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MPX Focuses on Veterans with the Launch of Patriot PaymentsP A G E 1

How to Get a Credit Card Machine for Your Small BusinessP A G E 3

Chargeback Management for Merchants: 4 TipsP A G E 5

What Is Merchant Cash Advance Financing?P A G E 6

The Clover Station From First Data: Everything You Need To KnowP A G E 7

Merchant ForumSummer 2018Maximize Revenues and Relationships Through Merchant Services

After 22 years of military service, Brad Briller was faced with the tough transition of leaving life as a U.S. Navy F/A-18 pilot for the civilian world. While Brad had relished his life as a pilot, his military career frequently uprooted him and his family—his wife Amy and their three children. They lived all over the world, but never for more than a few years at a time.

When Brad retired from the Navy, he wanted to continue flying, so he began his next career as a pilot with a national commercial airline. Brad found his transition from an active-duty service member to civilian life challenging. Brad recalls, “I really missed the sense of service I had in the Navy. I was proud of the difference not only for my small role in defending our country, but more importantly, supporting my comrades. I also felt incredibly fortunate that my family experienced a safe military career, with a quick transition to a civilian job upon retirement. Not all families have this luxury.”

Brad’s wife Amy also found herself missing the sense of service she felt as a Navy wife: “I was a navy wife for 22 years. When Brad retired, we instantly missed our ‘Navy family.’” Although Amy holds a master’s degree in social work, the military moves and frequent deployments kept her from developing a career in this field, but she was able to pursue another position. “I met so many other military spouses that did not have the same opportunity I had and basically gave up on their careers, because it was just too difficult,” she continues.

Both Brad and Amy agreed that they needed to find a way to remain connected to their military roots and give back to fellow veterans and their families.

That opportunity came for the Brillers when Brad’s brother and CEO of MerchantPro Express (MPX), Chris Briller, asked Amy to get involved as a referral partner in his credit card processing business. Amy leveraged her and Brad’s military relationships across the U.S. to make introductions to MPX to become customers.


MPX Focuses on Veterans with the Launch of Patriot PaymentsPatriot Payments, a division of credit card processing company MerchantPro Express (MPX), is a program created by a retired Navy Officer and his wife to benefit veterans and their families.

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Become a Referral Partner Today

Patriots Payments is dedicated to not only helping merchants save money on their merchants services accounts, but also giving back to those who serve and who have served in the military and their families.

We are always looking for new referral partners to join our team, whether on a part-time or full-time basis. Those who become a part of the Patriots Payments team are provided with the resources and training to thrive in their new professional role.

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


She could do this from home on her own schedule, help her military friends who owned businesses save money, and get paid recurring monthly commissions from those referrals. Amy never imagined a career in sales, but quickly realized how fun, easy and flexible sales at MPX could be.

Both Brad and Amy saw an opportunity with MPX’s referral partner program they thought would significantly benefit families like theirs. Thus, the start of Patriot Payments.

Soon Amy began asking Brad to suggest additional friends for her to approach, and Brad immediately took an interest. Like Amy, he appreciated the financial upside, but found the service to veterans to be most appealing.

“I discovered we could help veteran business owners with cost-cutting opportunities,” Brad says. “But we could also engage veteran job seekers who wanted to maintain some connection to the military community.”

Soon, the idea for Patriot Payments was born.

Brad and Amy approached Chris with an idea for a new MPX division focused on helping veterans and their families, called Patriot Payments. Chris instantly knew what an impactful program this could be. Although MPX has always been dedicated to giving back—the company has given to charities, including and Giving the Glam—this felt more personal to Chris.

“I was suddenly blessed with this tremendous opportunity to work directly with my brother and Amy and watch them incubate their idea into a full-fledged business within MPX. This program will deliver a tremendous service to veterans’ charities, veteran-owned businesses, military spouses, and under-employed veterans,” Chris says.

