


What a day this was…

Nairobi Water-city council invasion

Being helped by GlaxoSmithKline

Visitors from Poland

Our friends and helper returning home

Delynn Parker

A Day full Joy for the MCCH-Family

National day of care

Faith Pioneer Church (Maringo Branch)

The Dettol hand wash program

An angel in the afternoon

The most fantastic day ever

Exiting Visitors

New helping hands in “Motherly care children’s home

Amusing Incidents

Shocking Visitors

Great Friends

What shall we say then

Loss of one of our beloved Brother

Is it Shauri Moyo or Ngong’ Road

Motherly Care Children’s Home is yet again privileged to inform you what the Lord is doing into the lives of these Children. Due to current eco-nomic crisis which has stricken our Country Kenya we have always seen the hand of God. If it were not you we couldn't have made it this far.

Our dear friends we will never be tired knocking at your doors till Heavens opens its ways as we know that we are still struggling to raise up these children. We still need your partnership. MCCH has done its best in transforming the lives of the many children at this Home. Many children have been helped to receive basic edu-cation rather than sacrificing all these children to pick one child and say you will give the best while others are ig-nored and left there to suffer. We may have not been the best performers but we have touched many children who are now able to read and write and

proudly hold Government Certifi-cates in their hands. Last year we had the first group who did the Form IV (O level) Some of our children qualify to join courses like

nursing, early child-hood education train-ing, community health courses etc etc. We are kindly appealing to our readers that you you may increase the joy of your live by sponsor-ing

Ear ly Ch i ldhood course but we have no otherwise . She needs a sponsor.

We trust your heart will be touched and humbled to know that you are the only relative that many of these children need for support to see their dreams come true.

By Mary Metobo

For MCCH Family

Visit our website

Safaricom STT

Welcome to 2nd Quarter Edition of MCCH Newsletter covering April-June 2011. We hope you will have time and enjoy reading what the children have prepared for you this great Time

AN ANGEL IN THE AFTERNOON Well indeed God hears the prayers of his children when we ask honestly. My own experience about God’s work is real. Especially to our MCCH, be-cause we do not have a farm, where we can expect harvest, apart from food donations.

But God has not left us to sleep hungry even for one day.

A wonderful experience happened to me this year: As usual Lunch was served to the children, but no supper was traced anywhere. Our cook came and asked for food to prepare supper. I told her to wait,

not even knowing what we were waiting for. Seconds, minutes and hours passed by and nothing happens. When the time came to put supper on the fire for the children something magical hap-pened: An elderly Lady with a big paper bag on her head was coming down the road. I moved closer and helped her. Guess what it was? Exactly the 20 kg of maize flour that we put for a meal! Thanks to God. I could not hide my joy and I said it in front of the lady, happily that the children will be getting a meal.

I have learnt a lesson this afternoon: God really know what His children want and His timing is perfect.

By Hilda from the Stores

The Newsletter of Motherly Care Children’s Home



In April, there was a time when we had no food in the store. Eve-ryday we were taking

porridge and a slice of bread. Everybody felt in a bad mood, because our storages were hun-gry. One day surprisingly, when we didn’t expect, like usual, the

GSK-team came in the ‘Motherly Care Children’s Home” and brought us food, juices and even they planted some vegetables like sukuma wiki and spinach for future use.

They gave us a lesson on how to take care for the vegetables, how to eat healthy and how to succeed in life.

They brought some juices and gave them to the young once who were hungry that morning. At least their faces smiled.

They divided us into different groups according to our ages and counseled us on how to face life.

So at this day, in the time of hunger, they didn’t give us food only, but also they brought us love and joy.

By Ann Wanjango

us since last year. 2010 You are such wonderful bless-ings. We remember the time you called us to collect the food nothing was in the store. Immediately when they arrived at MCCH at least there was lunch for the children. Since there was nothing in the store. The children did not know what to eat at that time. Let’s give thanks to God since you were like the provide at MCCH. God bless all the children of Nairobi Acad-emy School who have been sacrificing themselves to help other children who are suffering.

By Robert Waweru Grade 7

MCCH Founder receives goodies from Nairobi Academy pupils

MCCH once again is very thankful to the Staff and the children of Nairobi Academy who have been helping

Our friends and helper returning home

Great Friends( The Nairobi Academy)

vices, how to be successful in life, some presents and they promised us that they will come back soon. What kind of love did they have!

