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Mechanisms of EndocytosisGary J. Doherty and Harvey T. McMahonMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH,United Kingdom; email: [email protected], [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2009. 78:31.1–31.46

The Annual Review of Biochemistry is online

This article’s doi:10.1146/annurev.biochem.78.081307.110540

Copyright c© 2009 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


Key Words

caveolae, clathrin-mediated endocytosis, clathrin-independentendocytosis, dynamin, small G proteins

AbstractEndocytic mechanisms control the lipid and protein composition ofthe plasma membrane, thereby regulating how cells interact with theirenvironments. Here, we review what is known about mammalian en-docytic mechanisms, with focus on the cellular proteins that controlthese events. We discuss the well-studied clathrin-mediated endocyticmechanisms and dissect endocytic pathways that proceed indepen-dently of clathrin. These clathrin-independent pathways include theCLIC/GEEC endocytic pathway, arf6-dependent endocytosis, flotillin-dependent endocytosis, macropinocytosis, circular doral ruffles, phago-cytosis, and trans-endocytosis. We also critically review the role ofcaveolae and caveolin1 in endocytosis. We highlight the roles of lipids,membrane curvature-modulating proteins, small G proteins, actin, anddynamin in endocytic pathways. We discuss the functional relevance ofdistinct endocytic pathways and emphasize the importance of studyingthese pathways to understand human disease processes.


Review in Advance first posted online on March 24, 2009. (Minor changes may still occur before final publication online and in print.)


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INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2MORPHOLOGY OF PUTATIVE


ENDOCYTOSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.8CLATHRIN-INDEPENDENT

ENDOCYTOSIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.11CAVEOLIN1- AND




ENDOCYTOSIS OF BACTERIALTOXINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.19

ENDOCYTOSIS OFPATHOGENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.21

LIPID REQUIREMENTSFOR ENDOCYTOSIS . . . . . . . . . . . .31.23

PROTEINS THAT DRIVE ANDSTABILIZE MEMBRANECURVATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31.24






With the advent of electron microscopy (EM)came a general appreciation of the enormouscomplexity of cellular membrane anatomy.Membranes allow the compartmentalization of

cellular chemistry, either by the specific accu-mulation of proteins on their surfaces (increas-ing the avidity of protein-protein interactions)or by creating diffusion barriers between theirlumina and the cytoplasm. Changes in the dis-tribution, protein and lipid composition, andluminal content of these membranes, throughthe highly dynamic fission and fusion reac-tions that occur from and between such com-partments, are primary regulators of many, ifnot most, extranuclear cell biological processes.To determine how these changes are effected,a large membrane trafficking community hasemerged and has contributed invaluably to theunderstanding of many fundamental aspects ofcell biology and physiology, in addition to manydisease processes. This review focuses on themolecular characterization of endocytic path-ways and the interrelationships between thesepathways.

The outer leaflet of the plasma membraneis the surface through which each cell com-municates with its environment, and in orderto appropriately respond to, or affect, its envi-ronment, its composition must be tightly regu-lated by the cell. Endocytosis describes the denovo production of internal membranes fromthe plasma membrane lipid bilayer. In so doing,plasma membrane lipids and integral proteinsand extracellular fluid become fully internalizedinto the cell. It can be considered the morpho-logical opposite of exocytosis, which describesthe fusion of entirely internal membranes withthe plasma membrane. In so doing, this pro-cess expels specific chemicals to the extracel-lular space and delivers lipids and proteins tothe plasma membrane. It is the control (by cel-lular proteins) of endocytosis from, and exo-cytosis to, the plasma membrane that allowsthe interactions between the cell and its en-vironment to be precisely regulated. For ex-ample, endocytosis of transmembrane recep-tors (which removes them from the surfacewhere they are able to interact with extracellularcues) regulates the long-term sensitivity of cellsto their specific ligands. However, endocytosisdoes not simply negatively regulate interactionswith the external world. The processes, which

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endocytosis plays a key role in regulating, con-tinue to expand and include processes as seem-ingly disparate as mitosis, antigen presentation,and cell migration. Furthermore, it is becom-ing apparent that endocytosis plays key rolesin the positive regulation of many intracellularsignaling cascades (1). In addition, pathogensoften exploit endocytic routes to mediate theirinternalization into cells (2). Although much isknown about the cargoes for endocytic struc-tures, the specific mechanisms by which thesecargoes are recruited and internalized are lessclear. There exists many routes of endocytic up-take into cells.

Much work has focused on clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). The mecha-nisms by which the proteins involved in thisprocess recruit cargo into developing clathrin-coated pits (CCPs), and subsequently formclathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs), are becomingincreasingly understood (3, 4). Many proteinsthat are involved in the formation of CME in-termediates have been identified and character-ized, and researchers in the field can thereforemake use of specific markers along the pathwayand specific molecular tools to interfere withthe process in a defined manner. These toolsinclude RNAi techniques, although it shouldbe noted that clathrin and the adaptor AP2 arevery stable, and multiple rounds of treatmentare required to completely deplete cells of theseproteins. Inadequate depletion, coupled withthe fact that transferrin uptake (used widely toassess CME efficiency) is incredibly sensitive toperturbation of such proteins, has led to confu-sion in the endocytic community about the roleof CME in certain processes, and therefore,caution is advised when interpreting data usingthese approaches. Even the most profoundreductions in transferrin uptake are not directlyindicative of a total loss of CME events. Inour hands, a useful tool to inhibit CME isoverexpression of the C terminus of AP180 (5).AP180 is a neuronal clathrin adaptor that linksclathrin to PtdIns(4,5)P2 in the membrane.The region being overexpressed is the clathrin-binding domain without the membraneanchor.

CME: clathrin-mediated endocytosis

CCP: clathrin-coatedpit

CCV: clathrin-coatedvesicle

Alongside a frequent misconception thatCME is the only major mechanism by whichendocytosis occurs, for many years, the termreceptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) has beenused, often synonymously with CME. Owingto the clarity beginning to emerge from stud-ies of endocytic events, we urge abandonmentof the term RME because methods are read-ily available to easily dissect the method(s) ofendocytosis used for the cargo of interest; ascheme for endocytic classification can be foundin Reference 6 (see also Figure 1 and Table 1).Although CME is certainly an extremely im-portant endocytic mechanism, accounting fora large proportion of endocytic events, an everexpanding array of cargoes has been shown toundergo endocytosis in a clathrin-independentmanner (7). EM techniques have suggested thatmuch of the budding that occurs from theplasma membrane does not appear to requirethe formation of the clathrin coat, which isreadily observable around CCPs and CCVs.Indeed, cells devoid of CME events are capableof endocytosis. Clathrin-independent endocy-tosis itself has been further dissected into seem-ingly distinct pathways, based on the reliance ofthese pathways on certain proteins and lipids,their differential drug sensitivities and theirabilities to internalize particular cargoes (6, 8).Clathrin-dependent and -independent endocy-tosis are expected to be roughly equiprevalentmodes of internalization in fibroblastic cells,and the relative proportions of each will pre-sumably differ in other cell types owing to theiradaptions for specific functions. Although wedescribe the molecular players of these path-ways below (see also Table 1), it is impor-tant to ask: What are the functions of differ-ent pathways? And how are the different path-ways adapted/specialized for function? Thesedistinct pathways create endosomal compart-ments with distinct lumina and surfaces to al-low the differential modulation of intracellularevents, including the possibility of deliveringcargoes to distinct intracellular destinations.

Here, we review what is known about en-docytic pathways in mammalian cells. Thisreview does not attempt to be exhaustive; • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.3


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IL2Rβ endocyticpathway





Circular dorsal ruffles

Caveolar-type endocytosis




Figure 1Putative endocytic portals. Transmission and scanning electron micrographs of structures known or thought to be involved in endocyticevents. Note the morphological variability of these endocytic structures. Figures are reproduced or modified from the followingsources: Clathrin-mediated endocytosis [provided by John Heuser (9)], caveolar-type endocytosis (11), CLIC/GEEC-type endocytosis(6, 7), the putative flotillin-associated endocytic structures (65), phagocytosis [provided by Robert North], macropinocytosis (104),circular dorsal ruffles (99), and entosis (120). The arrowheads in the flotillin-dependent endocytosis image point to immunoreactivityfor green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cells expressing both flotillin1 and -2 GFP. Note that there is controversy surrounding themorphology of flotillin-positive regions of the plasma membrane and that the morphologies of the IL2Rβ pathway and arf6-dependentpathway are also unclear. The arrows in the circular dorsal ruffle image show ruffled structures that appear to evolve into circularstructures such as that shown within the box. The arrowheads in macropinocytic picture indicate cytoskeletal elements.

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Table 1 The molecular characteristics of endocytic events and the known morphological and molecular features of each ofthe endocytic pathways described in this reviewa



Caveolae-/ caveolin1-dependent


IL2Rβ pathway

Arf6 dependent




Circular dorsal ruffles





Tubular/ring like




Cargo shaped

Highly ruffled

Highly ruffled

Cell shaped

Implicated cargoesb

RTKs, GPCRs,transferrin receptor,

anthrax toxin

CTxB, SV40,GPI-linked proteins

Fluid phase markers,CTxB, GPI-linked


IL2Rβ, FCεRI, Kir3.4,γc-cytokine receptor

MHC class I proteins,CD59,


CTxB, CD59,proteoglycans

Pathogens,apoptotic remnants

Fluid phase markers,RTKs

Fluid phase markers,RTKs

Matrix-deligated cells

Small G-proteindependence

Rab5,Arf6 implicated

Unclear(may regulate cdc42 activity)






Arf6/cdc42/rac1/rhoA(depending on type)


RhoA Not as yet

Not as yet

Not as yet

Well established


Some evidence




Implicated but unclear

Not as yet(CtBP1/BARS impli-

cated in scission)

Adherens junctions

Cortactin, actin

Actin, PAK1, PI3K,Ras, Src, HDAC6

Actin, IQGAP1, amphiphysin1,

Rho kinase, adhesion proteins

Flotillin 1 and 2

Unclear as yet


ARHGAP10,actin, GRAF1

Other proteinsimplicated

Clathrin, AP2, epsin, SNX9,

synaptojanin, actinamphiphysin,

plus many others

Caveolins, PTRF, src, PKC, actin

(many signaling proteins localize

to these sites)

aSee the text for references.bAbbreviations: CLIC, clathrin-independent carriers; GEEC, GPI-AP enriched early endosomal compartment; GPCRs, G protein--coupled receptors; GPI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; RTK, receptor tyrosine kinase.

instead, we refer the reader to the ∼64,000 pa-pers identified by a PubMed search for endo-cytosis (as of January 2009)! Space limitationspreclude a full discussion of all issues here, andwe refer the reader to our Supplementary In-formation (follow the Supplemental Materiallink from the Annual Reviews home page at where thesediscussions are continued, with a more exten-sive discussion of the importance to endocyto-sis of membrane lipids, membrane curvature-

modulating proteins, cell adhesion, and cellmigration. We begin with a discussion of en-docytic membrane morphology before focus-ing on the molecular cell biology of distinctendocytic mechanisms. Much has been deci-phered from studies following the uptake ofbacterial toxins and pathogens, and these find-ings are also reviewed. We then discuss require-ments for endocytic pathways and highlight thecritical roles for lipids, membrane curvature-modulating proteins, small and large G • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.5


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proteins, and the cytoskeleton in endocyticevents. Finally, we discuss the function of en-docytosis, the cell biological and physiologicalrelevance of distinct endocytic pathways, andthe relevance of endocytic mechanisms to theunderstanding and treatment of human disease.We must point out that great care should betaken when attempting to correlate observa-tions that have been made in distinct cell types.Because distinct endocytic pathways will havetheir own functions, different types of special-ized cells will therefore have varying propor-tions of plasma membrane turnover occurringby each of these mechanisms.


A budding structure from the plasma mem-brane is a necessary prerequisite for any en-docytic pathway, and major known structuresof this type are shown in Figure 1. Becauseclathrin coats are visible around spherical mem-brane buds and endocytosed vesicles by EM(Figure 1) (9), it is possible to distinguishclathrin-independent budding events by the ab-sence of such a coat. CME proceeds through aseries of well-defined morphological interme-diates, whereby a CCP undergoes progressiveinvagination before scission from the plasmamembrane to form a CCV (Figure 2) (4, 9).EM, however, requires fixed samples, so it isdifficult to ascertain whether all invaginatedCCPs, and other membrane invaginations ob-served by this technique, subsequently undergoscission from the plasma membrane. Only withthe development of total internal reflection flu-orescence microscopy (TIR-FM), which allowsthe visualization in real time of the behaviorof fluorescent proteins (including fluorescentlylabeled clathrin) at, or very close to, the basal

−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→Figure 2Membrane curvature modulation during endocytosis. Schematic diagram (left panels) demonstrating the stages of, and some of the keyprotein players in, the budding and scission of clathrin-coated pits (CCPs). After budding to form a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV), theclathrin basket is removed by uncoating proteins to form a naked vesicle. On the right are illustrations of different mechanisms ofmembrane curvature generation and stabilization.

plasma membrane of cells, have some of theseissues been addressed.

The most commonly reported nonclathrin-coated plasma membrane buds are known ascaveolae (for “little caves”) (Figure 1). Theseflask-shaped invaginations exist on the surfaceof many mammalian cell types, are around60–80 nm in diameter, and can constitute ap-proximately a third of the plasma membranearea of the cells of some tissues, being es-pecially abundant in smooth muscle, type Ipneumocytes, fibroblasts, adipocytes, and en-dothelial cells (10). Under certain conditionsa filamentous, spike-like coat can be observedaround caveolae (Figure 1) (11). Unsurpris-ingly perhaps given their morphology, thesestructures have been extensively implicated inendocytic events (10) and can be followed, usingfluorescent caveolin1 expression, in real time.Multicaveolar assemblies, where many caveo-lae are connected together and to the plasmamembrane in structures resembling bunches ofgrapes, can be commonly observed.

Internalization can also take place bymacropinocytosis, which usually occurs fromhighly ruffled regions of the plasma mem-brane. Ruffled extensions of the plasma mem-branes form around a region of extracellularfluid, with apparent subsequent internalizationof this complete region (Figure 1). The mem-brane may not always be as extensively ruf-fled as we depict. The other textbook methodof internalization, which occurs in specializedcells, is phagocytosis, whereby opsonized andparticulate material can be taken up into cellsby the progressive formation of invaginationsaround the cargo destined to be internalized,with or without the growth of envelopingmembrane extensions (Figure 1). These pro-cesses involve the uptake of larger membraneareas than CME and caveolar mechanisms,

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Insertion ofwedge

Membrane curvature scaffolding

Membrane curvature/tensionmodulation by cytoskeleton



Nucleated actinpolymerization

BAR domains:(e.g., amphiphysinSNX9)


Membrane deformation by insertions

CCPassemblyand bud


Sculpting the membrane

Fully formed and invaginated CCP

CCV formation bydynamin-mediated



Uncoating to produce naked CCV





Epsin, amphiphysin,

SNX9, and other

adaptor proteins

promote clathrin

recruitment and





BAR proteins



recruitment and


they form

the vesicle neck • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.7


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allowing them to be followed by phase contrastmicroscopy.

It is becoming increasingly clear that en-docytosis into tubular, in addition to vesic-ular, compartments is a common event inmammalian cells (8, 12), and views of cellularanatomy should be adjusted accordingly. Cer-tain lipid compartments, and the distribution oftheir components, can be highly sensitive to fix-ation conditions (G.J. Doherty & R. Lundmark,unpublished results, and see References 13 and14), and this may have hampered their dis-covery. The sections taken for EM visualiza-tion bias observations toward seemingly spher-ical/ovoid structures because tubular structureswill usually appear thus in a cross section. Ele-gant EM studies have preserved and identifiedprevalent tubular endocytic intermediates re-sponsible for the internalization of a variety ofligands (Figure 1) (8). As with macropinocyticstructures, these structures appear to have noelectron-dense coat when viewed by EM. Thesepathways can be followed in real time using flu-orescently labeled cargo proteins.

Morphological analysis of other endocyticpathways has also revealed endocytosis asso-ciated with dorsal ruffles, putative flotillin-associated invaginations, and cell-in-cell inva-sion that happens after cell-matrix deligationknown as entosis (Figure 1).


In CME, a wide variety of transmembrane re-ceptors and their ligands are packaged with theuse of cargo adaptors into CCVs (see Figure 2).In addition to those used in endocytosis, CCVscan also bud from various intracellular com-partments with the use of different adaptor pro-teins. Thus, in the cell, there are various formsof CCVs. Even at the plasma membrane weview CCV production as a a collection of closelyrelated endocytic pathways, linked by the use ofthe coat protein clathrin (4). For CCP and CCVformation from the plasma membrane, there is awide range of possible cargo adaptors and acces-sory proteins that can be used, and the process

is not hardwired, either in requiring the samecomplement of accessory proteins in every cellor in being limited to a small subset of mem-brane cargoes. The diversity of cargoes and thediversity of adaptor and accessory proteins usedto implement vesicle formation reflect the path-ways’ adaptations to tools suited to the mate-rials being packaged. In some cells, the cargocomplement may be rather limited, whereas atsynapses, at least 20 different cargoes of diversefunctions are packaged in the same vesicle withhigh fidelity. The flexibility and fluidity in thesystem is inherent in the design, where thereare overlapping and shared functions of vari-ous adaptors and accessory proteins. A likelycorollary of this is that there will be a range ofdependence of cargo internalization upon indi-vidual adaptors and accessory proteins (4). Al-though in some situations, the importance ofAP2 adaptors in plasma membrane CCV for-mation may be fundamental; however, given thedesign, this dependence is unlikely to be uni-versal. The design also allows us to considersome accessory adaptors and protein networksmodulating actin polymerization as “add on”modules, where their involvement may help dif-ferentiate the closely related pathways.