Brad and Amy have been managing Patriot Payments since the start of 2018. They knew that this type of opportunity could change the lives of military families for the better, regardless of where they reside or what their professional background consists of. Not only have they recruited several veteran sales agents, but they’ve also connected with veterans’ charities to ensure that even military families who don’t work for Patriot Payments will benefit from its services. As an example, the team started supporting Gold Star Teen Adventures, an extraordinary organization that provides support to children of fallen U.S. Special Forces members. Most recently, Patriot Payments has begun signing several veteran-owned businesses that can trust they are being taken care of in regards to their processing needs.

Although Patriot Payments is a new division within MPX, the Brillers are steadily getting the word out.

The Brillers are also hoping their cause will resonate with merchants as they choose a credit card processing company. “If they’re making a decision between two fairly equal offers, I would hope that they would go with the one that’s supporting veterans,” says Amy. “I think it’s an added bonus.”

With an exciting future ahead, Patriot Payments is looking forward to helping military families in any way they can, and in doing so, giving back to those who’ve already given so much to protect us all.

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


Determine whether or not you would like to open a merchant account.Accepting credit cards isn’t just a matter of simply purchasing a credit card terminal. It also requires enlisting a credit processing service. This typically involves opening what’s called a merchant account, an agreement between a merchant services company and a client detailing the relationship—including costs, duration, and identifying the processing platforms and funding banks the merchant services company will work with to complete each transaction.

The alternative to opening a merchant account is to go through a third-party payment processing service. While this may seem like an enticing option, since most third-party companies are generally less expensive, it’s important to make this decision carefully, as these services often offer fewer features and less support for your business.

Choose your merchant services provider.With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which would be the best. Keep in mind the following tips:

Do some research.Before making any decisions, it’s always helpful to first conduct some research. Familiarize yourself with different merchant services providers and their offerings. This will help inform your inquiries when it’s time to speak with a representative, which brings us to our next piece of advice.

Know the right questions to ask.Once you’ve narrowed down your options to several potential providers, you’ll want to ask the right questions. Inquire about their funding bank, EMV compliance, fees, or any other points you’re curious about. This will help you make a more informed decision than solely basing your choices off the information on their websites.

How to Get a Credit Card Machine for Your Small Business

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Accepting credit card payments involves more than just purchasing a terminal. Determining whether you’ll be opening a merchant account, choosing a merchant services provider, and selecting a machine most aligned with your business model are all critical steps along the way.

If you run a small business, then you’ve probably considered accepting credit card payments from your customers. With people carrying less and less cash every year, card payments are often more convenient for patrons, and can actually help grow your business. But how do you get a credit card machine?


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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


Speak with more than one provider.While you might have a good experience with the first merchant services provider you speak with, don’t rush into anything. It’s still a good idea to speak with multiple providers. Doing so will give you a better understanding of how they all compare. Letting providers know you’re considering multiple quotes might also encourage them to give you better terms.

Ask around.Talk to other small business owners. Input from those in a similar situation can help you make the right choice for your small business.

Read more about finding the best merchant account for your small business here.

Once you’ve chosen the right merchant services provider for your business, follow their application process to open a merchant account. When you’re approved, you can start looking into which credit card machine would be right for you. In many cases, these can be obtained directly from your merchant services provider.

Decide which machine would be right for your business.

Not all credit card machines are the same, nor right for every business. For example, a company constantly on the go might benefit from a simpler, handheld credit terminal, while a retail store with a permanent location might prefer a more stationary POS (point of sale) system with additional features. No two companies are alike, so it’ll be important to assess the needs of your small business before deciding which machine is the perfect fit. If you’re unsure, a representative from your merchant services provider should be able to provide some advice and guidance on what might work best.

Are you a small business owner considering accepting credit card payments and acquiring a terminal? Contact MPX to learn more about both.

R E A D N E X T How to Manage Your Small Business Better: 5 Tips

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Once you’ve made a decision on which credit card machine to use, your merchant services provider will help you activate your system. And just like that, you’ll be ready to start accepting credit card payments to help your small business grow!

