Page 1: MINUTES Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors Meeting … · 2018-03-07 · Minutes – Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting – April 16, 2014 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion



W W W. T H O R N B U R Y . O R G

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: James H. Raith, Chairman

James P. Kelly, Vice Chairman Sheri Perkins, Supervisor Public Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month

MINUTES Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors Meeting Wednesday, April 16, 2014 The Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors held a Work Session Meeting on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, at the Township Administration Building, 6 Township Drive, Cheyney, PA. Chairman Raith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a salute to the flag. PRESENT: James H. Raith, Chairman

James P. Kelly, Vice Chairman Sheri L. Perkins, Supervisor

Jeffrey Seagraves, Township Manager Geoffrey Carbutt, Township Secretary

Lindsey Price, Roadmaster Peter Barsz, CPA, Treasurer

Kenneth D. Kynett, Esq., Township Solicitor Elizabeth Catania, PE, Township Engineer

Charles Faulkner, PE, Township Sewer Engineer Number of Attendees: 11

Chairman Raith welcomed Nikki Avella and her father, Mike Avella, to the meeting.

APPROVAL OF CHECK REGISTERS On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, the General Fund check register in the amount of $53,763.55 for April 3, 2014 through April 16, 2014, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. On a motion by Sheri Perkins, seconded by James Kelly, and carried unanimously, the Sewer Fund check register in the amount of $36,523.79 for April 3, 2014 through April 16, 2014, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, the Sewer Expansion Fund check register in the amount of $1,031.82 for April 3, 2014 through April 16, 2014, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Page 2: MINUTES Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors Meeting … · 2018-03-07 · Minutes – Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting – April 16, 2014 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion

Minutes – Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting – April 16, 2014


APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by Sheri Perkins, seconded by James Kelly, and carried unanimously, the Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Public Meeting minutes were approved as presented. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. AGENDA ITEMS On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, Resolution 2014 - 7, and authorizing the Township Engineer to forward the Application for County Aid, for the 2014 Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Allocation and Pothole Assistance for Taxpayers Program, to the Delaware County Council for their consideration, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. On a motion by Sheri Perkins, seconded by James Kelly, and carried unanimously, authorizing the Township Engineer to advertise for bids for the 2014 Road Program, based upon the list of streets presented was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. Chairman Raith mentioned that some of the roads being done this year are in the Stone Ridge / Wood Ridge area and along Lake Road and others. On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, advertising for a public hearing to consider an Ordinance to authorize execution of a cable franchise agreement between Thornbury Township and Comcast of Southeastern Pennsylvania, LLC, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. STAFF REPORTS TOWNSHIP MANAGER'S REPORT- Jeff Seagraves The Manager’s Report was submitted and attached. Jeff highlighted the inspections ongoing in our township and introduced Mike Kreppel who made an Eagle Scout Project presentation. There was no comment on the manager’s report. Chairman Raith thanked and congratulated Mike for all of his hard work, then expressed the Board’s appreciation and commended him. On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, the expenses associated with Mike Kreppels Eagle Scout Project, at a total cost of $820.54 was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. On a motion by Sheri Perkins, seconded by James Kelly, and carried unanimously, allocating $1000.00 from the Environmental Advisory Council’s 2014 Budget, for the purchase of plants from Redbud Nursery, was approved. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. Vice Chairman Kelly thanked Jeff and his Staff for the great job on Government Day. Chairman Raith requested that the June 4th BOS Meeting be held at Thornbury Park.

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Minutes – Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting – April 16, 2014


TOWNSHIP ROADMASTER’S REPORT – Lindsey Price The Roadmaster’s Report was submitted and attached. There was no comment on the roadmaster’s report. TOWNSHIP TREASURER’S REPORT –Peter Barsz, CPA The Treasurer’s Report was submitted and attached. There was no comment on the treasurer’s report. On a motion by James Kelly, seconded by Sheri Perkins, and carried unanimously, the Treasurer’s Report for the period ending March 31, 2014, was accepted as presented. Chairman Raith called for public comment. There was no public comment. TOWNSHIP SOLICITOR’S REPORT – Kenneth D. Kynett, Esq.

The Township Solicitor’s Report was submitted and is attached. There was no comment on the solicitor’s report.


The Township Engineer’s Report was submitted and is attached. There was no comment on the engineer’s report. TOWNSHIP SEWER ENGINEER - Charles Faulkner, PE

The Township Sewer Engineer’s Report was submitted and is attached. There was no comment on the sewer engineer’s report. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm Respectfully submitted, Geoffrey Carbutt Township Secretary cc: Board of Supervisors Kenneth Kynett, Esq. Jeffrey Seagraves, Township Manager

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1. I have registered to attend the West Chester Area Education Foundation Breakfast on Thursday April 24, 2014 at Penn Oaks.

2. We held our annual Local government Day on Thursday April 10, 2014. The event was well attended and the students from Rustin asked some great questions.

3. We had another break in the Mill Road pump station line. The break was located and fixed immediately.

4. I am working with tom Dever to determine a bid due date for the proposed renovation of the Douglass Cottage.

5. We have scheduled the meeting with AD Marble and Penn DOT for April 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM ere at the township building.

6. We have been invited to attend a meeting at Cheyney University to discuss the update of their hazard mitigation plan. We will ask our Emergency Management coordinator and our Fire Marshall to attend.

7. We sent a letter on behalf of Concord Township in support of their joint grant application to DCNR for a Community Recreation and Conservation Program Grant.

8. We met with Bob Grisillo to help determine the best computer to be used for the GIS system. Bob recommended waiting on the purchase of the updated software until he has time to evaluate and recommend the best path forward.

9. The annual Egg hunt was very successful on Saturday April 12, 2014. 10. We received our updated Franchise Agreement with Comcast. We need to adopt an ordinance

that authorizes the adoption of the franchise agreement with Comcast. I would recommend that we set the date so that we can move forward with this process.

11. We started to register members for the Thornbury Township Golf League. League play will start on Monday May 5, 2014.

12. We met with Nick McGonigle from Catania to review years 9 and 10 MS4 reports. Rich Brightenstein sent an e-mail indicating that he would be scheduling a meeting with all municipalities to review reports.

Page 5: MINUTES Thornbury Township Board of Supervisors Meeting … · 2018-03-07 · Minutes – Board of Supervisors Work Session Meeting – April 16, 2014 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion

2014 Preliminary Road Repairs __________________________________________________________________

1. Stone Ridge Road: ♦ Cut and patch 1st 68ꞌ L x 13 ꞌ W 2nd 429ꞌ L x 20 ꞌ W 2. Wood Ridge Road: ♦ .41 mi L x 24ꞌ W ♦ #15 – Repair headwall and apron ALTERNATES 1. Lake Road: 536ꞌ L x 22ꞌ W 2. Watersmeet Circle: 172ꞌ L x 34ꞌ W 3. Slitting Mill Road: 3,333ꞌ L x 10ꞌ W

No response received from Edgmont Township in regards to Slitting Mill Road.

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TH E W IL L IA M P E N N B U IL D IN G 1 0 9 C H E S L E Y D R IV E J O S E P H A . D A M IC O , J R . M E D IA , P A 1 9 0 6 3 M A L C O L M B . P E TR IK IN J O H N W . N IL O N , J R . ^ ( 1 9 3 4 - 1 9 9 5 ) D O N A L D T. P E TR O S A J O H N W . W E L L M A N S TE V E N A . C O H E N ( 1 9 5 1 - 2 0 0 2 ) D E N IS M . D U N N * S TE V E N G . B R O W N M A R K D . D A M IC O ( 1 9 7 0 - 2 0 1 0 ) K E N N E TH D . K YN E TT* H . F IN TA N M c H U G H * 6 1 0 - 5 6 5 - 2 6 7 0 C H A R L E S G . M IL L E R * F A X 6 1 0 - 5 6 5 - 0 1 7 8 * A L S O M E M B E R N E W J E R S E Y B A R April 10, 2014 D i r e c t D i a l : 6 1 0 - 8 9 2 - 1 8 7 6 ^ A L S O M E M B E R N Y B A R a n d IN TE R N A TIO N A L TR A D E C O U R T E m a i l : k d k @ p e t r i k i n . c o m

The Township Solicitor, Kenneth D. Kynett Esquire, files the following report for April 16th, 2014: 1. Cheyney University Demolition - Continue to have dialogue with the Department of General Services in its efforts to work through lingering issues in obtaining demolition permits, approved and issued by the Township, for buildings other than the Smedley Cottage. 2. Seasonal Outdoor Dining Ordinance. Forwarded black-line of Ordinance revisions to Township Planning Commission at request of Planning Commission Secretary. 3. Right to Know. Assisted Public Records Officer in responding to Right-to-Know request involving potential litigation.

