Page 1: MINUTES OF A MEETING - Moreton Pinkney€¦ · 9.1 S/2017/0753/LBC: New steps to side of The Lodge, Banbury Road - Approved. 9.2 S/2017/0850/FUL: Change of use to garden for tennis


Held on Wednesday 31st May 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall

Present: Andrew Jalland (AJ) ChairmanRichard Lainchbury (RL) Vice ChairmanBrian Collett CouncillorLes Tucker (LT) CouncillorDorothy Brooke (DB) Councillor James Smith (JS) CouncillorBen Vincent CouncillorGary Denby (GD) Parish Clerk

Public: Jane Wheeler

Welcome and any announcements from the ChairSince this is the AGM and immediately after annual May elections, it is customary for all Councillors to stand-down from positions of responsibility and stand for re-election.

1. Election of ChairmanCllr Andrew Jalland was willing to stand again as Parish Council Chairman. Proposed by JS, seconded by BV, he was re-elected, unopposed (no other candidates came forward) and AJ completed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2. ApologiesNone received.

3. Election of Vice ChairmanRL is standing down as Vice Chairman due to work commitments. He was thanked by Councillors for his services as former Chair and latterly Vice Chairman to the Parish Council. Cllr Ben Vincent was willing to stand as Vice Chairman. Proposed by BC, seconded by RL, he was elected unopposed (no other candidates came forward).

4. Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting and the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th April 2017The Annual Parish Meeting minutes were agreed by all as an accurate record (to be presented next year), including the belated report from our re-elected County Councillor Ian Morris..

The Parish Council minutes required a revision to 9.5, changed to ‘We’ will also arrange for Staples to scan it… They were then agreed and signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.

5. Public Time

No matters were arising. Councillors were thanked for giving of the time voluntarily to keep things ticking over.

6. Matters Arising from the minutes

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6.1 Ref 3: Additional quotation for stump grinding: the stump has now become a eight foot high bush! It needs to be killed first, or the stump will re-grow. It was agreed that AJ + BC will remove the new growth and drill into the stump to insert herbicide, anticipating grinding-down later in the Autumn when all is dead. Leonard Baxter is happy with this progress.

6.2 Ref 5.4: Footbridge repairs on Brook Street. Under advisement of our County Councillor Ian Morris, this has been reported on Street Doctor (ref. 874848). This is now under investigation by Ray Price. Judy Bryant our Footpaths Warden also considers this to be a Highways matter.

6.3 Ref 5.6: Steven Barber of KierWSP has now confirmed his availability for Our 19th July meeting, regarding Speed Cameras etc. This needs to be highlighted on the Village Calendar GD.

6.4 Ref 7: The Clerk attended a Defibrillator training meeting at Eydon and was able to clarify with Mandy Lowe of the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) that the maintenance cost of the Lifepak CR+ unit is £250 per EIGHT years. This is provided with a locked cabinet and a fixed batterythat is re-charged by a pack supplied with replacement pads.

6.5 Ref 9.4: The Clerk has advised Steven Scott of Scotts Landscapes on 1st May about the spraying and seeding of the sports field margins. He is to be advised when the margins are ready for their first cut under our mowing contract. The Clerk is to send Paul Lewis at Highfields farm a letter of appreciation for all the work he has done on the margins GD.The new grass is now sprouting and Councillors consider that it may be ready for its first cut towards the end of June – Scotts to be advised GD.

6.6 Ref 9.5: The definitive, updated Rights of Way map for the village: AJ should have the copy for passing to Judy Bryant. GD will look to see whether he has the copy for scanning and reduction at Staples,

7. Community Defibrillator

The Clerk distributed copies of the current offer from Mandy Lowe at EMAS, with free CPR and Defib familiarity training provided to villagers. This is for the LifePak CR+ unit with a lockable metal box, costing £999 excluding VAT. Responding to Councillors’ concern over its potential non-use in a rural environment, Mandy provided the following figures from the EMAS database, for the year ending October 2016 in the NN1 3** area:-

• 2 cardiac arrests (warranting defibrillator use)• 248 Red1’s and Red2’s (potentially life threatening emergencies, so

includes chest pains, strokes, major haemorrhage, difficulty in breathing etc, for which a defibrillator might be called upon)

Councillors appreciated that there was a cost associated for replacement pads, if the unit is used (CHARGE-PAK Charging Stick with two sets of adult electrodes £94.80; Charging Stick with one set of adult electrodes £74.40).

In a member of the public obtaining the cabinet access code from the 999 service, the Clerk recollects that the code is given if the defibrillator is within a half kilometre of the emergency address. This may pose a problem for Moreton Pinkney which is a ribbon development and perhaps half the village may be outside this range, if sited at the Village Hall. GD will clarify this situation with Mandy Lowe.

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8. Correspondence Received

8.1 19 Apr: Clerk queried Mandy Anderson of SNC why Precept Payment notificationsare still being sent to the former Clerk.