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


Several helpful tips for effectively managing chargebacks include: understanding the causes, adhering to your bank’s associated policies, responding expeditiously, and expecting related fees.

Unfortunately, chargebacks come along with running a business. And while there are ways to prevent chargebacks, even successful and efficient businesses will experience them occasionally.

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Chargeback Management for Merchants: 4 Tips

Find out more about chargebacks and how they could affect your business.

MPX is seeking Referral Partners and Part-Time Employees who are interested in a no-pressure, work-from-home position that allows them the opportunity to save friends, family, and personal contacts money while receiving monthly commission for doing so.

MPX typically provides savings of 25% – 50% on their customer’s credit card processing expense and is able to provide savings anywhere from $1,000 - $100,000 annually depending on the size of the business and the industry type.

With MPX, you can earn an income while helping contacts in your personal network save money on these expenses!

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But what is a chargeback?Put simply, a chargeback is a reimbursement of funds to a consumer, typically due to fraud.

Chargebacks can be costly for your business, so when one occurs, it helps to keep in mind these chargeback management tips:

Understand the cause of the chargeback.While most chargebacks are caused by someone fraudulently making an unauthorized transaction on another person’s credit card, they can also result from other circumstances. Dissatisfied customers may dispute charges rather than undergoing the proper return and/or refund processes, for example. A chargeback may also result from something as simple as a clerical error at the time of the purchase or during processing.

It’s important to know what led to the chargeback, as this may impact how you proceed, and whether or not you argue that the transaction was legitimate.

Follow your bank’s instructions exactly.At the time of the chargeback, your acquiring bank will share instructions on how to proceed. Different banks have different procedures for addressing chargebacks. Even if you decide you are not going to argue against the chargeback, be sure to follow your acquiring bank’s directions, exactly. Failing to do so may put you at risk of forfeiting your rights as a merchant in the situation.

Respond to chargebacks quickly.This is particularly important if you plan on disputing the chargeback, as banks have varying time limits on when a merchant can make their case.

Expect to see a chargeback fee.Part of what makes chargebacks so costly for businesses is that regardless of the outcome, the merchant will always incur a chargeback fee. These are typically between $10 and $25 and charged by the issuing bank for the costs of the investigation. While irritating, these are an unavoidable part of managing a chargeback, so you should not be surprised or concerned when this appears on your credit card processing statement.

Chargebacks are just part and parcel of doing business. And while they can be costly and perhaps even a bit intimidating, taking steps to effectively manage them can facilitate smoother resolutions, so you can get back to running your business.

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


What Is Merchant Cash Advance Financing?Merchant cash advance financing lets you borrow capital in exchange for a portion of your business’ future credit card sales. They tend to have more flexible requirements, making the funds easier to obtain. This lets you grow your business and increase your profit margins that much sooner.

Merchant cash advance financing offers a different approach for business owners to receive funds for their organizations. It is not a loan—which obligates you to make a monthly payment until you pay back what you borrowed—but a lump sum of capital provided to you in exchange for a portion of your business’ future credit card sales.

Merchant cash advance financing can offer many benefits to business owners, so it’s important to consider your options carefully to determine if it’s the right decision for you.

Interested in getting a merchant cash advance? Learn more about MPX’s Merchant Cash Advance program.

It’s all about your business’ credit card sales.This kind of financing is geared mostly toward businesses with strong and consistent credit card sales, such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores and supermarkets.

The amount of the advance varies depending on estimated future sales, your credit score and other factors. When you submit a one-page application and six months of your company’s bank and credit card processing statements, the merchant cash advance provider will determine what percentage of your credit card sales goes toward paying back the funds advanced, as well as the total amount you have to pay back.

There aren’t many restrictions on what you can use the money for.When you apply for a merchant cash advance, you aren’t required to tell your provider how you plan to spend the funds received. This lets you determine what aspects of your business need the most financial attention at the moment.

