

Number 33 of 2001









1. Short title and commencement.


Amendment of Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act,1938

2. Interpretation: Part 2.

3. Amendment of section 3 of the 1938 Act — remuneration ofmembers of the Government, etc.

4. Substitution of section 4 of the 1938 Act — remuneration ofAttorney General.

5. Substitution of section 5 of the 1938 Act — remuneration ofthe Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Dail Eireann.

6. Substitution of section 6 of the 1938 Act — remuneration ofthe Chairman and Deputy Chairman of SeanadEireann.

7. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new section 6A(Remuneration of the Leader of Seanad Eireann).

8. Amendment of section 8A of the 1938 Act — increase ofsalaries payable under Part II.

9. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new sections 8B,8C and 8D.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.


Section10. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new sections 11

and 11A.

11. Amendment of the 1938 Act — definitions for the purposeof Part IV.

12. Amendment of section 13A of the 1938 Act — ministerialpensions and secretarial pensions.

13. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new sections13AA and 13AB.

14. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new section 13E(special provisions for pensions payable to certainMinisters of State).

15. Substitution of section 20 of the 1938 Act (pensions andallowances payable to surviving spouses and childrenof deceased office holders).

16. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of sections 20A,20B and 20C.

17. Amendment of section 29 of the 1938 Act — annual rate ofseverance allowance.

18. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of section 29A(severance allowance payable to certain former Mini-sters of State).

19. Amendment of section 31 of the 1938 Act — special allow-ance for former Taoiseach.

20. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of new Part VI(miscellaneous provisions).


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1938

21. Interpretation: Part 3.

22. Amendment of long title of the 1938 Act.

23. Amendment of section 2 of the 1938 Act — salaries and trav-elling facilities of members of the Oireachtas.

24. Amendment of section 3 of the 1938 Act — amount of salarypayable to members of the Oireachtas.

25. Amendment of section 3A of the 1938 Act — increase anddecrease of salaries payable under this Act.

26. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of sections 3B, 3Cand 3D.

27. Amendment of section 6A of the 1938 Act — deductions forcontributory pension scheme.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Section28. Amendment of the 1938 Act — insertion of section 6B

(references in other Acts, etc. to allowances payableunder this Act).


Amendment of Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1952

29. Repeal of section 4 of the Ministerial and ParliamentaryOffices (Amendment) Act, 1952 (widows’ pensions).


Amendment of Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961

30. Interpretation: Part 5.

31. Amendment of section 46 of the 1961 Act — provisions inrelation to remuneration and pensions of judges andjustices.

32. Amendment of the 1961 Act — insertion of section 46A(remuneration to be adjusted automatically by refer-ence to salary increases in Civil Service).


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1962

33. Amendment of section 2 of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) Act, 1962 — telephone and postal facilities.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices (Amendment)

Act, 1983

34. Repeal of sections 2, 3 and 8 of the Oireachtas (Allowancesto Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary andJudicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1983.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992

35. Interpretation: Part 8.

36. Repeal of section 2 of the 1992 Act (salaries for members ofOireachtas).

37. Amendment of section 3 of the 1992 Act — allowances forexpenses for members of Oireachtas and AttorneyGeneral.


[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.



Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices

(Amendment) Act, 1998


38. Interpretation: Part 9.

39. Amendment of section 3 of the 1998 Act — allowances towhips and others.

40. Amendment of the 1998 Act — insertion of section 3A(allowances payable to certain Ministers of State).

41. Substitution of section 6 of the 1998 Act (payment of allow-ances and allocations).

42. Amendment of section 7 of the 1998 Act — increase of allow-ances and allocations corresponding with generalincrease of remuneration in Civil Service.

43. Amendment of section 8 of the 1998 Act — orders relatingto allowances under sections 3, 3A and 4 and allo-cations under section 5.

44. Amendment of the 1998 Act — insertion of section 8A (rightof Ministers and others to elect not to accept increasein allowance).


Portability of Service of Certain Holders of Public Offices

Chapter 1

Interpretation and application

45. Interpretation: Part 10.

46. Public offices to which this Part applies.

47. Purpose of this Part.

48. Power of Minister to designate organisation as an approvedorganisation.

Chapter 2

Entitlement to transfer previous pensionable service.

49. Entitlement to have certain previous service treated as parlia-mentary service.

50. Entitlement to have parliamentary service treated as servicein another public body.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Section51. Entitlement to have previous service treated as service as

judge or court officer.

52. Entitlement to have judicial service treated as service asholder of other office.

53. Exercise of entitlement to transfer service to be subject toterms and conditions.

54. Transferred service not to be treated as service for purposeof earlier scheme.

55. Service not to be treated as pensionable service where pen-sion already paid, etc.

56. Application to have previous service treated as pensionableservice.

Chapter 3

Supplementary provisions.

57. Power to make necessary amendments to existing pensionscheme.

58. Ministerial orders to be laid before Oireachtas.

59. Powers of Trustees in relation to the operation of this Part.


[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.


Acts Referred to

Adoption Act, 1991 1991, No. 28

Adoption Acts, 1952 to 1998

Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956 1956, No. 45

Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961 1961, No. 39

Courts (Supplemental Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1968 1968, No. 21

European Assembly (Irish Representatives) Act, 1979 1979, No. 19

Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 1924, No. 48

Military Service Pensions Act, 1934 1934, No. 43

Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act, 1938 1938, No. 38

Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1952 1952, No. 19

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1938 1938, No. 34

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1962 1962, No. 32

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) (Amendment) Act, 1994 1994, No. 21

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1960 1960, No. 12

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1973 1973, No. 22

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1977 1977, No. 29

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1983 1983, No. 32

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992 1992, No. 3

Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary,Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998 1998, No. 5

Oireachtas (Miscellaneous Provisions) and Ministerial and Parlia-mentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1996 1996, No. 39

Superannuation and Pensions Act, 1963 1963, No. 24


Number 33 of 2001









1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices and Oireachtas Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(2) Except as provided by this section, this Act comes into oper-ation on the date of its passing.

(3) Sections 37, 39(c) and (d) and 40 are taken to have come intooperation on 26 June, 1997.

(4) Sections 7, 11 and 39(a) and (e) are taken to have come intooperation on 17 September, 1997.

(5) Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 23, 24, 27(1), 28, 31, 34(a) and 36 aretaken to have come into operation on 25 September, 2000.


Amendment of Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices Act,1938

2.—In this Part, ‘‘the 1938 Act’’ means the Ministerial and Parlia-mentary Offices Act, 1938.


Short title andcommencement.

Interpretation:Part 2.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.2Amendment ofsection 3 of the1938 Act —remuneration ofmembers of theGovernment, etc.

Substitution ofsection 4 of the1938 Act —remuneration ofAttorney General.

Substitution ofsection 5 of the1938 Act —remuneration of theChairman andDeputy Chairmanof Dail Eireann.

Substitution ofsection 6 of the1938 Act —remuneration of theChairman andDeputy Chairmanof Seanad Eireann.


3.—Section 3 of the 1938 Act is amended by substituting the fol-lowing subsections for subsections (1) and (2) (as respectively substi-tuted by section 7 of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1973, andsection 6 of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Minis-terial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1977):

‘‘(1) On and from 25 September, 2000—

(a) the Taoiseach is entitled to be paid a salary at the rateof £79,146 per year, and

(b) the Tanaiste is entitled to be paid a salary at the rateof £62,295 per year, and

(c) a member of the Government, other than the Taoiseachand the Tanaiste, is entitled to be paid a salary atthe rate of £54,855 per year.

(2) On and from 25 September, 2000, a Minister of State isentitled to be paid a salary at the rate of £24,640 per year.’’.

