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Page 1: May 2013 Harbor Beacon


The light shines in the darkness… John 1:5

Volume 60, Issue 5 May 2013 OAK HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH

a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

1253 NW 2nd Avenue (360) 679-1561

Oak Harbor, WA 98277 [email protected]

Every member in mission: Home Community World


Discipleship as a “Little Way,”

pg. 2

Pentecost & Confirmation Day

(wear red on the 19th!),

pg. 3

You know you’d look great in a

75th anniversary t-shirt,

pg. 4

Quilt loading volunteers needed,

pg. 7

Compassion Ministry highlights

Watoto concerns (and plans a

rummage sale),

pgs 7 &. 8

OHLC Staff Home Phone


Jeffrey Spencer 279-0413

Pastor of Care Ministries

Marc Stroud 678-5994

Preschool Director:

Gaye Rodriguey 678-3561

Parish Secretary:

Carol Wiskow 720-2451

Newsletter Editor:

Martha Ellis 678-2264


Salvador Carvallo 675-3957

Church Fax 679-9795

Church Phone 679-1561

Click on these links

for the May newsletter inserts:

The ELCA’s monthly Prayer Ventures:

The Northwest Washington Synod’s insert, The Spirit:

OHLC’s website:

This issue was snail-mailed April 29, 2013

Page 2: May 2013 Harbor Beacon


Pastor’s Page Discipleship as a “Little Way”

What matters in life are not great deeds, but great love.

St. Therese of Lisieux

…if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all

knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not

have love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2

t. Therese of Lisieux was a 19th century French nun who lived

the life of a farm girl, embracing the values of simplicity

and humility. She died young of tuberculosis, and in her

posthumously- published spiritual autobiography described her

life of discipleship as a petite voie, or, “a little way.”

In his new book The Little Way of Ruthie Leming, author Rod

Dreher tells the story of the “little way” of his sister, Ruthie Leming,

who died of cancer at age 42. While the author enjoyed professional

success as a journalist in Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia,

his sister stayed home in St. Francisville, Louisiana (population 1,700),

working as a middle school math teacher. In Dreher’s deeply moving

account of his sister’s life and death (OHLC book groups please take

note. I can’t recommend this book highly enough!), he describes the

spiritual lessons he learned from her “little way” in St. Francisville. As

he describes her simple, humble life, he comes to see that life is most

meaningful when it is lived with careful attention to loving relationships

in one’s family, church, and community. To be sure, these relationships

are fraught with difficulty, but it is in the crucible of these relationships

that we learn grace. Life in general, he learns, and Christian discipleship

in particular, is not primarily about accomplishing great things, it is

about practicing great love towards those who are close at hand, those

whom God has put into our lives. This is the “little way.”

These are not new ideas, of course. Dreher traces them to The-

rese of Lisieux in the 19th century. I find them in the writings of Martin

Luther, who argued that faith is practiced and lived most profoundly in

the down-to-earth callings of daily life. They go back to Jesus himself,

who described the kingdom of God using the imagery of little things like

yeast, salt, and mustard seeds, and spoke of discipleship in terms of

something as simple as bringing someone a glass of water (Mark 9:41).

However, as old and prevalent as the idea of the “little way” of Christian

discipleship is, we seem to need to be reminded of it regularly.

This book reminded me of this spiritual truth in a powerful way,

and ever since I finished the book I’ve been wrestling with how to apply

it to my life in a new, more intentional way. I started by calling my

sister, whom I hadn’t spoken to in months, and scheduling a time to meet

her for lunch. We didn’t have a falling out, but our busy lives have

resulted in a de facto estrangement even though we only live a couple

hours away from one another. We all have a “little way” to tend to in

our personal lives as we live out our faith through loving relationships

with family, neighbors, and co-workers. The “little way” of Jeff Spencer

includes trying to be a better brother.