I promise God, that even me when I grow up, I will help this

home and homeless people, no matter what happens, if it is God’s will.

By Ann Wnjango Form Two Student

In April 2011 the sisters Paloma and Begona from Spain were visiting ‘Motherly care children’s home’ for two weeks. Four years ago, in A

ugust 2007 Begona was here as a volunteer and we were so happy to see her again.

They came in this home as a blessing from God.

They brought us clothes, bed sheets, toys and some food. Another benefit for us both of them were nurses. They treated everybody and even healed wounds.

In the beginning they were shy but when the days passed by they were friends with everybody and enjoyed playing and working.

Before they went back to there country they gave us ad-

Being Helped by GlaxoSmithKline

Martha and Ewa came on April to this Home from Poland.

They were social to eve-rybody from the first day. They stayed for about three days, before they left to there country.

They taught us their language and every-body was able to communicate at least a bit, singing a polish song.

They brought many dolls, pencils and clothes. They were happily playing with small children and singing with them. They even took pictures with everybody.

By Ann Wanjango

Form Two

Visitors from Poland

GSK Staff Takes a photo at MCCH Ground with the MCCH Founder during their April visit

Martha and Ewa holding young Children at MCCH

Begoña and her sister Paloma when they arrived at MCCH

Yes, at last, first Amiran Kenya erecting a greenhouse and then Safaricom crowns it. Indeed a day of rejoicing that M.C.C.H. (Motherly Care Children’s Home) witnessed on the 6th of May 2011. A Green house from Amiran Kenya technology was erected in MCCH after a period of months desiring to have a green house.. It started when our fund-raiser approached Safaricom for assistance to the home. The Safaricom Foundation responded with speed and soon Mama Mary, Founder of MCCH, was invited to pay them a visit: When it was disclosed to her that Safaricom Founda-tion was ready to sponsor MCCH with a greenhouse, Mama did not believe that the greenhouse as MCCH was going to be a relief of vegeta-ble gambling in the markets, searching for the cheapest to buy for the children. She enquired very qu i c k l y “wh en should this be?” The soft answer from Mary Mwaniki, Safaricom: ”Very soon, mum.” Yes, it was soonest than sooner. The greenhouse erection started with speed. Safaricom officers and Aminan technicians led by Yariv Kedan put up a structure and they called it…greenhouse. The ground was prepared and put ready for the launching day. Motherly Care Children Home watched with a lot of interest, because they wanted to know how this project, they have been waiting for, will b eagerly. On 6th May 2011 big vehicles started arriving and personalities of every caliber appeared, set for launching. Safaricom team was led by their Chief, Executive Officer Mr. Bob Colly-more and Mr.Les-baillie head and chairman of Safaricom Foundation. Others were marketing executive Ms Wangari Murugu and many others. The Amiran Kenya team was led by Yariv Kedar Head of Agro Division. The other officers from both companies witnessed by their seniors did take their sits and the function commenced. Mrs Mary Metobo (Founder MCCH) was the Master of ceremony (Mc) of the occasion and she impacted on well. Entertainment was done by Motherly Care Children Home and speeches were made by seniors from both companies. Some gifts were given and children changed the environment into green-T-shirts. Each company gave a prelude of the Project events and it was highly appreciated. Mama Mary made a moving speech, which was appreciated by all. She informed the two companies how she has struggled with and for orphans in

her life and the inspiration she has re-ceived. She thanked Safaricom for choosing MCCH to benefit from there gesture. She assured the com-panies that the greenhouse shall be jealously pro-tected, till it brings a big impact to the institution. In giving a vote of thanks, the Motherly Care Co-ordinator thundered with the words of praise for the two companies, which a good example of mod-ern technology and their selfless assistance for the poor in the society. The launching was blessed with a powerful prayer by Mama Mary Metobo.

By Stanley Mogaka, Director MCCH

It was at mid break, when suddenly a bell rang and we had to assemble. Nobody knew that we had visi-tors. The visitors from America (Keith and Hillary) had arrived earlier when we were in class. They came to tell us the reason why we celebrate Easter.

After introduction they showed us a bracelet with breads, each of them symbolizing some part of the Easter story (e.g. a cross for redemption). They gave all of us a bracelet like this to remember. They also had a radio-cassette, which they turned on for us to listen to the Easter story, while they used puppets to illustrate. It was quite enjoyable.

