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First of all let me welcome you to AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE. An extraordinary RIMT has occurred and a set of unique individuals has joined the organization: you are part

of AIESEC now.

Either in Talent Management, Projects & Non Corporate, External Relations, Finance, International Relations or Communication, a world of knowlede shily unfolds before you, like a closed crate or a pandora box you are now faced with two


You can open it and seek and take as much as you can for your growth and development as an individual,

Or you can chose to wait for it to open by itself, choosing not to grow as much as you could.

What will it be?

How well do you know yourself?How much do you want to grow today?

How much will you teach tomorrow?

Life’s not about avoiding the Storm, life’s about dancing in the rain.

Your Executive Board for 2010-2011:Pedro, Ricardo, André, Cristian, Margarida, Carlos, Mário


November 2010

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Daniel Roseiro

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WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN? our next events


My name is Henrique, I am 21 years old and I am an AIESEC’er since January. I always been an ER member and already had the opportunity to be OC ER at IRW, an event for trainees and for the first time work in a team.In this event the whole team had a huge development since you have many responsibilities and many relationships to take care. Also, in this type of opportunities people can touch and change us.

Now I am OCP in Discovery and I have an awesome team and full of beautiful girls:

- Umangui Chaganlal as OC ER- Ana Filipe Oliveira as OC Logistic- Anna Plizka as OC Finance- Maria Oliva (Católica) as OC Communication)

They are all very excited, what makes my work a lot easier. We look forward to welcome you!

Discovery is the most important event for the new AIESEC’ers, it’s the place where you coexist with other person like from all around the country!It’s like a bigger RIMT where you can share thoughts with people from the same area than you.

You can change yourself and the others! You will discover yourself better than you think.

About the location, Discovery will be in Santa Cruz, Torres Vedras, which is a different environment near the beach! And the houses are only for us!

What can i say more?! We have lot of surprises ready for you, so go ahead! You will enjoy the spirit of AIESEC!

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If developing future leaders is one of AIESEC’s main goals, why not able students from secondary school be in touch with our organization? After all, they are the leaders of tomorrow.

Following this thoughts we’ve created the national PBox, the “Make it Possible!” project.PBox (Project Based on Exchange) is exchange project focuses on a specific theme.

So, developing a project like this one, under the social responsible theme, makes sense because it’s gonna lead nowadays themes, like the Millennium Development Goals(MDG), to students all over the country.

The Millennium Development Goals were established by ONU in 2000 to be reached until 2015. The goals are:

. Eradicate half of Extreme Hunger and Poverty

. Achieve Universal Primary Education

. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

. Reduce by two-thirds Child Mortality

. Improve Maternal Health

. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases

. Ensure Environmental Sustainability

. Develop a Global Partnership for DevelopmentNow there’s a question: What it will really happen?

Essentially, every single national committee is gonna get new trainees that will be trained in specific areas in order to handle the students in the best way.

The objective is allowing the trainees to go to schools and share their experiences with the students in the same time that help them developing a work, under the MDG theme.

This project will last two months (February to April) and to finish It there will be a national conference that will count with all organizations that allowed the creation of the project. In this conference the students will get the chance to show their work in front of a huge audience.

The “Make it Possible!” project will make a huge social impact that will raise AIESEC in Portugal to another level in terms ofextern position.

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The Corporate Relations has won 5 new Members. Welcome André Igreja, Eduardo Barroso, Mariana Marques, Pedro Bello and Tânia Carmo.I wish you best of luck for this area and new adventures.

The other members were divided in 2 groups. Henrique Coelho and Umangui Chaganlal leave the area, temporally, to be OCP and OC, respectively, of Discovery I 1011. At the same time, Mafalda Garcês (Team Manager) and Carlos Monteiro (VP) where preparing the area induction process for the news members.

At TN levels, we have a re-raise of 1 TN from CCL. Nicolina Topolko is almost finishing the internship and the company want a new one.

On Saturday, November 6th, 2010 was a Corporate Relations Day with Team building and training team.. All the new members were present.

Big kiss, Your LCVPCR

WHAT’S UP? in our areas

Finance’s got its eye on the next discovery. The organization will be done by cooperation between ISCTE, Nova and Católica.

Its structure is finally done and defined: 1 member in Finance control, 2 in Projects Control and 1 in Logistics and Executive.

The main point, that finance can be really happy, is that they are recovering some debt money from the members (100€), from the fiat (500€) and from the SGC (600€).

CCL had owed 7 salaries (4970€), but now it only owes 1 and half (1065€) - we’re expecting that during this next 3 weeks CCL pay off its debts.

The LT has also yielded us 250€, like IBS (1000€).

The main goal for us is that we can, till the end of this year, recover all the money without creating other debts.