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Catania Engineering Associates, Inc.

Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors

520 W. MacDade Boulevard

Milmont Park, PA 19033-3311 Phone (610-532-2884)

Fax (610-532-2923)

REPORT OF THE ENGINEER April Workshop Meeting April 11, 2014 Work completed for the period: Grading and Road Encroachment Permits – Reviewed several plans for grading and road encroachment. Completed inspections of construction work in progress. Andover – No inspection work has been performed. Wills - No further submission has been received. Lawler Subdivision - Received a submission of a two lot subdivision on Sweetwater Road. Review has been completed. Awaiting revised plans. Planning Commission - working with members to address Comp Plan updates, Crane and Dutcher review. The Outdoor Dining Ordinance was reviewed. Greenbriar Dallet 5 – Completing Rain Event Inspections. Plans for remedial basin work have not yet been received.

Work expected on the basin as weather is conducive to this work, however reached out to Orleans to provide a schedule.

Crane Property – Plan re-submission has been received and reviewed for Planning Commission Meeting. Mill Creek – Justification for waiver of infiltration in the stormwater basin due to rock has been reviewed and a

recommendation made to the Board. Work will resume the third week of the month to complete trail, grading and other items.

Gricco – Work on the site has resumed. No inspections have been made.

Dutcher – Plans have been submitted and reviewed. Romill Associates – No further submission has been received. There are several issues that must be addressed. Road Program 2014 – Road List has been prepared. Would suggest the Supervisors consider authorization to advertise.

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General Fund Beginning Deposits Disbursements Ending

National Penn 2,690,478.36 127,524.26 239,326.57 2,578,676.05

National Penn Payroll 0.00 37,764.05 37,764.05 0.00

2,690,478.36 165,288.31 277,090.62 2,578,676.05

Less Transfers: (37,764.05) (37,764.05)

2,690,478.36 127,524.26 239,326.57 2,578,676.05

State Fund

National Penn 368,757.72 172,304.05 0.00 541,061.77

Recreation Fund

National Penn 303,786.94 38.70 0.00 303,825.64

Open Space Acquisition Fund

National Penn 285,455.58 36.37 0.00 285,491.95

Capital Improvement Fund

National Penn 748,720.40 94.72 7,387.00 741,428.12

Operating Reserve Fund

Bryn Mawr Trust Money Manager 1,058,013.15 269.60 0.00 1,058,282.75

Sewer Fund

Bryn Mawr Trust Checking (240.00) 39,391.38 39,366.38 (215.00)

Bryn Mawr Trust Dep Acct 904,641.80 13,296.44 39,291.38 878,646.86

Sub-total 904,401.80 52,687.82 78,657.76 878,431.86

National Penn Sewer Expansion 76,806.14 4,001.65 7,780.34 73,027.45

National Penn Sinking Fund 646.56 0.08 0.00 646.64

Sub-total 77,452.70 4,001.73 7,780.34 73,674.09

Total 981,854.50 56,689.55 86,438.10 952,105.95

Less Transfers: (39,391.38) (39,391.38)

981,854.50 17,298.17 47,046.72 952,105.95

Escrow Disbursement Account

Bryn Mawr Trust Escrow Checking 340.00 0.00 0.00 340.00

Bryn Mawr Trust Master Escrow 111,896.73 0.00 0.00 111,896.73

112,236.73 0.00 0.00 112,236.73

Less Transfers: 0.00 0.00

112,236.73 0.00 0.00 112,236.73

Total 6,549,303.38 317,565.87 293,760.29 6,573,108.96

MARCH, 2014

5/8/2014, 3:29 PM

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Type Date Name Account Paid AmountLAST CHECK DATED 4/2/2014

Check 04/08/2014 DCED 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

413.318 · CODE-UCC Fees -176.00-176.00

Check 04/16/2014 Aqua Pennsylvania 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

411.363 · FIRE-Hydrant Service -984.75-984.75

Check 04/16/2014 Aqua Pennsylvania 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

411.363 · FIRE-Hydrant Service -374.00-374.00

Check 04/16/2014 Chester Water Authority 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

