
Meet Dave

He manages Steves email

and everyone elses in his company

To do this, he needs a number of onsite email solutions

your whole historic email archive… You still won’t be able to see through clothes

now you have full track and trace forensic views of

but you will be able to make any email or email chain appear as if by magic

Do you sometimes wish you had a magic hypno coin to hypnotise your users during email downtime?

Now any planned or unplanned outages need not have to end in wailing and gnashing of your teeth with Mimecast continuity service.

Well you don't need to, to afford the enterprise level cloud based email security,

continuity and archiving service from Mimecast.

your email archive becoming a lumbering monster? is future

storage projections and budget cuts rattling your bones? With an unlimited inbox and up to 10 years of email storage from Mimecast you no longer have to worry about your flaming pitchfork wielding users

Finally decided to take that next evolutionary step? Mimecast will ensure a smoother less risky migration, your data is backed up and email will be continuously available during the transition.

BlackBerry and its;

ever thought about BlackBerry

continuity? Well here at Mimecast we

continuity? Well at Mimecast

we have. we offer the worlds first always on BlackBerry service, so you can rest assured that you can access big data with your small device. where ever you are

Not a problem, Mimecast have you covered. We cannot be beat in defeating all email based intrusions from viruses to spam. We even stopped the last alien invasion from planet Snork. well not really but wouldn't that have been cool?

Is your email management strategy a

with Mimecast you are ensured a truly robust unified email platform that allows unlimited email archiving, unrivalled email security and email that is allways on, even if your mailserver is down.

Combined with superior policy control and even funky email branding thrown in…

Can you really afford being caught choking the rubber chicken?

For more info:

other times Things just go Wrong

His boss doesnt like it when things go wrong

His users does not like it when things go wrong

There are times he needs to bring the servers down

worlds first always on BlackBerry service, so you can rest assured that you can access big data with your small device. where ever you are

His mate told him about mimecast

It’s in the cloud and takes care of your email...

After signing up with Mimecast...

Dave only needs to keep his:

It’s Cheaper so his bosslikes it

It’s Always on so his users like it

Because there is less systems to manage

Dave has more time to be...



Meet daveRaider of the lost email archive



‘Meet Dave’ is a Mimecast sponsored cartoon. All characters are fictional, situations are based on dramatised real life events. No alterations, amendments or redistribution is allowed without authorisation of the Mimecast. Meet Dave is based on the ‘My Mate Dave’ characters created by Johan A Kruger & is licensed for exclusive use by Mimecast.

View animated series at For more info on Mimecast visit:
