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Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal

Headquarters: 137 Tara Road, Bluff, Durban Postal: P.O. Box 21759, Bluff, Durban, 4036

Web Site:

Affiliated to SAVVA Affiliated to The Vintage Motor Cycle Club - UK

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Your Committee:

Position Name Email address Telephone numbers

Patron Alan Young [email protected] Home: (031) 467-7294 Cell: 082-465-8273

Chairman Rod Thomas [email protected] Home: (031) 762-1509 Cell: 073-365-6494

Vice Chairman Theo Alberda [email protected] Home: (031) 262-9953

Clubhouse Manager Mike Mathews - - - Home: (031) 467-8648 Cell: 082-377-8580

Treasurer Aubrey Cilliers [email protected] Home: (031) 708-5934 Cell: 083 922-0133

Secretary Salome van Niekerk

[email protected]

Home: (031) 465-5831 Cell: 072-040-9000

Club Registrar Andrew Mather [email protected] Home: (031) 563-7986 Cell: 083-309-0233

Outings Co-ordinator

Vacant - - - - - -

Dating Officer Rod Thomas [email protected] Home: (031) 762-1509

Show Manager Barbara Sink - - - Cell: 076-686-4194

Spares Manager Eugene Watson - - - Home: (031) 776 3648 Cell: 074-471-3407

Asst. Spares Manager

Kevin Tebutt - - - - - -

Regalia Officer Jill Alberda [email protected] Home: (031) 262-9953

Rally Manager Thomas Schubert [email protected] Cell: 083-627-4220

Librarian & 100 Club Dave Stone - - - Home: (031) 564-5506

SAVVA Club Rep Ken Sink - - - Cell: 078-679-5000

Editor Thomas Schubert [email protected] Cell: 083-627-4220


Bank: Standard Bank

Branch: Amanzimtoti

Branch Code: 057527

Account Number: 05-155-629-4

Announcements: Are you Importing Spares? From the Cape Vintage Motorcycle Club: Please note that no import duty is payable on either new or used motorcycle spares - they are exempt from duty. However you must instruct your parts supplier to print the following on the outside of the parcel as well as on the invoice: MOTOR CYCLE PARTS: TARIFF CODE 871499004 NO DUTY PAYABLE VAT (UK) & Mwst (Germany) is not usually charged when exporting, but VAT will be applicable on arrival in RSA.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need Spokes? Go to: for stainless steel spokes for German bikes at a quarter of the price of spokes from local suppliers.


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Services: Sheet metal work and fabrication.

Porsche 356 fuel tank before…

Porsche 356 fuel tank after!

If you have a need for any sheet metal fabrication e.g. body parts, motor cycle parts, fenders, petrol tank and exhaust fabrication or over plating contact Jeffery on 082-570-4698.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Forum For those of you who use the internet for biking news, parts etc., our webmaster John Austin-Williams (aka JAWS) has started The Veteran, Vintage and Classic Motorcycle Forum of South Africa here: To make full use of this facility you will need to register, but access remains free. Other Important Websites ThinkBike --- Commemorative DJ Run Vintage M/C Club Classic M/C Club Crankhandle Club --- The Piston Ring Pretoria Old Motor Club --- SAVVA Vintage & Veteran Club

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual or Bi-annual Roadworthies We have received a very important letter from Roly Tilman. Annual or bi-annual road worthies may become a requirement in the near future. If you own any vehicles or bikes that may be exempt (i.e. currently pre-1965) then, to make your life easier, we suggest you get your dating certificates updated, (using the forms which are available from the club). To make the process more efficient we are looking for a volunteer from our members to act as the focal point between or club and SAVVA and collect the R25 per dating certificate copy.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Club Trailer. Use of the Club Trailer by members. The trailer will handle one large motorcycle or two smaller ones. The trailer is available to club members free of charge (although a small donation to the club will always be greatly appreciated). Users must provide their own tie-downs. Note: all uses will be held responsible for the trailer and will return it as soon as convenient in the condition they received it in. Users are responsible for any traffic violations and the club will not be held responsible in any way should any mishap occur. Theo Alberda stores the trailer; he can be contacted on (031) 262-9953 or 076-051-6323


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A query from New Zealand: The Barns Trophy Hi there I am wondering if you have any history about the Barns Trophy that was awarded by the Maritzburg Motorcycle Club. My maternal grandfather WG Murray won the trophy and I have the original fancy-looking gold medal that he also won. I also know that he participated in the DJ Race in the 1920's and see your very interesting web site records an E Murray and EG Murray as one of the frontrunners in the 1922/1923 races. Anyone with information can contact Peter Spies by email at [email protected]

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will’s most generous donation to our club!

