
School Name: ___________________________

School Number: __________________________

Student Names: __________________________



Mentor Science Olympiad Invitational

Division B

February 13th, 2016

Level 1 Tiebreaker – Score in Match the following

Level 2 Tiebreaker – Fill in the Blanks

Level 3 Tiebreaker – Multiple Choices

Level 4 Tiebreaker – Short Answers

Level 5 Tiebreaker - Diagrams

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


State True or False (1 point each)… Write T or F as your answer

1) Smooth muscle is striated and does not move via involuntary movement. (____)

2) Skeletal muscle have multiple nuclei and used for voluntary movement. (____)

3) Cardiac muscle is used for the voluntary contractions of the heart, allowing for the movement of

blood. (____)

4) Swallowing involves both skeletal and smooth muscle, and the action induces voluntary and

involuntary movements. (____)

5) Sarcomere is the scientific term for a muscle cell. (____)

6) Calcium ions are necessary for the formation of cross-bridges between the thick and thin

filaments. In order to end cross-bridge cycling calcium ions must return to the extracellular

space via active transport. (____)

7) Muscle cells are stimulated by neurotransmitters released from the tips of motor cell dendrites.


8) When an organism dies it muscles remain in a contracted state termed rigor mortis for a brief

period of time. This phenomenon is caused as there is no ATP to break bonds between the

actin and myosin. (____)

9) During the muscle contraction, the ion that leaks out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and induces

myofibrils to contract is Cl-. (____)

10) Smooth muscle is responsible for peristalsis along the digestive tract. (____)

11) Fat is responsible for some of the structural differences between men and women. (____)

12) Epidermis is the loose connective tissue that attaches the skin to underlying bone or muscle

tissue. (____)

13) Dermal papillae projections from the dermis into the epidermis and produces fingerprints. (____)

14) Striae lines are visible through the epidermis produced by overstretching of the dermis. (____)

15) Lipid the thickened area of stratum corneum that is produced in response to friction. (____)

16) Callus is the process that changes the shape and chemical composition of epidermal cell. (____)

17) The blue color of tattoos, bruises and some superficial blood vessels is due to the light

scattering effect of overlying tissue. (____)

18) When large amounts of squash and sweet potato pigments are consumed, the excess

accumulates in the stratum corneum and in fat cells of the dermis and hypodermis, causing the

skin to develop a yellow tint. (____)

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


19) Congenital disorders of blood vessels in the dermis produces birthmarks. (____)

20) Cortex is the outer layer of a hair consisting of a single layer of overlapping cells that holds the

hair in the hair follicle. (____)

21) Merocrine sweat gland produces a thick, organic secretion that is broken down by bacteria to

produce body odor and also opens into hair follicle. (____)

22) Apocrine sweat gland produces a watery secretion and also opens onto the surface of the skin.


23) Nail matrix is the whitish, crescent shaped area at the base of a nail. (____)

24) Basal cell carcinoma is a rare form of cancer that arises from melanocytes, usually in a

preexisting mole, unless diagnosed and treated early this cancer is often fatal. (____)

25) First degree burns is where the epidermis and dermis are damaged. Its symptoms include

redness, pain, edema and blisters. (____)

26) In a case of third degree burn, the epidermis and dermis are destroyed. Recovery occurs from

the edges of the burn. This is also known as full thickness burn. (____)

27) Fontanels are wide sutures that are present in newborns. (____)

28) Syndesmoses fibrous joints are where bones are separated by some distance and are held

together by ligaments. (____)

29) Cartilaginous tissue unites two bones by fibrous tissue and exhibit little or no movement. (____)

30) Bursa is the extension of the synovial membrane that forms a pocket or sac and reduces friction

where structures would rub together. (____)

31) Cartilage – an extracellular matrix that is made up of collagen and proteoglycans. (____)

32) The periosteum and endosteum contain osteoclasts which function in the formation, repair and

remodeling of the bone. (____)

33) A long bone that is still growing has an epiphyseal plate, composed of cartilage, between each

epiphysis and diaphysis. When the bone growth stops, the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone

is called diaphysis line. (____)

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


Match the following (1 point each). Write the corresponding number in this column:

1 An extension of the epidermis into dermis Osteoclasts

2 Invaginations of the sarcolemma that wrap around sarcomere Fossa

3 Anchors the myosin myofibrils in the center of sarcomere Bone

4 Muscle remains contracted without relaxing Blood vessels

5 Indication of an allergic reaction penicillin Lacunae

6 Muscle that work together to accomplish a movement Hair follicle

7 Part of muscle between the origin and insertion Eponychium

8 That can be seen and felt down the midline of the back Rash

9 Vertebral column that curves posteriorly Contractility

10 Formed by fusion of the ilium, ischium and pubis M line

11 Contains all of the spinal cord together from vertebral column Muscle fiber

12 Muscle that plays major role to accomplish a particular movement Troponin

13 Cuticle, stratum corneum that extends onto the nail body T tubules

14 Mutation preventing the production of melanin Motor neuron

15 Located within major tendon of thigh muscle Tetanus

16 Allows yes motion of head Synergists

17 Houses osteocytes within them Belly

18 Run parallel to the long axis of the bone Prime mover

19 Single muscle cell, makes up muscle fasciculi External intercostal

20 Elevate ribs during inspiration Sebum

21 Depression in a bone Albinism

22 Ability to shorten with force Atlas

23 Made up of collagen & minerals Thoracic

24 Remove bone and calcified cartilage Vertebral foramen

25 White substance rich in lipids, prevents drying of skin Spinous process

26 Nerve cells that carries action potentials to skeletal muscle fiber Coxa

27 Provides calcium binding sites on action myofilaments Patella

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


Filling in the blanks (20 points)

1) Intramembranous ossification occurs when osteoblasts begin to produce bone in ossification

centers of ________________________________ membranes.

2) Growth in the __________________ of a bone, which is the major source of increased height in an

individual, occurs in the _____________________________________.

3) Bone remodeling involves the removal of old bone by _________________________and the

deposition of the new bone by ___________________________.

4) The zone of tissue repair between the two bone fragments is called a ___________________.

5) Bones such as the vertebrae and facial bones are known as ___________________________.

6) ________________________is the location where forearm muscles attach to the Humerus.

7) ________________________ is the basic structural and functional unit of the muscle.

8) ________________________ is part of a myofibril where actin and myosin myofilaments overlap.

9) ________________________ is a thread like structure that extends from one end of the muscle fiber

to the other.

10) When the action potentials reach the________________________, they release calcium ions.

11) ________________________ phase is the time during which a muscle shortens.

12) ________________________ muscle is responsible for smiling.

13) The prime mover of the lateral neck muscle is___________________________________

14) ________________________ muscle attaches the scapula to the thorax, forms the upper line from

each shoulder to the neck.

15) ________________________ is a muscle that is located in the forearm that flexes forearm.

16) ________________________ muscle is an anterior hip muscle that flexes thigh.

17) ________________________ muscle lateral leg muscles which also everts the foot.

18) ________________________ carcinoma develops from cells immediately superficial to the stratum

basale, is a nodular keratinized tumor confined to the epidermis.

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


Multiple choice (1 point each)

1) Muscle cells that are cylindrical and branched, each with a single, centrally located nucleus, and

that contracts spontaneously are:

a) Skeletal muscle

b) Smooth muscle

c) Cardiac muscle

d) Unknown: not enough characteristic to determine the type of muscle

2) Which of these layers of a skeletal muscle is the same as the fascia?

a) Sarcolemma

b) Perimysium

c) Fasciculus bundle

d) Epimysium

3) For the events listed below, which of the following is the correct sequence for their occurrence

during the excitation and contraction of a muscle cell?

1. Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross-bridge binding sites. 2. Calcium is released and

binds to troponin. 3. Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 4. The thin

filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of the myosin molecules and

ATP. 5. An action potential in a motor neuron causes the axon to release acetylcholine, which

depolarizes the muscle cell membrane.

a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

b) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5

c) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4

d) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4

4) During muscle contraction which of these processes requires ATP?

a) Transport of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

b) Release of cross-bridges

c) Formation of cross-bridges

d) All of the above

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


5) A muscle contraction in which the muscle produces an increasing tension, but the length

remains constant is a(n)

a) Isometric contraction

b) Isotonic contraction

c) Concentric contraction

d) Eccentric contraction

6) Which of these is correctly matched?

a) Multiunit smooth muscle---spontaneous contractions

b) Visceral smooth muscle ---contracts when stretched

c) Skeletal muscle---slower, longer contractions than smooth muscle

d) Multiunit smooth muscle---numerous gap junction, auto-rhythmic

7) Which of the following tissues has the greatest ability to repair itself?

a) Skeletal muscle

b) Cardiac muscle

c) Smooth muscle

d) All of the above have about the same ability

8) Which of the following is one of the primary functions of the muscle tissue?

a) Regeneration of mass

b) Heat production

c) Growth

d) The ability to last forever

9) Fast-twitch fibers

a) Can be changed into slow-twitch fibers with exercise

b) Are found in higher proportions in arm muscles than in back muscle

c) Are found in higher portions in the thigh muscles of marathon runners

d) Are a specialized type of smooth muscle

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


10) Meissner corpuscles respond to a stimulus of

a) Pressure

b) Heat

c) Light touch

d) Cold objects

11) The following relate to sebaceous glands except which one?

a) Produce sebum

b) Are associated with hair follicles

c) Provides waterproofing

d) Use merocrine methods

12) The most active growing region of the nails is the

a) Nail body

b) Launula

c) Nail bed

d) Stratum corneum

13) A procedure that uses skin from a deceased person to treat a burned area

a) Autograft

b) Homograft

c) Granulation tissue

d) Deep partial-thickness graft

14) The dermis s composed mostly of

a) Fibrous connective tissue

b) Dense regular connective tissue

c) Dense irregular connective tissue

d) Adipose tissue

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


15) A 2nd degree burn can result in a loss pf sensation, but do not necessarily affect motor control

of arrector pili muscles. Which of the following are damaged in 2nd degree burn.

a) Hair follicle receptors

b) Pacinian’s corpuscles

c) Ruffin’s endings

d) Meissner’s corpuscles

16) Several layers of cells reside within epiphyseal disks of developing long bones. Which layer is

responsible for anchoring the disk to the bony epiphysis

a) Cells undergoing mitosis

b) Cells enlarging and becoming calcified

c) Dead cells with calcified intercellular substance

d) Resting cells

17) A break in the shaft of a bone is a break in the

a) Epiphysis

b) Perichondrium

c) Diaphysis

d) Articular cartilage

18) In compact bone, the osteocytes are connected to each other by tiny cells processes extending

through canals called

a) Lamella

b) Canaliculi

c) Central canaliculi

d) Lacunaeculi

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


Short Answers (1 point each)

1) This is an autoimmune disease that involves production of antibodies that interfere with nerves

stimulating muscle contractions. Face and neck muscles are the most obviously affected,

manifesting as drooping eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing and general fatigue. There

is no actual paralysis of muscles involved, but a rapid fatiguing of function.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

2) If not enough calcium is deposited during early childhood development, the bones do not

become rock-hard, but rubbery. Both adequate calcium in the diet and vitamin D, primarily,

from normal sunlight exposure or supplementation, are necessary for normal bone

development. Before vitamin D supplementation to milk, this was common resulting in the

classic bowed legs of the afflicted child.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

3) A highly contagious skin infection that is most common in children. It is caused by the

staphylococcus aureus, or more rarely streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. Children account for

about 70% of all cases. The first sign is a patch of red, itchy skin. In colder countries, most cases

are caused by staphylococcus aureus while in warmer countries the infection can be caused by

both types of bacteria.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

4) A chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own

tissues and organs. Inflammation caused can affect many different body systems — including

your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________


5) The most obvious symptom is a red, irritated lump under your skin. Touching it may be painful.

It can range from the size of a lentil to the size of a medium-sized mushroom. The lump quickly

becomes filled with pus. Nearby areas may also experience swelling. Other symptoms may

include: itching before the lump appears, bodily aches, fatigue, fever, skin crustiness or oozing.

