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Page 1: Mis 2101 Questions

MIS 2101 Questions

Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7

Page 2: Mis 2101 Questions

During the time of the industrial revolution, some individuals who felt threatened by the

changes brought about by technology resorted to protesting against the technology. Identify

these individuals.

• A) Utopists

• B) Utilitarians

• C) Millenarists

• D) Luddites

• E) Preterists

Page 3: Mis 2101 Questions

The ability to independently learn new technologies as they emerge and assess

their impact on your work and life is called ___________.

• A) Computer adaptation

• B) Computer programming

• C) Computer compatibility

• D) Computer assisted learning

• E) Computer fluency

Page 4: Mis 2101 Questions

Which of the following is a cultural challenge of operating in the digital


• A) Aging populations in the US and Western Europe

• B) Difference in academic degrees and measurement units

• C) Differences in power distance and uncertainty avoidance

• D) Availability of labor force and salary differences

• E) Conducting videoconferences across different time zones

Page 5: Mis 2101 Questions

According to Thomas L. Friedman, which of the following is true about

Globalization 3.0?

• A) People didn’t notice how it affected their lives due to the slow pace of change.

• B) Industries changed slowly and change took generations

• C) Continents were brought closer together, shrinking the world “from size medium to size small”.

• D) Mainly Americans and Europeans were globalizing

• E) Individuals and small groups from virtually every nation joined the globalization movement.

Page 6: Mis 2101 Questions

Which of the following refers to having certain functions performed by the same

company but in a different country?

• A) Licensing

• B) Offshoring

• C) Franchising

• D) Outsourcing

• E) Exporting

Page 7: Mis 2101 Questions

_______ refers to a program or set of programs that tell the computer to

perform certain tasks.

• A) Telecommunications

• B) Networks

• C) Hardware

• D) Software

• E) Data

Page 8: Mis 2101 Questions

Which of the following IS personnel is responsible for strategic planning and IS

use throughout a firm?

• A) Chief Information Officer

• B) IS security manager

• C) IS auditor

• D) Webmaster

• E) IS manager

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Identify the purpose of a transaction processing system used in


• A) to support interaction between the firm and its customers

• B) to support the coordination of suppliers, product or service production, and distribution

• C) to handle day-to-day business event data at the operational level of the organization

• D) to enable customers to buy goods and services form a firm’s website

• E) to support the activities within a specified functional area of the firm

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Today’s automotive electronic systems and FedEx’s website were not developed solely because managers wanted to do things faster or because they wanted to

have the latest, greatest technology. These organizations developed these systems to help gain or sustain

competitive advantage. The choices made in developing systems at both Toyota and FedEx were _______ in their


• A) functional

• B) operational

• C) strategic

• D) tactical

• E) departmental

Page 11: Mis 2101 Questions

According to Nicholas Carr, cloud computing may contribute to the decline in outsourcing.

Which of the following justifies this statement?

• A) An IT outsourcer’s business built around managing simple internal systems. A shift to a complex cloud-based IT infrastructure would discourage outsourcing.

• B) Outsourcing is based on the availability of cheap labor; these workers will not be able to work on complex cloud-based IT infrastructures, thereby contributing to the decline in outsourcing.

• C) An IT outsourcer’s business is built around managing complex internal systems. A shift to a simple cloud-based IT infrastructure should reduce the need for outsourcers.

• D) Cloud computing is customized in each country, thus making it impossible to outsource

• E) Cloud computing is standardized in all countries, reducing the need for outsourcing

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Which of the following is used to describe the issues and standards of conduct as they pertain to the use

of information systems?

• A) Social informatics

• B) Virtual ethics

• C) Cyber security

• D) Computer ethics

• E) Computer etiquette

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________ is concerned with ensuring the authenticity and fidelity of information as well as with identifying who is responsible for informational errors that harm people.

• A) Information accessibility

• B) Information Privacy

• C) Information Protection

• D) Information accuracy

• E) Information property

Page 14: Mis 2101 Questions

Who owns the computerized information that is stored in thousands of databases by retailers,

credit card companies, and marketing research companies?

• A) CIO

• B) the firm that maintains the database

• C) the company’s IT department

• D) the government

• E) the customers themselves

Page 15: Mis 2101 Questions

Information systems at the ________level are designed to automate repetitive activities, such as sales transaction processing, and to improve

the efficiency of business processes and the customer interface.

