Download pdf - May 20, 2020 E-Kit

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E-KitMay 20, 2020

We are now over two months into this Covid-19 Pandemiccrisis. Can you believe it? I have never seen anything like it inmy entire ministry career, nor has anyone else. It is a time thathas taken so much from our clergy, from our lay leaders, fromall of us. So first I need you to close your eyes, and breathe, andjust say a prayer right now to God with whatever is foremost onyour heart.

Recently, I heard this startling statistic – pastors in crisissituations stay on average for only two years after the crisis intheir church. They are so worn down from all the special demands that come duringthe time of crisis that they feel like the only way they can handle it is to leave. Noneof us, neither pastors or churches, want to see that happen in Vermont in the wakeof this Covid-19 crisis. We need to find ways to give our pastors and church leaderstime away from the demands of ministry, as Jesus would intentionally take time offfrom His ministry to go out into the desert to pray.

So speaking for the Vermont Conference, we would ask all of our churches to givetheir staff three consecutive days off, including a Sunday. This should apply to layleaders as well. If you are a chaplain or in some other specialized ministry, share thisrequest with your employer. This is not vacation time. It is in addition to paid timeoff. This time is essential to help your pastor or staff person or lay leader to havetime to recover, renew, and seek healing in their own lives, so that they cancontinue their ministry of helping others to recover, renew and seek healing in theirown lives.As for the Sunday off, be creative! Use the Council of Conference Ministers servicethat can be found on the Vermont Conference website. Bring in your normal pulpitsupply. Ask Lynn or I to fill in for a Sunday virtually. Ask another church if they wouldjoin you in a digital pulpit swap, where each church does a service that the otherchurch is invited to. There are so many ways of having a Sunday filled, but laypeople, I am now speaking to you-please encourage your pastor or staff person orchaplain to do this, for the sake of all of you.

Faithfully yours,Paul

Required VT Occupational Safety & Health training for reopeningworkplaces

See the latest guidance anddirectives from State of Vermont

Answer the call and volunteer inresponse to COVID-19

COVID-19 FAQ's for churches

Resources curated by theSouthern New England

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Utilities and COVID-19: Help &information from VT Dept. of

Public Utilities

CARES Act: Churches Eligible for Payroll ReliefACT NOW!

Attached is the loan application and fact sheet from the SBA. If you have churchesinterested in applying for this loan, they need to apply NOW, as the available fundsare expected to be exhausted quickly. The attached application should be submitteddirectly to a lender identified as a participating lender on the SBA’s website(, rather than seeking the application from the lender.

Application Form Borrower factsheet

Unemployment compensation for church workers & the CARES Act

CARES Act information courtesy of the Southern New England Conference

Your Conference staffworking for you

The VermontConference office is

closed, but we'restill hard at work

for you!

You can reach any of thestaff members by using the

information below.

Be safe, be well, takegood care...

Sable likes the workingfrom home concept

Vermont ConferenceCOVID-19 office protocol

The Vermont Conference office is closedfor the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

Staff are able to check their voicemailand are available on email. Please sendall documents to staff by email only.

Rev. Lynn Bujnak: 802-728-4999 ext. 4#

Email Conference Minister LynnBujnak

Email Associate ConferenceMinister Paul Sangree

Email Operations & MinistriesCoordinator Jesse Davis

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Rev. Paul Sangree: 802-728-4999 ext. 5#

Jesse Davis: 802-728-4999 ext. 0#

Contact Vermont ConferenceDisaster Ministries chair Rev.

Adrianne Carr

Stewardship in the midst of COVID-19

Many people, ministers and church members, have been asking how to continue tosupport their local church budgets while everyone is social distancing and unable togather together in worship. The short answer is - keep stewardship and the offeringgoing!

Rev. Andrew Warner, Generosity Outreach Officer for the United Church of Christoffered a webinar and several resources last week. He has kindly shared them withus for members of the Vermont Conference to use.