Answer: __________________________________________________________

Diagrams: (Each blank is 1 point)



School Number: _____________________ School Name: _________________________________





State True or False (1 point each)

1) Smooth muscle is striated and does not move via involuntary movement. (F)

2) Skeletal muscle have multiple nuclei and used for voluntary movement. (T)

3) Cardiac muscle is used for the voluntary contractions of the heart, allowing for the

movement of blood. (F)

4) Swallowing involves both skeletal and smooth muscle, and the action induces voluntary

and involuntary movements. (T)

5) Sarcomere is the scientific term for a muscle cell. (F)

6) Calcium ions are necessary for the formation of cross-bridges between the thick and

thin filaments. In order to end cross-bridge cycling calcium ions must return to the

extracellular space via active transport. (F)

7) Muscle cells are stimulated by neurotransmitters released from the tips of motor cell

dendrites. (F)

8) When an organism dies it muscles remain in a contracted state termed rigor mortis for

a brief period of time. This phenomenon is caused as there is no ATP to break bonds

between the actin and myosin. (T)

9) During the muscle contraction, the ion that leaks out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and

induces myofibrils to contract is Cl-. (F)

10) Smooth muscle is responsible for peristalsis along the digestive tract. (T)

11) Fat is responsible for some of the structural differences between men and women. (T)

12) Epidermis is the loose connective tissue that attaches the skin to underlying bone or

muscle tissue. (F)

13) Dermal papillae projections from the dermis into the epidermis and produces

fingerprints. (T)

14) Striae lines are visible through the epidermis produced by overstretching of the dermis.


15) Lipid the thickened area of stratum corneum that is produced in response to friction.


16) Callus is the process that changes the shape and chemical composition of epidermal

cell. (F)

17) The blue color of tattoos, bruises and some superficial blood vessels is due to the light

scattering effect of overlying tissue. (T)

18) When large amounts of squash and sweet potato pigments are consumed, the excess

accumulates in the stratum corneum and in fat cells of the dermis and hypodermis,

causing the skin to develop a yellow tint. (T)

19) Congenital disorders of blood vessels in the dermis produces birthmarks. (T)

20) Cortex is the outer layer of a hair consisting of a single layer of overlapping cells that

holds the hair in the hair follicle. (F)

21) Merocrine sweat gland produces a thick, organic secretion that is broken down by

bacteria to produce body odor and also opens into hair follicle. (F)

22) Apocrine sweat gland produces a watery secretion and also opens onto the surface of

the skin. (F)

23) Nail matrix is the whitish, crescent shaped area at the base of a nail. (T)

24) Basal cell carcinoma is a rare form of cancer that arises from melanocytes, usually in a

preexisting mole, unless diagnosed and treated early this cancer is often fatal. (F)

25) First degree burns is where the epidermis and dermis are damaged. Its symptoms

include redness, pain, edema and blisters. (F)

26) In a case of third degree burn, the epidermis and dermis are destroyed. Recovery

occurs from the edges of the burn. This is also known as full thickness burn. (T)

27) Fontanels are wide sutures that are present in newborns. (T)

28) Syndesmoses fibrous joints are where bones are separated by some distance and are

held together by ligaments. (T)

29) Cartilaginous tissue unites two bones by fibrous tissue and exhibit little or no

movement. (F)

30) Bursa is the extension of the synovial membrane that forms a pocket or sac and

reduces friction where structures would rub together. (T)

31) Cartilage – an extracellular matrix that is made up of collagen and proteoglycans. (T)

32) The periosteum and endosteum contain osteoclasts which function in the formation,

repair and remodeling of the bone. (F)

33) A long bone that is still growing has an epiphyseal plate, composed of cartilage,

between each epiphysis and diaphysis. When the bone growth stops, the epiphyseal

plate is replaced by bone is called diaphysis line. (F)

Match the following (1 point each)