• A) Executive

• B) Strategic

• C) Managerial

• D) Tactical

• E) Operational

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Managers at the tactical/managerial level of the organization focus on


• A) Long-term strategic questions facing the organization

• B) The efficiency of business processes and the customer interface

• C) Complex problems with broad and long-term ramifications for the organization

• D) Routine, day-to-day business processes, and interactions with customers

• E) Deploying organizational resources to achieve the objectives of the organization

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Jane works as a manager in a multidomestic firm. She focuses on the long-term questions facing the

organization such as which countries to compete in and what organizational policies to follow. Jane is in the

_______level of the organization.

• A) Tactical

• B) Executive

• C) Managerial

• D) Functional

• E) Operational

Page 18: Mis 2101 Questions

Which of the following international business strategies is associated with low degree of global integration and high degree of local responsiveness?

• A) Transnational

• B) Global

• C) International

• D) Multidomestic

• E) Home-Replication

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A global strategy is associated with _______________.

• A) high degree of global integration and low degree of local responsiveness

• B) high degree of global integration and high degree of local responsiveness

• C) low degree of global integration and low degree of local responsiveness

• D) low degree of global integration and lack of local responsiveness

• E) low degree of global integration and high degree of local responsiveness

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Which of the following statements is true about firms pursuing a

multidomestic business strategy?

• A) The work in a centralized fashion and the home location exerts strong control on the subsidiaries

• B) The leverage the flexibility offered by a decentralized organization while at the same time reaping economies of scale enjoyed by centralization.

• C) The focus on their domestic customers’ needs and wants and merely export their products to generate additional sales

• D) They cannot react quickly to local challenges and opportunities

• E) They are extremely flexible and responsive to the needs and demands of local markets

Page 21: Mis 2101 Questions

According to _____________, the number of transistors that could be squeezed onto a

silicon chip would double every 18 months.

• A) Moore’s Law

• B) Murphy’s Law

• C) Megan’s Law

• D) Ashby’s Law

• E) Metcalfe’s Law

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The innovator’s dilemma refers to how disruptive innovations


• A) Cause the failure of the firm that created it

• B) Encourage firms to make heavy investments that result in losses when these innovations fail

• C) Cause established firms or industries to lose market dominance when ignored

• D) Force rival firms to copy the innovations, often leading to intellectual property violations

• E) Lead to loss of government control in these industries

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_______ are new technologies, products, or services that eventually surpass the

existing dominant technology or product in a market.

• A) Extensive innovations

• B) Destructive innovations

• C) Facultative innovations

• D) Constructive innovations

• E) Disruptive innovations

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Freeconomics is the leveraging of digital technologies to


• A) Provide high quality products and services at low prices a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage

• B) Allow dissatisfied customers easy access to business premises and top management of the firm

• C) Allow free product information to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage

• D) Provide free goods and services to customers as a business strategy for gaining a competitive advantage

• E) Match customer preferences with product features

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According to basic economics within a competitive marketplace, the price of a product is set by its


• A) Fixed cost

• B) Opportunity cost

• C) Marginal cost

• D) Transaction cost

• E) Sunk cost

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Musicmatch Jukebox is an all-in-one music management tool that was first marketed in 1999. Most users can use the Basic/Free version, but a $19.99 upgrade provides

extra features such a supertagging and faster ripping and burning. Which of the following explains this approach to

applying freeconomics?

• A) Advertising approach

• B) Freemium approach

• C) Zero marginal cost approach

• D) Gift economy approach

• E) Cross subsidies approach

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Electronic commerce is used to conduct business with business partners such as

suppliers and intermediaries. This form of EC is commonly referred to as ________ electronic


• A) Consumer-to-consumer

• B) Peer-to-peer

• C) Business-to-business

• D) Business-to-consumer

• E) Business-to-employer

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Which of the following statements is true about electronic commerce?

• A) Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is a complete reversal of the traditional business-to-consumer electronic commerce

• B) It is limited to transactions between businesses and consumers

• C) All forms of electronic commerce involve business firms

• D) Electronic commerce between businesses and their employees is not possible

• E) Business-to-business is by far the largest form of electronic commerce in terms of revenues

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Which of the following statements is true about companies pursuing a click-only

business strategy?

• A) These companies approach business activities in a traditional manner by operating physical locations

• B) These companies do not indulge in electronic commerce to conduct their businesses

• C) These companies do not have physical store locations

• D) These companies operate in both physical and virtual arenas

• E) These companies choose to operate solely in the traditional physical markets

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Prior to the introduction of the Internet and Web, the secure communication of

proprietary information in business-to-business electronic commerce was facilitated

using ____________.

• A) Executive information system

• B) Cloud computing

• C) Enterprise resource planning

• D) Electronic data interchange

• E) Supply chain management

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Which of the following statements is true about the extranet?