Members who attended the monthly meeting on Saturday 4th May would no doubt have seen the magnificent Yamaha RD 350 which was most generously donated by Will McGibbon to raise funds for the club. The bike has been completely overhauled and is registered and licenced with all necessary papers. After discussion on how to derive maximum return from the bike it was decided to advertise it on Gumtree and Will kindly agreed to do this on behalf of the club. Naturally, our members were invited to make an offer for the bike. Will has had a substantial offer for the bike and we have agreed to let it go. A decision on how the proceeds are to be used for the benefit of members is yet to be decided. We would welcome any suggestions. Will, on behalf of our members and committee, we thank you from the bottom of our heart for such a generous donation.


Raymond Meyer’s 1934 BMW R-11 Will McGibbon’s 1962 Honda C-110


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Events: Past

Breakfast Run - Sunday 12th May 2013. (By Alan Young and Theo Alberda) The Natal Classic Motorcycle Club members’ response to the Breakfast Run questionnaire was partially implemented on Sunday 12th May when 11 members gathered at the clubhouse on 9 solos with 2 pillion riders. It was great to have Mike Mathews back after his holiday in the UK. From the feedback we received to the questionnaire on breakfast runs it was clear that our clubs members wanted to reintroduce some of the protocols used in days gone by. With these in mind; • A back-up trailer was on standby for any breakdowns, • Emergency cellphone numbers were given to all and, • A tail-end Charlie was nominated to ride at the back of the field. So, breakfast run protocols are being implemented and once all feedback from the questions has been thoroughly analysed the details will be published in the newsletter and put on the notice board. Hopefully, the lessons learnt and implemented from this this will encourage more members to take part in the runs. After 2 days of heavy rain we were greeted by a beautiful windless sunny day; perfect biking weather. The nine bikes left the club at 8.15 am and headed down the coast on the old road. The secondary roads through Prospecton, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti, Doonside, Warner Beach and Winklespruit were rather quiet and ideal for the run. The first stop was the Illovo Nursery where there was a choice of breakfast menus to suit all appetites and wallets, the Mom’s even getting a small Mother’s Day treat. After satisfying the inner man we headed off to Umkomaas and stopped for a short break and natter at the beachfront parking taking in the view of the beautiful surf. Then it was off home on the same route. Most returned to the club where Mike Mathews opened the bar for a quick frostie to round off the morning. Of the nine bikes on the ride, 5 were Japanese, 2 were BMWs, there was 1 Harley and 1 modern Triumph and none was built before 1980. Interesting sign of the times! As expected, with the more modern classics there were no breakdowns but it was comforting to many knowing that the trailer was available at short notice as even the most reliable bikes can suffer a puncture! It was also agreed that should any bike break down then two of the

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accompanying riders would wait with the breakdown until the trailer arrived and the bike was loaded. Thank you to Ray Nell for carefully reviewing the route to ensure the bad roads were avoided and for making the arrangements for our breakfast with the Illovo nursery. Thanks to Jill and Theo for bringing the club trailer and Graham Palmer for drafting the questionnaire and collating the responses. We are getting there!

The line-up of our nine mounts and some of the riders outside the Illovo nursery

Some of our members about to enjoy their coffee while they waited for the breakfast to arrive!

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Much discussion took place. However, Graham just visible on the right, was famished and is seen here praying for a small goat on toast. He had to settle for the largest breakfast served (eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns, tomato, mushrooms and five slices of toast. He devoured his breakfast like a Hoover vacuum cleaner!

Theo does not support displays of affection (except on birthdays and New Year and then subject to good behaviour). But, on this occasion, it was Mother’s day after all and he relented.


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A letter emailed to many South African motorcycle clubs: Dear Sir/Madam, I am a 62 year old pensioner and biker of over 40 years. The purpose of this communication is to advise as many bikers as possible of a used motorcycle parts scam. This perpetrator apparently caught a number of people in 2011 and has again begun his illegal activities. His modus operandi is to contact bikers who have advertised on Gumtree and in Bike SA magazines etc. that they are in need of certain parts. This person then contacts the advertiser and tells them he has exactly what he/she needs. He is very plausible on the phone and offers a valid bank account number (which gets closed afterwards). Needless to say he asks for payment upfront, but the parts never ever arrive because I suspect he never had any parts in the first place. . He drags out the deal as long as possible offering many excuses (so he can keep his bank account open as long as possible) and then stops taking your calls or communicating with you and closes his bank account to avoid you tracking him down. Clearly he prefers remote customers, such as myself on the West Coast that cannot simply call on him in Gauteng to conclude the deal/sort things out Because Simon of BIke SA has indicated that he cannot run my story until this party is convicted, I have chosen to alert my fellow bikers to my unsatisfactory dealings with this person in this manner, in the hope they too do not fall victim to this person because if you are a pensioner like me you can least afford to being ripped-off. (Names have been withheld but may be gotten from the Editor)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystery Photo

This photo was taken on one of the weekends-away which the CMCN used to organise in the early 1990s. We spent the weekend at the Royal Hotel at Eshowe and this was the Saturday evening in the pub.

