Page 1: media music magazine research


This magazine has a recognisable house style which is shown in all of the kerrang magazines. The writing is all in capitals and is sans serif, which links in with the genre of the magazine (rock) it also makes the text seem as though it is loud and shouting at you , which links in well with the magazine’s slogan ‘life is loud’ and the rock genre. The magazine also uses an onomatopoeic title, as guitars are usually associated with rock music, the word Kerrang is used as it sounds like the sound made by an electric guitar.


The layout and images used in this magazine have also been linked in well with the genre of the magazine, as there has been a use of blood splatters in the background; this is associated with the rock theme of the magazine and reflects anger, violence and aggression, which

may also be linked in with the theme of rock. The magazine cover also follows the route of the eye as the mast head is at the top, which then leads down to the images, and the name of the band, to the cover lines at the bottom of the page.


The shot used is a mid-shot, and the positioning of the band gives a good effect, making them look like they are getting further away/ descending into the distance.


The Photographs used also reflect the genre of the magazine as they are of rock bands and artists, which may lead the audience to purchase the magazine. The costumes being used by the people on the photographs may also reflect the genre of the magazine. They are all wearing black and dark colours which show they are into the rock genre of music.

Mode of address

Also words such as ‘riots and death’ may show the genre of the magazine, as the words seem to be aggressive, like rock music.

Page 2: media music magazine research


his contents page has a consistent house style, which is generally based on the house style of the magazine (the front cover). The font used is the same throughout the page which gives it a professional finish and gives the magazine a good effect. The titles of the articles are written in yellow, with a bold font and have been highlighted in black to make it stand out, which also makes it easier for the audience to find the pages/articles they are looking for.


Photographs have been used to make it easier for the audience to pin point the main articles they are interested in.

The people in the photographs are associated with the rock industry. There is a good use of props and make up which help define the genre of music the magazine is related to.

Camera work

The main shots used are mid-shots; this allows you to see the costumes used by the people in the photo this helps you associate them with the rock genre. There are a few low angle shots, which give a sense of power and authority to the figure in the photo.


At the bottom of the page there is a small section advertising a contract for the magazine ‘get K! Delivered to your door for just £6* a month!’ this may encourage the audience to buy more of the companies magazines.

The layout of the page follows the route of the eye; there is a small article and the main heading at the top of the page, it then leads down to Photographs of bands/artists related to the articles in the magazine, and at the bottom of the page there are some more pictures related to the articles and some advertisements. The mode of address used is informal; the magazine is communicating to the audience in a way in which they can relate to. The photo’s used link in with the genre of the magazine.

Mise en scene

The costumes used by the bands and artists in the pictures are mostly black and dark colours, which is normally associated with the rock theme, also props such as blood and guitars are being used which are known to be linked in with the rock genre. The make-up used defines the genre of music they relate to. The people in the pictures generally have long hair, which is also linked in with the rock theme of the magazine.

Page 3: media music magazine research


This double page spread has a consistent house style throughout the whole page, black white and red. The same font has been used the whole way through the double page spread, a sans-serif font has been used which makes the font seem, blunt and hard, which makes it link in with the genre of the magazine (rock)


The layout of the double page spread follows the route of the eye. There is a bold masthead at the top of the page, which catches the attention of the reader and draws them to the article. There is also a large image at the top, which shows how the audience reacts to the performance of the bands/artists; it also represents the genre of the magazine. There is then some writing down the left hand side of the page, then some more images, which have been taken whilst the bands/artists were on tour. This may also reflect the genre of the music. Also there is the article on the right hand side of the double page spread.

At the beginning of the article a kicker has been used, this draws the audiences attention to the start if the article and makes them want to read on, and find out more about what they article is about.

Some areas of text have been highlighted in white which make is stand out from the black background. The highlighted affect will draw the attention of the audience to the certain area. Also there is a small area at the bottom of the page which has a small amount of information about the artists found in the pictures, this may help the audience relate to the people in the pictures.

Page 4: media music magazine research


There is a mixture of different images, which appear to have been taken whilst the bands and artists were on tour. This allows the audience to see how the bands act whilst they’re on tour. From the images you can also see that the genre of music that the bands are linked to is rock, you can see this because of the costumes used, and the props used.