Adaptor and accessory proteins coordinateclathrin nucleation at sites of the plasma mem-brane, which are destined to be internalized(15). This nucleation promotes the polymer-ization of clathrin into curved lattices, and thisconsequently stabilizes the deformation of theattached membrane. Clathrin polymerization(coupled with the action of other proteins) aidsin the formation and constriction of the vesi-cle neck, helping to bring the membranes sur-rounding the neck into close apposition. Themembrane scission protein dynamin is a largeGTPase, which forms a helical polymer aroundthis constricted neck and, upon GTP hydrol-ysis, mediates the fission of the vesicle fromthe plasma membrane (16), irreversibly releas-ing the CCV into the interior of the cell.The clathrin basket is subsequently releasedfrom the vesicle by auxilin and hsc70. Thisnaked vesicle then undergoes further traffick-ing within the cell before appropriate delivery

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of its cargo through fusion with a destinationintracellular compartment.

Dileucine- and tyrosine-based motifs onthe cytoplasmic face of cargo molecules areboth directly sensed by separate sites on theAdaptor Protein-2 (AP2) (previously Assem-bly Polypeptide-2) complex (3, 17), which linkscargo to nucleating clathrin, such as is the casefor the YTRF motif of the transferrin recep-tor (18), the internalization of which is a widelyused specific marker for CME events. Differentreceptors can use many of the wide array of al-ternative adaptor and accessory proteins for theclustering and stimulation of their endocytosis(see below).

Theoretical considerations suggest thatclathrin polymerization alone is insufficient formembrane curvature generation (19). Epsinfamily proteins, which can link cargo [for ex-ample, ubiquitinated cargo (20)] to clathrin,also bind directly to inositol lipids and can helpdrive membrane deformation in the assemblingCCP through the insertion of a amphipathichelix (21). Where epsins are present, this willprovide an initial membrane deformation inconcert with clathrin polymerization to forma membrane bud (22). Other accessory pro-teins can also help deform the membrane (seebelow). Apart from epsins, G protein–coupledreceptors (GPCRs) can be linked to clathrinsimilarly through the binding of β-arrestins,which interact with the phosphorylated recep-tors, PtdIns(4,5)P2, clathrin, and AP2 (23, 24).Likewise, dab2 and ARH have been shown tofunction as cargo-specific adaptor proteins dur-ing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor in-ternalization (25), and numb appears to have asimilar role during notch endocytosis (26). Ifmultiple receptors are endocytosed by CMEin the same cell, they may be sorted in endo-somes. However, it is possible that the differ-ential affinities of receptors (determined, forexample, by phosphorylation or ubiquitinationof the receptor) for specific adaptor proteinsare responsible for their clustering into dis-tinct CCPs/CCVs such that each vesicle canbe formed in a kinetically distinct manner andthen trafficked to its appropriate intracellular

destination in a manner dependent on its cargoand their ligands.

Accessory proteins can participate in CMEthrough aiding membrane deformation inthe membrane bud (see below) by recruitingother participating proteins or by performingscaffolding/coordination functions withinthe endocytic process. N-BAR and BARdomain-containing proteins, such as SNX9and amphiphysin, can generate and stabilizemembrane curvature (and may thus aid inmembrane deformation within the CCP),bind both clathrin and AP2, and recruitdynamin to the neck of the budding vesicle(27–31). Eps15 appears to act as a scaffoldingprotein and clusters AP2 appendages througha long, flexible C-terminal tail (15). Manymore accessory proteins have been identified,including NECAP, intersectin, and stonin, ashave several kinases that may play importantroles during the endocytic process (15). On thebasis of biochemical interrogations, our lab hasproposed a model of how sequential interac-tions of increasing avidity of accessory proteinsand clathrin for AP2 can drive CCP formation(15). Recent findings have shown that proteinsoriginally shown to be important regulators ofmore diverse cellular phenomena, e.g., apopto-sis (p53) (32), asymmetric cell division (numb)(26), or cell polarity (par proteins) (33), arealso intimately involved in CME. Studies havealso identified an increasingly large number ofBAR superfamily domain-containing proteinsinvolved in CME. These data suggest that therepertoire of proteins that are (or can become)involved in CME will be significantly largerthan we currently appreciate, but whethersuch proteins are involved globally in CME,within particular subsets of CCPs, or evenat all (because overexpressed proteins maylocalize artifactually to CCPs), remains to bedefinitively established.

It is becoming increasingly likely that dis-tinct adaptor and accessory proteins control theinternalization of distinct cargoes, that differentsubtypes of CCVs may subsequently be formed,and that different specialist proteins will be re-quired to assemble each pit subtype. This may • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.9


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seem like an obvious remark, given knowledgeof the nature of the dynamic network of in-teractions that exists in this process, but con-clusive proof that cargo-specific (or at leastrelatively cargo-specific) CCPs/CCVs exist islacking (34), and clathrin-independent path-ways do not appear to produce homogeneousendosomes (although these are not neces-sarily analogous structures). Because, in themain, morphologically indistinguishable struc-tures appear to be responsible for the internal-ization of cargoes that enter via CME, and be-cause single CCPs/CCVs have been shown (atleast sometimes) to contain more than one typeof cargo moiety, it is likely that each CCP/CCVcontains a competitively produced populationof cargoes and adaptors/accessory proteins.The exact composition of these CCPs/CCVswill depend on many factors, including(a) the concentration of each cargo type atthe plasma membrane, (b) the specific activa-tion state of each cargo, (c) the dependence onspecific activation states for the recruitment ofeach cargo to CCPs, (d ) the mobility of thatcargo in the plasma membrane, (e) the overallaffinity of adaptor/accessory protein binding tothat cargo, ( f ) the concentration of adaptor/accessory proteins that can be used to recruiteach cargo, and ( g) the ability of that adap-tor/cargo to interact with the clathrin polymer-ization machinery. This view of CME, however,poses a problem in cargo sorting for the cell.Whether sorting happens only in sorting endo-somes or also in CCPs is unclear. The formationof cargo-specific CCVs, with cargo type-drivensignals for further trafficking, would allow anadditional layer of regulation. Cargo likely playsan important role in driving CCP/CCV forma-tion because empty CCVs are unlikely to haveuseful functions. If cargo drives CCP forma-tion, then it is also possible that each CCV willhave a minimum number of molecules of eachparticular cargo. This would provide a quan-tum of cargo that may allow digital processingof cargo-associated information by the cell, es-pecially if downstream consequences of endo-cytosis happen in a robust and stereotyped man-ner. It is important to address if cargo clustering

drives CCP formation de novo or if clusteredcargoes are recruited to sites where clathrin hasalready been partially assembled and completesthis process of assembly.

The surface residence time of CCPs (andtherefore membrane fission) is regulated byinteraction with GPCR cargo (and this CCPformation is reversible) through interactionwith the actin cytoskeleton (35). Further-more, Transferrin Receptor Trafficking Protein(TTP) interacts with both dynamin and thetransferrin receptor. The demonstration that,in the absence of transferrin receptor bind-ing, TTP can negatively regulate the rate ofGTP hydrolysis by dynamin provides a po-tential mechanism by which cargo can signalspecifically and directly to the scission machin-ery (36). This might inform the scission ma-chinery as to the state of cargo recruitment,and only when sufficient transferrin receptorhas accumulated, will scission be permitted toproceed. This would automatically exclude themajority of other cargo proteins because car-goes will compete for similar binding partnersand the avidity of these interactions will fa-vor transferrin receptor incorporation once ithas accumulated beyond a critical concentra-tion. Space restrictions within the CCV willlikely also select against hitchhiking by othercargoes. It remains possible that, just as manycargoes have specific adaptors, there might alsoexist cargo-specific interacting proteins that caninteract with, and regulate, the scission ma-chinery. Such an arrangement would certainlyproduce an elegant mechanism for the pro-duction of cargo-specific CCVs but remainsunexplored. Another poorly understood issueis how CCP and CCV sizes are controlled.Furthermore, CCPs have been observed toform at the edges of flat clathrin sheets, sug-gesting that they may arise from the locally highconcentration of coat proteins, or cargo in theseregions, or perhaps even partially preassembledintermediates, but this remains uncertain.

The ligands internalized by CME are myr-iad, and it is likely that many more cargo-specific adaptor/accessory proteins will be dis-covered, each with core key features including

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particular cargo affinities. Redundancy in thesystem allows for robustness; for example, closeto 100% of receptor A may ordinarily be in-ternalized through binding to a single type ofadaptor protein, yet, in the absence of this adap-tor, receptor A may use lower-affinity inter-actions to recruit the CME machinery. Theview of CME as a dynamic network of protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions will helpinterpret overexpression and siRNA studiesand provide novel insights into the regulationand spatiotemporal dynamics of this ubiquitousprocess (4).


Perturbation of CME affects the endocytosisof all the cargoes that have been mentioned inTable 1 row 1, at least in cell types in whichthis has been studied. However, the endocytosisof many other types of endogenous and exoge-nous cargoes is relatively unaffected by inhibi-tion of this pathway. Furthermore, these typesof cargo molecules are internalized, in the main,in a cholesterol-dependent manner, in contrastto CME cargo molecules. This strongly impliesthe existence of additional endocytic pathwaysthat exist endogenously and that are indepen-dent of clathrin. However, it should be notedat this stage that using methods that inhibitCME as tools to discover new constitutive up-take pathways (that ordinarily exist and that areprevalent) is far from ideal because such treat-ment may functionally upregulate a pathwaythat is usually much more silent or even nonex-istent. As well as the extent, the properties ofthis pathway may also change because interfer-ence with CME would have cell-wide conse-quences in terms of signaling levels, lipid andprotein distributions, membrane tension, andstress responses. The discovery of novel path-ways of endocytosis should therefore, wherepossible, rely on the use of unperturbed cellsbefore using such techniques to probe theirproperties further.

Relatively few endogenous, noncargo pro-teins associated with clathrin-independent

endocytic pathways have been discovered todate, and of those that have, little is knownabout how these might contribute to the mech-anism of endocytosis. Perhaps this is owing tothe absence of conserved core recruitment hubsfor the concentration of cargoes, which wouldallow straightforward biochemical experimentsto be performed. What is currently under-stood about these pathways has been derivedmainly from study (in a variety of cell types) ofthe morphology of these endocytic structuresby EM, from following the internalization of(often artificially clustered) endogenous mark-ers or bacterial exotoxins predominantly by flu-orescence microscopy, from determining thelipid requirements for these pathways, from ex-amining their sensitivity to certain drugs, andfrom ascertaining their dependence on cellularproteins such as small G proteins, kinases, anddynamin. These pathways are discussed in thefollowing sections.


There are three mammalian caveolin proteins.Although caveolin3 is muscle specific, cave-olin1 and 2 are found widely in nonmusclecells with only neurons and leukocytes appar-ently lacking caveolae. Caveolin1 is enrichedin caveolae (11), with ∼100–200 moleculesper caveola (37), and cells that do not ex-press this protein (and muscle cells not express-ing caveolin3) are devoid of morphologicallyevident caveolae. Overexpression of caveolin1in caveolae-deficient cells is sufficient to pro-duce flask-shaped plasmalemmal invaginationsmorphologically indistinguishable from cave-olae in normal cells (38). These data implythat caveolin1 is necessary (and perhaps suf-ficient) for caveolar biogenesis. Caveolin2 ap-pears not to be necessary for caveolar forma-tion but likely plays important roles in at leastsome such structures. Caveolin1 is capable offorming higher-order oligomers, is palmitoy-lated, and binds cholesterol and fatty acids,which stabilize oligomer formation (39, 40). • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.11


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CLIC: clathrin-independent carrier

GEEC: GPI-AP-enriched earlyendosomalcompartment

This may be important both in ordering lo-cal lipids into invagination-competent compo-sitions, as well as in the export of these lipids tothe plasma membrane. Caveolin1 forms com-plexes composed of 14–16 monomers (41), anda model has been proposed by which caveolin1could effect changes in membrane curvature(42) (see below). Caveolin1 binds the fatty acidtails of the glycosphingolipid (GSL) GM1 andcan colocalize with GM1 and another “raft-associated” GSL, Gb3, in cellular membranes(43). However, GM1 and Gb3, and their ligandscholera toxin (CTx) and Shiga toxin (STx), re-spectively, are found on the extracellular leafletof the plasma membrane, and caveolin1 is onthe cytoplasmic side. Caveolin1 forms a hairpinstructure that is embedded into the membrane,perhaps reaching through into the outer mono-layer (and perhaps thereby contributing to thenecessary cross talk across the bilayer). Both itsN and C termini are exposed to the cytoplasm.It is thought that caveolins may contribute tothe spike-like coat found on caveolae. In addi-tion to this coat, high-resolution EM analysisof caveolar ultrastructure has revealed a ring-like density found circumferentially around thecaveolar neck (44).

Caveolae (or rather precaveolae becausethey are not yet on the plasma membrane)appear to undergo formation in the Golgicomplex, where they acquire their charac-teristic detergent insolubility and cholesterolassociation in concert with (at least partial)caveolin1 oligomerization (37). Cholesteroldepletion flattens caveolae (11) and increasesthe mobility of caveolin1 in the plasma mem-brane. Despite these observations, the preciserole of caveolin1, the specific lipid composi-tion of caveolae, and the specific functionalrelevance of other caveolae-associated proteinsremain to be firmly established.

The abundance of caveolae in many celltypes is certainly consistent with a major rolein trafficking, and certain markers have beenrather convincingly shown to be capable ofundergoing endocytosis into caveolin1-positivestructures (which include large neutral pH in-tracellular structures, termed caveosomes, and

smaller vesicles and tubules), such as SV40virions, cholera toxin B subunit (CTxB), andglycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked pro-teins (7, 10, 45). Such caveolin1-positive struc-tures have been shown to have great variancein their life cycles and their abilities to fusewith each other and other organelles. How-ever, a role for caveolae in the constitutive en-docytosis of these markers is questioned bythe artifactual clustering of glycolipid or pro-tein receptors into caveolae that occurs whenthey are exposed to multivalent ligands, in-cluding antibodies and toxins. Moreover, al-though caveolar-type structures are certainlyobserved in regions of the cell distant from theobvious plasma membrane, it has been shownthat many of these structures can still be con-nected directly to the plasma membrane andhave thus not undergone scission from this site(46), making it difficult to assess the endocyticnature of caveolin1-positive membranes. Fur-thermore, Sandvig et al. (47) have convincinglyargued that most caveolae appear surface con-nected when sections for EM are taken perpen-dicular to the plasma membrane, but not whensectioned otherwise. In addition, using ruthe-nium red treatment, they have also shown thatlarge caveosomal/multicaveolar structures thatappear distant from the plasma membrane arestill surface connected (47). Although caveo-lae may or may not pinch off from the mem-brane, it still remains useful to discuss dataderived from experiments examining caveo-lae because it is clear that the predominantlycaveolae-associated protein caveolin1 is associ-ated with endocytosis, and because experimentspreviously thought to be examining caveolarendocytosis may shed light on other endocyticpathways. As caveolin1-associated cargoesoverlap with those of the clathrin-independentcarrier (CLIC)/GPI-AP enriched early endo-somal compartment (GEEC) pathway, per-haps manipulations previously thought to affectcaveolar endocytosis are acting on this pathway.Consistent with this, a recent study has in-triguingly found that a region of caveolin1shows homology to a GDI sequence, and cave-olin1 specifically binds GDP-bound cdc42 (48).

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Caveolin1 depletion resulted in an increase inactivated cdc42 levels at the plasma membrane.These intriguing data suggest that caveolin1regulates the activity of cdc42, which is heavilyimplicated in CLIC/GEEC endocytosis. How-ever, caveolin1 manipulations may also affectother pathways.

The internalization of very few markershas been shown to be caveolin1 dependent (7,10), and perhaps, transcytosis across endothe-lial barriers, which appears to occur throughcaveolae, is currently the most convincing traf-ficking process associated with caveolae (49).Caveolin1-null mice are surprisingly normalmacroscopically, despite being devoid of cave-olae, but do have a reduced life span (50).They have defects in the regulation of vascu-lar tone, which appears to be linked to en-dothelial cell hyperproliferation and microvas-cular hyperpermeability (51), which is eNOSdependent (52). They also have transcytotic de-fects and defects in lipid droplet formation andin liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy(10, 53).

Although overexpression of caveolin1 in-creases the number of caveolae, it can also pro-foundly inhibit the endocytosis of ordered lipidmicrodomains. Caveolin1 overexpression alsoinhibits the endocytosis of autocrine motilityfactor (AMF) to the ER and CTxB to the Golgiapparatus (54). Such a CTxB trafficking de-fect was also observed in caveolin1-null mouseembryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), which were alsoshown to bind the same levels of CTxB as wild-type controls (8). The internalization of bothAMF and CTxB is sensitive to cholesterol de-pletion and tyrosine kinase inhibition. Thesetwo ligands do not colocalize intracellularlywhen cells are exposed to both, despite these ac-cumulating together in caveolae on the surface(54). Furthermore, although caveolin1 actuallyfacilitates dysferlin delivery to the plasma mem-brane (an opposing role to that in endocytosis),dysferlin enters cells by a clathrin-independentpathway more rapidly in caveolin1-null cells(55). These results, and others, suggest thateither caveolae may be involved in anterogradetrafficking, the protection of surface proteins

from internalization, and/or competition withother pathways for particular essential lipids.Caveolae might induce the titration of endoge-nous binding partners or lipids necessary forendocytosis. Conversely, caveolin1 overexpres-sion may reduce overall membrane fluidity andtherefore even inhibit caveolin1-mediated in-ternalization events. A very tight regulation ofthe levels of caveolin1 on the plasma mem-brane would consequently be required, and per-haps, this contributes to differences reportedfor caveolar dynamics using fluorescenceapproaches.