I’ve also been thinking about the implications for our congrega-

tion. We like to do big things here at Oak Harbor Lutheran Church. We

just completed an impressive campaign with the big goal of ending ma-

laria in Africa. We host our Munchy Monday after school program, and

are proud of the big crowds, often expressing disappointment if there are

less than 100 students who come over. Later this month our confirmands

will hear of our big expectations of them as our confirmation liturgy asks

them to “strive for justice and peace in all the earth.” These are all good

things. I’m proud to serve a congregation with such ambition. With our

active ministry partnerships on four continents and our support of many

and varied community groups, we are making a big impact.

But there is also this “little way” to tend to. We can have the

biggest, best ministries in the world, but if we do not have love, we are

nothing. Our “little way” as members of this congregation and as

brothers and sisters in Christ means tending to our relationships with one

another. It means loving and forgiving each other. It means being

patient, bearing with one another, and extending grace to one another.

Our “little way” means working to build a sense of community. It means

caring for one another, even if it is something as simple as sitting with

one of our homebound members, perhaps bringing them a glass of water.

I’ve seen this “little way” at work in our congregation alongside all the

big things, but sometimes I don’t think we realize how important it is.

Discipleship can be expressed in a variety of ways, but make no

mistake about it – often the most profound contexts for living out our

Christian faith are close at hand in the little things of life. Even more

important than great deeds is great love in the relationships to which we

have been called in our families, our church, and our community.

I hope you’ll consider reading this remarkable book. Even more,

I hope you’ll consider what it means for you to practice the “little way”

of Christian discipleship.

- Pastor Jeffrey R. Spencer


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Growing & Learning

Adult Education opportunities in May

Pastor Spencer’s adult education series, What Lutherans Believe,

continues through May. Feel free to drop in even if you’ve missed

previous sessions. On May 5, we will take a break from the series to

hear from Oak Harbor Lutheran’s Watoto team, who will give us an

update on current ministry that’s happening in Uganda, and a preview of

exciting things to come.

May 5: Watoto Childcare Ministries of Uganda

May 12: What is the Bible?

May 19: What is the Church?

May 26: What is the Christian Life?

Join hands to help Camp Lutherwood on May 4

On Saturday, May 4 we invite individuals and families (with

kids ages 10 and older) to Join Hands for a work day at Camp

Lutherwood, south of Bellingham, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM. Car

poolers meet at church at 7:30 AM. Call Tom Piper

if you need a ride, 675-4739. Free lunch is

served by the camp staff.

Need directions? There’s a

map posted on the Growing and

Learning bulletin board in the narthex.

Will we see you in Athens this summer?

This year’s Vacation Bible School, Athens:

Paul’s Dangerous Journey to Share the Truth, will be

held on the mornings of Monday through Friday, June

24-28 for K through Grade 5; Pre-K children (must be

potty trained) will attend Tuesday through Thursday.

Help will be needed in various areas as we

prepare; please sign up via the opportunity form in

your Sunday morning worship bulletin or leave a

message in the church office, 679-1561.

Take note!

Synod Assembly meets May 16-18

Please keep the Northwest Washington Synod Assembly in your

prayers as a new bishop for our synod is elected to serve our corner of

the country for the next six years. Along with Pastor Spencer and Pastor

Stroud, Marge Moore, Dave Amarelo, Tom Coe, and Carlie Kenny are

voting members from Oak Harbor Lutheran Church. Please pray for

safe travels and wise decisions for all who will attend the assembly, held

this year in Lynnwood.

Confirmation Sunday set for May 19

As we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit

on Pentecost Sunday (remember to wear red!), we will

also be celebrating with Jared Hoyt, Josh Margraf,

Ethan Marx, and Kayla Wiley as they affirm their baptism through the

rite of confirmation. This rite will occur at both services, with each

confirmand being confirmed at the service they regularly attend. Come

celebrate this important milestone with these wonderful young adult


Pulling weeds for Jesus! Adopt-a-Bed today!

We give thanks to Jan McCullough for tending to the

church yard in the area adjacent the fellowship hall, to Candi

Amarelo for weeding around the preschool, to Tom and

Ellie Piper for pruning our bushes, and to Sande

Mulkey for doing other yard work around the church.

We also thank Dave Amarelo and Mark Needler for

keeping the grass so nicely trimmed.

