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A2-Media coursework

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Album cover analysis

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R&B/Pop AlbumThe bottom right side of the album suggests a more urban look to the music as the name of the album is called graffiti which is associated with urban settings and the design at the bottom is drawn in a very graffiti like way as well.

The fact that he is all in black, is wearing reflective sunglasses and is avoiding gaze at the camera suggests that maybe he is hiding from something. Also, his cloths are very similar to those of a r&b genre and so attracts the target genre.

The space and the light behind the moon in the background could portray a new genre of music that he has not done or we haven't seen yet. Also the placement of the electric guitar in the shot suggests that again he may try something different as he rarely uses electric guitar. This could be a sign of him going more electro or rock.

In his body language he is, representing himself as being in control and dominant as it is a low angle shot. Also, it is as if he has just done something tiring and good with the guitar over his shoulder (the Album).

Th space and the large circular window could indicate that he is in the future as space travel is very modern and new this point is backed up by his bionic arm, this could also symbolise a loss such as his ex girlfriend Rihanna

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Alternative Rock Album

The burning thing in the background could represent that they are moving on from there past.

The clash of red and blue flags could have been a way in portraying the clash between there views and “the man” and sticking it to the man. This is because this is associated with this genre of music.

The grey skies and countryside could convey there Scottish roots and saying even though they have been through a lot they still staying true to there roots.

As they are tied up and opposite sexes this could imply that they are on the same side as they are looking at each other with no anger and also as they are both tied up witch would emphasize they are on the same side

This could also show the a clash between male and female as well with the colours.

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Hip-Hop Album

The fact that the bear (Kanye West) is blasting off shows that he is possibly metaphorically blasting off in his career.

The album has a very celebratory theme. This could portray his happiness about his music and he is happy at where he is not only with his music but possibly in life as well. The vivid colours also help to portray a feeling of happiness.

There is also an extent of drug reference in the cover; this is portrayed by the colours such as the purple sky behind and even more so in his eyes. This is also associated with hip-hop music genre as a psychedelic image is associated with a “trip” or “high” and this is what he raps about a lot.

As it is a theme of graduation he could also be conveying his youth and how his music is in touch with the youth of today as well as his genre

It could also be a on student life and it place of dreams and righteousness and a place to have fun but also with the dogma of human race ever present.

The genre(Hip-Hop) of his music is seen in parts of this as he has a large chain around his neck; there are cheerleaders in the background and also his clothing And this is associated with the conventions of Hip Hop and so target audience would be attracted to it.

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Music Video Analysis

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Kanye West-PowerThe establishing shot is the artist, Kanye West’s, face in a close up shot with columns on either side of him. The colours primarily used are dark ones however in contrast with these colours are his eyes which are white. This could be portraying two sides of him or show a side of royalty with the columns in the background. The direct eye contact with the consumer shows confidence and power. Either way it portrays him as a symbol of greatness. Finally you can see part of the gold chain around his neck furthermore putting himself in a god like status. Furthermore, the repeated use of gold and him being in the centre of the screen emphasises his power further.It then begins to track out slowly. This is slowly revealing who he is. It then jumps to a medium long shot showing the golden arches around him and his oversized chain of a pharaoh’s head.. There are women with horns on either side of him representing servants as they are beating there staffs on the ground slowly. This could also represent power as it is as if they are protecting him or guarding him, however it could also represent them not letting him escape and being caged in. Then there is a woman sitting on a very extravagant chair. This is possibly to represent a throne and as the woman has wings and so is portrayed as a possible cherub or angel. Furthermore, he is wearing a modern watch in the video. This would have not been in invented in these time periods depicted in the video so it is very possible that it is put in there to show that it is an n ancient representation of his life today and therefore brings you back to the reality.