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Does anybody recognise the three gentlemen in the photo? One does not come to the club anymore; another one comes very occasionally (Clue: he is related to our Regalia Lady) and the last one is very much a regular at the club. The Answer: Seeing as not even a single attempt was made to identify these CMCN stalwarts, the answer will be withheld.


The 2013 Century Run of The Classic Motorcycle Club - Natal

(By Alan Young and Theo Alberda)

On Sunday 14th April, Bluff residents had a rude awakening thanks to Rob Wiles who, shortly after leaving the clubhouse blew all the baffles out of his 1928 Norton megaphone letting everyone know what a real classic motorcycle should sound like! Rob, along with some forty other members and visitors were taking part in our fifth Century Run which was generously sponsored by Paul and Andrea Ward of Startline. Members started gathering at the club on a beautiful sunny windless day from 8 am and had a choice of coffee, tea or cold drink while waiting for the start. The riders and their bikes gathered steadily and by 9 am at least twenty riders had registered. This number grew to forty just prior to the planned 10 am departure

A batch of the early arrivals

There was a choice of two routes, one of forty kilometres and a shorter route of 16 km which was provided for the older bikes. We tend to underestimate just how much effort is involved in planning a route. Alan had ridden the route several times to make sure that it was free from any significant obstructions such as roadworks, anticipated durations etc.

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The route carefully planned and traced by Alan Young

As a precaution it was arranged that club trailer would be on standby at the club just in case of someone breaking down and required fetching. Jill Alberda took on this task but as it turned out the demand on the sweep was hardly required. Only one bike was returned on a trailer. Surely this is testimony to the durability of the (well-maintained – Ed.) old motorbikes?

Some of the older mounts

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Alan gathered the participants just before departure and gave an outline of the course.

After a briefing the two groups left the club shortly after 10 am, the long route led by Alan and the short route led by Ken Sink on the 1929 BSA Sloper with wife Barbara in the sidecar. The long route included the entire length of Marine Drive as well as Lighthouse and Bluff Roads and wound its way around the back of the Mondi Pulp Mill before returning to the club. The shorter route was chosen, as far as possible, to avoid steep hills which would be a challenge for old machinery approaching or exceeding a hundred years since manufacture.

Ken and Barbara Sink and the 1929 BSA Sloper plus sidecar

It was hoped that Ken, doing a second lap of the short route on the 1908 Triumph belonging to Andrew Mather could achieve the clubs first platinum certificate but sadly, this never came about due to mechanical problems on the 105 year old bike. Free braai packs and R50 petrol money was handed out courtesy of Startline to each participant. While the men were on the run Sue took care of lighting the braai fires.

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Sue Wellbeloved taking care of the braai fires!

It was not too long after the end of the run that the folks migrated to the braais, refreshment in hand, and started braaing the meat to their taste.

Worthy of note is the participation of the younger riders. We were so please to have Connor Young and Peter Griffiths along with us. Well done lads!

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Have we learned anything for future such event? On this occasion some of the riders on the longer route got lost following a hold-up at traffic lights. Frequent stops allowing for “catch-up” had been taken into account but clearly underestimated. It was suggested that riders go in smaller batches each with their own leader. Acknowledgements: As always with an event of this nature there are always those who by giving of themselves to ensure the days success. Paul and Andrea Ward of Startline without whose generous sponsorship this event would not have been the success it was. The better-than-anticipated attendance at this year’s event, we believe, was due to their contributions. Alan Young. For his months of planning and hard work to ensure a successful event. As always done quietly behind the scenes! Sue Wellbeloved, who prevailed on the local butcher to give us a special deal on the braai packs etc. She collected all the food and delivered it to the club. Sue also helped out in the kitchen and bar. Liz Mathews, our stalwart lady once again controlled the bar and also helped in the kitchen. Mike Mathews, as usual, setting up the braai fires and helping in the bar and taking care of the clubhouse facilities. Salome van Niekerk who ensured that every participant received their petrol money. As usual she controlled the finances her normal efficient manner. Theo Alberda, who put in a huge amount of work on the draft of the certificates and assisted Alan in the planning, Jill Alberda. for providing the sweep. Marie Grobbelaar, who helped in the kitchen. And to all those members, their spouses and partners and visitors for taking part and making the day a most festive and pleasant event. And a sample of some of the bikes

