  • 7/31/2019 Medieval Cool History for Advanced Sample


    Fill in the Blank:

    1. The Roman name for the island of Great Britain was _______________. The Roman name

    for northern Great Britain was _______________ , and the Roman name for southern Great

    Britain was _______________. There were two Celtic names for Ireland: _______________

    and _______________.

    2. Future Roman dictator _______________ _______________ invaded Britain twice, once in

    _______________ BC and again in _______________ BC. At the time, the Roman Empires

    goal was not to conquer Britain, but to conquer _______________. In the end it was

    Emperor _______________ , not _______________ , who conquered Britain for Rome.

    3. _____________s Wall marked the Roman Empires northernmost border for about _____

    centuries. The wall stretched from _______________ _______________ in the west to

    what is now the town of _______________ in the east a distance of about ___________

    miles. The wall averaged about _______ feet high and _______ feet thick. The Romans

    defended their wall by building a _____________ at every milepost.

    4. The three Germanic tribes that migrated to Great Britain the _______________ , the

    _______________ and the _______________ all came from mainland Europes

    _______________ Peninsula.

    5. Sailors know the seas from 40 - 50 South latitude as the _____________ _____________

    ; the seas from 50 - 60 South as the _____________ _____________ ; and the seas from

    60 - 70 South as the _______________ _______________ .

    BiblioPlans Cool History forBiblioPlans Cool History forBiblioPlans Cool History forBiblioPlans Cool History for


    Medieval, Week 2:

    Great Britain

  • 7/31/2019 Medieval Cool History for Advanced Sample


    Week 2, page 2

    Short Answer:

    1. List the six Celtic nations.

    2. What trees and plants were especially sacred to the druids?

    3. How did the captured Caratacus convince Emperor Claudius not to kill him?

    4. Why didnt the Romans allow Queen Boudicca to inherit her husbands kingdom?

    5. Why did Roman generals like Magnus Maximus, who were responsible for defending

    Britannia, make their emperors nervous?

    Short Essays:1. Describe the tactics that the crafty, experienced Romans used to defeat Queen Boudicca.

    2. Describe the Romanized Britons feelings for the Roman Empires culture. Then describe

    the Romanized Britons feelings for Angle and Saxon culture. What happened to Britains

    culture after the Angles and Saxons defeated the Romanized Britons?

    3. What did Arius mean when he said There was a time when the Son was not? What

    church-wide council condemned Arius as a heretic? What creed did this council produce?

    Research Essay:At a military outpost called Londinium, the Romans built a wooden bridge over the

    River Thames. What happened to this bridge during Boudiccas Revolt?

    Londinium went on to become the city of London. When did London get its first stone

    bridge? What medieval king started work on London Bridge, and what medieval king finished

    it? Describe the medieval version of London bridge. When did London replace this medieval-

    era bridge with a more modern one?