• A) It restricts the company’s information from going “on the Web”.

• B) It contains company related information which all the employees of an organization can access

• C) It requires large expenditures to train users on the technologies

• D) It can be accessed only by employees within an organization

• E) It enables two or more firms to use the Internet to do business together

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Companies use __________ to secure proprietary information stored within the corporate local area network and/or wide

area network so that the information can be viewed by only authorized users.

• A) Phishing

• B) Pharming

• C) Firewalls

• D) Rootkits

• E) Bots

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Intranets mostly affect the ___________ of an organization.

• A) Suppliers

• B) Employees

• C) Customers

• D) Advertisers

• E) Retailers

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Which of the following distinguishes an intranet from an extranet?

• A) Users access their company’s intranet using their web browser

• B) In its simplest form, intranet communications do not travel across the Internet

• C) An intranet looks and acts just like a publicly accessible Web site

• D) An intranet uses the same networking technologies as a publicly accessible Web site

• E) An intranet uses the same hardware as a publicly accessible Web site

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The term _________ refers to a class of software that enables people to

work together more effectively.

• A) Freeware

• B) Malware

• C) Pestware

• D) Groupware

• E) Webware

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Which of the following provides customers with the ability to obtain personalized

information by querying corporate databases and other information sources?

• A) E-filing

• B) E-tailing

• C) E-information

• D) E-integration

• E) E-transaction

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Which of the following occurs in a reverse pricing system?

• A) Customers are provided with the product and its price

• B) Customers are provided with a product and can decide how much they are willing to pay for it

• C) Customers specify the product they are looking for and how much they are willing to pay for it

• D) Customers cannot decide the product but they can decide the price of the products available

• E) Customers specify the product they are looking for and the company provides the product with a price

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__________ is a form of e-auction where buyers post a request for quote.

• A) A forward auction

• B) A reverse auction

• C) An exchange

• D) Bartering

• E) A request for proposal

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__________ is an example of m-commerce.

• A) E-tailing

• B) e911

• C) E-filing

• D) E-integrating

• E) E-auctions

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E-filing is an example of a _______tool.

• A) Government-to-citizen

• B) Business-to-business

• C) Consumer-to-consumer

• D) Consumer-to-business

• E) Government-to-government

Page 41: Mis 2101 Questions

Which of the following is a basic concept associated with Web 2.0?

• A) Shift in users’ role from the passive consumer of content to its creator

• B) Shift in users’ lifestyle due to increased purchasing power

• C) Shift in users’ interest from sharing information to finding information

• D) Shift in users’ preference from online sites to encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information

• E) Shift in users’ preference to environment-oriented products

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Which of the following is a consequence of the use of social software?

• A) People have increased purchasing power

• B) People are sharing more personal information

• C) People have become passive consumers of content

• D) People are using environmentally friendly products

• E) People are using encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information

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A major benefit of social software is the ability to harness the “wisdom of crowds,” which is also

referred to as ___________.

• A) Consensus democracy

• B) Preference elicitation

• C) Collaborative filtering

• D) Collective intelligence

• E) Creative commons

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Which of the following statements is true about blogs?

• A) They are dedicated to specific topics, and users can start new threads.

• B) They are moderated so that new postings appear only after they have been vetted by a moderator

• C) They allow individuals to express their thoughts a one-to-many fashion

• D) They enable people to voice their thoughts through short “status updates”

• E) They emulate traditional bulletin boards and allow for threaded discussions between participants

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Social presence tools are also know as _________ tools.

• A) Videoconferencing

• B) Microblogging

• C) Instant chatting

• D) Social bookmarking

• E) Geotagging

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________ take the concept of real-time communication a step further by allowing people to communicate

using avatars.

• A) Discussion forums

• B) Blogging

• C) Instant Messaging

• D) Virtual Worlds

• E) Microblogging

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__________ is a cooperative Web 2.0 application making use of the network


• A) RSS

• B) A discussion forum

• C) Instant Messaging

• D) Media sharing

• E) Tagging

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Which of the following statements is true about social


• A) It allows us to post short “status updates”

• B) It is the distribution of digital media

• C) It allows netcasters to publish and push current shows to the watchers/listeners

• D) It allows users to create folksonomies

• E) It allows people to communicate using avatars

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________ refers to manually adding metadata in media or other content.

• A) Podcasting

• B) Tagging

• C) Netcasting

• D) Phishing

• E) Crowdsourcing

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In today’s business environment, project teams comprise highly specialized members, many of whom are not colocated. _______ are comprised of members from different geographic areas.

