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Social Media Monitoring Platform & Data Analysis For Intelligence

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Mediawave realize that social media has changed the communication ways. It’s a 2 ways communication & horizontally. Consumers perception over your product is determined by the consumer's experience sharing about the product, also, not determined by your promotion material and advertising anymore. Indonesia is the Social media country, the second biggest Facebook users and the third biggest Twitter user in the world. They discuss everything & anything, including your brand in social media. They share the experience, asking, flattering even scolding your brand in Social Media.

MediaWave is an advanced, heavy-duty social media monitoring algorithm made by highly experienced programmers and social media specialists. It’s a monitoring tool which has been utilized under different license name, for multinational corporations as well as political organizations.

Furthermore, we also dedicate a team to analyze the data results from the monitoring. By means of the method that we developed based on our experience in Indonesia market.

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Social Media Monitoring & Measurement Platform

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to T



om S


ent P



End User

Qualitative AnalysisQuantitative Analysis (Time, Keywords Volume, etc)

3rd Party Data Provider


Platform System

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Increased product awareness, Word Of Mouth, Improved Sentiment, Build Customer Loyalty, Problems Solving, Customer Perception...



Gender, Location, etc

Graphic Trend


Data Crawling

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Data Analysis

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Proven Algorithm

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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The algorithm of MediaWave is known in Indonesia’s businesslandscape, which are used by state-owned banks and thecountry’s largest telecommunication companies. It is also used byAmerican mining companies and consumer product.

In the field of politics, which has been atrusted source of social media monitoring platform for Politics.The platform has been used to predict correctly the outcome ofelections.

The sophisticated algorithm of MediaWave collects, measuresand analyzes abundant conversational data. These conversationsinclude statements, questions, criticisms, supports, jokes,opinions and various comments of current issues.

The monitoring activities can also include listening to plans,rallies, recruitments to crowd mobilizations. Information critical togovernment agencies in the field of national security.

Information is gathered, processed and presented 24 hours-a-day,7-days-per-week, non-stop, providing the ability to tap into thedynamics of society never before accomplished.

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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Reach is the maximum number of audience is exposed to our message.

MediaWave Method

Example calculation:@ XYZ tweeted a message to its 1000 followers. The message got retweeted in 2 times by @ ABC (1700 followers) and @ DEF (followers 500).

Then the reach of that message is: 1000 + 1700 + 500 = 3200

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Engagement is the amount obtained by the interaction of a message. On Twitter, this interaction may be a reply, retweet, click to link, favorite. On Facebook, the interaction can be like and comment.

MediaWave Method

Example calculation:@XYZ tweeted a message to 1000 followers.That message got replied 3 times and 30 times retweeted.

So the engagement is 3 + 30 = 33

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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Share of Awareness shows the number of mentions ofa issue or figure in social media mentions compared tothe competitor or another issue.

MediaWave MethodShare of Citizen displays the number of unique users whohave mentioned the issue or figure in social media ascompared with the total unique user.

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

Share of Media is similar to Share of Awareness. The distribution is calculated based only on the online media. Mapping the issue or figure based on a number of social media conversation.

MediaWave Method

Share of Category is similar to Share of Awareness, only calculated based on the distribution in a category. For example in the banking industry, monitoring can be divided based on social, economy, or politics.

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MediaWave Method

Share of Influencer - Measuring influencers who are aware of the issue or figure compared to the total influencers. Influencer is a person who has the authority as well as influential and trusted by their environment to talk about the issue or figure and our industry. The more influencers are talking positively about a issue or figure, the better the public's perception of the issue or figure.

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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MediaWave Method

Net Perception (NP) is the net value of sentiment: the opinions and feelings of consumers expressed in social media, to a issue or figure in the world of social media.

There are 2 (two) way of calculating Net Perception (NP), namely:NP 1 = Total positive mention + Total neutral mention - Total negative mentionNP 2 = Total positive mention - Total negative mention

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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MediaWave Method

Perception Index is the index scoring sentiment of a issue or figure compared with social-politic sentiment. Perception Index only calculated the positive and negative sentiment. With the Perception Index, a issue or figure can directly find out the public perceptions in social media in comparison with competitors and industry.

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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MediaWave Method

Social Influence Marketing (SIM) is an index that measures the effect of a issue or figure in social media. The formula of Social Influence Marketing (SIM) is as follows:

SIM SCORE = (% Total positive mention of the issue or figure /% Total mention of the category) + (% of Total neutral mention of the issue or figure /% Total mention of the category) - (% Total negative mention of issue or figure /% Total mention of category)

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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MediaWave Method

Net issue or figure Reputation (NIFR) is the net value of the issue or figure's reputation in the number of social media. This value is approximately equal to the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Calculation of Net issue or figure Reputation (NIFR) is as follows:

NIFR = % total positive mention - % total negative mentionCalculation of Net issue or figure Reputation (NBR) aims to simplify the method of measurement of public opinion to a issue or figure.

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MediaWave MethodEarned Media Share of Voice by Perception (EMSP) concept is the same as issue or figure Talkable Favorability (IFTF), but measured in the context of a product category. Thus, the denominator is not limited to one issue or figure only conversation, but conversation of all existing issue or figures in that product category.

The formula of Earned Media Share of Voice by Perception (EMSP) is as follows:EMSP = (% total positive mention of the issue or figure /% total positive mention of the category) = (% of Total neutral mention of the issue or figure /% of Total neutral mention of the category) - (% Total negative mention of issue or figure /% Total negative mention of category)

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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Analysis Data Output

Campaign AnalysisPerformance Analysis, User Profile by Post, Buzz Cluster (Words Cloud), Reach & Engagement, Influencer, Impact & Authority, Key Content Message

Trending AnalysisKey Finding trend category based on audience, Buzz Cluster (Words Cloud), Trend location, Influencer, Content Ideation and Content Planning, Key Conversation Sample

Competitve Monthly Report & Recommendation Share of Voice, Sentiment Growth, Media Distribution & Sentiment, Brand Equity, Finding/Insight All Brand, Brand Storyline, Influencer by Media (Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Forum, Online News, Youtube), Keyword Mapping, Influencer Mapping, Key Finding, Key Take Away, Forward/Recommendation

Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis

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Social Media Monitoring & Data Analysis