4.—The 1938 Act is amended by substituting the following sectionfor section 4 (as substituted by section 8 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1973):

‘‘Remuneration of 4.—On and from 25 September, 2000, theAttorney General. Attorney General is entitled to be paid—

(a) if the person who holds the office is nota member of either House of theOireachtas, a salary at the rate of£95,998 per year, or

(b) if that person is a member of eitherHouse of the Oireachtas, a salary atthe rate of £54,855 per year.’’.

5.—The 1938 Act is amended by substituting the following sectionfor section 5 (as substituted by section 9 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1973):

‘‘Remuneration of 5.—On and from 25 September, 2000—the Chairman andDeputy Chairman (a) the Chairman of Dail Eireann is entitledof Dail Eireann. to be paid a salary at the rate of

£54,855 per year, and

(b) the Deputy Chairman of Dail Eireann isentitled to be paid a salary at the rateof £24,640 per year.’’.

6.—The 1938 Act is amended by substituting the following sectionfor section 5 (as substituted by section 10 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1973):

‘‘Remuneration of 6.—On and from 25 September, 2000—the Chairman andDeputy Chairman (a) the Chairman of Seanad Eireann isof Seanad Eireann. entitled to be paid a salary at the rate

of £22,518 per year, and

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(b) the Deputy Chairman of Seanad Eireannis entitled to be paid a salary at therate of £12,227 per year.’’.

7.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 6 (as substituted by section 6 of this Act):

‘‘Remuneration of 6A.—On and from 17 September, 1997, thethe Leader of Leader of Seanad Eireann is entitled to be paid aSeanad Eireann.

salary at the rate of £7,213 per year.’’.

8.—Section 8A of the 1938 Act (as inserted by section 11 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1973) is amended—

(a) by substituting the following subsection for subsection (1):

‘‘(1) The Government may, by order, increase ordecrease all or any of the salaries payable under thisPart.’’.

(b) by inserting the following subsections after subsection (2):

‘‘(3) Every order made by the Government under thissection is required to be laid before Dail Eireann as soonas practicable after it is made.

(4) Dail Eireann may, by resolution, annul an ordermade under this section within 21 sitting days after theday on which the order was laid in accordance with sub-section (3). The annulment of an order under this subsec-tion takes effect immediately on the passing of the resol-ution concerned, but does not affect anything that wasdone under the order before the passing of thatresolution.’’.

9.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 8A (as inserted by section 11 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1973):

‘‘Salaries to be 8B.—(1) Whenever remuneration in the Civiladjusted Service is increased with effect from a particularautomatically by

day in accordance with agreements or arrange-reference to salaryments that have effect on a general basis in theincreases in Civil

Service. Civil Service (whether or not they also apply inrelation to persons employed other than in theCivil Service), the salaries payable under this Partare, by the operation of this section, increased onand from that day by the same proportion.

(2) It is not necessary for an order to be madeunder section 8A in order to give effect to anincrease made by the operation of subsection (1).

(3) In this section, ‘Civil Service’ has the mean-ing given by the Civil Service Commissioners Act,1956.


Pt.2 S.6

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newsection 6A(Remuneration ofthe Leader ofSeanad Eireann).

Amendment ofsection 8A of the1938 Act —increase of salariespayable under PartII.

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newsections 8B, 8C and8D.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.2 S.9

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newsections 11 and11A.


Rights of Ministers 8C.—(1) A person who is entitled to be paid aand others to elect salary under this Part may, by notice in writingnot to accept

given to the Minister for Finance, elect not toincrease in salary.accept the amount of an increase of that salarythat would otherwise become payable under aprovision of this Part.

(2) Such an election does not affect the appli-cation of subsection (1) to the remaining part ofthe salary whenever salaries payable under thisPart are generally increased.

(3) A person who has made an election underthis section may revoke the election by a furthernotice in writing given to the Minister for Fin-ance, but the revocation has effect only pro-spectively.

(4) Subject to subsection (3), an election madeby a person under this section is not affected bythe fact that the person ceases to hold the officeto which the salary relates and the person is sub-sequently reappointed to that office.

Salaries to be paid 8D.—A salary payable under this Part is to bein monthly paid in monthly instalments.’’.instalments.

10.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 10 (as substituted by section 5 of the Oireachtas(Miscellaneous Provisions) and Ministerial and ParliamentaryOffices (Amendment) Act, 1996):

‘‘Increase and 11.—(1) The Government may, by order,decrease of increase or decrease all or any of the allowancesallowances payable

payable under this Part.under this Part.

(2) An order under this section may, if soexpressed, have retrospective effect.

(3) Every order made by the Governmentunder this section is required to be laid beforeDail Eireann as soon as practicable after it ismade.

(4) Dail Eireann may, by resolution, annul anorder made under this section within 21 sittingdays after the day on which the order was laid inaccordance with subsection (3). The annulmentof an order under this subsection takes effectimmediately on the passing of the resolution con-cerned, but does not affect anything that wasdone under the order before the passing of thatresolution.

Allowances to be 11A.—(1) Whenever remuneration in the Civiladjusted Service is increased with effect from a particularautomatically by

day in accordance with agreements or arrange-reference to salaryments that have effect on a general basis in theincreases in Civil

Service. Civil Service (whether or not they also apply inrelation to persons employed other than in theCivil Service), the allowances payable under this

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Part are, by the operation of this section,increased on and from that day by the sameproportion.

(2) It is not necessary to make an order undersection 11 in order to give effect to an increasemade by the operation of subsection (1).

(3) In this section, ‘Civil Service’ has the mean-ing given by the Civil Service Commissioners Act,1956.’’.

11.—Section 13 of the 1938 Act (as amended by section 5 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1983) is amended byinserting the following paragraph in the definition of ‘‘secretarialoffice’’ in subsection (1):

‘‘(e) the office of Leader of the House in Seanad Eireann;’’.

12.—Section 13A of the 1938 Act (as amended by section 7 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992) is amended—

(a) by substituting the following subsections for subsection (5):

‘‘(5) A pension under this section is payable to a per-son at the rate of 25 per cent of the person’s appropriatesalary, plus 5 per cent of that salary for each year of ser-vice exceeding 3, with a maximum of 7 such additionalyears. For the purposes of this subsection, a part of a yearis to be reckoned on a proportionate basis.

(5A) For the purpose of calculating the ministerialpension of a person, the appropriate salary for the personis as follows:

(a) if the person held the office of Taoiseach — theannual salary payable to the Taoiseach;

(b) if the person held the office of Tanaiste for aperiod of not less than 3 years — the annualsalary payable to the Tanaiste;

(c) if the person held the office of Tanaiste for aperiod of less than 3 years — the amount cal-culated in accordance with the followingformula:

A = D × S1T

+ (T-D) × S2T


A is the amount to be calculated,

D is the number of days during whichthe person served as Tanaiste,

T is the total number of days (notexceeding 3,650) during which theperson served in a ministerial office,


Pt.2 S.10

Amendment of the1938 Act —definitions for thepurpose of Part IV.

Amendment ofsection 13A of the1938 Act —ministerial pensionsand secretarialpensions.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

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S1 is the annual salary payable to theTanaiste, and

S2 is the annual salary payable to amember of the Government otherthan the Taoiseach and theTanaiste, and

(d) if the person held any other ministerialoffice — the annual salary payable to amember of the Government other thanthe Taoiseach and the Tanaiste.

(5B) For the purpose of calculating the secretarialpension of a person, the appropriate salary for theperson is—

(a) if the person has held a ministerial office onor after 1 January, 1978, or has served for3 years or more in one or more qualifyingoffices (other than a prescribed office) —the amount of annual salary payable to aMinister of State, or

(b) in the case of any other person—

(i) the amount of annual salary payableto the person in respect of the lastqualifying office that the person held(other than a ministerial office), or

(ii) an amount calculated in accordancewith subsection (5C),

whichever is the greater.