We would like to have other members of the congregation adopt

the four “islands” in our parking lot for weeding and maintenance

throughout the spring and summer. Adopt one as an individual, a family,

as a group of friends, or as a circle or ministry team. Pick one of the four

areas and let us know in the church office which area you’ve chosen.

Let’s keep our facilities looking beautiful – for the glory of God! Thanks

so much for your help!

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items will be

available for

purchase soon!

Celebrating our 75th Anniversary


Anniversary Cookbook: Faith, Fellowship and Food re-orders for OHLC’s commemorative 75

th Anniversary cookbook:

Faith, Fellowship and Food, are now being taken. The cost for the

hardback cookbook is $20. Checks can be made payable to OHLC.

Please indicate that the funds are for the cookbook, with your name

and phone number as well as the number of books you are ordering.

After the order is made on May 15, there will be a limited num-

ber of additional books available for purchase after the books arrive. As

of mid-April’s count, the book will contain more than 150 recipes that

span the decades back to the church’s inception in 1938. It will make a

great gift or a memento of OHLC’s role in faith formation and fellowship

through pot lucks, soup suppers, and other feasting events over the years.


Anniversary Sunday School ice cream social Sunday, May 19 will be the last day for Sunday School for the

school-aged children for the year. Please join current and past Sunday

School participants in celebrating 75 years of Sunday School education

at an old fashioned Ice Cream Social! We will have original Sunday

School participants as well as current day students and hope to compare

their experiences as they share frosty ice cream cones in the courtyard

outside the fellowship hall after the 10:30 AM service. Current students

have been preparing a short song to present to the crowd. Please note:

normal Sunday School at 9:15 AM will still be taking place this day!

You’d look great in an anniversary t-shirt Put in your orders for OHLC 75

th Anniver-

sary t-shirts, medium blue, with the anniversary

logo. Sizes are Adult S/M/L/XL/XXL and Child

S/M/L/XL; cost is $20 apiece and they’ll be avail-

able in 8-12 days after we submit the order. Sign

up on a Sunday opportunity form or leave a

message in the church office, 360-679-1561.

Save the Date! On September 29 we will be celebrating 75 years of Oak Harbor

Lutheran Church! There will be morning services, with a banquet and

program in the afternoon. More information to come. Please invite past

members or friends of the church to attend on this day.

Notes for your calendar JIn Concert: Whidbey Community Chorus, Friday, May 3, 7 PM

& Sunday, May 5 at 4 PM, both concerts at 1st United Methodist

Church, 1050 SE Ireland Street, Oak Harbor. The community chorus,

which includes several OHLC members and is under the direction of

Chet Hansen, will present Spring Favorites, selections from past spring

concerts, including Roger Emerson’s rollicking Celtic celebration River-

song, Artie Resnick & Kenny Young’s classic Under the Boardwalk, and

Grant Cochran’s traditional Shaker tune, Simple Gifts. The program also

includes well-known Oak Harbor group, Daybreak Trio. Admission is

free, but donations are gratefully accepted.

JWhidbey Island Theological Studies presents The Bible’s Uncom-

fortable Wisdom, Saturday, May 4, 8:45 AM to noon, Coupe ville Rec

Hall, presented by Dr. Tom Johnson. The mission of WITS is to increase

the knowledge and love of God in the churches of Whidbey Island

through college-level biblical, theological, and spiritual studies.

JSunday, May 5, education wing roof repair fundraiser pulled

pork sandwich lunch, 11:45 AM in the fellowship hall. Features the

Anglums’ famous pulled pork and barbecue sauce; thank you to those

who have signed up to bring beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and dessert!

JSunday, May 5: Trinity Lutheran College presents Songs for the

New Day, featuring Trinity’s Concert Choir & Chamber Ensemble, 3 PM

at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, 215 W Mukilteo Blvd, Everett.

JSaturday, June 15: Thrivent Day at the LaConner Quilt Mu-

seum, 11 AM to 2 PM, for Thrivent members and non-member friends.

The first 50 people to visit the museum will pay only $3.50 while the

Mount Baker Chapter of Thrivent will cover the remaining $3.50 cost.

JThe Semi-Annual Meeting of Oak Harbor Lutheran Church will

be held between worship services, 9:15-10:15 AM, on Sunday, June 23.

