
Mentor Training@celiknimani


Why mentorship is important and what brought you here?

What do you want to bring in?

Mentoring is a gift

Do you have it? Do you give it?


Do you know how to

ask for help?

Start by building a relationship

Do you think the answer is a or b?

How should I think about this problem?

Where to start!

Make the person say! I don’t know

Why are questions more important than answers!

I’m trying to raise money, should I do Seed Round pr

Series A?


The founder has to research and know what his business


Not making decisions for the

person. Guiding them!

Try to cover your speciality.

Don’t cover everything

Close your eyes and imagine you have nobody to ask an

important question in your lifeWhat are you going to do?

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

Albert Einstein

We have to be our own

innovative thinkers!

Good mentors guide you to explore and encourage

creative thinking!

Don’t use the historical approach. Think differently.

Breakthrough thinking!

What if you’re really stuck!How and where can I get help?

Sometimes mentors are pointers as well. A big part of mentoring is networking.

One of help or enduring?

Constantly needing help? Hire someone or hire a person that helps you hire?

Answer: Get mentors that guide you, not just give you a fish.

Ask questions for example: How did a mentor build his network? What about you?

Mentorship is only a part of

the solution.

What if you’re really stuck!As a mentor:

Tease out where the entrepreneur is stuck How you got stuck

How to avoid getting stuck?

Develop problem solving skills

Relationship Being Humble + Competence

Give the mentor what you wan’t to achieve and what’s your purpose.

Brake 15 min



Communication - Listening

Ask questions

Ask the right questions, and repeat if you don’t understand!

Confirm right away!


What advice to use?


If they don’t take in the feedback it’s not the end of the world.

Don’t take advice blindly, take it

mindfully!Secret Tip!

Recommend to talk to customers

Come to goals with the mentor

What makes a great mentor?

What you are looking for in a


A person who makes an impact!

You teach the mentored people curiosity, joy of learning, confidence

For startups failure means learning

Create good relationships and don’t discourage other mentors

Improve constantly

Do you have it?

Thank you Keep questions coming