411.363 · FIRE-Hydrant Service -2,613.60-2,613.60

Check 04/16/2014 Chili's Inspection Services 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

413.310 · CODE-Building Inspector -3,025.00-3,025.00

Check 04/16/2014 Delaware County News Network 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.341 · ADMIN-Advertising Expense -207.72406.341 · ADMIN-Advertising Expense -207.72


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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Environmental Mgt & Consulting, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

429.310 · SWC-SEO Expenses -601.70-601.70

Check 04/16/2014 Haines Landscaping & Tree Service 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

454.377 · REC-Palmer Park Expenses -2,900.00-2,900.00

Check 04/16/2014 Julia Bove 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

459.540 · REC-Miscellaneous Contributions -250.00-250.00

Check 04/16/2014 International Salt 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

432.200 · PWD-Snow & Ice Supplies -2,586.29-2,586.29

Check 04/16/2014 Knight Bros. Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

432.000 · PWD-Snow & Ice Removal -1,516.50-1,516.50

Check 04/16/2014 Merves Amon & Barsz LLC 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

402.311 · AUDIT/TREAS-Treasurer Fees -2,540.45-2,540.45

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Out of Site Stump Removal 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

454.377 · REC-Palmer Park Expenses -280.00-280.00

Check 04/16/2014 Paychex, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.318 · ADMIN-Payroll Expenses -255.01-255.01

Check 04/16/2014 PA One Call System Inc 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

413.317 · CODE-Miscellaneous -81.28-81.28

Check 04/16/2014 PA Recreation & Park Society 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

451.301 · REC-PRPS Ticket Reimbursement -19.00-19.00

Check 04/16/2014 Petrikin Wellman DaMico Brown & Petrosa 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

404.311 · LEGAL-Non-Reimbursable -1,175.0053 Sweetwater Road 404.310 · LEGAL-Reimbursable -25.00

404.311 · LEGAL-Non-Reimbursable -200.00404.311 · LEGAL-Non-Reimbursable -25.00

Cheyney Univeristy:Campus Demolition Project 404.310 · LEGAL-Reimbursable -325.00Audi Dealership 404.310 · LEGAL-Reimbursable -62.50

404.311 · LEGAL-Non-Reimbursable -75.00-1,887.50

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Reino's Print and Copy Center 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -108.15-108.15

Check 04/16/2014 The Grafton Association 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

414.310 · PC-Professional Services -500.00-500.00

Check 04/16/2014 Verizon Wireless 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.324 · ADMIN-Cell Phone Expense -412.98-412.98

Check 04/16/2014 Walk for the Wounded 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

459.540 · REC-Miscellaneous Contributions -1,000.00-1,000.00

Check 04/16/2014 WEX Bank 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.231 · ADMIN-Vehicle Gasoline Expense -485.76406.390 · ADMIN-Bank/Credit Card Chgs -4.00


Check 04/16/2014 United Inspections Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

413.312 · CODE-Electrical Inspector -780.00-780.00

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 A.F. Damon, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

438.000 · PWD-Roadway Maintenance -2,200.00-2,200.00

Check 04/16/2014 Principal Financial Group 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

483.000 · INS-Pension Plan Contributions -410.00-410.00

Check 04/16/2014 Wells Fargo Financial Leasing 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.260 · ADMIN-Office Eqpmt Lease Exp -319.00-319.00

Check 04/16/2014 Chris Parras Electric, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -340.00-340.00

Check 04/16/2014 ESRI 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.751 · ADMIN-Computer Equipment -1,224.00-1,224.00

Check 04/16/2014 Interpretive Solutions, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

459.300 · REC-HC-Historical Commission -2,521.25-2,521.25

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Independence Blue Cross 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -1,879.19487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -1,510.81487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -1,398.55487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -1,602.18487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -1,122.72487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -2,062.76


Check 04/16/2014 Standard Insurance Company 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -55.08487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -75.08487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -131.71487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -39.82487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -171.45487.000 · INS-Disability Insurance -82.74406.390 · ADMIN-Bank/Credit Card Chgs -20.00


Check 04/16/2014 Dominion Dental Services, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16487.100 · INS-Medical Plan Premiums -110.16406.390 · ADMIN-Bank/Credit Card Chgs 15.00


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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Susan Daudert 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.331 · ADMIN-Mileage Reimbursement -27.70-27.70

Check 04/16/2014 Opdenaker Trash Removal Services 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