(5C) The calculation to be made for the purposeof subsection (5B)(b)(ii) is as follows:

Step 1: Multiply the number of days (notexceeding 3,650) during which the per-son held each of the qualifying officesby the amount of salary that is cur-rently payable to the holder of theoffice concerned;

Step 2: If the amount of salary that is currentlypayable for a qualifying office that theperson formerly held is higher than thatfor another qualifying office that theperson so held, reckon the time that theperson served in the first of those officesbefore reckoning the time that the per-son served in the other of those offices;

Step 3: Add together the amounts derived inaccordance with step 1 for the qualify-ing offices that the person formerlyheld;

Step 4: Divide the total of the amounts soderived by the total number of days(not exceeding 3,650) during which theperson held qualifying offices.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(5D) The following offices are prescribed officesfor the purposes of subsection (5B):

(a) Chairman and Deputy Chairman of SeanadEireann;

(b) Leader of the House in Seanad Eireann.

(5E) In subsection (5), ‘service’ means—

(a) in relation to a person entitled to a minis-terial pension, ministerial service, and

(b) in relation to a person entitled to a sec-retarial pension, secretarial service.’’,


(b) by substituting the following paragraph for subsection(7)(b):

‘‘(b) Subject to paragraph (c), a person who—

(i) is receiving a severance allowance under PartV of this Act, or

(ii) has not reached 50 years of age,

is not entitled to a pension under this section.’’,


(c) by repealing subsections (7)(d) and (e), and

(d) in subsection (7)(f), by deleting ‘‘or a discounted pension’’,and

(e) by inserting the following subsections after subsection (8):

‘‘(9) If a person who has reached 50 years of age wasnot entitled to a pension under this section (as in forcebefore the commencement of section 12 of the Ministerial,Parliamentary and Judicial Offices and OireachtasMembers (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2001) onlybecause the person had not then reached 55 years of age,the person becomes so entitled on and from the date ofthat commencement. A reference in this subsection to apension does not include a discounted pension.

(10) A person who was being paid a discounted pen-sion under this section (as in force before the commence-ment of section 12 of the Ministerial, Parliamentary andJudicial Offices and Oireachtas Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001) is entitled to continue to receivethe pension after that commencement on the same termsand conditions as applied to it immediately before thatcommencement.’’.

13.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 13A (as inserted by section 7 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary andJudicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992):

‘‘Ministerial and 13AA.—(1) This section applies to a person tosecretarial pensions whom section 13A applies where, on ceasing tofor less than 3

hold a qualifying office—years’ qualifyingservice.


Pt.2 S.12

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newsections 13AA and13AB.

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(a) the person has completed not less than 2years, but less than 3 years, of minis-terial service, or

(b) the person has completed not less than 2years, but less than 3 years, of sec-retarial service.

(2) A person referred to in subsection (1)(a) is,on ceasing to hold office, entitled to a ministerialpension calculated at the rate of 20 per cent of theappropriate salary, plus an additional amount cal-culated in accordance with subsection (4).

(3) A person referred to in subsection (1)(b) is,on ceasing to hold office, entitled to receive a sec-retarial pension calculated at the rate of 20 percent of the appropriate salary, plus an additionalamount calculated in accordance with subsection(4).

(4) The calculation for the additional amountreferred to in subsections (2) and (3) is as follows:

AA = ND365

× 0.05 × AS


AA is the amount of additional pension tobe determined, and

ND is the number of days’ ministerial orsecretarial service exceeding 2 (but lessthan 3) years, and

AS is the appropriate salary.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the numberof years of the person’s ministerial service is takento be the result obtained by dividing by 365—

(a) the number of days during which the per-son held a ministerial office, and

(b) if the number of days during which theperson held the office was not less than730, half the number of days duringwhich the person held some otherqualifying office.

(6) For the purposes of this section, the numberof years of the person’s secretarial service is takento be the result obtained by dividing by 365 thenumber of days during which the person held aqualifying office or qualifying offices.

(7) For the purpose of calculating the minis-terial pension of a person to whom this sectionapplies, the appropriate salary is as follows:

(a) if the person has held the office of Taoi-seach — the annual salary currentlypayable to the holder of that office;

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(b) if the person has held the office ofTanaiste — the amount calculated inaccordance with the formula—

AS = ND × S1TD

+ (TD − ND) × S2TD


AS is the appropriate salary to bedetermined, and

ND is the number of days duringwhich the person served asTanaiste, and

TD is the total number of days duringwhich the person served in a min-isterial office, and

S1 is the amount of annual salary cur-rently payable to the Tanaiste, and

S2 is the amount of annual salary cur-rently payable to a member of theGovernment other than the Taoi-seach and the Tanaiste;


(c) in the case of any other person — theannual salary currently payable to amember of the Government other thanthe Taoiseach and the Tanaiste.

(8) For the purpose of calculating the secretarialpension of a person, the appropriate salary is asfollows:

(a) if the person has held a ministerial officeon or after 1 January, 1978 — theannual salary currently payable to theholder of the office of Minister of State,

(b) in the case of any other person — theannual salary currently payable inrespect of the last qualifying office(other than a ministerial office) held bythe person.

(9) If a person whose entitlement to a pensionunder this section arises after the commencementof this section applies to the Minister for Financefor payment, the pension is to be paid—

(a) if the application is made not later than6 months after the date on which theentitlement arises — on and from thatdate, and

(b) in any other case — on and from the dateof the application.

(10) If a person whose entitlement to a pensionunder this section arose on the commencement of


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this section applies to the Minister for Finance forpayment, the pension is to be paid on and fromsuch date (being a date not earlier than the date ofthat commencement and not later than the dateof the application) as the Minister determines inwriting.

(11) Except as provided by subsection (12)—

(a) a person who is receiving a severanceallowance under Part V, or

(b) a person who has not reached the age of50 years,

is not entitled to a pension under this section.

(12) If satisfied that a person referred to in sub-section (11)(b) is precluded from earning a liveli-hood because of having a permanent physical ormental disability, the Minister for Finance may, inwriting, direct a pension under this section to bepaid to the person. A person in respect of whomsuch a direction is in force is entitled to be paid apension in accordance with the direction.

(13) The amount of a pension under this sectionis to be reduced by 50 per cent during any periodthat the person to whom it is payable is a memberof either House of the Oireachtas or an Irish mem-ber of the European Parliament. This subsectiondoes not apply to a person who has held the officeof Taoiseach.

(14) Service in an office held by a person towhom this section applies counts for a pensionunder this section even if the person held the officebefore the commencement of this section, but inthat case the entitlement to the pension arises onlyon that commencement.

Special provisions 13AB.—(1) This section applies to a personfor calculating who has, before or after the commencement ofappropriate salary

this section, held the office of Attorney Generalof certain formerbut who, for some or all of the time while holdingAttorneys General.that office, was not also a member of a House ofthe Oireachtas.

(2) If a person to whom this section applies isentitled to a ministerial pension calculated inaccordance with section 13A or 13AA, the appro-priate salary for the purposes of calculating theperson’s pension entitlement under that sectionis an amount calculated in accordance with thefollowing formula:

AS = ND × S1TD

+ (TD − ND) × S2TD


AS is the appropriate salary to be determined,and

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

ND is the number of days (not exceeding3,650) during which the person held officeas Attorney General while not also beinga member of a House of the Oireachtas,and

TD is the total number of days (not exceeding3,650) of the person’s ministerial service,and

S1 is the annual salary currently payable to aperson who holds office as Attorney Gen-eral while not being a member of a Houseof the Oireachtas, and

S2 is the annual salary payable to a memberof the Government other than the Taoi-seach and the Tanaiste.