All members of the congregation are encouraged to attend. We will be

electing 3 new members to our church council. We will also hear a

report on the synod assembly, and receive updates on our roof campaign

and other matters.


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Coupeville Book Group…

…meets Tuesday, May 7, 7:00 PM in the home of Julie Ward, 1053

Halsey Drive, to discuss Ahab’s Wife or, The Star-Gazer by Sena Jeter


From the opening line – “Captain Ahab was neither my first husband nor my last” - you will know that you are in the hands of a master storyteller and in the company of a fascinating woman hero. Inspired by a brief passage in Moby-Dick, Sena Jeter Naslund has created an enthralling and compellingly readable saga, spanning a rich, eventful, and dramatic life. At once a family drama, a romantic adventure, and a portrait of a real and loving marriage, Ahab’s Wife gives new perspective on the American experience. Fiction, 666 pages

For more information about the Coupeville group, contact Gaye

Rodriguey, 678-3561, [email protected].

Second Wednesday Book Group…

… meets Wednesday, May 8 at 1:00 PM in the library/fireside room to

discuss Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury:

The ruling government has ordered all books to be destroyed, but one book burner suddenly realizes their merit. This classic novel explores questions of intellectual freedom and what the world could be like without books. What would you do if this happened to you? Fiction, 147 pages

For more information about this group, contact Leona McKee, 675-

5712, [email protected].

Included in this newsletter are Prayer Ventures for May and the

May-June issue of The Spirit.

The deadline for articles for the June newsletter is Tuesday, May 21.

Men’s Ministry Lutheran Men in Mission & the Brotherhood of St. Bernard

hank you in advance to those planning to attend the Lutherwood

Camp & Retreat Center Join Hands Day on May 4 to help with

work projects, getting the camp ready for summer programs.

We look forward to offering several $100 scholarships to students in

need who would like to attend a camp session this summer – if you’re

interested in receiving a scholarship or would like to know more about

Lutherwood, talk to Pastor Spencer or ask in the church office.

The Brotherhood of St. Bernard (“The Old Dogs”) meets on

Tuesday, May 14 & May 28, 12:00 noon to 1:30 PM in the fellowship

hall for lunch, conversation, and study. If you’re new to the church,

pick up a brochure and business card at the welcome desk in the narthex,

and “run” one of us down for a personal invite (Pastor Spencer can point

us out). Some of us Old Dogs have a large bark, but we don’t bite. We

enjoy talking about ways to serve the church as well as studying scripture

together and sometimes we overload the pastor(s) with ideas for forth-

coming Sunday services. (Funny, though… often our ideas never seem

to make it out of the room.) Please circle these 2 Tuesdays and make

time to join us.

The Lutheran Men in Mission group is taking a break from our

usual 1st Saturday of the month gathering in May so many of us can turn

out at Camp Lutherwood for their work day instead.

Our next breakfast meeting is Saturday, June 1 at Flyers Restau-

rant, 8 to 10 AM. The cost is $12 apiece and that includes a tip – they

serve a very nice buffet breakfast and treated us really well when we

were there several months ago. Guest speaker will be Dan Pullen, a very

active member of the Island County Astronomical Society. He is likable

Christian fellow who devotes a lot of time and energy as a substitute

teacher, Stephen Minister, and professional “star gazer.” He’ll share

some thoughts on The smallest speck is still part of the larger universe.

Why knowing the smallness of our planet makes us see the grandness of

God’s universe. What is in the summer night sky? What to look for from

city sites and dark sky sites. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a

friend or fellow in church who hasn’t attended a great breakfast/meeting


We give thanks and praise to God for these ways to draw men

together in fellowship as we continue our walk with Christ. Come and

see! Tom Piper


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OHLC Women opportunities for fellowship, study & service

Circle meetings in May

Women’s circles meet regularly for Bible study and service

projects; Lydia Circle is working on plans for the holiday bazaar. You’re

invited to attend any of these gatherings – for more information, contact

the church office, 679-1561.