It continues to zoom out and a flag drops from above and opposite bowls of water are also spilt. The flag could indicate the surrender to power and the water looks as if it is a sacrifice to the God (Kanye West). His head is also in the clouds possibly relating to his huge ego and power as he is looking down on everyone else. There is also a halo above his head with a sword going through the middle of it. The sword could represent the dangers of being in power as at any moment the sword could fall and end him. The halo on the contrary is possible to show the good things he could do when in power to make where he is a greater place.After this it goes to a long shot of everything closing in on him and water splashing over him and the two women on the side pouring water over themselves. I believe that this is questioning the position of power by portraying it like an inevitable downfall. Furthermore the water could imply the Aquarius age and as it is coming up how it will be the change of an era and weather he will be able to keep up with the new music when he is in this era or weather it will be his downfall.

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Then two characters appear diving across the screen with swords. This could show the negative sides of power and how it can lead to violence and war and even him being attacked from within. It then cuts to lots of quick shots of people bowing down to him and praising him. This further shows his power and how he is represented in the video as a god. It then goes to another long shot and all the woman characters have gone and it is left with the two men on either side flying in with swords. The two swords meet in the middle below Kanye West and with the sword in the middle. This could indicate the sword then falling on him and ending his era. It then quickly cuts to a black screen with power written in the middle with the background of the previous scene in red and Kanye west in the middle of the “W” far smaller than before. This is possibly conveying his downfall as it shows how he has shrunk and this could be a metaphor for how his influence has gone down. Also as it is in red and black these are both the colours of death and violence showing that he is no longer alive within the music industry. This then slowly fades into the middle of the screen smaller and smaller and then the screen goes completely black and the video is over and the slow fade emphasises his slow downfall in the music industry beginning.On his personal life the video also shows how his status as a celebrity and what he has gone through recently in the last year and a half and how he has gone from one of the most respected artists in the industry to one of the most hated after his stunt at the 2009 VMA awards and this video could challenge the concept of power. This goes back to the point about the watch. There is also a sense of recycled style as we see similar shots and colours to the 300 movie. This could portray that Kanye west as the small number (300 Spartans) and the world media is the large number (Persians) and how although he is being attacked and targeted by the media he will not be beaten.

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Westlife-HomeThe establishing shot is an extreme long shot of a plane from front on. It is dark, cloudy and also the floor is wet as if it ahs recently been raining. This straight away sets the mood of the video as being sad due to the dark colours used. It then pans upwards looking down on the plane and making it look les significant.The next shot is a medium shot of the main singer on the right hand side of the screen. He moves across making direct eye contact with the camera.By doing this he is conveying his emotions of sadness to the consumer. It then cuts to a long shot with the plane behind them, and them still walking towards the camera. The plane is possibly a metaphor for a journey or more specifically a journey home. The use of the long shot helps with this reference as it portrays being a long way from somewhere.It then goes to several shots of the members of the band sitting in the chair and starring out of the window. This is a medium close up of them and is slightly looking down on them again making them seem vulnerable and in this case emotionally.It then skips to a low angle shot of the pilot looking at a picture of (presumably) his wife and child. The low angle shot could represent the fact that he is overcoming the obstacle of being apart as he then puts the picture down and begins to pilot the plane. The low angle shot could also represent that he feels as if he has a job to do rather than worry as he knows that he will get there in the end.Following this it goes to lots of shots of the passengers on the plane looking sad and deep in thought to try and convey to the consumer that they all too want to go home.The next different shot we see is a stewardess looking distressed and doing the washing up. However she seems to be paying almost no attention

to the washing up and her mind seems to be on something else entirely. In the shot she sighs at the end possibly indicating how her work gets in the way of who she wants to be with. It then has a brief cut to another shot then goes back to a close up of her face sighing as they say the word “home”.Then, as they get to the chorus, it shows the arrivals lounge at an airport and people being reunited with their family. This is possibly portraying the love between people and maybe that you don’t know how much you miss someone until they are gone and although you may be on holiday the best place is at home where you are around people who love you.Part of this arrivals scene we see a young man with flowers run up and hug his

possible wife or girlfriend. They then have a spinning hug which could be showing his sense of loss without her. We then see them in a medium shot get very romantic and kiss.In contrast to this shot we see a man who is very angry that he does not get to get tickets for his flight back. This is showing how upset this can make you feel as it first shows him as being angry and throwing paper around whilst the worker attempts to stay calm and the shows an over the shoulder view of him being very depressed by putting his head in his hands. The over the shoulder look shows what the worker does and how she must feel guilty as she may feel it is herself that is stopping him going home and at the same time she looks as if she misses someone as well.The next part in the storey line we see is a soldier coming back to his daughters.

