  • 7/28/2019 Message From PGAP Founder-VgN




    EDITORIALPGAP's char ter s tates that "its objects shall be scientific,

    in character", that it shall s t r ive for theof the theory and practice of radio engineering and ofallied ar ts a d ciences.. .with special attention to.. .Antennasand shall include scientific, technical, industrial or

    that contribu te to field or utilize the techniquesduc ts of field".Anyone who thinks about it must conclude that unless we were

    limit our goals, we always be faced with manys. Even though we make up onlya pa rt of IRE, we

    include members of so many diverse skills and inter-to serve all appears formidable indeed. Some may feel it

    to do so, others that it is not worthwhile. PGA P'snot permit it to take any such narrowview.far as we ho w ) would any part of its membership want it

    so.As time goes on, the problems be expected to becomedifficult. As an example, the gap between the electromagne-

    the ori st and the antenna designer is l ikely to become larger andand comm unication between them increasing ly difficult. To

    a t rend i s cle arl y one of PGAP's tasks.This Newsletter is inaugurated with the hope that it will a s s i s tning and solving the prob lems. Its purpose be to tel l what

    it s m em be rs a re doing and thinking. Everyoneis urged tomaterial.Suggestions,complaints,observations,in particu lar, expre ssions of what you a s a mem ber would likePGAP will all be of value and need less to sa y, mo re than wel-

    MESSAGE FROM P GAP FOUNDERI a m appy to learn that P G A P i s going to have a Newsletter.

    knit group of prof ession al peop leha s lot s of interesting andnt non- technical info rmation to exchange; a NewsletEer seemsmedium.

    The PGAP has beenvery successful profess ional ly overaf years. For some time, however, we have been beset by

    finan-i rresponsibi l i ty or ineptness , but from a surfeit of highly pub-

    The IRE Profes sional Group Committee has been fa ced withhepro ble ms of supportin g publications activitieson he part of

    of its more act ive groups andof stimulating greater activitieshe pa rt of certain other groups plagued with large surpluses. A

    that the IRE cover one-third of all reason able publi-in advance by the professional groups, offers

    of a solution to both pro blems. In addition, it wouldthe need for selling advertisingby those gro ups which have

    as a means of balancing their budgets.In the recent pas t , I had felt that a res t r ict ion in the technicald by PGAP might reduce the publications loadand,

    fore, the finan cial pro blem s of the group. If the new IREis adopted at the N ovemb er nee ting of the IR E

    Executive Committee, the Group should be abl e to meetit s pubcat ions demands and properly cover antennas , propagat ion anastronomy.One answer to the problem of proliferating pro fessional g

    i s for existing groups to extend their field s of inte rest to inc luar ea s of importance. As it s technical field grows, ho wever, thegroup faces th e problem of equitable treatment of various partsthe field in planning me etings and publishing papers. This becomuch eas ier i f there is no t a rigid limit on publications.

    L. C. Van Atta, Cha irma nLos Angeles Section, IRE

    ADMIMSTRATNE COMMITTEEAs a result of last spring's nominatio ns and balloting, the

    Adm inistra tive C omm ittee co nsists of the following:

    AssignmentR. L. MattinglyChairman

    A. DorneVice Chairman andNewsletter Editor

    A. BowhillPropagat ion PapersReviewJ. W. Findlay1959 Nat'l. Conven-tion Program Rep.F. T. HaddockRadio AstronomyCoordinatorJ. UT. Herbstrei tCoordinatorTech. Symposiuin

    E. JordanAwards (Best PGAPPap er and FellowAward)

    M. King1959 Nat'l. Con-vention R ecord Rep.R. K. MooreNo Assignment

    Adm. CommitteeTerm

    1956 1959

    1956 1959

    1958 1 1961

    1957 1960

    1956 1959

    1956 1959

    1958 1961

    1958 1961

    195'1 1960

    AffiliationMember of TechnicaBell Telephone Labotories , nc., WhippNew Jersey.President, Dorne anMargolin, Inc., WeNew York.Associate ProfessorPennsylvania State U

    Head of ElectronicsNational Radio AstroObservatory.University of rfichigAnn Arbor.

    Ass't. Chief, Radiogation Engineering DCentral Radio PropaLaboratory,Nat'l.Burof Standar ds, Bould eColorado.

    Head, Dept. of ElecEngineering,Universof Illinois.

    Sales Manager, I. TCircui t Breake r Co.

    Professor and ChairElectrical EngineeriDept., Uni ver sity ofNew Mexico.

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