Page 1: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS

Jim Landwehr

Land Information Systems Analyst

Waukesha County

Dept. of Parks and Land Use

William Cozzens III

Land Information Mapping Technician

Waukesha County

Dept. of Parks and Land Use

Page 2: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land


History of Waukesha Co. Parcel Database

Migration Objectives

Geodatabase Design Process

Data Conversion Process


Geodatabase Tools

Data Demo

Page 3: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land



Migration just completed(Linking/Maintenance) Q2 2004

Maintenance Questions

Not the experts…

Page 4: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Co. Parcel Inventory Specifics

Approx. 138,000 parcels

Approx. 2000 new parcels/year

1”=100 and 1”=200’ scales

Mapped to NMAS accuracy (+/-3.3’ & 6.6’)

Were maintained by consultant (in-house)

Currently maintained by LIS Mapping Technician

Page 5: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Why move to a Spatial database?

Legacy system was file-based on “dated” technology

RDBMS technology and indexing makes for bigger, stronger, faster data access

Ability to co-join disparate data sets

GIS Industry trend

Page 6: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

GeoDatabase Migration Objectives

Cleanse existing dataConflate, simplify, intersect, fix dangles

Enrich existing dataAdd attributes, close non-closed features, est. relationships

Incorporate disparate databasesParcel history file, condo relate table, parcel address database, etc

Restructure data to improve efficienciesAvoid any data lossAbandon unused legacy featuresCompile feature-level metadata

Page 7: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Parcel Database History“In the beginning…” Genasys

Compilation originally done by SEWRPC 1987-99 Using Genamap software

Files tiled as either section or quarter- section files

No linkages to relational database

Page 8: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Parcel Database History The move to County’s MGE platform

County converted files to Intergraph MGE Microstation file format in 1997

Migrated to township tiling system

Linked to relational database (Oracle)

Page 9: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Parcel Database History The move to a spatial DBMS

Converted files Microsoft SQL Server SDE Geodatabase

Migrated to seamless county file

Link to imaging, data warehouse and tract indexing systems

Cleaned, enhanced, etc.

Page 10: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Co. Parcel Data Evolution

Data richness,

integrity, usefulness

Page 11: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Projected Parcel Maintenance Workflowand GIS Environment

Cogo CSM’s, Condos, Subd






Co. ArcGISUsers

MunicipalData Users

View an

d Query

View and Query

View, Query Update?

Topology Validation

Page 12: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Geodatabase Design Process (Players)

Chose a consultant to manage project

Fairview Industries

Consultant partnered w/technical expert

Headwaters Resources LLC

Oversight by Co. Land Info Technical Working Group (LITWG)

Cities of Brookfield, Muskego, New Berlin, Oconomowoc and Waukesha

Village of Menomonee Falls


Page 13: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Geodatabase DesignAssessed current data condition

Quality ---------------------------Good, some skeletons

Strengths -------------------------Tested, Cartographically sound

Shortcomings/Limitations------Linkages, Closure, Legacy items

Assessed current processesParcel data collection------------Fast, workflow a bit clunky

Other database items------------Separate processes, complex

Data conversion/distribution---Time consuming

Page 14: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

GeoDatabase Design Process

Defined spatial extents and precisionDefined “core” feature datasetsBegan with a small, manageable Feature Dataset

Allowed topology rule definition and testingEnabled familiarization with GDB

Defined a pilot areaRural/Urban mixIncluded areas near waterOld/New Development mix

Page 15: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Waukesha County Geodatabase Structure

H isto r icP roposed

H isto r icP roposed

A nnexa t ions

C o n stru c t_ P o ly

C o ns truc t_L ine

C ar to L ine

R e s tric t io n*

R e gu la te d U s e*

T a x H y d ro

P a rce lB o u nd a ry

T a x P a rc e l

S im C o n D iv is ion

S im u ltan e ou s C o nv e y an ce



P a rce lB o u nd a ry

C iv ilD iv is io ns

L andF eature Dataset

P L S S A n n o ta tion

R e tire dP LS S C o rn e rs

P L S S _ T ow n sh ip _ A re as

P L S S _ S e ctio n _A re as

P L S S _ Q T R _ S e ctio n _A re as

P L S S _ L ine

P L S S _ C orn er_ P ts

PL SSF eature Dataset

M a ny F ea tu re C las s es

A nnotationF eature Dataset

Land_Records GeoDatabase (Summary)