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There is always a special bond between a father and daughter he feels very protective over her and as he is not there he could feel that he has missed out on there lives. Then there is a slow motion run of them running towards each other, the slow motion is used to capture the bond between them and show what it means to be together. Furthermore, they all drop what they are holding showing that they do not care about anything else but seeing them. The video then ends with lots of quick shots of slow motion hugging and crying with bright colours in contrast with the dark and sad colours portrayed at the start of the video.

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Chris Brown-CrawlThe establishing shot of this video is a close up of the artist holding his arm. This could possibly portray that he is on his own as no one else is holding him and that therefore he is lonely. We then see him from above of him just looking down, this makes him look vulnerable. The shot then moves up from his arms to his face where the cold is emphasised as he breaths out a sigh and we can see his breath emphasising his emptiness and coldness further.We then see one of the stars on the walk of fame surrounded by snow and bits of snow on top of it. This is again emphasising coldness which is associated with sadness as it seems to be a metaphor of him as feeling inner coldness. We then see a close up tracking up from his waist to his face and he begins to sing. His heart is lighted up with L.E.D.s which we can see through his shirt. This could possible show his heart and how this is associated with love meaning that he has lost someone close to him recently.

This then cuts to an extreme long shot of a city and snow blowing towards the camera. This could portray thing being aimed at him and him being a target.

When the camera is taken back to a long shot of Chris brown sitting on a bed we see his arm movements indicating that he is helpless in what he wants to do. The eye contact

with the camera also represents him feeling sorry as he is looking the consumer in the eye.However, after this we see that he grabs his coat and leaves the shot to the right indicating

that although there is little he can do he wishes to do something.When he steps outside, the cameras flashing and paparazzi appear to be on him. However

a woman steps outside and the focus is then on her. This is possibly relating to his domestic violence charges on which he got very little radio play and criticized by the media.

The next shot is a medium shot of him from an angle and in the background we can see the same girl. When she walks past he looks round both ways eagerly as if he wants her to notice him and that he wants her back as well. This is portrayed by him looking around quick as if he doesn’t want to miss her and then he stares at her for a while and goes back to his previous train of thought, looking to the ground and feeling sorry for himself. This is shown in the close up of him feeling sad. He is also wearing almost geeky glasses a so he looks even more sad as it is a typical story of the high school geek and how he is picked on.When he leaves, the girl then looks to where he was standing and it is the same shot apart from him disappearing. This could indicate him leaving her life as he leaves the frame. She looks sad and could be willing to forgive him for what he did wrong or take him back. He is then seen walking in the snow down an abandoned street. This shows that he has been abandoned and left alone by everyone so once again we feel sorry for him. This is followed by her walking down a similar street with the same shot possibly putting across that she is following him or on the same level as him.

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They then come face to face and he sings the words “we can still have it all” clearly meaning they can still be together. We then see him looking

into her eyes and dancing. The rest of the video is then very positive with him dancing (very stereotypical of a R’n’B artist) Also, dancing is

associated with positive and happy feelings. On top of this, we can see here that it is no longer snowing but sunny and so more positive.

The shot of him with a young boyshows him being more of a fatherly figure and more grown up in contrast with his previous actions

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Company name: BDP Records ltdProduction title: Flyby II Production dates:

Producer name: Charlie Moffatt & Rory O’Conner Director name: Charlie Moffatt & Rory O’Conner

Date of Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment conducted by:

Hazard Persons who may be harmed

Property which may be damaged

Risk control already in place


Further action required to control risk

Slippery surfaces Actors and crew Actors and crew Where grippy shoes and no running

MODERATE Stand in dry area when not in shot.