Some business owners may decide that expanding is where they should focus, which could include opening a new location, hiring new employees, purchasing more equipment and/or developing new products. Other business owners may concentrate on investing in marketing campaigns, replacing outdated machinery, renovating their current location and/or paying off old debt that’s weighing them down negatively impact your credit score.

Applying for merchant cash advance financing is simple.Merchant cash advances tend to be easy to apply for and have more flexible requirements. Therefore, the funds are quick to obtain, which lets you grow your business and increase your profit margins that much sooner. In fact, some providers give you access to working capital less than a week after you get approved.

Similar to a business loan, you’ll be expected to share certain documentation with the merchant cash advance provider during the application process. However, some information isn’t deemed as important. This includes your credit score. While you may have to divulge your credit report, the provider won’t necessarily focus on it as much as a bank would if you were applying for a loan. Still, this depends on the specific provider’s qualification requirements, which they should clearly explain to you.

Besides basic information, such as your business name, ID, address and phone number, you should be prepared to also provide:

Social security number Financial statements Credit card processing statements Business tax returns

Find out what else you need to apply for a merchant cash advance.

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


Here’s what you need to know about the Clover Station:

There are a wide range of features Clover offers that improve productivity and security within a business.Some are directly related to completing transactions. Others increase a merchant’s capabilities, letting him or her monitor additional aspects of the company, from customer behavior to inventory. These features, such as keeping track of inventory, delivering invoices and running reports, can be managed from anywhere—thanks to Clover’s cloud-based operating system.

They include, but are not limited to:

Built-in, EMV-enabled card reader with encryption

Inventory & employee activity tracker

Transaction reporting

Updated software with apps

Fingerprint reader (for employees)

The Clover Station From First Data: Everything You Need To KnowThe Clover Station is offered by credit card processing platform First Data, as well as its partners. But the Clover Station is much more than a payment solution—it’s a management system that helps merchants run their businesses more productively.

There are a variety of credit card processing solutions available for merchants to utilize, letting them accept card payments, including credit, debit, EBT and contactless, from their customers. Each possesses its own unique attributes. While some are tailored to meet the needs of specific business types, others are viable options regardless of industry.

The Clover Station is offered by leading credit card processing platform First Data, as well as the merchant services companies it’s partnered with. However, the Clover Station is not just a payment solution; it’s a management system designed to help merchants overcome daily challenges they face.

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MerchantPro Express 1305 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 1.888.333.1374

Merchant Forum


R E A D N E X T Learn more about Clover, as well as the other solutions MPX offers.

As noted in the aforementioned list, Clover enables merchants to access more features with various applications, many of which are free.Available for download via the Clover App Market, some of these apps are industry-specific, while others are universally beneficial.

For example, the “Returns” app is great for retail stores. It places returned or exchanged items back into the inventory database, which ensures your inventory count is always accurate. The “Waitlist Me” app is also helpful, but for restaurants only. It manages reservations, alerting customers via text or phone call that their table is ready.

However, apps like “Nutshell” and “Automatic Reports” can be advantageous for businesses in different industries. The former lets merchants oversee key operational data, such as revenue and average customer spend. Used effectively, such information could increase a business’ productivity. The latter automatically takes the data saved in Clover and creates daily reports.

Further, the Clover App Market is constantly updated by developers, making Clover an exciting, dynamic platform that is evolving with technology and business needs.

The Clover Station is also user-friendly and intuitive. Because everything is pretty straightforward, training new employees to use the software is easy.

The software can function even when the internet is down, as well, so businesses will always be able to complete transactions and make sales no matter what unexpected technological mishaps occur.

The POS system’s modern design offers both style and functionality.Although its many features are vast, the Clover Station has a sleek, minimalist design. It won’t take up a lot of space or be an eyesore, as a result. Plus, its functional components, including the pivoting touchscreen display, will create a better checkout experience for both employees and customers.

And since there isn’t heavy machinery, it will make the installation process much quicker.

The Clover trademark and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc., a First Data company. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.

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