Page 1: MDS Day Camp Newsletter, Week 5

MDS Summer Camp Newsletter

Page 2: MDS Day Camp Newsletter, Week 5

A Message from Morah Marsha

What an amazing week we had at MDS Summer Camp! All of our campers drew special pictures for the brave chayalim. Many of the campers dictated special messages to the soldiers as well. "Thank you for protecting us" and "I made you ice cream so you should be happy" are just two of the special messages from our campers. Miss Pinkie brought magic and a "special" friend to entertain our younger campers Their laughter was abundant and heard all the way down the hall. The trip to W.O.W. - World of Wings was, WOW! Some of us - myself included had butterflies land on us! What a special experience. There were many interesting reptiles to see - and NOT touch! The children really enjoyed. I loved seeing them all "fly" out at the end of the day wearing their special wings. On to next week... Shabbat Shalom Morah Marsha

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There are many exciting activities happening at camp every week . Our

counselors take pictures of the children having fun and keeping busy

throughout the day. While we can’t include all pictures in the Newsletter,

the pictures are uploaded every week to Dropbox, a private photo-

sharing website. (These pictures cannot be accessed without a direct

link.) Links to the photos are below - click the link to your child’s bunk to

see their pictures. More pictures will be added on an ongoing basis but

the link will stay the same, so you can save it for future viewing. We hope

you enjoy!









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Hi Families, Week 5 in P’rachim and Kochavim was so exciting! Morah Shari in baking taught us how to make yummy granola with chocolate chips and raisins. The children loved adding granola to their yogurt for a special after lunch dessert. Dancing with Teacher Michelle is always fun as we learn to move out bodies in different ways. Morah Simona helped us to create goopy ooblek. Everyone loved sticking their hands in and getting messy! In art with Morah Debbie, we made two very special butterfly projects. All the children worked together to create 2 gigantic butterflies for the classroom using Dot Dot paints, crayons and sticker. The children love looking at their art work as they walk in the room. On Wednesday, we had Super Soccer Stars. We all love to run around waking up the nets and scoring goals. Thursday we had a special treat in the form of a magic show with Miss Pinkie. She was so silly and we loved getting the chance to pet her bunny rabbit! Our favorite part was laughing and watching the magic happen. We can't wait for all the fun that will happen next week! We would like to welcome Brielle and Kayla to camp! Love, Morah Stephanie, Morah Talya, Celia, Jenny, Hannah, and Lilly

Kochavim & P’rachim

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Wow! Another fun-filled week has flown by here at Camp MDS! We started off

our week by experimenting with magnets. We learned that magnets help things

stick together. We used magnets to paint, fish for pipe cleaners, and even have

a race with little toy cars!

Our theme this week in Art was butterflies! We had a blast decorating our huge

classroom butterflies. We used marker-stamps, crayons, and stickers to create our

beautiful butterfly murals. Our fun continued during Gym as we crawled around like

turtles, hopped like bunnies, and ran like cheetahs. We love exercising and keeping our

bodies healthy!

On Thursday we experienced the whimsical world of Ms. Pinky! We went on a magical

adventure to find her lost bunny! On our way we met her furry little mouse, her sneaky

snake, and finally found her bunny! Way to go Parparim and D’vorim! Can’t wait to see

what’s in store for next week…

Shabbat Shalom,

Morah Sarah & Morah Gabriella Morah Yona & Morah Rachel

D’vorim & Parparim

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D’vorim & Parparim

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We're swimming with our heads in the water, Swimjim has been a splash!

Look how much we've learned, we'll be deep water swimmers in a flash!

In baking with Morah Shari we made a yummy Granola treat,

We mixed in honey, oats, and chocolate chips to make it very sweet.

In science we learned about magnets and what they can attract,

Did you know a chair leg is magnet? yup! it's a fact!!

In gym with Coach Leora we threw furry balls to knock down the pin,

Balls were rolling here and there, we even saw some spin!

Super Soccer Stars was a lot of hard work with silly endless fun,

We joined together as a team kicking balls till we were done.