1 An extension of the epidermis into dermis 6 Hair follicle

2 Invaginations of the sarcolemma that wrap around sarcomere 13 T-tubules

3 Anchors the myosin myofibrils in the center of sarcomere 10 M lines

4 Muscle remains contracted without relaxing 15 Tetanus

5 Indication of an allergic reaction penicillin 8 Rash

6 Muscle that work together to accomplish a movement 16 Synergists

7 Part of muscle between the origin and insertion 17 Belly

8 That can be seen and felt down the midline of the back 25 Spinous process

9 Vertebral column that curves posteriorly 23 Thoracic

10 Formed by fusion of the ilium, ischium and pubis 26 Coxa

11 Contains all of the spinal cord together from vertebral column 24 Vertebral foremen

12 Muscle that plays major role to accomplish a particular movement 18 Prime mover

13 Cuticle, stratum corneum that extends onto the nail body 7 Eponychium

14 Mutation preventing the production of melanin 21 Albinism

15 Located within major tendon of thigh muscle 27 Patella

16 Allows yes motion of head 22 Atlas

17 Houses osteocytes within them 5 Lacunae

18 Run parallel to the long axis of the bone 4 Prime mover

19 Single muscle cell, makes up muscle fasciculi 11 Muscle fiber

20 Elevate ribs during inspiration 19 External intercostal

21 Depression in a bone 2 Fossa

22 Ability to shorten with force 9 Contractility

23 Made up of collagen & minerals 3 Bone

24 Remove bone and calcified cartilage 1 Osteoclasts

25 White substance rich in lipids, prevents drying of skin 20 Sebum

26 Nerve cells that carries action potentials to skeletal muscle fiber 14 Motor neuron

27 Provides calcium binding sites on action myofilaments 12 Troponin

Filling in the blanks (20 points)

1) Intramembranous ossification occurs when osteoblasts begin to produce bone in

ossification centers of connective tissue_______________ membranes.

2) Growth in the length___________ of a bone, which is the major source of increased

height in an individual, occurs in the epiphyseal plate_________________________.

3) Bone remodeling involves the removal of old bone by osteoclasts ________________and

the deposition of the new bone by osteoblasts___________________.

4) The zone of tissue repair between the two bone fragments is called a


5) Bones such as the vertebrae and facial bones are known as irregular bones__________.

6) Epicondyle is the location where forearm muscles attach to the


7) Sarcomere is the basic structural and functional unit of the muscle.

8) A Band part of a myofibril where actin and myosin myofilaments


9) Myofibril is a thread like structure that extends from one end

of the muscle fiber to the other.

10) When the action potentials reach the sarcoplasmic reticulum , they

release calcium ions.

11) Contraction phase is the time during which a muscle shortens.

12) Zygomaticus muscle is responsible for smiling.

13) The prime mover of the lateral neck muscle is sternocleidomastoid muscle______.

14) Trapezius muscle attaches the scapula to the thorax, forms the

upper line from each shoulder to the neck.

15) Brachioradialis is a muscle that is located in the forearm that flexes


16) Iliopsoas muscle is an anterior hip muscle that flexes thigh.

17) Peroneus muscle lateral leg muscles which also everts the foot.

18) Squamous cell carcinoma develops from cells immediately

superficial to the stratum basale, is a nodular keratinized tumor confined to the


Multiple choice (1 point each)

1) Muscle cells that are cylindrical and branched, each with a single, centrally located

nucleus, and that contracts spontaneously are:

a) Skeletal muscle

b) Smooth muscle

c) Cardiac muscle

d) Unknown: not enough characteristic to determine the type of muscle

2) Which of these layers of a skeletal muscle is the same as the fascia?

a) Sarcolemma

b) Perimysium

c) Fasciculus bundle

d) Epimysium

3) For the events listed below, which of the following is the correct sequence for their

occurrence during the excitation and contraction of a muscle cell?

1. Tropomyosin shifts and unblocks the cross-bridge binding sites. 2. Calcium is

released and binds to troponin. 3. Transverse tubules depolarize the sarcoplasmic

reticulum. 4. The thin filaments are ratcheted across the thick filaments by the heads of

the myosin molecules and ATP. 5. An action potential in a motor neuron causes the

axon to release acetylcholine, which depolarizes the muscle cell membrane.

a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

b) 2, 3, 4, 1, 5

c) 2, 1, 3, 5, 4

d) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4

4) During muscle contraction which of these processes requires ATP?

a) Transport of calcium ions into the sarcoplasmic reticulum

b) Release of cross-bridges

c) Formation of cross-bridges

d) All of the above

5) A muscle contraction in which the muscle produces an increasing tension, but the

length remains constant is a(n)

a) Isometric contraction

b) Isotonic contraction

c) Concentric contraction

d) Eccentric contraction

6) Which of these is correctly matched?