The presence of caveolin1 on apparently in-tracellular compartments that colocalize withrecently internalized markers is consistent withthe hypothesis that these represent caveolaethat have been internalized whole. It also re-mains possible that caveolin1 may also mark(perhaps nonspecifically because there is anabundance of caveolin1 on the plasma mem-brane) other uptake pathways that are formedfrom noncaveolar regions of the plasma mem-brane. Consistent with this is the findingthat caveolin1 can be found in the tubularCLIC/GEEC membranes but is unnecessaryfor this pathway to proceed (see below). Wehave also observed that under certain circum-stances caveolin1 can be found in extensivetubular networks, and caveolin1 may prefer tolocate to areas of such high membrane curva-ture (G.J. Doherty, unpublished observations).

Fluorescence recovery after photobleachingexperiments have shown that caveolae can bevery stable in unstimulated cells (56). How-ever, using TIR-FM it has also been shownthat many plasma membrane caveolin1-positivespots appear and disappear toward the cell in-terior (almost half were shown to be dynamicover 5 min) and seem to undergo kiss-and-runfusion and fission with the plasma membrane,although some were observed to travel longerdistances intracellularly (37). Caveolin1 on in-tracellular vesicles retains its ability to providestability to membrane microdomains, and thismay influence subsequent sorting (57). UsingEM techniques that can distinguish betweensurface-connected and nonsurface-connected • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.13


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SL: sphingolipid

caveolar/caveosome-like structures, about 2%of the caveolar population (at least small-/single-caveolin1-positive vesicular structures)in MEFs were shown to have undergone ap-parent scission from the plasma membrane af-ter warming for 1 min in the presence ofCTxB (8). After a longer period of incuba-tion, larger, tubulovesicular caveolin1-positivestructures were shown to accumulate the toxinand appeared to be unconnected to the plasmamembrane (8). This internalized populationcould be doubled in extent by treatment withthe phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid as well asby the addition of exogenous lactoside ceramide(LacCer). The mobility of caveolin1-positivestructures is also increased by stimulation withSV40 virions, GSLs, or cholesterol (37, 58). Ap-parent internalized caveolae have been shownto be capable of fusing with both the classi-cal early endosome as well as with caveoso-mal structures; both of these steps are rab5dependent (57).

LacCer (at least in its BODIPY fluorescentform) traffics through caveolin1-positive com-partments and subsequently reaches the Golgiapparatus (59). Total sphingolipid (SL) or spe-cific GSL depletion results in the reduction ofthe amount of LacCer endocytosis, a reductionof caveolin1 levels at the plasma membrane, andaccumulation of caveolin1 at the Golgi appara-tus (60). C8-sphingomyelin and the gangliosideGM3 are each sufficient to restore caveolin1export in SL-depleted cells.

Phosphorylation of caveolin1 appears totrigger the flattening and fusion of caveolaein cells expressing viral-sarcoma (v-src). Cave-olin1 S80E (a phosphomimetic mutant) doesnot associate with detergent-resistant mem-brane fractions and is not found on the plasmamembrane (61). The corresponding phospho-mutant (S80A) has an affinity for cholesterolthat is similar to that of wild-type protein andis found on caveolar membranes. Thus, dephos-phorylation at this site, perhaps at the level ofthe ER/Golgi, might regulate the formation ofcaveolin1-dependent microdomains. Likewise,phosphorylation at the plasma membrane maythen be responsible for their disassembly, which

could be either a positive or negative regula-tor of endocytosis. A number of kinases havebeen shown to regulate caveolar/microdomain-dependent endocytosis, but how this might betemporally coordinated, and exactly which typeof clathrin-independent endocytosis is affectedin these assays, is unclear (37). There have alsobeen a number of novel roles suggested forcaveolae (see Reference 10 and below).

A large number of signaling proteins havebeen found associated with, and regulated by,caveolae, and these structures may act as sig-naling platforms (62). However, aside from thecaveolins, little is known about proteins in-volved in caveolar genesis. Recently, PTRF (orcavin) was shown to associate with surface cave-olae, to be necessary in both zebra fish andmammalian cells, and to be necessary for cave-olar formation, with caveolin1 located insteadon flat regions of the plasma membrane and un-dergoing quicker degradation (63), suggestingthat caveolin1 is not sufficient for membranedeformation.

Flotillin proteins (also called reggie pro-teins) are not enriched in caveolae but arefound oligomerized in distinct membrane mi-crodomains (64). Their homology to caveolin1suggests that they may play a role in the or-dering of lipids in an analogous manner tocaveolae (flotillins are also proposed to forma similar hairpin structure in the membraneand are palmitoylated). Indeed, it has recentlybeen shown that flotillin1 and -2 are found inplasma membrane domains distinct from cave-olae (65) and that flotillin1 is necessary for aportion of CTxB uptake (64). By TIR-FM, bud-ding of flotillin1-positive structures into thecell was found to be rare in comparison withthat of CCPs, similar to findings with caveolar-type endocytosis. Flotillin2 appears to undergotrafficking from the Golgi, and by TIR-FM,flotillin2-positive puncta were shown to un-dergo cycling to and from the plasma mem-brane in a manner similar to flotillin1-positivepuncta (66). Flotillin2 cycling can be inhib-ited by cell-cell contact formation and stim-ulated by serum and epidermal growth factor(EGF), but was shown not to be associated

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with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR),cellular prion-related protein (PrPc), or GFP-GPI uptake. However, the GPI-linked proteinCD59 is found in flotillin1+2-positive domainsat 12◦C and in internalized flotillin1-positivevesicles, and flotillin1 is necessary for CD59 up-take (65). Interestingly, flotillin1 is also neces-sary for the dynamin-dependent but clathrin-and caveolin1-independent uptake of cellsurface proteoglycans, which it appears to de-liver to late endosomes in flotillin1-positivecompartments (67).

Although one study showed that co-overexpression of flotillin1 and -2 generatednew plasma membrane microdomains in whichthey colocalize, another study showed thatflotillin1 and -2 colocalize less impressively,perhaps reflecting different expression levels inthese studies (65, 66). Flotillin1- and -2-positivedomains contain about 95 molecules of eachflotillin and have been suggested by correla-tive fluorescence and EM to be morphologicallysimilar to caveolae (65). However, although ex-pression of caveolin1/3, or even honeybee cave-olin, results in the rescue of caveolae productionin (caveolae-negative) caveolin1-null cells, co-overexpression of flotillin1 and -2 did not in-duce caveolae-like invaginations (68). Flotillinmay mark a pathway separate from those dis-cussed below, or may act upstream in domainorganization for other clathrin- and caveolin1-independent pathways. Indeed, flotillin can befound concentrated in the membranes of earlyCLIC/GEEC intermediates (14).


Endocytosis occurs in cells depleted of bothCME events and caveolin1 in a mannerdependent on cholesterol, implying distinctendocytic pathways that require specific lipidcompositions. Such microdomain-dependent,but clathrin- and caveolin1-independent, endo-cytosis has been shown to internalize extracellu-lar fluid, SV40 virions (69), CTxB, GM1, otherSLs, GPI-linked proteins, as well as receptors

for IL2, growth hormone, AMF, endothelin,and many other molecules (7). The dependenceof these pathways on specific cell substituents,and their morphologies, is summarized inFigure 1 and Table 1.

Proteins that attach to membranes byway of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol an-chor (GPI-linked proteins) are enriched indetergent-resistant membrane fractions andare not normally concentrated into CCPsor caveolae. They undergo endocytosis viaa cholesterol-dependent, clathrin-independentendocytic pathway (13). The internalizationof these proteins is kinetically distinct fromthe uptake of transmembrane proteins andcan bypass conventional rab5-positive endo-cytic compartments. One such pathway, whichdelivers cargoes to endosomes termed GPI-AP-enriched early endosomal compartments(GEECs), is seemingly regulated by the smallG protein cdc42 and is not inhibited by theoverexpression of dominant-negative dynaminproteins that inhibit CME (13, 70). Such anacidic, tubulovesicular compartment appears toaccount for a large proportion of internalizedfluid phase markers (71). The recruitment ofGPI-linked proteins into these endocytic struc-tures is dependent on the GPI moiety, but it iscurrently unknown how this is regulated de-spite the active maintenance of nanoscale clus-ters of such proteins on the cellular surfacethat are dependent upon membrane cholesterol(58). A recent hypothesis incorporating thechirality and intrinsic tilt of molecules withinsuch a cluster suggests that the membrane con-stituents alone are sufficient for membrane bud-ding (72). The production of high membranecurvature in this way may allow cellular pro-teins that sense and generate membrane cur-vature, such as BAR domain-containing pro-teins, dynamin (although dynamin has notbeen found on GEEC endocytic intermedi-ates), and their functional homologs, to inducefurther curvature generation to produce tubu-lar/vesicular structures that are then deliveredto GEECs, as well as to induce the ultimatescission of such invaginations from the plasmamembrane. • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.15


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The folate receptor FRα, which likely in-creases local folate concentrations at the plasmamembrane to allow its efficient uptake via fo-late transporters, is a GPI-linked protein andis only concentrated in caveolae after cross-linking (73). Binding of folate does not changethe normal diffuse distribution of FRα at theplasma membrane, and further studies haveruled out a role for caveolae in FRα endocyto-sis (74, 75). KB cells endogenously express thisreceptor where it is found in noncoated mem-brane invaginations as well as in clathrin-coatedstructures (76). In CHO cells, the major endo-cytic pathway for stably transfected FRα de-livers it to GEECs (13). The GEEC pathway isdownstream of the highly prevalent CLICs thathave been observed by EM to be predominantlytubular or ring like in morphology (8) and arediscussed in detail below. Without ruling outthe possibility that there are several distinctsubtypes of this endocytic route, the pathwayis referred to here as the CLIC/GEEC path-way. No cell physiological function has yet beenreported for this prevalent endocytic route,despite the large amount of internal membranesthat this pathway contributes. We have recentlyshown how the BAR domain-containing pro-tein GRAF1 (a tumor suppressor in leukocytes)sculpts the ∼40-nm diameter tubular mem-branes of this prevelant endocytic route (14).

When the CLIC/GEEC pathway is dis-rupted, there appears to be compensatory en-docytosis of GPI-linked proteins via CME (13),but whether this allows internalized proteins tobe trafficked to their appropriate destinations isunclear. The intracellular destination for ma-terial endocytosed through the CLIC/GEECpathway appears to differ between cell types,including lysosomal and pericentriolar recy-cling compartments (13, 77). If this reflects thepresence of specific CLIC/GEEC subtypes oris due to other cell type-dependent factors isunknown.

Whether and how all GPI-linked proteinsare endogenously regulated through endocyticmechanisms remains a mystery. The core struc-ture of the GPI moiety is conserved among allGPI anchors, but the precise structures of their

lipids and side chains are variable. These vari-abilities may modulate their abilities to becomeconcentrated in, or escape from, specific typesof membrane microdomains. If distinct types ofmicrodomains are turned over by distinct en-docytic mechanisms, then this would provideeach subtype of GPI-linked protein with dis-tinct turnover kinetics.

Both GPI-linked proteins and the IL2Rβ

receptor are enriched in detergent-resistantmembrane fractions (implying clustering intomembrane microdomains), and cholesterol de-pletion abrogates the endocytosis of bothtypes of protein (78). However, it has beendemonstrated that a clathrin- and caveolin1-independent endocytic pathway, which is seem-ingly distinct from that of the CLIC/GEECpathway, is responsible for the internalizationof the IL2Rβ receptor after ligation and thatthis pathway is dependent upon the activity ofthe small G proteins rhoA and rac1, and thekinases PAK1 and PAK2 (79). At least someof the membranes internalized by this pathwaycommunicate with clathrin-dependent endo-cytic compartments, and the pathway appearsto be dynamin-dependent. A similar dynamin-dependent, clathrin-independent pathway ap-pears to be responsible for the internalization ofthe γc cytokine receptor and the IgE receptorFcεRI (80, 81), but both the prevalence and thewider role of such a pathway outside of leuko-cytes are unclear.

It has been shown that the GPI-linked pro-tein CD59 and major histocompatibility com-plex (MHC) class I proteins can be cointernal-ized into clathrin-independent, arf6-positiveendosomes that appear to be distinct fromCLIC/GEEC endocytic structures (14, 82).Arf6 is also heavily implicated in a recy-cling pathway to the plasma membrane (83).This arf6-associated endocytosis appears tobe dynamin independent, and these endo-somes can communicate with both transferrin-positive compartments and the arf6-dependentrecycling pathway (82). This latter observa-tion makes phenotypes downstream of arf6activity modulation difficult to reliably inter-pret. The K+ channel Kir3.4 also takes this

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arf6-associated endocytic pathway, and a se-ries of acidic motifs in these proteins enhancethe association of the channel with membersof the EFA6 family of arf6 GTP exchangefactors (GEFs) (84). Whether these functionanalogously to sorting motifs in CME is un-clear. Postendocytic clathrin-independent traf-ficking pathways are beginning to be resolved,and some degree of communication with theclassical rab5-positive endosome is a featureof many, if not all, endocytic pathways (6).Although GPI-linked proteins have beenshown to be internalized by the pathways de-scribed above, it has also been suggested thatGPI-linked proteins are transported directly tothe Golgi apparatus, and there is evidence for aconstitutive clathrin-independent endocyticmechanism responsible for direct transport ofluminal contents and GPI-linked proteins tothis site (85, 86). The endocytic apparatus re-sponsible for this is currently unclear, but mayinclude CLIC/GEEC subtypes.


Although the mechanisms described in thepreceding two sections can be described aspinocytic, macropinocytosis describes a formof larger-scale internalization that frequentlyinvolves protrusions from the plasma mem-brane that subsequently fuse with themselves(or back with the plasma membrane), result-ing in the uptake of extracellular componentstrapped between these sites (Figure 1). Thismorphologically described process is both rac1-and actin-dependent, and many studies havelinked it to the ability to form membraneruffles. Although this is a well-known pro-cess, the molecules involved in the mechanismand regulation of macropinocytosis are elusive,as is any relationship between this processand clathrin-independent pinocytic processes.The kinase PAK1 has been heavily impli-cated in macropinocytosis and is necessaryfor, and sufficient to induce, the process (87).

PAK1 binds rac1, which also activates it (88).Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K), ras, andsrc activities also promote macropinocytosis,presumably downstream of receptor ligation,and recent studies also implicate HDAC6 andits substrate hsp90 in this process (89–91), al-though how these contribute remains unclear.

Macropinocytosis is cholesterol dependent,and cholesterol is required for the recruitmentof activated rac1 to these sites (92). Perhaps,because this process can be stimulated by theprofound activation of receptors, it lies at oneend of the same spectrum as other membranemicrodomain-dependent endocytic pathways.Indeed, microdomain markers are enriched inmembrane ruffles (93). The substantial local ac-cumulation of specific lipids at heavily activatedregions of the plasma membrane likely leadsto dramatic intracellular changes at these sites(given the profound interplay that exists be-tween plasma membrane organization and thecytoskeleton) and may account for the morpho-logical features of this process.

It was shown as early as 1979 that receptortyrosine kinases can be internalized by clathrin-independent mechanisms (94). The EGF andplatelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) recep-tors have been shown to be present in cave-olae, but overexpression of caveolin1 inhibitstheir activation, suggesting that residence incaveolae is inhibitory to their signaling (95–97), and perhaps this also inhibits their endo-cytosis. In the presence of high EGF concen-trations and in concert with a population ofreceptors undergoing CME, there appears to beanother endocytic mechanism that occurs in re-sponse to receptor ubiquitination. Upon treat-ment with EGF (or PDGF/hepatocyte growthfactor (HGF) ruffled structures appear on thedorsal surface of receptive cells and appear tomove or evolve along the dorsal surface (dor-sal waves; cf. classical macropinocytosis, whichoccurs predominantly at cellular peripheries)(98, 99). The formation of such structures,known as circular dorsal ruffles (CDRs), ap-pears to be cortactin and dynamin dependent.Several kinases and adhesion molecules are alsofound in these regions (100). Upon formation • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.17


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of these structures by high EGF concentrations,EGFRs become predominantly concentrated inCDRs and appear to be rapidly internalizedfrom these sites by tubular endocytic structures,which are independent of clathrin and cave-olin1. Treatments that inhibit ruffle formation,however, have no effect on EGF-stimulatedmacropinocytosis, suggesting that ruffles them-selves are not necessary for this process (101,102). Rab5 (usually implicated in CME), andits effector rabankyrin5, have been shown tobe involved in CDRs/macropinocytosis (103),but how these operate here is not known, andsuch observations may even reflect modulationof exocytosis to these sites. Treatment of PC12cells and neurons with nerve growth factor in-duces the endocytosis of its receptor TrkA ina manner stimulated by, and dependent upon,the large GTPases Pincher (EHD4) and dy-namin (104). This mode of internalization re-sembles that mediating EGF receptor uptakein macropinocytic ruffles. Although the func-tions of these endocytic modes are not estab-lished, these results intriguingly suggest thatthey may act to densensitize cells to large con-centrations of growth factors through internal-ization of a large proportion of their specificreceptors. This may allow processes such as gra-dient sensing to proceed.