Will McGibbons stunning Honda CB 750 K1

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Ray Nell’s beautiful BSA

Paul Wards rare Yamaha 305 ridden by Tony Davies

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Results of the 2013 CMCN Century Run Gold certificates

No Name Age Bike Age Total Cat Club

1 Rod Thomas 73 1928 OK Supreme 85 158 G CMCN

2 Ken Sink 71 1929 BSA Sloper 500 + Sidecar

84 155 G CMCN

3 Stuart Anderson 72 1918 Harley Davidson Model J.

95 167 G CMCN

4 Doug Cruickshank

72 1934 250cc Triumph 79 151 G CMCN

5 Hank Raatgever 66 1929 AJS 500 84 150 G CMCN

6 Andrew Mather 49 1908 Triumph 105 154 G CMCN

Silver certificates

1 Rob Wiles 64 1928 Norton 16H 85 149 S CMCN

2 Hans Coertse 52 1921 Harley Davidson Model J.

92 144 S CMCN

3 Aubrey Cilliers 69 1936 Triumph 5/1 77 147 S CMCN

4 Derek Pirie 54 1922 BSA Deluxe

91 145 S CMCN

5 Ray Nell 73 1959 BSA A10 54 127 S CMCN

6 Winston De Koch

72 1955 Matchless G80 58 130 S CMCN

7 Mike Mathews 68 1955 BSA Bantam 58 126 S CMCN

8 Wayne Bagley 57 1930 AJS R10 83 140 S CMCN

9 Terry Chesterton

58 1935 BSA B35-2 78 136 S CMCN

10 Bryan Hinks 73 1952 Ariel 500cc OHV 61 134 S CMCN Bronze certificates

1 Rick Hoekstra 77 1981 BMW R100 32 109 B CMCN

2 Alex Human 67 1964 Norton Dominator 49 116 B CMCN

3 Tony Davies 58 1964 Yamaha 305 49 107 B CMCN

4 Will McGibbon 59 1971 Honda CB750 K1 42 101 B CMCN

5 Graham Palmer 67 1975 Honda CB400F 38 105 B CMCN

6 Corrie Liesching 73 1980 Honda CX500 34 107 B CMCN

7 Alan Young 80 1980 Suzuki GS450 33 113 B CMCN

8 John Grobbelaar

68 1980 Suzuki GS1000G 33 101 B CMCN

Participants’ certificates

1 Philip Griffiths 60 2007 Royal Enfield 350 6 66 P CMCN

2 Geoff Wellbeloved

65 1979 Yamaha DT175 34 99 P CMCN

3 Colin Flett 66 1984 Yamaha ZR1 29 95 P CMCN

4 Jock Adamson 64 1984 BMW R65 29 93 P CMCN

5 Peter Griffiths 20 1982 BMW R100 31 51 P CMCN

6 Don Stead 66 1981 Yamaha DT175 32 98 P CMCN

7 Deena Naidoo 52 1983 Kawasaki Z550 30 82 P CMCN

8 Gary Leonard 57 2006 Triumph Speed Triple

7 64 P None

9 Richard 54 1970 BMW R60 43 97 P CMCN

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10 Gunther Markhart

62 2002 Royal Enfield 11 73 P None

11 Peter Moje 64 2002 Royal Enfield 11 75 P None

12 Connor Young 19 2004 Honda CBR150 9 28 P None

13 Barbara Sink --- Sidecar passenger with Ken Sink

--- --- P CMCN

14 Marie Grobbelaar

--- Pillion with John Grobbelaar

--- --- P CMCN

15 Mary Flett --- Pillion with Colin Flett --- --- P CMCN

16 Veronica Leonard

---- Pillion with Gary Leonard --- --- P None

17 Jill Alberda ---- sweep --- --- P CMCN

The Stats:

Number of registered participants: 41

Highest combined age of rider and bike: 167 years, Stuart Anderson

72, 1918 Harley Davidson

Oldest participant: 80 years, Alan Young.

Youngest participant: 19 years, Connor Young

Oldest motorcycle: 1908, 497cc Triumph, Andrew Mather

Youngest motorcycle: 2007 Royal Enfield, Philip Griffiths.