Mise en scene

In the images props such as, guitars have been used; this shows that the type of music may be rock as guitars are usually associated with rock music. The costumes used tend to be mainly dark, and skinny jeans have been used a lot, this is usually linked in with the rock genre.

Mode of address

The mode of address seems to be informal. Words such as ‘awesome’ and the use of puns in the title show that it is informal, as the magazine is aiming to communicate to the audience in a way in which the audience can relate to,

Page 5: media music magazine research

Typography- this magazine has a noticeable house style, which is shown, on all of the NME magazines. The main logo/ mast head is in capitals which make it stand out from the rest of the text on the magazine, which helps you identify the magazine. The rest of the text is in the same font and is mainly in lower case, this may link in with the genre of the magazine (indie)


The photographs used on the magazine reflects the genre of the magazine, the images are of indie bands and artists. The costumes used by the models in the photos also indicate that the magazine is related to indie music.

Camera work

A mid-shot has been used for the main photograph on the cover of this magazine, this allows the audience to pay attention to the figures in the photo, you can also see that this image is an action shot as one of the people are in mid-air. This creates energy to the photo, and can be linked in with the type of music the band in the photo is associated with.


The colours used are bright and colourful, which reflect the music represented by the magazine. The main title of the cover lines are written in white text and highlighted in blue to make them stand out more from the rest of the text on the page. The name of the band associated with this issue of the magazine is in bright yellow and is placed in the centre of the page, this makes it eye catching, and may make the audience buy this particular magazine, as it has this certain band on the front cover. There are also lists of artists and bands that will appear in an upcoming festival, which may interest the reader and make them more likely to purchase the magazine.


The layout of this magazine follows the route of the eye, there is the main mast head at the top of the page, which then leads down to the main image placed in the centre of the page, and then to the name of the band and information about the contents in the magazine.

Page 6: media music magazine research


This contents page has a noticeable house style, is goes well with the front cover of the magazine. The logo is shown on both the front cover and the contents page of the NME magazine. A sans serif font has been used, which makes the writing bold are easier to read. The font used is the same throughout the whole page, which gives it a professional finish.


This contents page reminds me a bit of a newspaper, because of the layout. It has a main picture near the centre of the page, with a small article underneath the picture. There is also a kicker at the start of the article, which are usually found in a

newspaper article. Along the side of the page there is a band index, which allows the audience to find a specific band easily, they are also written in red to make them stand out more.

Along the other side of the page is a list of the contents, there are some big bold headings written in white which have been highlighted in black to make them more visible and makes it easier for the audience to locate as the information has been categorised appropriately.

There is a small area at the bottom of the page where the magazine have chosen to put an advertisement for their magazine, it is written in bold yellow writing with a black background to make it more noticeable.

Images/ camera work

One main image has been used on this contents page, a long shot has been used to show the audience the location of the image, this can show you the genre of the music that is being placed whilst the picture is being taken, as it is a live shot taken at a gig.

Page 7: media music magazine research


This double page spread has a consistent house style, which is shown throughout the two pages (black, white, red). The fonts used are the same throughout the pages, and a sans-serif font has been used which fits in well with the rock genre of the magazine. The masthead has a slightly distorted affect, which makes it look rough, which also links in well with the theme of the magazine.


Mainly photographs of the chosen band, which links in with the article, take up the left page. The right page is then filled with the masthead, text from the article and a few more pictures at the bottom of the page. The masthead is bold and draws the attention of the audience. I think that the layout of this double page spread does follow the route of the eye, as there is a bold mast head at the top which you would look at first, this informs you of what the article is about, it then leads down to the main picture used and then to the text, this then allows the audience to link the pictures with what is written in the text, and finally is leads down to the pictures at the bottom of the page, this also allows the audience to link the photos with the words in the text.

A kicker has been used at the beginning of the article; this draws the audience to the start of the text and makes them read the first part of the article, which may then lead on to them to read the whole thing.

Some areas of text are written in red, these are the areas the magazine wants you to focus on the most, such as the mast head, the kicker and the ‘news of the world font’ at the top left hand corner of the page, this also creates a sense of verisimilitude and makes the magazine look more professional.