In cell culture, CDRs can be differenti-ated spatially from the ventral location of simi-larly distorted plasma membrane regions asso-ciated with invadopodia and podosomes (105).Invading tumor cells extend long protrusionsinto the surrounding matrix, which results inthe specific degradation of matrix at thesesites through the specific enrichment of sol-uble and transmembrane matrix metallopro-teinases. These structures, termed invadopo-dia, are capable of endocytosing matrix com-ponents, which are subsequently delivered tolysosomal compartments (105). The nature ofthese endocytic structures is unknown but theyseem to contribute strongly to cell invasion. In-vadopodia are actin-rich structures and possessmany of the actin-regulating proteins presentin podosomes as well as dynamin (106). Theinhibition of dynamin function reduces local

matrix degradation by invadopodia. Dynamindirectly binds cortactin, which cross-links actinfilaments, forming actin sheets (107).

Macrophages and osteoclasts endogenouslyproduce podosomes (108), which are actin-richand actin-dependent membrane extensions in-volved in the early steps of cell-matrix adhe-sion and possess focal adhesion components andthe src tyrosine kinase (src family members areenriched in membrane microdomains) in ad-dition to Arp2/3 and actin-regulating proteinsthat are absent from focal adhesions. They alsocontain dynamin and cortactin as well as theBAR domain-containing protein endophilin2(109). Because all of these latter proteins havebeen implicated in endocytic events, and be-cause these structures form tubular membranestructures, it is tempting to speculate that po-dosomes may, as well as likely playing an im-portant role in cellular adhesion and migration,be sites of active endocytosis. However, thereis currently no direct evidence to support this.The shared presence of dynamin, cortactin, andactin-regulating proteins suggests that CDRs,invadopodia, and podosomes may share somecommon underlying principles of function.

Professional phagocytic cells, such asmacrophages, monocytes, and neutrophils, aredependent upon small G proteins for theirclathrin-independent internalization of op-sonized particles. Upon ligation of Fc recep-tors by the constant regions of antibodies,the phagocyte produces filopodial extensionsaround the particle in a cdc42-dependent man-ner with subsequent internalization being de-pendent upon rac1 (110–113). These proteinsrecruit N-WASP and the actin nucleating andpolymerizing Arp2/3 complex to the phagocyticmembranes, and actin polymerization is neces-sary for phagocytosis to occur (114). IQGAP1,and its interaction with the formin Dia1, is alsorequired for phagocytosis (as well as cell mi-gration) (115). By contrast, the internalizationof particles opsonized with the complement ef-fector fragment C3b occurs in response to theligation of CR3 (a modified integrin, whichundergoes internalization in a microdomain-dependent manner) in a rhoA- (and its effector

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rho kinase-) dependent manner (116, 117). Thephagocytosed particle is internalized into actin-lined membranes (116, 117). In this methodof phagocytosis, membrane protrusions are notusually observed despite Arp2/3 recruitment(114). Amphiphysin1, usually associated withCME, is also required for phagocytosis in Ser-toli cells (118). Vinculin and paxillin (markersof cell-matrix adhesion sites) are present at theregions where the particle is in contact withthe plasma membrane (119). This link withadhesion proteins, coupled with the rhoAdependence of this process, suggests that theformation of local adhesive structures is instru-mental in this mechanism of internalization,and phagocytosis may therefore bear mechanis-tic similarities to other internalization mecha-nisms described in this section.

Recently it was shown that upon detach-ment of cells from matrix, which usuallytriggers cell death, a still-living cell can be in-ternalized whole into another in a rhoA- andactin-dependent manner before degradation by,or release from, the host cell (120). Imagingof the adherens junctions (which are necessaryfor this process) is reminiscent of the zipper-ing mechanism of bacterial entry and CR3-associated phagocytosis, although more workneeds to be done to determine if these havecommon links. More work also needs to be doneto investigate the mechanisms of membrane re-arrangements and fission in this system, as wellthose that occur during the rac1-dependentprocess of trans-endocytosis, where a small re-gion of receptor-containing membrane is inter-nalized by a neighboring cell. Clathrin, dab2,and dynamin have already been implicated inthis latter process, at least in gap junction trans-endocytosis (121, 122).


Although many bacterial and plant toxins arecapable of traversing the plasma [e.g., Borde-tella pertussis adenylate cyclase (123)] or endo-somal [e.g., Clostridium botulinum toxins (124)]membranes directly, others enter and traffic

through cells without disrupting membranesand are thus useful probes for the dissectionof endocytic routes. Anthrax toxin binds totransmembrane proteins TEM8 and CMG2on the plasma membrane and is followed bycholesterol-dependent and clathrin-mediatedinternalization of the toxin (125–127). Tox-ins of the A-B5 (such as CTx and STx, re-spectively) and A-B (such as the castor beantoxin ricin) types have been used to proberetrograde (plasma membrane to perinuclearcompartment) trafficking pathways. The pen-tameric B subunits of A-B5-type toxins havebinding sites for specific glycolipids, which areresident on the cell surface. The glycolipid re-ceptor for one such toxin, CTxB, is the gan-glioside GM1 (128), which, as a GSL, has ahigh tendency to self-assemble into membranemicrodomains, and the toxin may aid the parti-tioning of these lipids into such domains.

The transport of CTx is cholesterol de-pendent, and indeed, caveolin1- and clathrin-independent endocytosis has also been shownto be responsible for CTxB internalization.Some studies have shown that endogenousGM1 (the receptor for CTxB), and exogenouslyadded CTxB, are found enriched in caveolae.However, CTxB can enter cells devoid of caveo-lae, and uptake of CTxB by caveolar-type mech-anisms appears to be a minor mechanism forits internalization in certain cell types (7). Insome cell types at least, CTxB can be internal-ized by CME (85). EM studies to determine theearly carriers for CTxB have shown that (in con-flict with other studies that have claimed thatCTxB is a lipid microdomain/caveolar marker)the protein is only slightly enriched in thesestructures and is also found in CCPs, consis-tent with the demonstration that some CTxBenters via this pathway (8).

Analysis of the early clathrin-independent,CTxB-enriched, endocytic carriers in MEFs byEM demonstrated that these are tubular- andring-shaped structures, belonging to the samepathway as GEECs (13). Consistent with this,GPI-linked proteins and fluid phase markerswere also found in these structures (7, 8). TheseCLICs were shown to bud from the plasma • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.19


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membrane and were the most prevalent earlycarriers of CTxB observed. These structureswere also found to be cholesterol dependent.Some of these membranes contained caveolin1.However, this prevalent endocytic route is alsofound in caveolin1-null MEFs, and the mor-phology of structures involved in CTxB uptakeand trafficking was found to be ultrastructurallyidentical in these cells, suggesting that the pres-ence of caveolin1 on these compartments is notessential for their function. Overexpression of adominant-negative eps15 protein in these cells,which blocked CME events, reduced the trans-port of CTxB to the Golgi apparatus by about40% (8), consistent with the observation thatCTxB can enter cells via CME (129). Methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MBCD) treatment, which hadno effect on CME, reduced the Golgi deliv-ery of CTxB in untransfected caveolin1-nullcells by ∼40% to 45%. Many studies of CTxBuptake by different endocytic pathways appearconflicting at first glance, but the heterogene-ity of cell types used in these studies, withtheir intrinsic abilities to internalize by eachtype of pathway, may account for many ofthese differences. Furthermore, although com-bined inhibition of clathrin-, caveolin1-, andarf6-dependent endocytic events completelyabolishes CTxB uptake, inhibition of any oneof these pathways in isolation only slightlyaffects CTxB internalization, suggesting com-pensatory endocytosis through the others (130).Whether only a specific type of endocytosis isresponsible for the appropriate subsequent traf-ficking of the toxin is unknown, and it appearsthat CTxB can take a direct route from theplasma membrane to the Golgi and that thiscan be unaffected by inhibition of its uptakethrough CME (85, 131, 132).

STx interacts with globotriaosylceramide(Gb3/CD77) through interactions with thetrisaccharide domain of this GSL. The B5 sub-unit of STx (STxB) can enter cells throughboth CME and clathrin-independent routes,undergoing retrograde transport in detergent-resistant membranes (133) and, from early en-dosomal structures, seems to traffic directly tothe Golgi network. The binding of STxB to

Gb3 results in cytoskeletal remodeling (134),and it has been suggested that STxB can pro-mote its own (Syk-dependent) entry (135). Theelicitation of cellular signaling downstream ofsimple binding would not be surprising. A sin-gle STxB protein could cluster up to 15 Gb3molecules at a time (136), thereby presum-ably changing the face of the inner leaflet ofthe plasma membrane at this site. A variety ofdownstream events might ensue from the cre-ation of such a domain. This may well be re-flective of endogenous events, for example, atclustered sites of cellular adhesion or at siteswhere ligated receptors are recruited into mem-brane microdomains. A recent study has shownthat STxB can be sufficient to induce its owninternalization into model giant vesicles (137),but whether this can also happen in the ab-sence of cellular proteins is unclear. This studyshowed that ATP is not necessary for the uptakeof STxB in vivo (interpreted as being a similarprocess to internalization in their naked modelmembranes, although these have a specializedlipid mixture that is likely highly permissive fortubular invaginations, and perhaps similarly forscission, which was promoted in these assaysby tension changes). However, cellular proteinscan store a large amount of potential energyin their structures, and it would be surprisingindeed if some of these were not required forinternalization of the toxin.

The use of bacterial toxins, which bindto plasma membrane glycolipids, has certainlyaided the study of clathrin-independent endo-cytic pathways. However, care must be takenwhen interpreting the pathways taken via thesetoxins as they may be sufficient to induce theirown uptake via nonendogenous pathways. Forexample, ricin has two sites that bind to, andpotentially cluster, β1–4-linked galactosides,which are displayed by a wide variety of cellularglycoproteins and glycolipids. This has, as yet,precluded the identification of any (if any ex-ist) specific cellular glycoprotein/glycolipid re-ceptors. Ricin, as well as entering via CME,was shown early to be internalized via atubular clathrin- and dynamin-independentmechanism that appeared to converge with

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clathrin-dependent endocytic markers soon af-ter its internalization (138, 139), but it is un-clear if this particular pathway is also used forendogenous cargoes.


Although many pathogens can be taken up intoimmune cells by phagocytic processes, it is be-coming clear that viruses and intracellular bac-teria can hijack other endocytic pathways togain access to different cells. Many viruses hi-jack the CME machinery in order to be inter-nalized into host cells and, in the main, appearto induce their own CCPs rather than usingpreexisting ones. There appear to be at leasteight pathways by which viruses can be internal-ized, but many of these may be manifestations ofthe same pathway, either being modified by theviruses themselves or dependent upon the spe-cific cell type used (2). Markers used for thesestudies might also be nonexclusive for each pu-tative pathway. It is clear however, that clathrin-independent mechanisms are important in theentry of many viruses. For example, although∼65% of influenza viruses enter through CME,the remainder enter via another clathrin- andcaveolin1-independent route, which is involvedin swift trafficking of the virus to perinuclearregions of the cell (140). Treatment of cellswith eps15 dominant-negative overexpression(which profoundly abrogates uptake of trans-ferrin but does not stop all CME), choles-terol sequestration with nystatin [although thiswas in contrast with another study in a dif-ferent cell type (140)], or both simultaneously,had little effect on influenza infectivity (141).Epsin1 depletion did impede CME of the virus,which was still equally infective in depleted cells(142). These results suggest both that there isa cholesterol- and clathrin-independent viraluptake mechanism and that there is compen-sation for the loss of one uptake pathway byanother [and this latter phenomenon can cer-tainly occur in cells (143)]. Downstream re-dundancy in this system is certainly plausiblebecause fusion of influenza virions with endo-somal membranes to allow cytoplasmic release

occurs similarly for both clathrin-dependentand -independent pathways (140). Influenzavirons bind sialic acid residues on glycol-ipids/glycoproteins and appear to induce theformation of new CCPs at the site of binding(140). How the virions signal to induce this isunknown.

SV40 virions have regions on their capsidsurfaces that bind to plasma membrane GSLs,including GM1 (the receptor for CTxB) towhich it binds with high avidity in a simi-lar manner to CTxB (144), enabling them toenter cells though clathrin-independent path-ways. This may be due to the induction of lipidmicrodomain formation with the subsequentrecruitment of clathrin-independent buddingmachinery. Incubation of receptive cells withthe virus induced a doubling of the numberof active caveolin1-positive structures at thecell surface, and these structures appeared tobe capable of trafficking the virus into the cell(69). SV40 does not associate with CCPs. Us-ing caveolin1-null cells, the virus appeared toundergo internalization through the progres-sive invagination of tightly associated clathrin-independent membranes (eventually ∼60 nmin diameter) around the virus in a clathrin-and caveolae-independent, but cholesterol-dependent, manner. Uptake of virus was fasterin caveolin1-negative cells than in caveolin1-positive cells and was not altered by the over-expression of dynamin2 K44A (in contrast tointernalization in caveolin1-expressing cells)or dominant-negative/-positive arf6 (69). Thisuptake was sensitive to genistein, implyingthe necessity of cellular proteins dependentupon phosphorylation to allow functional inter-nalization through this pathway. Internalizedviruses continued to associate with detergent-resistant membranes, suggesting that they re-tained the plasma membrane lipids with whichthey originally associated. This tight bindingmay allow for the bypass of endogenous sort-ing mechanisms and perhaps also allows dis-sociation from coendocytosed proteins. Over-expression of caveolin1 into caveolin1-negativecells did not inhibit SV40 entry, and inter-nalization could be seen to occur both in • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.21


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caveolin1-positive as well as caveolin1-negativecompartments (69).

The intrinsic curvature of viruses, and theirabilities to act with membrane components di-rectly and with high avidity, may immediatelypromote the production of membrane curva-ture at this site, with an invagination appear-ing at the site of contact. This may promotethe accumulation of specific lipids, proteinsthat interact with these lipids, including sig-naling proteins (which may also be activatedthrough receptor clustering), and membranecurvature-sensing molecules, all of which maysynergize to stimulate a specific endocytic appa-ratus. Viruses are also capable of entering cellsvia a virus-induced, membrane bleb-associated,and PAK1-dependent macropinocytic pathwaythat is coupled with, and dependent upon, phos-phatidylserine accumulation on the viral enve-lope, suggesting that this internalization may besimilar to that involved in the uptake of apop-totic bodies (145).

Clathrin-independent endocytosis of lipidmicrodomains appears to bypass the canon-ical endosome-to-lysosome pathway, offeringpathogens a potential route to avoid lysosomalenzymes. The first bacterium shown to invadecells using a lipid microdomain-based mech-anism was Escherichia coli. The FimH adhesinon the tips of E. coli fimbriae is a mannose-binding lectin that binds the GPI-linked pro-tein CD48 and allows the bacteria to beinternalized with cholesterol-dependent lipidmicrodomains in macrophages and mast cells,thereby bypassing lysosomes (146). The entryof Brucella abortus, Campylobacter jejuni, and My-cobacterium spp. into cells has also been shown tobe cholesterol dependent (147). Interestingly,clathrin accumulates at the sites where otherbacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes, un-dergo internalization and is necessary for theentry of this bacterium into cells (148). Thisbacterium later traffics through cells by theinduction of propulsive actin comets, allow-ing lysosomal bypass. The surface proteins ofL. monocytogenes, InlA and InlB, bind to E-cadherin (triggering its phosphorylation andubiquitination) and the HGF receptor Met,

respectively, and, following their ubiquitina-tion by Hakai and Cbl, the bacterium is inter-nalized in a clathrin- and dynamin-dependentmanner (148, 149). How this larger scale in-ternalization corresponds sterically to what oc-curs during CME of nano-/pico-scale parti-cles in noninfected cells may be difficult toimagine, but early studies on yolk protein up-take in mosquito oocytes showed larger CCVsthan those routinely found in mammalian cells(9), and there may be poorly understood flex-ibility and robustness of the associated endo-cytic apparatus. It is also possible that thesebacteria can induce nonendocytic clathrin lat-tices after binding to the plasma membrane;these have been observed endogenously andare of unknown function but may cluster pro-teins at particular sites. Indeed, it is unknownif clathrin plays any direct role in the mem-brane shape changes accompanying bacterialinternalization or is simply permissive for en-try by other means. Both clathrin and caveolin1are recruited to E-cadherin-coated beads andare required for their internalization, as wellas L. monocytogenes internalization (149), butwhether and how these proteins communicateis uncertain. Clathrin even appears to be im-portant in the formation of actin-rich pedestalsby (noninvasive) enteropathogenic E. coli (150),which are induced by delivering (injecting) pro-teins into cells through type III secretion sys-tems (151). The binding of such an apparatusto membranes (and thus delivery of effectorproteins) is dependent on membrane choles-terol (152). Although some of the proteins de-livered through this route can directly nucle-ate actin (153), others modulate the activity ofrho family GTPases and thereby indirectly sub-vert the normal control of cellular actin dy-namics (154, 155). Such proteins in Salmonellatyphimurium [entry of which is cholesterol de-pendent (156)] include G protein–activatingprotein (GAP) and guanine nucleotide ex-change factor (GEF) proteins that can berecruited to the plasma membrane by interac-tions with cdc42 (157, 158). Delivered proteinscan result in the inhibition, or promotion, ofbacterial uptake into cells (155, 159). Whether

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such proteins promote bacterial internalizationthrough nonendogenous pathways or mod-ify endogenous endocytic routes is currentlyunclear.


