
I have positioned my masthead at the top of my magazine this is conventional as it is where it is placed on every magazine I have seen as it shows organisation and shows straight away to the audience what the magazine company is which promotes and advertises it. I have made my masthead big and bold like every other magazine to stand out to the audience so they are clear on what magazine it is which promotes and advertises the company more and may progress into them buying it time and time again. I have made my masthead red as my colour scheme is red, black and white so keeping my masthead with the colour scheme keeps my magazine looking well structured and professional as well as organised, it is very conventional for the mast head to keep to the colour scheme I also believed that the colour red contrasted well with the models hair and the background this is a conventional way of thinking as it is something every magazine considers. I have also put my masthead behind the model which has the effect of making the model stand out more, this is not highly conventional as not every magazine does it but from the examples I have picked I saw a lot of magazine which chose to the same and it look very effective

I have used a sky line this is conventional for a magazine as it brings the structure together and allows you to advertise and promote the magazine more, when looking at both of my skylines the top one says that it is the ‘best rnb magazine ever’ which bigs the magazine up and promotes the magazine and may also persuade people into buying continuous issues. On the bottom skyline I have done a review of 2013 this gives the audience a perspective of the past of the magazine which may advertise the future of magazine to the audience when looking at my skylines they are reasonably small so that they don’t take over any other aspects of the magazine however the writing is big and bold enough to grab the attention of the audience. My skylines I have also stuck to the conventions as they involve the colour scheme of my magazine which makes it look more professional and organised. Every magazine I had looked at involved a skyline.

I have used continuous plugs within my front cover these are mainly seen to be in yellow which is not part of the colour scheme this has the effect of making them stand out to the reader which is important because the plugs have a key role in promoting the magazine as it will make them want to buy it so they can have things for free or win stuff, this is very conventional for a magazine with my age group which is teenagers as they are still interested in winning and getting free things especially if it is to do with the genre of music that they like. When looking at my plugs have put them in circles or squares this is to separate them from the rest of the aspects of the magazine and to also make them stand out more. The way I have presented and advertised my plugs is very conventional to a magazine.

I have included a main image on my front cover this is seen on every single magazine, when looking at my main image we can clearly see that it is the main image not for the fact that there isn't any other pictures on the cover but because of how big it is, the size of my main image will draw people in and make them want to read more about the artist. When looking at the artist I have made her very pale which works well with the background then her dark hair contrasts well with the red writing used on the front cover and her blue eyes stand out and draw you in which is very important. When looking at her hair we can see that I have put it in two buns which is very individual which gives the idea that the magazine is unique and different. She is also sticking out her tongue which makes the magazine come across as fun and interesting. It is very conventional for the main image to be unusual to draw the reader in.

Here we can see that I have added writing which links to the main image we can see that it links to the main image for the fact that it is the biggest text used on the front cover other than the masthead. the fact that it is so big shows that it is an important piece of information. The fact that it is right beside the artist shows that the artist and the name link together which is very important to promote the artist and advertise. We can also see that the writing matches the colour scheme which is very conventional as it keeps it professional.

I have used a barcode which is very conventional as it is seen on every magazine in order for people to actually buy the magazine. I have made my barcode reasonably small as it is not that important to the magazine so I don’t want to draw peoples attention towards it.

I have included the date this is important to show how updated the information in the magazine is going to be which will allow people to make decision as to whether they want to buy it or not.

I have included the web address to promote the website this is very conventional.

I have included the issue number this is important to show how updated the issue is an the past of the magazine.

I have also included a main story which links to the main image this will draw the reader in and make them want to know more about the story so it Advertises and promotes it is also done In the conventional colours.

I have also used other subheadings which include other stories which have all been done in black to keep it well structured and to show what they are as well as to keep it conventional and the story heading is done in red to also do the same these subheadings will make the reader want to know more which advertises the magazine


I have included a title for my contents page which is contents which shows clearly what the page is. It has been put at the top of the page to create a pleasant structure and to follow conventions when doing my independent research I had noticed that most of the magazine I looked at used the title contents so I followed this. The masthead on the contents page is very big and bold to catch the readers attention so that they are aware of what is and to also make them look at this specific page. It has also been done in black to follow the conventional colours.

I have included headings when including things that featured in magazine when looking at the headings we can see that they have all been placed in red boxes this creates good structure and shows the repetition of the headings which will make the audience more aware of the headings they have also been done in red to follow the conventional colours of my magazine I have also used the same font for every heading which creates continuity and makes it look more professional this font is big and bold which makes it stand out to reader and will make them look at specific headings to find exactly what they want. The heading has also been done in black to follow the conventional colour scheme.

We can see when looking under the headings that page numbers have been used this Is to make it more easier for the reader so they can jump straight to the page they wish to be on. When looking at the page numbers below the headings we can see that they are all the same this creates continuity and makes it look more professional and well structured. The numbers are also big and bold which will grab the readers attention and lead them to different pages when looking at the numbers they have all been done in red which fits with the conventions of my colour scheme.