Page 16: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

PLSS Feature Dataset

Acquired control points from SEWRPCInsured points were accurate/current

Enhanced attribution

Used sub-types and domain lists

Applied topology rules to insure integrity

Page 17: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

PLSS Feature Dataset Attribution Enhancement

Page 18: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

PLSS Topology Rules

Origin Feature Class Topology Rule Comparison Feature Class

PLSS_Township_Areas Area No OverlapPLSS_Township_Areas Area No GapsPLSS_Section_Areas Area No OverlapPLSS_Section_Areas Area No GapsPLSS_Section_Areas Area Covered By Area Class PLSS_Township_AreasPLSS_QTR_Section_Areas Area No OverlapPLSS_QTR_Section_Areas Area No GapsPLSS_QTR_Section_Areas Area Covered By Area Class PLSS_Section_AreasPLSS_Line Line Covered By Area Boundary PLSS_QTR_Section_Areas

Page 19: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Land Feature Dataset

Where linkages/relationships exist

Dataset that will drive applications

Dataset will produce products (in publication GDB) used by ArcMap users

Page 20: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Land Feature Dataset --Primary Feature Classes--

Tax Parcel PolygonsIncludes “Gap” and “Overlap” polygons

Simultaneous ConveyanceExternal Boundaries, or portion thereof, of “active” SC documents

Simultaneous Conveyance Divisions • Lots, out lots, etc.

• Populate at later date…

Historic Tax Parcel PolygonsRetired geometries (this date forward)

Right-of-Way Polygons

Page 21: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Land Dataset Enhancements--Simultaneous Conveyance--

Name, TractID, Type3000+ Subdivisions9600+ CSM’s700+ Condominiums

Page 22: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Land Dataset Enhancements--Rights of Way--

Closed PolygonsAid cartographic presentation (e.g. extended parcels)

Enables sub-typing (Dedicated, reserved, etc)

RR Status




ROW Type






Page 23: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Land Dataset Relationships

Tax Parcel Feature Class

Combine disparate databasesTax Assessment File

9999 condo relate table (multi-owners)

Parcel history file• Date of update, quality of fit, document #, etc.

Page 24: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Tax Parcel Relationships

Link to Data Warehouse

(Tax Assessment)

Link for Multi-Ownership (Condos,etc)

Link to Parcel History File

Page 25: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Data Migration Processes

Convert vectors to coverages using AMLEasily scripted by consultant

Allows topology checks, error trapping, etc.

Convert CAD text to GDB Annotation

Page 26: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Vector Data clean-up processClean

CAD Files

Run .aml toFind errant



Importcoverage to






CleanTopologyErrors in



Clean? No



Page 27: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Annotation Feature Dataset

Determined we could not use Feature-linked Annotation for legacy anon

Technology still evolving (e.g. Annotation Sub-typing)

Interesting issues raised…

Page 28: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Interesting Issue #1Annotation Migration Results

Black = Desired text heights displayed as they look in CAD filesRed = Annotation after import into GDB (using default settings, Arial font)

Page 29: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Pre-ConversionAnnotation Considerations

SizeScaled by 1.3 to match CAD sizes

Text Origin Moved from Center Center to Left Bottom

Minimizes shift

Desired font Set prior to converting text

Beware of special characters/fonts CAD fonts vs. True Type

(e.g. +/-)

Why is this? I have no idea…

Page 30: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Parcel Maintenance


Toolset customized for our workflow(s)

Work in progress

Page 31: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

ESRI Geodatabase Tools( Available on ArcScripts Online)

Geodatabase DesignerUsed to Import/Export GDB schemas (.xml)

Geodatabase ReporterUsed to Summarize GDB structure (.htm)

Geodatabase DiagrammerUsed to Document GDB design using MS Visio (.vsd)

SDE MonitorUsed to Monitor your SDE activity

Page 32: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land

Things to remember(i.e. free advice)

Assess needs vs. wants

Clean data up-front, then use topology tools to “mop up”

Limit # of feature classes by using sub-types where possible

Tap into the knowledge base

Take your time

Page 33: Migrating Parcels to a Spatial DBMS Jim Landwehr Land Information Systems Analyst Waukesha County Dept. of Parks and Land Use William Cozzens III Land


Thank You.

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