Fundraising webinar recording

Planned giving webinar

IRA qualified charitablecontributions

Example quarterly letter tochurch members

National Study of CongregationsEconomic Practices (NSCEP) study

NSCEP self-assessment tool

Making the stimulus ask

Special Worship Service May 17The Council of Conference Ministers invites you to worship with them on May 17th orany other Sunday in Eastertide depending on what works for your schedule. Thematerials - full video, video segments, bulletin, and read-only service - can be foundon this calendar event:

We offer this service to join together in this time of pandemic. We hope this servicewill provide pastors with a much needed and deserved time off.

Blessings to you all!

Per Capita rate for 2020

The Vermont Conference per capita rate has been established at $13.00 per member.Association dues are in addition to the Conference per capita rate of $13.00.

Spiritual Direction

By popular request, a list of Spiritual Directors is now available. Download the listhere.

Pastoral Transitions

Rev. Dr. WendyJaine Summers hasbeen called as Pastor of SecondCongregational Church of Hyde Park.

Prayers and Thanksgivings

Please hold health care workersand first responders in yourprayers as they stand on the front

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Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola has beencalled as Associate ConferenceMinister on CongregationalTransitions and Empowerment for thePenn Central Conference. Herministry begins June 1, 2020.Rev. Elliott Munn has been called asPastor of the Congregational Churchof Vergennes. His ministry beginslater this month.

Click here for full list of transitions

lines responding to COVID-19.

Please hold Lava Mueller in yourprayers as she mourns the passingof her mother.

Please hold Rev. Lucia Jackson inyour prayers as she cares for herhusband Michael Heaney who ishealing from a health crisis.

Useful LinksUCC NewsfeedsUCC Weekly Seeds2020 Tax preparationresourcesPension Boards ratecalculatorUCC YearbookStewardship blog

Who should I contact for...?Conference Minister: Rev. Lynn Bujnak

[email protected]. Conference Minister: Rev. PaulSangree

[email protected] & Call, operations, events: JesseDavis

[email protected]: Tanya Frazier

[email protected] postings

[email protected]

2020 Census - Shape your Future - Please Respond Online or by Phone

It starts with each of us doing our part by completing the 2020 CensusQuestionnaire. Completing the questionnaire allows you to influence the amount ofmoney that comes to Vermont for many of our essential programs that benefit ourhealth and safety, and pay for our roads, local government, schools, hospitals, and somuch more.

You can complete the Census by going to or by calling 844-330-2020. If you have received an invitation to complete the census, simply followdirections. If you have not, or cannot locate it, you can still complete it by calling844-330-2020 [there is help in English and 14 additional languages] or by going onlineto, clicking start, then clicking ‘If you don’t have a Census IDclick here,’ and following directions.

Languages and phone number link

59 Language Guides link:

Link to Census Response Rate Map to track how Vermont, Windham County and ourlocal communities are doing:

Peacemakers PulpitMatthew records Jesus telling us, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is theKingdom of Heaven.”

These words are helpful to me during this Covid-19 time.

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There are many factors making people feel “poor in spirit” today: fear of gettingsick, uncertainty about food and jobs, lack of social occasions, cabin fever, and theunclear picture of what our future will be like- all deplete our spirits.

In some ways we are in similar circumstances to Jesus’ first century audience; ourworld has recently changed to become an unpredictable and a quite scary place,there are clear and growing distinctions between different groups and classes insociety making our world more “unfair”, and we seemingly have lost control of ourpath forward.

So what is this “Kingdom of Heaven” that Matthew tells us to expect?

I look to all the things folks are doing to raise their spirits: walking outside andconnecting with the natural world; taking the time to reconnect with extendedfamily, old friends, and even those in our own households; recognizing, perhaps forthe first time, how many people’s efforts are required to sustain our own lives. Firstresponders, farmers, grocery and drug store employees, teachers and child careproviders, internet providers, mail carriers, …..the list goes on and on and on.

The dawning of our awareness of these necessary connections; our reaching outtowards neighbors, our kindness towards strangers as we move about in our facemasks, our appreciation of nature- this is the stuff of Heaven. Truly connecting withothers is connecting with Jesus.

