Page 1: McKaig Chevrolet Buick November 2012 Newsletter

This Month

In History

A Free Family Resource Courtesy Of McKaig Chevrolet Buick

“Our Business Is Finding Solutions To The Everyday Problems That Keep Most People Stuck In A Car They Hate.”

McKaig Chevrolet Buick| 1-903-845-2132 |

First, what exactly is keeping you from be-ing happy right now, in this moment? Most people will explain a situation that is either currently going on or has already hap-pened. This is why I can’t be happy now . . . Because that happened (or is happening). Really? Is that really the reason you cannot be happy right now? Or is it, in fact, the belief you are holding about the situation? Next question, what if that belief, that par-ticular thought that is causing your grief, wasn’t part of your belief system? What if it wasn’t true? One of the most empowering questions comes from Byron Katie (The Work): “Who would you be without that thought?” So often, in retrospect, with an expanded perspective, we discover that what was causing all the grief and pain and upset, wasn’t even true! The truth is, we never even know all the details. Attitude is everything. There are countless examples of people who have lived through hard times and even traumatic situations who have ultimately thrived. Not only be-cause they were able to hang in there, but because they found a way to look at life that brought even more inner peace. The third question is this: What makes you so sure that what is happening now isn’t going to ultimately lead you to a better place? Having interviewed people who are in a wonderful place in their lives I discov-ered a common thread. They recognized that if not for everything that had come before, they couldn’t be where they cur-rently are.

Just as when fruit trees and rose bushes get pruned, we also must endure those times in our lives when even what appears to be good needs to be “trimmed away” so that something even better, even more in align-ment with our life purpose, can come to fruition. The more you can trust this process to be so, the more happiness you will be able to connect with. Happiness doesn’t just hap-pen. Like fulfilling relationships and a healthy body, you must consistently culti-vate your happiness. If you find that you have been chronically unhappy, and you truly desire to be happy begin by simply stating out loud, “ I choose to be happy now.” Every time you catch yourself thinking a thought that brings you down, say, “I choose to be happy now.” Next, create a list of things you can do that help lift you up. If you would like some new ways to look at life, a short book that can be read over and over so you can reprogram your mind for more beauty, abundance and of course happiness, can be just what you need to stay focused. This kind of inspiration is in-valuable. Take charge of your reality today. Choose happiness now!

1 - 1992 - The U.S. explod-

ed the first Hydrogen bomb

at Eniwetok Atoll in the

Marshall Islands.

3 - 1957 - Soviet Russia

launched the world’s first

inhabited space capsule,

Sputnik II, which carried a

dog named Laika.

9 - 1989 - The Berlin Wall

was opened up after stand-

ing for 28 years as a symbol

of the Cold War.

11 - 1926 - U.S. Route 66

is established.

30 - 1982 - Michael Jack-

son’s Thriller, the best-

selling album of all time, is


Get Happy Now! by Barbara Zagata

Page 2: McKaig Chevrolet Buick November 2012 Newsletter


Interesting Facts

You Never Knew

“Every adversity, every fail-

ure, every heartache carries

with it the seed of an equal or

greater benefit.”

Napoleon Hill

Did you know . . . The elec-

tric chair was invented by a


Did you know . . . The living

do not outnumber the dead;

since creation 60 billion

people have died.

Did you know . . . About

50% of Americans live

within 50 miles of their

birthplace. This is called


Did you know . . . Women

make up 49% of the world’s


Learning how to manage time is a challenge for many and easy for some. Time Management is plan-ning every hour, minute and second of what, how, when and where you will divide 24 hours. You prioritize your time to accomplish your tasks. Things most important to you should have the highest ranking on your schedule. According to, time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on spe-cific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity. Efficiency and productivity is using your time wisely. Don't let time slip away with-out productivity and accomplish-ment. Some people manage their time with "to do lists" and with dai-ly, weekly and monthly calendars called planners. Others use sticky notes, journals; pop up reminders on computer calendars, etc. What-ever method you choose, make sure it is effective and productive for you. I use a combination of to do lists and planners. I write everything down. I do this habitually so I won't forget anything. I also use daily and monthly planners. I started using the Franklin Covey Planner system when I took the class "What Matters Most" in 2001. I have a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when I get things done. Daily and monthly planning keep me on track with my goals. I only focus on my daily schedule while leaving room for emergencies. Sometimes tragedies can delay your

goals. In these instances don't blame yourself, stay on track and pray for wisdom on how to proceed. Every November I plan for the next year. I include new goals and old goals. I also celebrate completed goals and tasks in the previous year. The old adage "Time Waits for No Man" is true and should be taken seriously. Time goes on no matter what. You cannot roll back time. Once time has moved on, it has moved on. In the Random House College Dic-tionary, redeem means to buy back, recover, or to make up for. When time is lost find a way to redeem the time to complete the task. Some people recover time by dou-bling up on tasks, delegating tasks and using technology. Other people resort to a method commonly used by some college students, which is pulling all nighters without any sleep. In Garfield Gates' article "Effective Study Habits for College Students" in, he gives 7 tips on how college students can study effectively and plan ahead. He also covers some time management tips for students. In Randy Morrison's CD series "Time: The Currency of a Prosper-ous Life," he says "The major differ-ence between the prosperous and the poor is their value of time." Managing your time is important. The way you manage time will de-termine how much you achieve in a given day, week, month or year. A