Footnote: Our man Raymond Meyer did not take part in this year’s event as he was in Boston fulfilling a lifetime ambition to compete in the Boston marathon. Sadly, he was unable to complete the marathon when the event was stopped due to the widely publicised terrorist bombings. It was his longstanding ambition to run this event and he combined it with a plan to raise R10 000 for his charity of choice: The Durban Children’s Home. He was cramping near the end and had slowed to a walk but no doubt would have finished in a time somewhat more than he planned. This, we believe, might have made the difference in Raymond being in the vicinity of a blast. A Divine Intervention perhaps? For more recent members to the club you should know that Raymond is our "legal beagle" and drafted our club constitution which, with a few minor amendments, still applies today. He also, for many years, has taken care of the permit applications for our Rally as well giving us the benefit of his legal advice in other club matters. We sympathise in your disappointment Raymond and salute you for achievements in road running but, above all, we are so relieved that you are safe and well.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Events: Future

Event Date Other

June Club Meeting 1st June 2013 At the Clubhouse

Plums in May June 2013 At the Clubhouse

June Social Meeting 15th June 2013 At the Clubhouse

Top Gear Festival 15th-16th June 2013 Moses Madhiba Stadium

Scottburgh Classic Car Show 21st July 2013 Scottburgh Country Club

SAVVA National Rally 25th to 29th Sept. 2013 Free State

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Bike of the Month Competitions

January: Best of British:

February: Golden Years Trophy:

March: Day of the Rising Sun:

April: Best BMW:

May: Best Tiddlers:

June: Showbike Trophy:

July: Concourse Competition:

August: Best Post-Classic:

September: Best Sidecar:

October: Best Matchless/AJS/Norton:

November: Best Classic Racer:

December: Moderns: any make, any size, 2000 to 2010. Also a separate competition for Harleys, any age


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Other stuff: Adverts, Technical, News etc.

El Centinela Honda Jet CB750K

Inspired by the Honda Jet and built by Ramon Jimenez of El Centinela Motorcycles in Puerto Rico.


Hercules W2000 rotary/Wankel

THE PASSES TOUR 2013 Theo Alberda’s friend Denis recently toured the Western Cape with a bunch of good people.

Fourteen enthusiasts ride classic motorbikes through Poorts, Kloofs and eight Passes.

By Dennis Hibberd

The PE-based Saturday-morning breakfast riders (SATAM’ers) are an adventurous lot. Roy Cawood happened to mention, last November, that he would be willing to

arrange a tour of the Western Cape if he could find enough takers.

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Not surprisingly, nine SATAM’ers immediately raised their hands. Four of our biking friends in the Queenstown/Cathcart area also rushed to join in – and Roy

roped in his neighbour, Piet Bosch.

Fairest Cape - Fourteen riders left early on Sunday, 17 March 2013 and headed for the Fairest Cape. The weather was perfect and remained so for five days apart

from a hint of drizzle in the Gydo Pass, near Ceres. Thanks to Roy Cawood we had

excellent documentation, including a route schedule showing distances, fuel stops, overnight destinations and participants’ cellphone numbers. There was also a list

of the passes, poorts and kloofs. It was clear that Roy had spent many hours at his PC and had thought of everything.

Past Joubertina to Prince Albert - Day One took us along the R62 past

Joubertina to Louterwater where a typical country breakfast was enjoyed at the KontreiKombuis.

A clear, windless day saw temperatures climb by the time we turned off the R62 onto the R339, through the Poort to Uniondale for a fuel stop. The scenery

improves after joining the R341 heading for De Rust. This is one of my favourite rides. As you descend from the Potjiesberg, the Swartberg range looms in the

distance and there are mild twisties to add to the riding enjoyment. A few of us called in at De Rust for liquid refreshment, and met up with the rest at

the waterfall in Meiringskloof. I say waterfall, but at this time of year it’s more of a

trickle. We then pressed on via the R407 to Prince Albert. Summiting the short pass, about 25 kms after the turnoff, the beautiful Prince Albert valley stretches

into the distance. The view is breathtaking. It was interesting to note the viticulture development in this valley, with a few large wineries now offering tours

and tastings. I wonder whether the eastwards migration of the wine industry is due to climate change. If it is, that’s good news for Eastern Capers.

The attraction in Prince Albert was obviously the pub, surprisingly open on a

Sunday afternoon! Much quenching took place and we eventually rode back a short distance to our overnight accommodation at Bushman Valley. Here

comfortable chalets, a huge fire, quality meat and good red wine meant a memorable stay-over.

Prince Albert Road to Ceres - Our route took us to the N1 at Prince Albert

Road, where the countryside is typical of the semi-arid Karoo. There had been

some concern about the heavy truck traffic on the N1 South. However, as it was early on a Monday, the juggernauts from Joeys had not yet reached us and we

rode for 120 kms before overtaking even one. It was a case of maintaining 120 kph for the 127 kms to Laingsburg for a Wimpy breakfast and a fill-up. Another 30

kms saw us spending an hour at Matjiesfontein, which really interested the military history buffs in the group.... all two of us!

Later, it was a welcome change to leave the N1 and turn towards Ceres onto the R46. The mountains before us clearly indicated we were in the Western Cape. The

town of Ceres was very busy. With the fruit picking season nearing its end, there were laden fruit trucks heading in all directions.