It has become apparent that the plasma mem-brane itself is not simply a passive com-ponent in endocytic processes. Indeed, theplasma membrane-enriched phosphoinositidePtdIns(4,5)P2 is necessary for the invaginationof CCPs, and many of the adaptor and acces-sory proteins involved in CME bind to thisphospholipid. The regulation of and the func-tional roles of this phospholipid in CME arebecoming increasingly understood and havebeen extensively reviewed elsewhere (160).An enzymatic translocation technique has re-cently shown how hyperacute plasma mem-brane PtdIns(4,5)P2 depletion results in nearcomplete AP2 depletion from the plasma mem-brane but had only minor effects on the as-sembly of clathrin, although this treatmentblocked CME (161). This promising approachmay allow further regulatory mechanisms ofPtdIns(4,5)P2 in CME and other pathways tobe addressed.

In Supplementary Information (see alsoSupplementary Figure 1), we describe the roleof other lipids in endocytosis, the nature of pu-tative membrane microdomains/nanodomains,and how lipids may sense, or be involved in, thegeneration of membrane curvature.

Much work on the determination of lipidrequirements for particular endocytic path-ways has relied upon the use of agents thatextract or sequester membrane cholesterol.Exogenously added MBCD results in the re-moval of cholesterol from the plasma mem-brane of cells and abrogates the isolation of or-dinarily microdomain-associated proteins fromdetergent-resistant fractions (162). The hy-drophobic core of this compound dissolveslipids by reducing the activation energy oftheir efflux from membranes. Agents that se-quester cholesterol, such as filipin and nystatin,

are also routinely used to functionally depletecholesterol in the plasma membrane. Both ex-traction and sequestering agents have been usedto disrupt endocytic events, but some findingsare conflicting, and there remains some uncer-tainty about lipid requirements for endocyticpathways. For example, extraction of choles-terol with MBCD treatment has been shown todecrease the number of caveolae on the plasmamembrane as well as having effects on CME,where treatment resulted in the flattening ofCCPs together with a reduction in transfer-rin uptake (a specific marker for CME events).Such treatment had no effect on the endo-cytosis of the plant toxin ricin, and indeed,under certain conditions, cholesterol extrac-tion can even increase ricin endocytosis (163).Cholesterol extraction produces a reductionin the amount of plasma membrane ruffling,coincident with reorganization of the actin cy-toskeleton (92). In other studies, using con-centrations of MBCD that did not have anyeffect on CME, clathrin-independent endo-cytic events were observed to be specificallydisrupted (8). The use of nystatin/filipin haslikewise been shown to specifically affectclathrin-independent endocytosis (69, 164,165). Different findings with respect to thecholesterol dependence of endocytic pathwaysmay simply reflect the type and concentrationsof agents used, the cell types used, and the lig-ands used to assess clathrin-independent en-docytic capabilities, and may also reflect thedifferential inhibition of truly unique clathrin-independent endocytic mechanisms. Neverthe-less, the general consensus in the field remainsthat, although moderate depletion of plasmamembrane cholesterol has little effect on CME,it profoundly affects the endocytosis of partic-ular cellular proteins, as well as that of exoge-nous toxins and pathogens, and this distinc-tion in lipid requirements has significantly con-tributed to the study of clathrin-independentendocytic pathways (7). However, as we haverecently discussed, great care should be takenwhen using lipid-modifying agents becausethese can have knock-on effects on other lipids(166). • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.23


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To determine the precise SL requirementsfor endocytosis of an array of markers, Chenget al. (60) used a temperature-sensitive sys-tem whereby they could deplete total cellu-lar SLs by incubation of mutant cells at anonpermissive temperature, resulting in defec-tive serine palmitoyltransferase activity. Suchtreatment resulted in a selective blockade ofclathrin-independent endocytic events (as de-termined by LacCer, albumin, dextran, and IL2receptor uptake assays) with no effect beingobserved on CME (as determined by transfer-rin and LDL uptake assays). Probing this fur-ther, by using cell-permeable inhibitors of sph-ingomyelin (SM) and GSL biosynthesis, theyfound that depletion of both SMs and GSLsinhibited the uptake of all of the studied mark-ers of clathrin-independent endocytosis. Con-versely, treatment with inhibitors that increaseSM, but decrease GSL levels, specifically in-hibited LacCer internalization, with the inter-nalization of the other markers being relativelyunaffected. Exogenous SLs were then added toSL-depleted cells to determine specific SL re-quirements for each cargo. Addition of GM3or C8-LacCer was sufficient to restore the ma-jority of LacCer endocytic potential, whereasC6-sphingomyelin had no effect on LacCer en-docytosis but partially restored that of albumin,the IL2 receptor, and dextran. Although totalSL depletion affects the endocytosis of thesemarkers, this treatment increased the toxic ef-fect of ricin through enhanced Golgi delivery indepleted cells (167). The total amount of ricinendocytosis in SL-depleted cells was shown tobe normal. Incubation of cells with polyunsat-urated fatty acids (which would be expectedto interfere with lipid microdomain formation)dramatically reduces STx, but not CTx, up-take or ricin toxicity (168). Taken together, thedata reviewed in this section highlight a keyrole for distinct lipids in the regulation of spe-cific endocytic pathways, although for clathrin-independent endocytic pathways at least, thiswork remains in its infancy, and correlativeuptake and ultrastructural studies after lipidmodulation will help to address this in greaterdepth.


The common underlying feature of endocyticmembranes, as opposed to other regions of theplasma membrane, is their necessary high cur-vature. Biophysical considerations tell us thatmembranes generally like to be rather flat. In-deed in recent years, a large variety of cellu-lar proteins, including even proteins such as arffamily small G proteins, were found to func-tion at sites of specific membrane curvature,and many of these are also capable of, and nec-essary for, membrane curvature generation. Wehave already highlighted a role for epsin in CCPformation, where it inserts an amphipathic he-lix into the proximal lipid monolayer to in-duce membrane curvature that is concomitantlystabilized by clathrin. Such helices insert intothe protein-proximal leaflet of the lipid bilayer,with the center of the helix at the glycerol back-bone of the lipids. This results in the phospho-lipid moieties becoming splayed because theglycerol backbone is the most rigid point of thelipid (and acts as a fulcrum for lipid rotation).This splay, coupled with an increase in outermonolayer area relative to the inside, effectivelyinduces membrane curvature generation.

The cytoskeleton is also likely to be impor-tant in membrane curvature regulation (166). Inaddition to pushing forces that might be con-tributed by actin polymerization (helping, e.g.,to push neck membranes closer together), thecytoskeleton may also provide pulling forces tokeep the neck under tension, which promotesdynamin’s fission ability (169). Indeed, motorproteins such as myosin VI [which binds to theCME adaptor dab2 and PtdIns(4,5)P2 (170)]and myosin 1E [which binds to dynamin (171)]have been implicated in CME.

The insertion of caveolin1 into the mem-brane likely plays a role in membrane curvaturegeneration in caveolae, presumably througha poorly understood role for its membrane-inserted hairpin and oligomerization. However,flotillins, which are also proposed to have sim-ilar hairpins, do not appear to be sufficient to

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induce membrane curvature in vivo (68). By re-placing cholesterol with its precursor desmos-terol, the number of caveolin1 molecules percaveola was decreased, and this resulted in agreater heterogeneity of caveolar sizes (172),consistent with caveolin1 being necessary forcaveolar formation and its role in effectingmembrane curvature changes (or stabilizingsuch changes) at these sites. Alternatively, cave-olin1 may recruit other proteins responsible forthe induction and stabilization of membranecurvature at these sites. Dynamin appears toplay a role in caveolae membrane dynamics (seebelow), but given caveolar stability, these find-ings are at odds with the transient recruitmentto, and function of, dynamin at other sites, andit is unclear how its scission activity would be in-hibited at caveolae. Furthermore, although dy-namin forms spiral oligomers, it appears thatthe densities at caveolar necks are more ring like(44), and it is unclear if dynamin contributes tothese densities.

Other ways in which membranes can bedeformed are schematized in Figure 2. In Sup-plementary Information (see also Supple-mentary Figure 2), we review the BAR super-family of proteins, many of which are intimatelylinked with membrane trafficking events, in-cluding endocytic events, where they may helpgenerate/stabilize the high membrane curva-ture of these sites and/or function in effec-tor recruitment to sites of specific membranecurvature.


Members of the arf, rab, and rho families ofsmall G proteins appear to be very impor-tant in endocytic events. These proteins pro-ceed through membrane-bound and cytosoliccycles in manners regulated by their intrin-sic GDP/GTP-loading status and other cel-lular proteins. A typical life cycle for a rabfamily member is shown in Figure 3a. Dis-tinct endocytic pathways appear to require spe-

cific types of small G proteins, and the mech-anisms by which these might promote endo-cytosis through effecting membrane curvaturechanges are shown in Figure 3b. However,the observed small G protein dependence onthe same underlying endocytic pathway maydiffer between cell types and may not be avery specific method (predominantly due topleiotropic effects of interference with small Gprotein function) by which to initially catego-rize these pathways. However, in the absence ofbetter markers and more mechanistic informa-tion as to how small G proteins contribute toendocytosis, such studies have proved very use-ful. The roles of some specific small G proteinsknown to be of relevance to endocytic pathwaysare now reviewed.

Of the six arf small GTPases, only arf6 is ro-bustly found at the plasma membrane (173) andis enriched in membrane ruffles, where it is nec-essary for their rac1-dependent formation, per-haps by recruiting rac1 (174). Arf6 regulates atleast one clathrin-independent endocytic path-way responsible for the internalization of car-goes, including CD59, MHC class I, IL2Rβ,mGluR7, carboxypeptidase E, and GPI-linkedproteins (71, 82, 175). The turnover of GTPby arf6 also plays a key role in the cycling ofsynaptic vesicles (176). The arf6 effectors phos-pholipase D (which catalyzes the formation ofphosphatidic acid) and phosphatidylinosi-tol(4P) 5-kinase [which catalyzes PtdIns(4,5)P2

formation] favor PtdIns(4,5)P2 formation,which itself is an arf activator (177). Arf6 ac-tivation can thereby result in a rapid rise inPtdIns(4,5)P2 levels at the plasma membrane.Arf6 also has a direct role in the regulationof the cytoskeleton, and local production ofPtdIns(4,5)P2 also regulates actin polymeriza-tion (for example, WASP and profilin areregulated by binding to this phospholipid)(178, 179). PtdIns(4,5)P2 is enriched in theplasma membrane and is required for the in-vagination of CCPs (160). Overexpression ofdominant-active arf6 produces ruffle forma-tion and induces macropinocytosis (173). ManyCME adaptor and accessory proteins bind toPtdIns(4,5)P2 through PH, ANTH, or ENTH • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.25


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SmallG proteins

Effector proteinsturned on




Appropriate lipid/curvature environment



GDP Inactive, GDI bound

Inactive, GDI free, lipid bound

Active, GDI free, lipid bound

GDP dissociation inhibitor

GTPase-activating protein

GDI displacement factor

Guanine nucleotide exchange factor

Lipid modification to protein



Cytoskeletal regulation

Direct effects onmembrane curvature

Activation and recruitment of membrane curvature-sensing

and -generating proteinsGTP



Figure 3The small G protein life cycle and ways in which these proteins can modulate endocytic events.(a) Schematic diagram showing a typical life cycle for a small G protein. In the case of arf family G proteins,activation will take place preferentially on a highly curved membrane. (b) Effects of small protein activation,with a focus on how these proteins can have effects on membrane curvature.

domains and positively charged patches (in thecase of AP2) (160). A direct role for arf6 in CMEis elusive, as there seems to be little biochem-ical evidence to support a link specifically to

this process, although activated arf6 can recruitAP2 to membranes in vitro (180). However, insome cell types at least, arf6 regulates CMEof receptors, such as angiotensin type I, and

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vasopressin type 2 receptors (181), and the arf6GAP, SMAP, which interacts with clathrin, ap-pears to have effects specifically on CME (182).

Recently, we have shown how arf and arf-likeproteins may contribute to endocytic regulationin a novel manner (183). GTP-loaded arf1 andarf6 (their active forms) are capable of generat-ing positive membrane curvature through theinsertion of an N-terminal amphipathic helixinto the proximal lipid monolayer (183). Thehydrophobic surface of this helix is unavail-able for membrane binding in GDP-bound arfbut becomes released upon GTP loading (184).Furthermore, these proteins load GTP in acurvature-sensitive manner (loading is stimu-lated by high positive curvature). These charac-teristics are positively reinforcing: Exchange ofGTP results in helix insertion, which, in addi-tion to decreasing the off rates of these proteinsfrom the membrane, results in greater mem-brane curvature and more GTP loading. Ac-tive arfs thus become clustered on membranebuds where they activate their effectors. It isunclear how this process is spatiotemporallyregulated by arf GTPase-activating protein(arfGAPs) and arf guanine nucleotide exchangefactors (arfGEFs), but several of these proteinsare curvature sensitive (through BAR domains).It may be therefore that curvature is the pri-mary regulator of the GDP-GTP cycle of arfproteins.

Arf1, which is usually resident at the Golgi,and the PDZ domain-containing rhoGAPARHGAP10 that it recruits have been shownto be necessary for the CLIC/GEEC en-docytic pathway (185). ARHGAP10 deple-tion also reduces α-catenin recruitment toadherens junctions and L. monocytogenes inva-sion (186). Given that arf6-associated clathrin-independent endocytic membranes share manyproperties with CLIC/GEEC membranes, it ispossible that arf1 and arf6 differentially regulateCLIC/GEEC subtypes, or such membranes indifferent cell types. How arf1 contributes toCLIC/GEEC endocytosis is uncertain, but itsactivity is necessary for the regulation of theplasma membrane residence time of cdc42 [per-haps through ARHGAP10, which has GAP

activity for cdc42 (186)], which is knownto be important for CLIC/GEEC function.Furthermore, dominant-active arf6 suppresseslipopolysaccharide-induced macropinocytosis,and arf6 hyperactivity or inactivity both causedramatic inhibition of podosome formation in,and migration of, primary dendritic cells (187),perhaps through lipid or cytoskeletal effects,but is unclear precisely how this is mediated.

Each rab GTPase (including specific iso-forms) appears to highlight and regulatea distinct intracellular trafficking compart-ment. Although rab5 plays important roles inthe pathway of CME, rab8 associates withmacropinosomes and the seemingly endocytic,arf6-associated, tubular structures that emergefrom these (188). Rab8 is also necessary forCTxB transport to the Golgi, and β1 inte-grins have been found in rab8-positive tubules.This is consistent both with observations thatβ1 integrin trafficking is arf6 dependent andthat rab8 overexpression/depletion has effectson cellular morphology (188, 189). Niemann-Pick C (NPC) cells have abnormal storage ofintracellular cholesterol and exhibit defects inCTxB uptake and trafficking to the Golgi appa-ratus. Remarkably the abilities of these cells totraffic CTxB and remove accumulated choles-terol are restored by rab8 overexpression, de-spite the fact that this is not the genetic deficitin these cells (190). Rab8 depletion also resultsin intracellular cholesterol storage. These re-sults might imply that a membrane traffickingpathway regulated by rab8 allows bidirectionaltransport (either directly or through appropri-ate lipid homeostasis). We have recently shownthat rab8 also localizes to CLIC/GEEC endo-cytic membranes (14).

Members of the rho family of small Gproteins—rhoA, cdc42, and rac1—have beenextensively implicated in endocytic regulationas well as in controlling cytoskeletal changesand signaling events within the cell (191). Thepathway responsible for IL2Rβ endocytosis isdependent on rhoA and rac1 (78, 79), whereasrac1 is heavily implicated in macropinocyto-sis (102). Heterologously expressed nicotinicacetylcholine receptor (AChR) is internalized • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.27


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by tubular intermediates in a Rac- and actin-dependent endocytic manner (192). Althoughoverexpression of a constitutively GDP-boundmutant of rhoA specifically inhibits albuminand IL2R endocytosis, inactive cdc42 specif-ically inhibits fluid phase internalization (60).The CLIC/GEEC pathway requires cdc42, andperhaps its functions there include the promo-tion of actin polymerization, which appears tobe required for endocytosis through this path-way (70, 71). RhoA and cdc42 bind to lipids andpreferentially to SM- and cholesterol-enrichedmembranes. Cells depleted of SLs have lessrhoA and cdc42 present at the plasma mem-brane, and this effect is also observed uponSM depletion (which may account for someof the observed lipid dependence of endocyticpathways described above). The localizationof dominant-active rhoA/cdc42 to the plasmamembrane can be restored in these cells byC6-SM, which also partially restores the en-docytosis of albumin, dextran, and the IL2R.Therefore, membrane recruitment of small Gproteins to specific membrane regions fromwhich endocytosis appears to occur seems to beimportant for their functions in endocytic reg-ulation. Cholesterol depletion, however, stabi-lizes cdc42 at the plasma membrane and re-duces its activation (70), perhaps accounting forsome of the effects of this treatment on clathrin-independent endocytic events. How small Gprotein–regulatory events in endocytosis arespatiotemporally coordinated, and the roles andnature of their important effectors in each en-docytic process, remains incompletely charac-terized. The schematic in Figure 3b may pro-vide a framework for the study of the roles ofthese proteins in endocytic regulation.

