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Optimizing Enterprise Javafor a Microservices Architecture

John Clingan, middle-aged Java EE guy and MicroProfile-rEmily Jiang, totally awesome MicroProfile engineer



Agenda MicroProfile Overview (~10 Minutes)

Example Specs - From concept to implementation (10 minutes)

Collaborate (Until they kick us out or we want to go for a beer)


Enterprise Java Standards History


What is MicroProfile?

A community of individuals, organizations, and vendors …

… collaborating within an open source (Eclipse) project ….

… to bring microservices to the Enterprise Java community


Innovation vs Standardization

(Open Source) Project Focused Standard (JSR) focused

(Java EE)(MicroProfile)


Innovation vs Standardization

(Open Source) Project Focused Standard (JSR) focused

(Java EE)

Large multi-feature releasesIncremental feature release



Innovation vs Standardization

Spec Lead controls pace

(Open Source) Project Focused Standard (JSR) focused

(Java EE)

Large multi-feature releasesIncremental feature release


Community controls pace


Accelerating* Adoption of MicroServices

2016 2017 2018 2019

8 9








* 2-4 releases per year


MicroProfile 1.0 (Sep, 2016)

Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI 1.1)


Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS 2.0)


Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P 1.0)


MicroProfile 1.1 Underway

Security: JWT Token Exchange 1.0

Health Check 1.0

Configuration 1.0

Fault Tolerance 1.0 (Stretch goal)

Second Quarter2017!


Will MicroProfile Features be in Java EE?



MicroProfile Java Programming Model(In Progress)

● Config

● Fault Tolerance

● Health Checker

● Metrics

● Security


Configuration● Discussed with a formal proposal in the MicroProfile mailing list


● After the proposal was accepted, a repository was created to draft APIs/SPIs (


MicroProfile Java Prog. Model - Configuration


MicroProfile Java Prog. Model - ConfigurationUsing CDI Injection

@Inject Config config; Inject all config properties that the class can see

@Inject @ConfigProperty(name=“myProp” defaultValue=“blah”)String prop1;

Inject the value of the property called “myProp”. The value of prop1 will not be refreshed. Suitable for static properties and used on the RequestScoped beans.

@Inject @ConfigProperty(name=“myProp” defaultValue=“blah”) Provider<String> prop1

Inject the value of the property called “myProp” and it picks up the dynamic changes.


MicroProfile Java Prog. Model - ConfigurationProgrammatic lookup

ConfigProvider.getConfig(); The config object containing all properties that the class owner can see.

ConfigProvider.getBuilder() .addDefaultSources() .withSources(…).build();

Create a custom config object


MicroProfile Java Prog. Model - Configuration● The property file,, packaged in the application can be

overwritten by :○ System variables (400 as the default priority) ○ Environment variables (300 as the default priority) or ○ a custom property files with a higher priority than

(100 as the default priority).


MicroProfile Java Prog. Model - config● Plan to finalise the current APIs/SPIs and release the Config 1.0

by mid April

● Then work on the new features of Config 1.1

● Join in the Config discussion

● Join in the Config hangout – on Thursdays


MicroProfile Java Prog model –Fault Tolerance

Retry The request should have a retry to recover from temporary glitches

Fallback The request should have a fallback operation if retry fails

Timeout The request must have a timeout, to prevent from waiting indefinitely

Circuit Breaker The request must prevent from repeating timeouts

Bulkhead One part of application failure must not bring the whole application down


Fault Tolerance - Fallback RetrySet up retry policy and wrap the call with the policy and specify the fallback operationFaultToleranceFactory.getFaultToleranceType(RetryPolicy.class);

Duration delay = Duration.ofSeconds(1);retryPolicy = retryPolicy.retryOn(Exception.class).withDelay(delay) .withMaxRetries(3);

Runnable fallbackService = () -> serviceB();executor.with(retryPolicy).withFallback(fallbackService) .run(mainService);


Fault Tolerance - Circuit Breaker TimeoutFail-fast, temporarily disable the running of a servicecircuitBreaker = FaultToleranceFactory.getFaultToleranceType(CircuitBreaker.class);circuitBreaker = circuitBreaker.withTimeout(timeout).withFailureThreshold(3) .withSuccessThreshold(2) .withDelay(delay);

Callable<Object> mainService = () -> serviceA();Executor executor = FaultToleranceFactory.getFaultToleranceType(Executor.class);



Fault Tolerance - BulkheadLimit the number of concurrent calls to a service

ThreadPoolExecutor tpexecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor( poolSize, poolSize, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(10));

bulkhead = bulkhead.withThread(tpexecutor);executor.with(bulkhead) .run(mainService);


MicroProfile Java Prog model –Fault Tolerance

● Non-CDI approach was left out of the first release but focus on CDI-first approach

● Discussion the CDI-first approach ongoing● Use Interceptor to apply policy and use annotation to config policy


Health Check, Metrics, Security● Health Check – proposal accepted

● Metrics and Security – proposal in discussion


Join the Community!



MicroProfile Discussion

MicroProfile Examples