a) Multiunit smooth muscle---spontaneous contractions

b) Visceral smooth muscle ---contracts when stretched

c) Skeletal muscle---slower, longer contractions than smooth muscle

d) Multiunit smooth muscle---numerous gap junction, auto-rhythmic

7) Which of the following tissues has the greatest ability to repair itself?

a) Skeletal muscle

b) Cardiac muscle

c) Smooth muscle

d) All of the above have about the same ability

8) Which of the following is one of the primary functions of the muscle tissue?

a) Regeneration of mass

b) Heat production

c) Growth

d) The ability to last forever

9) Fast-twitch fibers

a) Can be changed into slow-twitch fibers with exercise

b) Are found in higher proportions in arm muscles than in back muscle

c) Are found in higher portions in the thigh muscles of marathon runners

d) Are a specialized type of smooth muscle

10) Meissner corpuscles respond to a stimulus of

a) Pressure

b) Heat

c) Light touch

d) Cold objects

11) The following relate to sebaceous glands except which one?

a) Produce sebum

b) Are associated with hair follicles

c) Provides waterproofing

d) Use merocrine methods

12) The most active growing region of the nails is the

a) Nail body

b) Launula

c) Nail bed

d) Stratum corneum

13) A procedure that uses skin from a deceased person to treat a burned area

a) Autograft

b) Homograft

c) Granulation tissue

d) Deep partial-thickness graft

14) The dermis s composed mostly of

a) Fibrous connective tissue

b) Dense regular connective tissue

c) Dense irregular connective tissue

d) Adipose tissue

15) A 2nd degree burn can result in a loss pf sensation, but do not necessarily affect motor

control of arrector pili muscles. Which of the following are damaged in 2nd degree


a) Hair follicle receptors

b) Pacinian’s corpuscles

c) Ruffin’s endings

d) Meissner’s corpuscles

16) Several layers of cells reside within epiphyseal disks of developing long bones. Which

layer is responsible for anchoring the disk to the bony epiphysis

a) Cells undergoing mitosis

b) Cells enlarging and becoming calcified

c) Dead cells with calcified intercellular substance

d) Resting cells

17) A break in the shaft of a bone is a break in the

a) Epiphysis

b) Perichondrium

c) Diaphysis

d) Articular cartilage

18) In compact bone, the osteocytes are connected to each other by tiny cells processes

extending through canals called

a) Lamella

b) Canaliculi

c) Central canaliculi

d) Lacunaeculi

Short Answers (1 point each)

1) This is an autoimmune disease that involves production of antibodies that

interfere with nerves stimulating muscle contractions. Face and neck

muscles are the most obviously affected, manifesting as drooping eyelids,

double vision, difficulty swallowing and general fatigue. There is no actual

paralysis of muscles involved, but a rapid fatiguing of function.

Answer: MYAYSTHENIA GRAVIS______________________________________

2) If not enough calcium is deposited during early childhood development,

the bones do not become rock-hard, but rubbery. Both adequate

calcium in the diet and vitamin D, primarily, from normal sunlight

exposure or supplementation, are necessary for normal bone

development. Before vitamin D supplementation to milk, this was

common resulting in the classic bowed legs of the afflicted child.

Answer: __OSTEOMALACIA_______________________________________________________________

3) A highly contagious skin infection that is most common in children. It is caused by

the staphylococcus aureus, or more rarely streptococcus pyogenes bacteria.

Children account for about 70% of all cases. The first sign is a patch of red, itchy

skin. In colder countries, most cases are caused by staphylococcus aureus while in

warmer countries the infection can be caused by both types of bacteria.

Answer: __IMPETIGO____________________________________________________________

4) A chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks

your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused can affect many different body

systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.

Answer: ___LUPUS___________________________________________________________

5) The most obvious symptom is a red, irritated lump under your skin. Touching it may be

painful. It can range from the size of a lentil to the size of a medium-sized mushroom.

The lump quickly becomes filled with pus. Nearby areas may also experience swelling.

Other symptoms may include: itching before the lump appears, bodily aches, fatigue,

fever, skin crustiness or oozing.

Answer: ____CARBUNCLE___________________________________________________________

Diagrams: (1 point each)