Rho family small G proteins are extensivelyimplicated in cytoskeletal regulation. We havepreviously discussed the role of both small Gproteins and lipids in modulating cytoskeletalpolymerization and the important way in whichmembrane-cytoskeleton interactions are pro-duced and controlled (166). These issues arenot discussed here. It should, however, be notedhere that, although endocytic pathways may

be differentially modulated by agents that dis-rupt the actin cytoskeleton, whether such re-quirements for actin are due to the need tocoordinate its polymerization at the site of aninternalizing membrane is not understood be-cause these agents have profound effects onother parameters, e.g., plasma membrane ten-sion, which would have knock-on effects on en-docytosis. Constitutively active rhoA can eveninhibit CME, although it is not likely that rhoAplays a direct mechanistic role in this path-way (78). Such requirements may be depen-dent on cell type; as well as on the substrateon which the cells are grown; and whetherone is imaging/recording endocytosis at thecoverslip face of the cell, the dorsal surface,or more globally (166). Although most stud-ies on macropinocytosis have found it to beactin dependent, the NKG2A inhibitory re-ceptor was found to be internalized by a rac1-dependent, actin-independent macropinocyticprocess (193), suggesting that there may be sev-eral variants of this type of process. We and oth-ers have discussed the various roles actin mayplay at the site of endocytosis, and we refer thereader to these reviews (166, 194, 195).

Despite the importance of small G proteinsand actin, focused study of these molecules mayultimately not allow the definitive dissectionof endocytic pathways. The identification ofspecific markers that surround, and that are nec-essary for the formation of, the newly formingendosomal membranes will allow such ques-tions to be addressed more directly. The identi-fication of GRAF1 as a protein directly involvedin, and necessary for CLIC/GEEC endocytosisgoes someway toward this goal (14).

Because researchers are predominantly de-pendent on cultured cells for the study of en-docytic pathways, as well as the caveats alreadydiscussed, the route to senescence that thesecells usually undergo through repeated passagemay likewise determine the relative propor-tion of endocytic events at any given passagenumber. Studies must therefore depend on theisolation and characterization of distinct path-ways and their specific endogenous markers in

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homogeneous cells before the true relevance,overlap, and function of these pathways in vivocan be addressed by tools such as mutant smallG proteins.


Dynamin is a large molecular weight GTPase,which can bind and tubulate liposomes, and,upon GTP hydrolysis, is capable of stretchingthese tubulated liposomes through changes inthe conformation of its spiral oligomer (196).Dynamin1 preferentially binds PtdIns(4,5)P2,which promotes dynamin oligomerization, aprocess regulated by other curvature-sensingproteins, such as the BAR domain-containingproteins SNX9 and amphiphysin1 (197). Dy-namin1 is found around the neck connectinginvaginated CCPs and the rest of the plasmamembrane and is necessary for CME (198, 199).It has also been proposed that, as well as thispulling force which brings the membranes ofthe neck into close apposition, a twisting forceexerted by dynamin1 on tubular membranes isresponsible for their vesiculation/fission (169)and that this may contribute to overcoming thehigh activation barrier presented to membranefission (Supplementary Figure 3). It mightalso provide a reason why actin is involved in en-docytic events—here it may provide tension tothe neck of the vesicle. Membrane fission mustoccur during the last stage of any endocyticevent. Fission could occur from the “ripping”and subsequent resealing of membranes. Thisis unlikely because not only does ripping mem-branes require a great deal of energy, it wouldalso have to occur circumferentially around themembrane at once. Furthermore, it allows tran-sient electrochemical communication betweenthe extracellular and intracellular fluids. Themost likely mechanism by which membrane fis-sion occurs is via the transient fusion of mem-branes, with proximal monolayer mixing andpoint-wise formation of a hemifusion interme-diate, and subsequent expansion of this pointto form a hemifusion diaphragm before full

fission. It is extremely unlikely that this willoccur spontaneously (within normal thermalfluctuations) without the input of energy in oneform or another from cellular proteins. Thepublished dynamin dependencies of endocyticpathways are summarized in Table 1. Specificfindings that have led to some of these conclu-sions are now reviewed.

At first glance the CLIC/GEEC pathwayappears to be dynamin independent becausedominant-negative dynamin still allows appar-ent internalization and because dynamin doesnot localize to these early endocytic structuresby immuno-EM. Dynamin1 K44A overexpres-sion in MEFs resulted in the abrogation ofGolgi delivery of CTxB. Instead, CTxB wasfound to accumulate in tubular compartments(8). These were not labeled with CTxB at4◦C, suggesting that these structures were notstill connected to the plasma membrane, butthese may be partially inaccessible to wash-ing steps attributable to diffusion limitationswithin such a structure. Microinjection of an-tidynamin2 antibodies or dynamin2 depletionin cells inhibits basal levels of fluid phase up-take, but not stimulated levels (suggesting thatthis effect of dynamin is not through inhibitionof macropinocytosis), and only expression ofspecific dynamin2 splice variants in dynamin2-depleted cells rescues this phenotype (200). Be-cause CLIC/GEEC endocytosis is associatedwith so much fluid phase internalization (14,71) these data suggest that this pathway is dy-namn dependent. Furthermore, acute dynamininhibition abrogates CLIC/GEEC endocyto-sis, and dynamin is strongly linked biochemi-cally to this process through binding the SH3domain of GRAF1 (14).

The clathrin-independent pathway respon-sible for IL2Rβ internalization appears to bedynamin dependent (78), as does caveolar-typeendocytosis. Caveolin1 and dynamin forma complex in vivo. An in vitro system usingthe plasma membranes of lung endothelialcells showed that cytosolic factors and GTPhydrolysis were sufficient to induce the fissionof caveolar structures rich in caveolin-1 and • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.29


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trafficking markers in a dynamin-dependentmanner (201). Dynamin has also been found atthe neck of caveolae, and GTP hydrolysis bydynamin appears necessary for the pinching offof such structures (202, 203). Dynamin2 mayalso control the production of single mobilecaveolae from the larger, much more static,multicaveolar assemblies. Dynamin2 K44Aoverexpression results in the accumulation oflarge multi-invaginated caveolar-type struc-tures and reduces SV40 internalization andinfectivity (204), although these observationsmay be due to pleiotropic effects of mutantdynamin overexpression. CDR internalizationappears to be dynamin dependent. Althoughdynamin K44A can inhibit PDGF-inducedmacropinocytosis, this may be through mod-ulation of rac localization (205). Dynamindoes not appear generally necessary formacropinocytic mechanisms, where the PAK1substrate CtBP1/BARS has been shown to beimportant for fission (206). However, whetherthis protein has direct or indirect effects on thefission process is unclear. Flotillin-associatedendocytosis has been shown to be both dynamindependent and independent (64, 67), whereasarf6-associated endocytosis appears to bedynamin independent, although the Vp22 pro-tein from herpes simplex virus is internalizedby an arf6-dependent, dynamin-dependent,clathrin-independent pathway (207).

The use of dominant-negative dynaminconstructs to inhibit CME has been well docu-mented. K44A (without any bound nucleotides)and S45N (the putative GDP-locked state)mutants are used and presumably inhibit thefunction of endogenous dynamin competi-tively (199). Using an inducible cell line ex-pressing dynamin K44A, it was shown thatthe long-term internalization of ricin was notblocked by overexpressed levels of this mu-tant known to significantly abrogate CME, de-spite a reduction up to at least 15 min afterinduction (208). The extent of toxin degra-dation was not significantly different in over-expressing and noninduced cells. However,although the ricin-containing endolysosomal

compartments looked similar at the ultrastruc-tural level in both mutant-expressing and con-trol cells, the amount of the toxin reachingthe Golgi apparatus, and its toxic effect, wasprofoundly reduced in mutant-expressing cells.Ricin is ordinarily internalized by tubular car-riers, which merge with clathrin-dependentmarkers soon after internalization, and it maybe that transport of ricin from this compart-ment to the Golgi is dynamin dependent (138,208). Conversely, an effect similar to that ob-served for CTxB uptake in the CLIC/GEECpathway may be responsible or an alterna-tive pathway may be upregulated. Interestingly,increased expression of inducible dynaminK44A by butyric acid treatment potentiatedthe reduction in toxicity observed in mutant-overexpressing cells (208). This may suggestthat different dynamin-dependent pathways aredifferentially sensitive to the amount of mutantavailable.

Dynamin1 knockout mice die shortly af-ter birth. It appears that the large increasein clathrin-coated profiles (including thoseconnected to tubular plasma membrane in-vaginations) at resting state in neurons fromthese mice occurs predominantly at inhibitorysynapses, similar to effects reported for synap-tojanin knockout mice (209, 210). In othersynapses perhaps, although dynamin1 usu-ally performs vesicle endocytosis, other dy-namins may compensate in CME, or clathrin-independent mechanisms that may normally bemore silent are upregulated in extent, and onlywhen synapses are strongly stimulated, does thelack of dynamin1 become apparent.

Before the precise function of each dynaminsplice variant is known, it is difficult to pre-dict in which particular splice variant back-ground mutants should be produced in orderto study specific effects of their overexpres-sion. Dynamin inhibitors show great promisefor acute dynamin inhibition (211), and the useof these will allow more simple interrogationof the roles of dynamin and provide novel in-sight into whether and how dynamin regulatesparticular endocytic pathways.

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Although much is known about the role ofCME, it is unclear why distinct endocytic path-ways are required in vivo. This may be dueto differential requirements for many param-eters, including speed, cell signaling, cargo de-livery to specific compartments, and membranearea/lipid turnover. Endocytosis intimately reg-ulates many processes, including nutrient up-take, cell adhesion and migration, signaling,pathogen entry, synaptic transmission, receptordownregulation, antigen presentation, cell po-larity, mitosis, growth and differentiation, anddrug delivery. We discuss only some intriguingexamples here.

The recycling/degradation fate of a receptoris dependent on endocytic mechanisms. Indeed,although clathrin-independent EGFR endocy-tosis appears to target the receptor to be de-graded, EGFR internalized by CME appearsto be recycled to the plasma membrane whereit can continue to participate in signaling (212).Such observations have dramatic implicationsfor drug discovery, opening up new avenues tomodulate cell signaling pathways. For exam-ple, EGFR is hyperactive in many cancers, androuting this receptor to clathrin-independentmechanisms, e.g., by CME adaptor functioninhibition, should enhance degradation of thereceptor and abrogate signaling. The studyof endocytic mechanisms also provides a ba-sis for the understanding of drug delivery andwill hopefully inspire new techniques to deliverdrugs to specific intracellular locations.

The abilities of cargo molecules to asso-ciate with adaptor proteins of the CME ma-chinery and their relative affinities for dis-tinct types of membrane lipids (which could,in clathrin-independent endocytic events, as-sume the role of protein adaptors in CME)will likely ultimately determine whether theseproteins are internalized by clathrin-dependentor -independent mechanisms. Likewise, dif-ferent subtypes of both clathrin-dependentand clathrin-independent endocytosis will be

coordinately regulated such that appropriatefurther trafficking may occur in response toligation of protein or lipid receptors. The com-mon dependence of clathrin-independent en-docytic pathways on cholesterol and tyrosinekinase activity is suggestive of a common type ofmechanism underlying these pathways and mayprovide the basis through which this controlcan be studied. There is a distinction betweenwhat are known as constitutive (where endocy-tosis continuously occurs in the absence of ac-tivation by ligands) and induced forms (whereendocytosis is stimulated by ligand binding anddownstream events) of endocytosis (34). Clearlythese require differential signaling modulation,and receptor clustering, ubiquitination andkinases appear to be important in this; these arewell reviewed elsewhere [see e.g., (213)]. Be-cause many ligands undergo both types of inter-nalization, because distinct endocytic pathwayscan be specifically upregulated in extent, andbecause there are often many difficulties in dis-tinguishing between these two modes, this issuehas not been considered further here, nor hasthe issue of apicobasal polarity, where distinctendocytic mechanisms operate at distinct poles,because this is also discussed elsewhere (47).

Data from work in insulin-stimulated cellsmay provide a mechanism (albeit perhapsoversimplistic) to explain how and why inter-nalization by distinct endocytic pathways maybe endogenously controlled in a physiologicalprocess. In unstimulated adipocytes, theGLUT4 glucose transporter is usually inter-nalized by a cholesterol-dependent pathway,with a minority going in via a slow AP2-dependent pathway (owing to the presence ofa FQQI intracellular motif). Upon treatmentwith insulin, uptake through the cholesterol-dependent pathway is inhibited through abroad effect on cholesterol-dependent endo-cytic mechanisms (214). Consequently, moreof the transporter may be presented upon thecell surface to participate in glucose transport(presumably because FQQI motifs cannot be asefficiently recruited into CCPs as can canonicalrecruitment motifs), despite an increase intransferrin receptor endocytosis occurring in • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.31


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insulin-treated cells. This may be reversed invivo by a classical negative feedback mechanismwhereby the induced fall in plasma glucoseconcentrations, through glucose uptake intocells, will result in reduced insulin secretion,whereupon a shift back to a predominantlycholesterol-dependent, AP2-independent typeof internalization occurs. This mechanismmay act in concert with insulin-stimulatedexocytosis of GLUT4-containing vesicles.

It is well-known that receptor tyrosinekinases (such as the EGF, PDGF, and HGFreceptors) are capable of undergoing CME,and in the presence of low EGF concentrations,the majority of EGF receptors undergo CMEand are not ubiquitinated. At higher levels ofEGF, where the receptor is endocytosed viaCDR-associated mechanisms, the receptorbecomes ubiquitinated and degraded (215),presumably to allow growth factor gradient-sensing capabilities to be restored as wellas to avoid a massive response to sustainedsignaling. EGFR signaling appears to differdepending on microdomain/nonmicrodomainassociation, as well as on endosomal location,perhaps owing to the relative partitioning ofdownstream effector molecules [e.g., H-Ras isenriched in lipid microdomains, whereas K-Rasis excluded from these regions (216)]. Thus,the switching of endocytic mechanism mightnot only influence the fate of the receptor,but also the extent and type of signaling thatcan ensue after ligation. Surprisingly, clathrin-independent endocytosis of the EGFR appearsto be dependent on epsin, eps15, and eps15R,proteins heavily implicated in CME mech-anisms (215), and such studies suggest thatcaution be advised when interpreting resultsrelying on the modulation of these proteins.As with EGFRs, TGFβRs are endocytosedby both clathrin-dependent and cholesterol/caveolin1-dependent pathways. CME of thereceptor seems to occur upon association withSmad anchor for receptor activation (SARA)and permits signaling (217), presumably byallowing interaction with downstream sig-naling components such as Smad proteins.By contrast, endocytosis of this receptor

via clathrin-independent pathways appearsto enhance receptor degradation (217). Suchrerouting appears to be dependent on the inter-action of the receptor with the Smad7-Smurf2E3 ubiquitin ligase (218).

Although the PDGFR induces CDRs athigh concentrations of PDGF, it undergoesCME at low concentrations of PDGF. Lowconcentrations of PDGF induce cell migration,whereas higher doses induce cell proliferation(219). It is likely therefore distinct endosomalmembranes are controlling very different sig-naling pathways downstream of PDGF ligation.The cross talk between signaling and endocy-tosis has been reviewed elsewhere (220) and is ahot area of research. Endosomal control of cellsignaling has been conserved even in flies wherephysiological Notch signaling requires entry ofthe receptor into endosomes (221).

Caveolin1 increases the export of, and thetotal amount of, free cholesterol in cells (222).A role for caveolin1 in the regulation of in-tracellular lipid homeostasis has been proposedowing to these results and to the finding that itregulates cellular fatty acid uptake (223). Parton& Simons (10) have recently argued how cave-olae may function as stores for microdomain-associated lipids and have suggested that com-munication between lipid droplets (fat-storingorganelles) and caveolae might allow the reg-ulation of lipid storage and release within thecell.

Another putative, but elegant, role for thefunction of caveolin1, and associated caveolae,is in the storage of apparent membrane surfacearea (i.e., the area of the membrane that wouldbe able to interact with flat surfaces parallel tothe major plane of the plasma membrane; thisincludes the apparent spaces in the main mem-brane plane formed by, for example, caveolarinvaginations) because flattening of infoldingswould be expected to increase this area. Someevidence exists that caveolin1 and caveolae mayrespond to shear stress and cellular stretch (10).Stretch results in the redistribution of caveolin1(presumably from caveolae) to sites of adhe-sion (224). Because caveolin1 at adhesion sites isnot associated with caveolae, presumably then,

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this redistribution is concomitant with caveo-lar collapse and an increase in apparent surfacearea. As caveolae can undergo kiss-and-run fu-sion and fission with and from the plasma mem-brane (37), this may contribute to the flexibil-ity of such regulation. Such mechanisms mayallow for cellular elasticity and counter forcesthat might otherwise result in the ripping ofthe plasma membrane. Consistent with this, theshape changes that follow ICAM1-dependentadhesion of neutrophils to lung endothelialcells and accompany hyperpermeability of thissite are caveolin1 dependent (225). Intriguingly,caveolae are enriched in cell types that are mostexposed to physiological stretch and shear.

Caveolae are extensively implicated in themodulation of signaling events, but whetherand how this is coupled to endocytosis is notknown. The N-terminal domain of caveolin1interacts with a variety of signaling molecules,including src family kinases (226), H-Ras (227),and eNOS (228). Caveolin1 also interacts withthe kinase domain of the EGFR and negativelyregulates its kinase activity (229). Gα subunitsof heterotrimeric G proteins are enriched incaveolae and interact with caveolin1, an inter-action which also appears to negatively regu-late their signaling (143). Certainly caveolin1appears to have many effects on important cel-lular processes, including the regulation of cellgrowth and division, mitogen-activated proteinkinase signaling, and contact inhibition (10). Italso appears to act as a tumor suppressor pro-tein in cultured cells (230), yet caveolin1-nullmice have no increased cancer incidence, sug-gesting that loss of the protein alone is notsufficient to produce malignancies [despite anincrease in cell proliferation observed in themammary glands of these mice (231)]. How-ever, mutations have been found in caveolin1 inbreast cancer tissue, and loss of this protein maytherefore promote progression to cancer (232,233). Consistent with this, dysplastic lesions arefound more often in caveolin1-null mice thanin heterozygotic mice on a breast tumor-pronegenetic background (234), and caveolin1-nullmice are more prone to developing malignan-cies from epithelially applied carcinogens (235).