5/2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Deborah Circle meets at 10:00 AM in the library


Lydia Circle meets at 6:30 PM in the education wing

5/6 & 20

Ruth Circle meets at 6:30 PM in the prayer room

5/21 Rebecca Circle meets at 10:00 AM in the library

Blanket Workshop

lanket Workshop meets on Tuesday & Wednesday, May 7 & 8,

beginning at 9 AM in the fellowship hall. Help us start on our next

shipment of quilts for Lutheran World Relief! For more information,

contact Leona McKee, 675-5712, [email protected].

Handwork Group

eart & Hand handwork group meets in the prayer room at 9:30

AM on Friday, May 17. Bring your own crocheting or knitting or

help us work on hats and sweaters for Lutheran World Relief layettes, or

assemble baptismal banners. For more information, contact Leona

McKee, 675-5712, [email protected].

Don’t forget the bazaar!

fter many years of hiatus, OHLC will have a holiday bazaar on

Saturday, Nov. 2. Keep that in mind this summer if you have

some extra time to work on your craft projects. For more information,

contact Becky Peattie, 675-7234, [email protected] or Sheila

Ryan, 675-4555, [email protected] .

His Kids Preschool a ministry of Oak Harbor Lutheran Church

pril arrived in the relaxing and renewing form of Easter Vacation,

so the preschoolers were ready to spring back into class when they

returned on the second week of the month

Almost immediately the bare branches of the class-

room bulletin board tree burst (almost by magic!) into light and

dark green student-cutout leaves. Landing on the leaves were

red, yellow and orange paper ladybugs – also cut out by the

students themselves – decorated with a variety of hand-drawn black dots,

some too numerous to count.

The lions and lambs of March were replaced by umbrellas (also

another student cutting project) dot-painted with pastel colors of blue,

pink, yellow and lavender. Across the room from the umbrellas was the

paper towel tube rocket project, which continued to fly in April. That

was also true of the decorative fish wind socks fluttering overhead.

The shortened month ended with two highly favored preschool

activities: Preschool Sunday and the Sealab field trip.

His Kids is honored that Mr. Keith at the Sealab at Camp Casey

takes a day away from his retirement to entertain the children with his

vast knowledge of the flora, fauna and

crustaceans of the waters of Whidbey

Island. It is a blessing of wonderment.

On Preschool Sunday, the students enlivened the 10:30 AM

worship service with the songs Jesus Loves Me, The B-I-B-L-E and This

Little Light of Mine and added a new dimension to the praying of The

Lord’s Prayer. It was a wonderful way to begin to celebrate 20 years of

joy with His Kids Preschool.

May will be the last month of classes for this school year, and

before we know it we’ll be starting our classes for 2013-2014! We still

have registration space available in the 3-Day Afternoon class and 2-

Day Morning class for the coming year. Stop by the church office for

more information.

April’s Special Students of the Week were: Madison Bice,

Jaelynn Coon, Grady Davidson, Eli Johnson, Aleera Kent, Don Lesetmoe, Grant Nienhuis, Weston Thompson and DaRon Wilson.

Shalom, Miss Gaye





Page 7: May 2013 Harbor Beacon


Council highlights The Council met Saturday, March 16 at 9:00 AM.

Old Business included updates on the education wing roofing

project, forestry management in the church woods, and a plan to repair

and refurbish the church sign on Heller Road.

New Business included a report on repairs needed for the fire

suppression system; the decision was made to use funds from the

Building Fund designation for those expenses.

Minutes of this meeting were approved at the April 11 meeting.

Trudy Decker, Council secretary

Compassion Ministry Volunteers needed with willing hands and strong backs

Help us load boxes of quilts and other Lutheran World

Relief kits, Thursday, May 2, starting at 7:00 PM at church.

Rita Carter will be driving a bus generously on loan from

Whidbey Sea-Tac Shuttle to deliver these items assembled

by our congregation as well as from our friends at Concordia

Lutheran Church. She’ll take the boxes to Our Redeemer

Lutheran Church, Seattle, and from there they’ll be shipped to a regional

warehouse, ready for distribution around the world as the needs arise.