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glossary@ - AIESEC

@XP - AIESEC experience

AI - AIESEC International


AG - Assembleia Geral

AGIO - Assembleia Geral Interna Ordinária

AGIE - Assembleia Geral Interna Extraordinária

Alumnus - Former AIESEC Member

Alumni - Former AIESEC Members

BoA - Board of Advisors

BoD - Board of Directors

CEED - Cultural Education Exchange Development

Comm - Communication

Corp - Corporate

CRM - Custumer Relation Management

DT - Development Traineeship

EB - Executive Board

EP - Exchange Participant

ER - External Relations

FACI - Facilitator

IBXP - Issue-Based eXPerience

ICX - InComing eXchange

LC - Local Committee

LCP - Local Committee President

LDS - Leadership Development Seminar

LTM - Long Term Member

MC - Members Committee

MCP - Members Committee President

MT - Management Traineeship

NatCo - National Congress

NC&P - Non-Corporate and Projects

NST - National Support Team

OC - Organizing Committee

OCP - Organizing Committee President

OGX - OutGoing eXchange

PAI - President of AIESEC International

PAG - President da Assembleia Geral (GAP)

PBOX - Project Based on Exchange

Returnee - Former AIESEC Trainee

RIMT - Reunião de Integração, Motivação e Treino

STM - Short Term Member

TM - Talent Management

TN - Trainee Nominee

TT - Technology Trainee

X - eXchange @

Congrats to the Leadership Project team that realized a Great Leadership Tournament comprising

120 participants. Partners BDO, AUDAX and Dancake really liked the challenge.

The PBoX successfully arranged for the Participation of Liceu Pedro Nunes and Escola Secundária de Miraflores. The TN form is soon to be signed.

In the Summer Abroad, we started receiving the first final reports that will be available in the NCP folder.

Furthermore, the NCR&P has been helping in the recruitment, realizing interviews and group dynamics.

Finally, the very 1st NCR&P Dinner occurred Thursday, the 21st October, where the team went to Chimarrão and was joined later in Bairro by Cláudia Sequeira!

Expect many good news to come in the new future from this Wonderful area!

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For the finale phase of the promotion to the Leadership Tournament, our team done a huge interactive chess table with some removable papers that had motivational phrases.

Internal has been concentrated on launching the Members Newsletter, and here it is the one of November!

We also worked with the OC of the RIMT I in the creation of the booklet, the template sessions and the badges.

We are giving the utilization of the Facebook profile that was expcected, showing the news and the opportunities that appear that are relevant.We also made the promotion to WeGrow, a more personal one. We got 5 members to represent us which was our objective.

For the finale phase of the recruitment we done some papers to post on the bathrooms, in front of the mirrors, where people could read the papers that are written on the contrary!!


Internal SynergiesNow we will do a quick and efficient promotion to Discovery, that you guys will see!

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During this month, Exchange has focus all its efforts in our successful recruitment process, where we’ve discovered our new talents and future exchange participants.

VP and managers have prepared themselves to provide the new members with an amazing introduction to AIESEC during the RIMT and an incredible experience for EPs when going on exchange and also for our new members.

On the other hand, our dear managers have been working hard to match our EPs and TNs, many candidates and opportunities have appeared and we expects good results for some specific cases soon!

Keep updated on the next edition of this newspaper!


So, what has TM been doing this last few days?..

As you know, we had our first AIESEC weekend last October and it was AWESEOME! We have amazing new members and I’m pretty sure that these will be a great year in AIESEC.

This year TM is subdivided in 3 areas: people engagement, training team and alumni&mentoring.Each of the 3 sub areas will have some specific projects to work on but with a common “fim”: provide the development of our members!

And be aware about our events that are coming soon such as the alumni “day” or our Xtmas Dinner!! You’ll heard about TM a LOT this year ;)

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April Interview with Pedro Ferreira

WHAT’S UP? with our opportunities

WeGrow is an international conference that happens every year and it is for AIESEC’ers that are in the organization for a while and that wants or has a leadership role.

In this conference you have the chance to meet the true AIESEC spirit, dance roll call’s with hundreds of people from different places of the world and finally discover of what is made our network.

You also have the opportunity to meet a new country and discover it with the friends that you made in the conference.

This year it will be in Athens, Greece, from 11 to 15 of November, and we will be present with some of our members:!

Let’s give our congratulations to Ana Cabral, Cristian Ospina, Claudia Sequeira, Nuno Pereira and Ricardo Lima for grabbing this opportunity!

Good luck and be an awesome representant of AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE!

Global Estratégias (GE) is organizing an conference about Online Marketing, that will happen in 17 and 18 of November andwill bring numerous national and international specialists.

The main theme of this event will be about the best practices and the most recent and innovative trends in diverse areas of marketing.

This is an amazing opportunity since AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE received free invitations to this conference for the Communication members!! (a single ticket costs aproximately 500 euros!!)

There will be many companys and many people with lots of knowledge in this matter, so if you think that it’s time to you to learn something with someone relevant in the society and if you also want to increase your network, this is the chance that you don’t want to lose!

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June Interview with Andreia Santos

April Interview with Pedro Ferreira

It’s coming...

March Interview with Rui Duarte


WHAT’S UP? with our change agents

-> previous interviews:

<--click here

<-- click hereclick here --> Link



Nicolae Axente

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WHAT’S UP? in our events

Group Dynamics

Group Dynamics

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RIMT I - Careful, Rita!

RIMT I - Leadership Track

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RIMT I - OC Team

RIMT I - Carqueja’s session

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RIMT I - Awesome Group Picture

RIMT I - Punishment (muahaha)

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