The nearby Gydo pass is one of the most spectacular in that area and we braved it to the top and back, sharing the road with the local trucks.

Our overnight stop was on the Rhodene Fruit Farm. Here the chalets are situated in the pear orchards. Surprisingly, there was still some fruit left on the trees. Not

much of an attraction for our lot though; they were more interested in fermented and distilled fruit juices – and another braai!

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Heart of the Boland to Montagu -On day three, the route took us through

Ceres and down Mitchells Pass into the heart of the Boland. The mountains here are so ‘in your face’, it becomes increasingly difficult to enjoy the scenery and

concentrate on safe riding. In this situation lower speeds are common sense, but the conflicting instinct is to get down into the corners for a bit of fun.

With Mitchells Pass behind us it was into Bain’s Kloof. A biking tour of the Western Cape is never complete without riding Bain’s Kloof. This amazing engineering feat

was started in 1849 and took 4 years to complete. The road is narrow, bumpy and challenging. Until reaching the pass, the scenery is not very stimulating – but the

view of Wellington and the Paarl mountain from the top of the pass is the prize.

Wellington was the breakfast stop. Here Terry Cawood, riding on a Suzuki Hayabusa had to find a bike workshop. Keeping to our stately pace had caused the

Busa’s plugs to oil up. Then it was on to Franschoek for drinks on the patio of the Wolftrap, in the main street, and to watch passing pedestrians.

A few hours were spent there before moving on to the awesome Franschoek Pass on the road to Villiersdorp. It is necessary to stop at the top of the pass (or close

to it) and look back at the view of Franschoek and the valley. We took a short deviation from the normal route to Villiersdorp, riding through the Kaaimansgat

Pass for a different view of the surroundings. After this, we joined the R60 just East of Worcester. The traffic on the R60 is very heavy and full focus is needed.

Indeed, Roy and I nearly rode up the exhaust of a car which decided to screech to

a halt for no apparent reason. That gave our blood pressure a bit of a boost! This road led us to Robertson, Ashton and through the hole in the mountain leading

into Montagu. Our overnight accommodation was in old converted farm buildings and it was

difficult to decide whether they were charmingly rustic or rustically charming. My bed was built of concrete and the foam mattress looked a little thin. However, I

slept very well with the help of a beverage or two. A few of us baulked at the idea of another braai, so Terry cooked us delicious pasta with a carbonara sauce. It

was excellent.

Barrydale to Dwarswegstrand - On Day Four we followed the R62 heading east. It was another stunning day with breakfast taken at the Country Pumpkin in

Barrydale. This biker-friendly venue is a must-visit restaurant on Route 62. If you arrive on a bike, bottomless coffee is free and the breakfast prices are good.

The highlight of the morning had to be the scenic Huisrivier Pass. The rock

formations in this canyon are a geologist’s delight. They bring many academics into the area for research.

A short stop at the Safari Ostrich Farm preceded the Robinson Pass, also one of my favourite rides. I regard it as compulsory to stop at the Eight Bells Hotel

before entering Hartenbos. The town was busy with the whole district gearing up for an influx of bikers heading for the Buffalo Rally in Mossel Bay.

Next we rode down the N2 to the Kleinbrak turnoff and then to Dwarswegstrand for our last overnighter. This pristine resort and residential complex was formerly

the SAOU holiday resort. In fact it is still inhabited by many retired teachers and education officials.

We stayed in excellent, well equipped houses on the seafront with views past

Mossel Bay. It was a very good choice for our last night. There was the inevitable braai and we were in bed by 10pm… local rules, you know!

Sedgefield to home - Day Five was a case of joining the traffic on the N2 and heading for PE. After breakfast at the Wimpy in Sedgefield we took a quick look at

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the vintage cars for sale, and then on to the Stormsriver Petroport for a fill-up. It

was here that we bade farewell to our Queenstown friends who headed for St Francis Bay while the rest headed home. Mike Barrett and Pete Smith braved the

Bloukrans and Grootrivier passes. They not only saved the exorbitant R38 toll fee, but experienced the delights of Nature’s Valley. Good thinking.

We were all safely home by 4pm on Thursday, 21st March 2013, having ridden about 1900 kms.

Reflections - This was a very well arranged tour and we all thanked Roy for his

efforts. Thanks also went to Terry for his patience (the man rides a Hayabusa) and culinary skills. In addition to the fourteen who left from PE, we also welcomed Jan

Siebrits from Hermanus for Days Two, Three and Four.

There is no doubt that all enjoyed the experience.... what more could we ask for? Anyone got any good ideas for our next adventure?