Weather (rain and lightening)

Actors and crew Camera, other electrical equipment, actors and crew

Don’t film in wet MODERATE Keep camera dry and also if lightening stay inside.

car Actors and crew Car, buildings, actors and crew

Airbags, brakes licensed drivers only

LOW Always keep handbrake on when not using car and engine off.

Risk Assessment

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Audience Research

Questionnaire•What is your favourite music genre: Pop [] Rock [] Hip-hop/R’n’B [] Metal [] Dance/techno [] Other: specify []•How many music videos do you watch per week?Once a week []Three times a week []Five times a week []Every day [] More than once a day []•Would you rather see a storyline or band in video?Storyline []Band []Both []•What’s the biggest factor in buying new music?Music videos []Music news []Tours []Other advertising []

•How old are you? 14-16 []16-21 []21-24 []24-30 []30+ []Gender? Male []Female[]•Do you prefer abstract videos or ones that go with the lyrics? Abstract []Goes with lyrics []•Do you prefer music videos that include special effects/animations etc? Special effects and animations[]No special effects and animations [] What is your favourite music video and why? •Do you prefer… Calm/slow music videos [] Lively/fast music videos []•Do you like to see dance routines?Yes []No []•What’s your least favourite music video?

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Audience research results

We asked 10 people from our target audience and 10 random people the questionnaire on the previous page. The genre of this song is pop but the genre of the group varies from hip-hop to soft rock and so all these people may be interested as well. This means that the target audience could range from 14+ as rock and hip-hop target audience is older. However, pop focuses more heavily on teens and young adults (13-25). Therefore, our main target audience was teens and young adults.

Favourite music genres







How old are you


What gender are you

Male Female

How many music videos do you watch a day?


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Would you rather a storey line or band in the video

story linebandboth

Do you like to see dance routines?


Do you enjoy abstract videos or those that go

with the musicabstactgoes with the lyrics

Do you prefer fast or slow paced music videos


What is the biggest fac-tor in buying new music

Music videos music newstoursother advertising

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Audience research analysis

As a result of the audience research, I can conclude that most of the people I asked, and a reflection of the general public, enjoy pop music. This shows the results I got back will be appropriate for my video as my song for the video is pop. Furthermore, there were no ultimate shocks to my results, and from this I can conclude that the audience is fairly predictable. As a step from this result I will follow the conventions of a typical boy band videos (involving the band, dance routines and one that goes with the lyrics) as it is want the audience wants. Based on these results, I can build a storey board that involves all of these points and ideas including dance routines, trendy clothing and lots of shots of the band. Mainly, my target audience is people who enjoy pop culture so 14-30 years old and mainly women.

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Location shots

Rooms Great hall

Skipwith basement

Tithe barn

Bottom of stairsOVR

Upper level of house

Middle stairway

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Storyboard 2

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Storyboard 3

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Shooting schedule

Shot Date Location Timing Actors1 23/01/11 Bedrooms &

Great Hall3:00 Harry Coaker,

Michael Syroupolo and Charlie Moffatt

2 28/01/11 Basement 6:00 Harry Coaker

3 13/02/11 Basement 6:00 Charlie Moffatt

4 17/02/11 Basement 6:00 Michael Syroupolo

5 20/02/11 Basement 5:00 Michael Syroupolo, Harry Coaker, Charlie Moffatt

6 22/02/11 OVR & Great hall

4:30 Michael Syroupolo, Harry Coaker, Charlie Moffatt

7 7/03/11 Bottom of stairs and Top level

6:00 Michael Syroupolo, Harry Coaker, Charlie Moffatt

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Blue-fly by IITrack length:3:15

The main ideas behind our music video is for it to incorporate the concepts of a typical boy band video. This consists of dance moves, the band in the shot together but also on their own so they can be seen as individuals as well as in a group. This allows the audience to engage with them in different ways. I will have a lot of shots with one of the characters in front and the rest of the group behind. This is a way that we show there is no one main person in the group unlike Take That and Gary Barlow.