(3) If a person to whom this section applies isentitled to a ministerial pension calculated inaccordance with section 14, the appropriate salaryfor the purposes of calculating the person’s pensionentitlement under that section is an amount calcu-lated in accordance with the following formula:

AS = ND × S1TD

+ (TD − ND) × S2TD


AS is the amount of salary to be determined,and

ND is the number of days (not exceeding2,920) during which the person served asAttorney General while not also being amember of either House of theOireachtas, and

TD is the total number of days (not exceeding2,920) of the person’s ministerial service,and

S1 is the annual salary currently payable to aperson who holds office as Attorney Gen-eral while not being a member of a Houseof the Oireachtas, and

S2 is the annual salary payable to a memberof the Government other than the Taoi-seach and the Tanaiste.

(4) In the case of a person who held the officeof Attorney General before the commencement ofthis section, subsections (2) and (3) apply only onand from that commencement.’’.

14.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 13D (as inserted by section 14 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicialand Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998):

‘‘Special provisions 13E.—(1) If a person who has held office as afor pensions Minister of State—payable to certainMinisters of State.


Pt.2 S.13

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newsection 13E (specialprovisions forpensions payable tocertain Ministers ofState).

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Pt.2 S.14


(a) is entitled to a secretarial pension undersection 13A or 13AA, or to a sup-plementary pension under section13B(5)(a)(iii), and

(b) has received an allowance under section3A of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) and Ministerial, Parliamen-tary, Judicial and Court Offices(Amendment) Act, 1998,

the amount of the pension is to be increased asprovided by subsection (2) or (3), whichever isapplicable.

(2) If the person has been entitled to the allow-ance for less than 2 years, the increase is to be cal-culated in accordance with the following formula:

AI = (AY × 0.1) × NY


AI is the amount of increase to be calcu-lated, and

AY is the amount per year of the allowance,and

NY is the number of years during which theperson has been entitled to be paid theallowance.

(3) If the person has been entitled to the allow-ance for 2 years or more, the increase is to be cal-culated in accordance with the following formula:

AI = [AY × 0.2] + [AY × 0.05 × (NY − 2)]


AI is the amount of increase to be calcu-lated, and

AY is the amount per year of the allowance,and

NY is the number of years (not exceeding 8)during which the person has been entitledto be paid the allowance.

(4) For the purposes of subsections (2) and(3)—

(a) the expression ‘year’ includes part of ayear, and

(b) a part of a year is to be reckoned on aproportionate basis, and

(c) the number of years during which a personhas been entitled to an allowance is tobe calculated by dividing the number ofdays that the person has been soentitled by 365.’’.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

15.—(1) The 1938 Act is amended by substituting the followingsection for section 20:

‘‘Pensions and 20.—(1) This section applies in respect of theallowances payable

following deceased persons:to surviving spousesand children ofdeceased office (a) a person who was holding a qualifyingholders. office at the time of death;

(b) a person who held such an office at anytime before the time of death.

(2) The surviving spouse of a deceased personin respect of whom this section applies is, subjectto this section, entitled to receive a survivingspouse’s pension of an amount equal to half theamount of the pension (if any) to which theperson—

(a) was entitled at the time of death, or

(b) would have been so entitled if the personwas not the holder of a qualifyingoffice and had reached 50 years ofage.

(3) A person is no longer entitled to a surviv-ing spouse’s pension if the person remarries.

(4) If the surviving spouse of a deceased per-son who held a qualifying office—

(a) does not qualify for a spouse’s pensionbecause the person’s pensionable ser-vice was not sufficient, or

(b) qualifies for such a pension but of anamount smaller than it would havebeen had the person’s pensionableservice been 3 years,

that spouse is entitled to receive a survivingspouse’s pension of the same amount as thatwhich would have been payable had the deceasedperson’s pensionable service been 3 years.

(5) A surviving spouse’s pension is not, for thepurposes of section 8(1) of the Military ServicePensions Act, 1924, or section 20(1) of the Mili-tary Service Pensions Act, 1934, to be regardedas a pension or allowance that is payable out ofpublic money.

(6) If a child of a deceased person in respectof whom this section applies has not reached 21years of age, the child is entitled to receive—

(a) if a relevant parent of the child survivesthe deceased person and paragraph(b) does not apply, a child’s allowanceat the rate of £1,706.25 per year, or


Pt.2Substitution ofsection 20 of the1938 Act (pensionsand allowancespayable to survivingspouses andchildren ofdeceased officeholders).

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(b) if a relevant parent of the child survivesthe deceased person but dies beforethe child has reached 21 years of age,a child’s allowance at the rate of£2,843.75 per year but only from thedate of the parent’s death, or

(c) if no relevant parent of the child survivesthe deceased person, a child’s allow-ance at the rate of £2,843.75 per year.

(7) A child who marries before reaching 21years of age ceases to be entitled to a child’sallowance under this section.

(8) A surviving spouse’s pension, or a child’sallowance, in respect of a deceased person inrespect of whom this section applies becomespayable—

(a) if an application for payment of the pen-sion or allowance is made within 6months after the date of the person’sdeath, on and from the day followingthat date, or

(b) if an application for payment is made atany other time, on and from the dateon which the application is made.

However, if a person whose entitlement to sucha pension or an allowance arose on the com-mencement of this section applies in writing tothe Minister for Finance for payment, the pensionor allowance is to be paid on and from such date(being a date not earlier than the date of thatcommencement and not later than the date of theapplication) as the Minister determines in writing.

(9) In this section—

‘adopted child’ means a child who is—

(a) adopted under the Adoption Acts, 1952to 1998, or

(b) the subject of a foreign adoption (withinthe meaning of section 1 of the Adop-tion Act, 1991) that is deemed to havebeen effected by a valid adoptionorder made under the Adoption Acts,1952 to 1998;

‘child’ includes a step-child and an adopted child;

‘parent’ includes step-parent and adoptive parent;

‘pension’, when used without qualification, meansa pension that is either a ministerial pension or asecretarial pension and, in the case of a sec-retarial pension, includes any amount by whichthe pension is increased under section 13E;

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

‘relevant commencement date’ means the date onwhich section 15 of the Ministerial, Parliamentaryand Judicial Offices and Oireachtas Members(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2001, com-mences;

‘relevant parent’ in relation to a child, means aparent—

(a) who is or was entitled to a survivingspouse’s pension under this section, or

(b) who would have been entitled to such apension had the parent not died.’’.

(2) If a pension or an allowance was being paid, or an entitlementto a pension or an allowance had accrued, under section 20 of the1938 Act before the commencement of subsection (1) but the pensionor allowance would not be payable, or the entitlement would notarise, under that section as in force on and after that commencement,the pension or allowance nevertheless continues to be payable, or theentitlement nevertheless continues. However, if a surviving spouse’spension or a child’s allowance arising under section 20 of the 1938Act (as in force after that commencement) is increased, the corre-sponding pension or allowance that was being paid, or to which aperson was entitled, under that section (as in force before thatcommencement) is increased by a corresponding amount.

16.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 20 (as substituted by section 15 of this Act):

‘‘Child allowance to 20A.—(1) Whenever remuneration in the Civilbe adjusted

Service is increased with effect from a particularautomatically byreference to salary day in accordance with agreements or arrange-increases in Civil ments that have effect on a general basis in theService.

Civil Service (whether or not they also apply inrelation to persons employed other than in theCivil Service), the child allowances payable undersection 20 are, by the operation of this section,increased on and from that day by the sameproportion.

(2) In this section ‘Civil Service’ has the mean-ing given by the Civil Service Commissioners Act,1956.

Power to continue 20B.—(1) The Minister for Finance may, inpayment of child

writing, direct a child’s allowance under sectionallowance toincapacitated 20 to be paid throughout the child’s lifetime, ifchildren. satisfied—

(a) that the child is physically or mentallyincapacitated to the extent of beingunable to maintain himself or herself,and

(b) that the incapacity arose before the childreached 21 years of age.

