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SugarZack Organic Pet Treats

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Company information

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SugarZack is -  100% organic, hand-made pet treat company -  Offers natural homemade treats, toys, and handcrafted pet products -  Unique local Store located in San Francisco, CA -  No artificial flavors or preservatives used -  All staff love animals and have passion -  Online shop available

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Health becomes an important issue these days and food is the most obvious element in your healthy lifestyle. People eat organic food, do yoga, drink lots of water, and see doctor periodically. Then what about your furry companions? Pets should be allowed to take care of their bodies as much as we take care of ourselves. SugarZack organic food gives high energy, protects from diseases, and the taste is amazingly great. Enjoy your healthy life with your precious pets!

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The best choice for pet’s health.

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Organic Pet Treats

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Mock up website

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Connected Page

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Target -  Pet owners between the ages of 25 and 35

-  mostly female/single/working ($40,000+)

-  quality is more important than quantity

-  living in rented place alone or shared but eventually want to buy own home

-  relaxed, easy-going, friendly, yoga, jogging, eco-friendly, organic-oriented, healthy lifestyle

-  shop at Whole Foods, Trader Joe , read Real Simple, Yoga Journal

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-  Normally single women are more caring and detail-oriented than men. Also have more time to spend with pets than married women. These women are homely and cook their own meal instead of ‘to-go’ food. They sometimes hang out with friends on weekend but more likely to stay at home during weekdays and try to take care of their pets.

-  Even though they are so busy or tired, they never forget doing exercising. They prefer doing yoga or jogging instead of going gym. Yoga, they can do at home and do jogging because they can do with their pets.

-  They prefer to read Real Simple, Oprah, or Yoga Journal because those magazines have lots of tips for healthy lifestyle.

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Campaign information

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Why does the company

need to advertise San Francisco has many pet owners. We can easily see people walking with their dog, and cats peeping out of the window. San Francisco has lots of pet shops, pet hospitals, dog-allowed parks, and pet-friendly stores.

SugarZack specializes in handmade treats and organic products. Most of pet owners become interested in natural food to keep their pals healthy. Some pets unfortunately suffer from food allergies and SugarZack can help.

Not everyone is familiar with SugarZack yet because we have been only available in San Francisco until now.

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Media campaign -  Budget: [see chart]

-  types of media: Online Media

-  what kind of ads to use: Paid Search, Sponsored Link, Standard/ Roadblock Banner, Social Network

-  what types of sites: * Search Engine : Google * Pet-related site: Pet Finder, SFSPCA * Newspaper/magazine: SF Gate, San Francisco Magazine Real Simple, Oprah * Social Network: Facebook

-  What is your timing (time of year): * July ~ August: vacation season: lots of time to spend with pets, good for adopting kittens and puppies Campaign Running Time: July 1 ~ August 31

* December: Holiday season. Special promotions/sales/gifts Campaign Running Time: December 1 ~ January 5

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What is the advertising

Going to accomplish

<July/August> Brand awareness campaign. Letting people know that “SugarZack is here for your pet’s healthy life”. Introducing our brand’s organic philosophy and products and promoting people to buy our homemade food.

<December> Brand awareness campaign especially for Christmas season. Expecting a direct response to join our exclusive membership and can benefit from SugarZack’s holiday special promotions/sale events.

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Who are we going

To connect with -  Pet owners!!! concerning about pet’s health or their pet has food-related allergies so that the pet only can eat specific food or organic/homemade food

-  Part-time/full-time working women between the ages of 25 and 35

- Think pets are precious family

- Try to spend a lot of time with their pet

- Who can afford extra money for their pet

“My cat Bell, has a food allergy

and she was abandoned twice

before she came to me. Former

owners gave up because the

y can

not afford Bell’s expensive food.

Since I adopted her, I feel bad

because she can not eat any

other cat snacks besides special

prescribed food. I want to find

something natural and organic

, no

chemically seasoned food for


Price doesn’t matter to me.””

Sera, age 35, fashion designer

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Campaign Strategy Sites we choose are: Google Google is the most common and popular search engine in the U.S. When people are looking for something their first choice is Google. Pet-related sites Pet Finder is one of the biggest pet sale sites in the U.S. People who want to buy a puppy or kitten, this is the good start to search. SPCA is the another choice for people who are looking for pets. Newspaper/Magazines SF Gate and San Francisco Magazine are the local sites. San Francisco residents are visit these sites to look up local news, events, or store information. These will be great sites to let people know and expect to visit our store. Real Simple and Oprah are nationwide life magazines especially focus on healthy lifestyle. People who like these magazines seek healthy life so that they eat organic food, exercising, and gladly spend their money to buy organic products. If these people have pet, they would willing to take care of their pets’ health too. Facebook Facebook is a great social network site. Through Facebook, we expect people to join, communicate, and share their stories each other. We advertise our organic products as well as our special events/sales. We also expect viral marketing through our Facebook fans.

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Mock up online ads Online Banner

Leaderboard 728 X 90

Square 250 X 250

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Paid Search

Mock up online ads


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Mock up online ads E-Mail (For December Only)

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Social Network Online Banner Paid Search






E-Mails Online Banner Paid Search Social Network

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used Google Search Engine

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used Real Simple

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used SF Gate

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Mock up Landing Page

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used Pet Finder

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used San Francisco Magazine

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used Oprah Magazine

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Mock up Landing Page

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Screenshots of websites

That will be used SF SPCA Sponsorship

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Mock up Landing Page

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Special Thanks to