• A) Virtual teams

• B) Command groups

• C) Work teams

• D) Work groups

• E) Task forces

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Which of the following is an example of synchronous communication?

• A) Work flow automation systems

• B) Collaborative writing tools

• C) Intranets

• D) Videoconferencing

• E) Online reviews

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Which of the following is an example of asynchronous communication?

• A) Videoconferencing

• B) Online chatting

• C) Group calendars

• D) Electronic meeting support system

• E) Shared whiteboards

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________ is used in order to have small, well-defined tasks performed by a scalable ad hoc

workforce of everyday people

• A) Homesourcing

• B) Nearshoring

• C) Offshoring

• D) Insourcing

• E) Crowdsourcing

Page 55: Mis 2101 Questions

_______ sites create social online communities where individuals with a

broad and diverse set of interests meet and collaborate.

• A) Crowdsourcing

• B) Social cataloging

• C) Media sharing

• D) Social bookmarking

• E) Social networking

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Which of the following statements is true about viral marketing?

• A) It is the dissemination of information to a narrow audience

• B) It enables people to work in more flexible ways on a variety of Internet-related projects

• C) It uses everyday people as a cheap labor force

• D) It is used to market a product without the audience realizing it

• E) It uses the network effect to increase brand awareness

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________ attempts to provide relevant search results by including content from

blogs and microblogging services.

• A) Netsearch

• B) OpenSearch

• C) Social search

• D) Enterprise search

• E) Metasearch

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Which of the following is NOT true about an Enterprise 2.0 strategy?

• A) Enterprise 2.0 applications are not suited to traditional top down organizational structures

• B) Web 2.0 sites base their success on user-drive self-expression

• C) Enterprise 2.0 applications should be drive by a specific usage context

• D) Within organizations, the critical mass needed for an Enterprise 2.0 applications is often easily achieved

• E) Organization-wide Enterprise 2.0 implementations typically need changes in terms of organizational culture

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Enterprise 2.0 is likely to fail if _____________.

• A) An organization has a flat organizational hierarchy

• B) An organization’s workforce is dominated by baby boomers

• C) An organization emphasizes open communication

• D) It is integrated well with an organization’s existing information systems infrastructure

• E) An organization’s workforce is dominated by millennials

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Which of the following statements is true about business intelligence?

• A) It is the act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, to an undefined, large group of people or community, through the use of information technology

• B) It is the use of human resources to gather and analyze information from external sources in order to make better business decisions

• C) It is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people

• D) It is the process by which a customer-owned mutual organization or co-operative changes legal form to a joint stock company

• E) It is the use of information systems to gather and analyze information from internal and external sources in order to make better business decision

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Which of the following statements is true about an operational system?

• A) It is primarily used by managers

• B) It consists of historical or point-in-time data

• C) It consists of narrow and simple updates and queries

• D) Its primary purpose is to support managerial decision making

• E) Its goal is to enhance ease of access and use

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A query is used to ___________.

• A) Retrieve information from a database

• B) Prevent illegal or illogical entries from entering the database

• C) Allocate storage space for a database

• D) Organize and sort the data in a database

• E) Eliminate data duplication

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The purpose of a data warehouse is to _____________.

• A) Put key business information into the hands of more decision makers

• B) standardize the format of data retrieved from different systems

• C) Provide capabilities for discovering “hidden” predictive relationships in the data

• D) Reduce the complexity of the data to be analyzed

• E) Allow managers to run queries and reports themselves without having to know query languages or the structure of the underlying data

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________ integrates data from various operational systems.

• A) Data modeling

• B) Data warehousing

• C) Master data

• D) Data mining

• E) Metadata repository

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Which of the following statements is true about a data mart?

• A) It standardizes the format of data retrieved from different systems

• B) It is a compilation of data from the database that is organized and produced in printed format

• C) It contains selected information from the data warehouse

• D) It helps to eliminate data duplication

• E) It stores master data only

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Which of the following is true about exception reports?

• A) They are produced at predefined intervals to support routine decisions

• B) They highlight situations that are out of the normal range

• C) They provide a summary of critical information on a recurring schedule

• D) They answer unplanned information requests to support a nonroutine decision

• E) They help analyze why a key indicator is not at an appropriate level or why an exception occurred.

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______ refers to the process of quickly conducting complex, multidimensional analyses of data stored in a database that is optimized for

retrieval, typically using graphical software tools.

• A) Data mining

• B) Inferencing

• C) Predictive analysis

• D) Online analytical processing

• E) Normalization

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Data mining complements online analytical processing in that it__________.