After the story was finished, we were told that they have hidden Easter eggs filled with candies all over the compound. All the children searched until eve-rybody had one. This was really a great day with the visitors and we thank God for this.

By Beatrice Wanjiru(Form IV student)

Delynn Parker from San Francisco, USA a former volunteer at MCCH returned to visit the MCCH family in May 2011.

When he came to visit us again he brought us beside sweets and balloons to enjoy, also so much tender care and love like he did during his stay at MCCH.

As the family of Motherly Care we want to thank you. May God bless you and your family and add you a hundred times for what you have given to us.

And also when you are in your country, we would like you to tell others that here are children who are in need.

By Eunice Mukami

Delynn Parker

National day of care

What a day this was… Page 3

Bob Colmore CEO Safaricom holding baby Mercy during the official opening of the Green House on April 2011 donated by Staff

It was on 24th May 2011 when we received visitors from the “Dettol hand wash program”. We met in the sitting room and they played some music for us to dance. It was so much fun and even the teachers came to dance and enjoy.

They explained us, how to wash our hands with the help of signs. A boy and girl were chosen to show everybody what they learned. Also if the girl was afraid of the big doll, which came to control there hands and was even running away, they did a good job.

Before they went a student and teacher stepped in front and appreciated all the things they did to us and we blessed them.

When they were gone, we were very sad. But they left us some gifts like books and Dettol soaps. I am very happy and thankful, that they came to enjoy with us and to keep our hands free from germs. Thank you D e t t o l s o a p . By Naomy Nduku Grade 8

The Umoja group of enter-continental Hotel

The Inter-continental group is one of the visitors and well-wishers who comes to our Home to serve and help us in many needs.

They first came in the year 2009 on August 21st.

They have been a blessing to this Home till now, mainly they bring us lots of food and buy the DVDs that the “more than Conquerors group” has recorded with us.

Secondly they have been helping us with food and stationeries like books, pencils and colors so that we can develop our education and talents like drawing.

Again this year they have been coming to see us how we are doing. We remember when they came the same day the GSK came and we were blessed for their coming because now we knew we are going to have food for that month.

May God bless them and add them more.

By Robert Waweru– Grade VII

Born outside marriage, the young Joel grew up in a family he found himself wanting. His Mother married her fiancé when Joel was just six months old. He

loved his father so much, as he grew up in a village with his age mates. Little did he know that his blood was just a thou-sand kilometers away from his father. One day Joel’s family was invited to a birthday party where Joel wants to feature in a poem presentation. The invited families arrived and took their seats awaiting the ceremony to start. The Master of ceremony (Mc) stood to start the program. Joel’s family was seated peacefully awaiting the commencement. It started with Music loudly filling the air and all was good. Invited friends and families enjoyed the first service of a juice and bread. Time for self introduction came and it started from a far corner of the sitting room. Joel’s family was in the middle and quite significant than any. ”Ladies and gentleman, and now….we invite our invited guests to introduce themselves from the right hand of the table.” Yes it was the turn of Joel’s family and he stood to introduce himself. “My name is Joel and if you like you can call me Joe. This is my father and mum…” All of a sudden the fa-ther stood and said “No…no…Joe…I am not your fa-ther…you are not my son…I am only your keeper-stepfather if you want. Let all in this Party know, that you just staying with me, I didn’t sire you at all”. Joe sternly looked at his mother in her face and the mother looked down and then to her husband. When her time of introduc-tion came she told the audience that the mistake people do in life, in the past, keep haunting them to the grave how-ever, life must continue without any barriers.

Yes, it happened and came to pass. The Party went on but Joe become worried and started another journey of life. The humiliation he under went and the agony of his mother’s past haunted him and lived a troubled boy throughout his life, because of his mothers mistake. The past overpasses the present into social integration and shame shines in the minds of humans.

In June there was no food in the store and all of us were hungry. So the guardian of one of the students who was a fellowship of the Faith Pioneer Church in Maringo, decided to ask the members of their church for help. On Sunday, June 12th 2011 they came to bring us cloths, pairs of shoes, cooking fat, two bundies of flour, sugar, salt, maize and 3050ksh. Among them they had a pastor, who preached for us, on how to life in Jesus Christ. Before they left, they prayed for us all. At this time everybody was happy and not hungry to bed. Thank you so much for this and may God b l e s s y o u Three children from MCCH

Faith Pioneer Church (Maringo


The most fantastic day ever

Amusing Incidents

Guest story By Stanley Mogaka

The Dettol hand wash program

Page 4

Umoja II Friends during their April visit at MCCH

Visit of Lavington Adventist Seventh day Church

It was on a Sunday the 2nd June 2011 at around 9:30 am when the Motherly Care family received many visitors from Lavington Adventist Seventh Day Church.