427.367 · SWC-Trash Collection & Disposal -100.00427.367 · SWC-Trash Collection & Disposal -100.00426.367 · SWC-Recycling Contract Expense -5,666.66


Check 04/16/2014 Bankcard Center 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -14.74409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -204.97409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -118.91406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -28.99406.231 · ADMIN-Vehicle Gasoline Expense -20.02409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -169.27409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -53.76409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -79.96409.250 · MAINT-Supplies-Maint/Repair -109.16409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -25.96406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense 23.99406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -15.25406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -16.00406.305 · ADMIN-Sunshine Fund -68.00452.300 · REC-Summer Park Programming -477.97406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -50.54406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -56.14459.540 · REC-Miscellaneous Contributions -1,477.50406.300 · ADMIN-General Expense -210.78409.373 · MAINT-Admin Building -581.17406.317 · ADMIN-Training/Continuing Ed -95.00


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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Krapfs Coaches 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

452.303 · REC-Founders Day -100.00-100.00

Check 04/16/2014 McNichol, Byrne & Matlawski, PC 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

414.314 · PC-Legal Services -25.00414.314 · PC-Legal Services -325.00


Check 04/16/2014 Krapfs Coaches 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

451.300 · REC-P&R Board General Expense -100.00-100.00

Check 04/16/2014 Lucky Sign Shop 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

452.302 · REC-Township Events -60.00-60.00

Check 04/16/2014, Inc. 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.452 · ADMIN-IT Services -150.00-150.00

Check 04/16/2014 PSATS UC Group Trust Fund 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

481.300 · EPB-Unemployment Contributions -724.26-724.26

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4/16/2014 THORNBURY TOWNSHIP General Fund Check Detail

From April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Deer Park 100.200 · National Penn - Checking


Check 04/16/2014 TOBS, LLC 100.200 · National Penn - Checking

406.321 · ADMIN-Phone/Communication Exp -231.28406.321 · ADMIN-Phone/Communication Exp -231.28406.321 · ADMIN-Phone/Communication Exp -231.28406.321 · ADMIN-Phone/Communication Exp -231.28


Board Approval: $53,763.55

James H. Raith, Chairman

James P. Kelly, Vice Chairman

Sheri L. Perkins, Supervisor

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Sewer Fund Check DetailFrom April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Type Date Name Account Paid AmountLAST CHECK DATED 3/27/2014

Check 04/16/2014 Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown & Petrosa 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

429.314 · ADMIN-Legal Services -43.75-43.75

Check 04/16/2014 Aqua 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

429.366 · OPER-Water Services -46.70-46.70

Check 04/16/2014 Chemical Equipment Labs of VA, Inc. 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

429.222 · OPER-Chemicals/Filters -650.84-650.84

Check 04/16/2014 Estate of Eric Bradson 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

364.100 · REV-Sewer Rent -18.37-18.37

Check 04/16/2014 Opdenaker Trash Removal Services 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

429.367 · OPER-Trash Services -100.00-100.00

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Sewer Fund Check DetailFrom April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Check 04/16/2014 Township of Concord 100.014 · Bryn Mawr Trust Sewer Chkg

429.364 · OPER-Wastewater Processing Fees -33,980.60429.001 · OPER-Mill Creek Pump Station -1,560.00429.374 · OPER-Repairs and Maintenance -123.53


Board Approval: 36,523.79$

James H. Raith, Chairman

James P. Kelly, Vice Chairman

Sheri L. Perkins, Supervisor

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Sewer Expansion Fund Check DetailFrom April 3, 2014 to April 16, 2014

Type Date Name Account Paid AmountLAST CHECK DATED 4/2/2014

Check 04/16/2014 Petrikin Wellman Damico Brown & Petrosa 100.000 · Nat'l Penn Sewer Expansion

429.314 · Legal Fees -43.75-43.75

Check 04/16/2014 Thornbury Township General Fund 100.000 · Nat'l Penn Sewer Expansion

429.001 · New Connection Expense -480.00-480.00

Check 04/16/2014 Thornbury Township General Fund 100.000 · Nat'l Penn Sewer Expansion

402.115 · Administrative Salary -508.07-508.07

Board Approval: 1,031.82$

James H. Raith, Chairman

James P. Kelly, Vice Chairman

Sheri L. Perkins, Supervisor

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