Page 8: media music magazine research


The images used relate to the rock genre, they are mainly of the band that is linked in with article next to it. This helps the audience relate the text back to the images and help them understand the text in the article better. There has been a variety of shots used, such as mid-shots, close-ups, and long shots. The close ups allow the audience to see the expressions and emotion on the faces of the people in the bands, facial expressions may represent the genre of music. Long shots allow you to see the location and setting, from this you can see that the images are music related as one has been taken in a studio, and props have been used to symbolise the musical theme.

Mise en scene

The costumes used by the people in the pictures allow us to see the genre they are related to, you can see that they are involved in the rock genre as they are wearing mainly black and dark colours, which is usually associated with the rock genre. Props such as microphones and guitars have been used; this also links in with the rock genre as they are usually associated to music/rock music. The photos have also been taken in either a studio or at a gig, which proves that the photos are music related.

Mode of address

The mode of address used seems to be quite informal. The magazine is communicating to the audience in a way in which the audience can relate to. They have used direct address, as if the magazine was speaking directly to the audience.

Page 9: media music magazine research


This magazine cover seems to have a noticeable house style (black and red) A serif font has been used, this makes the magazine have an upper class feel to it, it also has a consistent font throughout the page, using capitals for the main cover lines and names of bands/artists. There is a list of names down the side of the page or bands/artists that relate to the genre of the magazine.


The layout of the magazine follows the route of the eye; there is the main title and a large advertisement at the top of the page, which then leads down to the main image in the centre of the page, which also leads down to yet another cover line and information about the contents of the magazine. The advertisement at the top of the page will attract the attention of the audience as it

is at the top of the page and (following the rule of the eye) would be the first thing they eye is naturally attracted to, also the ‘free music inside’ factor may lead the audience to buy the magazine due to the fact that they will get free music with the magazine, making the magazine more appealing.


The image used also links in with the genre of the magazine as there is a main figure (Florence and the machine) which is a well-known artist in the music industry, making the genre more recognisable. A low angle shot has been used to show that she is a powerful figure. The magazine has also included the magazines signature logo, which is easily recognised. Making the magazine more professional and appealing to the target audience.

Camera work

In this image a long shot has been used, this adds a sense of authority and power to the figure in the photo. Also, the photo has been edited to make it have a professional effect and to make the main figure stand out more, compared to the background. This also creates the feeling that she may be an important figure in that certain genre of music.

Mode of address The mode of address is informal, the magazine is communicating to the audience in a way in which the audience can relate to.

Page 10: media music magazine research


This contents page has a consistent house style, (black and red) the house style links in with the house style used on the magazine cover. The magazine logo has been used giving it a more professional finish, and linking it to the magazine cover. A serif font has been used to give the magazine a professional, upper class finish.


The layout of the page follows the route of the eye, there the main mast head at the top of the page which then leads down to the main image, which is of a band associated with the genre of the magazine. This then leads down to the information about the contents of the magazine, and finally to the images at the bottom with

relate to the articles further in the magazine.

Mode of address

The mode of address used is informal; the magazine is using a way in which the audience can relate to, and by using words such as ‘the fab five’. The costumes used are linked in with the genre of music, the costumes are also unique and stand out which can attract the attention of the audience.

Page 11: media music magazine research


This double page spread seems to have a consistent house style, of mainly white and black. The font used is the same throughout the whole of the double page spread, and a serif font has been used. The logo has been used on both pages which lets the audience know that the double page spread belongs to Q magazine, this also gives it a more professional finish.


The layout of this double page spread follows the route of the eye, there is a large picture of the band related to the article in the background, which takes up the whole two pages and acts as a background. There is a small heading at the top of the page, and the main text in the article in the right hand corner of the double page. At the top of the text there is a main title, informing the audience of the name of the band in the article. There is a kicker at the beginning of the article which draws the attention of the audience to the beginning of the article, which may make them read on from the kicker.


The image used is a mid/long shot, which allows you to clearly see the people in the photo and the location/setting, this helps the audience link the photo to the specific genre of the magazine, it also allows the audience to relate the text to the people found in the photo.

Page 12: media music magazine research

Mode of address

The mode of address used also seems to be informal, as the magazine tries to communicate to the audience in a way in which the audience can relate to.

Mise en scene

Props such as masks and boards have been used to show the personality of the band members, it also helps link the picture with the genre of music. The location used also links in with the theme of the picture, which may also reflect the style of music the band is associated with.