These visitors were highly welcomed by the family members of MCCH. They came by three Nissans and one car. We offered them seats and made them to feel comfortable. The started to introducing themselves, they were telling us who they are and where they come from.

As the introduction continued, we were also busy mak-ing friends with the visitors who were sitting beside us. After knowing each other, songs of praising God fol-lowed and everybody was filled with jubilation After praising the Almighty and thanking him, we departed from our seats for games. They showed us some new games, as we also did also to them. When the sun started setting down, we began going back to the room.

In the school they served us with juice, Mandazi and Cakes. After that, it was time to say good bye to each other. Surely that was a day to remember in the Motherly care family.

Thank you so much for this.

By Daviline Masese-(Form I student)

On 22nd June 2011. At around 4.00pm we had an invited guests, people from water supply department came to our home with: 2 Nissans 146 KAT&144 KAT and 2 motor bikes they were over 10 invaders. They were claiming that they want to see the meter of the water. The water that we use does not require the meter be-cause it is salty. Two MCCH girls Emma & Beatrice tried to convince them but they were not accepting even after telling them to test it , they decided to pluck the machine and even removing the pump which pumps water to our green house. They had no mercy on us be-cause they were told that solar machine was a gift from a group called GSK.

After few minutes our director came and tried to look what the strange people were doing. They tried to ask him some questions but he was not able to answer them, because he was so angry about the action they took. They were using harsh words to him because they were saying we have many solar systems, green house and vegetable outside. We wondered because all is our prop-erties which we were blessed with. They finally went with the machines saying it will be evidence to them. This people tried to give out a note but our Dad told them to go with it, and gave it to our worker by the name Kajuju. Suddenly another worker took it and returned to them.

We as Motherly Care, the devil is trying to fight us from all corners but each and every day we overcome them through our strong prayers and fasting. Whereby we stand with our school verse from Jeremiah 29:11.

We believe that God does not leave his people who trust in him all the time

Written by Lydia and Emma Form IV Candidates

My name is Helena Friedrich. I am 20 years old and I am coming from a smaller city called Darmstadt in Germany. Since August 2010 I am volunteering in different homes in Kenya, to help children in need, but alsoto learn something about the Kenyan culture and for my self for life. So far I already saw many places in Kenya, like Isiolo, Migori and Malindi.

I lived in poor houses, and in rich houses, at rural places and in Nairobi city.

I learnt for example, that life I lived in Germany is not nec-essarily normal for everybody. There are so many

different cultures and ways to life. In the next two months I will work in this Motherly Care Children’s Home in

Ruai. With my language and culture German class I want to give also the children the possibility to learn something about the variety of different cultures.

I just arrived but I already love the children so much and want to support them as much as I am able to.

By Helena Friedrich, German Volunteer in MCCH

The MCCH fraternity the community surrounding and the Ruai Central SDA Church is shocked of the sudden death of one of us (Pathfinder Brother Odongo whose photo ap-pears ) this year on May.

Left his twin brother who is with us in form III He was a hard working boy who loved singing praises to God, loved digging no criminal cases record. We know that it is God who giveth and He taketh let His name be glorified forever amen

By MCCH news reporters

“New helping hands in MCCH”



A Day full Joy for the MCCH-Family


On April 14th, I left home with a mixture of indescribable feelings towards a completely unknown place, days later when memories come to my mind; I realize that this was just the beginning of the long story that I write every day. I'm Gabriela Bonilla Rubí, from Costa Rica, I am 20 years old. Each of the children behind their smiles and tears has an impressive story, each one is able to say how grateful they are by being able to receive what MCCH offered. Now I am in the midst of all this, I now share with them their reality and their dreams. Although chil-dren living in extreme poverty, limited health services and educa-tion, with food that just keeps them with energy and all the memories of his past, children see with hope the possibility of achieving change, get a college degree and get a good job.

Not a day that there is no crying, but there is no day without smiles. These children deserve not to lose hope in their dreams, the same that many lose on the way. I do not want to actually get my five senses to diminish the courage with which they fight it every one of them.