(2) A child in respect of whom a direction isgiven under this section is entitled to be paid theallowance in accordance with the direction.


Pt.2 S.15

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of sections20A, 20B and 20C.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

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Pt.2 S.16

Amendment ofsection 29 of the1938 Act — annualrate of severanceallowance.

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of section29A (severanceallowance payableto certain formerMinisters of State).


Power to reinstate 20C.—(1) The Minister for Finance may, bycertain terminated

notice in writing given to the person concerned,surviving spouse’spensions. reinstate a surviving spouse’s pension that has

ceased to be payable because that person hasremarried, but only if satisfied that—

(a) the marriage has been annulled or dis-solved, or

(b) compassionate grounds exist for reinstat-ing the pension.

(2) Payment of a pension reinstated under thissection is to be resumed—

(a) if the pension is reinstated because themarriage has been annulled or dis-solved — on and from the date of theannulment or dissolution or, if theannulment or dissolution occurredbefore the date of commencement ofthis section, on and from that date,and

(b) in any other case — on and from a datespecified by the Minister for Financein the notice of reinstatement (beinga date not earlier than the date ofcommencement of this section).’’.

17.—Section 29 of the 1938 Act (as inserted by section 10 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992) is amended—

(a) in subsection (2), by substituting ‘‘730.’’ for ‘‘730:’’, and

(b) by deleting the proviso to subsection (2), and

(c) by inserting the following subsection after subsection (2):

‘‘(2A) A person who has held the office of AttorneyGeneral—

(a) during a period when the person was not also amember of a House of the Oireachtas, and

(b) during a period when the person was also sucha member,

is to be regarded as having held separate qualifyingoffices during each of those periods for the purpose ofdetermining the person’s relevant salary under subsection(2).’’.

18.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 29 (as inserted by section 10 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1992):

‘‘Severance 29A.—(1) This section applies to a personallowance payable

who, having served as a Minister of State,to certain formerMinisters of State. becomes entitled to a severance allowance on

account of having held a qualifying office.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(2) If a person to whom this section applieswas entitled to be paid an allowance undersection 3A of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) and Ministerial, Parliamentary,Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act,1998 (as inserted by section 40 of the Ministerial,Parliamentary and Judicial Offices and OireachtasMembers (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2001),at any time during the 2 years immediately pre-ceding the time when the person ceased to holda qualifying office, the amount of the relevant sal-ary referred to in section 29 is to be increased asprovided by subsection (3).

(3) The increase is to be calculated in accord-ance with the following formula:

AI = AY × ND730


AI is the amount of increase to be calcu-lated, and

AY is the amount per year of the allowance,and

ND is the number of days during which theperson has been entitled to be paid theallowance during the 2 years immediatelypreceding the time when the personceased to hold a qualifying office.’’.

19.—Section 31 of the 1938 Act (as inserted by section 10 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992) is amended by substituting thefollowing subsection for subsection (1):

‘‘(1) If—

(a) a person who has held the office of Taoiseach for notless than 1 year was entitled to a severance allowanceunder this Part, but that entitlement has ceasedotherwise than on the person’s appointment to aqualifying office, and

(b) the person has not yet reached 50 years of age,

the person immediately becomes entitled to be paid a specialallowance at the rate of 25 per cent of the annual salary cur-rently payable to the Taoiseach. However, if the person held theoffice of Taoiseach before the commencement of section 19 ofthe Ministerial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices andOireachtas Members (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2001, theentitlement arises only on that commencement.’’.


Pt.2 S.18

Amendment ofsection 31 of the1938 Act — specialallowance forformer Taoiseach.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.2Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of newPart VI(miscellaneousprovisions).

Interpretation:Part 3.

Amendment of longtitle of the 1938Act.

Amendment ofsection 2 of the1938 Act — salariesand travellingfacilities ofmembers of theOireachtas.


20.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following Part afterPart V (as inserted by section 10 of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment)Act, 1992):


Miscellaneous Provisions

Chairman and 33.—Despite the dissolution of Dail EireannDeputy Chairman

prior to the holding of a general election for Dailto continue in officefor limited period Eireann, a person holding office as Chairman orafter dissolution of Deputy Chairman of Dail Eireann immediatelyDail Eireann.

before the dissolution—

(a) is, for constitutional purposes, taken tocontinue in that office, and

(b) is entitled to be paid the salary andallowances applicable to that office,

during the period beginning with the day after thedate of dissolution and ending with the daybefore Dail Eireann reassembles after theelection.

Chairman and 34.—Despite the dissolution of Seanad EireannDeputy Chairman

prior to the holding of a general election forto continue in officefor limited period Seanad Eireann, a person holding office as Chair-after dissolution of man or Deputy Chairman of Seanad Eireann onSeanad Eireann.

the day before the polling day for the election—

(a) is, for constitutional purposes, taken tocontinue in that office, and

(b) is entitled to be paid the salary andallowances applicable to that office,

during the period beginning with the polling dayfor the election and ending with the day beforethe date on which Seanad Eireann nextreassembles after the election.’’.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1938

21.—In this Part, ‘‘the 1938 Act’’ means the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) Act, 1938.

22.—The long title of the 1938 Act is amended by substituting‘‘salaries’’ for ‘‘allowances’’.

23.—Section 2 of the 1938 Act is amended by substituting ‘‘salary’’for ‘‘allowance’’.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

24.—Section 3 of the 1938 Act (as substituted by section 4 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1960, and amended by section 4 ofthe Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamen-tary and Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1973, and by section 2of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parlia-mentary and Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1983) is amended—

(a) by substituting the following subsections for subsections (1)and (2):

‘‘(1) On and from 25 September, 2000, the salariespayable to members of Dail Eireann are as follows:

(a) in the case of a member of Dail Eireann otherthan one to whom paragraph (b) or (c)applies — a salary at the rate of £41,143 peryear,

(b) in the case of a member of Dail Eireann whohas not less than 7 years (but less than 10years) service as a member of the Oireachtas— a salary at the rate of £42,455 per year,

(c) in the case of a member of Dail Eireann who hasnot less than 10 years service as a member ofthe Oireachtas — a salary at the rate of£43,767 per year.

However, if a member of Dail Eireann holds an office towhich Part II of the Ministerial and Parliamentary OfficesAct, 1938, applies, the annual salary payable to the mem-ber under this subsection is £41,143 even if the memberhas 7 or more years of service as a member of theOireachtas.

(2) On and from 25 September, 2000, the salaries pay-able to members of Seanad Eireann are as follows:

(a) in the case of a member of Seanad Eireann otherthan one to whom paragraph (b) or (c)applies — a salary at the rate of £26,034 peryear;

(b) in the case of a member of Seanad Eireann whohas not less than 7 years (but less than 10years) service as a member of the Oireachtas— a salary at the rate of £26,864 per year;

(c) in the case of a member of Seanad Eireann whohas not less than 10 years service as a memberof the Oireachtas — a salary at the rate of£27,694 per year.

However, if a member of Seanad Eireann holds an officeto which Part II of the Ministerial and ParliamentaryOffices Act, 1938, applies, the salary payable to the mem-ber under this subsection is £26,034 even if the memberhas 7 or more years of service as a member of theOireachtas.


Pt.3Amendment ofsection 3 of the1938 Act — amountof salary payable tomembers of theOireachtas.

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Pt.3 S.24

Amendment ofsection 3A of the1938 Act —increase anddecrease of salariespayable under thisAct.

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of sections3B, 3C and 3D.


(2A) The salary of a member of Dail Eireann orSeanad Eireann is to be paid in monthly instalments.’’,


(b) in subsection (4), by substituting ‘‘a salary’’ for ‘‘anallowance’’.