Stephen Ministry: a shelter in a time of storm What do Stephen Ministers do? In short, they are gifts from

God to help shelter you during the storm. They listen,

accept, care, and walk with a person who is going through a

difficult time. They provide support – prayer, scripture,

forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, conversation – in

appropriate ways to meet the needs of the care receiver.

They are not counselors or therapists. They do not give

advice or tell people how to solve their problems.

The motto of Stephen Ministry is “The Stephen Minister is the

Care-giver; God is the Cure-giver.” They stand by the person and

minister to his or her spiritual needs as God works through the

relationship to bring hope and healing to the care-receiver.

Contact the church office, 360-60-679-1561 or e-mail Pastor

Marc Stroud, [email protected], to get connected with a

Stephen Minister.

Watoto is Compassion’s Ministry of the Month: Want vs. Need

s our sons Chris and Lucas were growing up, they encouraged me

to purchase lottery tickets to win the million dollars. My response

always was, “We may want it but don’t need more, because we already

have a roof over our heads, adequate meals, good health and our

Lutheran faith. What more do we need?”

However in Gulu,

Uganda, after 20 years of war,

with 30% unemployment and

with 6% to 10% of the population

HIV+, the majority of people are

hopeful of just one small meal a

day. It is also very common to

live on the street or to have 10 people living in a 15-foot wide circular

hut with no running water or bathroom. This description fits most of the

people being helped by Watoto, and also includes a large number of

orphans. The Watoto Team would like to invite you to help us provide

for some of the basic needs in Uganda. OHLC’s Mission of the Month

for May will be Watoto Childcare Ministries.

The first two weeks of July, a Medical/Educational team from

OHLC will join with others to travel to Gulu, Uganda, to treat some of

the 1000 Living Hope women and their 2500 children. These women are

HIV+, unemployed, and have 3 to 4 children each as a result of being

taken by the LRA, led by Joseph Kony who is charged with international

war crimes. The team will also treat over 300 orphans in the Watoto

Laminedere Orphan Village. These are some of the people who need our


Helping these people is what inspires our passion and to dedicate

the month of May to informing others of the needs in Uganda, as well as

scheduling fundraising events to help meet those needs.

In addition to an informational and educational bulletin board

display in the narthex, here’s what will be offered during the next few


y Sunday, May 9, 9:15 AM: Adult forum presentation

highlighting the work and needs of Watoto Childcare


y Sunday, May 12, we’ll host coffee hour for both

morning services.

Continued on the following page!


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y Saturday, May 24, Rummage Sale, 9 AM to 3 PM.

Bring your items to donate on Friday, May 23 after 3 PM

(No clothes, electronics or large exercise equipment,


y Saturday, June 1, Pirate-themed Murder Mystery, 6

PM at church. Tickets are $20 apiece. Heavy finger food,

refreshments, and fun!

All funds raised by the Watoto Team through these events

will be used to provide scholarships for medical/nursing students in

Uganda who will then serve in Uganda. In response to a need and a

request for aid, the team will also provide funds to buy Cycle Beads

for the families that want to limit their number of children.

Distribution will be through a local Ugandan foundation, created to

meet the health needs of their people.

We invite you to share our passion for meeting the needs of

the Watoto community in Gulu, Uganda. Thank you for your

continued support, sharing, and caring.

Skip Lycksell

OHLC helps Make Malaria History!

Many thanks for your generous donations to the ELCA’s Malaria

Campaign. Total donations amounted to a WONDERFUL $3,889! The

Compassion Team thanks you and the people of the world who have to

deal with mosquitos and malaria thank you.

Further thanks to Melissa Johnson for her help in creating a

powerful display for the narthex bulletin board, to Christine Higgins and

Mary Brock and the rest of Sunday School leaders and all the kids in the

classes for their great posters promoting the Malaria Campaign, and for

the generous Sunday School offerings during March.

Here in western Washington, we often consider mosquitos just

an occasional nuisance and don’t give them another thought in our

everyday lives, but even at this distance we find we are affected. Our

hearts go out to Don Fosso’s son Dan and his fiancée and family,

following the death of Dan’s fiancee’s mother just recently due to

malaria in Indonesia.