Narrative:The establishing shot of this will be of the night after. There will be a series of shots of all four members getting up and other results of the night before. It will then go back to one of the members of the group getting ready for a night out, putting on finishing touches to the outfit and styling hair. Then another shot of a “wild night” will appear on the screen (still in time with the beat) and then back to another band member getting up. This will go on for the other two members of the band and then a montage of shots of the band and other shots until the first verse starts.Then the first verse will come and one member of the group will be alone and lip sync the lyrics.It will then go to the chorus where the group is seen for the first time in the video all together in a long shot walking forwards and then sitting down together on the sofa. Then, in the second part of the chorus they are in a different location and they are again altogether. This time they are crouching on the floor with people behind them dancing then they proceed to stand up on the line “hands high when we flyby”.The second chorus consists of each member of the group in turn standing in front and the three remaining group members behind him dancing. This will happen in turn for each of the group members, in different locations conveying their individuality and the at the chorus again show them together in the back of a 4x4 truck. On the last verse, the group are then seen together the verse in different shots dancing. They will also be in partners together dancing in several different angles. The next chorus and end of the song will then be them all together having a good time joking.

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Wardrobe: plain jumpers- 2 blue 1 grey Jeans dark 2 pairs light 1 pair 3 shoes- mixed colours Suit trousers 3 pairs 3 white shirts 3 black shoes

Props: sofa, bottles, glasses, table speakers, chair, whiteboard, boxes, light, bed, duvet, clock

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Video feedback

All our feedback for the video related our video with other boy band videos with things such as the outfits and occasional dance moves they related with boy bands such as JLS and Take that.

Although some found it weird that we had only three members in our band, we did this as we believed that in only a short space of time it would be very difficult to portray each different member as their individual character as well as part of the group with four members and thought it would be possible with three members.

“its really good, very typical boy band video, especially the dance move at the end”-Freddie Wilcox

“I thought the editing was good and the acting as well”-Tom Morgan

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CD cover/magazine advert drafts

These are three typical boy band album front covers. The main similarities in them is that they all have the group in the shot as usually it is the faces that sells the product as much as the music. Also there is little to see into it past the actual shot of the group, there are no hidden meanings or controversial symbols unlike you would get in a less mainstream album such as the one below.

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I have decided to show each of the magazine front covers on the previous page to 12 people to see which one is the most popular.

42 4


In these results we can see that the more artistic and original album cover is not as popular as the more basic and mainstream cover. Also, the long shot is not as popular, but the medium shot and close up are both the most popular.

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Back Front

Inside CD inside

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Digipak front cover

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Front cover 2








We took some fonts out and wrote the band name on the front and chose the one that looked best and still managed to put the band name out in your face as with boy bands it is very much about the image and name.

fly by IIfly by IIfly by IIfly by IIfly by IIfly by II

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Front cover 3


Blue Blue Blue14



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Front Cover 4




Bluefly by IIfly by IIfly by II

fly by II fly by IIfly by II



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Front Cover 5

Bluefly by II

We agreed on this arrangement for the front cover by getting the feedback from the target audience (17 out of 20 people picked this) and then moved on from there with the final result below.

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Digipak Back Cover

Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P

Fly by II All RiseLove R.I.P

Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P

Fly by II

All RiseLove R.I.P





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Back Cover 2

Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by IIAll RiseLove


Fly by II

All Rise

Love R.I.P

Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P



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Back Cover 3

Fly by IIAll RiseLove R.I.P

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Inside Covers

Where the CD goes the name of the band “Blue” will go diagonal from top left to bottom right(as pictured below).


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The other inside cover

This was always going to be a simple pattern that also conveys the name of the band with blue curves starting from the top left. This also concentrates the consumer on the name of the band on the other side as this is on a black base and so will be more eye catching.

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Bluefly by II

Final digipak

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Magazine advert Research

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Magazine advert

“Another monster single by the three kings”-VIBE


Available to download on iTunes and in stores 25 June

The Source

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1.This shoes a link between the lyrics and actions as when he sings you cant stop you cant flow, he indicates with has hands stopping indications and flowing indications.