25.—Section 3A of the 1938 Act (as inserted by section 5 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamen-tary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1973) is amended by inserting thefollowing subsections after subsection (2):

‘‘(3) Every order made by the Government under this sectionis required to be laid before Dail Eireann as soon as practicableafter it is made.

(4) Dail Eireann may, by resolution, annul an order madeunder this section within 21 sitting days after the day on whichthe order was laid in accordance with subsection (3). The annul-ment of an order under this subsection takes effect immediatelyon the passing of the resolution concerned, but does not affectanything that was done under the order before the passing ofthat resolution.’’.

26.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionsafter section 3A (as inserted by section 5 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1973):

‘‘Salaries to be 3B.—(1) Whenever remuneration in the Civiladjusted

Service is increased with effect from a particularautomatically byreference to salary day in accordance with agreements or arrange-increases in Civil ments that have effect on a general basis in theService.

Civil Service (whether or not they also apply inrelation to persons employed other than in theCivil Service), the salaries payable under section3 are, by the operation of this section, increasedon and from that day by the same proportion.

(2) It is not necessary to make an order undersection 3A in order to give effect to an increasemade by the operation of subsection (1).

(3) In this section ‘Civil Service’ has the mean-ing given by the Civil Service Commissioners Act,1956.

Right of member of 3C.—(1) A person who is entitled to be paid aOireachtas to elect

salary under section 3 may, by notice in writingnot to acceptincrease in salary. given to the Minister for Finance, elect not to

accept the amount of an increase of the salarythat would become payable but for the election.

(2) Such an election does not affect the appli-cation of section 3A or 3B to the remaining partof the salary whenever salaries payable undersection 3 are generally increased.

(3) A person who has made an election underthis section may revoke the election by a further

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

notice in writing given to the Minister for Fin-ance, but the revocation has effect only pro-spectively.

(4) Subject to subsection (3), an election madeby a person under this section continues ineffect—

(a) despite a dissolution of the House of theOireachtas concerned, and

(b) even if the person is subsequentlyreturned as a member of that Houseafter a period during which the personwas not such a member.

Payments to 3D.—A person who is a member of Dailpersons who are

Eireann on a day on which Dail Eireann is dis-members atdissolution of Dail solved is entitled to be paid an amount equal toEireann. one-eighteenth of the salary payable to that mem-

ber under this Act. The amount is to be calcu-lated by reference to the rate of that salary exist-ing on that day.’’.

27.—(1) Section 6A of the 1938 Act (as inserted by section 5 ofthe Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parlia-mentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1960, and amended by section10 of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Par-liamentary, Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998) isamended by substituting the following paragraphs for subsections(2)(a) and (b):

‘‘(a) make deductions—

(i) from the salary and allowances paid to each memberof the Oireachtas under this Act and under sections3 and 4 of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members)and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicial and CourtOffices (Amendment) Act, 1998, and

(ii) from any allowance paid to such a member from anallocation made under section 5 of that Act,


(b) pay the deductions into the fund maintained for the purposeof the scheme.’’.

(2) Section 6A of the 1938 Act (as amended by subsection (1)) isfurther amended

(a) by inserting the following subsections after subsection (2):

‘‘(2A) The Minister shall stop making deductions undersubsection (2) in respect of the salary payable to a personas a member of the Oireachtas under this Act whendeductions have been made from the person’s salary inrelation to 7,300 days’ service as a member.

(2B) The Minister shall also stop making deductionsunder subsection (2) in respect of an allowance payableto a member of the Oireachtas—


Pt.3 S.26

Amendment ofsection 6A of the1938 Act —deductions forcontributorypension scheme.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

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Pt.3 S.27

Amendment of the1938 Act —insertion of section6B (references inother Acts, etc. toallowances payableunder this Act).


(a) as the holder of a position referred to in section3 or 4 of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) and Ministerial, Parliamentary,Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act,1998, or

(b) as a member of a committee or subcommitteereferred to in section 5 of that Act,

when deductions have been made from the allowances inrelation to a total of 7,300 days service in such a positionor as a member of such a committee or sub-committee.

(2C) In subsection (2B), ‘allowance’ includes an allow-ance paid to a member of the Oireachtas in accordancewith section 2 or 3 of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) (Amendment) Act, 1994.

(2D) If, before the commencement of section 27 of theMinisterial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices andOireachtas Members (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2001,deductions were made under subsection (2) from the sal-ary payable to a person as a member of the Oireachtas inrelation to a period of service exceeding 7,300 days, thetrustees shall refund—

(a) to the person, or

(b) if the person has died, to the person’s personalrepresentatives,

the amounts of the deductions relating to that period ofservice, but only to the extent that the deductions relateto service given on or after 26 June, 1997.’’, and

(b) by inserting the following subsection after subsection (3):

‘‘(4) For the purpose of this section, ‘trustees’ meansthe trustees of the scheme for pensions referred to in sub-section (1).’’.

28.—The 1938 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 6A (as inserted by section 5 of the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1960, and amended by section 10 of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary,Judicial and Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998, and section 27of this Act):

‘‘References in 6B.—A reference in any other Act, or in anyother Acts, etc. to

statutory instrument or other document, to anallowances payableunder this Act. allowance paid or payable under this Part, is to

be read, on and after the commencement of thissection, as a reference to a salary paid or payableunder this Part.’’.

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Amendment of Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1952

29.—The Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment)Act, 1952, is amended by repealing section 4.


Amendment of Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961

30.—In this Part, ‘‘the 1961 Act’’ means the Courts (SupplementalProvisions) Act, 1961.

31.—Section 46 of the 1961 Act (as amended by section 1 of theCourts (Supplemental Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 1968)is amended—

(a) by substituting for subsections (1), (2) and (3) the followingsubsections:

‘‘(1) On and from 25 September, 2000—

(a) the Chief Justice is entitled to be paid remuner-ation at the rate of £120,293 per year, and

(b) each of the other judges of the Supreme Courtis entitled to be paid remuneration at the rateof £104,254 per year.

(2) On and from 25 September, 2000—

(a) the President of the High Court is entitled to bepaid remuneration at the rate of £108,321 peryear, and

(b) each of the other judges of the High Court isentitled to be paid remuneration at the rateof £96,002 per year.

(3) On and from 25 September, 2000—

(a) the President of the Circuit Court is entitled tobe paid remuneration at the rate of £96,002per year, and

(b) each of the other judges of the Circuit Court isentitled to be paid remuneration at the rateof £75,548 per year.

(3A) On and from 25 September, 2000—

(a) the President of the District Court is entitled tobe paid remuneration at the rate of £75,548per year, and


Repeal of section 4of the Ministerialand ParliamentaryOffices(Amendment) Act,1952 (widows’pensions).

Interpretation:Part 5.

Amendment ofsection 46 of the1961 Act —provisions inrelation toremuneration andpensions of judgesand justices.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.5 S.31

Amendment of the1961 Act —insertion of section46A (remunerationto be adjustedautomatically byreference to salaryincreases in CivilService).

Amendment ofsection 2 of theOireachtas(Allowances toMembers) Act,1962 — telephoneand postal facilities.


(b) a judge of the District Court is entitled to bepaid remuneration at the rate of £62,762 peryear.

(3B) Remuneration payable under this section is to bepaid in monthly instalments.’’,

(b) in subsection (4), by substituting the following paragraphsfor paragraphs (a) and (b):

‘‘(a) the remuneration payable under this Act to a judgeof the Supreme Court, the High Court, the CircuitCourt or the District Court, and

(b) the pension payable under this Act to a judge of theSupreme Court, the High Court, the Circuit Courtor the District Court, and’’,


(c) by inserting the following subsection after subsection (9):

‘‘(10) Every order made by the Government undersubsection (9) is required to be laid before each Houseof the Oireachtas as soon as practicable after it is made.’’.

