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Mem. S.A.It. Vol. 80, 255c© SAIt 2009 Memorie della

MISMA inversion of HINODE SOT/SP data

Preliminary results

B. Viticchie1, F. Berrilli1, J. Sanchez Almeida2, and D. Orozco Suarez3

1 Universita degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, I-00133,Roma, Italy

2 Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, C/ Vıa Lactea, E-30205, La Laguna (Tenerife), Spain3 Instituto de Astrofısica de Andalucıa, C/ Camino Bajo de Huetor, 50, E-18008, Granada,


Abstract. We analyze full Stokes observations of a quiet Sun region at disk center takenwith the spectropolarimeter of the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the HINODE satellite. Wepresent the preliminary results derived from the MISMA inversion of the observed StokesI and V profiles. The complete analysis has as a final goal the definition of probabilitydensity function for the statistical description of the quiet Sun magnetic field vector for adirect comparison with recently published results.

Key words. Sun: photosphere – Sun: magnetic fields

1. Introduction

The study of the magnetic field in quietSun regions is an extremely important topicin solar physics. In fact, quiet Sun regionscover more than 90% of the solar surface,indipendently of the phase of the solar cy-cle (Harvey-Angle 1993), and contain a largefraction of the photospheric magnetic flux andmagnetic energy of the solar photosphere (e.g.,Schrijver & Title 2003).

The Probability Density Function (PDF) ofquiet Sun magnetic field strengths, P(B), is amajor tool for the description of quiet Sun re-gions. In fact, it carries information about themean unsigned flux density and the mean mag-netic energy density related to the first and sec-ond moments of the P(B), respectively.

Different PDFs have been proposedto describe quiet Sun magnetic fields.Most of them have been defined by ana-lyzing the Stokes profiles in the spectralregions around the Fe lines at 6300 Å and15650 Å (e.g. Domınguez Cerdena et al. 2006;Martınez Gonzalez et al. 2008). Recently,Orozco Suarez et al. (2007) proposed a PDFfor quiet Sun magnetic fields obtained fromthe inversion of Stokes profiles for the coupleof Fe lines in the visible observed withthe HINODE satellite. The inversion wasperformed under Milne Eddington hypothesis.

Here, we illustrate the preliminary resultsof the inversion of Stokes I and V profiles, ob-served with the HINODE satellite, under theMISMA hypothesis (Sanchez Almeida et al.1996).

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Fig. 1. Continuum intensity Ic from the dataset. The image has been obtained by averaging the intensityprofiles in the spectral range 6302.92 − 6303.14 Å.

2. Dataset

The selected dataset consists of full Stokesmeasurements of a quiet Sun region of about302′′ × 162′′ at the disc center. The spectropo-larimeter aboard of HINODE obtains polar-ization profiles of Fe lines at 6301.5 Å and6302.5 Å with a wavelength sampling of2.15 pm pixel−1 and a scanning step is of0.1476′′.

The data reduction and calibration havebeen performed by the sp routine(Lites 2008). To obtain a correct wavelengthcalibration a correction for the gravitationalredshift of 613 m s−1 is needed.

The calculated noises for Stokes pro-files are of 1.1×10−3Ic for Stokes V and1.2×10−3Ic for Stokes Q and U. Continuum in-tensity Ic and total polarization maps are shownin Figs. 1 and 2.

3. Inversion hypothesis and strategy

The inversion of Stokes I and V profilesis performed under the MISMA hypothe-sis. It states that the photospheric mag-netic fields is structured on scales smallerthan the mean photon free path at the so-

lar photosphere (Sanchez Almeida et al. 1996;Sanchez Almeida 1997). Starting from thishypothesis, Sanchez Almeida & Lites (2000)proposed ten MISMA models representativeof the typical profiles observed in quiet Sunregions. Each model has three distinct com-ponents with different temperatures, pressures,and magnetic field vectors. With their con-straints, the models provide the degree of real-ism required to invert the complex polarizationprofiles emerging in quiet Sun regions by con-trolling 20 free parameters (see the referencesabove for an exhaustive description of the mod-els).

At the present state the inversion strategyis extremely simple. We refer to a subset ofseven models selected among the ten MISMAmodels of Sanchez Almeida & Lites (2000) asstarting models to invert each observed profile.The model atmosphere considered representa-tive of each inverted profile is the one able tofit the profile with the minimum χ2 among theseven different inversion performed. Once se-lected the model atmosphere we are able toobtain information about the magnetic fieldstrength at the photosphere. Two examples ofthe inversion of observed profiles, and of themodel atmosphere obtained from the same in-

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Fig. 2. Total polarization∫

(Q2 + U2 + V2)1/2dλ/Ic signal from the dataset. The gray scale bar reported inthe figure is expressed in pm and saturates at 1.5 pm. Null polarization is associated to the regions where themaximum amplitude of polarization is smaller than three times the associated noise level. The polarizationsignals above zero cover about 84% of the total image.

Fig. 3. Inversion of Stokes I and V profiles for theFe lines at 6301.5 Å and 6302.5 Å. The synthetizedprofiles are represented with solid lines while thedata are represented with squares.

version, are reported in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 re-spectively. Deriving the magnetic field strengthat the base of the photosphere in a model asthe one shown in Fig. 4 is straightforward.Because of the lateral pressure balance withthe non-magnetic quiet Sun, the base corre-sponds to the height where the total pressurePg = 1.3×105 dyn cm−2. Till now the inversion

procedure has been successfully applied to in-vert a total of 1000 profiles randomly selectedin the whole data set.

4. Conclusions and future plan

In this paper we illustrate the preliminary re-sults of the inversion of Stokes I and V pro-files, observed with the HINODE satellite. Theinversion was performed under the MISMAhypothesis (Sanchez Almeida et al. 1996) thatprovides the degree of realism required to in-vert the complex polarization profiles emerg-ing in quiet Sun regions.

The simple strategy illustrated in §3worked for the inversion of a sample of 1000profile. For this reason we are planing to fol-low the same procedure to analyze a definitivesample of ∼10000 profiles to reliably definethe statistical properties of the quiet Sun regionrepresented in Fig. 2.

Since the inversion of Stokes I and V aloneallows to set only the magnetic field strengthalong the line of sight, the next step of the anal-ysis will be the inversion of full Stokes data to

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Fig. 4. Model MISMA retrieved from the inversion of the profiles in Fig. 3. The logarithm of the continuumoptical depth (solid line) and the line center optical depth (dotted line) are reported in the top-left panel.The remaining panels represent the stratification of gas pressure P, electron pressure Pe, gas density ρ,temperature T , magnetic field strength B, occupation fraction α and plasma velocity along the line of sightv for the different components of the model MISMA. Each component is represented with different type ofline.

obtain information about the magnetic vectorin quiet Sun regions.


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