Carol Wall

With appreciation

To my friends at OHLC, I want extend a heartfelt thank you for

your kind thoughts, cards, and flowers on my 90th birthday.

They were very much appreciated.

Sincerely, Marge Link

We received this

beautifully hand-

written thank you

note from local piano

teacher Natasha


following her recital

on April 20,

the weekend when 72

of our Blanket

Workshop quilts were

on display in the

sanctuary and



New Address Shirley Cline 360-424-1320

c/o Mira Vista

300 S 18th St. Rm. 308

Mount Vernon, WA 98274-4661

Page 9: May 2013 Harbor Beacon


Worship Assistants Asst. Ministers Acolytes Music

5/ 5 8:00



Shanna Lundstrom

Rita Carter

Gisela Hawley

Sydney Higgins

Peter Spencer

Benjamin Bruland

Senior Choir


5/12 8:00



Tom Coe

Rita Cline

Peter Higgins

Sadie Harbaugh

Benjamin Bruland

Morning Glory

Praise Team

Cantor: Carol Reafs

5/19 8:00



Verna Pommerenke

Craig Pedlar

Trudy Decker

Katie Norman

Elias Wiley

Benjamin Bruland

Senior Choir


5/26 8:00



Tom Piper

Allan Swan

Elizabeth Norman

Luke Spencer

Benjamin Bruland

Morning Glory

Senior Choir

Cantor: Carol Reafs

Ushers Assistants 5/ 5 8:00 AM Higgins family

10:30 AM J. Wilcox,

L. Michalski

6:30: Presider, Jeff Spencer

Communion: Tom Coe

Computer: Donna Aspery

Communion: Donna Meyers

Computer: Rick Culbertson

5/12 8:00 AM Margraf family

10:30 AM J. Wilcox,

L. Michalski

6:30: Presider,

Communion: Candi Amarelo

Computer: Rachel Margraf

Communion: Mike Fankhauser

Computer: Michelle Tull

5/19 8:00 AM Ellis family

10:30 AM

6:30: Presider, Jeff Spencer

Communion: Marge Moore

Computer: Molly Nagel

Communion: Gisela Hawley

Computer: Josh Jepsen

5/26 8:00 AM J. Flowers,

L. Forster

10:30 AM R. Wood, M. McNae,

6:30 PM: Presider, Marc Stroud

Communion: Gaye Rodriguey

Computer: Kathy Ridle

Communion: Pat Michalski

Computer: Rita Carter

Little Lutheran Bags in May: Doris Mattson

Financial Report: March March Year to date

Income $ 45,681 104,363

Outgo 37,291 110,043

8,390 $ (5,680)

Worship Attendance: April Date Sun. 8 AM

Sun. 10:30 AM

Cpvl. Nursery

Mar. 31* 133 208 --- 2

Apr. 7 45 102 24 2

Apr. 14 65 112 25 0

Apr. 21 71 128 14 4

Average Att. 79 137 21 2

Average Sunday attendance: 234

*March 31 was Easter Sunday; there was no evening service in Coupeville.

April 28 worship will be included in next month’s stats.

Coffee Fellowship May Bring cookies, make coffee, set up and clean up – we need at least 2 per week

for 8:00 AM services, 3 per week for 10:30 AM services,

and 1 per week in Coupeville

8:00 AM

10:30 AM

Coupeville 6:30 PM

Fair Trade Sponsors

5/ 5

Patty Bruland Rodriguey

5/12 Watoto Team

Watoto Team Patty Bruland


75th Anniversary




Trudy Decker Deborah Circle

Lesser Festivals & Commemorations May 1 St. Philip & St. James, Apostles 18 Erik, King of Sweden, martyr, 1160

2 Athanasius, Bishop of 21 Helena, mother of Constantine,

Alexandria, 373 330

4 Monica, mother of Augustine, 387 24 Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543,

8 Julian of Norwich, renewer of Leonhard Euler, 1783

the church, c. 1416 scientists

9 Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 27 John Calvin, renewer of the

renewer of the church, Church, 1564

hymnwriter,1760 29 Jiřī Tranovský, hymnwriter, 1637

14 Matthias, apostle

This month’s featured decorative font is Abbeyline.