CME and clathrin-independent endocytosisare both stimulated by an increase in cytoso-lic Ca2+ concentrations in pancreatic β-cells,likely as a result of increased exocytosis. In-deed, exocytosis and endocytosis are intimatelycoupled (166). The clathrin-independent path-way identified here is actin- and dynamin-dependent and is stimulated by higher Ca2+

concentrations than the CME pathway. Theroles of these distinct pathways remain to beestablished but are reminiscent of fast clathrin-independent endocytosis at synapses, whereCME appears to have a role in slower vesi-cle retrieval to maintain synaptic area (236).The precise contribution and roles of presynap-tic CME and clathrin-independent endocyticpathways are currently under hot debate. Themost controversial debate of all is whether kiss-and-run exo-endocytic cycling occurs (237). Inthis process exocytosed vesicles do not fully col-lapse into the plasma membrane but transientlyfuse, allowing content release before rapid en-docytosis, and this process presumably requiresless energy than endocytosis after full collapseand has been shown to occur in other cell types(238).

Endocytosis, and membrane trafficking ingeneral, has been intimately linked to the abilityof cells to move. In Supplementary Informa-tion, we discuss links between endocytic mech-anisms, cell-matrix adhesion turnover, and cellmigration (see also Supplementary Figure 4).


Given the obvious importance of the exo-endocytic cycle, it is not surprising that thisand other membrane trafficking pathways areoften disrupted in human disease (239, 240),and this link could be much more far reach-ing than previously anticipated given the vari-ety of processes endocytosis regulates [whichnow include even sex steroid internalization(241) previously thought to occur via diffu-sion through the plasma membrane] and theplethora of proteins being identified as endo-cytic proteins. With the probable vital impor-tance of many core endocytic components and • Mechanisms of Endocytosis 31.33


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key adaptors, these proteins are unlikely to befound commonly mutated in human disease or(given the robustness of the network of corecomponents) result in mild phenotypes if mu-tated (4). Most of the mutations may be found inmore specialized accessory proteins or in cargoproteins themselves. For example, the LDL re-ceptor adaptor protein ARH, which links thereceptor to clathrin and AP2 and allows it to berecruited to CCPs (242), is mutated in autoso-mal recessive hypercholesterolemia. Caveolin3is found mutated in a variety of dominant my-opathies and muscular dystrophies.

However, alongside mutations in canonicalendocytic proteins, it is also possible that severalneurodegenerative conditions either produceor are caused by defects in endocytic processes.Much thought on endocytic abnormalities ac-companying neurodegeneration has focused onthese as downstream consequences of proteinaggregation, which could be caused by titrationof cellular proteins into, or cytotoxicity of, theseaggregations. It is possible, however, that suchendocytic defects are more primary in these dis-eases and that aggregates and other pathologicaland clinical findings form downstream of endo-cytic defects, for example, through aggregationand loss of function of the aggregation-proneprotein. For example, polyglutamine expan-sions in ataxin2 can cause spinocerebellar ataxiatype 2. Although the normal function of ataxin2is not clear, it seems to inhibit EGFR inter-nalization and intriguingly binds to endophilinA1 and A3, suggesting an important role for

ataxin2 in endocytic regulation (243). Endo-cytic/retrograde trafficking phenotypes are alsoearly features of Alzheimer’s disease and Down’ssyndrome (244, 245). Furthermore, huntingtinand HAP40 interact and appear to act as aneffector complex for rab5 in control of endo-some dynamics, reducing their overall motilityby favoring the association of such organelleswith actin over microtubules (246). Huntingtininteracts with membranes, and this membraneinteraction is critical for huntingtin aggrega-tion (247). The toxic Aβ protein associatedwith plaques in Alzheimer’s disease is releasedfrom amyloid precursor protein (APP) in anendocytosis-dependent manner, and flotillin2,which promotes cholesterol-dependent cluster-ing of APP on cell surfaces, is necessary for aportion of APP uptake by neurons by CME andAβ generation (248).

The desmosomal cadherin Dsg3 is a tar-get for autoantibodies in pemphigus vulgaris,and these antibodies induce Dsg3 endocytosisthrough a clathrin- and dynamin-independentpathway, seemingly resulting in loss of desmo-somal adhesion (249). Ordinarily cadherins un-dergo endocytosis by both CME and clathrin-independent mechanisms, and the endocyticregulation of sites of cell-cell adhesion has beenreviewed elsewhere (250). It is important thatwe study in detail the endogenous mechanismsof endocytosis to ever fully understand howthese contribute to health and thereby howtheir dysregulation contributes to in humandisease.


1. Endocytosis has many functions. It controls the composition of the plasma membrane andthus controls how cells respond to, and interact with, their environments. For example,endocytosis plays key roles in nutrient uptake, cell signaling, and cell shape changes.

2. There are many distinct endocytic pathways that coexist in mammalian cells. In this re-view, we outlined ten different pathways. Currently pathways are best defined throughtheir differential dependencies on certain lipids and proteins, including clathrin, cave-olin1, flotillin1, GRAF1, kinases, small G proteins, actin, and dynamin. Although somecargoes enter exclusively by one pathway, most cargoes can enter by several pathways.

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3. Any endocytic mechanism requires the coordinated action of proteins that are capableof deforming the plasma membrane to produce highly curved endocytic intermediatesand proteins that can induce scission of these intermediates from the plasma membrane.Such proteins include ENTH domain-containing proteins, BAR superfamily proteins,arf family small G proteins, proteins that nucleate actin polymerization, and dynaminsuperfamily proteins. The best understood mechanism is clathrin-mediated endocytosis(CME).

4. Although caveolae have been extensively reported as endocytic intermediates, the con-tributions of caveolae to endocytosis are uncertain.

5. The molecular and functional dissection of endocytic mechanisms is vital for the under-standing of many physiological phenomena and disease processes. Such understandingwill allow the rational discovery of novel therapeutic agents.


1. How is clathrin-coated pit (CCP) formation coupled to cargo incorporation? What con-trols CCP size, and how is CCP fission regulated by dynamin? How are the membranecurvature-modulating proteins acting in CME spatiotemporally coordinated?

2. What are the cell biological functions of clathrin-independent endocytic pathways, andhow are they controlled? How is cargo recruited to these membranes? Is cargo con-centrated by adaptor proteins? What are their coat proteins? How is membrane curva-ture generated in these pathways? How is the scission of these endocytic membranesmediated?

3. What are the distinct features of CME and clathrin-independent endocytosis in cellsignaling and cargo delivery? How is entry of cargoes that can enter by multiple pathwayscontrolled?


The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings thatmight be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.


The authors would like to apologize to the many people whose work we have not been able toinclude owing to space restrictions and thank Richard Lundmark for years of interesting andchallenging conversations about the nature of clathrin-independent endocytic pathways.


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Related Resource

H. McMahon. 2009. Researching endocytic mechanisms.

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Gary J. Doherty and Harvey T. McMahon


As well as providing an appropriate hydrophobic environment for membrane-inserted

proteins (via transmembrane domains) or membrane-associated proteins (via GPI

anchoring/acylation/myristoylation/prenylation, etc.), membrane lipids play vital

recruitment and scaffolding functions for membrane-associated signaling events (via

binding of a variety of protein domains, including PH, PX, ENTH, ANTH, BAR, N-

BAR, F-BAR, I-BAR, FYVE, and FERM domains). These functions for lipids and

another in the modulation of endocytic events (as is reviewed below) may be intricately

interconnected because both signaling and other membrane-resident proteins would be

expected to modulate endocytic events and vice versa. This has made it difficult to

decipher whether certain lipids that are necessary for certain types of endocytic events

are simply permissive bystanders (e.g., in terms of being appropriate shapes to sterically

permit the architectural changes that occur in budding regions of the plasma membrane)

or are indeed active controllers of endocytic events. Certainly, in the case of clathrin-

mediated endocytosis (CME), there is clear evidence for the coexistence of both types of

modulatory capacity.

In vitro saturated chains of hydrocarbons pack together better than do unsaturated

lipids, and this certainly creates some degree of membrane heterogeneity within the

plane of a membrane monolayer. The shapes of the volumes occupied by membrane

lipids allow them to coordinately pack with other lipid types with “cognate” volume

shapes, and this likely permits membrane curvature generation, a prerequisite for any

endocytic pathway. However, whether particular lipid components of cellular

membranes, at physiological temperatures and diffusion rates, form clusters in which

lipid-interacting proteins are enriched remains surprisingly controversial (1). A great

deal of evidence supports their existence, but there is extensive debate surrounding the

size and nature of such “lipid rafts,” or “membrane microdomains,” and theoretical and

recent experimental approaches studying model membranes have shown the existence of

liquid-ordered and -disordered, large and nanoscopic, lipid domains (2--5). Providing

that cellular membranes exist with relative lipid concentrations approximating these

studied ranges, and it appears that they do, then it is likely that similar membrane

heterogeneities will exist in vivo, and indeed, these have been convincingly detected

through several approaches (5, 6).

Low-density (floating) membrane fractions after detergent extraction are thought to

represent purified liquid-ordered phases of the plasma membrane (membrane

microdomains). These detergent-resistant membrane isolates are enriched in many

cellular components including GPI-anchored proteins, cholesterol, lactoceramide,

glycosphingolipids (GSLs) such as Gb3 and Gb5, flotillins, caveolin1, small and

heterotrimeric G proteins, and doubly acylated members of the src family of tyrosine

kinases (7, 8). However, the method of isolation of these lipids by Triton extraction

involves such extreme perturbations that these methods appear not to be sufficient to

reliably identify bona fide proteins and lipids that are endogenously associated with

membrane microdomains. Addition of Triton has been shown to artifactually produce

microdomains and induce the redistribution of proteins into such structures (9). Despite

these limitations, it has been elucidated that clathrin-independent endocytic structures

are critically dependent on cholesterol and specific sphingolipids (SLs), which are

proposed to be enriched in microdomains of the plasma membrane. However, a recent

study that has isolated lipid rafts at 37°C, and neutral pH suggests that cholesterol may

not even be enriched in these domains (10), potentially necessitating reinterpretation of

many findings using cholesterol modulation.

SLs and cholesterol in the outer leaflet appear to be necessary for the formation of

membrane microdomains. SLs consist of a sphingosine backbone linked to a fatty acid

chain. The different types of headgroups present in such molecules divide SLs into three

main structural classes: ceramides (the simplest subfamily, which contains only the

CH2OH headgroup of sphingosine); sphingomyelins (SMs, which have

phosphorylcholine or phosphorylethanolamine headgroups); and GSLs (which have

sugar moieties as their headgroups and can be further subclassified as cerebrosidal or

gangliosidal depending on the type of such glycosylation). Large headgroups of SLs

(relative to their heavily saturated chains of hydrocarbons) result in spaces that are likely

filled by cholesterol moieties, which interact intimately with SLs.

Whether saturated/unsaturated lipid tail packing, in addition to GSL-cholesterol

interactions in liquid-ordered regions of the outer membrane monolayer, affects the

packing of lipids in the inner leaflet is unknown, but some evidence suggests that this

may well occur (11). SLs, found on the extracellular leaflet of the lipid bilayer, may be

able to interdigitate with components of the inner leaflet. Here, cholesterol may fill the

spaces created by such interdigitation, thereby allowing transbilayer communication

through cholesterol clustering. Transmembrane domains have been shown to interact

closely with membrane lipids (12), and because the plasma membrane in vivo has a high

concentration of such domains, these likely play prominent roles in the creation and

stabilization of membrane microdomains. Patching of membrane lipids and proteins by

addition of multivalent ligands, such as antibodies and bacterial exotoxins, likely also

creates and stabilizes membrane microdomains. Once created, the affinity of

endogenous proteins for microdomain-associated lipids and proteins (over other lipids

and proteins) will determine their abilities to cluster in microdomains. If this hypothesis

is true, then many subtypes of microdomain will likely form.


Changes in membrane shape are required for membrane trafficking events, and known

ways in which membranes can be deformed are schematized in Figure 2 and

Supplementary Figure 2. The crystallization of the membrane curvature

sensing/stabilizing/generating BAR domain (13) has led to a greater understanding of

how proteins with such domains may be mechanistically involved in such membrane

shape changes. This BAR module consists of two all α-helical coiled-coil monomers

that dimerize in a roughly antiparallel manner. The angle at which these domains

dimerize, coupled with kinks in some helices, creates the characteristic banana shape of

the dimeric BAR module (Figure 2 and Supplementary Figure 2). This BAR module

binds membranes via electrostatic interactions between positively charged residues

concentrated on its concave face and negatively charged lipid headgroups (13). In

addition to this cognate charge recognition, BAR domains can distinguish cellular

membranes on the basis of their curvatures. The nature of the concave face of the BAR

module, which preferentially binds membranes with curvatures that most precisely fit its

intrinsic molecular curvature, allows this to be achieved. The membrane-binding

interface is highly curved in each of the BAR modules whose structures have been

crystallized to date, and these proteins bind with highest affinity to highly curved lipid


The structures of other coiled-coil domains with lower homology to BAR domains

have since been solved (14--16). The F-BAR (a BAR domain with an FCH homology

region or FCH-BAR) module has a much larger dimerization interface, and this, coupled

with distinct kink angles in the helices of each monomer, creates a concave lipid-binding

face with a much lower intrinsic curvature than that observed in BAR modules (14, 15).

This finding is consistent with observations that it binds flatter membranes with greater

affinity than do BAR domains. Another weakly homologous module is created by

IRSp53-MIM homology domain (IMD) dimerization (16). Here, dimerization creates a

lenticular (or zeppelin-shaped) dimeric module, which binds lipids on a modestly

convex surface. This module appears to bind to membranes curved in the opposite

direction to those bound by BAR domains, and thus, we call this the inverse BAR (I-

BAR) domain (17). It is possible that a complete spectrum of coiled-coil domains exist

that dimerize into functional modules for the detection of the whole gamut of membrane

curvatures that exists in vivo.

Curvature sensing by proteins would be predicted to be important for the delivery of

effector domains to distinct subcellular locations. Consistent with this, many BAR, F-

BAR, and IMD domain-containing proteins are multidomain proteins and comprise a

wide variety of effector functions. Many of these proteins have domains involved in the

regulation of small G proteins of the arf and rho families. Many also contain protein-

protein interaction components, such as SH3 or PDZ domains and ankyrin repeats. The

ability to interact with other proteins might recruit these interactors to specifically

curved membrane regions. Conversely, such domains may allow for greater specificity

in the differential recruitment of coiled-coil domain-containing proteins to cellular

subcompartments. Because there are many similarly curved regions of the cell, such

recruitment signals likely allow discrimination through “coincidence detection.” For

example, some BAR domain-containing proteins contain other lipid-binding domains,

such as PX or PH domains, and this would be expected to enhance membrane-binding

specificity. Furthermore, although the ultimate functions of membrane curvature sensing

by these proteins is not in question, such coiled-coil domains likely also function as

general dimerization interfaces, increasing the avidity with which effector and protein-

protein interaction domains found in such proteins can function.

BAR, F-BAR, and IMD domains have all been shown to be capable of deforming

lipid membranes in vitro and thus also function as membrane curvature generators (13,

14, 17). BAR modules are capable of deforming large, roughly spherical liposomes into

very highly curved tubular membranes with a narrow range of diameters similar to that

predicted by superimposition of circular arcs onto the concave structure of each module

(Supplementary Figure 2). This suggests that BAR modules are found on these tubular

structures with their long axes roughly perpendicular to the long axis of the tubule. F-

BAR domains are also capable of producing tubular membranes, and these are of highly

variable diameter up to approximately 130 nm, suggesting that the orientation of these

modules on membranes is more flexible (14), and these form helical coats on membrane

tubules (18). IMD domains are capable of deforming membranes into short tubules with

a more rigid diameter of around 80 nm, and these tubules were shown to be

invaginations of larger membrane structures (17), in contrast to the long evaginated

tubules induced by BAR and F-BAR modules (13, 14).

A subfamily of BAR domain-containing proteins contains an N-terminal amphipathic

helix, which folds upon membrane binding (Supplementary Figure 2) (19). Such “N-

BAR modules” likely function as a unit, with efficient membrane deformation provided

by the N-terminal amphipathic helix with the subsequent membrane curvature produced,

being further promoted, and stabilized by the canonical BAR module. In addition, an

additional amphipathic helix, found at the apex of the concave face of the

Nadrin/Endophilin subfamilies of N-BAR modules, is likely to contribute to membrane

curvature generation (19).

Proteins that bind membranes with specific curvatures (which have been induced

either through spontaneous fluctuation, the specific accumulation of particular lipids, or

through membrane curvature generation by other cellular proteins), and especially those

that do so with high affinity, will promote the maintenance of that membrane curvature.

