfoot. No open toes or heels.) We will, alvisit the Garst Museum which houses theAnnOakley and Lowell Thomas collections aother historic items. The cost for travel aadmissions will be $14 per person. (If you a

    paying by check, make it payable to church.) Lunch will be extra. We will departing at 7:00 am and returning by abo7:00 pm. A sign-up sheet has been posted.

    THE WILDS: It is our plan that we will vithis wild animal exhibit on July 27. There w

    be more details available next month.

    WEDNESDAYS: This week, May 18, chap14 of 1 Corinthians will be the focus of ostudy groups. These weekly sessions, at 10:am and 6:30 pm will continue through June At that point we will take a summer break.

    SUNDAY EVENINGS: On May 22, tmessage is Our Joyous Faith, based Romans 5:1-11. May 29 will mark t

    beginning of a new series from the book Psalms. (The Lords Supper is available at th

    6:00 pm service.)

    FINAL THOUGHT: Drive carefulRemember: Its not only a car that can

    recalled by its maker.

    Our deepest sympathy is extended toMike and Debbie Cooper on the death ofMikes father, Loring Cooper. Viewing isat Flowers-Snyder Funeral Home, 619 EHigh Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio, onWednesday, 2-4 and 6-8pm. Services areThursday at 10:30am at the funeralhome.Also, we send sympathy to the family of

    Ed Bausman, long-time preacher fromLynchburg, Ohio. Ed passed awayMonday, May 16th. Many will rememberhim as he held services here severaltimes in past years.

    Potluck dinnerWednesday, May 25


    Meal at 5:45pmClasses at 6:30pm

    Please join us tocelebrate the

    graduation ofJoe HoaglandSaturday,

    June 4, 2011

    3:00 5:30pm.In the fellowship hall

    of the church.

  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter


    SERVING SCHEDULEMay 29, 2011

    At the Table 1st David Riggenbach, Larry Bussey

    Serving 1st L. King, D. Gardner, T. Huffman, C. Marsh

    At the table 2nd

    David Riggenbach, Larry Bussey

    Serving 2nd

    L. King, P. Hinson. N. RudolphD. Taylor, D. Thornton

    Pastor of the Week David Riggenbach

    PM Deacon Larry King

    Offering Counters Team 3



    Worship Brenda Hines


    Worship Sue Tingler



    Worship Ed & Norma George


    Worship Neal Rudolph

    NURSERYSunday School Laura Wersell, Reta Conrad


    Worship Marie Huffman

    Preschool Helper Judy Gardner

    Early Elementary Helper Brenda Hines

    Upper Elementary Helper Cindy Cox


    Grade Helper Mike Cooper

    Visitor Center 1st

    Worship Sue Tingler

    Visitor Center 2nd

    Worship Bev Puckett


    1st Worship Dan BrownBible School Bill Kelly


    Worship Jim Puckett

    Evening Worship Dick Shumaker


    Book Nook will meeton Monday, May 23

    at 6:30pm.The book tobe discussed is

    Medical Error by

    Richard Mabry. Thisbook is available for

    purchase for $12.00 inthe church office.

    Congratulations to Mr & Mrs LarryKing Jr on the birth of their daughter,Kylie, born May 12th. She weighed 7lbs.

    and 2 ozs and is 19 long. Proudgrandparents are

    Larry and Jane King.

    Hymn Books AvailableIn clearing out the old choir room, we have discovered a

    number of old hymn books. These have been placed in theparlor. If you would like one, or more, for use, or as asouvenir, please take as many as you choose.

    They will be availablefor the next couple of weeks.

    The next Get Real

    Life Group will meet at

    the church on

    Wednesday, May 25th

    following the potluck


  • 8/6/2019 May 17 Newsletter


    Bagging Food for HaitiGod really blessed the effort to raise money to send food to Haiti last month with our

    Easter offering in April. This effort is not yet finished, though. We are going to actually bagthe food ourselves and send it off to Haiti through Lifeline Christian Mission. Lifeline willbring all the supplies here, we just need to provide the workers.

    The food bagging is going to be taking place on June 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. It willstart at 4:30pm and continue until all 2 pallets of food are bagged, boxed, and ready to go.This is the same week as VBS week, and we are doing this because Lifeline will be our VBSmissionaries and we want to give the kids an opportunity to take part in an amazing act ofservice. So from 6:00-7:30pm the kids and workers from VBS will be joining the effort to helpget this done.

    Do not be intimidated by this project. It will be hard work, but if enough people come thatwill allow the work to go faster and give people the opportunities to take breaks.

    Congratulations Seniors!

    The following seniors will be graduating from high school this spring: Joe Hoagland Jenna Thompson Brittany Cox Patrick HinsonYou are encouraged to give them a pat on the back or a hug for their

    accomplishments. These four teens have made us proud as a part of this churchand we know they will continue to do so in the future. To celebrate them we will

    be honoring them this Sunday during 2nd service. Other graduates of note are

    Prayer Concerns

    75 kids at VBS! Seniors in High School as they are about to move on with some big changes in

    their lives.

    That God would provide the workers so that we can get the food sent to HaitiOff To Europe

    Jessica and I will be flying to Europe next Wednesday, 25 th. We will be there until June 10, andwe believe this will be a life-changing time as we visit with many different missionaries who areplanting churches throughout Germany, Belgium, and Austria. God has blessed us to be able tohave this experience. Please pray that he would use this time as a time to not only share with ushis long-term will for our family, but also to allow us to be refreshed and reenergized as wecome back to do his will here at Fifth Avenue.

    Thank You,

    Glen Shady, Youth Minister