8.2 2 May: Danny Moody of N-CALC is sympathetic to our HMRC predicament, but hasno answers.

8.3 11 May: Clerk distributed the Trading Standards newsletter 10 to all Councillors.

8.4 15 May: Clerk distributed a Countywide E-brief with volunteer & funding opportunities.

8.5 15 May: Clerk distributed a Healthwatch update referring to a new 60 bed Emergency & Assessment ward at Northampton General Hospital.

8.6 15 May: Clerk distributed the May-Jun ERTA Newsletter – Northampton-Bedford raillink?

8.7 15 May: Clerk distributed a Rural Opportunities Bulletin to all Councillors – fundingopportunities

8.8 15 May: Clerk distributed a weekly public sector newsletter, contrasting reform (Unitary authority) versus devolution options with Oxfordshire (may affect SNC)

8.9 22 May: Clerk sent a query to KierWSP regarding the missing verge mowing grantfor Feb 2017. Subsequently, the Clerk generated an invoice and was notified thatit has been forwarded to SNC for payment.

8.10 An email response from Charles Behrens on 25 May: The last donation given bythe Parish Council to St Mary’s church was £300 on 3 Sept 2015 (£100 towardsmowing, £200 for roof). Councillors agreed to send a donation of £100 towardsmowing of the new church yard (July meeting), since in the 2017-18 budget GD.

9. Planning ( – Moreton Pinkney Parish)

9.1 S/2017/0753/LBC: New steps to side of The Lodge, Banbury Road - Approved.

9.2 S/2017/0850/FUL: Change of use to garden for tennis court at Ashbrook House,Weston Road. MPPC is invited to send two representatives to a site visit on Tue 6 June at 9.30am. Councillors have previously decided that they have No Objectionsto this application, so their presence at a site visit is not required.

9.3 S/2017/1141/LDP: Proposed side extension Westgate farmhouse. Lawfulness?

9.4 S/2107/1154/FUL: Front extension, rear extension Old Cottage, Brook Street. Site visit complete. Consultation ends 26 May 2017 – extension requested. Councillors decided that they have No Objections to this application. Whilst substantial, it will improve a building that appears to be at risk of collapse, whilst being in keeping with its surrounds.

9.5 on whip aerials planned in field next to Plumpton Wood. Councillors are concerned that this rather large antenna installation may be affected by the electric fences on adjoining fields, as well as potential access difficulties. It was agreed that the Clerk shall send a note of Councillors’concerns, even though not on their contacts list GD.

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10. Finances

10.1 Councillors considered the 2016-2017 Accounts prepared by the ParishCouncil's Responsible Financial Officer (the Clerk). These were distributedas an Accounts Summary by email to all Councillors on 24th May, alongwith an updated budget including actual income and expenditure for 2016-17, as well as reserves allocations (an estimated £3,462 shortfall).Councillors approved the sign-off of the Statement of Accounts for yearending March 2017 by the Parish Chairman and Parish Clerk on theirbehalf, as included in Appendix A.

10.2 RL and BC signed the NS&I investment withdrawal form for the Village Hallaccount (to close); for monies to be transferred to the same in lieu ofinterest payments (the latter having sunk to near zero and causing theaccount to become dormant and very nearly lost).

10.3 The Moreton Pinkney Parish Council Financial regulations document was re-dated as 31.05.17, emailed to Councillors on 24 May 2017 and adopted byCouncillors without further changes. This comprise the model standingorders developed by N-CALC in 2013 and have not been revised since, tothe best knowledge of the Clerk. The Clerk confirmed that he makesregular quarterly backups of Parish Council business (finance spreadsheet,correspondence and minutes) onto USB drives, kept off-site. BC alsoreviews the Parish Council’s spreadsheet ledger against bank statementson a quarterly basis, signing and dating the same.

10.4 The Clerk slightly adjusted the Moreton Pinkney Parish Council Financial &Risk Assessment to note a ‘Low’ Likelihood of Theft / Loss of money byother finances under the control of the Responsible Financial officer (RFO);that the Parish Council insurance covers employee dishonesty cover to£150,000. This was re-dated as 31 May 2017, emailed to Councillors on 24May 2017 and adopted by Councillors without further changes.

10.5 The Asset Register has been significantly revalued upwards to allow forreasonable replacement values to be budgeted for (requested by theinternal auditor). The two brick wells have been included again, pendingacceptance of associated parties as to their liability. The value of the busshelter (wooden) was set back to £5,000. The number of wooden seats inthe village was confirmed as seven. There has been much debate overvillage green spaces and their possible adoption over the year (their valueand liabilities being indeterminable, particularly next to the brook). Theview of Councillors is NOT to include these as village assets for the timebeing, though a theoretical risk they might be ‘adopted’ by neighbours.