In so doing, these proteins can passively allow the stabilization and growth of specific

membrane curvatures. This is distinct from active curvature generation whereby these

modules, upon binding membranes that are not optimally curved to fit the domain,

change the shape of membranes such that the highest affinity interaction between

membrane and protein occurs. The capacities to actively generate and passively maintain

membrane curvature likely coexist and should be considered as part of a spectrum of

domain activity. These properties cannot be effectively distinguished using conventional

analytical membrane deformation techniques. However, it is likely that modules with

additional mechanisms to produce membrane curvature changes, and those that

efficiently and robustly generate curvature, lie at one end of this spectrum, whereas

others, which are less potent in producing membrane deformation in vitro and lack

additional modular (curvature-inducing) components, lie at the other end. Distinguishing

between passive and active membrane deformation is important to identify primary and

secondary effectors of membrane deformation and precise mechanisms of membrane

deformation in vivo.

Because BAR domains are capable of sensing and driving membrane curvature

changes in vitro, this might provide mechanistic insight into how such changes are

actively managed in vivo. Overexpressed BAR domains in vivo were shown to bind to

tubular networks, and the introduction of mutations that abolished membrane-binding

and -tubulating abilities in vitro led to cytoplasmic protein localization (13).

Overexpression of BAR domains from different proteins led to distinct patterns of

localization, suggesting differential recruitment of the effector functions of such

domains. This work supported the idea that BAR domains are functional in effecting

membrane curvature changes in vivo and opened up the possibility that distinct BAR

domain-containing proteins regulate specific membrane trafficking steps. A wealth of

studies has since demonstrated specific roles for BAR domain-containing proteins in

vivo (20). The largest bodies of literature exist for amphiphysins, endophilins, sorting

nexins, and F-BAR proteins. Because these are reviewed elsewhere (20--24), specific

examples are dealt with only briefly here.

Amphiphysin1 is an N-BAR domain-containing, brain-enriched, but rather

ubiquitously expressed, protein, which interacts with dynamin1 (25), the endocytic lipid

phosphatase synaptojanin1 (26), as well as clathrin and AP2 (27). It localizes to

clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) and is essential for CME to proceed under various conditions

(28, 29), and it appears that it functions by membrane deformation, dynamin

recruitment, and the creation of membrane-cytoskeleton linkages. By contrast, the

amphiphysin homolog in Drosophila melanogaster (D-Amph) does not appear to be

involved in CME because there is no biochemical or cell biological link to this process.

Instead, D-Amph is found on T-tubular membranes in striated muscle, and mutants have

a severely disorganized T-tubular/sarcoplasmic reticulum system (30). An isoform of

amphiphysin2 was also shown to have a similar role in stabilizing the T-tubular network

in mammalian muscle cells (31). Amphiphysin1 appears to have additional roles in

phagocytosis and the stabilization of tubulobulbar complexes in Sertoli cells and, along

with dynamin2, is necessary for efficient spermatid release (32).

Endophilin proteins have a domain structure similar to amphiphysins (in that they

have an N-terminal N-BAR domain followed by a C-terminal SH3 domain).

EndophilinA proteins also bind to dynamin (33) and synaptojanin (34) and have been

implicated in synaptic vesicle endocytosis (35). Current data are strongly suggestive of a

role for endophilinA1 in CME, but there is no biochemical link that specifically ties the

protein to this process. However, endophilinA1 has been found at CCPs and has been

proposed to function in late stages of CME by recruiting a synaptojanin1 isoform and

dynamin (36). Recently, F-BAR domain-containing proteins, including FBP17, have

also been localized to CCPs, where they appear to have important roles during CME

(15) and where they may coordinate actin polymerization. Clathrin-dependent and -

independent endocytic functions have also been ascribed to the F-BAR domain-

containing proteins syndapins, and syndapin stimulates bulk endocytosis after strong

stimulation in lamprey synapses (37, 38). Furthermore, the BAR domain-containing

protein SNX9 localizes to CCPs and is necessary for CME, but a recent study has shown

that this protein can also localize to glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked protein-

positive tubular membranes and to CDRs, where it appears necessary for their function

(39). In addition to binding dynamin, SNX9 can also bind to and stimulate N-WASP

and Arp2/3-associated actin polymerization. Indeed, actin regulation appears to be a

feature of many BAR superfamily proteins, as is linkage to dynamins. Indeed, large G

proteins of the dynamin superfamily, including the classical dynamins, and EHDs are

also capable of membrane deformation (see Supplementary Figure 3). Dynamins use this

to promote scission of budding vesicles (as discussed in the printed text). Perhaps EHDs

(40), which are already heavily implicated in membrane trafficking events, have roles

similar to dynamins in other budding events.


A recent study has intriguingly suggested that a large proportion of plasma membrane

lipid microdomains are regulated by the formation of sites of cellular adhesion to the

surrounding matrix. At these sites, integrin clustering by matrix ligation triggers the

formation of a large protein complex, which mechanically couples the matrix to the actin

cytoskeleton (so-called focal complexes/adhesions). When these sites are disassembled,

a large portion of ordered plasma membrane is lost (41). Furthermore, upon deligation

from matrix, cells are induced to undergo endocytosis in a partially caveolin1-dependent

manner. The determination that Tyr14 phosphorylation of caveolin1 is necessary for at

least some of this membrane order is consistent with results that have shown its ability

to bind specific lipids and that this phosphorylation appears to be required for

deligation-induced microdomain endocytosis (41, 42). C-src phosphorylates caveolin1

on Tyr14 (43), and this phosphorylation has been indirectly linked to the ability of

caveolae to undergo internalization. Interestingly, if SLs are added exogenously to cells,

c-src becomes activated, and this is concomitant with caveolin1 and dynamin

phosphorylation (44). Caveolin1 pY14 appears to localize to focal adhesions, although

there are some doubts as to the specificity of the antibody recognizing this form of the

protein because it appears to recognize paxillin in immunofluorescent analysis (45).

Great care should therefore be taken in interpreting results from experiments that use

this antibody.

Other studies suggest a link between clathrin-independent endocytosis and adhesion.

Caveolin1 binds integrins and appears to be necessary for integrin signaling (46).

Furthermore, GSL receptors for several bacterial exotoxins (such as GM1 and Gb3) are

enriched in focal adhesions (41). A nonnatural GSL stereoisomer, which is not plasma

membrane microdomain resident, inhibits caveolar-type endocytosis as well as β1-

integrin signaling (47). Moreover, the depletion of β1-integrin results in a decrease in

albumin and LacCer endocytosis (47). Turnover of extracellular matrix occurs by

endocytic mechanisms, and endocytosis of both β1-integrin and fibronectin is caveolin1

dependent (48). The exposure of cells to SV40, as well as increasing the mobility of

caveolin1-positive structures (both going toward and away from the cell surface), results

in the loss of focal adhesions and actin stress fibers (49). Focal complexes and

adhesions are continually remodeled and turned over. Adhesion mechanisms may direct

the formation of clustered lipid domains and may subsequently, through the mechanisms

already described, direct the endocytosis of specific ligands from specific regions of the

plasma membrane. Interestingly, a screen for kinases involved in clathrin-independent

endocytosis demonstrated many positives that are specifically involved in the regulation

of cell adhesion (50).

An arf GTPase-activating protein (arfGAP) domain-containing protein specific for

arf6, GIT1, has been shown to promote focal adhesion downregulation in a complex

together with PAK2 and βPIX, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for rac1

(51). GIT1 has been implicated in trafficking between the plasma membrane and

endosomes and appears to act as a scaffold for ERK activation at focal adhesions (52,

53). ERK has also been suggested to regulate the formation of tubular trafficking

membranes (54). Another arfGAP protein, PKL, binds the focal adhesion component

paxillin as well as PIX and the kinase PAK (55), which is necessary for

macropinocytosis (56). Arf6- and EHD1- associated recycling to the plasma membrane

has been observed for cargoes taken up by arf6-dependent endocytosis (57).

Interestingly, if cells are deligated and replated, an arf6-dependent recycling

compartment recycles CTxB (a marker for liquid-ordered lipids) back to the plasma

membrane, where it appears to allow rac1 activation and cell spreading to ensue (58).

This provides exciting support for a role of the exo-endocytic cycle in adhesion


The discovery that microtubule-associated focal adhesion disassembly was dependent

upon dynamin opened the exciting possibility that focal adhesion disassembly may

occur via a membrane trafficking pathway. Dynamin2 siRNA treatment resulted in a

large increase in the size and number of focal adhesions (59). Many of these were found

at the centrobasal surface, usually a region of the cell relatively deficient in focal

adhesions. Inhibition of disassembly was also observed by dominant-negative dynamin2

K44E overexpression, and this protein localized in part to focal adhesions. This

inhibition was dependent upon the integrity of the proline-rich domain of dynamin2.

Endogenous dynamin was also found at focal adhesions. By TIR-FM, corrals of

dynamin2 encircling focal adhesion kinase (FAK)-positive regions of focal adhesions

were observed as well as punctate colocalization of these proteins at such sites. During

the washout phase after nocodazole treatment, an increase in colocalization was

observed. Dynamin localization to focal adhesions was shown to be dependent on FAK,

which (along with pTyr397 FAK) coimmunoprecipitated with dynamin. Dynamin was

also found necessary for normal cell migration, as determined by a wound-healing assay.

Because dynamin is found at adhesion sites, which are closely coupled to the plasma

membrane, it may control endocytic traffic from these sites, although this putative

mechanism has not been explored. It is possible that this occurs through integrin

endocytosis, which would abolish signals for adhesion site assembly, concomitant with

dissolution of the site. This would also explain the piecemeal disassembly of these sites,

which has been observed (59). Integrin puncta have been found in migrating cells, and

integrin endocytosis and recycling is known to occur in these cells (60). Endocytosis of

integrins, or other adhesion receptors, would allow irreversible disassembly of adhesion

sites. There is, however, no such direct link suggested as yet. Focal adhesion

disassembly by these means would also explain the phenomenon of deligation-induced

microdomain endocytosis discussed previously and suggests that endocytosis is

concomitant with adhesion site disassembly rather than something that occurs through

permissive means after disassembly.

Cell migration requires the intricate coordination of membrane trafficking, focal

adhesion turnover, and cytoskeletal changes. However, the role of membrane trafficking

in migrating cells, and how this coordination occurs, has been hotly debated (61--66).

Focal adhesions at the rear of migrating cells must be disassembled in order to allow the

cell to continue migrating. The potential links between endocytosis and adhesion site

regulation offer a novel means by which this can be achieved, and endocytosis at

disassembling adhesion sites would also be capable of providing membranes from the

rear that might then be delivered to the leading edge of the cell. In mammalian cells, the

greatest body of evidence is consistent with a role for adhesion receptor endocytosis

from the rear of a migrating cell and its eventual recycling to the leading edge to take

part in further adhesion events. Membrane trafficking is absolutely required for cell

migration in Dictyostelium discoideum although net exocytosis to the leading edge does

not appear to occur in these cells (67).

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis in migrating MDCK cells has been shown by TIR-FM

to be enriched toward the leading edges of cells and so is unlikely to provide either

endocytic regulation of adhesion sites at the rear or the required directionality of

membrane traffic to the leading edge (68). However, in T lymphocytes, clathrin and

AP2 are enriched at the uropod, and CME is necessary for chemotaxis in these cells

(69). Rac1 (which is critical for cell migration) appears to become activated on early

endosomes, and CME allows its activation here (70). Active rac1 is then recycled to the

plasma membrane, and activation of actin-based cell migratory mechanisms ensues.

Although integrins are capable of undergoing clathrin-mediated endocytosis at the

leading edge (71), they have also been shown to be internalized via clathrin-independent

routes (72), and GPI-linked proteins, many of which are involved in cell adhesion, enter

via the CLIC/GEEC pathway (73--75). Such endocytic processes may thereby allow

adhesion site disassembly to be coupled to cell migration. Rho family small G proteins

are known to be necessary for the formation of clathrin-independent endocytic structures

as well as master regulators of cytoskeletal changes. This strongly suggests that these

proteins play central (integrating) roles in the coordination of cell migration. How the

cytoskeleton is regulated by small G proteins is well understood (76), but how this can

be integrated with membrane trafficking is unknown.


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Legends for Supplemental Figures

Supplementary Figure 1 The possible nature of plasma membrane lipids and microdomains. (a) Schematic diagram depicting the shape volumes that may be occupied by certain plasma membrane lipid types. (b) Schematic diagram depicting how the packing of cone-shaped (above) and cylinder-shaped (below) lipids may determine the curvature of a membrane monolayer or how lipids with certain shapes may cluster at sites of particular membrane curvature. (c) Schematic diagrams depicting putative liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered phases of the plasma membrane. (d) Schematic diagrams depicting how liquid-ordered phases of the plasma membrane might be stabilized by multivalent ligands and endogenous lipid-associated or -inserting proteins. Abbreviations: SL, sphingolipid; GSL, glycosphingolipid; GPL, glycerophospholipid; SM, sphingomyelin.

Supplementary Figure 2 Ways to deform cell membranes and how BAR and N-BAR domains achieve this. (a) Diagram illustrating several methods by which membranes may be deformed into more highly curved structures. (b) Schematic diagrams depicting how dimeric BAR and N-BAR modules interact with membranes. The D-Amphiphysin BAR domain structure (38) in ribbon representation is used as a backbone. Note the intrinsic curvature of this module and the interaction of its concave face with lipid membranes. (left) A BAR module is shown binding weakly to relatively flat membranes and strongly to highly curved membranes. In so doing, it can sense and stabilize membrane curvature. (right) An N-BAR module is depicted binding more strongly to flatter membranes than the BAR module (owing to lower off rates from the membrane). It folds an N-terminal amphipathic helix, which then inserts into the membrane, allowing anchorage. This insertion also actively generates membrane curvature, and this curvature is then promoted and stabilized by the canonical BAR module.

Supplementary Figure 3 Dynamin and membrane fission. (a) Schematic diagram depicting the mechanism of action of dynamin in the scission of a budding membrane. The numbers shown refer to the steps in the membrane fission diagram shown in panel (b) First, in 1, dynamin is recruited to the neck of the budding vesicle, where it oligomerizes and is GTP bound. Upon GTP hydrolysis by dynamin, in 2, the membranes of the neck are brought closer together, which reduces the energy barrier to their fusion. The inset shows a tubulated liposome with loosely bound spirals of dynamin visible. This change in the pitch of the dynamin spiral is thought to exert pulling and twisting forces on the membranes at the neck and brings these membranes into close apposition. Then membrane fusion occurs, in 3+4, and an internalized vesicle is produced. (b) Schematic diagram depicting the putative intermediates in membrane fission. A cross section of the neck of a budding vesicle is depicted. The membranes of the neck, in 1, are brought into close apposition, in 2, by the action of dynamin or a related protein. This reduces the activation energy required for formation of the hemifusion intermediate where the proximal bilayers mix in 3. The outer monolayers then mix, and a fusion pore is produced, in 4, which then widens in three dimensions to produce full membrane fission in 5.

Supplementary Figure 4 Adhesion and endocytosis. (a) Schematic diagram depicting the basal location of cell-matrix adhesions (focal adhesions) (green) and their connections to actin stress fibers (orange) and the extracellular matrix (blue) in cells in culture. (b) Schematic diagram depicting putative steps in deligation-induced microdomain endocytosis. Panel 1 shows a close up of a mature focal adhesion shown in panel a. Upon deligation from matrix (panel 2), the focal adhesion disassembles, releasing the adhesion-associated microdomain lipids (and possibly caveolin1 pTyr14; panel 3). The release of these lipids may allow caveolar-type endocytosis, or other endocytic mechanisms to proceed (panel 4). These

mechanisms might also allow the endocytosis of intergrins or other adhesion proteins, which would allow dominant focal adhesion disassembly in the absence of global deligation, such as may occur physiologically during focal adhesion remodeling and cell migration.


-O O

-O O








fatty acid



fatty acid

R=H - ceramideR=phosphorylcholine - SMR=sugar(s) - GSL


Fatty acid











H2C N+




Membrane microdomainLiquid-ordered phaseLiquid-disordered phase

Stabilization by membrane-inserting proteins and lipid-modified proteins

Stabilization by cross-linking

SLs (some GPLs adopt this shape too)

Cholesterol Phosphatidyl-choline (other GPLs)



Cholesterol and GSLs


Multivalent bacterialexotoxins

with GPLs in innerleaflet


a b






Cylinder Curved


Supplementary Figure 1

Membrane bending


Clathrin-likeindirect scaffolding



Amphipathichelix / bulky residue




Membrane protein intramembrane




F-BAR domain

I-BAR domain

Amphipathichelix insertion

Membrane curvaturesensing/stabilization/generation

BAR module N-BAR module


Weak bindingto flat


Strong net bindingto flat


Strong bindingto curved



Active membrane curvaturegeneration

Supplementary Figure 2

Dynamin recruitedto neck of buddingmembrane, whereit oligomerizes

Concerted GTP hydrolysis bydynamin produces a pulling +/- twisting force on neck membranes, bringing theminto close apposition

Hemifusion occurs (between opposing monolayers)

Point of hemifusion

Hemifusion occurs (between opposing monolayers)

1 2

3+4 5

1 2 543

Proximal monolayerheadgroups

Distal monolayerheadgroups

Hemifusion stalkwith outer monolayermixing

Fusion pore







Supplementary Figure 3

Deligation from matrix


Lipid microdomainand pTyr14 caveolin1


Released pTyr14 caveolin1 allows

caveolar-type endocytosis

Released microdomain lipids from adhesion allows

caveolin1- and clathrin- independent


Focal adhesion components

Focal adhesion


IntegrinsMembrane microdomainExtracellular matrix

pTyr14 caveolin1

Actin stress fibers







Supplementary Figure 4