When looking at my contents page we can see that I have used a page number which has been put on the right hand side which is conventional. It has also been put in a bold font which grabs attention but it is quite small so that it does not grab too much it has also been done in red to show conventional colours this number will be the same on every page which is also conventional.

I have included plus’s which are not vital elements to the magazine but they are still included I have used a smaller font for this particular part of my magazine to emphasize the fact that they are not the most important parts of my magazine but they have also been done in the conventional colour scheme.

I have also included the date on my contents page to make the reader aware of how updated the magazine this to has been done in the conventional colour scheme.

I have also included a plug on my contents page to draw people into the magazine and grab there attention. I have done the plug in yellow although this does not fit with the conventions it makes it stand out to the rest of the magazine. The plug also advertises the website and will make people buy more of the magazines the plug has been done in big bold writing so it is easy to see.

For my main story I have made the number bigger than the other numbers used on this page this is to make it stand out in comparison to the others and make it clear that this is the main story and it is in an important page to go to I have kept it conventional by making it the same colour as all of the other numbers as well as the same font.

I have included a letter from the editor this is very conventional as it is seen in almost every magazine I have looked at previously. The letter from the editor is in a black box which separates it from the rest of the magazine and also keeps with the conventional colours. I have also done the writing in red I have wrote it so that it introduces the magazine and also advertises it as well as creating a relationship from the editor to the reader.

I have also included a picture of the editor to create a relationship between the reader and the editor so they appreciate it more.

I have included a band index which isn’t exactly conventional as a lot of magazines don’t use it how ever magazines I have looked at of my genre have so I decided to use it I have used a red box to make it stand out and stick to conventional colours I have included a white bold a big title to make it stand out as well as band names in white and yellow page numbers.

I have used a main image it Is clear that this is the main image by its size as it is bigger than any other picture it is also clearly the same person who was on the previous page which was the front cover when looking at my main image we can see that she is dressed in black to fit with my colour scheme and she has her arms out which is very inviting and informal which will make people more likely to read the part about her.

My main heading is also a lot bigger than any other heading used this is to show that it is the main story and it will draw more people towards it.

I have also used other images to represent other parts of my magazine they are set out the same as my main image and story just smaller to make the main story stand out slightly more.


I have used a mast head on my double page spread when looking at my masthead we can see that I have used the artists name this is to show exactly who it Is so that the reader isn’t confused. It also promotes and advertises her as an artist. When looking at my head we can see that it is following conventions as it is at the top, it is relevant and it is big and bold to catch the readers attention, it is also black which fits well with the colour scheme. I have included a quote from the interview the reason I have done this is so that

it draws the readers attention into the quote and interests them into the story as they may think if that’s in what she says that’s what I want to read. We can see that when looking at this quote it is right next to the artist which shows clearly that she was the one who had said it. We can also see that it is big and bold which catches the readers attention it is also red and black which fits with the colour scheme needed.

We can see clearly that this image is the main image as it is bigger than the other image on the double page spread, when looking at this image we can see that it fills a full page this is very conventional as it promotes the story as well as the artist. When looking at the main image we can see that she is in black which fits with the conventional colour scheme she is also putting her fingers up which will surprise readers and make them more interested on a whole.

We can see that the page number is on the right hand side which is following the conventions of a magazine it is also the same as the previous page and the contents page which is also conventional.

We see here that I have put information about the main image then put who it was took by this gives out interesting information to the reader we can see that it links to the main image for the fact that it is right next to it. It also fits with the conventional colour scheme.

We can see that another image has been used with in the text which creates interest and makes a difference from loads of text which can be seen to bore people. In the picture she is wearing black which fits with the colour scheme.

We can see that with in the text there is quotes from the text this Is conventional as it draws the reader into reading the full text it also helps let the text sink in to the reader we can see that it has been put in a bold font to make it stand out it has also been done in red which fits with the colour scheme.

Here I have used a drop capital this starts of the text well and it is very conventional as it is seen in every magazine on the double page spread it is in red to fit with colour scheme and it is makes the text look more professional

Here we can see that a kicker is used this kick starts and introduces the artist this will make the reader want to read the interview once they know more about it this is very conventional for a music magazine.

Here we can see I have done a short introduction as to what the interview is going to be about.

We can see that I have split my interview into columns which makes it look more professional and organised it is also an interview which is not conventional but out of choice the questioned asked are in red and the answers are in black this shows the difference and makes it less confusing for the reader it is also fits with the colour scheme


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Throughout the production of my media product when making my front cover, contents page and double page spread I continuouslyused the colours red, black and white the reasons I have used these colours was because when doing my independent research I had noticed that all of the magazine with in my genre which was RnB had used the colours red black and white so I thought it would be most suitable for me to use them to so that it was noticeable to the audience as to what specific genre my music magazine was set for. I have also used the colour red because it linked with the magazine name ‘dynamite’ and it stands out, it also matched with what my model was wearing. The colours are the same for every page of my magazine to show continuity and it makes it look more professional and organised. Bellow I will put a picture of my magazine and other magazine in which have used the same colours throughout.

