Page 1: ME - Landing Page Optimization: 10 resources to get you started

Landing Page Optimization and Ad Copywriting Reference Materials

10 resources to get you started

Page 2: ME - Landing Page Optimization: 10 resources to get you started

Overcoming adequate marketing

“One problem we have in marketing is that adequacy is the enemy of excellence. In many cases, we’re losing the most money by using campaigns that are working, but are not working well enough.” – Dr. Flint McGlaughlin, managing director, MECLABS At MarketingExperiments, we work to help our customers optimize their marketing campaigns by sharing our discoveries as we continue to learn more about what really works. To help make your testing efforts as effective as possible, here are some resources to get you started in online testing or provide some transferrable principles that will help you decide what to test next. This reference material largely relates to landing page optimization and ad copywriting. For more marketing optimization information that can help you before, during, and after this training, feel free to visit,, and Thank you, The MECLABS Editorial Content Team P.S. Our job is to help you do your job better. Let us know how we can help.

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Landing Page Optimization and Ad Copywriting Reference Materials


Page 4: ME - Landing Page Optimization: 10 resources to get you started

Landing Page Optimization

Overview F

What information is required to qualify leads as being sales ready?

• What are the characteristics of the ideal sales opportunity? • What are the questions sales want answered before getting a lead? • What info is must-have vs. nice-to-have? • Which questions tend to gather the most-needed information? • What should we start doing to make leads more actionable? • What things should we stop doing with leads that don’t value? "

So what is landing page optimization exactly?

• Identify possible changes on your site that could improve the conversion • Test to see what you can learn from your audience • Learn from these tests • True LPO requires a testing-optimization cycle


Full article Marketing Campaign: Landing page optimization can help improve the return on your media spend


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Ad Copywriting

Blandvertising is a wishy-washy marketing claim that wants to mean something… but it just doesn’t mean anything. Daniel Burstein

Directory of Editorial Content


Full article Blandvertising: How you can overcome writing headlines and copy that don’t say anything *

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Copywriting Optimization: Long vs. Short Copy

Full article Copywriting: Long copy vs. short copy matrix


“This heuristic model of long-copy vs. short-copy optimization principles has emerged empirically over time.” Bob Kemper Director of Sciences MECLABS

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Lead Generation Optimization

Asking “how” leads to information… asking “why” however, leads to wisdom. Flint McGlaughlin

Managing Director


Full article Lead Generation: 3 lessons from a 25% decrease in conversion *

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Landing Page Optimization and Ad Copywriting Reference Materials


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Headline and Call-to-Action Optimization

Full Web clinic - Minor Changes, Major Lifts: How headline and call-to-action optimization increased conversion 45%


How can I get the greatest amount of return on the least amount of optimization investment?


All marketing messages must be centered primarily on the interests of the customer. Therefore, when it comes to crafting headlines, emphasize what the visitor gets rather than what they must do.

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Landing Page Optimization

Full Web clinic - Quick Win Clinic (Part I)The 5 easiest changes to make to your landing pages right now


There are essentially two ways to increase your website’s performance: 1. Endlessly drive more traffic to your landing pages with media buys, direct mail sends and time-consuming social media 2. Improve the conversion rate of the traffic you're already getting

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Full Web clinic - Copywriting on Tight Deadlines: How ordinary marketers are achieving 103% gains with a step-by-step framework


“By knowing where each copy element falls in the story, you can carefully craft each word, each sentence and each paragraph to specifically match the visitor’s thought sequence.” – Flint McGlaughlin, Managing Director, MECLABS

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Landing Page Optimization

Full Web clinic - Hidden Friction: The 6 silent killers of conversion



1. Friction does not occur on the page, it occurs in the mind of the prospect

2. Friction is more complex than simple issues of page length, form amount, or number of steps

3. Most friction goes undetected by marketers

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Value Proposition Optimization

Full Web clinic - Discovering Your Value Proposition: 6 ways to stand out in a crowded marketplace


How do you formulate a value proposition in highly competitive marketplaces?

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