Fortunately I keep do-ing everything a bit, but personally I started with a project, within MCCH, called "Soñando a diario" (Dreaming daily) which wants to give tools and hope to children. This program seeks to support formal education they are receiving at this time for extracurricu-lar way to develop skills and acquire skills that could help them generate income in the future. We also want to support the search for volunteers to work with the organization and do-nor money to support the physical health of children and different pro-jects related to education. Now I'm

facing what I consider major prob-lems that affect children and me, but if I stayed only one seeing them would go bigger, I think that when

something affects us we must do everything pos-sible to find a solution or trying to get there somehow, perhaps fail-ing . If you have interest in the project you can c h e c k we have pictures, video, informa-

tion and notes.

Now each child is part of my family and we pray together per us and the big family of MCCH. Now the force of the children is my daily inspira-tion and I dream with a positive change in each life.

God Bless you and success in the life!

By Ana Gabriela Bonilla Rubí


inviting us to your church.

Continue praying for us to go on well with our studies. We will be glad if you come again. We appreciate you and may the good Lord bless you and add you more.

Cordially yours,

Dennis Mukundi



When the President of General Confer-ence Came to Kenya, his wife was in-vited to speak at Shauri Moyo SDA Church that same Sabbath we were invited as the Guest choir but the vehi-cle we were traveling on let us down and we happened to reach there late. The following Sabbath they came with 2big buses they never informed us whether they were coming accompa-nied by Muthurwa SDA Church. They fed us spiritually and physically we

really enjoyed that fateful day prais-ing God and serving Him. Come again to continue praising God to-gether.

By Aaron Aming’a Form III Stu-dent.


MCCH founder with Sri Ayyappa

member and mcch children receiving food during the annual invitation every end of month the children en-joyed so much the delicious food they took God bless you for you are there for us. Thank you for the con-tinues supply of food. God add you more

Greetings, I bet you are surprised to receive this letter. I have written to thank you very much for the gifts of Pathfinder Uniforms which

you brought for us. It was very kind for you think of us. It is fan-tastic that you decided to help us

There before you had brought, many of us would not participate in the Pathfinder Club. Now, eve-ryone has a uniform. Thanks for other needs that you have been providing and the visitations you have made to this Home and also

Gabriela Bonilla Rubí





• Elder R.I.Gainer HELP International

• Evelyn Brenda Germany

• Frank William Reust USA

• Begoña Estrada and Paloma Spain

• Sonja Morgenstern UK

• Ewa and Marta Poland

• Delynn Parker USA

• Professor Monica Nyamwange (William Pater-son University) USA

• GlaxoSmithKline

• Safaricom Foundation Staff

• Bob Colmore CEO Safaricom

• Amiran chief Director

• Homegrown

• Uchumi Supermarket Capital Centre

• Mini Bakeries

• Brookside Dairy Ltd

• Sri Ayyappa Seva Samaj Temple

• Intercontinental ( Umoja II Friends)

• Nairobi Academy Students and Staff

• Dettol Group

• Faith Pioneer Church Maringo

• Ruai Central SDA Church

• Ruai South SDA Church

• Tumaini SDA Church

• Kamulu SDA Church

• Shauri Moyo SDA Church

• Lavington SDA Church

• Kenyatta University Students

• The Nyamwange Family

• Elder David Obure


• Magreth and Pr. Alice Jubillee Children’s Home

• Lorna Jorodan and Group

• National Day Care (Joine Keith and Hillary Danton)

Our needs are many but right now we need sponsorship of children

atleast one child @$100 per year it will reduce our expenses.


It is good to have such a wonderful friend like you who always thinks of

MCCH wherever you come to Kenya. We are praying to God to continue blessing you as you continue to remember the children at MCCH. And your family too.

Amiran Director accompanied by a Staff and MCCH Founder during the Opening of the Green House with Safaricom

MCCH Children wea r i ng t h e Sweaters donated by Nairobi Acad-emy children while holding the gifts received from them.

We are glad for GSK who came once and show how our staff were suffering without chair God touched you and thank for this won-derful sacrifice

Our Green House one week left to start harvest-ing tomatoes. God bless the Safaricom staff who worked tirelessly to see this stand We hope that it will push the MCCH.

Safaricom Staff singing Safari-com National Song with MCCH Chil-dren during their visit at MCCH