Time Management Is Always A Hot Topic Up For Discussion

Page 3: McKaig Chevrolet Buick November 2012 Newsletter




Prize Winner

Do you know of someone who is looking

for a quality pre-owned vehicle or wants to

upgrade their current vehicle?

Even if they have little money to put down

or they’ve had trouble qualifying in the

past… I can help them! Send them my way.

They’ll be glad you did and so will you!

Here’s why…

If you refer someone to me this month,

when we finish the paperwork for their nicer,

newer car - I will give them a $25 gift certifi-

cate and give you one too!

Kent Abernathy: Believes that everyone

deserves a nicer, new-

er car or truck and

wants his team to pro-

vide solutions to your

transportation needs.

“My goal is to be YOUR trusted advisor.”

Kent Abernathy


McKaig Chevrolet Buick

1110 E Broadway Ave

Gladewater, TX 75647

(903) 8445-2132

This was my first car deal “on my own".

McKaig Chevrolet Buick in Gladewater

made my deal VERY EASY. I love my car

and Steven Pierson, my salesperson was

awesome too. He worked hard to get the

deal done! I've already told my family

and friends about my great experience at

McKaig. ~ Angel Duncan

Search This Newsletter For The Answer

To The Kindle Touch Question and Sub-

mit Your Answer Online.

time management system is essential in moving forward with your goals and dreams.


Quick SUDOKU rules . . .

To solve a SUDOKU puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear


Each of the nine vertical columns Each of the nine horizontal rows

“Never be afraid to do something new.

Remember, amateurs built the ark;

professionals built the Titanic.” Anonymous

Page 4: McKaig Chevrolet Buick November 2012 Newsletter

W hy am I giving away a Kindle Touch?

Because everyone likes to win stuff. It’s

fun. And I want this newsletter to be fun for you. I

also want you to read it. Ahhh . . . now you’ll see

my selfish motivation.

In order to win the Kindle Touch you have to

answer the question below. In order to answer the

question, you have to read this newsletter. I’ve hid-

den the answer somewhere in the contents of these

four pages.

If you read the whole newsletter, I think you’ll

like it and you’ll look forward to getting it every


Then when you are looking to buy a vehicle or

know someone who is, you’ll remember this news-

letter and hopefully you’ll give me the chance to

earn their business. That’s my master plan. So an-

swer the question and you could be the winner.

There’s a new winner every month.


Kindle Touch


Here’s The Question:

What is the main difference between the

prosperous and the poor?

Submit Your Answer And Win

Go to

CONTEST CODE : McKaig Chevrolet Buick

Submit Your Answer By: November 30, 2012

T here are dastardly scams being pulled

on innocent car buyers every day.

It’s really tough to tell where these shyster

lots are and whether or not you’re on one.

Remember these people are very well

trained and may be taking advantage of

you without you ever knowing it.

You know this to be true because of the

stereotypes we all hear about how shady

and unscrupulous car dealers and used car

salesman are. It’s true. There are some bad

apples out there that spoil it for the bunch.

So what can you do about it? Arm

yourself with the insider information

you need to recognize a common car

scam when you see it. This information

can save you big money, lots of time and

an enormous amount of pain, heartache

and frustration.

I’ve prepared a FREE REPORT espe-

cially for people who are thinking about

making a vehicle purchase in the next few

months. This report explains the ten

most notorious and common car scams that go on at dealerships all over the coun-

try. Some right here in our own town.

This report will show you how to spot

these scams and how to avoid being a vic-

tim. This is insider information you

won’t get from any other car dealer. In

fact, I’m sure I’ll get some heat from the

industry just for writing this. But I don’t

care. I’m here for you.

If you are in the market for a car you

are entitled to this information. It is

available to you absolutely FREE with no

cost or obligation.

To request your free copy of this spe-

cial industry expose’ visit my report re-

quest web site at:

Get Happy Now

Time Management

Interesting Facts

Sudoko Puzzle


PLE I can do things that most other car

dealers can’t. I’ve been helping individuals like

you and families like yours for years and you

know I’ll do it for you.

So here’s my promise…If I can’t get you into a

nicer, newer car or truck, I will give you a $25 gift


Don’t Get Ripped Off The Next Time You Buy A Car. FREE REPORT Reveals The 10 Most Notorious and Common Car Scams Dealers

Use To Rob You Of Your Cash & Sanity and How You Can Avoid Being A Victim!