2.This would show the group how the record company would like them to be represented as they are seen as down to earth normal people and also happy people. In most cases, the audience want to see the group as happy and also like they are like them so that they can relate to them in lots of ways(especially the girls in boy bands). They are also still seen as cool peo9ple and this is what the target audience wants to see.

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3. In this picture, we can see that our video uses music genre as our group are all together, wearing similar clothing and are coordinated. You can also see the personality of them through there facial expressions as independent as well as in a group. (Such as one on the right is the “poser” like Robbie Williams in Take That and the one on the left the “main vocals” such as Gary Barlow.

5. This is a good use of camera placement as it shows the member getting ready to go somewhere as he is checking himself out in the mirror. This also represents boy bands as they are often very trendy and self conscious therefore as we can see both him and his reflection and the character making touch ups to himself, we can associate it with our boy band and help reach our target audience.

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6. As in this shot we see a light turni9ng on, this symbolises the start of something such as the sun rise showing the start of the day. Therefore we know something is going to happen and the video is leading somewhere

7. This shows use of mise en scene as they are all dresses matching so that this is how boy bands often dress. However, they are each in a small way different. For example, the person on the far side has his sleeves rolled up showing that he is possibly more relaxed than the others. The man in the middle is in front slightly showing him as the more dominant and the one on the left in a more serious mode and quieter showing to be the quiet one. Also there is wine in the background to portray a higher end of living as associated with their lives but still in a relatively normal place showing they have not been brain washed by their fame.

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8 & 9. These both show that I have watched previous videos as they are very common shots used. The first one of them leaving is often seen at the end of videos whilst the sound is fading as it is an obvious sign the video is ending. The second frame is often shown in videos to display time of day and so let the target audience set the seen himself and know what order things are happening.

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Evaluation part 2

RECORD COMPANY REPRESENTATION: This is a screen shot of The Saturdays “higher”. The reason the record company would want them to be portrayed like this is because they are looking happy, good looking and trendy. This is what there target audience wants to see and therefore, would draw there audience in. Also, they are all very well coordinated in what they do and how they dress making them more like the status quo and more likely to get accepted which is what the record company want.

MUSIC GERNRE: This is a screen shot from The Game “My Life”. It successfully conveys the genre of music as lots of things associated with this type of music genre (Hip-Hop). Firstly, we see lots of tattoos, some associated with gang activity such as the tear drops on the face and gangs signs. Gang activity plays a large role in hip-Hop culture and so can be associated. Also, the clothes worn are associated with hip hop such as the flat caps, tank top, jewellery and tracksuit tops. Lastly, there is a Rolls Royce phantom in the background and this is also associated with rappers as they like to express how much money they got.

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INTERTEXTUAL REFERENCES: This is a screen shot of JLS “One Shot” and I used this sort of shot in my video as it shows all the members of the group and also shows their individuality and different personas within the group as well as bringing them together. This is through the way they dress, behave and look. For example, the man second to the right is the only one singing implying he is the main singer in the band

CAMERA: This is a screen shot from Wiz Khalifa “Black &Yellow”. This is a good use of camera angle as it shows a low angle of him looking into the camera. This is putting him across as important and powerful. Also, as he is looking directly at the camera, it shows him as being confident.

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USE OF LIGHT:. This is a screen shot from Tiesto vs. Diplo ft Busta Rhymes “C’mon”. This is a good use of light as there are bright lights in the background and also multicoloured lights with dark bits everywhere else. This helps portray the club atmosphere there is, helped by the light of smoke and outfits

MISE EN SCENE: This is a screen shot from Akon “Lonely” . This is a good use of mise en scene as it show the empty seats behind him, and as he is the only one in a huge room makes him look vulnerable and on his own. Also, what he is wearing suggests that he was going to perform as he is dressed up and there is a microphone on the stage and this emphasisis the fact that the place is empty .

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Previously viewed: This is a screen shot from Lupe Fiasco “Daydreamin’”. After watching this video, I thought it would be a good idea to get lots of different shots at the start to establish the genre, and mood of the song and video. Here he has done this by having several shots of urban lifestyle such as skateboards, shop windows, flats and cars.