• A) Provides capabilities for discovering “hidden” predictive relationships in the data

• B) Groups related records together on the basis of having similar values for attributes

• C) Finds associations or correlations

• D) Analyzes different dimensions of data beyond simple data summaries

• E) Extracts textual information from Web documents

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Which of the following analysis are you conducting to make hypothetical changes to the data associated with a problem and observe how

these changes influence the results?

• A) Predictive analysis

• B) Multivariate analysis

• C) Linear regression analysis

• D) What-if analysis

• E) Time-series analysis

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Which of the following statements is true about a rule in expert systems?

• A) It makes sure that each table contains only attributes that are related to the entity

• B) It allows multiple dimensions to be added to a traditional two-dimensional table

• C) It is typically expressed using an “if—then” format

• D) It groups related records together on the basis of having similar values for attributes

• E) It allows you to make hypothetical changes to the data associated with a problem and observe how these changes influence the result

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Which of the following is true about neural networks?

• A) It helps analyze why a key indicator is not an appropriate level or why an exception occurred.

• B) It attempts to approximate the functioning of the human brain and can learn by example

• C) It works in the background to provide some service when a specific event occurs

• D) It uses reasoning methods based on knowledge about a specific problem domain in order to provide advice

• E) It allows multiple dimensions to be added to a traditional two-dimensional table

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Whenever an order is placed with online retailers, the retailers put together the order, ship it, and charge the

customer’s credit card. This process of selling a product or service is known as the _________ process.

• A) Time-to-market

• B) Make-to-stock

• C) Make-to-order

• D) Order-to-cash

• E) Procure-to-pay

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The process associated with the acquiring of goods from external vendors are together referred to as the ______________ process.

• A) Procure-to-pay

• B) Plan-to-produce

• C) Make-to-stock

• D) Make-to-order

• E) Order-to-cash

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In the _______ process, goods are produced based on forecasts and are stored in a

warehouse and sales orders are then fulfilled from the inventory.

• A) Make-to-stock

• B) Assemble-to-order

• C) Engineer-to-order

• D) Make-to-order

• E) Configure-to-stock

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Legacy systems can prove problematic when information from multiple departmental systems is required to support business

processes and decision making. Which of the following is similar to the above scenario?

• A) Fender, a guitar manufacturer, allows customers to design their guitars online. Potential buyers need to send this design with the order to receive their customized guitars.

• B) Chuck’s retail chain that has an inventory management system which is tied to an RFID system. This system notifies Chuck’s managers when the inventory in its stores falls below a certain level.

• C) Jsutmi successfully pursues a just-in-time inventory system. Recently, however, it has not been able to meet demand due to labor problems.

• D) Quick Software Solutions has an automated system to track employee absence. It also uses a non-automated system like attendance registers that employees sign everyday. This information is update to Quick’s database management system on a weekly basis.

• E) Nuok Tires supplies its products to Fresto, an automobile manufacturer. Nuok Tires’ factories are located close to Fresto’s factories to minimize transportation costs.

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A(n) ________ is an integrated suite of business applications for virtually every department, process, and

industry, allowing companies to integrate information across operations on a company-wide basis using one

large database.

• A) management information system

• B) distributed system software

• C) legacy system

• D) enterprise system

• E) decision support system

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In the 1990s, business process management was known as ______________.

• A) business systems management

• B) application service management

• C) business service reengineering

• D) application performance management

• E) business process reengineering

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Applications that integrate business activities across departmental boundaries

are often referred to as _________ systems.

• A) computer-integrated manufacturing

• B) capacity requirement planning

• C) enterprise resource planning

• D) manufacturing resource planning

• E) materials requirement planning

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Financial management, operations management, human resource management, and other important internal activities require

the support of _____________.

• A) ERP basis components

• B) ERP core components

• C) ERP exterior components

• D) ERP extended components

• E) ERP essence components

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_______ support the primary external activities of the organization for dealing

with suppliers and customers.

• A) ERP aggrandized components

• B) ERP components

• C) ERP abridged components

• D) ERP core components

• E) ERP extended components

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Which of the following is true regarding the formula for success of an enterprise system?

• A) Enterprise systems are simple to understand and implement when compared to stand-alone systems.

• B) Once enterprise systems go live, employees experience an immediate growth in productivity.

• C) The success of an enterprise system depends directly on the support received from middle-management.

• D) Enterprise systems implementations should include personnel from different departments.

• E) Using outside consultants tends to complicate the implementation of an enterprise system.