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Academic Program Objectives

The Micro Focus Academic Program is a collaborative community engagement program that challenges the skills gap.

We work with businesses, academia and government to address the shortfall in the

high-quality, accessible IT talent needed to support today’s business organizations.

The Micro Focus Academic Program is a dedicated and clearly-focussed learning

opportunity that benefits business, educators and student communities.

The program puts into context our ongoing commitment to addressing the worldwide

IT skills challenge by linking those businesses looking for skilled programmers with

promising students who want a rewarding, sustainable career. Every aspect of the

program is focused on its participating member audiences.

The broader vision includes:• The worldwide education, promotion and development of COBOL within universities

• Supporting university IT programs that meet the needs of today’s business organizations

• Being the collaborative catalyst between business and academic communities

• Providing an interface for students to connect with prospective employers.

Bridge the Skills GapThe Micro Focus Academic Program

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The Micro Focus Academic Program


The future of COBOL

Micro Focus believes in COBOL. It runs like a thread through this initiative

– and the vast majority of the world’s business processes. A powerful

creative force and a major business enabler, it has been the language of

successful business applications for over 30 years.

It’s also tuned into future requirements, with 5 billion lines of new COBOL

code being developed every year. It’s both enjoyable and employable for

the student that pursues it.

COBOL supports 90% of Fortune 500 business systems every day

COBOL represents 65% of the world’s 310 billion lines of application code. Over 240 billion lines and growing

COBOL powers 85% of all daily business transactions

Worldwide, 200x more daily COBOL transactions than Google and YouTube searches

Five billion lines of new COBOL code are developed every year


“ The program ensures our IT courses are on the pulse of what’s important to business organizations today and tomorrow.”

Bill Marlow, Durham University

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The Micro Focus Academic Program

Bridge the gapThe heavy investment in critical business applications that keep large

corporations moving is at risk. The industry needs its graduates to

contribute where it matters most.

The key word is sustainability. Today’s business organizations need

quality COBOL programmers and are struggling to bridge this IT skills

gap. That puts graduates with these skills in high demand – and in line

for high rewards.

Our program bridges the gap and delivers for students

and businesses alike


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The Micro Focus Academic Program


Where IT business leaders are made

The Micro Focus Academic Program is engineered to support the three key

audiences who all play an important role in ensuring that the IT skills gap is

filled with high-quality candidates.

COBOL – the universal language of business – is the catalyst that unites these elements to create a fulfilling journey for students that will lead them into a rewarding and satisfying career.

But of course, it is the educators who enable and facilitate, empower

and inspire. You are a crucial element within the learning process and

the program has been developed to facilitate you in making COBOL

a key part of your curriculum.

The Micro Focus Academic Program is a toolkit for universities. It is

both a course in itself and the means to implement it. You’ll have

everything you need to teach an industry-relevant IT course that will

enable your students with a highly-employable skill that addresses the

IT and COBOL skills challenge faced by many business organizations.

Micro Focus will continue to develop and invest in this program to reaffirm our commitment to the universities and academic institutions that enable, educate and equip the IT business leaders of tomorrow.


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The Micro Focus Academic Program




s Enterprise Developer

Visual COBOL Supporting Academic Courseware

Web-based product training

Online community support

Also included:

Teach COBOL with the latest tools and technologies

The Micro Focus Academic Program is a win/win for businesses,

students and educators alike.

Join the programSign up to become an Academic Program Teaching Partner

and you will get the latest tools and technology, for free.

COBOL is straightforward to learn and simple to use. When you work with COBOL, you’re supported by a worldwide network of users all committed to shared success.

• Access to courseware

• Access to state-of-the-art software

for teaching

• Access to online web support

through our community forums,

blogs and support network

• Access to online software

documentation and product manuals

• Access to Micro Focus web-based

training courses for program products

• The opportunity for possible joint

technology research engagements

with Micro Focus

• Access to contacts, opportunities,

forums and the Micro Focus

Academic Alliance

• Use of the Micro Focus Academic

Partner trademark for your own

marketing and promotional work.


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The Micro Focus Academic Program

Supporting a winning teamThe Micro Focus Academic Program is a

program designed for you. As an educator you

become part of an important team – and Micro

Focus provides the support you need to deliver

a quality, life-changing course.

Beyond the immediate deliverables, educators

will also enjoy ongoing support from the

Academic Program community forum – and

access to on-demand program information

and technical assistance.

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The Micro Focus Academic Program


Try it for yourselfThis is your opportunity to impact the developer of tomorrow. Teach a

relevant, in-demand business skill with a promising future. Businesses

are already looking for the promising students you see every day.

Experience is a great teacher. So give it a try for yourself by joining

the program:

Or discover how this Micro Focus Academic Program is already

planning for tomorrow by getting in touch today:

Email: [email protected]


Bridge the gap

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