Lyrics and visual link: This is a screen shot from ke$ha “Tik Tok” and when she mentions the line “pedicure on our toes toes” there is a shot of her feet with nail varnish on and glitter. This shows to the audience that there is a partying atmosphere and also a teenage theme as this is very much a teenage thing.

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2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We can see that the group is wearing the same in the Digipak front and back cover as in the most of the video. This allows it all to fit in together and also allows people to make the link, possibly they have seen the video and licked it and then see the album in HMV or Amazon and want to buy it. Without these similarities, this would be made far harder. Also as boy bands rely largely on their look and face value, it is important for them to be easily recognised. Also, in the magazine advert, music video and digipak they are always set up in the same formation. This can also be made to link them all together and after being seen several times by the audience, they will begin to pick it up.

Bluefly by II

The second way in which the digipak and magazine advert are the same is i have used the same picture for both. This is because, it is an easily recognizable photo and this makes it easier to relate the advert to the group and digipak.

On top of this is that we tried to use very plain backgrounds so to keep focus on the group in the magazine advert, music video and digipak. This is because in boy bands, the groups image is what sells it and the mise en scene is not as important.

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Lastly, in all three i have linked the colour blue into all of it. Firstly, in the video by having two of the group members in blue jumpers for most of the video. Also, the writing on album and most of the magazine advert is in a shade of blue. This should also help to make it a more recognisable image

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Feedback on storyboard and video: the majority i asked agreed that it was the type of video was typical of this genre of video and agreed when they saw the end product. “totally boy band” Chris Troup “the outfits are perfect for the video” Jordan Fergusson

However, one person said that this storyboard was too alike every other boy band video so we put a small storyline in involving the group getting up and going somewhere together. We also made it seem like there was a close bond in the group and still keep there separate personalities by dressing the partially differently (sleeves rolled up and lower trousers etc)

Feedback on digipak advert: When i showed people my idea for the magazine advert(medium shot for front cover, medium shot of backs on back cover and basic patterns inside, most of them agreed that this fitted in perfectly with the genre i was doing. Comments included “i love the outfits and poses” and “The writing goes really well with the group behind”

Some negative points however were about our inside cover where i put a blue background to represent the group and stay with the typical blue as on the front and back cover. Some people said “the inside is very plane” and “its a bit dull” I acted on this by putting stripes on the inside instead of just plain blue to represent the three people and there individuality.

Lastly, the feedback for my magazine advert was good. People largely agreed That the quotes were convincing and that the “stars were a really good idea”

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback ?

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How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used several different media technologies in the construction of our media product. The camera I used was a high quality Samsung HD and was used for all of the filming. I also used a vivitar camera for location shots and an hp scanner to put my storyboard on.

These helped out considerably during our filming as the camera was HD and was very easy to use and upload onto the computer. Furthermore, using the sony vegas 7 to edit our video was very easy as well. It also let us put some transitions, effects such as brightening and also slow motion.This let it make our video more convincing and better suited towards out target audience. Furthermore, because it is a very flexible programme, it made it easier for us to get the words in time with the lip sync.The tripod we used also made it easy for us to get the shot we wanted and to have a clean, still shot unlike if it were being held by hand where it gives it a feel of lower quality.

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On top of this, the digital editing suite allowed us to make our magazine front and back cover where we took a picture of the group in a normal place and then cropped it and put them on a plane black background so they would stand out more.We used Google and YouTube for most of our research on album covers, magazine adverts and music videos.Blogger enabled us to share our work and uploading our video to YouTube and facebook, let us get feedbackPoints i could have improved on was that the pictures we took were not as clear as they could have been and so maybe we could have used the tripod for that as well.Also, a larger choice of locations to use would have given us a broader range of ideas for where and what to film.A website for our music video would be very good to get to our target audience as we know from previous research that they are young and young people are in general on the computer a lot of the time.There could also be a forum below so people could discuss and share opinions on our video. On top of this would be a section showing how the video was made for those interested.

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