Page 1: Media presentation - 80 Years Straight
Page 2: Media presentation - 80 Years Straight

Character types and what stars or upcoming stars would be appropriate and why you’ve chosen these for the film

·How you are going to create interest for the audience straight away (enigma code)

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The team Jack Nicholson Morgan Freeman Blythe Danner Meryl Streep

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Why we chose this acting team We chose this group of actors because they are all of the same generation and are all well know and respected actors. Morgan Freeman plays a regular low paid actor called Desmond, we chose him for this role because we thought after watching Shaw Shank Redemption that Morgan was a perfect fit for our part. Jack Nicholson is our famous actor who has made his big break in the film as Peter we chose Jack Nicholson as our other actor because he has acted in a number of blockbusters and we thought he was perfect for the part. Blythe Danner is one of our actresses her name in the film is Ann we chose her for the part because her acting in the film meet the fockers we thought she was perfect. Last but not least we chose Meryl Streep as our other actress because we thought that she looked perfect for the part

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How are we going to create interest for the film We are going to create interest for the film right from the opening scenes deliberately forcing the audience to question the entire film for example why do these two men meet is it fate or did one search out the other? By making the audience question the film they stay interested and want to keep watching to find out what happens once the story has been told. Also we are going to make our film light hearted and funny whilst still containing romance to make it more appealing to a wider audience and once again by doing this and making it funny and romantic we hope to keep our audience intrested in the story we are telling.