Thus the Annual return for year ending 31 March 2017, Section2, line 9total fixed assets was revised from £18,098 to £31,800 (“this shows thevalue of all the property the authority owns”). Councillors agreed that thisrevised value is more representative than any guess by the insurancecompany for the street lights back in 2010; that an explanatory note willlikely be required in the Annual Return in order to avoid ‘additional costs’.

10.6 Councillors reviewed the insurance cover summary supplied by Came &Company for their 3rd year Long Term Agreement renewal on 31st May

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2017. This includes £150,000 cover for employee dishonesty (nowincluded on the Risk assessment), together with £5,000 default fordefibrillators & cabinets. Councillors accepted the annual premiumquotation for £322.63 and approved its payment by the Clerk.

10.7 Councillors reviewed Section 1 – Annual governance statement 2016/17and approved that the Chairman and Clerk should sign it on their behalf.There were not any ‘NO’ responses requiring an explanation to theexternal auditor. A copy is included in Appendix B.

10.8 Councillors reviewed the inclusion of the statement of Accounts within theAnnual Return, Section 2 – Accounting statements for 2016/17. Theyapproved that the Chairman and the Responsible Financial Officer shouldsign it on their behalf, as included in Appendix B.

10.9 Sheila Gilder of KierWSP has advised the Clerk that subsequent toreceiving his invoice for £250.84 for 2016-17 for verge mowing, this hasbeen forwarded to NCC for payment.

10.10 The following invoices were initialled and cheques signed on behalf of theParish Council by BC and LT:-

Description / Power Amount VAT Total

Scotts Landscapes mowing April 2017 £240.00 £40.00 £240.00

Came & Company Parish Council insurance to 31/5/18

£322.63 £322.63

Gary Denby Clerk gross remuneration and expenses13 Apr to 31 May 2017 (7 weeks) inc. home office

£284.33 £284.33

10 Councillors’ Comments - AOB

10.1 LT offers his apologies for the next meeting in July.

10.2 JS would like Parish Councillors to consider traffic calming measures at the bottom of the hill on Banbury Road, where there is no pavement provision. There is a villager with a guide dog having to walk upon the road, as well as any villagers wishing to visit the village garage by foot. This might be included in the discussions planned for next month on speed signs? It was agreed that the Clerk shall approach Northamptonshire Highways about the feasibility of a traffic-calming chicane GD.

10.3 There have been three reports received of static mobile homes appearing in the village. Councillors consider that these require planning permission, even if a temporary measure during building works.

10.4 Councillors approved the appointment of a new village volunteer Tim Averto take-over the day-to-day administration of the Parish Council web site, now that Richard Lingard is becoming much busier. Richard will continue to support the technical aspects of the site, which is much appreciated.

10.5 There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

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11 Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is on Wednesday 19th July at 7.30pm.Steve Barber has confirmed his availability for this meeting, to discuss speeding issues and how these might be addressed (with a vehicle activated speed sign being a possibility).

…………………………. ………………………. Chairman Date

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YE 31.03.16 YE 31.03.17£ p



ReceiptsPrecept and Awards1

Interest on investments (NS&I, bank)VAT repayment3

£ p6,300.00


£6,557.73 TOTAL RECEIPTS £6,839.84





PaymentsGeneral Administration (Clerk, insurance premium, audit)S137 payments (wreath and Best Kept Village entry)2

Public Lighting and maintenance (Highways 1980 S301)Village mowing (Highways 1980 S96)Donation towards church mowing and Play equipment and Garden

Society donations (LG Act 1972 S 215)Donation for insurance of playground equipment (to Village Hall) (LG

Act 1976 S19 Recreation)Donation to church roof repairs (LG Act (Misc Prov) 1976 sect 19)Village Website & Calendar (LG Act 1972 S142 Information)






£7,205.11 TOTAL PAYMENTS £6,767.81



Balance brought forwardAdd receipts

Less payments



£4,765.90 Balance carried forward £4,837.93



National SavingsCurrent AccountDeposit AccountLess un-presented cheques



£4,765.90 Balance carried forward £4,837.93

Signed ………………………………………….. Signed……………………………………………..Chairman – Andrew Jalland Parish Clerk – Gary Denby

Date ……………………………………………. Date …………………………………………….

1 Comprises Precept £6,300 plus interest, with £250.84 o/s from NCC for mowing verges 16-172 Calendar & Web site now combined under Local Government Act 1972 S142 for disseminating info3 VAT repayment from 2015-16 appears under 2016-17 receipts, £502.67 reclaim o/s for 2016-17

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MORETON PINKNEY PARISH COUNCILNotes to the Accounts for Year Ending 31ST March 2017



Fixed and Long Term Assets

The value of the assets have been significantly revised upwards after seven years, from those maintained at the insurance company’s (Aon) valuation in June 2010, as a proxy figure for the original purchase cost.

14 x Street lamps £16,800

Two brick wells £4,800

Noticeboard £1,000

7 x wooden seats £4,200

Bus Shelter £5,000

Total £31,800

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APPENDIX B: BDO external audit submission for 2016-17

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