Colour Scheme





Challenging conventions with inspiration from different products…


I decided to look at NME magazine for inspiration for my magazine when looking at this magazine I really liked the idea of the band index on the contexts page as I felt it made the whole contexts page look more structured as well as professional it also gave the reader more to look at and shows that there is a lot of aspects to my magazine. I have made my band index alike to the one I have seen by making the title ‘band index’ in capital letters and spreading it out to the end of the column I thought this was a good idea as it made it all fit together better, I also made mine bold like they did to make it stand out a main difference with in the title is the fact that I used white I just felt that this worked best with my contents page . When looking at mine and there’s I can see that we both put them in boxes I thought this was a good idea so that I could separate it from the rest of the text used on my contents page the main difference here is the fact that it was red I felt this was necessary because the background of my contents page is white so I felt the red would make it stand out more. We can also see that I structured it the same by putting the band name then the number I thought this made it look neat and professional however I changed the colour scheme.



When looking at my plug we can see that I copied ideas from both Q magazine and MUSE magazine we can see this by looking at the way I have created one circle and put another one over it which they both did I used the colour of the inside from Q magazine and the colour from the MUSE magazine on the outside the reason I did the circle was because it was a traditional look for a plug which made it conventional and I stole colour ideas from both of them to keep with my colour scheme . When looking at Q magazine they have the plug underneath the model however my magazine MUSE magazine have ours over the model I did this to make it stand out more and make the audiences attention drawn towards it. When looking at mine I have also made the font a lot different to there’s I did this to make it look more interesting and for it to stand out I also did this to keep with my colour scheme.



When looking at my feature we can see clearly that I got some inspiration from the Q magazines feature list although I made minea lot different, I used the idea of the boxers for the feature headings as it made them stand out and made the column's look structured and organized however I made mine different by making the boxes red I did this because it fitted well with my colourscheme I also made my font black and made it less basic to there's to make it stand out and look unique. We can also see that I used the red numbers as I thought it made them stand out more however I found it was necessary to make them bigger and more bold. We can also see that I copied the titles for the feature lists I did this because I thought they fitted with the stories I had in mind and made it more conventional. We can also see that I wrote my out the features in the same way however the fonts are very small in comparison to mine so I made them bigger for the readers purposes.





When looking at the skyline we can see that I tried to re create a conventional sky line by making the box for the skyline reasonably small which can be seen on both my magazine and the others I looked at the reason for this is so that it doesn’t take up much of the page. When looking RnB magazine skyline we can see that I used the colours from this skyline I did this because it matched the colours I was using in my magazine which creates a good structure and professional finish. When looking at the RnB magazine I thought that the colours went well together on the sky line. When looking at fonts it can be seen that I tried to make my look most like Q magazine as I though that there's stood out and was really clear. When looking at what has been said in the sky line we can see that I created my own personal idea as I thought it would be good to look back at the past where as the other magazines at other aspects there is no conventional thing to put in a sky line as long as it is short and relevant I learnt this from my independent work on music magazines and when creating my own.





As we can see with the drop letter I made it very different to the drop letters I had seen previously on magazines such as VIBE magazine and Q magazine although I have placed it in the exact same place which was right at the top of the article this is conventional as it gives it structure and starts it of well. As you can see I made mine a lot bolder than the one magazines I looked at I did this to bring attention to it so that people would start reading the article I also made it red as the writing with in the article started of in the colour red I followed conventions at this point because the magazines I looked at used the same colour fonts for both the drop letter and the writing following it.



We can see when looking at the caption I have interpreted the from the VIBE magazine as they have put there’s in a corner right next to the picture which is conventional. A caption for a picture is conventional to show what the picture is all about and also who it was took by this promotes the photographer as well as the photo and the artist. We can also see that I copied the idea of using a small font how ever I made mine different by using two different colours which can be seen to be red and black which fit with the conventional colours I decided to use a more bold font than VIBE magazine used to make it stand out more.



When looking at Q magazines front cover features we can see that I liked the idea of the main heading being black and bigger than rest of the text this is conventional because it makes it stand out and makes the reader more interested, I also did mine black because it sticks to the conventions of my colour scheme. When looking at my main headings they are slightly more bold than the ones used in Q magazines as I thought it was important for them to stand out I also used red for the description to link with my colour scheme it can also be seen that I have done my text much bigger and explored with fonts more.


Same colour scheme using 3 colours throughout.

This is very conventional as it keeps it looking well structured and professional I will put my front cover, contents and double page spread on to show continuity of my colour scheme.


Same artist

The same artist is featured at least once on my front cover, contents and double page spread this shows continuity and is very conventional as it promotes the artist and advertises them it also makes it look more professional and relevant.


Page numbers match content features

Page numbers match content features is very important as it is what makes a magazine work and makes it well structured I will show you where my contents page says the double page spread of Shauna Harrison should be and then show you where it is.


Same fonts

I have used some of the same fonts in my front cover, contents and double page spread to show continuity this is conventional to create a professional look and create structure.