Page 10: May 2013 Harbor Beacon



The church calendar

is updated regularly

on OHLC’s website,


11:30 OHLC Staff

5:30 Harbor Bells

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon

2 10:00 Deborah Circle

4:15 Morning Glory

5:30 Praise Team

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1

7:00 Council

7:00 Loading for LWR


10:00 OH Bay Artists

11:30 OHHS Transitional


5:00 Bears & Tigers 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214


9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Join Hands work day at

Camp Lutherwood

(meet at OHLC at

7:30 AM to carpool)

5 Healing Prayer at

both morning services

Worship 8:00

Sunday School 9:15

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

BBQ luncheon 12:00

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30


1:00 Munchy Monday

6:30 Angeli

6:30 Lydia Circle

6:30 Ruth Circle

6:45 4-H K-9 Korps

7:00 Solutions


9:00 Blanket Workshop

6:00 Wolves

6:00 Patrol Leaders

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Cpvl Book Group

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


9:00 Blanket Workshop

11:30 OHLC Staff

1:00 Book Group

5:00 Stephen Ministry

5:30 Harbor Bells

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon


10:00 Deborah Circle

4:15 Morning Glory

5:30 Praise Team

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1


10:00 Oak Harbor Bay


11:30 OHHS Transitional


5:00 Tigers & Bears 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214



Worship 8:00

Sunday School 9:15

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30


1:00 Munchy Monday

6:00 Homeschoolers

6:30 Angeli

7:00 Cub Scout Leaders

7:00 Vanishing Friends

7:00 Solutions

14 10:30 Stamping Group

12:00 Brotherhood of

St. Bernard

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:30 Child Care Assoc.

6:30 Scout Adult Com

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


11:30 OHLC Staff

To lunch

5:30 Harbor Bells

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon


10:00 Deborah Circle

4:15 Morning Glory

5:30 Praise Team

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1


9:30 Heart & Hand

10:00 Oak Harbor Bay


11:30 OHHS Transitional


5:00 Bears & Tigers

5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214l


19 Pentecost

Confirmation Worship 8:00

Sunday School 9:15

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

Piano recital 1:00

Wolves 4:00

Marriage Care 5:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30



1:00 Munchy Monday

6:30 Angeli

6:30 Lydia Circle

6:30 Ruth Circle

6:45 4-H K-9 Korps

7:00 Solutions

21 Newsletter Deadline

10:00 Rebecca Circle

6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves

6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:30 Worship Brass


11:30 OHLC Staff

5:30 Harbor Bells

6:00 Girl Scouts Tr 50794

7:00 Senior Choir

7:00 Overeaters Anon.


10:00 Deborah Circle

4:15 Morning Glory

5:30 Praise Team

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Pack 4098

Bridging Meeting


His Kids Preschool

All School Picnic

10:00 Oak Harbor Bay


11:30 OHHS Tr.Students

3:00 Set up for

rummage sale

5:00 Tigers & Bears 5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214


9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Watoto benefit

rummage sale

26 The Holy Trinity

Worship 8:00

Adult Ed. 9:15

Worship 10:30

Wolves 4:00

Vespers/Coupeville 6:30

27 Memorial Day

Church office closed

6:30 Angeli

7:00 Solutions

28 10:30 Stamping Group

12:00 Old Dogs 6:00 CADA Parenting

6:00 Wolves 6:30 Webelos 2

7:00 Boy Scouts

7:00 Scout Board/Review 7:30 Worship Brass


11:30 OHLC Staff

1:00 Library Committee

5:30 Harbor Bells

7:00 Overeaters Anon.


10:00 Deborah Circle

4:15 Morning Glory

5:30 Praise Team

5:30 Brownies 40740

6:30 Webelos 1


10:00 Oak Harbor Bay


11:30 OHHS Tr. Students

5:00 Bears & Tigers

5:15 Girl Scouts 42040/4214l


Last day of class:

3-day AM & PM–May 22

2-day AM-May 23

Pre-K Readiness–May 23

N W W A S y n o d A s s e m b l y - - L y n n w o o d