Roy Cawood (Honda VT750) Terry Cawood (Suzuki Hyabusa) John Kemp (HarleyRoad King) Tavi Taylor (Honda Goldwing)

Bokkie du Plessis (Harley Sportster) Eoin Taggart (BMW R1150RS) Pete Smith (Honda Pan European) Jan Siebrits (Yamaha XT660)

Johan Wagner (Triumph 1050) Mike Barrett (Suzuki DL650 VStrom), Alwyn du Preez, Theo Laubscher, Mike Smith and Piet Bosch, all BMW

R1100/1150/1200’s and Dennis Hibberd (BMW R80RT)


Ms. Velocette 1959 (Los Angeles)

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Smalls (will only appear for two issues but may be resubmitted)

Wanted: Eugene and Kevin need spares for the Club’s Spares Container. You can bring them any bike spares, old, new, whatever, and let them decide if it is useable.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale 1945 HARLEY DAVIDSON 750cc Panhead motorbikes, one complete and rebuilt been in storage for 20 years AND a second one in pieces that is mostly complete. Located in Benoni, Gauteng, Viewing by appointment. More details and a photo available at Asking R90 000 onco. Contact Kalle on 076-029-6493 or 011-646-3774 Or email [email protected] (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale Hi, I bought a 1964 AJS Model 18 500cc single Statesman 14 years ago, it still has only 2506 miles from new. It is not a rebuild or ex-army. The Statesman had the large chrome tank badges and I have not seen another Model 18 like it. Unfortunately I don't get time to ride it and it is locked away, every few months I might manage 25Km on it just to get the oil through all the right places. It has Norton Roadholder forks, also still has the original bicycle pump clipped in the frame and crashbars, although it's never been dropped.

I got it through Mike Lang up here (in Gauteng) and it had 247 miles on the clock then. I would appreciate a decent offer on it, I have a spares manual and workshop book for it which I got from Gary Reabow when I bought it. There is nothing on it that doesn't work, even all the footrest and kickstart rubbers are like new.

If any of your members are interested they are welcome to phone me. In the UK it would probably fetch 4500 to 5000 pounds with being 50 years old next year and such low genuine mileage. Contact Bob Gillies on (011) 811 6635 or email: [email protected] (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: A BSA Bantam 175 cc which has been stripped and is part-restored. A retired gentleman wants to sell it. Contact Carol Wessels on 082-492-3044 (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: 1984 Laverda RGS 1000cc. Service history, very clean, some spares, heavy duty clutch, Metzler tyres. Asking R45 000.00 onco Contact Mark Kiff on 083-6100-802 or email [email protected] (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale 1955 BMW R50 - Collector's Item, Pristine condition, Concourse, Fully licenced and SAVVA dated. 300 km since complete rebuild. All black parts sandblasted, powder coated and professionally sprayed. All parts imported from G. Meyer GMBH, receipts available. 2 brand new carburetors. All rubbers replaced. New S/S exhausts R65 000 not negotiable. Contact Marius on 083-288-5896 1959 BMW R26 - Collector's Item, Pristine condition, Concourse, Fully licenced and SAVVA dated. 450 km since complete rebuild. All black parts sandblasted, powder coated and professionally sprayed. All parts imported from G. Meyer GMBH, receipts available. New and spare carburetors. All rubbers replaced. New S/S exhausts. R60 000 not negotiable. Contact Marius on 083-288-5896 (2013-05)


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For Sale

1. Tafenlong bench lathe with accessories - R8000 onco 2. Super Spark 180 Amp Welding machine - R600

Contact Ray Nell on 07999-15354 (2013-05) -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Wanted For many years I have had my BMW ST650 and now I am told I must have both a knee and hip replacement and therefore may not be able to ride it solo. I am therefore looking at fitting a sidecar in order to keep riding. If anyone has any contacts or knows anyone with a sidecar that will fit I would appreciate that information. Contact Dave Gregory by email [email protected] (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted (nog ‘n sidecar!) Late-model Ural with sidecar, preferably 2009-onward “Tourist”-model. Price negotiable up to 95 K Contact Dieter on (033) 3433-679 or 082-785-9688 (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted (nog ‘n Dieter!) I am looking for a Yamaha RD400 in complete running condition. OK if it’s a bit rough. I need to replace a similar bike I had in 1981 and fell it into many pieces at Killarney. Contact Dieter Schauerte on 082-552-9944 or email [email protected] (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanted Shaun Berry is looking for a BMW R75 or R80 in good running condition. Please contact him on 075-962-6180 (2013-05)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: Bike Trailer R3500.00 Contact Edwin White on 072-219-1925 (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: 1983 BMW R100CS - Almost concourse. Silver, new valve guides plus head gaskets Contact Steve Ecob on 072-995-0641 (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: Bill Speight has bought all of John Lefevre's BMW R50 and R60 spares so if you are looking for BMW spares you can contact Bill on 076-303-1380 (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: 1980 BMW R65 650cc for sale in very good condition, with panniers and fairing. Asking R20 000-00 for the bike. Contact Craig at [email protected] or Tel: (011) 552-8310 (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: Alarm Locks - Multi-purpose Padlock – R150-00 2,4m Cable Lock – R200-22 4,6m Cable Lock – R250-00 1,2m Heavy-duty Cable – 300-00 Contact Rob Wiles on 083-699-5698 (2013-03)