32.—The 1961 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 46:

‘‘Remuneration to 46A.—(1) Whenever remuneration in the Civilbe adjusted

Service is increased with effect from a particularautomatically byreference to salary day in accordance with agreements or arrange-increases in Civil ments that have effect on a general basis in theService.

Civil Service (whether or not they also apply inrelation to persons employed other than in theCivil Service), the amounts of remuneration pay-able under section 46 are, by the operation of thissection, increased on and from that day by thesame proportion.

(2) It is not necessary to make an order undersection 46(9) in order to give effect to an increasemade by the operation of subsection (1).

(3) In this section, ‘Civil Service’ has the mean-ing given by the Civil Service Commissioners Act,1956.’’.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1962

33.—Section 2 of the Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act,1962 (as substituted by section 11 of the Oireachtas (Allowances toMembers) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment)Act, 1992) is amended by deleting from subsection (1)(b) ‘‘arisingout of the member’s parliamentary duties’’.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial, Parliamentary and Judicial Offices (Amendment)

Act, 1983

34.—The Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) and Ministerial,Parliamentary and Judicial Offices (Amendment) Act, 1983, isamended—

(a) by repealing section 2, and

(b) by repealing sections 3 and 8.


Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial and Parliamentary Offices (Amendment) Act, 1992

35.—In this Part, ‘‘the 1992 Act’’ means the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial and Parliamentary Offices(Amendment) Act, 1992.

36.—Section 2 of the 1992 Act is repealed.

37.—Section 3 of the 1992 Act is amended—

(a) by inserting the following subsection after subsection (1):

‘‘(1A) A person who—

(a) holds office as Attorney General, or

(b) held that office on or after 26 June 1997, andbefore the commencement of section 37 of theMinisterial, Parliamentary and Judicial Officesand Oireachtas Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001,

while not a member of the Oireachtas is entitled to bepaid an annual allowance out of money provided by theOireachtas. The allowance is in full settlement ofexpenses incurred by the person in performing the dutiesof that office where those expenses are not otherwisereimbursed (directly or indirectly) out of money providedby the Oireachtas.’’,


(b) by inserting the following paragraph after subsection (4)(c):

‘‘(ca) the rate of an allowance payable to a person towhom subsection (1A) applies,’’.


Repeal of sections2, 3 and 8 of theOireachtas(Allowances toMembers) andMinisterial,Parliamentary andJudicial Offices(Amendment) Act,1983.

Interpretation:Part 8.

Repeal of section 2of the 1992 Act(salaries formembers ofOireachtas).

Amendment ofsection 3 of the1992 Act —allowances forexpenses formembers ofOireachtas andAttorney General.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Interpretation:Part 9.

Amendment ofsection 3 of the1998 Act —allowances to whipsand others.

Amendment of the1998 Act —insertion of section3A (allowancespayable to certainMinisters of State).

Substitution ofsection 6 of the1998 Act (paymentof allowances andallocations).



Amendment of Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) andMinisterial, Parliamentary, Judicial and Court Offices

(Amendment) Act, 1998

38.—In this Part, ‘‘the 1998 Act’’ means the Oireachtas(Allowances to Members) and Ministerial, Parliamentary, Judicialand Court Offices (Amendment) Act, 1998.

39.—Section 3 of the 1998 Act is amended—

(a) by deleting subsection (1)(a)(iii), and

(b) in subsection (1)(a)(vii), by deleting ‘‘or’’, and

(c) by inserting the following word and subparagraph after sub-section (1)(a)(viii):


(ix) Assistant Party Whip in Dail Eireann,’’,


(d) by inserting in subsection (3) the following definitionimmediately after the definitions of ‘‘Assistant Govern-ment Whip in Seanad Eireann’’, ‘‘Deputy Leader of theHouse in Seanad Eireann’’ and ‘‘Government Whip inSeanad Eireann’’:

‘‘Assistant Party Whip in Dail Eireann’’ means a mem-ber of Dail Eireann nominated by the leader of a partyin Dail Eireann to be an assistant whip for the party(but only if the party has at least 7 members in DailEireann),’’,


(e) in subsection (3), by deleting the definition of ‘‘Leader ofthe House in Seanad Eireann’’.

40.—The 1998 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 3:

‘‘Allowances 3A.—(1) The Government may, by order—payable to certainMinisters of State. (a) provide for the payment of an annual

allowance to not more than 2 speci-fied holders of the office of Ministerof State who regularly attend meet-ings of the Government, and

(b) determine the rate of the allowance, andthe date or dates on and from whichthe allowance is payable.

(2) An order under this section may, if soexpressed, have retrospective effect.’’.

41.—The 1998 Act is amended by substituting the followingsection for section 6:

‘‘Payment of 6.—(1) An allowance referred to in section 3,allowances.

3A, 4 or 5 of this Act is payable in addition to the

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

salary payable to the member concerned undersection 2 of the Principal Act (as amended by theAct of 1992), but is not payable for a period forwhich that salary is not payable.

(2) An allowance referred to in section 3, 4 or5 of this Act is not payable to a member whoholds an office referred to in Part II of the Actof 1938 (as amended by the Act of 1977).

(3) If a member would, but for this section, beeligible to receive during a period more than oneof the allowances referred to in sections 3, 3A, 4and 5, the member is entitled to be paid only thehighest or higher amount of those allowancesduring that period.

(4) An allowance referred to in sections 3, 3A,4 and 5 is payable out of money provided by theOireachtas.’’.

42.—Section 7(1) of the 1998 Act is amended by inserting ‘‘3A,’’after ‘‘3,’’.

43.—Section 8 of the 1998 Act is amended by inserting ‘‘3A,’’ after‘‘3,’’ wherever occurring.

44.—The 1998 Act is amended by inserting the following sectionafter section 8:

‘‘Right of Ministers 8A.—(1) A person who is entitled to be paidand others to elect

an allowance under section 3, 3A or 4 may, bynot to acceptincrease in notice in writing given to the Minister for Fin-allowance. ance, elect not to accept the amount of an

increase of the allowance that would or couldotherwise become payable under that section.

(2) Such an election does not affect the appli-cation of section 7, or an order made undersection 3, 3A or 4, to the remaining part of theallowance whenever the relevant allowance isgenerally increased.

(3) A person who has made an election underthis section may revoke the election by a furthernotice in writing given to the Minister for Fin-ance, but the revocation has effect only pro-spectively.


Pt.9 S.41

Amendment ofsection 7 of the1998 Act —increase ofallowances andallocationscorresponding withgeneral increase ofremuneration inCivil Service.

Amendment ofsection 8 of the1998 Act — ordersrelating toallowances undersections 3, 3A and 4and allocationsunder section 5.

Amendment of the1998 Act —insertion of section8A (right ofMinisters andothers to elect notto accept increasein allowance).

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.9 S.44

Interpretation:Part 10.

Public offices towhich this Partapplies.


(4) Subject to subsection (3), an election madeby a person under this section is not affected bythe fact that the person ceases to hold the officeto which the allowance relates and the person issubsequently reappointed to that office.’’.


Portability of Service of Certain Holders of Public Offices

Chapter 1

Interpretation and application

45.—In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—

‘‘appropriate authority’’, in relation to an approved organisation,means—

(a) if an authority other than the authority governing the organ-isation administers the superannuation scheme thatapplies to persons appointed to or employed in a pen-sionable capacity in the organisation—the authority thatis responsible for administering those provisions, and

(b) in any other case—the governing authority of theorganisation;

‘‘Civil Service’’ means the Civil Service of the Government and theCivil Service of the State;

‘‘court officer’’ means a Master of the High Court, Taxing Master orCounty Registrar;

‘‘European Assembly (Irish Representatives) Pension Scheme,1979’’ means a pension scheme made under section 4 of the Euro-pean Assembly (Irish Representatives) Act, 1979;

‘‘judge’’ means a judge of the Supreme Court, a judge of the HighCourt, a judge of the Circuit Court or a judge of the District Court;

‘‘Minister’’ means the Minister for Finance;

‘‘Oireachtas Pensions Scheme’’ means the pension scheme formembers of the Oireachtas established under section 6A of theOireachtas (Allowances to Members) Act, 1938;

‘‘public office’’ has the meaning given by section 46.