Art with Morah Debbie was filled with butterflies galore,

Our butterflies were so big we even painted on the floor!

We went to World of Wings; we saw animals in different sizes and shapes,

Butterflies were fluttering everywhere, and an iguana whose tail drapes.

Kinderdance with Teacher Michelle was filled with

somersaults, yoga stretches and more,

We moved our bodies up and down and tiger-walked

across the floor,

This week we welcomed Sandy and Daniel, we're so

happy you're in camp,

We say goodbye to our amazing friends Gabi and

Sammy, you're both an MDS Champ!

We can't wait for Monday so rest up and get excited,

For another great week, we are so delighted!!


Morah Shira and Jessie

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Tziporim Into week 5 and on to half two.

The Tziporim have been busy with so much to do.

From swimming to soccer to kinderdance and play.

There is something special each and every day

In gym we bowled down the pins across the gym floor.

We had some awesome relay races, it wasn't a bore.

In baking we mixed oats, honey, and raisins to make some healthy granola to eat.

We put it on top of yogurt for a real special treat.

In art we decorated butterflies both big and small.

I'm science we experimented with magnets, we all had a ball.

This week we went to World of wings and it was so much fun.

We then had a delicious picnic under the sun.

Please rest up and get ready, for week six is on it's way.

Please have a good Shabbos and enjoy the rest of your day!

Morah Karen, Morah Allie, and Moreh Max

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Week 5 was so much fun! In art we decorated butterflies as we anticipated our trip to the butterfly museum. We made beautiful pictures for chayalim in Israel to show our support for those protecting Israel! The girls really enjoyed doing such a chesed! In science we learned all about magnets, attraction, and repelling of opposite sides. Magnets are attracted to certain objects containing metal. The girls used toy cars attached to magnets for racing using a cardboard road. We went fishing with magnets attached to fishing rods and pipe cleaners. We also incorporated paint into our magnet lesson, creating magnet art! Using paper clips the girls drew a picture allowing the magnets to take the lead. Science is so fun! World of Wings in Teaneck was a beautiful experience. We went into a butterfly garden, where butterflies, birds, and fish, surrounded us. Some butterflies even landed on our heads! We saw iguanas, chameleons, snakes, lizards, frogs, and more. We also got to make our very own symmetrical butterfly using paper and pipe cleaners. What a great time we had! Have a great Shabbat! We can't wait for more fun to come next week. Morah Sarah and Morah Mollie


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Dear Giborim Parents,

This week we learned all about butterflies in connection to our trip to the

butterfly museum. In art we decorated wooden butterflies and added

beautiful gems to them. We also painted giant butterflies to hang up

outside our classroom. We learned that butterfly wings are symmetrical,

meaning whatever is on one wing is exactly the same on the other wing.

In baking we made delicious brownie s’mores pies. We crushed graham

crackers for the crust, made brownie batter, and topped them with


The Giborim participated in another mitzvah this week. We drew pictures

and wrote cards for chayalim in Israel. These cards will be sent to Israel

next week and delivered to the brave soldiers. We are so proud of all the

mitzvot that the Giborim do.

On Thursday we went to The World of Wings butterfly museum in

Teaneck. It was so cool! We went into a butterfly atrium where we had

butterflies flying all around us. We saw them eating and

drinking and some kids even had butterflies land on them.

We then went to the reptile room and saw all different

kinds of cool reptiles. We saw huge snakes, different

types of

lizards, cool frogs, and some giant bugs!

At the museum we also enjoyed awesome bouncy

houses. There were bouncy obstacle courses and giant

bouncy slides. After lunch, the instructors at the museum

taught us how to make butterflies out of coffee filters.

While making our butterflies, we remembered to color

each side symmetrically.

We had a fantastic week and are looking forward to next


Shabbat shalom,

Morah Rena and Matin


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See You Next Week!


Tuesday, August 5th -

Tisha B'av- No camp

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MDS Campers and the pictures they drew for

our Soldiers in Israel