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For Sale: 1983 BMW R80RT with panniers.

82000 kms total with 12000 kms since top-end overhaul, (new exhaust valves, rings, timing chain, tensioner etc.) Carbs overhauled 3000 kms ago. New jets, needles etc. Fuel consumption is now 6.1 Ltrs/100 kms at speed limits! Asking price R32 000. Phone Dennis 082-492-3495 or e-mail [email protected] (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale: A 2008 Cagiva Raptor 650 with only 4500 kms for R49 000-00 Contact Nick on 083-691-9645 or [email protected] (2013-03)

----------------------------------------------------------------------- For Sale:

1. BSA unit types in various stages of disrepair e.g. A65T, A65L, A65TB A50R etc. 2. Frames: Norton Slimline, AJS 1964, BSA unit type and one A10, Matchless about 1950

vintage. 3. Crankcases and timing covers for 64 AJS, and several old type AMC singles. 4. AMC tinware for older models: mudguards, tool box and primary chain case. 5. Petrol tanks: AMC 64 and older types, and BSA. 6. Forks: AMC and BSA. 7. Alloy chain cases for BSA twin, outer covers only. 8. AMC cylinder heads all sandblasted clean. 9. Stainless steel nuts and bolts for AMC and BSA twin bikes.

Tool-wise the following is also for sale:

1. An almost new industrial type sand blaster cabinet with 600 l/min 4kw compressor plus all hoses, driers etc.

2. 150 mm planer jointer with stand and chip chute, 1kw motor and new blades. 3. Home-made circular saw and disc sander plus motor. 4. Southbend lathe 1st sold in SA 1940, with new 200 mm 3-jaw chuck and 100 mm 4-jaw

chuck and change gear wheels. Lathe bed is worn at the chuck end but turning to half thou possible; otherwise very good condition with all bearings renewed two years ago.

5. Maximate bench-size precision lathe on stand with removable rotating head, milling head with dividing table and head with all gear change wheels excellent condition.

6. Practically new Mac Africa bench type drilling/milling machine with collett and normal chucks plus 100 mm (?).

Interested? Are you a genuine buyer with cash? Please contact Gary on 082-885-1217 or leave a message on 082-800-5650 (2013-03)


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Honda GB500 – slightly modified


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A new book just out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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1939 AJS 500 V4 Racer

Total production: 2 Claimed power: 55 hp @ 7,200 rpm Top speed: 135 mph Engine type: 495 cc overhead cam, two valves per cylinder, supercharged, water-cooled 50-degree V4 with 180-degree crankshaft and chain-driven Zoller volumetric compressor Weight (dry): 405 lb (243 kg) Read more:


Bike-knowledge to beard-length ratios

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Who was who in 1923 and what became of them? In 1923, who was: 1. President of the largest steel company? 2. President of the largest gas company? 3. President of the New York stock Exchange? 4. Greatest wheat speculator? 5. President of the Bank of International Settlement? 6. Great Bear of Wall Street? These men were considered some of the worlds’ most successful of their days. Now, 88 years later, the history book asks us if we know what ultimately became of them? The Answers: 1. The president of the largest steel company. Charles Schwab, died a pauper. 2. The president of the largest gas company, Edward Hopson, went insane. 3. The president of the NYSE, Richard Whitney, was released from prison to die at home. 4. The greatest wheat speculator, Arthur Cooger, died abroad, penniless. 5. The president of the Bank of International Settlement, shot himself. 6. The Great Bear of Wall Street, Cosabee Livermore, also committed suicide However, In that same year, 1923, the winner of the world’s most important road race, the Isle of Man T.T., was Stanley Woods. What became of him?

He won 10 T.T. races between 1923 and 1939, He lived on the Isle of Man and rode motorcycles all his life. He lapped the island circuit at 82 mph in 1957 (The Golden Jubilee) aged 54 He was a wealthy man when he died aged 90.

The Moral:

Don’t work. Ride motorbikes.

Honda CB550F SuperSport – slightly modified (resident in Nelspruit)