46.—The following are public offices for the purposes of this Part:

(a) member of Dail Eireann or Seanad Eireann;

(b) Irish representative to the European Parliament;

(c) the office of judge or court officer;

(d) member of the Civil Service;

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

(e) member or employee of an organisation designated for thepurposes of section 4 of the Superannuation and PensionsAct, 1963;

(f) member or employee of an organisation designated by theMinister under section 48.

47.—The purpose of this Part is to allow holders of certain publicoffices to which this Part applies to have their service as holders ofthose offices treated as service for the purposes of any pension orsuperannuation scheme that is applicable to any other public officesthat they may subsequently hold.

48.—(1) The Minister may, by order notified in Iris Oifigiuil, des-ignate an organisation as an approved organisation for the purposeof this Part.

(2) The Minister may from time to time, by order notified in IrisOifigiuil, amend or revoke an order made under this section.

Chapter 2

Entitlement to transfer previous pensionable service

49.—If a person who is or was formerly—

(a) a member of Dail Eireann or Seanad Eireann, or

(b) an Irish representative to the European Parliament,

has previously served in another public office, the person is entitled,subject to this Part, to have the previous service treated as pension-able service for the purposes of the Oireachtas Pensions Scheme,or the European Assembly (Irish Representatives) Pension Scheme,1979.

50.—If a person who is or was formerly—

(a) a member of Dail Eireann or Seanad Eireann, or

(b) an Irish representative to the European Parliament,

later serves in another public office, the person is entitled, subject tothis Part, to have his or her service as a member of Dail Eireann orSeanad Eireann, or as a member of the European Parliament,treated as service for the purposes of the superannuation provisionsapplicable to the other public office.

51.—If a person who is or was formerly a judge or court officerhas previously served in another public office, the person is entitled,subject to this Part, to have the previous service treated as pension-able service for the purposes of the pension provisions applicable tothat person under the Second Schedule to the Courts (SupplementalProvisions) Act, 1961, or section 57 of that Act (whichever isapplicable).


Pt.10 S.46

Purpose of thisPart.

Power of Ministerto designateorganisation as anapprovedorganisation.

Entitlement to havecertain previousservice treated asparliamentaryservice.

Entitlement to haveparliamentaryservice treated asservice in anotherpublic body.

Entitlement to haveprevious servicetreated as service asjudge or courtofficer.

[No. 33.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [2001.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.10Entitlement to havejudicial servicetreated as service asholder of otheroffice.

Exercise ofentitlement totransfer service tobe subject to termsand conditions.

Transferred servicenot to be treated asservice for purposeof earlier scheme.


52.—If a person who holds or formerly held office as a judge or asa court officer later has service as a holder of another public office,the person is entitled, subject to this Part, to have his or her serviceas a judge or court officer treated as pensionable service for thepurposes of the superannuation provisions applicable to holders ofthat other office.

53.—(1) The right conferred by section 49, 50, 51 or 52 is exercis-able only in accordance with—

(a) such terms and conditions as the Minister determines, or

(b) if the other public office in which the person exercising theright has served or later serves is with an approved organ-isation, such terms and conditions as the Minister agreeswith the appropriate authority of the organisation.

(2) The terms and conditions may include (but are not limited to)terms and conditions governing the extent to which a person isentitled to have service treated as pensionable service in accordancewith this Chapter.

(3) In determining the extent to which a person is entitled to haveservice treated as pensionable service in accordance with this Chap-ter, regard is to be had to the length of time required to achieve fullsuperannuation benefit in each of the public offices that the personhas held. The service so determined may be greater or less than theperson’s actual pensionable service in a particular public office.

(4) If the relevant public office is one referred to in subsection(1)(b), the terms and conditions agreed must either—

(a) provide for the nature and amount of a contribution to orby the trustees of the Oireachtas Pensions Scheme, theExchequer or the appropriate authority of an approvedorganisation in respect of any additional liability that isundertaken by those trustees, the Exchequer or theorganisation, or

(b) specify reciprocal arrangements that are to apply instead ofsuch a contribution.

54.—(1) Service as—

(a) a member of Dail Eireann or Seanad Eireann, or

(b) an Irish representative to the European Parliament,

that in accordance with this Chapter is treated for superannuationpurposes as service in another public office is not to be treated asservice for the purposes of the Oireachtas Pensions Scheme or theEuropean Assembly (Irish Representatives) Pension Scheme, 1979.

(2) Service as a judge or court officer that in accordance with thisChapter is treated for superannuation purposes as service in anotherpublic office is not to be treated as service for the purposes of thesuperannuation provisions applicable to judges or court officersunder the Second Schedule to the Courts (Supplemental Provisions)Act, 1961, or section 57 of that Act.

[2001.] Ministerial, Parliamentary and [No. 33.]Judicial Offices and Oireachtas

Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

55.—(1) Service is not to be treated as pensionable service inaccordance with this Chapter where—

(a) a pension has already been paid in respect of the service, or

(b) a benefit has been preserved in respect of the service, unlessthe entitlement to the pension benefit has been waived.

(2) Service is not to be treated as pensionable service in accord-ance with this Chapter if—

(a) a lump sum or gratuity has been paid, or

(b) a refund of pension contributions has been made,

in respect of the service, unless an appropriate repayment of thelump sum, gratuity or refund of contributions is made to theExchequer, the trustees of the Oireachtas Pensions Scheme or theappropriate authority of an approved organisation, as determined bythe Minister.

(3) For the purpose of this section, ‘‘appropriate repayment’’means a repayment of—

(a) the amount originally paid, and

(b) compound interest at a rate determined by the Ministerfrom time to time, in respect of the period between thedate of payment and the date of repayment.

56.—(1) An entitlement conferred by this Chapter is exercisableby means of a written application.

(2) The Minister may, by order notified in Iris Oifigiuil, determinethe manner and form in which, and the persons to whom, such anapplication is to be made.

(3) The Minister may from time to time, by order notified in IrisOifigiuil, amend or revoke an order published under this section.

Chapter 3

Supplementary provisions

57.—If the provisions applicable to a pension scheme for whichthe appropriate authority for an approved organisation is responsibledo not confer on the authority power to make the amendmentsnecessary to give effect to this Part, that power is conferred on theauthority by this section. However, if the authority has power tomake other amendments to those provisions and that power can beexercised only with the agreement of a specified person, the powerconferred by this section is exercisable only with the agreement ofthat person.

58.—(1) The Minister is required to ensure that every order madeby the Minister under this Part is laid before each House of theOireachtas as soon as practicable after it is made.

(2) A House of the Oireachtas may, by resolution, annul an ordermade by the Minister under this Part within 21 sitting days after the


Pt.10Service not to betreated aspensionable servicewhere pensionalready paid, etc.

Application to haveprevious servicetreated aspensionable service.

Power to makenecessaryamendments toexisting pensionscheme.

Ministerial ordersto be laid beforeOireachtas.

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Members (MiscellaneousProvisions) Act, 2001.

Pt.10 S.58

Powers of Trusteesin relation to theoperation of thisPart.


day on which the order was laid before the House in accordance withsubsection (1).

(3) The annulment of an order under this section takes effectimmediately on the passing of the resolution concerned, but does notaffect anything that was done under the order before the passing ofthat resolution.

59.—The trustees of the Oireachtas Pensions Scheme are author-ised to accept and pay out money relating to the operation of thisPart.