To be clear, these are hard times for many, and they will probably get harder. Still,when we count our blessings, we find many things to be rich in spirit about.

Please be care full and careful.

Christopher AshleyNorwich Congregational Church

Podcast Available

Rev. Josh Simon (First Congrega onal Church of Essex Junc on) and Rev. Sally May(Malle s Bay UCC, Colchester) are proud to present the podcast Faith in Vermont:Conversations with LGBTQ Religious and Spiritual Leaders.

On this week's episode of Faith in Vermont: Conversations with LGBTQ Religious andSpiritual Leaders:Cantor Steve Zeidenberg from Ohavi Zedek joins us for a conversation on being anLGBTQ cantor.

Click here for the latest podcast

Our Faith, Our Vote, OurVoice: A call to the Church to

Racism in America symposiums

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be a place of civil dialoguethat builds community

Our Faith, Our Vote resources

Watch the videos of Racism inAmerica series

Outdoor Ministries News

HC@Home is FREE

Our UCC camps in NewEngland, following muchdiscerning, have made atough and safe decision thatall their sites will be closedfor the summer campingseason of 2020. To keepeveryone safe and to helpkeep outdoor ministriesalive Horton Center isoffering a free option,HC@Home, with a missionto continue to give campersthe experience of buildingsacred community,encouraging time spentoutdoors and continuing ourfaith journeys alongsideone another while keepingeveryone safe. Have youbeen interested inattending an outdoorministries camp, but werenot sure what it was like orthe timing just didn’t workout? Well, here is yourchance! Take a leap andsign up for camp! All thecamp titles now begin withHC@Home and are nowFREE! They run fromMonday toFriday. Registration openedFriday, May 15th and thereare only 30 slots for eachcamp. You must register 2weeks prior to campstarting so go visitwww.hortoncenter.orgNOW! After you register,campers will receive andemail with information onhow to access their camp.

Our Vermont Camp atRock Point for those goinginto 5th – 8th gradeMonday – Friday fromJuly 27th-31st

The VT Outdoor MinistriesTeam of volunteers alongwith this year’s co-deans,Pastor Ed Sunday-Winters& Laurie Chipman, and @the Lake daytimevolunteers a fun week foryou! Join us and registerfor FREE on HC@Home will be dailymorning watches at 9am,activity blocks and liveevening vespers on Zoomat 7pm. We have a goal tobring as much flavor of @the Lake to you withHC@Home as we can. Wewill connect to the waterand offer ideas forcommunity service.

Rock Point Camp,, EpiscopalConference Center inBurlington will also beclosed for the 2020summer season.

Hello Horton CenterFamilies!

The moment. you have allbeen waiting for hasarrived - Registration forHC@Home is now live andready for you to sign upyour campers for free!You can register . NOTE: we arelimiting it to 1 session percamper for the first weekto give everyone a chanceto sign up since space Ilimited. We email areminder when you cansign up for multiplesessions.Watch the video aboutH C @ h o m e : What isHC@home?Here is the Informationsheet about HC@homewith a sample schedule:Info SheetWe hope you and yourcampers will enjoy thisprogram and that I brings alittle bit of the mountainto you!See you soon!

Peace,Tivvi & TimTivvi Paré, SummerDirectorTim Hughes, InterimExecutive [email protected] Center140 Sheep Davis RoadPembroke, NH 03275Phone: 603-545-9660

Resources from the Vermont Conferencewebsite (click the buttons below)

Save the date! Our Clergy Convocation this year will be Sept. 14th-16th at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington. We will

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be talking about "How to stay Centered in a Time of Deep Change"with noted retreat leader and pastor Barbara Lemmel. Hope we canall gather by then, and that we will see you there.

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Original worship resourcesfor local churches...

because Sunday's coming.Website

Church World Service

Adam SmedbergCommunity &

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Email Adam

PO Box 749West Springfield, MA 01090

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